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HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
-/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G0000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8000-G8999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8900-G8999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
G8900   I intend to report the sleep apnea measures group
G8901   I intend to report the epilepsy measures group
G8902   I intend to report the dementia measures group
G8903   I intend to report the parkinson's disease measures group
G8904   I intend to report the hypertension (htn) measures group
G8905   I intend to report the cardiovascular prevention measures group
G8906   I intend to report the cataract measures group
G8919   Most recent systolic blood pressure < 140 mmhg
G8920   Most recent systolic blood pressure >= 140 mmhg
G8921   Most recent diastolic blood pressure < 90 mmhg
G8922   Most recent diastolic blood pressure >= 90 mmhg
G8925   Spirometry test results demonstrate fev1 >= 60% fev1/fvc >= 70%, predicted or pa...
G8926   Spirometry test not performed or documented, reason not given
G8927   Adjuvant chemotherapy referred, prescribed or previously received for ajcc stage...
G8928   Adjuvant chemotherapy not prescribed or previously received, for documented reas...
G8929   Adjuvant chemotherapy not prescribed or previously received, reason not given
G8930   Assessment of depression severity at the initial evaluation
G8931   Assessment of depression severity not documented, reason not given
G8932   Suicide risk assessed at the initial evaluation
G8933   Suicide risk not assessed at the initial evaluation, reason not given
G8938   Bmi is documented as being outside of normal parameters, follow-up plan is not d...
G8939   Pain assessment documented as positive, follow-up plan not documented, documenta...
G8940   Screening for depression documented as positive, a follow-up plan not completed,...
G8941   Elder maltreatment screen documented as positive, follow-up plan not documented,...
G8943   Ldl-c result not present or not within 12 months prior
G8945   Aneurysm minor diameter <= 6 cm for men
G8947   One or more neuropsychiatric symptoms
G8948   No neuropsychiatric symptoms
G8949   Documentation of patient reason(s) for patient not receiving counseling for diet...
G8951   Pre-hypertensive or hypertensive blood pressure reading documented, indicated fo...
G8953   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the oncology measures group h...
G8954   Complete and appropriate patient data were reported to a qualified clinical data...
G8957   Patient not receiving maintenance hemodialysis in an outpatient dialysis facility
G8959   Clinician treating major depressive disorder communicates to clinician treating ...
G8960   Clinician treating major depressive disorder did not communicate to clinician tr...
G8963   Cardiac stress imaging performed primarily for monitoring of asymptomatic patien...
G8964   Cardiac stress imaging test performed primarily for any other reason than monito...
G8971   Warfarin or another oral anticoagulant that is fda approved not prescribed, reas...
G8972   One or more high risk factors for thromboembolism or more than one moderate risk...
G8973   Most recent hemoglobin (hgb) level < 10 g/dl
G8974   Hemoglobin level measurement not documented, reason not given
G8975   Documentation of medical reason(s) for patient having a hemoglobin level < 10 g/...
G8976   Most recent hemoglobin (hgb) level >= 10 g/dl
G8977   I intend to report the oncology measures group
G8978   Mobility: walking & moving around functional limitation, current status, at ther...
G8979   Mobility: walking & moving around functional limitation, projected goal status, ...
G8980   Mobility: walking & moving around functional limitation, discharge status, at di...
G8981   Changing & maintaining body position functional limitation, current status, at t...
G8982   Changing & maintaining body position functional limitation, projected goal statu...
G8983   Changing & maintaining body position functional limitation, discharge status, at...
G8984   Carrying, moving & handling objects functional limitation, current status, at th...
G8985   Carrying, moving and handling objects, projected goal status, at therapy episode...
G8986   Carrying, moving & handling objects functional limitation, discharge status, at ...
G8987   Self care functional limitation, current status, at therapy episode outset and a...
G8988   Self care functional limitation, projected goal status, at therapy episode outse...
G8989   Self care functional limitation, discharge status, at discharge from therapy or ...
G8990   Other physical or occupational therapy primary functional limitation, current st...
G8991   Other physical or occupational therapy primary functional limitation, projected ...
G8992   Other physical or occupational therapy primary functional limitation, discharge ...
G8993   Other physical or occupational therapy subsequent functional limitation, current...
G8994   Other physical or occupational therapy subsequent functional limitation, project...
G8995   Other physical or occupational therapy subsequent functional limitation, dischar...
G8996   Swallowing functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and a...
G8997   Swallowing functional limitation, projected goal status, at therapy episode outs...
G8998   Swallowing functional limitation, discharge status, at discharge from therapy or...
G8999   Motor speech functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and...
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