HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
Orthotic Devices & Services
section notes
Orthotic Devices -- Lower Limb
section notes
Additions - Pelvic and Thoracic Control
section notes
L2570   Hip clevis type 2 posit jnt
L2580   Pelvic control pelvic sling
L2600   Hip clevis/thrust bearing fr
L2610   Hip clevis/thrust bearing lo
L2620   Pelvic control hip heavy dut
L2622   Hip joint adjustable flexion
L2624   Hip adj flex ext abduct cont
L2627   Plastic mold recipro hip & c
L2628   Metal frame recipro hip & ca
L2630   Pelvic control band & belt u
L2640   Pelvic control band & belt b
L2650   Pelv & thor control gluteal
L2660   Thoracic control thoracic ba
L2670   Thorac cont paraspinal uprig
L2680   Thorac cont lat support upri
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