HCPCS Procedure & Supply Codes
Medical And Surgical Supplies
section notes
Gradient Compression Bandage/Stocking/Wrap/Garment
section notes
Compression garment or wrap
section notes
Gradient compression garment,
section notes
A6520   G com garmnt glove nghttime
A6521   G com garmnt glove nght cust
A6522   G com garment arm nighttime
A6523   G com garment arm nght custm
A6524   G com garmnt lwr leg/ft nght
A6525   G com garm lwrleg/ft ngt cus
A6526   G com garmt full leg/ft nght
A6527   G garmt full leg/ft nght cus
A6528   G com garment bra nighttime
A6529   G com garmt bra night custm
A6549   G compression garment
A6566   Grad com garment neck/head
A6567   G com garment neck/head cust
A6568   G com garment torso/shldr
A6569   G com garmnt torso/shdr cust
A6570   Grad com garment genital
A6571   G com garment genital custm
A6572   Grad com garment toe caps
A6573   Grad com garmnt toe cap cust
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