HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
section notes
Upper Limb
section notes
Additions: Upper Limb
section notes
L6600   Polycentric hinge pair
L6605   Single pivot hinge pair
L6610   Flexible metal hinge pair
L6611   Additional switch, ext power
L6615   Disconnect locking wrist uni
L6616   Disconnect insert locking wr
L6620   Flexion/extension wrist unit
L6621   Flex/ext wrist w/wo friction
L6623   Spring-ass rot wrst w/ latch
L6624   Flex/ext/rotation wrist unit
L6625   Rotation wrst w/ cable lock
L6628   Quick disconn hook adapter o
L6629   Lamination collar w/ couplin
L6630   Stainless steel any wrist
L6632   Latex suspension sleeve each
L6635   Lift assist for elbow
L6637   Nudge control elbow lock
L6638   Elec lock on manual pw elbow
L6640   Shoulder abduction joint pai
L6641   Excursion amplifier pulley t
L6642   Excursion amplifier lever ty
L6645   Shoulder flexion-abduction j
L6646   Multipo locking shoulder jnt
L6647   Shoulder lock actuator
L6648   Ext pwrd shlder lock/unlock
L6650   Shoulder universal joint
L6655   Standard control cable extra
L6660   Heavy duty control cable
L6665   Teflon or equal cable lining
L6670   Hook to hand cable adapter
L6672   Harness chest/shlder saddle
L6675   Harness figure of 8 sing con
L6676   Harness figure of 8 dual con
L6677   Ue triple control harness
L6680   Test sock wrist disart/bel e
L6682   Test sock elbw disart/above
L6684   Test socket shldr disart/tho
L6686   Suction socket
L6687   Frame typ socket bel elbow/w
L6688   Frame typ sock above elb/dis
L6689   Frame typ socket shoulder di
L6690   Frame typ sock interscap-tho
L6691   Removable insert each
L6692   Silicone gel insert or equal
L6693   Lockingelbow forearm cntrbal
L6694   Elbow socket ins use w/lock
L6695   Elbow socket ins use w/o lck
L6696   Cus elbo skt in for con/atyp
L6697   Cus elbo skt in not con/atyp
L6698   Below/above elbow lock mech
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