CPT Codes - Medical Procedure Codes - 53 Codes
CPT Procedure Codes ("53" Codes):- 53000 in category: Urethrotomy or urethrostomy, external (separate procedure)
- 53010 in category: Urethrotomy or urethrostomy, external (separate procedure)
- 53020 in category: Meatotomy, cutting of meatus (separate procedure)
- 53025 in category: Meatotomy, cutting of meatus (separate procedure)
- 53040 in category: Incision Procedures on the Urethra
- 53060 in category: Incision Procedures on the Urethra
- 53080 in category: Drainage of perineal urinary extravasation
- 53085 in category: Drainage of perineal urinary extravasation
- 53200 in category: Excision Procedures on the Urethra
- 53210 in category: Urethrectomy, total, including cystostomy
- 53215 in category: Urethrectomy, total, including cystostomy
- 53220 in category: Excision Procedures on the Urethra
- 53230 in category: Excision of urethral diverticulum (separate procedure)
- 53235 in category: Excision of urethral diverticulum (separate procedure)
- 53240 in category: Excision Procedures on the Urethra
- 53250 in category: Excision Procedures on the Urethra
- 53260 in category: Excision or fulguration
- 53265 in category: Excision or fulguration
- 53270 in category: Excision or fulguration
- 53275 in category: Excision or fulguration
- 53400 in category: Urethroplasty
- 53405 in category: Urethroplasty
- 53410 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53415 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53420 in category: Urethroplasty, 2-stage reconstruction or repair of prostatic or membranous urethra
- 53425 in category: Urethroplasty, 2-stage reconstruction or repair of prostatic or membranous urethra
- 53430 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53431 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53440 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53442 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53444 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53445 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53446 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53447 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53448 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53449 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53450 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53451 in category: Periurethral transperineal adjustable balloon continence device
- 53452 in category: Periurethral transperineal adjustable balloon continence device
- 53453 in category: Periurethral transperineal adjustable balloon continence device
- 53454 in category: Periurethral transperineal adjustable balloon continence device
- 53460 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53500 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53502 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53505 in category: Urethrorrhaphy, suture of urethral wound or injury
- 53510 in category: Urethrorrhaphy, suture of urethral wound or injury
- 53515 in category: Urethrorrhaphy, suture of urethral wound or injury
- 53520 in category: Repair Procedures on the Urethra
- 53600 in category: Dilation of urethral stricture by passage of sound or urethral dilator, male
- 53601 in category: Dilation of urethral stricture by passage of sound or urethral dilator, male
- 53605 in category: Manipulation Procedures on the Urethra
- 53620 in category: Dilation of urethral stricture by passage of filiform and follower, male
- 53621 in category: Dilation of urethral stricture by passage of filiform and follower, male
- 53660 in category: Dilation of female urethra including suppository and/or instillation
- 53661 in category: Dilation of female urethra including suppository and/or instillation
- 53665 in category: Manipulation Procedures on the Urethra
- 53850 in category: Transurethral destruction of prostate tissue
- 53852 in category: Transurethral destruction of prostate tissue
- 53853 in category: 50000 - 59999 -/+ Deleted, Replaced, Expanded Codes
- 53854 in category: Transurethral destruction of prostate tissue
- 53855 in category: Other Procedures on the Urethra
- 53860 in category: Other Procedures on the Urethra
- 53865 in category: Other Procedures on the Urethra
- 53866 in category: Other Procedures on the Urethra
- 53899 in category: Other Procedures on the Urethra
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CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) - Medical Procedure Codes
The Current Procedural Terminology® (CPT®) code set is maintained by the American Medical Association through the CPT Editorial Panel. The CPT code set accurately describes medical, surgical, and diagnostic services and is designed to communicate uniform information about medical services and procedures among physicians, coders, patients, accreditation organizations, and payers for administrative, financial, and analytical purposes.There are three types of CPT codes:
- Category I CPT Code(s)
- Category II CPT Code(s) - Performance Measurement
- Category III CPT Code(s) - Emerging Technology
CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. Although the CPT system is mandated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and HIPAA, and the data for it appears in the Federal Register, the American Medical Association (AMA) maintains that their copyright of the CPT.
The above description is adapted from the Wikipedia.org entry at
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