CCS Clinical Classifications - Ancillary Services

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The following table lists codes that belong to the Ancillary Services Clinical Classification:

CPT 0115TCPT Code
CPT 0116TCPT Code
CPT 0117TCPT Code
CPT 0130TCPT Code
CPT 79999CPT Code
CPT 95170CPT Code
CPT 96521CPT Code
CPT 96522CPT Code
CPT 97802CPT Code
CPT 97803CPT Code
CPT 97804CPT Code
CPT 98960CPT Code
CPT 98961CPT Code
CPT 98962CPT Code
CPT 98966CPT Code
CPT 98967CPT Code
CPT 98968CPT Code
CPT 98969CPT Code
CPT 99000CPT Code
CPT 99001CPT Code
CPT 99002CPT Code
CPT 99070CPT Code
CPT 99071CPT Code
CPT 99075CPT Code
CPT 99078CPT Code
CPT 99080CPT Code
CPT 99082CPT Code
CPT 99190CPT Code
CPT 99191CPT Code
CPT 99192CPT Code
CPT 99199CPT Code
HCPCS G0108Diabetes outpatient self-management training services, individual, per 30 minutes
HCPCS G0109Diabetes outpatient self-management training services, group session (2 or more), per 30 minutes
HCPCS G0128Direct (face-to-face with patient) skilled nursing services of a registered nurse provided in a comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility, each 10 minutes beyond the first 5 minutes
HCPCS G0175Scheduled interdisciplinary team conference (minimum of three exclusive of patient care nursing staff) with patient present
HCPCS G0176Activity therapy, such as music, dance, art or play therapies not for recreation, related to the care and treatment of patient's disabling mental health problems, per session (45 minutes or more)
HCPCS G0177Training and educational services related to the care and treatment of patient's disabling mental health problems per session (45 minutes or more)
HCPCS G0179Physician or allowed practitioner re-certification for Medicare-covered home health services under a home health plan of care (patient not present), including contacts with home health agency and review of reports of patient status required by physicians and allowed practitioners to affirm the initial implementation of the plan of care
HCPCS G0180Physician or allowed practitioner certification for Medicare-covered home health services under a home health plan of care (patient not present), including contacts with home health agency and review of reports of patient status required by physicians and allowed practitioners to affirm the initial implementation of the plan of care
HCPCS G0181Physician or allowed practitioner supervision of a patient receiving Medicare-covered services provided by a participating home health agency (patient not present) requiring complex and multidisciplinary care modalities involving regular physician or allowed practitioner development and/or revision of care plans
HCPCS G0182Physician supervision of a patient under a medicare-approved hospice (patient not present) requiring complex and multidisciplinary care modalities involving regular physician development and/or revision of care plans, review of subsequent reports of patient status, review of laboratory and other studies, communication (including telephone calls) with other health care professionals involved in the patient's care, integration of new information into the medical treatment plan and/or adjustment of medical therapy, within a calendar month, 30 minutes or more
HCPCS G0245Initial physician evaluation and management of a diabetic patient with diabetic sensory neuropathy resulting in a loss of protective sensation (lops) which must include: (1) the diagnosis of lops, (2) a patient history, (3) a physical examination that consists of at least the following elements: (a) visual inspection of the forefoot, hindfoot and toe web spaces, (b) evaluation of a protective sensation, (c) evaluation of foot structure and biomechanics, (d) evaluation of vascular status and skin integrity, and (e) evaluation and recommendation of footwear and (4) patient education
HCPCS G0248Demonstration, prior to initiation of home inr monitoring, for patient with either mechanical heart valve(s), chronic atrial fibrillation, or venous thromboembolism who meets medicare coverage criteria, under the direction of a physician; includes: face-to-face demonstration of use and care of the inr monitor, obtaining at least one blood sample, provision of instructions for reporting home inr test results, and documentation of patient's ability to perform testing and report results
HCPCS G0249Provision of test materials and equipment for home inr monitoring of patient with either mechanical heart valve(s), chronic atrial fibrillation, or venous thromboembolism who meets medicare coverage criteria; includes: provision of materials for use in the home and reporting of test results to physician; testing not occurring more frequently than once a week; testing materials, billing units of service include 4 tests
HCPCS G0270Medical nutrition therapy; reassessment and subsequent intervention(s) following second referral in same year for change in diagnosis, medical condition or treatment regimen (including additional hours needed for renal disease), individual, face to face with the patient, each 15 minutes
HCPCS G0271Medical nutrition therapy, reassessment and subsequent intervention(s) following second referral in same year for change in diagnosis, medical condition, or treatment regimen (including additional hours needed for renal disease), group (2 or more individuals), each 30 minutes
HCPCS G0337Hospice evaluation and counseling services, pre-election
HCPCS G0372Physician service required to establish and document the need for a power mobility device
HCPCS G0378Hospital observation service, per hour
HCPCS G0379Direct admission of patient for hospital observation care
HCPCS G0420Face-to-face educational services related to the care of chronic kidney disease; individual, per session, per one hour
HCPCS G0421Face-to-face educational services related to the care of chronic kidney disease; group, per session, per one hour
HCPCS H0041Foster care, child, non-therapeutic, per diem
HCPCS H0042Foster care, child, non-therapeutic, per month
HCPCS H0043Supported housing, per diem
HCPCS H0044Supported housing, per month
HCPCS H2021Community-based wrap-around services, per 15 minutes
HCPCS H2022Community-based wrap-around services, per diem
HCPCS H2023Supported employment, per 15 minutes
HCPCS H2024Supported employment, per diem
HCPCS Q3014Telehealth originating site facility fee
HCPCS S0201Partial hospitalization services, less than 24 hours, per diem
HCPCS S0207Paramedic intercept, non-hospital-based als service (non-voluntary), non-transport
HCPCS S0208Paramedic intercept, hospital-based als service (non-voluntary), non-transport
HCPCS S0220Medical conference by a physician with interdisciplinary team of health professionals or representatives of community agencies to coordinate activities of patient care (patient is present); approximately 30 minutes
HCPCS S0221Medical conference by a physician with interdisciplinary team of health professionals or representatives of community agencies to coordinate activities of patient care (patient is present); approximately 60 minutes
HCPCS S0250Comprehensive geriatric assessment and treatment planning performed by assessment team
HCPCS S0255Hospice referral visit (advising patient and family of care options) performed by nurse, social worker, or other designated staff
HCPCS S0257Counseling and discussion regarding advance directives or end of life care planning and decisions, with patient and/or surrogate (list separately in addition to code for appropriate evaluation and management service)
HCPCS S0265Genetic counseling, under physician supervision, each 15 minutes
HCPCS S0280Medical home program, comprehensive care coordination and planning, initial plan
HCPCS S0281Medical home program, comprehensive care coordination and planning, maintenance of plan
HCPCS S0310Hospitalist services (list separately in addition to code for appropriate evaluation and management service)
HCPCS S0315Disease management program; initial assessment and initiation of the program
HCPCS S0316Disease management program, follow-up/reassessment
HCPCS S0317Disease management program; per diem
HCPCS S0320Telephone calls by a registered nurse to a disease management program member for monitoring purposes; per month
HCPCS S0340Lifestyle modification program for management of coronary artery disease, including all supportive services; first quarter / stage
HCPCS S0341Lifestyle modification program for management of coronary artery disease, including all supportive services; second or third quarter / stage
HCPCS S0342Lifestyle modification program for management of coronary artery disease, including all supportive services; fourth quarter / stage
HCPCS S0395Impression casting of a foot performed by a practitioner other than the manufacturer of the orthotic
HCPCS S2900Surgical techniques requiring use of robotic surgical system (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
HCPCS S3005Performance measurement, evaluation of patient self assessment, depression
HCPCS S5100Day care services, adult; per 15 minutes
HCPCS S5101Day care services, adult; per half day
HCPCS S5102Day care services, adult; per diem
HCPCS S5105Day care services, center-based; services not included in program fee, per diem
HCPCS S5140Foster care, adult; per diem
HCPCS S5141Foster care, adult; per month
HCPCS S5145Foster care, therapeutic, child; per diem
HCPCS S5146Foster care, therapeutic, child; per month
HCPCS S5150Unskilled respite care, not hospice; per 15 minutes
HCPCS S5151Unskilled respite care, not hospice; per diem
HCPCS S9083Global fee urgent care centers
HCPCS S9088Services provided in an urgent care center (list in addition to code for service)
HCPCS S9127Social work visit, in the home, per diem
HCPCS S9140Diabetic management program, follow-up visit to non-md provider
HCPCS S9141Diabetic management program, follow-up visit to md provider
HCPCS S9145Insulin pump initiation, instruction in initial use of pump (pump not included)
HCPCS S9401Anticoagulation clinic, inclusive of all services except laboratory tests, per session
HCPCS S9430Pharmacy compounding and dispensing services
HCPCS S9436Childbirth preparation/lamaze classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9437Childbirth refresher classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9438Cesarean birth classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9439Vbac (vaginal birth after cesarean) classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9441Asthma education, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9442Birthing classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9443Lactation classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9444Parenting classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9445Patient education, not otherwise classified, non-physician provider, individual, per session
HCPCS S9446Patient education, not otherwise classified, non-physician provider, group, per session
HCPCS S9447Infant safety (including cpr) classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9449Weight management classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9451Exercise classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9452Nutrition classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9453Smoking cessation classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9454Stress management classes, non-physician provider, per session
HCPCS S9455Diabetic management program, group session
HCPCS S9460Diabetic management program, nurse visit
HCPCS S9465Diabetic management program, dietitian visit
HCPCS S9470Nutritional counseling, dietitian visit
HCPCS S9482Family stabilization services, per 15 minutes
HCPCS S9900Services by a journal-listed christian science practitioner for the purpose of healing, per diem
HCPCS S9970Health club membership, annual
HCPCS S9976Lodging, per diem, not otherwise classified
HCPCS S9977Meals, per diem, not otherwise specified
HCPCS S9981Medical records copying fee, administrative
HCPCS S9982Medical records copying fee, per page
HCPCS S9986Not medically necessary service (patient is aware that service not medically necessary)
HCPCS S9988Services provided as part of a phase i clinical trial
HCPCS S9989Services provided outside of the United States of America (list in addition to code(s) for service(s))
HCPCS S9990Services provided as part of a phase ii clinical trial
HCPCS S9991Services provided as part of a phase iii clinical trial
HCPCS S9994Lodging costs (e.g., hotel charges) for clinical trial participant and one caregiver/companion
HCPCS S9996Meals for clinical trial participant and one caregiver/companion
HCPCS S9999Sales tax
HCPCS T1000Private duty / independent nursing service(s) - licensed, up to 15 minutes
HCPCS T1001Nursing assessment / evaluation
HCPCS T1002Rn services, up to 15 minutes
HCPCS T1003Lpn/lvn services, up to 15 minutes
HCPCS T1004Services of a qualified nursing aide, up to 15 minutes
HCPCS T1005Respite care services, up to 15 minutes
HCPCS T1013Sign language or oral interpretive services, per 15 minutes
HCPCS T1014Telehealth transmission, per minute, professional services bill separately
HCPCS T1016Case management, each 15 minutes
HCPCS T1017Targeted case management, each 15 minutes
HCPCS T1018School-based individualized education program (iep) services, bundled
HCPCS T1023Screening to determine the appropriateness of consideration of an individual for participation in a specified program, project or treatment protocol, per encounter
HCPCS T1024Evaluation and treatment by an integrated, specialty team contracted to provide coordinated care to multiple or severely handicapped children, per encounter
HCPCS T1025Intensive, extended multidisciplinary services provided in a clinic setting to children with complex medical, physical, mental and psychosocial impairments, per diem
HCPCS T1026Intensive, extended multidisciplinary services provided in a clinic setting to children with complex medical, physical, mental and psychosocial impairments, per hour
HCPCS T1027Family training and counseling for child development, per 15 minutes
HCPCS T2010Preadmission screening and resident review (pasrr) level i identification screening, per screen
HCPCS T2011Preadmission screening and resident review (pasrr) level ii evaluation, per evaluation
HCPCS T2012Habilitation, educational; waiver, per diem
HCPCS T2013Habilitation, educational, waiver; per hour
HCPCS T2014Habilitation, prevocational, waiver; per diem
HCPCS T2015Habilitation, prevocational, waiver; per hour
HCPCS T2016Habilitation, residential, waiver; per diem
HCPCS T2017Habilitation, residential, waiver; 15 minutes
HCPCS T2018Habilitation, supported employment, waiver; per diem
HCPCS T2019Habilitation, supported employment, waiver; per 15 minutes
HCPCS T2020Day habilitation, waiver; per diem
HCPCS T2021Day habilitation, waiver; per 15 minutes
HCPCS T2022Case management, per month
HCPCS T2023Targeted case management; per month
HCPCS T2024Service assessment/plan of care development, waiver
HCPCS T2025Waiver services; not otherwise specified (nos)
HCPCS T2026Specialized childcare, waiver; per diem
HCPCS T2027Specialized childcare, waiver; per 15 minutes
HCPCS T2030Assisted living, waiver; per month
HCPCS T2031Assisted living; waiver, per diem
HCPCS T2032Residential care, not otherwise specified (nos), waiver; per month
HCPCS T2033Residential care, not otherwise specified (nos), waiver; per diem
HCPCS T2034Crisis intervention, waiver; per diem
HCPCS T2035Utility services to support medical equipment and assistive technology/devices, waiver
HCPCS T2036Therapeutic camping, overnight, waiver; each session
HCPCS T2037Therapeutic camping, day, waiver; each session
HCPCS T2038Community transition, waiver; per service
HCPCS T2040Financial management, self-directed, waiver; per 15 minutes
HCPCS T2041Supports brokerage, self-directed, waiver; per 15 minutes
HCPCS T2044Hospice inpatient respite care; per diem
HCPCS T2045Hospice general inpatient care; per diem
HCPCS T2046Hospice long term care, room and board only; per diem

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