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Medicare Fact Sheets
For current Medicare information we recommend you use the search tools on the following pages of the Medicare
website (shown in a new tab):
Selected Fact Sheets from 2011 - 2016 are displayed here for historical purposes. Please use the above links
and resources for current Medicare information.
ABCs of Providing the
Annual Wellness Visit (AWV)
ABCs of Providing the
Initial Preventive Physical Examination (IPPE)
Ambulatory Surgical Center Fee Schedule
Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule
Complying with Medicare Signature Requirements
Form CMS 1500 At A Glance
Global Surgery Fact Sheet
Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HAC) in Acute Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospitals
Items and Services Furnished to
Beneficiaries in Custody Under a Penal Authority (Medicare Coverage)
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
Medicare Secondary Payer for Providers, Physicians, Other Suppliers, and Billing Staff
Medicare Shared Savings Program and Rural Providers
Quick Reference New Medicare Provider
Telehealth Services
UB-04 Overview
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