HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
Temporary Procedures & Professional Services
section notes
Procedures/Professional Services
section notes
G0008G0010   Vaccine Administration
G0011G0013   Pre-exposure prophylaxis (prep) drug for hiv prevention
G0017G9887   Behavioral Health Services
G0019G0022   Community health integration services
G0023G0146   Principal illness naviagion services
G0027G0476   Laboratory/Pathology Procedures/Services
G0068G0090   Professional Services for the Administration of Drugs in Home
G0071G9037   Telehealth/Telemedicine Services
G0076G0087   Care Management Home Visit or Care Plan Oversight
G0101G0499   Screenings
G0108G0109    Diabetes outpatient self-management training services
G0127G0247   Foot Care Services
G0128   Corf skilled nursing service
G0129   Php/iop ot service
G0130   Single energy x-ray study
G0136   Adm of soc dtr assess 5-15 m
G0137   Inten outpt svs,min 9 pr 7 d
G0138   Iv cipaglucosidase alfa-atga
G0141G0148   Cyto Screen, cervical or vaginal
G0151G2169   Home Health/Hospice Services
G0166   Extrnl counterpulse, per tx
G0168   Wound closure by adhesive
G0175   Opps service,sched team conf
G0186   Dstry eye lesn,fdr vssl tech
G0219   Pet img wholbod melano nonco
G0235   Pet not otherwise specified
G0237G0239   Therapeutic procedures
G0248G0250   Home International Normalized Ratio (INR) Monitoring Services
G0252   Pet imaging initial dx
G0255   Current percep threshold tst
G0257G0492   Dialysis Procedures
G0259G0260   Injection procedure for sacroiliac joint
G0268   Removal of impacted wax md
G0269   Occlusive device in vein art
G0270   Mnt subs tx for change dx
G0271   Group mnt 2 or more 30 mins
G0276   Pild/placebo control clin tr
G0277   Hbot, full body chamber, 30m
G0278   Iliac art angio,cardiac cath
G0279   Tomosynthesis, mammo
G0281G0283   Electrical Stimulation
G0288   Recon, cta for surg plan
G0289   Arthro, loose body + chondro
G0293   Non-cov surg proc,clin trial
G0294   Non-cov proc, clinical trial
G0295   Electromagnetic therapy onc
G0296   Visit to determ ldct elig
G0302G0305   Pre-operative pulmonary surgery services
G0310G0315   Immunization Counseling (Medicaid)
G0316G0318   Prolonged Evaluation and Management Service(s)
G0329   Electromagntic tx for ulcers
G0333   Dispense fee initial 30 day
G0339   Robot lin-radsurg com, first
G0340   Robt lin-radsurg fractx 2-5
G0341   Percutaneous islet celltrans
G0342   Laparoscopy islet cell trans
G0343   Laparotomy islet cell transp
G0372   Md service required for pmd
G0378   Hospital observation per hr
G0379   Direct refer hospital observ
G0380G0384   Hospital Visit, Type B Emergency Department
G0390   Trauma respons w/hosp criti
G0398G0400   Home Sleep Test
G0402   Initial preventive exam
G0403G0405   Electrocardiogram
G0412G0415   Pelvic Fracture Treatment
G0416   Prostate biopsy, any mthd
G0420   Ed svc ckd ind per session
G0421   Ed svc ckd grp per session
G0422   Intens cardiac rehab w/exerc
G0423   Intens cardiac rehab no exer
G0428   Collagen meniscus implant
G0429   Dermal filler injection(s)
G0438G0439   Annual wellness visit
G0448   Place perm pacing cardiovert
G0451   Devlopment test interpt&rep
G0453   Cont intraop neuro monitor
G0454   Md document visit by npp
G0455   Fecal microbiota prep instil
G0458   Ldr prostate brachy comp rat
G0460G0465   Autologous platelet rich plasma for chronic wounds/ulcers
G0463   Hospital outpt clinic visit
G0466G0490   FQHC Services
G0480G0659   Drug Tests
G0498   Chemo extend iv infus w/pump
G0500   Mod sedat endo service >5yrs
G0501   Resource-inten svc during ov
G0506G0512   Care Planning/Management Services
G0513G0514   Prolonged Preventive Service(s)
G0516G0518   Non-biodegradable Drug Delivery Implants, subdermal
G0519G2015   Medicare CMMI Model Visits
G0532G2216   Medicare-Enrolled Opioid Treatment Program
G0537   Risk ascvd tst once pr 12 mo
G0538   Ascvd rsk mng clin stf pr mo
G0539G0543   Caregiver Training Services
G0544   Post d/c phone follow up
G0545   Inherent visit to inpt
G0556G0558   Advanced Primary Care Management Services
G0559   Unrelat prac follow up visit
G0560   Safety plan interven
G0561   Temp tube delivery, unil
G0562   Complex simulation w/pet-ct
G0563G6015   Radiation Treatment Delivery
G0564   365 d implant glucose sensor
G0565   Rem/ins glu snsr 365 dif sit
G2000   Blinded conv. tx mdd clin tr
G2020   Hi inten serv for sip model
G2021   Hea care pract tx in place
G2082   Visit esketamine 56m or less
G2083   Visit esketamine, > 56m
G2172   Tx for opioid use demo proj
G2211   Complex e/m visit add on
G2212   Prolong outpt/office vis
G2214   Init/sub psych care m 1st 30
G2250   Remot img sub by pt, non e/m
G2251G2252   Brief communication technology-based service, e.g. virtual check-in
G3002G3003   Chronic Pain Management and Treatment
G6016   Delivery comp imrt
G6017   Intrafraction track motion
G9038   Co-management services
G9147   Outpt iv insulin tx any mea
G9156   Evaluation for wheelchair
G9157   Transesoph doppl cardiac mon
G9480   Admission to mccm
G9481G9490   Medicare-approved CMS innovation center demonstration project
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