HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
Orthotic Devices & Services
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Orthotic Devices -- Lower Limb
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Additions to Lower Extremity Orthosis: Shoe-Ankle-Shin-Knee
section notes
L2200   Limited ankle motion ea jnt
L2210   Dorsiflexion assist each joi
L2220   Dorsi & plantar flex ass/res
L2230   Split flat caliper stirr & p
L2232   Rocker bottom, contact afo
L2240   Round caliper and plate atta
L2250   Foot plate molded stirrup at
L2260   Reinforced solid stirrup
L2265   Long tongue stirrup
L2270   Varus/valgus strap padded/li
L2275   Plastic mod low ext pad/line
L2280   Molded inner boot
L2300   Abduction bar jointed adjust
L2310   Abduction bar-straight
L2320   Non-molded lacer
L2330   Lacer molded to patient mode
L2335   Anterior swing band
L2340   Pre-tibial shell molded to p
L2350   Prosthetic type socket molde
L2360   Extended steel shank
L2370   Patten bottom
L2375   Torsion ank & half solid sti
L2380   Torsion straight knee joint
L2385   Straight knee joint heavy du
L2387   Add le poly knee custom kafo
L2390   Offset knee joint each
L2395   Offset knee joint heavy duty
L2397   Suspension sleeve lower ext
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