HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
-/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G0000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
G8000-G8999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
G8400-G8499 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
G8401   Pt inelig osteo screen measu
G8402   Smoke preven interven counse
G8403   Smoke preven nocounsel
G8406   Pt inelig lower extrem neuro
G8407   Abi documented
G8408   Abi not documented
G8409   Pt inelig for abi measure
G8422   Pt inelig bmi calculation
G8423   Pt screen flu vac & counsel
G8424   Flu vaccine not screen
G8425   Flu vaccine screen not curre
G8426   Pt not approp screen & counc
G8429   Incomplete doc pt on meds
G8434   Cognitive impairment screen
G8435   Cognitive screen not documen
G8436   Pt inelig for cognitive impa
G8437   Care plan develop & document
G8438   Pt inelig for devlp care pln
G8439   Care plan develp & not docum
G8440   Pain assess f/u pln document
G8441   No document of pain assess
G8442   Doc pain as nt perf, not elg
G8443   Prescription by e-prescrib s
G8445   Prescrip not gen at encounte
G8446   Some prescrib print or call
G8447   Pt vis doc use ehr cer atcb
G8448   Pt vis doc w/pqri qual ehr
G8449   Pt not doc w/emr due to syst
G8453   Tob use cess int counsel
G8454   Tob use cess int no counsel
G8455   Current tobacco smoker
G8456   Current smkless tobacco user
G8457   Cur tobacco non-user
G8458   Pt inelig geno no antvir tx
G8459   Doc pt rec antivir treat
G8460   Pt inelig rna no antvir tx
G8461   Pt rec antivir treat hep c
G8462   Pt inelig couns no antvir tx
G8463   Pt rec antiviral treat doc
G8464   Pt inelig; lo to no dter rsk
G8466   Pt inelig suic; mdd remis
G8467   New dx init/rec episode mdd
G8468   Ace/arb rx pt w/abn lvef
G8469   Pt w/abn lvef inelig ace/arb
G8470G8472   Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Documentation -- cont. -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
G8479   Md rx'd ace/arb thxpy
G8480   Pt inelig ace/arb thxpy
G8481   Md not rx'd ace/arb thxpy
G8482   Flu immunize order/admin
G8483   Flu imm no admin doc rea
G8484   Flu immunize no admin
G8485   Report, diabetes measures
G8486   Report, prev care measures
G8487   Report ckd measures
G8488   Report esrd measures
G8489   Cad measures grp
G8490   Ra measures grp
G8491   Hiv/aids measures grp
G8492   Periop care measures grp
G8493   Back pain measures grp
G8494   Dm meas qual act perform
G8495   Ckd meas qual act perform
G8496   Prev care mg qual act perfrm
G8497   Cabg meas qual act perform
G8498   Cad meas qual act perform
G8499   Ra meas qual act perform
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