HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
-/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G0000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8000-G8999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8000-G8099 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
G8006   Ami pt recd aspirin at arriv
G8007   Ami pt did not receiv aspiri
G8008   Ami pt ineligible for aspiri
G8009   Ami pt recd bblock at arr
G8010   Ami pt did not rec bblock
G8011   Ami pt inelig bbloc at arriv
G8012   Pneum pt recv antibiotic 4 h
G8013   Pneum pt w/o antibiotic 4 hr
G8014   Pneum pt not elig antibiotic
G8015   Diabetic pt w/ hba1c>9%
G8016   Diabetic pt w/ hba1c
G8017   Dm pt inelig for hba1c measu
G8018   Care not provided for hba1c
G8019   Diabetic pt w/ldl>= 100mg/dl
G8020   Diab pt w/ldl< 100mg/dl
G8021   Diab pt inelig for ldl meas
G8022   Care not provided for ldl
G8023   Dm pt w bp>=140/80
G8024   Diabetic pt wbp<140/80
G8025   Diabetic pt inelig for bp me
G8026   Diabet pt w no care re bp me
G8027   Hf p w/lvsd on ace-i/arb
G8028   Hf pt w/lvsd not on ace-i/ar
G8029   Hf pt not elig for ace-i/arb
G8030   Hf pt w/lvsd on bblocker
G8031   Hf pt w/lvsd not on bblocker
G8032   Hf pt not elig for bblocker
G8033   Pmi-cad pt on bblocker
G8034   Pmi-cad pt not on bblocker
G8035   Pmi-cad pt inelig bblocker
G8036   Ami-cad pt doc on antiplatel
G8037   Ami-cad pt not docu on antip
G8038   Ami-cad inelig antiplate mea
G8039   Cad pt w/ldl>100mg/dl
G8040   Cad pt w/ldl
G8041   Cad pt not eligible for ldl
G8051   Osteoporosis assess
G8052   Osteopor pt not assess
G8053   Pt inelig for osteopor meas
G8054   Falls assess not docum 12 mo
G8055   Falls assess w/ 12 mon
G8056   Not elig for falls assessmen
G8057   Hearing assess receive
G8058   Pt w/o hearing assess
G8059   Pt inelig for hearing assess
G8060   Urinary incont pt assess
G8061   Pt not assess for urinary in
G8062   Pt not elig for urinary inco
G8075   Esrd pt w/ dialy of urr>=65%
G8076   Esrd pt w/ dialy of urr<65%
G8077   Esrd pt not elig for urr/ktv
G8078   Esrd pt w/hct>or=33
G8079   Esrd pt w/hct<33
G8080   Esrd pt inelig for hct/hgb
G8081   Esrd pt w/ auto av fistula
G8082   Esrd pt w other fistula
G8085   Esrd pt inelig auto av fistu
G8093   Copd pt rec smoking cessat
G8094   Copd pt w/o smoke cessat int
G8099   Osteopo pt given ca+vitd sup
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