ABC Codes in Group EC
- ECAAA 24 spice profile solution with separate immunoglobulin - ABC Code
- ECAAB 24 spice profile solution with separate immunoglobulin - ABC Code
- ECAAC Additives preservatives hypersensitivity up to 15 items, - ABC Code
- ECAAD Additives preservatives hypersensitivity 16 to 30 items, - ABC Code
- ECAAE Alpha-1 antitrypsin each item, Allergen solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECAAJ Environmental chemicals up to 15 items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECAAK Environmental chemicals 16 to 30 items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECAAL Environmental chemicals 31 to 60 items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECAAM Epstein Barr early antigen each item, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECAAN Epstein Barr nuclear antigen each item, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECAAO Stinging insect venoms each five items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECAAP Food and inhalants each item, Allergen solutions, - ABC Code
- ECAAQ Food dyes and colors up to 12 - ABC Code
- ECAAR Stinging insect venoms each four items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECAAT Haptens toxic mineral hypersensitivity up to 12 - ABC Code
- ECAAU Immunoglobulin E (IgE) for 100 vegetarian foods - ABC Code
- ECAAV Immunoglobulin E (IgE) for 96 general foods - ABC Code
- ECAAW Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) for 100 vegetarian foods - ABC Code
- ECAAX Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) for 96 general foods - ABC Code
- ECABB Inhalants profile Immunoglobulin E (IgE) for 47 - ABC Code
- ECABC Lecithin hypersensitivity each item, Allergen solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECABD Lymphocyte transformation each item, Allergen solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECABG Medications hypersensitivity up to 15 items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECABI Mold hypersensitivity up to 15 items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECABJ Mold hypersensitivity 16 to 30 items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECABK Pokeweed mitogen hypersensitivity each item, Allergen solutions, - ABC Code
- ECABL Stinging insect venom each item, Allergen solutions, - ABC Code
- ECABM Stinging insect venom each two items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECABN Stinging insect venoms each three items, Allergen - ABC Code
- ECABO Total salivary sIgA each item, Allergen solutions, - ABC Code
- ECABP Tricophyton hypersensitivity each item, Allergen solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECABQ Sulfite hypersensitivity each item, Allergen solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECAZZ Undefined allergen solution narrative required, Allergen solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAA A-Acetylcysteine each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAB Adrenal cortical extract each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAD Aredia each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAE Calcium bersonate additives each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAF Calcium magnesium each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAG Chromium each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAH CMBZM each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAI Copper each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAJ Deferoximine mesylate each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAK Dimeracaprol 1 percent procaine each cc, Miscellaneous - ABC Code
- ECBAL Ethylene diamine tetra acetate (EDTA) each three - ABC Code
- ECBAM Folic acid each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAN Germanium each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAO Glutathione each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAP Heparin each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAQ Hepatitis A vaccine each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAR Hepatitis B vaccine each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAS Hydrochloric acid each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAT Hydrocortisone additives each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAU Hydrogen peroxide each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAV Hydrogen peroxide additives each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBAW Kutapressin each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAX Laetrile each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAY Lasix each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBAZ Methergine(R) each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBA Magnesium each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBB Manganese each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBC Mineral build up each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBD Molybdenum iodide each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBE Ozone each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBF Potassium each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBG Saline each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBH Selenium each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBI Sodium bicarbonate each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBK Sterile water each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBM Trace minerals seven each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBN Tri-ox each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBO Vitamin B complex each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBP Vitamin B-12 each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBQ Vitamin B-5 each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBR Vitamin B-6 each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBS Vitamin C each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBT Zinc each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBU Oxytocin each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBV RhoGam each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBW Vitamin K each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, - ABC Code
- ECBBX Xylocaine each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBBY Sarapin each cc, Miscellaneous solutions, Solutions, Physical - ABC Code
- ECBZZ Undefined miscellaneous solution narrative required, Miscellaneous solutions, - ABC Code
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ABC Codes
ABC codes consist of five-character, alphabetic strings that identify services, remedies, and/or supplies. Codes are followed by two-character code modifiers which identify the practitioner type who delivered the care. ABC codes and terminology are maintained and developed annually as consumers, individual practitioners, practitioner associations and other health industry organizations submit code requests that reflect current practices in alternative medicine, nursing and integrative healthcare. ABC Coding Solutions encourages the public to request and/or suggest additions, deletions, or changes to ABC codes and terminology.For more information about the ABC code set subscribe to or visit ABC Coding Solutions.
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