HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
Temporary Procedures & Professional Services
section notes
Quality Reporting Codes
section notes
G0029G0030   Tobacco screenings — Performed or not performed
G0031G9996   Palliative and hospice care
G0032G0033   Perscriptions ordered for behavioral health diagnosis
G0035   Pt ed pos 23
G0036G0037   Assessments — declined or unable to participate
G0038G0041   Referrals — Not required, not referred, or declined
G0040G0042   Therapy (physical, occupational, speech, recreational) — Receiving or Referred
G0043   Pt mech pros ht valv
G0044   Pt mitral stenosis
G0045G0046   Clinical follow-up with/without 90 day assessment following endovascular stroke intervention
G0047   Ped blunt hd traum
G0049   Main hemo in-cntr
G0050   Pt w/ lmted life expec
G0052   Pt peri dialysis dur mo
G0053G0059   MIPS value pathways
G0060G4038   MIPS Specialty Set
G0913   Improve visual funct
G0914   Survey not complete
G0915   No improve visual funct
G0916   Satisfy with care
G0917   Care survey not complete
G0918   No satisfy with care
G1025   Pt mnth 1 mcp prov
G1026   Pt hemo > 3mo
G1027   Pt hemo < 3mo
G2022   Benef refuses service, mod
G2081   Pt 66+ snp or ltc pos > 90d
G2090G2127   Patients 66 Years and Older Documented Condition(s)
G2092G2096   Angiotencin (ACE or ARB) Inhibitor Documentation
G2097   Dx uri 3d after other dx
G2112   Pred<=5 mg ra glu <6m
G2113   Pred>5 mg >6m, no chg da
G2121   Psy dep anx ap and icd asse
G2122   Psy/dep/anx/apandicd noasse
G2128   No aspirin med rsn
G2129   No bp outpt
G2136G9949   Pain Measured by the Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
G2142G2145   Functional Status Measured by the Oswestry Disability Index
G2148G2150   Documentation - Multimodal Pain Management
G2151   Dx degen neuro
G2152G2210   Residual score for the neck impairment
G2173   Uri w comorb 12m oth dx
G2174   Uri new rx antibiotic 30d
G2175   Pt comorb dx 12m of epi
G2176   Outpt ed obs w inpt admit
G2177   Bronch w rx antibx 30d
G2178   Pt not elig low neuro ex
G2179   Med doc rsn no low ex
G2180   Inelig footwr eval
G2181   Bmi not doc medrsn ptref
G2182   Pt 1st biolog antirheum
G2183   Doc pt unable comm
G2184   No caregiver
G2185   Caregiver dem trained
G2186   Pt ref app rsrcs
G2187G2195   Patients with Clinical Indications for Imaging of the Head
G2196G2200   Unhealthy Alcohol Use Screenings
G2199   Not scrn etoh no rsn
G2202   No rsn no brief couns
G2204   Pt 45-85 w/ scope
G2205G2208   Adjuvant Treatment Course
G2207   Rsn no trtmt chem her2
G2209   Refused to participate
G8395G8934   Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF)
G8397G8397   Dilated Macular or Fundus Exam
G8399   Pt w/dxa results document
G8400G8478   G8400-G8499
G8510G8599   G8500-G8599
G8600G9663   G8600-G9663
G8633G9965   Measure Groups for Quality Payment Program
G8708G8798   G8700-G8798
G8806G8817   Procedures/Tests Documented/Not Documented
G8826G8882   G8818-G8897
G8907G8915   Patient Documented.....
G8916G8918   Patient with or without Preoperative Order for IV Antibiotic SSI Prophylaxis
G8924G8924   Spirometry test results
G8935G8937   ACE/ARB Therapy
G8942   Doc fcn/care plan w/30 days
G8944   Ajcc mel cnr stg 0 - iic
G8946   Mibm but no dx of breast ca
G8950G8952   Pre-Hypertension or Hypertension BP Reading with or w/out Follow-up plan
G8955   Most recent assess vol mgmt
G8956G8956   Hemodialysis in an Outpatient Dialysis Facility
G8958   Assess vol mgmt not doc
G8961G8962   Cardiac Stress Imaging Test
G8967G8969   Warfarin or Oral Anticoagulant Prescribed or Not Prescribed
G8970G8970   Thromboembolism Risks
G9001G9011   Coordinated Care Fee
G9012   Other specified case mgmt
G9013G9014   ESRD Demo Bundle
G9016   Demo-smoking cessation coun
G9143G9928   Warfarin and/or Other FDA-Approved Anti-Coagulation
G9148G9150   National Committee for Quality Assurance
G9151G9153   MAPCP Demonstration
G9187   Bpci home visit
G9188G9191   Beta-blocker therapy
G9212   Doc of dsm-iv init eval
G9213   No doc of dsm-iv
G9223G9223   Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis
G9225G9226   Foot Exam
G9227   Foa doc, care plan not doc
G9228G9230   Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis
G9231   Doc esrd dia trans preg
G9242   Doc viral load >=200
G9243   Doc viral load <200
G9246G9247   Last medical visit
G9254   Doc pt dischg >2d
G9255   Pt dc home 2nd po day
G9273   Sys<140 and dia<90
G9274   Bp out of nrml limits
G9275   Doc of non tobacco user
G9276   Doc of tobacco user
G9277   Doc daily aspirin or contra
G9278   Doc no daily aspirin
G9279G9281   Vaccination Status
G9282   Doc medrsn no histo type
G9283   Hist type doc on report
G9284   No hist type doc on report
G9285   Site not small cell lung ca
G9286   Antibio rx w in 10d of sympt
G9287   No antibio w in 10d of sympt
G9288   Doc medrsn no hist type rpt
G9289   Doc type nsm lung ca
G9290   No doc type nsm lung ca
G9291   Not nsm lung ca
G9292   Medrsn no pt category
G9293   No pt category on report
G9294   Pt cat and thck on report
G9295   Non cutaneous loc
G9296   Doc share dec prior proc
G9297   No doc share dec prior proc
G9298   Eval risk vte card 30d prior
G9299   No eval risk vte card prior
G9305   No interv req for leak
G9306   Interv req for leak
G9307   No ret for surg w in 30d
G9308   Unpl ret or w/compl w/in 30d
G9309   No unplnd hosp readm in 30d
G9310   Unplnd hosp readm in 30d
G9311   No surg site infection
G9312   Surgical site infection
G9313G9315   Amoxicillin, with or without clavulanate prescription status
G9316   Doc comm risk calc
G9317   No doc comm risk calc
G9318G9322   Imaging study status
G9351G9354   CT Scan, Paranasal Sinuses Status
G9357G9358   Post-partum screenings, evaluations and education
G9361   Doc rsn elect c-sec/induct
G9364   Sinus caus bac inx
G9367G9368   High Risk Medications Prescribed
G9393   Ini phq9 >9 remiss <5
G9394   Dx bipol, death, nhres, hosp
G9395   Ini phq9 >9 no remiss >=5
G9396   Ini phq9 >9 not assess
G9426   Impr med time edarr pain med
G9427   No impro med time pain med
G9468   No recd cortico>=10mg/d >60d
G9470   No rec cortico>60d 1rx 600mg
G9471   W/in 2yr dxa not order
G9498   Abx reg prescribed
G9500   Rad expos ind/exp tm doc
G9501   Rad expos ind/exp tm no doc
G9502   Med reas no perf foot exam
G9504   Doc rsn hep b stat not asses
G9505   Abx pres w/in 10 dys of symp
G9507   Doc reas on statin or contra
G9508   Doc pt not on statin
G9553   Prior thyroid dise dx
G9557   Ct/cta/mri/a no thyr <1.0cm
G9598   Aor ane 5.5-5.9 cm max diam
G9599   Aor ane >=6.0 cm max diam
G9674   Pt w/clin ascvd dx
G9675   Pt w/fast/dir lab ldl-c >190
G9676   40-75y w/type 1/2 w/ldl-c rs
G9687G9720   Hospice Care
G9689   Inpt elect carotid intervent
G9694   Hosp srv used pt in msmt per
G9695   Long act inhal bronchdil pre
G9696G9698   Documentation of reason(s) for not prescribing a long-acting inhaled bronchodilator
G9699   Long inhal bronchdil no pres
G9700   Pt is w/hosp during msmt per
G9703   Anbx 30 prior to episode
G9704   Ajcc br ca stg i: t1 mic/t1a
G9705   Ajcc br ca stg ib
G9706   Low recur prost ca
G9708   Bilat mast/hx bi /unilat mas
G9709   Hosp srv used pt in msmt per
G9710   Pt prov hosp srv msmt per
G9711   Pt hx tot col or colon ca
G9712   Doc med rsn presc anbx
G9713   Pt use hosp during msmt per
G9714   Pt is w/hosp during msmt per
G9716   Bmi doc onl fup not cmpltd
G9717   Doc pt dx bipol
G9719   Pt not ambul/immob/wc
G9721   Pt not ambul/immob/wc
G9722   Doc hx renal fail or cr+ >=4
G9723   Hosp recd by pt dur msmt per
G9724   Pt w/doc use anticoag mst yr
G9726   Refused to participate
G9727G9737   Patient Inability to Complete Evaluation
G9728G9736   Patient refused to participate
G9740   Hosp srv to pt dur msmt per
G9741   Pt w/hosp anytime msmt per
G9744   Pt not eli d/t act dig htn
G9745   Doc rsn no hbp scrn or f/u
G9746   Mit sten, valve or trans af
G9752   Urgent surgery
G9781   Doc rsn no statin
G9785   Path report sent
G9786   Path report not sent
G9848   Pt no chemo last 14d life
G9862G9862   Colonoscopy
G9888   5% wl maintnd from bsline wt
G9894G9897   Prostate Therapy
G9898   Pt 66+ snp or ltc pos > 90d
G9899G9900   Mammography Screening Results
G9901   Pt 66+ snp or ltc pos > 90d
G9902G9908   Tobacco Screening, Use & Cessation Intervention
G9910   Pt 66+ snp or ltc pos > 90d
G9911   Node neg pre/post syst ther
G9912G9915   Hepatitis b Virus (hbv) Status
G9916G9918   Functional Status
G9917   Adv dem crgvr limited
G9919G9926   Screenings
G9929   Trs/rev af
G9930   Com care
G9931   No chad or chad scr 0 or 1
G9938   Pt 66+ snp or ltc pos > 90d
G9939   Same path/derm perf biopsy
G9940   Doc reas no statin therapy
G9945   Pt w/cancer scoliosis
G9968G9970   Provider Referrals
G9997   Doc pt preg dur msrmt pd
G9998G9999   Documentation for interval of less than 3 yrs since last colonoscopy
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