by Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS
Jul 9th, 2018
Medicare sent out a news release to inform of incorrect reimbursement and correction.
"End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) claims are incorrectly reimbursed if they:
- Are eligible for Transitional Drug Adjustment Add-On Payment Adjustment and
- Contain non-covered charges
After we fix the system on January 1, 2019, your Medicare Administrative Contractor will mass adjust claims that were paid incorrectly. You do not need to take any action."
About Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS
Christine Woolstenhulme, CPC, QCC, CMCS, CMRS, is a Certified coder and Medical Biller with 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry.