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ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes
section notes
19. Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88)
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T07-T88 Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (T07-T88)
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T36-T50 Poisoning by, adverse effects of and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and biological substances (T36-T50)
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T50 Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of diuretics and other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances
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T50.B Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of viral vaccines
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T50.B1 Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of smallpox vaccines
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T50.B12 Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, intentional self-harm
section notes
T50.B12A   Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, intentional self-harm, init
T50.B12D   Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, intentional self-harm, subs
T50.B12S   Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, self-harm, sequela
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