Coding experts Alicia and Laureen from CCO review the new 2025 ICD-10-CM code changes.
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1C1B.0 Pulmonary nocardiosis International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 A disease of the respiratory system, caused by an infection with the gram-positive bacteria Nocardia. This disease is characterised by chest pain, haemoptysis, fever, weight loss, and cough. Transmission is by inhalation of Nocardia from soil or water. Confirmation is by identification of Nocardia in sputum samples, or lung biopsy.
postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA9HN5 Upper lobe of lung XA1N36 Middle lobe of lung XA7L34 Lower lobe of lung Has manifestation - multiple selections are allowed [select] CA40.0 Bacterial pneumonia – CA40.00 Pneumonia due to Chlamydophila pneumoniae – CA40.01 Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli – CA40.02 Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae – CA40.03 Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae – CA40.04 Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae – CA40.05 Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa – CA40.06 Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus – CA40.07 Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae – CA40.08 Pneumonia due to beta-haemolytic streptococcus – CA40.0Y Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria – CA40.0Z Bacterial pneumonia, unspecified CB41.00 Acute respiratory failure, Type I CB41.01 Acute respiratory failure, Type II CB41.10 Chronic respiratory failure, Type I CB41.11 Chronic respiratory failure, Type II CB41.20 Respiratory failure, unspecified, Type I CB41.21 Respiratory failure, unspecified, Type II – EA00 Viral exanthem due to unknown or unspecified agent – EA0Y Viral exanthem due to other specified virus – EA10 Pityriasis rosea – EA11 Papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome – EA12 Infantile papular acrodermatitis – EA20 Necrolytic acral erythema EA3Z Unspecified skin disorder attributable to viral infection – EA40 Tropical phagedaenic ulcer EA50 Toxin-mediated cutaneous reactions to distant or systemic bacterial infection – EA50.0 Erythema marginatum rheumaticum – EA50.1 Streptococcal toxin-mediated perineal erythema – EA50.2 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome – EA50.3 Staphylococcal scarlatina – EA50.Y Other specified toxin-mediated cutaneous reactions to distant or systemic bacterial infection – EA50.Z Toxin-mediated cutaneous reactions to distant or systemic bacterial infection, unspecified EA51 Skin complications of BCG immunisation EA5Y Cutaneous involvement by other specified bacterial infection EA5Z Cutaneous involvement by unspecified bacterial infection EA60 Certain skin disorders attributable to fungal infection EA60.0 Subcutaneous mycoses EA60.1 Systemic mycoses affecting skin EA60.Y Skin involvement in other specified fungal infection EA60.Z Fungal infection of the skin, unspecified EA6Y Cutaneous involvement by other specified infection or infestation EA80 Atopic eczema – EA80.0 Infantile atopic eczema – EA80.1 Childhood atopic eczema – EA80.2 Adult atopic eczema – EA80.Y Other specified forms of atopic eczema – EA80.Z Atopic eczema, unspecified EA81 Seborrhoeic dermatitis and related conditions – EA81.0 Seborrhoeic dermatitis of face – EA81.1 Seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp – EA81.Y Seborrhoeic dermatosis of other specified type or distribution – EA81.Z Seborrhoeic dermatitis, unspecified EA82 Nummular dermatitis EA83 Lichen simplex or lichenification – EA83.0 Lichen simplex – EA83.1 Secondary lichenification –– EA83.00 Lichen simplex of vulva –– EA83.01 Lichen simplex of male genitalia –– EA83.02 Perianal lichen simplex –– EA83.0Y Lichen simplex of other specified site –– EA83.0Z Lichen simplex of unspecified site EA84 Asteatotic eczema EA85 Dermatitis or eczema of hands and feet – EA85.0 Vesicular dermatitis of hands and feet – EA85.1 Hyperkeratotic dermatitis of hands and feet – EA85.2 Dermatitis of hands – EA85.3 Dermatitis of feet –– EA85.20 Atopic eczema of hands –– EA85.2Y Other specified dermatitis of hands –– EA85.2Z Dermatitis of hands, unspecified EA86 Dermatitis and eczema of lower legs – EA86.0 Stasis dermatitis of the lower legs EA87 Dermatitis or eczema of anogenital region – EA87.0 Dermatitis or eczema of male genitalia – EA87.1 Dermatitis or eczema of female genitalia – EA87.2 Dermatitis or eczema of perianal area – EA87.Z Dermatitis or eczema of anogenital region, unspecified EA88 Miscellaneous specified eczematous dermatoses – EA88.0 Infectious dermatitis – EA88.1 Post traumatic eczema – EA88.2 Disseminated secondary eczema – EA88.3 Secondary eczema – EA88.4 Pityriasis alba –– EA88.00 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 associated infective dermatitis of childhood –– EA88.0Y Other specified infectious dermatitis –– EA88.0Z Infectious dermatitis, unspecified EA89 Generalised eczematous dermatitis of unspecified type EA8Y Other specified eczematous dermatosis EA8Z Dermatitis or eczema, unspecified EA90 Psoriasis – EA90.0 Plaque psoriasis – EA90.1 Guttate psoriasis – EA90.2 Unstable psoriasis – EA90.3 Erythrodermic psoriasis – EA90.4 Pustular psoriasis – EA90.5 Psoriasis of specified site or distribution – EA90.Y Other specified forms of psoriasis – EA90.Z Psoriasis of unspecified type –– EA90.40 Generalised pustular psoriasis –– EA90.41 Acropustulosis of Hallopeau –– EA90.42 Palmoplantar pustulosis –– EA90.4Y Other specified pustular psoriasis –– EA90.4Z Pustular psoriasis, unspecified –– EA90.50 Scalp psoriasis –– EA90.51 Nail psoriasis –– EA90.52 Flexural and intertriginous psoriasis –– EA90.53 Anogenital psoriasis –– EA90.5Y Psoriasis of other specified site or distribution EA91 Lichen planus – EA91.0 Acute eruptive lichen planus – EA91.1 Hypertrophic lichen planus – EA91.2 Follicular lichen planus – EA91.3 Lichen planus of genital skin and mucous membranes – EA91.4 Lichen planus and lichenoid reactions of oral mucosa – EA91.5 Lichen planus of the nails – EA91.6 Subacute lichen planus – EA91.Y Other specified lichen planus – EA91.Z Lichen planus of unspecified type –– EA91.40 Non-erosive lichen planus of oral mucosa –– EA91.41 Erosive oral lichen planus –– EA91.42 Oral lichen planus, unspecified –– EA91.43 Lichenoid mucositis –– EA91.4Y Other specified lichenoid reactions of oral mucosa EA92 Lichenoid dermatoses EA93 Pityriasis lichenoides EA94 Pityriasis rubra pilaris EA95 Small plaque parapsoriasis EB00 Spontaneous urticaria – EB00.0 Acute urticaria – EB00.1 Chronic urticaria – EB00.Z Spontaneous urticaria, unspecified EB01 Inducible urticaria and angioedema – EB01.0 Dermographism – EB01.1 Cold urticaria – EB01.2 Delayed pressure urticaria – EB01.3 Contact urticaria – EB01.Y Other specified forms of inducible urticaria and angioedema – EB01.Z Inducible urticaria and angioedema, unspecified EB02 Cholinergic urticaria and related conditions – EB02.0 Cholinergic urticaria – EB02.Y Other conditions mediated by cholinergic activation EB03 Syndromes with urticarial reactions or angioedema EB04 Idiopathic angioedema EB05 Urticaria of unspecified type EB0Y Other specified urticarial disorders EB10 Diffuse inflammatory erythemas EB11 Annular erythema EB12 Erythema multiforme – EB12.0 Cutaneous erythema multiforme – EB12.1 Mucocutaneous erythema multiforme – EB12.Y Other specified erythema multiforme – EB12.Z Erythema multiforme, unspecified EB13 Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis – EB13.0 Stevens-Johnson syndrome – EB13.1 Toxic epidermal necrolysis – EB13.2 Stevens-Johnson and toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap syndrome – EB20 Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis – EB21 Pyoderma gangrenosum – EB2Y Other specified neutrophilic dermatoses EB30 Eosinophilic cellulitis EB31 Erythema nodosum EB40 Pemphigus – EB40.0 Pemphigus vulgaris – EB40.1 Pemphigus foliaceus – EB40.2 Paraneoplastic pemphigus – EB40.Y Other specified pemphigus – EB40.Z Pemphigus, unspecified –– EB40.00 Oral pemphigus –– EB40.0Y Other specified pemphigus vulgaris –– EB40.0Z Pemphigus vulgaris, unspecified EB41 Pemphigoid – EB41.0 Bullous pemphigoid – EB41.1 Mucous membrane pemphigoid – EB41.Y Other specified pemphigoid – EB41.Z Pemphigoid, unspecified EB42 Linear IgA bullous dermatosis EB43 Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita EB44 Dermatitis herpetiformis EB4Y Other specified immunobullous disorder EB50 Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus EB51 Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus – EB51.0 Discoid lupus erythematosus – EB51.Y Other specified chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus – EB51.Z Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus, unspecified EB5Z Cutaneous lupus erythematosus of unspecified type EB60 Lichen sclerosus – EB60.0 Lichen sclerosus of vulva – EB60.1 Lichen sclerosus of penis – EB60.Y Lichen sclerosus of other specified sites – EB60.Z Lichen sclerosus, unspecified EB61 Morphoea – EB61.0 Plaque morphoea – EB61.1 Linear morphoea – EB61.Y Other specified forms of morphoea – EB61.Z Morphoea, unspecified EB7Y Other specified inflammatory dermatoses EB90 Dermatoses resulting from disturbed metabolic processes EB90.0 Diabetic skin lesions EB90.1 Cutaneous mucinosis EB90.2 Cutaneous and subcutaneous xanthomata EB90.3 Porphyria or pseudoporphyria affecting the skin EB90.4 Calcification of skin or subcutaneous tissue – EB90.10 Pretibial myxoedema – EB90.11 Lichen myxoedematosus – EB90.12 Reticular erythematous mucinosis – EB90.1Y Other specified forms of cutaneous mucinosis – EB90.20 Plane xanthoma – EB90.21 Tuberous xanthoma – EB90.22 Eruptive xanthoma – EB90.23 Tendinous xanthoma – EB90.24 Xanthoma due to specified disorder of lipid metabolism – EB90.2Z Cutaneous and subcutaneous xanthomata of unspecified type – EB90.30 Pseudoporphyria – EB90.3Y Other specified porphyria or pseudoporphyria affecting the skin – EB90.40 Dystrophic calcification of the skin of uncertain or unspecified aetiology – EB90.41 Calcific panniculitis – EB90.42 Calcific arteriolopathy – EB90.4Y Other specified calcification of skin or subcutaneous tissue EB9Y Other specified metabolic and nutritional disorders affecting the skin EC10 Genetic syndromes with poikiloderma EC1Y Other specified genetic syndromes affecting the skin EC20 Genetic disorders of keratinisation EC20.0 Non-syndromic ichthyosis EC20.1 Hereditary skin peeling EC20.2 Hereditary acantholytic dermatoses EC20.3 Hereditary palmoplantar keratodermas EC20.Y Other specified genetic disorders of keratinisation – EC20.00 Ichthyosis vulgaris – EC20.01 X-linked ichthyosis – EC20.02 Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis – EC20.03 Keratinopathic ichthyoses – EC20.0Y Other specified or unclassifiable non-syndromic ichthyosis – EC20.30 Diffuse palmoplantar keratodermas – EC20.31 Focal palmoplantar keratodermas – EC20.32 Papular palmoplantar keratodermas – EC20.3Z Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma of unspecified type EC21 Genetic defects of hair or hair growth EC21.0 Genetic defects of the hair shaft EC21.1 Genetic syndromes with abnormalities of the hair shaft EC21.2 Hereditary alopecia or hypotrichosis EC21.3 Genetic syndromes with alopecia or hypotrichosis EC21.4 Genetically-determined hypertrichosis EC21.Y Other specified genetic defects of hair or hair growth EC21.Z Genetic defects of hair or hair growth, unspecified EC22 Genetic defects of nails or nail growth EC22.0 Inherited deformities of nails EC23 Genetic disorders of skin pigmentation EC23.0 Non-syndromic genetically-determined hypermelanosis or lentiginosis EC23.1 Syndromic genetically-determined hypermelanosis or lentiginosis EC23.2 Albinism or other specified genetically-determined hypomelanotic disorders EC23.Y Other specified genetic disorders of skin pigmentation EC23.Z Genetic disorders of skin pigmentation, unspecified – EC23.20 Oculocutaneous albinism – EC23.2Y Other specified genetically-determined hypomelanotic disorders EC30 Epidermolysis bullosa simplex EC31 Junctional epidermolysis bullosa EC32 Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa EC33 Syndromic epidermolysis bullosa EC3Z Epidermolysis bullosa EC40 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum EC4Y Other specified genetic disorders affecting dermal matrix proteins EC50 Developmental anomalies of the umbilicus EC5Y Other specified developmental anomalies affecting the skin EC7Y Other specified genetic and developmental disorders affecting the skin EC90 Pruritus – EC90.0 Pruritus due to skin disorder – EC90.1 Pruritus due to systemic disorder – EC90.2 Drug-induced pruritus – EC90.3 Pruritus due to neurological disorder – EC90.4 Psychogenic pruritus – EC90.5 Anogenital pruritus – EC90.6 Pruritus of unknown cause – EC90.Y Pruritus of other specified type or aetiology – EC90.Z Pruritus, unspecified –– EC90.10 Uraemic pruritus –– EC90.11 Cholestatic pruritus –– EC90.12 Haemodialysis-associated pruritus –– EC90.1Y Pruritus due to other specified systemic disorder EC91 Prurigo – EC91.0 Nodular prurigo – EC91.1 Atopic prurigo – EC91.Z Prurigo, unspecified EC92 Mucocutaneous or cutaneous pain syndromes – EC92.0 Penoscrotodynia – EC92.1 Scalp dysaesthesia EC9Y Other specified disturbances of cutaneous sensation – ED00 Artefactual skin disorder – ED01 Simulated skin disease – ED02 Painful bruising syndrome – ED0Y Other specified self-inflicted skin disorders ED2Y Other specified mental conditions affecting the skin ED30 Neuropathic skin damage – ED30.0 Neuropathic skin ulceration – ED30.Y Other specified neuropathic skin damage ED31 Burning feet syndrome ED3Y Cutaneous involvement in other specified neurological condition – ED50 Ichthyoses –– ED50.0 Acquired ichthyosis –– ED50.Z Ichthyosis of unspecified type – ED51 Diffuse epidermal hyperkeratosis and acanthosis –– ED51.0 Acanthosis nigricans –– ED51.Y Other specified hyperkeratotic and acanthotic dermatoses ––– ED51.00 Benign acanthosis nigricans ––– ED51.0Y Other specified acanthosis nigricans ––– ED51.0Z Acanthosis nigricans, unspecified – ED52 Porokeratoses – ED53 Skin peeling – ED54 Xerosis cutis or asteatosis – ED55 Palmoplantar keratodermas –– ED55.0 Acquired palmoplantar keratodermas –– ED55.Z Palmoplantar keratoderma, unspecified – ED56 Keratosis pilaris – ED5Y Other specified disorders of epidermal keratinisation – ED60 Acquired hypermelanosis –– ED60.0 Physiological hypermelanosis –– ED60.1 Melasma –– ED60.2 Postinflammatory hypermelanosis –– ED60.Y Hypermelanosis of other specified aetiology –– ED60.Z Hypermelanosis of unspecified aetiology ––– ED60.00 Suntan ––– ED60.01 Tanning due to exposure to artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation – ED61 Acquired melanotic macules or lentigines –– ED61.0 Freckles –– ED61.1 Mucosal melanosis –– ED61.Y Other specified acquired melanotic macules or lentigines ––– ED61.10 Penile melanotic macule ––– ED61.11 Vulval melanotic macule ––– ED61.1Y Other specified mucosal melanosis – ED62 Endogenous non-melanin pigmentation –– ED62.0 Haemosiderin pigmentation of skin –– ED62.Y Other specified endogenous non-melanin pigmentation – ED63 Acquired hypomelanotic disorders –– ED63.0 Vitiligo –– ED63.1 Hypomelanosis due to exposure to chemicals –– ED63.2 Postinflammatory hypomelanosis –– ED63.3 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome –– ED63.Y Acquired hypomelanosis due to other specified disorder –– ED63.Z Acquired hypomelanosis of unknown or unspecified aetiology – ED64 Abnormal skin pigmentation – ED6Y Other specified disorders of skin pigmentation – ED70 Alopecia or hair loss –– ED70.0 Male pattern hair loss –– ED70.1 Female pattern hair loss –– ED70.2 Alopecia areata –– ED70.3 Telogen effluvium –– ED70.4 Anagen effluvium –– ED70.5 Scarring alopecia –– ED70.Y Other specified alopecia or hair loss –– ED70.Z Alopecia, unspecified ––– ED70.20 Patchy alopecia areata of scalp ––– ED70.21 Alopecia totalis ––– ED70.2Y Other specified forms of alopecia areata ––– ED70.2Z Alopecia areata, unspecified ––– ED70.30 Acute telogen effluvium ––– ED70.31 Postpartum telogen effluvium ––– ED70.3Y Telogen hair shedding due to other specified cause ––– ED70.3Z Telogen effluvium unspecified ––– ED70.50 Folliculitis decalvans ––– ED70.51 Dissecting cellulitis ––– ED70.5Y Scarring alopecia due to other specified cause ––– ED70.5Z Scarring alopecia of unknown or unspecified aetiology – ED71 Hypertrichosis – ED72 Hirsutism and syndromes with hirsutism –– ED72.0 Constitutional hirsutism –– ED72.1 Hirsutism associated with hyperandrogenaemia –– ED72.Z Hirsutism, unspecified – ED73 Acquired disorders of the hair shaft –– ED73.0 Weathered hair –– ED73.1 Acquired changes in hair colour –– ED73.Y Other specified acquired disorders of the hair shaft ––– ED73.10 Premature canities ––– ED73.11 Acquired poliosis – ED7Y Other specified disorders of hair –– ED80 Acne ––– ED80.0 Comedonal acne ––– ED80.1 Superficial mixed comedonal and papulopustular acne ––– ED80.2 Papulopustular acne ––– ED80.3 Nodular acne ––– ED80.4 Severe inflammatory acne ––– ED80.5 Acne scarring ––– ED80.6 Infantile acne ––– ED80.Y Other specified acne ––– ED80.Z Acne, unspecified –––– ED80.40 Acne fulminans –––– ED80.41 Acne conglobata –––– ED80.4Y Other specified severe inflammatory acne –––– ED80.4Z Severe inflammatory acne, unspecified –– ED81 Acneform inflammatory disorders ––– ED81.0 Folliculitis cruris pustulosa atrophicans ––– ED81.1 Acneform reactions to halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons ––– ED81.Y Other specified acneform inflammatory disorders – ED90 Rosacea and related disorders –– ED90.0 Rosacea –– ED90.1 Periorificial dermatitis –– ED90.Y Other specified rosacea-like disorders –– ED90.Z Rosacea-like disorders unspecified ––– ED90.00 Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea ––– ED90.01 Papulopustular rosacea ––– ED90.02 Phymatous rosacea ––– ED90.0Y Other specified rosacea ––– ED90.0Z Rosacea, unspecified – ED91 Disorders of the sebaceous gland –– ED91.0 Heterotopic sebaceous glands –– ED91.1 Sebaceous gland hyperplasia –– ED91.2 Seborrhoea –– ED91.Y Other specified disorders of the sebaceous gland –– ED91.Z Disorders of the sebaceous gland, unspecified – ED92 Disorders involving the apocrine follicular unit –– ED92.0 Hidradenitis suppurativa –– ED92.1 Apocrine sweat disorders –– ED92.Y Other specified disorders involving the apocrine follicular unit –– ED92.Z Disorders involving the apocrine follicular unit, unspecified – ED9Y Other specified disorders involving the hair follicle – EE00 Hyperhidrosis –– EE00.0 Localised hyperhidrosis –– EE00.1 Primary generalised hyperhidrosis –– EE00.Z Hyperhidrosis, unspecified ––– EE00.00 Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis ––– EE00.01 Axillary hyperhidrosis ––– EE00.02 Craniofacial hyperhidrosis ––– EE00.0Y Other specified localised hyperhidrosis ––– EE00.0Z Localised hyperhidrosis, unspecified – EE01 Hypohidrosis –– EE01.0 Hypohidrosis attributable to defective sudomotor innervation or function –– EE01.1 Hypohidrosis due to genetic abnormalities of eccrine gland structure or function –– EE01.2 Hypohidrosis of undetermined aetiology –– EE01.Y Other specified forms of hypohidrosis –– EE01.Z Hypohidrosis, unspecified – EE02 Miliaria –– EE02.0 Neonatal miliaria –– EE02.Y Other specified forms of miliaria –– EE02.Z Miliaria, unspecified – EE0Y Other specified disorders of eccrine sweat glands or sweating – EE10 Acquired deformities of the nail plate –– EE10.0 Abnormality of nail shape –– EE10.1 Abnormality of nail surface –– EE10.2 Onycholysis –– EE10.3 Nail hypertrophy –– EE10.4 Nail atrophy –– EE10.5 Nail dystrophy, not otherwise specified –– EE10.Y Other specified acquired deformities of the nail plate –– EE10.Z Acquired deformities of the nail plate, unspecified ––– EE10.10 Nail pitting ––– EE10.1Y Other specified abnormality of nail surface ––– EE10.1Z Abnormality of nail surface, unspecified – EE11 Acquired abnormalities of nail colour –– EE11.0 Melanonychia –– EE11.1 Yellow nail syndrome –– EE11.Y Other abnormalities of nail colour –– EE11.Z Acquired abnormalities of nail colour, unspecified – EE12 Infections of the nail or perionychium –– EE12.0 Acute bacterial paronychia –– EE12.1 Onychomycosis –– EE12.Y Other specified infections of the nail or perionychium –– EE12.Z Infections of the nail or perionychium, unspecified – EE13 Certain disorders affecting the nails or perionychium –– EE13.0 Nail fragility –– EE13.1 Ingrowing nail –– EE13.2 Chronic paronychia –– EE13.3 Nail disorder associated with specified dermatosis –– EE13.4 Nail disorder associated with specified systemic disease –– EE13.5 Eczematous nail dystrophy –– EE13.Y Other specified nail disorder ––– EE13.10 Ingrowing toenail ––– EE13.11 Infected ingrowing toenail ––– EE13.1Y Other specified ingrowing nail ––– EE13.1Z Ingrowing nail, unspecified – EE1Y Other specified disorders of the nail or perionychium – EE1Z Disorders of the nail or perionychium, unspecified – EE20 Acute cutaneous distension syndrome – EE21 Epidermal fragility – EE40 Atrophy or degeneration of dermal or subcutaneous connective tissue –– EE40.0 Corticosteroid-induced skin atrophy –– EE40.1 Stretch marks –– EE40.2 Atrophic scarring of the skin –– EE40.3 Skin fragility –– EE40.Y Other specified atrophy or degeneration of dermal or subcutaneous connective tissue –– EE40.Z Atrophy or degeneration of dermal or subcutaneous connective tissue, unspecified type ––– EE40.10 Stretch marks of pregnancy ––– EE40.1Y Stretch marks of other specified aetiology ––– EE40.1Z Stretch marks, unspecified ––– EE40.30 Genetically-determined skin fragility ––– EE40.31 Age-related skin fragility ––– EE40.32 Purpura or bruising due to vascular fragility – EE41 Abnormalities of dermal elastin –– EE41.0 Cutis laxa –– EE41.1 Anetoderma –– EE41.Y Other specified dermatoses characterised by abnormal dermal elastin –– EE41.Z Abnormalities of dermal elastin, unspecified –– EE50 Acquired poikiloderma –– EE60 Keloid or hypertrophic scars ––– EE60.0 Keloid ––– EE60.1 Hypertrophic scar ––– EE60.Y Other specified keloidal disorders –––– EE60.00 Ear-lobe keloid –––– EE60.0Y Other specified keloid –––– EE60.0Z Keloid, unspecified –– EE61 Superficial fibromatoses –– EE6Y Other specified fibromatous disorders of skin and soft tissue – EE70 Perforating dermatoses –– EE70.0 Acquired perforating dermatosis –– EE70.Y Other specified perforating dermatoses –– EE70.Z Perforating dermatoses, unspecified – EE7Y Other specified disorders of cutaneous connective tissue – EE80 Necrobiotic granulomatous skin disorders –– EE80.0 Granuloma annulare –– EE80.1 Necrobiosis lipoidica –– EE80.Z Necrobiotic granulomatous skin disorders, unspecified – EE81 Dermal dendrocyte, Class IIa histiocytoses – EE8Y Other specified histiocytic and granulomatous disorders of the skin – EE90 Benign lymphocytic infiltration of the skin – EE91 Lymphocytoma cutis – EF00 Panniculitis –– EF00.0 Pancreatic enzyme panniculitis –– EF00.Y Panniculitis of other specified aetiology –– EF00.Z Panniculitis of undetermined or unspecified etiology – EF01 Lipoatrophy or lipodystrophy –– EF01.0 Acquired partial lipodystrophy –– EF01.1 Localised lipoatrophy and lipodystrophy –– EF01.Y Other specified forms of lipodystrophy and lipoatrophy –– EF01.Z Lipodystrophy of unspecified type – EF02 Certain noninflammatory disorders of subcutaneous fat –– EF02.0 Fat hypertrophy –– EF02.1 Subcutaneous lipomatosis –– EF02.2 Lipoedema –– EF02.3 Cellulite –– EF02.Y Other specified noninflammatory disorders of subcutaneous fat –– EF02.Z Noninflammatory disorders of subcutaneous fat, unspecified – EF0Y Other specified disorders of subcutaneous fat – EF20 Acquired malformations of cutaneous blood vessels –– EF20.0 Venous lake –– EF20.1 Angiokeratoma –– EF20.2 Lower limb venous telangiectases –– EF20.3 Spider telangiectasis –– EF20.4 Generalised essential telangiectasia –– EF20.Y Other specified acquired malformations of cutaneous blood vessels –– EF20.Z Acquired malformations of cutaneous blood vessels, unspecified – EF2Z Cutaneous vascular malformation, unspecified – EF30 Purpura or bruising due to disorders of coagulation – EF31 Traumatic purpura – EF3Y Other specified purpura – EF3Z Purpura of unspecified aetiology EF40 Vasculitis or capillaritis involving the skin – EF40.0 Capillaritis – EF40.1 Vasculitis affecting small cutaneous blood vessels – EF40.2 Localised cutaneous vasculitis – EF40.Z Cutaneous vasculitis unspecified –– EF40.10 Urticarial vasculitis –– EF40.1Y Other specified vasculitis affecting small cutaneous blood vessels –– EF40.20 Granuloma faciale –– EF40.2Y Other specified localised cutaneous vasculitis – EF50 Livedoid vasculopathy – EF5Y Other specified dermatoses attributable to hyperviscosity or microvascular occlusion – EF60 Ischaemic ulceration of skin –– EF70 Lower limb venous eczema –– EF7Y Other specified dermatoses due to venous disease –– EF7Z Dermatoses due to venous disease, unspecified – EF9Y Other specified dermatoses resulting from vascular insufficiency – EG00 Vasodilatation of extremities – EG01 Vasoconstriction of extremities – EG02 Flushing disorders EG30 Skin disorders localised to the scalp – EG30.0 Scalp folliculitis – EG30.1 Erosive pustular dermatosis of scalp – EG30.2 Pityriasis amiantacea – EG30.Y Other specified scalp disorders not elsewhere classifiable – EG30.Z Skin disorders localised to the scalp, unspecified –– EG40 Contact dermatitis of external ear ––– EG40.0 Allergic contact dermatitis of external ear –– EG4Y Other specified inflammatory disorder of external ear –– EG4Z Inflammatory disorder of external ear, unspecified – EG60 Anal pruritus – EG61 Infections of the anus or perianal skin – EG62 Inflammatory dermatoses of the perianal area – EG63 Sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease –– EG63.0 Sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus –– EG63.1 Sacrococcygeal pilonidal cyst –– EG63.2 Sacrococcygeal pilonidal abscess –– EG63.Z Sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease, unspecified EG7Y Other specified skin disorders involving the genital and perianal regions EG9Y Skin disorders involving other specific body regions EG9Z Skin disorders involving certain specific body regions, unspecified – EH10 Neonatal viral infections involving the skin – EH11 Neonatal pyogenic skin infections – EH12 Neonatal fungal infections involving the skin – EH1Z Neonatal skin infection, unspecified EH3Y Other specified skin disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period EH40 Dermatoses of infancy EH40.0 Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis EH40.1 Infantile napkin dermatoses EH40.2 Erythrodermas of infancy EH40.3 Acute haemorrhagic oedema of infancy EH40.Y Other specified dermatoses of infancy EH40.Z Dermatoses of infancy, unspecified – EH40.00 Cradle cap – EH40.01 Disseminated infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis – EH40.02 Psoriasiform napkin dermatitis – EH40.0Z Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis, unspecified – EH40.10 Primary irritant napkin dermatitis – EH40.1Y Other specified infantile napkin dermatoses – EH40.1Z Infantile napkin dermatoses, unspecified EH60 Exanthematic drug eruption EH61 Drug-induced urticaria, angioedema and anaphylaxis – EH61.0 Drug-induced urticaria – EH61.1 Drug-induced angioedema EH62 Lichenoid drug eruption EH63 Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis due to drug – EH63.0 Drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome – EH63.1 Drug-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis – EH63.2 Drug-induced Stevens-Johnson and toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap syndrome EH64 Drug-induced erythroderma EH65 DRESS syndrome EH66 Fixed drug eruption EH67 Acne or acneform reactions attributable to drugs – EH67.0 Drug-induced acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis – EH67.Y Other specified acne or acneform reactions attributable to drugs – EH67.Z Acne or acneform reactions attributable to drugs, unspecified EH6Y Drug eruption of other specified type EH6Z Drug eruption of unspecified type EH70 Pigmentary abnormalities of skin due to drug EH71 Dermatoses precipitated by drug therapy EH72 Drug-induced hair abnormalities EH72.0 Drug-induced alopecia EH72.Y Other specified drug-induced hair abnormalities EH72.Z Drug-induced hair abnormalities, unspecified – EH72.00 Drug-induced telogen hair loss – EH72.01 Drug-induced anagen effluvium EH73 Drug-induced nail abnormalities EH74 Drug-induced oral conditions EH75 Photosensitivity due to drug EH76 Dermatoses associated with specific classes of medication EH76.0 Dermatoses resulting from cytotoxic or cancer chemotherapy EH76.1 Dermatoses resulting from immunosuppressive therapy EH76.2 Dermatoses attributable to corticosteroid therapy EH76.3 Dermatoses resulting from anticoagulant therapy EH76.Y Other dermatoses associated with specific classes of medication EH77 Localised adverse cutaneous reactions to administration of drug EH78 Adverse cutaneous reactions to herbal, homoeopathic or other alternative therapies EH7Y Other specified adverse cutaneous reactions to medication EH7Z Unspecified adverse cutaneous reactions to medication EH90 Pressure ulceration EH90.0 Pressure ulceration grade 1 EH90.1 Pressure ulceration grade 2 EH90.2 Pressure ulceration grade 3 EH90.3 Pressure ulceration grade 4 EH90.4 Suspected deep pressure-induced tissue damage, depth unknown EH90.5 Pressure ulceration, ungradable EH90.Z Pressure ulcer of unspecified grade EH92 Dermatoses provoked by friction or mechanical stress EH92.0 Corns or callosities EH92.1 Friction blister EH92.Y Other specified skin damage due to repetitive friction and mechanical trauma – EH92.00 Hard corn – EH92.01 Soft corn – EH92.0Z Callosity, unspecified EH93 Dermatoses due to foreign bodies EH93.0 Tattoos or tattoo reactions EH93.1 Foreign body reaction to inorganic matter in the skin EH93.2 Foreign body reaction to organic matter in the skin EH93.3 Foreign body granuloma of skin EH93.Y Other specified reaction to foreign body in the skin EH93.Z Dermatoses due to foreign bodies, unspecified EH94 Scar of skin, not elsewhere classified EJ0Y Other specified dermatoses provoked or exacerbated by exposure to cold EJ10 Erythema ab igne EJ1Y Other specified dermatoses provoked by heat or electricity – EJ20 Photoaging of the skin –– EJ20.0 Actinic elastosis –– EJ20.1 Actinic lentigo –– EJ20.2 Actinic lentiginosis –– EJ20.3 Actinic telangiectasia –– EJ20.Z Photoaging of the skin, unspecified – EJ2Y Other specified chronic effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin EJ30 Autoimmune or other photodermatoses – EJ30.0 Polymorphic light eruption – EJ30.1 Chronic actinic dermatitis – EJ30.Y Other specified photodermatoses – EJ30.Z Photodermatoses, unspecified – EJ40 Sunburn –– EJ40.0 Sunburn erythema –– EJ40.1 Sunburn with blisters or exudation –– EJ40.Z Sunburn, unspecified – EJ41 Burn from exposure to artificial source of ultraviolet radiation –– EJ41.0 Burn from exposure to therapeutic ultraviolet radiation –– EJ41.Y Other specified burn from exposure to artificial source of ultraviolet radiation –– EJ41.Z Burn from exposure to artificial source of ultraviolet radiation, unspecified – EJ4Z Acute effects of ultraviolet radiation on normal skin, unspecified EJ6Y Other specified dermatoses provoked by light or UV radiation EJ71 Chronic effects of ionizing radiation on the skin EJ7Z Dermatoses due to ionizing radiation, unspecified EK00 Allergic contact dermatitis EK00.0 Allergic contact dermatitis due to clothing or footwear EK00.1 Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics or fragrances EK00.2 Allergic contact dermatitis due to dental materials EK00.3 Allergic contact dermatitis due to food flavours or additives EK00.4 Allergic contact dermatitis due to hairdressing products EK00.5 Allergic contact dermatitis due to industrial biocides, cutting oils or disinfectants EK00.6 Allergic contact dermatitis due to metals or metal salts EK00.7 Allergic contact dermatitis due to allergenic haptens derived from plants or organic matter EK00.8 Allergic contact dermatitis due to plastics, glues or resin systems EK00.9 Allergic contact dermatitis due to preservatives or biocides EK00.A Allergic contact dermatitis due to rubber chemicals EK00.B Allergic contact dermatitis due to systemic medicaments EK00.C Allergic contact dermatitis due to topical medicaments EK00.Y Other specified allergic contact dermatitis EK00.Z Allergic contact dermatitis, unspecified EK01 Photo-allergic contact dermatitis EK02 Irritant contact dermatitis EK02.0 Irritant contact dermatitis from specified external agents EK02.1 Irritant contact dermatitis of specified site EK02.2 Irritant contact dermatitis due to friction, sweating or contact with body fluids EK02.Y Irritant contact dermatitis due to other specified cause EK02.Z Irritant contact dermatitis, unspecified – EK02.00 Irritant contact dermatitis due to wet work – EK02.01 Irritant contact dermatitis due to solvents – EK02.02 Irritant contact dermatitis due to exposure to acids, alkalis or other specified chemical irritants – EK02.03 Irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics or emollients – EK02.04 Irritant contact dermatitis due to topical medicaments or antimicrobials – EK02.05 Irritant contact dermatitis due to plants or other vegetable matter – EK02.06 Irritant contact dermatitis due to foods – EK02.10 Irritant contact dermatitis of external ear – EK02.11 Irritant contact blepharoconjunctivitis – EK02.12 Irritant contact dermatitis of hands – EK02.13 Irritant contact dermatitis of vulva – EK02.1Y Irritant contact dermatitis of other specified site – EK02.20 Intertriginous dermatitis due to friction, sweating or contact with body fluids – EK02.21 Irritant contact dermatitis due to saliva – EK02.22 Irritant contact dermatitis due to incontinence – EK02.23 Irritant contact dermatitis related to stoma or fistula – EK02.24 Irritant contact dermatitis related to skin contact with prostheses or surgical appliances EK10 Allergic contact urticaria EK10.0 Oral allergy syndrome EK10.1 Contact urticaria due to food allergen EK10.Y Other specified allergic contact urticaria EK10.Z Allergic contact urticaria, unspecified EK11 Protein contact dermatitis EK12 Allergic contact sensitisation EK20 Phototoxic reaction to fragrance or cosmetics EK2Y Phototoxic reaction to skin contact with other specified photoactive agent EK2Z Phototoxic dermatitis, unspecified EK50 Cutaneous reactions to venomous or noxious animals EK50.0 Cutaneous insect bite reactions – EK50.00 Papular urticaria – EK50.01 Bullous insect bite reaction – EK50.02 Persistent insect bite reaction – EK50.0Y Other specified cutaneous insect bite reactions – EK50.0Z Cutaneous insect bite reactions, unspecified EK5Y Other specified skin disorders provoked by external factors EK70 Cutaneous cysts EK70.0 Epidermoid cyst EK70.1 Trichilemmal cyst EK70.2 Digital myxoid pseudocyst EK70.3 Hidrocystoma EK70.Y Other specified cutaneous cysts EK70.Z Cutaneous cysts, unspecified – EK70.00 Infected epidermoid cyst – EK70.0Z Epidermoid cyst, unspecified EK71 Skin tags or polyps EK71.0 Fibroepithelial polyp of skin EK71.1 Multiple skin tags EK71.Z Polyp of skin not elsewhere classified EK90 Actinic keratosis and other discrete epidermal dysplasias EK90.0 Actinic keratosis EK90.1 Diffuse actinic keratinocyte dysplasia EK90.Y Other discrete epidermal dysplasias EK91 Dermatoses which may presage cutaneous lymphoma EK91.0 Large plaque parapsoriasis EK91.1 Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans EK91.2 Primary cutaneous plasmacytosis EK92 Histiocytoses of uncertain malignant potential EL10 Paraneoplastic syndromes involving skin EL1Y Other specified cutaneous markers of internal malignancy EL3Y Other specified cutaneous markers of internal disorders EL50 Unsatisfactory surgical scar of skin EL50.0 Keloidal surgical scar EL50.1 Hypertrophic surgical scar EL50.2 Atrophic surgical scar EL50.3 Expanded surgical scar EL50.Z Unsatisfactory surgical scar of skin, unspecified EL51 Cutaneous flap necrosis EL52 Myocutaneous flap necrosis EL53 Skin graft failure EL54 Composite graft failure EL60 Acute radiodermatitis following radiotherapy EL61 Chronic radiodermatitis following radiotherapy EL63 Radionecrosis of skin due to therapeutic ionizing irradiation EL73 Unsatisfactory outcome from cutaneous cosmetic surgical procedure – EL73.0 Adverse reaction to dermal or deep fillers – EL73.1 Adverse reaction to chemical peel – EL73.2 Adverse reaction to injection of neurotoxin – EL73.3 Unsatisfactory outcome from cosmetic laser surgery – EL73.4 Hypomelanosis resulting from cosmetic procedure – EL73.5 Dyspigmentation resulting from cosmetic procedure – EL73.6 Fibrosis or scarring following cosmetic procedure EL80 Adverse cutaneous effects of diagnostic procedures EM0Y Other specified diseases of the skin EM0Z Skin disease of unspecified nature
synonyms Pulmonary nocardiosis nocardiosis of lung lung nocardiosis nocardial pneumonia pneumonia with nocardiasis nocardiosis pneumonia pneumonia due to nocardiosis Pneumonia in nocardiosis
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