HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
Temporary Procedures & Professional Services
section notes
Quality Reporting Codes
section notes
section notes
G8510   Scr dep neg, no plan reqd
G8511   Scr dep pos, no plan doc rng
G8535   Eld maltreatment not doc
G8536   No doc elder mal scrn
G8539   Doc funct and care plan
G8540   Foa not doc as being perf
G8541   No doc cur funct assess
G8542   Doc funct no deficiencies
G8543   Cur funct asses; no care pln
G8559   Pt ref doc oto eval
G8560   Pt hx act drain prev 90 days
G8561   Pt inelig for ref oto eval
G8562   Pt no hx act drain 90 d
G8563   Pt no ref oto reas no spec
G8564   Pt ref oto eval
G8565   Ver doc hear loss
G8566   Pt inelig ref oto eval
G8567   Pt no doc hear loss
G8568   Pt no ref otolo no spec
G8569   Prol intubation req
G8570   No prol intub req
G8575   Postop ren fail
G8576   No postop ren fail
G8577   Reop req bld grft oth
G8578   No reop req bld grft oth
G8598   Asa/antiplat ther used
G8599   No asa/antiplat ther use rng
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