HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
section notes
Hospital Beds and Accessories
section notes
E0250   Hosp bed fixed ht w/ mattres
E0251   Hosp bed fixd ht w/o mattres
E0255   Hospital bed var ht w/ mattr
E0256   Hospital bed var ht w/o matt
E0260   Hosp bed semi-electr w/ matt
E0261   Hosp bed semi-electr w/o mat
E0265   Hosp bed total electr w/ mat
E0266   Hosp bed total elec w/o matt
E0270   Hospital bed institutional t
E0271   Mattress innerspring
E0272   Mattress foam rubber
E0273   Bed board
E0274   Over-bed table
E0275   Bed pan standard
E0276   Bed pan fracture
E0277   Powered pres-redu air mattrs
E0280   Bed cradle
E0290   Hosp bed fx ht w/o rails w/m
E0291   Hosp bed fx ht w/o rail w/o
E0292   Hosp bed var ht no sr w/matt
E0293   Hosp bed var ht no sr no mat
E0294   Hosp bed semi-elect w/ mattr
E0295   Hosp bed semi-elect w/o matt
E0296   Hosp bed total elect w/ matt
E0297   Hosp bed total elect w/o mat
E0300   Enclosed ped crib hosp grade
E0301   Hd hosp bed, 350-600 lbs
E0302   Ex hd hosp bed > 600 lbs
E0303   Hosp bed hvy dty xtra wide
E0304   Hosp bed xtra hvy dty x wide
E0305   Rails bed side half length
E0310   Rails bed side full length
E0315   Bed accessory brd/tbl/supprt
E0316   Bed safety enclosure
E0325   Urinal male jug-type
E0326   Urinal female jug-type
E0328   Ped hospital bed, manual
E0329   Ped hospital bed semi/elect
E0350   Control unit bowel system
E0352   Disposable pack w/bowel syst
E0370   Air elevator for heel
E0371   Nonpower mattress overlay
E0372   Powered air mattress overlay
E0373   Nonpowered pressure mattress
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