HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
Temporary Hospital Outpatient PPS
section notes
C1052   Hemostatic agent, gi, topic
C1062   Intravertebral fx aug impl
C1600C9780   Catheter Supplies/Services
C1601C9901   Endoscopy Supplies/Services
C1602   Orth/matrx/bn fill drug-elut
C1603C1773   Retrieval Device, Insertable
C1604   Grft, trnsmurl/trnsvens byps
C1605C2621   Pacemakers - continued
C1713   Anchor/screw bn/bn,tis/bn
C1715C2699   Brachytherapy Services/Supplies
C1721C9899   Implant/Prosthesis (includes medication implant)
C1737   Si&pelvis fusn&fixn dev
C1739   Tissue marker, detectable
C1760   Closure dev, vasc
C1762   Conn tiss, human(inc fascia)
C1763   Conn tiss, non-human
C1764   Event recorder, cardiac
C1765   Adhesion barrier
C1766C1894   Introducer/Sheath
C1767C1883   Neurostimulator Supplies/Services
C1768C9363   Wound Care Management Products/Grafts Services/Supplies
C1769   Guide wire
C1770   Imaging coil, mr, insertable
C1771   Rep dev, urinary, w/sling
C1777C1900   Leads
C1780   Lens, intraocular (new tech)
C1781   Mesh (implantable)
C1782   Morcellator
C1785C1786   Pacemakers, rate responsive
C1788   Port, indwelling, imp
C1817   Septal defect imp sys
C1818   Integrated keratoprosthesis
C1819   Tissue localization-excision
C1820C1827   Generator (Implantable)
C1830   Power bone marrow bx needle
C1831   Personalized interbody cage
C1833   Cardiac monitor sys
C1874C1877   Stents
C1880   Vena cava filter
C1881   Dialysis access system
C1882   Aicd, other than sing/dual
C1884   Embolization protect syst
C1890   No device w/dev-intensive px
C2596   Probe, robotic, water-jet
C2613   Lung bx plug w/del sys
C2614   Probe, perc lumb disc
C2615   Sealant, pulmonary, liquid
C2617   Stent, non-cor, tem w/o del
C2618   Probe/needle, cryo
C2625   Stent, non-cor, tem w/del sy
C2626   Infusion pump, non-prog,temp
C2629   Intro/sheath, laser
C2631   Rep dev, urinary, w/o sling
C7500   Deb bone 20 cm2 w/drug dev
C7501   Perc bx breast lesions stero
C7502   Perc bx breast lesions mr
C7503   Open exc cerv node(s) w/ id
C7504   Perq cvt&ls inj vert bodies
C7505   Perq ls&cvt inj vert bodies
C7506   Fusion of finger joints
C7507   Perq thor&lumb vert aug
C7508   Perq lumb&thor vert aug
C7509C7556   Bronchoscopy, Rigid or Flexible
C7513C7530   Dialysis Circuit, Introduction of Needle(s) and/or Catheter(s)
C7531C9775   Revascularization, Endovascular, Open or Percutaneous
C7532   Angio w/ us non-coronary
C7533   Ptca w/ plcmt brachytx dev
C7537C7539   Insertion of New or Replacement of Permanent Pacemaker with Insertion of Pacing Electrode
C7540   Rmv&rplc pm dul w/l vnt lead
C7541C7560   Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
C7545   Exch bil cath w/ rmv calculi
C7546   Rep nph/urt cath w/dil stric
C7547   Cnvrt neph cath w/ dil stric
C7548   Exch neph cath w/ dil stric
C7549   Chge urtr stent w/ dil stric
C7550   Cysto w/ bx(s) w/ blue light
C7551   Exc neuroma w/ implnt nv end
C7554   Cystureth blu li cyst fl img
C7555   Rmvl thyrd w/autotran parath
C7563   Trluml ballo angiop all art
C7564   Vein mech throm w/intrvas us
C7565   Rpr aa hrn < 3 rdc w/ rmvl
C7900C7903   Service for Diagnosis, Evaluation, or Treatment of a Mental Health or Substance Use Disorder
C8000   Suprt dev, a-v fistula, imp
C8001   3d anat seg imaging preop
C8002   Prep skin cell susp, automtd
C8003   Imp extar knee shck absrb
C8900C9763   MRA/MRI
C8921C8930   TTE/TEE
C8957   Prolonged iv inf, req pump
C9046   Cocaine hcl nasal solution
C9047C9488   Injections
C9067   Gallium ga-68 dotatoc
C9088   Instill, bupivac and meloxic
C9143   Cocaine hcl nasal (numbrino)
C9250   Artiss fibrin sealant
C9285   Patch, lidocaine/tetracaine
C9354   Veritas collagen matrix, cm2
C9355   Neuromatrix nerve cuff, cm
C9356   Tenoglide tendon prot, cm2
C9358   Surgimend, fetal
C9359   Implnt,bon void filler-putty
C9360   Surgimend, neonatal
C9361   Neuromend nerve wrap
C9362   Implnt,bon void filler-strip
C9399   Unclassified drugs or biolog
C9507   Covid-19 convalescent plasma
C9600C9608   Drug-eluting stents
C9725   Place endorectal app
C9726   Rxt breast appl place/remov
C9728   Place device/marker, non pro
C9733   Non-ophthalmic fva
C9734   U/s trtmt, not leiomyomata
C9738   Blue light cysto imag agent
C9751   Microwave bronch, 3d, ebus
C9756   Fluorescence lymph map w/icg
C9757   Spine device implant surgery
C9758C9760   Transcatheter Services
C9761   Cysto, litho, vacuum kidney
C9768   Endo us-guide hep porto grad
C9776   Fluo bile duct imaging w/icg
C9777   Esophag muc integ w/eso egd
C9778   Colpopexy, min/inv, ex-perit
C9781   Arthro/shoul surg; w/spacer
C9782   Blind myocar trpl bon marrow
C9783   Blind cor sinus reducer impl
C9784   Endo sleeve gastro w/tube
C9785   Endo outlet restrict w/tube
C9789   Instill pharm renal pelvis
C9791   Mri hyperpolarized xenon129
C9792   Blind/nonblind trans atrial
C9793   Pre-plan 3d model w/ccta
C9796   Rpr intst excl anrect fist
C9797   Vasc emb/occ w/prs cath
C9804   Pump elastomc non-opioid dev
C9806C9809   Qualifying Medicare non-opioid medical device for post-surgical pain relief
C9898   Inpnt stay radiolabeled item
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