ABC Codes in Group CG
- CGAAF Cranial osteopathic manipulation each 15 minutes, Miscellaneous - ABC Code
- CGAAG Muscle energy technique manipulation each 15 minutes, - ABC Code
- CGAAH HVLAT technique occipital bone each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGAAI HVLAT technique first cervical bone C1 each ABC Code
- CGAAJ HVLAT technique second cervical bone C2 each ABC Code
- CGAAK HVLAT technique C3 through C6 each 3 ABC Code
- CGAAL HVLAT technique C7 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGAAM HVLAT technique T1 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGAAN HVLAT technique T2 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGAZZ Undefined miscellaneous osteopathy service narrative required, Miscellaneous - ABC Code
- CGBAA HVLAT occipital bone each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAB HVLAT C1 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAC HVLAT C2 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAD HVLATC3-C6 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAE HVLAT C7 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAF HVLAT T1 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAG HVLAT T2 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAH HVLAT T3-T6 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAI HVLAT T7-T11 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAJ HVLAT T12 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAK HVLAT 1st-2nd ribs each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAL HVLAT 3rd-6th ribs each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAM HVLAT technique 7th-10th ribs each minutes ABC Code
- CGBAN HVLAT technique 11th-12th ribs each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAO HVLAT technique first lumbar bone L1 each ABC Code
- CGBAP HVLAT technique L2-L4 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAQ HVLAT technique L5 each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAR HVLAT technique sacrum each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAS HVLAT technique ilium each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAT HVLAT technique femur each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAU HVLAT technique tibia each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAV HVLAT technique fibula each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAW HVLAT technique talus bone each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAX HVLAT technique calcaneus each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAY HVLAT technique cuboid bone each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBAZ HVLAT technique navicular bone each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBA HVLAT technique cuneiform bones each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBB HVLAT technique metatarsal bones each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBC HVLAT technique foot phalanges each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBD HVLAT technique clavicle each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBE HVLAT technique scapula each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBF HVLAT technique humerus each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBG HVLAT technique radius each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBH HVLAT technique ulna each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBI HVLAT technique carpal bones each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBJ HVLAT technique metacarpal bones each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBBK HVLAT technique finger phalanges each 3 minutes ABC Code
- CGBZZ HVLAT technique undefined site narrative required ABC Code
- CGCAA Muscle energy technique (MET) occipital bone each ABC Code
- CGCAB Muscle energy technique (MET) C1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAC Muscle energy technique (MET) C2 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAD Muscle energy technique (MET) C3-C6 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAE Muscle energy technique (MET) C7 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAF Muscle energy technique (MET) T1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAG Muscle energy technique (MET) T2 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAH Muscle energy technique (MET) T3-T6 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAI Muscle energy technique (MET) T7 through T11 ABC Code
- CGCAJ Muscle energy technique (MET) T12 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAK Muscle energy technique (MET) 1st through 2nd ABC Code
- CGCAL Muscle energy technique (MET) 3rd through 6th ABC Code
- CGCAM Muscle energy technique (MET) 7th through 10th ABC Code
- CGCAN Muscle energy technique (MET) 11th-12th ribs each ABC Code
- CGCAO Muscle energy technique (MET) L1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAP Muscle energy technique (MET) L2-L4 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAQ Muscle energy technique (MET) L5 each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAR Muscle energy technique (MET) sacrum each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAS Muscle energy technique (MET) ilium each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAT Muscle energy technique (MET) femur each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAU Muscle energy technique (MET) tibia each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAV Muscle energy technique (MET) fibula each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAW Muscle energy technique (MET) talus bone each ABC Code
- CGCAX Muscle energy technique (MET) calcaneus each 5 ABC Code
- CGCAY Muscle energy technique (MET) cuboid bone each ABC Code
- CGCAZ Muscle energy technique (MET) navicular bone each ABC Code
- CGCBA Muscle energy technique (MET) cuneiform bones each ABC Code
- CGCBB Muscle energy technique (MET) metatarsal bones each ABC Code
- CGCBC Muscle energy technique (MET) foot phalanges each ABC Code
- CGCBD Muscle energy technique (MET) clavicle each 5 ABC Code
- CGCBE Muscle energy technique (MET) scapula each 5 ABC Code
- CGCBF Muscle energy technique (MET) humerus each 5 ABC Code
- CGCBG Muscle energy technique (MET) radius each 5 ABC Code
- CGCBH Muscle energy technique (MET) ulna each 5 ABC Code
- CGCBI Muscle energy technique (MET) carpal bones each ABC Code
- CGCBJ Muscle energy technique (MET) metacarpal bones each ABC Code
- CGCBK Muscle energy technique (MET) finger phalanges each ABC Code
- CGCBL Muscle energy technique (MET) mandible each 5 ABC Code
- CGCBM Muscle energy technique (MET) hyoid bone each ABC Code
- CGCZZ Muscle energy technique (MET) undefined site narrative ABC Code
- CGDAA Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) occipital bone each ABC Code
- CGDAB Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) C1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAC Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) C2 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAD Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) C3 through C6 ABC Code
- CGDAE Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) C7 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAF Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) T1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAG Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) T2 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAH Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) T3-T6 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAI Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) T7-T11 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAJ Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) T12 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAK Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) 1st-2nd ribs each ABC Code
- CGDAL Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) 3rd-6th ribs each ABC Code
- CGDAM Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) 7th-10th ribs each ABC Code
- CGDAN Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) 11th-12th ribs each ABC Code
- CGDAO Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) sternum each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAP Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) L1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAQ Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) L2-L4 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAR Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) L5 each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAS Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) sacrum each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAT Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) ilium each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAU Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) coccyx each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAV Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) femoral bone each ABC Code
- CGDAW Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) tibia each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAX Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) fibula each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAY Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) patella each 5 ABC Code
- CGDAZ Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) talus each 5 ABC Code
- CGDBA Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) calcaneus each 5 ABC Code
- CGDBB Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) cuneiform bones each ABC Code
- CGDBC Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) cuboid bone each ABC Code
- CGDBD Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) navicular bone each ABC Code
- CGDBE Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) metatarsal bones each ABC Code
- CGDBF Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) foot phalanges each ABC Code
- CGDBG Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) clavicle each 5 ABC Code
- CGDBH Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) scapula each 5 ABC Code
- CGDBI Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) humerus each 5 ABC Code
- CGDBJ Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) ulna each 5 ABC Code
- CGDBK Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) radius each 5 ABC Code
- CGDBL Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) carpal bones each ABC Code
- CGDBM Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) metacarpal bones each ABC Code
- CGDBN Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) finger phalanges each ABC Code
- CGDBO Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) mandible each 5 ABC Code
- CGDBP Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) maxilla each 5 ABC Code
- CGDBQ Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) hyoid bone each ABC Code
- CGDZZ Integrated neuromusculoskeletal release (INR) unspecified site narrative ABC Code
- CGEAA Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation frontal bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAB Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation parietal bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAC Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation occipital bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAD Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation temporal bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAE Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation sphenoid bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAF Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation ethmoid bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAG Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation lacrimal bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAH Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation nasal bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAI Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation vomer bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAJ Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation palatine bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAK Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation zygomatic bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGEAL Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation maxilla each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGEAM Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation mandible each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGEAN Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation sacrum each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGEZZ Craniosacral osteopathic manipulation unspecified site narrative required ABC Code
- CGFAA Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation occipital bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGFAB Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation C1 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAC Lymphatic osteopathic manipulationC2 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAD Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation C3- C6 each 5 ABC Code
- CGFAE Lymphatic osteopathic manipulationC7 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAF Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation T1 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAG Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation T2 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAH Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation T3-T6 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAI Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation T7-T11 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAJ Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation T12 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAK Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation 1st-2nd ribs each 5 ABC Code
- CGFAL Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation 3rd-6th rib each 5 ABC Code
- CGFAM Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation 7th-10th ribs each 5 ABC Code
- CGFAN Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation 11th-12th ribs each 5 ABC Code
- CGFAO Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation sternum each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAP Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation first lumbar bone L1 ABC Code
- CGFAQ Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation 2nd-4th lumbar bone L2-L4 ABC Code
- CGFAR Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation 5th lumbar bone L5 ABC Code
- CGFAS Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation sacrum each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAT Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation ilium each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAU Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation coccyx each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAV Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation femoral bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGFAW Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation tibia each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAX Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation fibula each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAY Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation patella each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFAZ Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation talus bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGFBA Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation calcaneus each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFBB Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation cuneiform bones each 5 ABC Code
- CGFBC Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation cuboid bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGFBD Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation navicular bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGFBE Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation metatarsal bones each 5 ABC Code
- CGFBF Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation foot phalanges each 5 ABC Code
- CGFBG Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation clavicle each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFBH Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation scapula each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFBI Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation humerus each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFBJ Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation ulna each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFBK Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation radius each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFBL Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation carpal bones each 5 ABC Code
- CGFBM Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation metacarpal bones each 5 ABC Code
- CGFBN Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation finger phalanges each 5 ABC Code
- CGFBO Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation mandible each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFBP Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation maxilla each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGFBQ Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation hyoid bone each 5 ABC Code
- CGFZZ Lymphatic osteopathic manipulation unspecified site narrative required ABC Code
- CGGAA Articulatory technique system (ART) occipital bone each ABC Code
- CGGAB Articulatory technique system (ART) C1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAC Articulatory technique system (ART) C2 each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAD Articulatory technique system (ART) 3rd-6th cervical bone ABC Code
- CGGAE Articulatory technique system (ART) 7th cervical bone ABC Code
- CGGAF Articulatory technique system (ART) 1st thoracic bone ABC Code
- CGGAG Articulatory technique system (ART) T2 each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAH Articulatory technique system (ART) T3 through T6 ABC Code
- CGGAI Articulatory technique system (ART) T7 through T11 ABC Code
- CGGAJ Articulatory technique system (ART) T12 each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAK Articulatory technique system (ART) first through second ABC Code
- CGGAL Articulatory technique system (ART) 3rd-6th ribs each ABC Code
- CGGAM Articulatory technique system (ART) 7th-10th ribs each ABC Code
- CGGAN Articulatory technique system (ART) 11th-12th ribs each ABC Code
- CGGAO Articulatory technique system (ART) sternum each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAP Articulatory technique system (ART) L1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAQ Articulatory technique system (ART) L2-L4 each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAR Articulatory technique system (ART) L5 each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAS Articulatory technique system (ART) sacrum each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAT Articulatory technique system (ART) ilium each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAU Articulatory technique system (ART) coccyx each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAV Articulatory technique system (ART) femur each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAW Articulatory technique system (ART) tibia each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAX Articulatory technique system (ART) fibula each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAY Articulatory technique system (ART) patella each 5 ABC Code
- CGGAZ Articulatory technique system (ART) talus bone each ABC Code
- CGGBA Articulatory technique system (ART) calcaneus each 5 ABC Code
- CGGBB Articulatory technique system (ART) cuneiform bones each ABC Code
- CGGBC Articulatory technique system (ART) cuboid bone each ABC Code
- CGGBD Articulatory technique system (ART) navicular bone each ABC Code
- CGGBE Articulatory technique system (ART) metatarsal bones each ABC Code
- CGGBF Articulatory technique system (ART) foot phalanges each ABC Code
- CGGBG Articulatory technique system (ART) clavicle each 5 ABC Code
- CGGBH Articulatory technique system (ART) scapula each 5 ABC Code
- CGGBI Articulatory technique system (ART) humerus each 5 ABC Code
- CGGBJ Articulatory technique system (ART) ulna each 5 ABC Code
- CGGBK Articulatory technique system (ART) radius each 5 ABC Code
- CGGBL Articulatory technique system (ART) carpal bones each ABC Code
- CGGBM Articulatory technique system (ART) metacarpal bones each ABC Code
- CGGBN Articulatory technique system (ART) finger phalanges each ABC Code
- CGGBO Articulatory technique system (ART) mandible each 5 ABC Code
- CGGBP Articulatory technique system (ART) maxilla each 5 ABC Code
- CGGBQ Articulatory technique system (ART) hyoid bone each ABC Code
- CGGZZ Articulatory technique system (ART) unspecified site narrative ABC Code
- CGHAA Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) occipital bone ABC Code
- CGHAB Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) C1 each ABC Code
- CGHAC Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) C2 each ABC Code
- CGHAD Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) C3-C6 ABC Code
- CGHAE Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) C7 each ABC Code
- CGHAF Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) T1 each ABC Code
- CGHAG Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) T2 each ABC Code
- CGHAH Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) T3-T6 ABC Code
- CGHAI Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) T7-T11 each ABC Code
- CGHAJ Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) T12 each ABC Code
- CGHAK Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) 1st-2nd ribs ABC Code
- CGHAL Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) 3rd-6th ribs ABC Code
- CGHAM Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) 7th-10th ribs ABC Code
- CGHAN Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) 11th-12th ribs ABC Code
- CGHAO Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) sternum each ABC Code
- CGHAP Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) L1 each ABC Code
- CGHAQ Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) L2-L4 each ABC Code
- CGHAR Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) L5 each ABC Code
- CGHAS Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) sacrum each ABC Code
- CGHAT Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) ilium each ABC Code
- CGHAU Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) coccyx each ABC Code
- CGHAV Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) femoral bone ABC Code
- CGHAW Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) tibia each ABC Code
- CGHAX Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) fibula each ABC Code
- CGHAY Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) patella each ABC Code
- CGHAZ Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) talus bone ABC Code
- CGHBA Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) calcaneus each ABC Code
- CGHBB Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) cuneiform bones ABC Code
- CGHBC Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) cuboid bone ABC Code
- CGHBD Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) navicular bone ABC Code
- CGHBE Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) metatarsal bones ABC Code
- CGHBF Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) foot phalanges ABC Code
- CGHBG Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) clavicle each ABC Code
- CGHBH Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) scapula each ABC Code
- CGHBI Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) humerus each ABC Code
- CGHBJ Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) ulna each ABC Code
- CGHBK Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) radius each ABC Code
- CGHBL Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) carpal bones ABC Code
- CGHBM Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) metacarpal bones ABC Code
- CGHBN Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) phalanges finger ABC Code
- CGHBO Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) mandible each ABC Code
- CGHBP Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) maxilla each ABC Code
- CGHBQ Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) hyoid bone ABC Code
- CGHZZ Ligamentous articular strain technique (LAR) unspecified site ABC Code
- CGIAA Counterstrain technique occipital bone each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAB Counterstrain technique C1 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAC Counterstrain technique C2 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAD Counterstrain technique C3-C6 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAE Counterstrain technique C7 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAF Counterstrain technique T1 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAG Counterstrain technique T2 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAH Counterstrain technique T3-T6 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAI Counterstrain technique T7-T11 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAJ Counterstrain technique T12 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAK Counterstrain technique 1st-2nd ribs each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAL Counterstrain technique 3rd-6th ribs each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAM Counterstrain technique seventh through tenth ribs each ABC Code
- CGIAN Counterstrain technique eleventh through twelfth ribs each ABC Code
- CGIAO Counterstrain technique sternum each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAP Counterstrain technique L1 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAQ Counterstrain technique L2-L4 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAR Counterstrain technique L5 each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAS Counterstrain technique sacrum each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAT Counterstrain technique ilium each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAU Counterstrain technique coccyx each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAV Counterstrain technique femoral bone each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAW Counterstrain technique tibia each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAX Counterstrain technique fibula each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAY Counterstrain technique patella each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIAZ Counterstrain technique talus bone each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBA Counterstrain technique calcaneus each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBB Counterstrain technique cuneiform bones each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBC Counterstrain technique cuboid bone each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBD Counterstrain technique navicular bone each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBE Counterstrain technique metatarsal bones each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBF Counterstrain technique phalanges foot each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBG Counterstrain technique clavicle each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBH Counterstrain technique scapula each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBI Counterstrain technique humerus each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBJ Counterstrain technique ulna each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBK Counterstrain technique radius each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBL Counterstrain technique carpal bones each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBM Counterstrain technique metacarpal bones each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBN Counterstrain technique phalanges finger each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBO Counterstrain technique mandible each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBP Counterstrain technique maxilla each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIBQ Counterstrain technique hyoid bone each 5 minutes ABC Code
- CGIZZ Counterstrain technique unspecified site narrative required ABC Code
- CGJAA Soft tissue osteopathic technique occipital bone each ABC Code
- CGJAB Soft tissue osteopathic technique C1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAC Soft tissue osteopathic technique C2 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAD Soft tissue osteopathic technique C3-C6 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAE Soft tissue osteopathic technique C7 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAF Soft tissue osteopathic technique T1 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAG Soft tissue osteopathic technique T2 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAH Soft tissue osteopathic technique T3-T6 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAI Soft tissue osteopathic technique T7-T11 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAJ Soft tissue osteopathic technique T12 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAK Soft tissue osteopathic technique 1st-2nd ribs each ABC Code
- CGJAL Soft tissue osteopathic technique 3rd-6th ribs each ABC Code
- CGJAM Soft tissue osteopathic technique 7th-10th ribs each ABC Code
- CGJAN Soft tissue osteopathic technique eleventh through twelfth ABC Code
- CGJAO Soft tissue osteopathic technique sternum each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAP Soft tissue osteopathic technique first lumbar bone ABC Code
- CGJAQ Soft tissue osteopathic technique L2-L4 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAR Soft tissue osteopathic technique L5 each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAS Soft tissue osteopathic technique sacrum each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAT Soft tissue osteopathic technique ilium each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAU Soft tissue osteopathic technique coccyx each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAV Soft tissue osteopathic technique femoral bone each ABC Code
- CGJAW Soft tissue osteopathic technique tibia each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAX Soft tissue osteopathic technique fibula each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAY Soft tissue osteopathic technique patella each 5 ABC Code
- CGJAZ Soft tissue osteopathic technique talus bone each ABC Code
- CGJBA Soft tissue osteopathic technique calcaneus each 5 ABC Code
- CGJBB Soft tissue osteopathic technique cuneiform bones each ABC Code
- CGJBC Soft tissue osteopathic technique cuboid bone each ABC Code
- CGJBD Soft tissue osteopathic technique navicular bone each ABC Code
- CGJBE Soft tissue osteopathic technique metatarsal bones each ABC Code
- CGJBF Soft tissue osteopathic technique phalanges foot each ABC Code
- CGJBG Soft tissue osteopathic technique clavicle each 5 ABC Code
- CGJBH Soft tissue osteopathic technique scapula each 5 ABC Code
- CGJBI Soft tissue osteopathic technique humerus each 5 ABC Code
- CGJBJ Soft tissue osteopathic technique ulna each 5 ABC Code
- CGJBK Soft tissue osteopathic technique radius each 5 ABC Code
- CGJBL Soft tissue osteopathic technique carpal bones each ABC Code
- CGJBM Soft tissue osteopathic technique metacarpal bones each ABC Code
- CGJBN Soft tissue osteopathic technique phalanges finger each ABC Code
- CGJBO Soft tissue osteopathic technique mandible each 5 ABC Code
- CGJBP Soft tissue osteopathic technique maxilla each 5 ABC Code
- CGJBQ Soft tissue osteopathic technique hyoid bone each ABC Code
- CGJZZ Soft tissue osteopathic technique unspecified site narrative ABC Code
- CGLAA Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) columnar region each ABC Code
- CGLAB Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) hemithoracic regions each ABC Code
- CGLAC Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) mediastinal region each ABC Code
- CGLAD Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) subdiaphragmal regions each ABC Code
- CGLAE Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) lateral abdominal regions ABC Code
- CGLAF Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) inguinal regions each ABC Code
- CGLAG Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) epigastric region each ABC Code
- CGLAH Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) periumbilical region each ABC Code
- CGLAI Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) pubic region each ABC Code
- CGLAJ Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) pelvic diaphragm region ABC Code
- CGLAK Visceral osteopathic technique (VOT) on abdominal diaphragm ABC Code
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ABC Codes
ABC codes consist of five-character, alphabetic strings that identify services, remedies, and/or supplies. Codes are followed by two-character code modifiers which identify the practitioner type who delivered the care. ABC codes and terminology are maintained and developed annually as consumers, individual practitioners, practitioner associations and other health industry organizations submit code requests that reflect current practices in alternative medicine, nursing and integrative healthcare. ABC Coding Solutions encourages the public to request and/or suggest additions, deletions, or changes to ABC codes and terminology.For more information about the ABC code set subscribe to or visit ABC Coding Solutions.
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