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HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
-/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G0000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G9000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G9600-G6999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
G9600   Symptomatic aaas that required urgent/emergent (non-elective) repair
G9601   Patient discharge to home no later than post-operative day #7
G9602   Patient not discharged to home by post-operative day #7
G9612   Photodocumentation of two or more cecal landmarks to establish a complete examination
G9613   Documentation of post-surgical anatomy (e.g., right hemicolectomy, ileocecal res...
G9614   Photodocumentation of less than two cecal landmarks (i.e., no cecal landmarks or...
G9615   Preoperative assessment documented
G9616   Documentation of reason(s) for not documenting a preoperative assessment (e.g., ...
G9617   Preoperative assessment not documented, reason not given
G9618   Documentation of screening for uterine malignancy or those that had an ultrasoun...
G9619   Documentation of reason(s) for not screening for uterine malignancy (e.g., prior...
G9620   Patient not screened for uterine malignancy, or those that have not had an ultra...
G9623   Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for unhealthy alcohol use (...
G9631   Patient sustained ureter injury at the time of surgery or discovered subsequentl...
G9632   Documented medical reasons for not reporting ureter injury (e.g., gynecologic or...
G9633   Patient did not sustain ureter injury at the time of surgery nor discovered subs...
G9650   Documentation that the patient declined therapy change or has documented contrai...
G9652   Patient has been treated with a systemic or biologic medication for psoriasis fo...
G9653   Patient has not been treated with a systemic or biologic medication for psoriasi...
G9657   Transfer of care during an anesthetic or to the intensive care unit
G9667   Documentation of medical reason(s) for not currently being a statin therapy us...
G9669   I intend to report the multiple chronic conditions measures group
G9670   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the multiple chronic conditio...
G9671   I intend to report the diabetic retinopathy measures group
G9672   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the diabetic retinopathy meas...
G9673   I intend to report the cardiovascular prevention measures group
G9677   All quality actions for the applicable measures in the cardiovascular prevention...
G9678   Oncology care model (ocm) monthly enhanced oncology services (meos) payment for ...
G9686   Onsite nursing facility conference, that is separate and distinct from an evalua...
G9697   Documentation of patient reason(s) for not prescribing a long-acting inhaled bro...
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