HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
-/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G0000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8000-G8999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8900-G8999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G8900   Obstructive sleep apnea mg
G8901   Epilepsy measures group
G8902   Dementia measures group
G8903   Parkinson's disease mg
G8904   Hypertension mg
G8905   Cardiovascular prevention mg
G8906   Cataract measures group
G8919   Mst rcnt sys bp <140mmg
G8920   Mst rcnt sys bp >=140mmhg
G8921   Mst rcnt dia bp <90mmhg
G8922   Mst rcnt dia bp >=90mmhg
G8925   Spir fev1/fvc>=60% & no copd
G8926   Spiro no perf or doc
G8927   Adj chem pres ajcc iii
G8928   Adj chem not pres rsn spec
G8929   Adj cmo not pres rsn not gvn
G8930   Assess of dep @ initial eval
G8931   Asses of dep not documented
G8932   Suicd rsk assessed init eval
G8933   Suicide risk not assessed
G8938   Bmi doc onl fup nt doc
G8939   Pain as doc positive, no f/u
G8940   Scr dep pos, no plan done
G8941   Eld maltreatment doc as pos
G8943   Ldlc not pres w/i 12 mo prir
G8945   Aneurysm <=6 cm for men
G8947   1 or more neuropsych
G8948   No neuropsych symptoms
G8949   Doc pt reas on counsel diet
G8951   Pre-htn/htn doc, no pt f/u
G8953   Oncology mg qual act perform
G8954   Pt data rpt qual clin db reg
G8957   Pt no hedia in outpt fac
G8959   Clin tx mdd comm to tx clin
G8960   Clin tx mdd not comm
G8963   Csi per asx pt w/pci 2 yrs
G8964   Csi any other than pci 2 yr
G8965   Csit perf on low chd rsk
G8966   Csit perf sx or high chd rsk
G8971   Warfrn or othr antcog no rx
G8972   1>=risk or>= mod risk for te
G8973   Mst rcnt hbb < 10g/dl
G8974   Hgb not doc rns not gvn
G8975   Hgb <10g/dl, med rsn
G8976   Hgb >= 10 g/dl
G8977   Oncology measures grp
G8978   Mobility current status
G8979   Mobility goal status
G8980   Mobility d/c status
G8981   Body pos current status
G8982   Body pos goal status
G8983   Body pos d/c status
G8984   Carry current status
G8985   Carry goal status
G8986   Carry d/c status
G8987   Self care current status
G8988   Self care goal status
G8989   Self care d/c status
G8990   Other pt/ot current status
G8991   Other pt/ot goal status
G8992   Other pt/ot d/c status
G8993   Sub pt/ot current status
G8994   Sub pt/ot goal status
G8995   Sub pt/ot d/c status
G8996   Swallow current status
G8997   Swallow goal status
G8998   Swallow d/c status
G8999   Motor speech current status
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