HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
-/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G0000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8000-G8999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8100-G8199 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8100   Osteop pt inelig for ca+vitd
G8103   New dx osteo pt w/antiresorp
G8104   Osteo pt inelig for antireso
G8106   Bone dens meas test perf
G8107   Bone dens meas test inelig
G8108   Pt receiv influenza vacc
G8109   Pt w/o influenza vacc
G8110   Pt inelig for influenza vacc
G8111   Pt receiv mammogram
G8112   Pt not doc mammogram
G8113   Pt ineligible mammography
G8114   Care not provided for mamogr
G8115   Pt receiv pneumo vacc
G8116   Pt did not rec pneumo vacc
G8117   Pt was inelig for pneumo vac
G8126   Pt treat w/antidepress12wks
G8127   Pt not treat w/antidepres12w
G8128   Pt inelig for antidepres med
G8129   Pt treat w/antidepres for 6m
G8130   Pt not treat w/antidepres 6m
G8131   Pt inelig for antidepres med
G8152   Pt w/ab 1 hr prior to incisi
G8153   Pt not doc for ab 1 hr prior
G8154   Pt ineligi for ab therapy
G8155   Pt recd thromboemb prophylax
G8156   Pt did not rec thromboembo
G8157   Pt ineligi for thrombolism
G8158   Pt recd CABG w/ IMA
G8159   Pt w/cabg w/o ima
G8160   Pt inelig for CABG w/IMA
G8161   Iso CABG pt rec preop bblock
G8162   Iso cabg pt w/o preop bblock
G8163   Iso CABG pt inelig for preo
G8164   Iso cabg pt w/prolng intub
G8165   Iso cabg pt w/o prolng intub
G8166   Iso cabg req surg rexpo
G8167   Iso cabg w/o surg explo
G8170   Cea/ext bypass pt on aspirin
G8171   Pt w/carot endarct/ext bypas
G8172   Cea/ext bypass pt not on asp
G8182   Cad pt care not prov ldl
G8183   Hf/atrial fib pt on warfarin
G8184   Hf/atrial fib pt inelig warf
G8185   Osteoarth pt w/ assess pain
G8186   Osteoarth pt inelig assess
G8191   Antibiotic given prior surg
G8192   Antib given prior surg incis
G8193   Antibio not doc prior surg
G8194   Pt not elig for antibiotic
G8195   Antibiotic given prior surg
G8196   Antibio not docum prior surg
G8197   Antib order prior to surg
G8198   Cefazolin documented ordered
G8199   Cefazolin given prophylaxis
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