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HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
-/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G0000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8000-G8999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8700-G8799 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
G8700   Rehabilitation services (occupational, physical or speech) not indicated at or p...
G8701   Rehabilitation services were not ordered, reason not otherwise specified
G8702   Documentation that prophylactic antibiotics were given within 4 hours prior to s...
G8703   Documentation that prophylactic antibiotics were neither given within 4 hours pr...
G8704   12-lead electrocardiogram (ecg) performed
G8705   Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing a 12-lead electrocardiogra...
G8706   Documentation of patient reason(s) for not performing a 12-lead electrocardiogra...
G8707   12-lead electrocardiogram (ecg) not performed, reason not given
G8713   Spkt/v greater than or equal to 1.2 (single-pool clearance of urea [kt] / volume [v])
G8714   Hemodialysis treatment performed exactly three times per week for > 90 days
G8715   Hemodialysis treatment performed less than three times per week or greater than ...
G8716   Documentation of reason(s) for patient not having greater than or equal to 1.2 (...
G8717   Spkt/v less than 1.2 (single-pool clearance of urea [kt] / volume [v]), reason n...
G8718   Total kt/v greater than or equal to 1.7 per week (total clearance of urea [kt] /...
G8720   Total kt/v less than 1.7 per week (total clearance of urea [kt] / volume [v])
G8725   Fasting lipid profile performed (triglycerides, ldl-c, hdl-c and total cholesterol)
G8726   Clinician has documented reason for not performing fasting lipid profile (e.g., ...
G8727   Patient receiving hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or kidney transplantation
G8728   Fasting lipid profile not performed, reason not given
G8730   Pain assessment documented as positive using a standardized tool and a follow-up...
G8731   Pain assessment using a standardized tool is documented as negative, no follow-u...
G8732   No documentation of pain assessment, reason not given
G8736   Most current ldl-c <100mg/dl
G8737   Most current ldl-c >=100mg/dl
G8738   Left ventricular ejection fraction (lvef) < 40% or documentation of severely or ...
G8739   Left ventricular ejection fraction (lvef) >= 40% or documentation as normal or m...
G8740   Left ventricular ejection fraction (lvef) not performed or assessed, reason not given
G8741   Patient not treated for spoken language comprehension disorder
G8742   Patient not treated for attention disorder
G8743   Patient not treated for memory disorder
G8744   Patient not treated for motor speech disorder
G8745   Patient not treated for reading disorder
G8746   Patient not treated for spoken language expression disorder
G8747   Patient not treated for writing disorder
G8748   Patient not treated for swallowing disorder
G8750   Presence of signs of melanoma (cough, dyspnea, tenderness, localized neurologic ...
G8751   Smoking status and exposure to second hand smoke in the home not assessed, reaso...
G8757   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the chronic obstructive pulmo...
G8758   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the inflammatory bowel diseas...
G8759   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the sleep apnea measures grou...
G8760   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the epilepsy measures group h...
G8761   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the dementia measures group h...
G8762   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the parkinson's disease measu...
G8763   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the hypertension (htn) measur...
G8764   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the cardiovascular prevention...
G8765   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the cataract measures group h...
G8767   Lipid panel results documented and reviewed (must include total cholesterol, hdl...
G8768   Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing lipid profile (e.g., patie...
G8769   Lipid profile not performed, reason not given
G8770   Urine protein test result documented and reviewed
G8771   Documentation of diagnosis of chronic kidney disease
G8772   Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing urine protein test (e.g., ...
G8773   Urine protein test was not performed, reason not given
G8774   Serum creatinine test result documented and reviewed
G8775   Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing serum creatinine test (e.g...
G8776   Serum creatinine test not performed, reason not given
G8777   Diabetes screening test performed
G8778   Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing diabetes screening test (e...
G8779   Diabetes screening test not performed, reason not given
G8780   Counseling for diet and physical activity performed
G8781   Documentation of medical reason(s) for patient not receiving counseling for diet...
G8782   Counseling for diet and physical activity not performed, reason not given
G8784   Patient not eligible (e.g., documentation the patient is not eligible due to act...
G8786   Severity of angina assessed according to level of activity
G8787   Angina assessed as present
G8788   Angina assessed as absent
G8789   Severity of angina not assessed according to level of activity
G8790   Most recent office visit systolic blood pressure <130 mm hg
G8791   Most recent office visit systolic blood pressure, 130 to 139 mm hg
G8792   Most recent office visit systolic blood pressure >=140 mm hg
G8793   Most recent office visit diastolic blood pressure, <80 mm hg
G8794   Most recent office visit diastolic blood pressure, 80 - 89 mm hg
G8795   Most recent office visit diastolic blood pressure >=90 mm hg
G8796   Blood pressure measurement not documented, reason not given
G8799   Anticoagulation ordered
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