ABC Codes in Group DE
- DEAAZ Free T3 test each test, General blood - ABC Code
- DEABZ Glucose tolerance one-hour test each test, General - ABC Code
- DEACB Glucose assay test each test, General blood - ABC Code
- DEACE Liver function panel and profile each test, - ABC Code
- DEACF Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) panel each test, General - ABC Code
- DEACG Caffeine clearance each test, General blood analysis, - ABC Code
- DEACH Glyco-hemoglobin test each test, General blood analysis, - ABC Code
- DEACI Total thyroid hormone concentration (TT3 and TT4) - ABC Code
- DEACJ Thyroid hormone binding ratio (THBR) test each - ABC Code
- DEACK Proinsulin assay each test, General blood analysis, - ABC Code
- DEACN Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) each test, General - ABC Code
- DEACO Pure thyroxine assay total free T4 each - ABC Code
- DEACP Thyroid uptake T3 or T4 each test, - ABC Code
- DEACQ 24-hour thyroid profile each test, General blood - ABC Code
- DEACR Low density lipoprotein (LDL) test each test, - ABC Code
- DEACS Glucose tolerance 2-hour test each test, General - ABC Code
- DEACT Glucose tolerance 3-hour test each test, General - ABC Code
- DEACU Glucose tolerance test each additional 60 minutes - ABC Code
- DEACV Glucose tolerance 4-hour test each test, General - ABC Code
- DEAZZ Undefined general blood analysis narrative required, General - ABC Code
- DEBAA Beta carotene each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEBAB Calcium total each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEBAC Chloride each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAD Iron each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAE Magnesium each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAF Phosphorus each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAG Potassium each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAH Selenium each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAI Serum ferritin each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEBAJ Serum sodium each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEBAK Total iron binding capacity each test, Mineral - ABC Code
- DEBAL Serum manganese each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEBAM Zinc each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAN Copper each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAO Electrolyte panel each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEBAP Manganese each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAQ Arsenic each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAR Lead each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAS Mercury each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAT Cadmium each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAU Calcium ionized each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEBAV Chromium each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBAW ELISA/ACT(R) Diagnostic Benzoate Test Block each test, - ABC Code
- DEBAX ELISA/ACT(R) Diagnostic Sulfite Test Block each test, - ABC Code
- DEBAY ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Toxic Mineral and/or Metal Block - ABC Code
- DEBAZ Magnesium ionized each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEBBA Molybdenum each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBBB Nickel each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBBC Silver each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBBD Strontium each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBBE Vanadium each test, Mineral analysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEBZZ Undefined mineral analysis narrative required, Mineral analysis, - ABC Code
- DECAA Hair analysis 34 elements and four ratios - ABC Code
- DECAD Packed erythrocytes elemental analysis each test, Nutritional - ABC Code
- DECAG Amino acid plasma analysis 44 metabolites each - ABC Code
- DECAH Vitamin profile 17 vitamins each test, Nutritional - ABC Code
- DECAI Vitamin profile 12 vitamins each test, Nutritional - ABC Code
- DECAJ Essential metabolic fatty acid analysis 44 metabolites - ABC Code
- DECAL Heidelberg Test each test, Nutritional analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DECAN Comprehensive Wellness Panel (CWP) each test, Nutritional - ABC Code
- DECZZ Undefined nutritional analysis narrative required, Nutritional analysis, - ABC Code
- DEDAD Oxidative stress metabolic blood urine analysis each - ABC Code
- DEDAE Antioxidant defense profile each test, Metabolic analysis, - ABC Code
- DEDAF Cotinine analysis each test, Metabolic analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEDZZ Undefined metabolic analysis narrative required, Metabolic analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAA Vitamin A each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAB Biotin each test, Blood vitamin analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEEAC Niacin each test, Blood vitamin analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEEAD Vitamin B-2 each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAE Vitamin B-12 each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAF Vitamin C each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAG Free choline each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAH Total choline each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAI Carnitine each test, Blood vitamin analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEEAJ Vitamin E each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAK Folate serum each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAL Vitamin B-6 each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAM Vitamin B-1 each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAN Vitamin D each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEAO Biopterin each test, Blood vitamin analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEEAP Inositol each test, Blood vitamin analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEEAQ Pantothenic acid each test, Blood vitamin analysis, - ABC Code
- DEEZY Undefined blood vitamin analysis narrative required, Blood - ABC Code
- DEFAA Adrenocortex stress profile 24-hours each test, Saliva - ABC Code
- DEFAB Antigliadin or gluten antibodies profile each test, - ABC Code
- DEFAC Comprehensive melatonin profile each test, Saliva analysis, - ABC Code
- DEFZZ Undefined saliva analysis narrative required, Saliva analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGAA Comprehensive ovum parasite analysis initial test, Stool - ABC Code
- DEGAB Comprehensive ovum parasite test each additional test, - ABC Code
- DEGAD Comprehensive digestive stool analysis without parasitology each - ABC Code
- DEGAE Comprehensive parasitology profile with microbial yeast one - ABC Code
- DEGAF Comprehensive parasitology profile with microbial and yeast - ABC Code
- DEGAG Comprehensive parasitology profile with microbial and yeast - ABC Code
- DEGAH Comprehensive bacteriology each test, Stool analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEGAI Candida culture each test, Stool analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEGAJ Digestive function each test, Stool analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEGAK Enzyme immunoassay each test, Stool analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEGAL Fecal fatty acid short chain each test, - ABC Code
- DEGAM Fecal fat analysis 24 / 48 / - ABC Code
- DEGAN Fecal secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) analysis each - ABC Code
- DEGAO Giardia lamblia each test, Stool analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEGAP Hemoccult(R) fecal occult blood test (FOBT) ABC Code
- DEGAQ Microbiology analysis each test, Stool analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEGAR Parasitology one sample each test, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGAS Parasitology two samples each test, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGAT Parasitology three samples each test, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGAU Urobilinogen quantitative analysis each test, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGAV Bilirubin test each test, Stool analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEGAW Trypsin qualitative analysis each test, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGAX Trypsin quantitative analysis each test, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGAY Undigested carbohydrate analysis each test, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGBA Fecal pH analysis each test, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGBC Colitis toxins type A and B each - ABC Code
- DEGBD Cryptosporidium antigen (CSA) each test, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEGBE Total intestinal secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) each - ABC Code
- DEGBF Intestinal alpha-1-antichymotrypsin each test, Stool analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEGBG Intestinal lysozyme each test, Stool analysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEGBH Cryptosporidium antigen (CSA) test one parasite microscopy - ABC Code
- DEGBI Cryptosporidium antigen (CSA) test two parasite microscopy - ABC Code
- DEGZZ Undefined stool analysis narrative required, Stool analysis, - ABC Code
- DEIAJ Urinalysis with microscopy each test, Urinalysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEIAK Urinalysis without microscopy each test, Urinalysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEIBB Qualitative amino acid urinalysis 44 metabolites each - ABC Code
- DEIBC Quantitative amino acid urinalysis 44 metabolites each - ABC Code
- DEIBD Intestinal permeability test each test, Urinalysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEIBE Comprehensive detoxification urinalysis each test, Urinalysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEIBF Basic detoxification urinalysis each test, Urinalysis, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEIBG Oxidative stress metabolic urinalysis each test, Urinalysis, - ABC Code
- DEIBH Urinalysis 18 toxic elements random timed or - ABC Code
- DEIBI Elemental urinalysis provocative 2-hour test each test, - ABC Code
- DEIZZ Undefined urinalysis narrative required, Urinalysis, Laboratory services, - ABC Code
- DEJAD Wet mount each test, General laboratory tests, - ABC Code
- DEJAF Strep screen each test, General laboratory tests, - ABC Code
- DEJAG Epstein-Barr Virus panel viral capsid each test, - ABC Code
- DEJAH Candida antibodies immunoglobulin G (IgG) only each - ABC Code
- DEJAI Candida antibodies blood stool analysis each test, - ABC Code
- DEJAJ Small intestine bacterial overgrowth breath test each - ABC Code
- DEJAK Helicobacter pylori antibodies blood saliva analysis each - ABC Code
- DEJAL Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigen each test, - ABC Code
- DEJAM Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) antibody - ABC Code
- DEJAN Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1) antibody each - ABC Code
- DEJAO Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1) and Human - ABC Code
- DEJAP Epstein-Barr Virus panel early antigen each test, - ABC Code
- DEJAQ Epstein-Barr Virus panel nuclear antigen each test, - ABC Code
- DEJAS Candida antibodies immunoglobulin A (IgA) each test, - ABC Code
- DEJAT Candida antibodies immunoglobulin M (IgM) each test, - ABC Code
- DEJAU Candida cell-mediated immune response each test, General - ABC Code
- DEJAV Bowel transit time analysis each test, General - ABC Code
- DEJAW Biological terrain analysis each test, General laboratory - ABC Code
- DEJAX Mantoux test each test, General laboratory tests, - ABC Code
- DEJZZ Undefined general laboratory test narrative required, General - ABC Code
- DELAA Heavy metals screening each test, Chemical screening, - ABC Code
- DELAB Heavy metals quantitative analysis each test, Chemical - ABC Code
- DELAC Heavy metals hair analysis each test, Chemical - ABC Code
- DELAD Aluminum analysis each test, Chemical screening, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DELAF ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Additive and Preservative Block 15 - ABC Code
- DELAG ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Additive and Preservative Block 28 - ABC Code
- DELAH ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Environmental Chemical Block 15 each - ABC Code
- DELAI ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Environmental Chemical Block 30 each - ABC Code
- DELAJ ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Environmental Chemical Block 59 each - ABC Code
- DELAK ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Food Coloring Block 14 each - ABC Code
- DELAL ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Medication Block 17 each test, - ABC Code
- DELAM Metabolic interaction analysis each test, Chemical screening, - ABC Code
- DELZZ Undefined chemical screening narrative required, Chemical screening, - ABC Code
- DEMAB Comprehensive male hormone profile each test, Male-specific - ABC Code
- DEMAC Basic male hormone profile each test, Male-specific - ABC Code
- DEMAI Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) panel each test, - ABC Code
- DEMAL Prostate specific antigen (PSA) each test, Male-specific - ABC Code
- DEMZZ Undefined male-specific test narrative required, Male-specific tests, - ABC Code
- DEOAA Basic female hormone profile each test, Female-specific - ABC Code
- DEOAB Comprehensive female hormone profile each test, Female-specific - ABC Code
- DEOAC Basic post-menopause profile each test, Female-specific tests, - ABC Code
- DEOAD Comprehensive post-menopause profile each test, Female-specific tests, - ABC Code
- DEOAK Vaginal culture each test, Female-specific tests, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEOAL Pap smear each test, Female-specific tests, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEOAM Cervical smear each test, Female-specific tests, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEOAN Pap smear repeat each test, Female-specific tests, - ABC Code
- DEOZZ Undefined female-specific test narrative required, Female-specific tests, - ABC Code
- DEPAA Allergy profile one to eight items each - ABC Code
- DEPAB Food allergy profile one to eight items - ABC Code
- DEPAC Spice profile for 24 spices each test, - ABC Code
- DEPAG Inhalants profile for 47 inhalants each test, - ABC Code
- DEPAH Candida antigen immune complex IgG IgM IgA - ABC Code
- DEPAI Anti-chemical antibodies profile each test, Allergy tests, - ABC Code
- DEPAJ Autoimmune panel each test, Allergy tests, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEPAL Intracutaneous allergy test delayed-type reaction with allergen - ABC Code
- DEPAM Intracutaneous allergy test immediate-type reaction with allergen - ABC Code
- DEPAN Intracutaneous allergy test immediate-type reaction sequential and - ABC Code
- DEPAO Percutaneous allergy test immediate-type reaction with allergen - ABC Code
- DEPAP Percutaneous allergy test immediate-type reaction sequential and - ABC Code
- DEPAQ Skin end point titration each test, Allergy - ABC Code
- DEPAR Allergy profile one to 16 test items - ABC Code
- DEPAS Allergy profile one to 24 test items - ABC Code
- DEPAT ELISA/ACT(R) Diagnostic Candida Albicans Test Block each - ABC Code
- DEPAU ELISA/ACT(R) Diagnostic Gluten Test Block each test, - ABC Code
- DEPAV ELISA/ACT(R) Diagnostic Lectin Test Block each test, - ABC Code
- DEPAW ELISA/ACT(R) Diagnostic Pokeweed Mitogen Test Block each - ABC Code
- DEPAX ELISA/ACT(R) Diagnostic Trichophyton Test Block each test, - ABC Code
- DEPAY ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Combination Block A each test, - ABC Code
- DEPAZ ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Combination Block B each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBA ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Combination Block C each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBB ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Combination Block D each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBC ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Comprehensive Combination Block each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBD ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Dander Hair Feather Block each - ABC Code
- DEPBE ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Expanded Combination Block A each - ABC Code
- DEPBF ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Food Block 11 each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBG ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Food Block 26 each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBH ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Food Block 46 each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBI ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Food Block 112 each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBJ ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Food Block 142 each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBK ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Food Block 228 each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBL ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Mold Block 11 each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBM ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Mold Block 28 each test, - ABC Code
- DEPBN ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Self-Designed Block with up to - ABC Code
- DEPBO ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Self-Designed Block for up to - ABC Code
- DEPBP ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Self-Designed Block with 11 or - ABC Code
- DEPBQ ELISA/ACT(R) Screening Self-Designed Block for 11 or - ABC Code
- DEPBR Food allergy profile one to 16 test - ABC Code
- DEPBS Food allergy profile one to 24 test - ABC Code
- DEPBT Patch test each test, Allergy tests, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEPBU Diagnostic allergy injection with extract provision initial - ABC Code
- DEPBV Diagnostic injection without extract provision initial injection, - ABC Code
- DEPBW Skin end point titration single-substance injection each - ABC Code
- DEPBX Skin end point titration two or more - ABC Code
- DEPBY Diagnostic allergy injection with extract provision each - ABC Code
- DEPBZ Diagnostic allergy injection without extract provision each - ABC Code
- DEPCA Electrodermal testing each test, Allergy tests, Laboratory - ABC Code
- DEPCB Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET)(TM) initial test - ABC Code
- DEPCC Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET)(TM) allergy recheck - ABC Code
- DEPCD Allergy sensitivity test muscle testing each 15 - ABC Code
- DEPZZ Undefined allergy test narrative required, Allergy tests, - ABC Code
- DEZAA Autogenous blood sample collection each specimen collection, - ABC Code
- DEZAB Autogenous sample specimen each specimen collection, Specimen - ABC Code
- DEZAC Arterial blood sample collection each specimen collection, - ABC Code
- DEZAD Blood unit donor collection each specimen collection, - ABC Code
- DEZAE Venous blood collection each specimen collection, Specimen - ABC Code
- DEZAF Specimen handling and/or conveyance each specimen, Specimen - ABC Code
- DEZAG Heel and/or finger stick collection each specimen - ABC Code
- DEZAH Umbilical stem cell collection each specimen collection, - ABC Code
- DEZZZ Undefined specimen collection narrative required, Specimen collection, - ABC Code
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ABC Codes
ABC codes consist of five-character, alphabetic strings that identify services, remedies, and/or supplies. Codes are followed by two-character code modifiers which identify the practitioner type who delivered the care. ABC codes and terminology are maintained and developed annually as consumers, individual practitioners, practitioner associations and other health industry organizations submit code requests that reflect current practices in alternative medicine, nursing and integrative healthcare. ABC Coding Solutions encourages the public to request and/or suggest additions, deletions, or changes to ABC codes and terminology.For more information about the ABC code set subscribe to or visit ABC Coding Solutions.
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