Tendons of the lower extremity
International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01
sections/codes in this section (XA5L93-XA5L93)
- Quadratus plantae tendon (XA1L44)
- Iliacus tendon (XA8FT1)
- Lumbrical of foot tendon (XA5DE3)
- Obturator externus tendon (XA3EE9)
- Obturator internus tendon (XA2469)
- Pectineus tendon (XA07E4)
- Peroneus brevis tendon (XA3AN0)
- Peroneus longus tendon (XA7VY0)
- Peroneus tertius tendon (XA3D16)
- Piriformis tendon (XA3EU4)
- Plantar interossei of foot tendon (XA7L19)
- Plantaris tendon (XA6BZ6)
- Popliteus tendon (XA4V24)
- Gracilis tendon (XA12U3)
- Quadriceps femoris tendon (XA9420)
- Rectus femoris tendon (XA4ZG0)
- Sartorius tendon (XA0981)
- Semimembranosus tendon (XA4AL5)
- Semitendinosus tendon (XA7DY9)
- Soleus tendon (XA7E05)
- Tensor fasciae lata tendon (XA33Q1)
- Tibialis anterior tendon (XA8SN1)
- Tibialis posterior tendon (XA7FR7)
- Vastus intermedius tendon (XA8ST5)
- Vastus lateralis tendon (XA8CQ5)
- Vastus medialis tendon (XA6RK3)
- Extensor hallucis brevis tendon (XA4NZ0)
- Abductor hallucis tendon (XA14Z8)
- Achilles tendon (XA8BK1)
- Adductor brevis tendon (XA4HF0)
- Adductor hallucis tendon (XA8B14)
- Adductor longus tendon (XA1TK8)
- Adductor magnus tendon (XA8746)
- Anterior ligament of the lower extremity (XA9381)
- Articularis genu tendon (XA7MT0)
- Biceps femoris tendon (XA1MF8)
- Dorsal interossei of foot tendon (XA86H9)
- Extensor digitorum brevis (foot) tendon (XA6230)
- Extensor digitorum longus (foot) tendon (XA1ZF4)
- Abductor digiti minimi (foot) tendon (XA5ZK0)
- Extensor hallucis longus tendon (XA5L26)
- Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot) tendon (XA8X38)
- Flexor digitorum brevis tendon (XA8GD0)
- Flexor digitorum longus (foot) tendon (XA3MK8)
- Flexor hallucis brevis tendon (XA00Z8)
- Flexor hallucis longus tendon (XA1MF0)
- Gastrocnemius tendon (XA5LZ0)
- Gemellus inferior tendon (XA2HX4)
- Gemellus superior tendon (XA5M18)
- Gluteus maximus tendon (XA1JL3)
- Gluteus medius tendon (XA1387)
- Gluteus minimus tendon (XA4HK9)
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