HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
Medical Services
section notes
Documentation Codes
section notes
M0201M1311   Patient Vaccine Status
M1003M1005   TB Screening
M1006   Dz not ases, no rsn
M1007M1008   Patient's Outpatient RA Encounters Assessed
M1009M1014   Discharge/discontinuation of the episode of care documented in the medical record
M1016   Pt dx meop or sur steri
M1018   Pt dx hst cr pt sk lg cr scr
M1019M1020   Adolescent patients 12-17 with Major Depression or Dysthymia
M1021M1362   Performance Period Codes
M1027M1029   Imaging and Documentation of the Head
M1032M1036   Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
M1037M1051   Lumbar Spine Related Diagnosis
M1043M1049   Functional Status Measurement
M1052   Lg pn not meas w/ vas 1yr po
M1055   Aspirin used
M1056   Presc antico med in pp
M1057   Aspirin not used, no rsn
M1068   Pt not ambulatory
M1069   Pt scr ft fall rsk
M1070   Pt not scrn fut fall no rsn
M1106M1135   The start of an episode of care documented in the medical record
M1107M1131   Documentation stating patient has a diagnosis of a degenerative neurological condition
M1108M1134   Ongoing care not indicated
M1141   Fs no oks
M1142   Emerge cases
M1143   Ni rehab med chiro
M1146   Ongoing care not ind
M1147   Care not poss med rsn
M1148   Pt self dschg
M1149   No neck fs prom incap
M1150   Lvef <=40% or mod/sev l vsf
M1151   Pt w/ hx trnsplt or lvad
M1152   Pt w/ hx trnsplt or lvad
M1153   Pt w/ dx osteo doe
M1159M1365   Hospice Status
M1164   Pt w/ dementia any time
M1166   Path rpt tis spec wle/reexc
M1180   Pt imm ckpt inhib therapy
M1181   Gr 2 or> dia or gr2 or> col
M1182   Not elg pre ex ibd/uc/crohn
M1183   Doc imm ckpt inhib hld
M1184   Doc med rsn no cst/ist rx
M1185   Imm ckpt inhib not hld no rx
M1187   Pt w/ esrd
M1188   Pt w/ ckd stg 5
M1189   Doc khe pef w/efgr/uacr
M1190   Doc khe not pef w/efgr/uacr
M1192   Pt w/ dx sq cell ca of esoph
M1193   Rpts w/ imp/con mmr/msi
M1194   Med rsn no imp/con mmr/msi
M1195   Rpt wo imp/con mmr/msi
M1196   Ixv nrs vrs iqa >=4
M1197M1206   Itch severity assessment
M1199   Pt rec'g rrt
M1200M1203   Ace inhibitor (ace-i) or arb therapy prescription status
M1207M1237   Patients SDoH Status
M1209M1210   At least two orders for high-risk medications from the same drug class
M1211M1212   Hemoglobin a1c level
M1213M1218   Pulmonary function and breathing tests
M1220M1349   Eyes and Eye exams
M1227   Eb therapy prescribed
M1228M1235   Patient Status: Reactive HCV Antibody Test
M1236   Baseline mrs > 2
M1239M1254   Questionnaire Status
M1255   Pts w/ othr rsn vst,+prg tst
M1256M1258   CVD Status
M1259M1272   Kidney-Pancreas Transplant Status
M1265   Cms 2728 completed
M1266M1274   Patient Admitted to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
M1271   Pts dem any time/dur mo
M1276M1314   BMI Status
M1277M1315   Cancer related screenings and documentation
M1278M1294   Blood Pressure Reading Status
M1282M1316   Tobacco screenings
M1284M1292   Patients age 66 years of age and/or older
M1298   Doc pt preg dur msrmt pd
M1309   Pall serv during meas
M1317M1320   SDOH screening
M1321M1363   Patient Follow-up appts
M1324   Pts intravitreal/pci
M1337   Acute pvd
M1340   Indx whodas 2.0 or sds
M1350M1361   Suicide Risk/Ideation Status
M1364   Ascvd risk >=20pct
M1371M1373   Most recent glycemic status assessment
M1374M1376   An additional encounter with an RA diagnosis during the performance period
M1377M1379   Colonoscopy Follow up
M1380   2 rx in perf pd any com meds
M1381   Pt sec strk wthin 5 days
M1382   Enc dur perf pd pos 11
M1383   Acute pvd
M1384   Pt died dur perf pd
M1385   Pt rsn not seen 2nd pam
M1386   Exc sx melmn or mlnm is
M1387   Pt died dur perf pd
M1388   Pt doc exm rec melmn
M1390   Pt no doc exm for rec
M1391   All pt dx w/ rec mlnm
M1392   Pt rsn no exm or lst to fu
M1393   Pr no dx rec mlnm
M1394   Stg i-iii br ca
M1395   Init chemo w/def dur ec grp
M1396   Pt ther clin trial
M1397   Pt w/ recur/prog
M1398   Bslne and fu promis doc
M1399   Pt lve prac
M1400   Pt died dur perf pd
M1401   Stg i-iii br ca
M1402   Init chemo w/def dur ec grp
M1403   Bslne and fu promis doc
M1404   Pt ther clin trial
M1405   Pt w/ recur/prog
M1406   Pt lve prac
M1407   Pt died dur perf pd
M1408M1410   Germline Testing
M1411   1st ln ici no chemo
M1412   Met nsclc w/ egfr alk oth ab
M1413   Pos pdl1 bef init ici tx
M1414   Med rsn no pdl1 bef 1st ther
M1415   No pos pdl1 bef ici ther
M1416   Pt rec hosp
M1417M1419   COVID-19 Vaccination Status
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