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ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes
section notes
19. Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88)
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S00-S09 Injuries to the head (S00-S09)
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S02 Fracture of skull and facial bones
section notes
S02.8 Fractures of other specified skull and facial bones
section notes
S02.83 Fracture of medial orbital wall
section notes
S02.831 Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side
section notes
S02.831A   Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, init
S02.831B   Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, 7thB
S02.831D   Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, 7thD
S02.831G   Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, 7thG
S02.831K   Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, 7thK
S02.831S   Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, sequela
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