HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
-/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
M0000-M9999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
M1000-M1099 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
section notes
M1000   Pain scr as mod to sevr
M1001   Pln to adrs pain doc
M1002   Pln to adrs pain not doc
M1015   Dc eoc doc med rec
M1017   Pt admt to palitve serv
M1022   Pt hospice during perf pd
M1023   Adl pt mj dep ds rs 6 phq<5
M1024   Adl pt mj dep ds no rs 6 mo
M1025   Pt hospice during perf pd
M1026   Pt hospice during perf pd
M1030   Pt clin ind img hd
M1031   Pt clin ind img hd
M1033   Pharmthry for oud afr 6.30
M1042   Ftl st mea sco ot odi 3 mo
M1044   Ftl st mea odi 3 mo
M1047   Fs msrd oks pre and post
M1048   Fsm wth scr odi pre and post
M1050   Fs msrd odi pre and post
M1053   Pre and post vas wthn 3 mos
M1061   Pt preg
M1062   Pt imcomprmd
M1063   Pt rec hg dos imsup thpy
M1064   Shing vac doc adm or pv rec
M1065   Shing vac no adm clinc rsn
M1066   Shing vac no doc no rsn
M1071   Pt had add'l sp pcr perf
M1154   Hospc serv dur meas pd
M1155   Pt anphx due to pneum
M1156   Pt recd actv chemo any time
M1157   Pt recd bone mar trnsplt
M1158   Pt hx immcomp prior/dur pd
M1219   Anphx due to vax
M1264   Pts 75+ dialysis dt
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