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HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
-/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G0000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G9000-G9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
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G9800-G8999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
G9800   Patients who are identified as having an intolerance or allergy to beta-blocker ...
G9801   Hospitalizations in which the patient was transferred directly to a non-acute ca...
G9802   Patients who use hospice services any time during the measurement period
G9803   Patient prescribed at least a 135 day treatment within the 180-day measurement i...
G9804   Patient was not prescribed at least a 135 day treatment within the 180-day measu...
G9808   Any patients who had no asthma controller medications dispensed during the measu...
G9809   Patients who use hospice services any time during the measurement period
G9810   Patient achieved a pdc of at least 75% for their asthma controller medication
G9811   Patient did not achieve a pdc of at least 75% for their asthma controller medication
G9814   Death occurring during the index acute care hospitalization
G9815   Death did not occur during the index acute care hospitalization
G9816   Death occurring after discharge from the hospital but within 30 days post procedure
G9817   Death did not occur after discharge from the hospital within 30 days post procedure
G9825   Her-2/neu negative or undocumented/unknown
G9826   Patient transferred to practice after initiation of chemotherapy
G9827   Her2-targeted therapies not administered during the initial course of treatment
G9828   Her2-targeted therapies administered during the initial course of treatment
G9829   Breast adjuvant chemotherapy administered
G9833   Patient transfer to practice after initiation of chemotherapy
G9834   Patient has metastatic disease at diagnosis
G9835   Trastuzumab administered within 12 months of diagnosis
G9836   Reason for not administering trastuzumab documented (e.g. patient declined, pati...
G9837   Trastuzumab not administered within 12 months of diagnosis
G9849   Patients who died from cancer
G9850   Patient had more than one emergency department visit in the last 30 days of life
G9851   Patient had one or less emergency department visits in the last 30 days of life
G9852   Patients who died from cancer
G9853   Patient admitted to the icu in the last 30 days of life
G9854   Patient was not admitted to the icu in the last 30 days of life
G9855   Patients who died from cancer
G9856   Patient was not admitted to hospice
G9857   Patient admitted to hospice
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