5A11 Type 2 diabetes mellitus International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 Diabetes mellitus type 2 (formerly noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes) is a metabolic disorder that is characterised by high blood glucose in the context of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency.
inclusions non-insulin-dependent diabetes of the young exclusions code elsewhere postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Has manifestation - multiple selections are allowed [select] 5A20 Diabetic hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state – 5A20.0 Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state without coma – 5A20.1 Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state with coma – 5A20.Z Diabetic hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state, unspecified 5A21 Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes mellitus – 5A21.0 Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes mellitus without coma – 5A21.1 Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes mellitus with coma – 5A21.Z Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes, unspecified 5A22 Diabetic acidosis – 5A22.0 Diabetic ketoacidosis without coma – 5A22.1 Diabetic lactic acidosis – 5A22.2 Diabetic metabolic acidosis – 5A22.3 Diabetic ketoacidosis with coma – 5A22.Y Other specified diabetic acidosis – 5A22.Z Diabetic acidosis, unspecified 5A23 Diabetic coma 5A24 Uncontrolled or unstable diabetes mellitus 5A2Y Other specified acute complications of diabetes mellitus 5A44 Insulin-resistance syndromes 8C03.0 Diabetic polyneuropathy 8C10 Mononeuropathies of upper limb 8C10.0 Carpal tunnel syndrome 8C10.1 Lesion of ulnar nerve 8C10.2 Lesion of radial nerve 8C10.Y Other specified mononeuropathies of upper limb 8C10.Z Mononeuropathies of upper limb, unspecified 8C11 Mononeuropathies of lower limb 8C11.0 Lesion of sciatic nerve 8C11.1 Meralgia paraesthetica 8C11.2 Lesion of femoral nerve 8C11.3 Lesion of common peroneal nerve 8C11.4 Lesion of tibial nerve 8C11.5 Tarsal tunnel syndrome 8C11.6 Lesion of plantar nerve 8C11.Y Other specified mononeuropathies of lower limb 8C11.Z Mononeuropathies of lower limb, unspecified – 8C11.00 Sciatic nerve piriformis syndrome – 8C11.0Y Other specified lesion of sciatic nerve – 8C11.0Z Lesion of sciatic nerve, unspecified 8C12 Certain specified mononeuropathies 8C12.0 Intercostal neuropathy 8C12.1 Mononeuritis multiplex 8C12.2 Lesion of suprascapular nerve 8C12.3 Lesion of axillary nerve 8C12.4 Lesion of long thoracic nerve 8C12.5 Traumatic neuroma, not otherwise specified 8C12.Y Mononeuropathy of other specified nerve 8C1Y Mononeuropathy of other specified site 8C1Z Mononeuropathy of unspecified site 8D88.1 Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes mellitus – 9B10.21 Diabetic cataract 9B71.0 Diabetic retinopathy – 9B71.00 Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy – 9B71.01 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy – 9B71.02 Diabetic macular oedema – 9B71.0Z Diabetic retinopathy, unspecified BA00 Essential hypertension BA00.0 Combined diastolic and systolic hypertension BA00.1 Isolated diastolic hypertension BA00.2 Isolated systolic hypertension BA00.Y Other specified essential hypertension BA00.Z Essential hypertension, unspecified BA01 Hypertensive heart disease BA02 Hypertensive renal disease BA03 Hypertensive crisis BA04 Secondary hypertension BA04.0 Combined diastolic and systolic secondary hypertension BA04.1 Isolated diastolic secondary hypertension BA04.2 Isolated systolic secondary hypertension BA04.Y Other specified secondary hypertension BA04.Z Secondary hypertension, unspecified BA20 Idiopathic hypotension BA21 Orthostatic hypotension BA2Y Other specified hypotension BA2Z Hypotension, unspecified BA40 Angina pectoris BA40.0 Unstable angina BA40.1 Stable angina BA40.Y Other specified angina pectoris BA40.Z Angina pectoris, unspecified BA41 Acute myocardial infarction BA41.0 Acute ST elevation myocardial infarction BA41.1 Acute non-ST elevation myocardial infarction BA41.Z Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified BA42 Subsequent myocardial infarction BA42.0 Subsequent myocardial infarction, ST elevation myocardial infarction BA42.1 Subsequent myocardial infarction, non-ST elevation myocardial infarction BA42.Z Subsequent myocardial infarction, unspecified BA43 Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction BA4Z Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified BA50 Old myocardial infarction BA51 Ischaemic cardiomyopathy BA51.0 Dilated cardiomyopathy due to congenital anomaly of coronary artery BA51.Y Other specified ischaemic cardiomyopathy BA51.Z Ischaemic cardiomyopathy, unspecified BA52 Coronary atherosclerosis BA52.0 Coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery BA52.1 Coronary atherosclerosis of autologous bypass graft BA52.2 Coronary atherosclerosis of non-autologous bypass graft BA52.Z Coronary atherosclerosis, unspecified site – BA52.10 Coronary atherosclerosis of arterial autologous bypass graft – BA52.11 Coronary atherosclerosis of venous autologous bypass graft – BA52.1Z Coronary atherosclerosis of unspecified autologous bypass graft BA5Y Other specified chronic ischaemic heart disease BA5Z Chronic ischaemic heart disease, unspecified BA60 Certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction BA60.0 Dressler syndrome BA60.1 Other pericarditis as current complication following acute myocardial infarction BA60.2 Ventricular aneurysm as current complication following acute myocardial infarction BA60.3 Ventricular septal defect as current complication following acute myocardial infarction BA60.4 Cardiac rupture as current complication following acute myocardial infarction BA60.5 Pulmonary embolism as current complication following acute myocardial infarction BA60.6 Rupture of papillary muscle or chordae tendineae as current complication following acute myocardial infarction BA60.7 Mural thrombus as current complication following acute myocardial infarction BA60.8 Arrhythmia as current complication following acute myocardial infarction BA60.9 Cardiogenic shock, unrelated to mechanical complications, as current complication following acute myocardial infarction BA60.Y Other specified current complications following acute myocardial infarction BA60.Z Certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction, unspecified BA6Z Ischaemic heart diseases, unspecified BA81 Coronary artery aneurysm BA81.0 Coronary artery aneurysm with perforation BA81.1 Coronary artery aneurysm with rupture BA81.2 Coronary artery aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture BA82 Coronary artery dissection BA83 Coronary artery fistula, acquired BA84 Chronic total occlusion of coronary artery BA85 Coronary vasospastic disease BA85.0 Silent coronary vasospastic disease BA85.Y Other specified coronary vasospastic disease BA85.Z Coronary vasospastic disease, unspecified BA86 Coronary microvascular disease BA8Y Other specified diseases of coronary artery BA8Z Diseases of coronary artery, unspecified BB00 Pulmonary thromboembolism BB00.0 Acute pulmonary thromboembolism BB00.1 Chronic pulmonary thromboembolism BB00.Z Pulmonary thromboembolism, unspecified BB01 Pulmonary hypertension BB01.0 Pulmonary arterial hypertension BB01.1 Pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease BB01.2 Pulmonary hypertension due to lung disease or hypoxia BB01.3 Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension BB01.4 Pulmonary hypertension with multifactorial mechanism BB01.5 Cor pulmonale BB01.Z Pulmonary hypertension, unspecified BB02 Certain specified diseases of pulmonary vessels BB02.0 Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels BB02.1 Aneurysm of pulmonary artery BB02.2 Rupture of pulmonary vessels BB02.3 Acquired pulmonary arterial tree abnormality BB02.10 Aneurysm of pulmonary artery with perforation BB02.11 Aneurysm of pulmonary artery with rupture BB02.12 Aneurysm of pulmonary artery without mention of perforation or rupture BB02.1Y Other specified aneurysm of pulmonary artery BB02.1Z Aneurysm of pulmonary artery, unspecified BB03 Acquired pulmonary venous abnormality BB03.0 Acquired pulmonary venous obstruction BB03.Y Other specified acquired pulmonary venous abnormality BB03.Z Acquired pulmonary venous abnormality, unspecified BB0Y Other specified pulmonary heart disease or diseases of pulmonary circulation BB0Z Pulmonary heart disease or diseases of pulmonary circulation, unspecified BB20 Acute pericarditis BB20.0 Infectious pericarditis BB20.1 Neoplastic pericarditis BB20.2 Myopericarditis BB20.Y Other specified acute pericarditis BB20.Z Acute pericarditis, unspecified BB21 Chronic rheumatic pericarditis BB22 Constrictive pericarditis BB23 Cardiac tamponade BB24 Haemopericardium BB25 Pericardial effusion BB2Y Other specified pericarditis BB2Z Pericarditis, unspecified BB40 Acute or subacute infectious endocarditis BB41 Myoendocarditis BB42 Periendocarditis BB4Y Other specified acute or subacute endocarditis BB4Z Acute or subacute endocarditis, unspecified BB60 Mitral valve stenosis BB60.0 Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis BB60.1 Nonrheumatic mitral valve stenosis BB60.Z Mitral valve stenosis, unspecified BB61 Mitral valve insufficiency BB61.0 Rheumatic mitral valve insufficiency BB61.Y Other specified mitral valve insufficiency BB61.Z Mitral valve insufficiency, unspecified BB62 Mitral valve prolapse BB62.0 Rheumatic mitral valve prolapse BB62.1 Degenerative mitral valve prolapse BB62.Y Other specified nonrheumatic mitral valve prolapse BB62.Z Mitral valve prolapse, unspecified BB63 Mitral valve stenosis with insufficiency BB63.0 Rheumatic mitral stenosis with insufficiency BB63.1 Nonrheumatic mitral stenosis with insufficiency BB63.Z Mitral valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified BB64 Mitral valvar abscess BB65 Mitral valve rupture BB6Y Other specified mitral valve disease BB6Z Mitral valve disease, unspecified BB70 Aortic valve stenosis BB70.0 Rheumatic aortic valve stenosis BB70.1 Nonrheumatic aortic valve stenosis BB70.Y Other specified aortic valve stenosis BB70.Z Aortic valve stenosis, unspecified BB71 Aortic valve insufficiency BB71.0 Rheumatic aortic valve insufficiency BB71.Y Other specified nonrheumatic aortic valve insufficiency BB71.Z Aortic valve insufficiency, unspecified BB72 Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency BB72.0 Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency BB72.1 Nonrheumatic aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency BB72.Z Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified BB73 Aortic valvar abscess BB74 Aortic valvar prolapse BB7Y Other specified aortic valve disease BB7Z Aortic valve disease, unspecified BB80 Tricuspid valve stenosis BB80.0 Rheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis BB80.Y Other specified nonrheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis BB80.Z Tricuspid valve stenosis, unspecified BB81 Tricuspid valve insufficiency BB81.0 Rheumatic tricuspid valve insufficiency BB81.Y Other specified nonrheumatic tricuspid valve insufficiency BB81.Z Tricuspid valve insufficiency, unspecified BB82 Tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency BB82.0 Rheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency BB82.Y Other specified nonrheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency BB82.Z Tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified BB83 Tricuspid valvular abscess BB84 Tricuspid valve rupture BB8Y Other specified tricuspid valve disease BB8Z Tricuspid valve disease, unspecified BB90 Pulmonary valve stenosis BB90.0 Rheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis BB90.Y Other specified nonrheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis BB90.Z Pulmonary valve stenosis, unspecified BB91 Pulmonary valve insufficiency BB91.0 Rheumatic pulmonary valve insufficiency BB91.Y Other specified nonrheumatic pulmonary valve insufficiency BB91.Z Pulmonary valve insufficiency, unspecified BB92 Pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency BB92.0 Rheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency BB92.1 Nonrheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency BB92.Z Pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified BB93 Pulmonary valvar abscess BB9Y Other specified pulmonary valve disease BB9Z Pulmonary valve disease, unspecified BC00 Multiple valve disease BC01 Prosthetic valve disease BC02 Acquired abnormality of congenitally malformed valve BC02.0 Acquired common atrioventricular valvar abnormality in biventricular connections BC02.1 Acquired truncal valvar abnormality BC02.2 Acquired common atrioventricular valvar abnormality in double inlet ventricle BC02.3 Acquired abnormality of neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin BC02.4 Acquired abnormality of the neoaortic valve of truncal origin BC02.Y Other specified acquired abnormality of congenitally malformed valve BC02.Z Acquired abnormality of congenitally malformed valve, unspecified BC02.30 Stenosis of the neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin BC02.31 Insufficiency of the neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin BC02.3Y Other specified acquired abnormality of neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin BC02.3Z Acquired abnormality of neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin, unspecified BC02.40 Acquired stenosis of the neoaortic valve of truncal origin BC02.41 Acquired regurgitation of the neoaortic valve of truncal origin BC02.4Y Other specified acquired abnormality of the neoaortic valve of truncal origin BC02.4Z Acquired abnormality of the neoaortic valve of truncal origin, unspecified BC0Z Heart valve diseases, unspecified BC20 Chronic rheumatic heart diseases, not elsewhere classified BC20.0 Rheumatic diseases of endocardium, valve unspecified BC20.1 Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified BC20.Y Other specified chronic rheumatic heart disease BC20.Z Chronic rheumatic heart disease, unspecified BC40 Acquired atrial abnormality BC40.0 Acquired interatrial communication BC40.Y Other specified acquired atrial abnormality BC40.Z Acquired atrial abnormality, unspecified BC41 Acquired ventricular abnormality BC41.0 Acquired interventricular communication BC41.Y Other specified acquired ventricular abnormality BC41.Z Acquired ventricular abnormality, unspecified BC42 Myocarditis BC42.0 Giant cell myocarditis BC42.1 Infectious myocarditis BC42.2 Hypersensitivity myocarditis BC42.3 Rheumatic myocarditis BC42.Y Other specific myocarditis BC42.Z Myocarditis, unspecified BC43 Cardiomyopathy BC43.0 Dilated cardiomyopathy BC43.1 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy BC43.2 Restrictive cardiomyopathy BC43.3 Endocardial fibroelastosis BC43.4 Cardiomyopathy due to drugs or other external agents BC43.5 Stress-induced cardiomyopathy BC43.6 Arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy BC43.7 Diabetic cardiomyopathy BC43.Y Other specified cardiomyopathy BC43.Z Cardiomyopathy, unspecified BC43.00 Familial-genetic dilated cardiomyopathy BC43.01 Nonfamilial dilated cardiomyopathy BC43.0Z Dilated cardiomyopathy, unspecified BC43.10 Familial-genetic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy BC43.11 Non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy BC43.12 Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy BC43.1Y Other specified hypertrophic cardiomyopathy BC43.1Z Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, unspecified BC43.20 Nonfamilial restrictive cardiomyopathy BC43.2Y Other specified restrictive cardiomyopathy BC43.2Z Restrictive cardiomyopathy, unspecified BC44 Noncompaction cardiomyopathy BC45 Cardiomegaly BC46 Intracardiac thrombosis BC4Y Other specified diseases of the myocardium or cardiac chambers BC4Z Diseases of the myocardium or cardiac chambers, unspecified BC60 Atrial premature depolarization BC61 Junctional premature depolarization BC62 Accessory pathway BC63 Conduction disorders BC63.0 Atrioventricular block, first degree BC63.1 Atrioventricular block, second degree BC63.2 Complete atrioventricular block BC63.3 Right bundle branch block BC63.4 Left bundle branch block BC63.5 Nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay BC63.Y Other specified conduction disorders BC63.Z Conduction disorders, unspecified BC63.10 High-grade second degree atrioventricular block BC63.1Y Other specified atrioventricular block, second degree BC63.1Z Atrioventricular block, second degree, unspecified BC63.20 Congenital complete atrioventricular block BC63.21 Acquired complete atrioventricular block BC63.2Z Complete atrioventricular block, unspecified BC63.40 Left anterior fascicular block BC63.41 Left posterior fascicular block BC63.4Z Left bundle branch block, fascicle unspecified BC64 Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome BC65 Cardiac arrhythmia associated with genetic disorder BC65.0 Long QT syndrome BC65.1 Brugada syndrome BC65.2 Short QT syndrome BC65.3 Early repolarisation syndrome BC65.4 Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation BC65.5 Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia BC65.Y Other specified cardiac arrhythmia associated with genetic disorder BC65.Z Cardiac arrhythmia associated with genetic disorder, unspecified BC70 Ventricular premature depolarization BC71 Ventricular tachyarrhythmia BC71.0 Ventricular tachycardia BC71.1 Ventricular fibrillation BC71.2 Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia BC71.Y Other specified ventricular tachyarrhythmia BC71.Z Ventricular tachyarrhythmia, unspecified – BC71.00 Right outflow tract ventricular tachycardia – BC71.01 Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia – BC71.02 Sustained ventricular tachycardia – BC71.03 Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia – BC71.0Y Other specified ventricular tachycardia – BC71.0Z Ventricular tachycardia, unspecified BC7Y Other specified ventricular rhythm disturbance BC7Z Ventricular rhythm disturbance, unspecified BC80 Supraventricular bradyarrhythmia BC80.0 Sinus pause BC80.1 Sinus bradycardia BC80.2 Sinus node dysfunction BC80.Y Other specified supraventricular bradyarrhythmia BC80.Z Supraventricular bradyarrhythmia, unspecified – BC80.20 Sick sinus syndrome – BC80.21 Sinoatrial block – BC80.2Y Other specified sinus node dysfunction – BC80.2Z Sinus node dysfunction, unspecified BC81 Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia BC81.0 Ectopic atrial tachycardia BC81.1 Junctional ectopic tachycardia BC81.2 Macro reentrant atrial tachycardia BC81.3 Atrial fibrillation BC81.4 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome BC81.5 Sinus node reentrant tachycardia BC81.6 Inappropriate sinus tachycardia BC81.7 Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia BC81.8 Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia BC81.Y Other specified supraventricular tachyarrhythmia BC81.Z Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, unspecified – BC81.20 Cavotricuspid isthmus dependent macroreentry tachycardia – BC81.21 Non-scar, non-isthmus dependent macro reentrant atrial tachycardia – BC81.22 Scar mediated macro reentrant atrial tachycardia – BC81.2Y Other specified macro reentrant atrial tachycardia – BC81.2Z Macro reentrant atrial tachycardia, unspecified – BC81.30 Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation – BC81.31 Persistent atrial fibrillation – BC81.32 Permanent atrial fibrillation – BC81.33 Preexcited atrial fibrillation – BC81.3Y Other specified atrial fibrillation – BC81.3Z Atrial fibrillation, unspecified – BC81.70 Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, orthodromic – BC81.71 Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, antidromic – BC81.7Y Other specified atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia – BC81.7Z Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, unspecified BC8Y Other specified supraventricular rhythm disturbance BC8Z Supraventricular rhythm disturbance, unspecified BC90 Rhythm disturbance at level of atrioventricular junction BC91 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator battery at end of battery life BC9Y Other specified cardiac arrhythmia BC9Z Cardiac arrhythmia, unspecified BD10 Congestive heart failure BD11 Left ventricular failure BD11.0 Left ventricular failure with preserved ejection fraction BD11.1 Left ventricular failure with mid range ejection fraction BD11.2 Left ventricular failure with reduced ejection fraction BD11.Z Left ventricular failure, unspecified BD12 High output syndromes BD13 Right ventricular failure BD14 Biventricular failure BD1Y Other specified heart failure BD1Z Heart failure, unspecified BD30 Acute arterial occlusion BD30.0 Acute upper limb arterial occlusion BD30.1 Acute aortoiliac occlusion BD30.2 Acute lower limb arterial occlusion BD30.Y Other specified acute arterial occlusion BD30.Z Acute arterial occlusion, unspecified BD30.00 Acute thromboembolic upper limb arterial occlusion BD30.01 Acute thrombotic upper limb arterial occlusion BD30.0Y Other specified acute upper limb arterial occlusion BD30.0Z Acute upper limb arterial occlusion, unspecified BD30.10 Acute thromboembolic aortoiliac occlusion BD30.11 Acute thrombotic aortoiliac occlusion BD30.1Y Other specified acute aortoiliac occlusion BD30.1Z Acute aortoiliac occlusion, unspecified BD30.20 Acute thromboembolic lower limb arterial occlusion BD30.21 Acute thrombotic lower limb arterial occlusion BD30.2Y Other specified acute lower limb arterial occlusion BD30.2Z Acute lower limb arterial occlusion, unspecified BD40 Atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease BD40.0 Lower limb atherosclerosis BD40.1 Atherosclerosis of aorta BD40.2 Atherosclerosis of renal artery BD40.3 Aortic bifurcation syndrome BD40.Y Other specified atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease BD40.Z Atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified BD41 Non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease BD41.0 Arterial fibromuscular dysplasia BD41.Y Other specified non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease BD41.Z Non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified BD42 Raynaud phenomenon BD42.0 Primary Raynaud disease BD42.1 Secondary Raynaud phenomenon BD42.Z Raynaud phenomenon, unspecified BD4Y Other specified chronic arterial occlusive disease BD4Z Chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified BD50 Aortic aneurysm or dissection BD50.0 Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch BD50.1 Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch BD50.2 Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation BD50.3 Thoracic aortic aneurysm BD50.4 Abdominal aortic aneurysm BD50.5 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm BD50.Z Aortic aneurysm or dissection, unspecified BD50.00 Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch with perforation BD50.01 Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch with rupture BD50.02 Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.0Y Other specified thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch BD50.0Z Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch, unspecified BD50.10 Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch with perforation BD50.11 Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch with rupture BD50.12 Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.1Y Other specified ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch BD50.1Z Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch, unspecified BD50.20 Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation with perforation BD50.21 Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation with rupture BD50.22 Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.2Y Other specified descending aorta dissection and distal propagation BD50.2Z Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation, unspecified BD50.30 Thoracic aortic aneurysm with perforation BD50.31 Thoracic aortic aneurysm with rupture BD50.32 Thoracic aortic aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.3Y Other specified thoracic aortic aneurysm BD50.3Z Thoracic aortic aneurysm, unspecified BD50.40 Abdominal aortic aneurysm with perforation BD50.41 Abdominal aortic aneurysm with rupture BD50.4Y Other specified abdominal aortic aneurysm BD50.4Z Abdominal aortic aneurysm, unspecified BD50.50 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with perforation BD50.51 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with rupture BD50.52 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.5Y Other specified thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm BD50.5Z Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, unspecified BD51 Arterial aneurysm or dissection, excluding aorta BD51.0 Aneurysm or dissection of carotid artery BD51.1 Aneurysm or dissection of vertebral artery BD51.2 Aneurysm or dissection of other precerebral arteries BD51.3 Aneurysm or dissection of artery of upper extremity BD51.4 Aneurysm or dissection of renal artery BD51.5 Aneurysm or dissection of iliac artery BD51.6 Aneurysm or dissection of artery of lower extremity BD51.Y Aneurysm and dissection of other artery, excluding aorta BD51.Z Aneurysm and dissection of unspecified artery BD52 Certain specified disorders of arteries or arterioles BD52.0 Segmental arterial mediolysis BD52.1 Arteriovenous fistula, acquired BD52.2 Stricture of artery BD52.3 Rupture of artery BD52.4 Necrosis of artery BD52.5 Coeliac artery compression syndrome BD52.6 Congenital great vessel related acquired abnormality BD52.7 Certain acquired abnormalities of aorta BD52.70 Acquired abnormality of aortic arch branch BD52.71 Acquired ascending aorta or root dilation BD52.7Y Other specified certain acquired abnormalities of aorta BD52.7Z Certain acquired abnormalities of aorta, unspecified BD53 Secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles BD53.0 Arterial cystic medial diseases BD53.1 Hypothenar hammer syndrome BD53.2 Iliac artery arteriopathy BD53.3 Popliteal entrapment syndrome BD53.4 Cholesterol atheroembolism BD53.Y Other specified secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles BD53.Z Secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles, unspecified BD53.40 Cholesterol atheroembolism to kidneys BD53.4Y Cholesterol atheroembolism to other specified sites BD53.4Z Cholesterol atheroembolism to unspecified site BD54 Diabetic foot ulcer BD55 Asymptomatic stenosis of intracranial or extracranial artery BD56 Asymptomatic occlusion of intracranial or extracranial artery BD5Y Other specified diseases of arteries or arterioles BD5Z Diseases of arteries or arterioles, unspecified BD70 Superficial thrombophlebitis BD70.0 Superficial thrombophlebitis of lower limbs BD70.1 Superficial thrombophlebitis of upper limbs BD70.2 Thrombophlebitis migrans BD70.3 Mondor disease BD70.Y Other specified superficial thrombophlebitis BD70.Z Superficial thrombophlebitis, unspecified BD71 Deep vein thrombosis BD71.0 Upper limb deep vein thrombosis BD71.1 Vena caval thrombosis BD71.2 Renal vein thrombosis BD71.3 Iliac vein thrombosis BD71.4 Lower limb deep vein thrombosis BD71.Y Other specified deep vein thrombosis BD72 Venous thromboembolism BD73 Acquired systemic vein abnormality BD73.0 Acquired inferior caval vein abnormality BD73.1 Acquired superior caval vein abnormality BD73.2 Systemic vein obstruction BD73.3 Acquired coronary sinus abnormality BD73.Y Other specified acquired systemic vein abnormality BD73.Z Acquired systemic vein abnormality, unspecified BD73.20 Obstruction of peripheral vein BD73.21 Obstruction of visceral vein BD73.2Y Other specified systemic vein obstruction BD73.2Z Systemic vein obstruction, unspecified BD74 Chronic peripheral venous insufficiency of lower extremities BD74.0 Uncomplicated lower limb venous hypertension BD74.1 Lower limb varicose veins BD74.2 Lipodermatosclerosis BD74.3 Venous leg ulcer BD74.Z Chronic peripheral venous insufficiency of lower extremities, unspecified BD74.10 Varicose veins with great saphenous reflux BD74.11 Varicose veins with small saphenous reflux BD74.12 Varicose veins with non-truncal reflux BD74.1Z Lower limb varicose veins, not further specified BD74.30 Primary venous leg ulcer BD74.31 Recurrent venous leg ulcer BD74.32 Healed venous leg ulcer BD74.3Z Venous leg ulcer, unspecified BD75 Venous varicosities of sites other than lower extremity BD75.0 Sublingual varices BD75.1 Scrotal varices BD75.2 Vulval varices BD75.3 Pelvic varices BD75.Y Venous varicosities of other specified sites BD75.Z Venous varicosities of unspecified site BD7Y Other specified diseases of veins BD7Z Diseases of veins, unspecified BD90 Lymphadenitis BD90.0 Acute lymphadenitis BD90.1 Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis BD90.2 Chronic lymphadenitis BD90.Y Other specified lymphadenitis BD90.Z Lymphadenitis, unspecified BD90.20 Chronic cervical lymphadenitis BD90.21 Chronic axillary lymphadenitis BD90.22 Chronic inguinal lymphadenitis BD90.2Y Other specified chronic lymphadenitis BD90.2Z Chronic lymphadenitis, unspecified BD91 Lymphangitis BD92 Lymphangiectasia BD92.0 Intestinal lymphangiectasia BD92.1 Cutaneous lymphangiectasia BD92.Z Lymphangiectasia, unspecified BD93 Lymphoedema BD93.0 Primary lymphoedema BD93.1 Secondary lymphoedema BD93.Y Other specified forms of lymphoedema BD93.Z Lymphoedema, unspecified BD93.10 Lymphoedema due to venous insufficiency BD93.11 Lymphoedema due to dependency and immobility BD93.12 Lymphoedema due to obesity BD93.13 Lymphoedema due to lymphatic filariasis BD93.14 Lymphoedema due to podoconiosis BD93.15 Lymphoedema due to malignant infiltration BD93.1Y Lymphoedema secondary to other specified cause BD93.1Z Secondary lymphoedema, unspecified BD9Y Other specified disorders of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes BD9Z Disorders of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes, unspecified BE10 Postcardiotomy syndrome BE11 Other functional disturbances following cardiac surgery BE12 Postprocedural valve disorders BE12.0 Postprocedural mitral valve stenosis BE12.1 Postprocedural mitral valve insufficiency BE12.2 Postprocedural aortic valve stenosis BE12.3 Postprocedural aortic valve insufficiency BE12.4 Postprocedural tricuspid valve stenosis BE12.5 Postprocedural tricuspid valve insufficiency BE12.6 Postprocedural pulmonary valve stenosis BE12.7 Postprocedural pulmonary valve insufficiency BE13 Postprocedural true or false aortic aneurysm BE14 Postprocedural disorder of circulatory system following repair of congenital heart or great vessel anomaly BE14.4 Acquired abnormality of the neopulmonary valve BE14.5 Postprocedural right-sided atrioventricular valvar abnormality in double-inlet ventricle BE14.6 Postprocedural left-sided atrioventricular valvar abnormality in double-inlet ventricle BE14.7 Postprocedural common atrioventricular valvar abnormality in double-inlet ventricle BE14.8 Postprocedural ventricular septal defect disorder BE14.9 Postprocedural aortic disorder related to congenital heart anomaly BE14.A Postprocedural arterial duct disorder BE14.B Postprocedural disorder following cardiovascular conduit or shunt procedure BE14.40 Neopulmonary valve stenosis BE14.41 Neopulmonary valve regurgitation BE15 Postprocedural pulmonary arterial tree disorder BE15.0 Postprocedural pulmonary trunk stenosis BE15.1 Postprocedural right pulmonary artery stenosis BE16 Postprocedural pulmonary venous disorder BE17 Postprocedural residual or recurrent interatrial communication BE19 Postprocedural ventricular abnormality BE1A Cardiac transplant associated coronary allograft vasculopathy BE1B Lymphoedema due to surgery or radiotherapy BE1B.0 Postmastectomy lymphoedema syndrome BE1B.1 Lymphoedema due to other medical or surgical procedures BE1C Inferior caval vein obstruction due to foreign body BE1D Superior caval vein obstruction due to foreign body BE1E Postprocedural right atrial complication BE1E.0 Postprocedural right atrial perforation BE1E.1 Right atrial erosion due to implanted device BE1F Postprocedural left atrial complication BE1F.0 Postprocedural left atrial perforation BE1F.1 Left atrial erosion due to implanted device BE2Y Other specified diseases of the circulatory system BE2Z Diseases of the circulatory system, unspecified DA00 Disorders of lips DA00.0 Cheilitis DA00.1 Self-induced lip trauma DA00.2 Pigmentary abnormalities of lips DA00.3 Lip fissure DA00.Y Other specified disorders of lips DA00.Z Disorder of lips, unspecified DA01 Disorders of oral mucosa DA01.0 Disturbances of oral epithelium DA01.1 Noninfectious erosive or ulcerative disorders of oral mucosa DA01.2 Granuloma or granuloma-like lesions of oral mucosa DA01.3 Infections of lips or oral mucosa DA01.4 Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa DA01.Y Other specified disorders of oral mucosa DA01.Z Disorder of oral mucosa, unspecified DA01.00 Oral leukoplakia DA01.01 Hairy leukoplakia DA01.02 Wandering rash of the mouth DA01.0Y Other specified disturbances of oral epithelium DA01.10 Oral aphthae or aphtha-like ulceration DA01.11 Oral mucositis DA01.12 Chronic ulcerative stomatitis DA01.13 Erythema multiforme with oral ulceration DA01.14 Drug-induced oral ulcer DA01.15 Mouth ulcers DA01.1Y Other specified noninfectious erosive or ulcerative disorders of oral mucosa DA01.20 Giant cell granuloma, central DA01.21 Orofacial granulomatosis DA01.2Y Other specified granuloma or granuloma-like lesions of oral mucosa DA01.30 Cellulitis or abscess of soft tissues of the mouth DA01.3Y Other specified infections of lips or oral mucosa DA01.40 Papillary hyperplasia of oral mucosa DA01.41 Denture hyperplasia DA01.42 Oral fibroepithelial polyp DA01.4Z Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa, unspecified DA02 Miscellaneous specified disorders of lips or oral mucosa DA02.0 Genetic or developmental disorders involving lips or oral mucosa DA02.1 Xerostomia DA02.2 Oral submucous fibrosis DA02.3 Contact gingivostomatitis DA02.30 Allergic contact gingivostomatitis DA02.31 Irritant contact gingivostomatitis DA03 Diseases of tongue DA03.0 Glossitis DA03.1 Geographic tongue DA03.2 Atrophy of tongue papillae DA03.3 Median rhomboid glossitis DA03.4 Hypertrophy of tongue papillae DA03.5 Macroglossia DA03.Y Other specified diseases of tongue DA03.Z Diseases of tongue, unspecified DA04 Diseases of salivary glands DA04.0 Atrophy of salivary gland DA04.1 Hypertrophy of salivary gland DA04.2 Sialoadenitis DA04.3 Abscess of salivary gland DA04.4 Sialolithiasis DA04.5 Mucocele of salivary gland DA04.6 Disturbances of salivary secretion DA04.7 Sialophagia DA04.8 Sialoschesis DA04.Y Other specified diseases of salivary glands DA04.Z Diseases of salivary glands, unspecified DA05 Cysts of oral or facial-neck region DA05.0 Developmental odontogenic cysts DA05.1 Developmental nonodontogenic cysts of oral region DA05.Y Other specified cysts of oral or facial-neck region DA05.Z Cysts of oral or facial-neck region, unspecified DA06 Certain specified diseases of jaws DA06.0 Inflammatory conditions of jaws DA06.1 Alveolitis of jaw DA06.2 Exostosis of jaw DA06.3 Stafne mandibular bone cavity DA07 Disorders of tooth development or eruption DA07.0 Fluoride related opacities or lesions DA07.1 Nonfluoride enamel opacities DA07.3 Disturbances in tooth formation DA07.4 Root anomaly DA07.5 Cementum dysplasia DA07.6 Disturbances in tooth eruption DA07.7 Embedded teeth DA07.8 Impacted teeth DA07.Y Other specified disorders of tooth development or eruption DA07.Z Disorders of tooth development or eruption, unspecified DA07.60 Teething syndrome DA07.61 Ankylosis of teeth DA07.6Y Other specified disturbances in tooth eruption DA07.6Z Disturbances in tooth eruption, unspecified DA08 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth DA08.0 Dental caries DA08.1 Certain specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth DA08.2 Chronic dental injuries DA08.3 Nontraumatic fracture of tooth DA08.4 Deposits on teeth DA08.Y Other specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth DA08.Z Diseases of hard tissues of teeth, unspecified DA08.10 Excessive attrition of teeth DA08.11 Abrasion of teeth DA08.12 Erosion of teeth DA08.13 Abfraction DA08.14 Pathological resorption of teeth DA08.15 Posteruptive colour changes of dental hard tissues DA09 Diseases of pulp or periapical tissues DA09.0 Pulpitis DA09.1 Necrosis of pulp DA09.2 Pulp abscess DA09.3 Phoenix abscess DA09.4 Pulp degeneration DA09.5 Abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp DA09.6 Periapical abscess DA09.7 Periapical periodontitis DA09.8 Radicular cyst DA09.Y Other specified diseases of pulp or periapical tissues DA09.Z Diseases of pulp or periapical tissues, unspecified DA09.60 Periapical abscess with facial involvement DA09.61 Periapical abscess with sinus DA09.62 Periapical abscess without sinus DA09.6Y Other specified periapical abscess DA09.6Z Periapical abscess, unspecified DA09.70 Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin DA09.71 Chronic apical periodontitis DA09.7Y Other specified periapical periodontitis DA09.7Z Periapical periodontitis, unspecified DA0A Certain specified disorders of teeth or supporting structures DA0A.0 Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes DA0A.1 Loss of teeth due to accident, extraction or local periodontal disease DA0A.2 Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge DA0A.3 Retained dental root DA0A.Y Other specified disorders of teeth and supporting structures DA0A.Z Unspecified disorders of teeth and supporting structures DA0B Gingival diseases DA0B.0 Allergic gingivitis DA0B.1 Catarrhal gingivitis DA0B.2 Eruptive gingivitis DA0B.3 Atrophic senile gingivitis DA0B.4 Acute multiple gingival abscesses DA0B.5 Developmental or acquired deformities or conditions of gingiva DA0B.6 Pericoronitis DA0B.Y Other specified gingival diseases DA0B.Z Gingival diseases, unspecified DA0C Periodontal disease DA0C.0 Acute periodontitis DA0C.1 Aggressive periodontitis DA0C.2 Periodontosis DA0C.3 Necrotising periodontal diseases DA0C.4 Abscess of periodontium DA0C.5 Linear gingival erythema DA0C.Y Other specified periodontal disease DA0C.Z Periodontal disease, unspecified DA0C.30 Necrotising ulcerative periodontitis DA0C.31 Noma DA0C.3Y Other specified necrotising periodontal diseases DA0C.3Z Necrotising periodontal diseases, unspecified DA0D Certain specified disorders of gingiva or edentulous alveolar ridge DA0D.0 Gingival recession DA0D.1 Gingival enlargement DA0D.2 Gingival or edentulous alveolar ridge lesions associated with trauma DA0D.3 Hypoplasminogenaemia DA0D.4 Cotton-roll gingivitis DA0D.5 Gingival ulceration DA0D.Y Other specified disorders of gingival or edentulous alveolar ridge DA0E Dentofacial anomalies DA0E.0 Major anomalies of jaw size DA0E.1 Anomalies of jaw-cranial base relationship DA0E.2 Anomalies of dental arch relationship DA0E.3 Anomalies of tooth position DA0E.4 Food impaction DA0E.5 Malocclusion DA0E.6 Dentofacial functional abnormalities DA0E.7 Dentofacial parafunctional disorders DA0E.8 Temporomandibular joint disorders DA0E.Y Other specified dentofacial anomalies DA0E.Z Dentofacial anomalies, unspecified DA0E.00 Micrognathia DA0E.0Y Other specified major anomalies of jaw size DA0E.0Z Major anomalies of jaw size, unspecified DA0E.50 Class II division 2 malocclusion DA0E.51 Angle class I malocclusion DA0E.5Y Other specified malocclusion DA0E.5Z Malocclusion, unspecified DA0F Sensory disturbances affecting orofacial complex DA0F.0 Burning mouth syndrome DA0F.Y Other specified sensory disturbances affecting orofacial complex DA0F.Z Sensory disturbances affecting orofacial complex, unspecified DA0Y Other specified diseases or disorders of orofacial complex DA0Z Diseases or disorders of orofacial complex, unspecified DA20 Acquired anatomical alterations of the oesophagus DA20.0 Oesophageal obstruction DA20.1 Diverticulum of oesophagus, acquired DA20.2 Oesophageal web DA20.3 Perforation of oesophagus DA20.Y Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the oesophagus DA20.Z Acquired anatomical alterations of the oesophagus, unspecified DA20.30 Spontaneous rupture of oesophagus DA20.3Y Other specified perforation of oesophagus DA20.3Z Perforation of oesophagus, unspecified DA21 Motility disorders of oesophagus DA21.0 Achalasia DA21.1 Motility disorder of cervical or upper oesophagus DA21.2 Disorder of oesophageal peristalsis DA21.3 Disorder of lower oesophageal sphincter function DA21.Y Other specified motility disorders of oesophagus DA21.Z Motility disorders of oesophagus, unspecified DA21.20 Hypertensive peristalsis DA21.21 Hypotensive peristalsis DA21.22 Spastic peristalsis DA21.2Y Other specified disorder of oesophageal peristalsis DA21.2Z Disorder of oesophageal peristalsis, unspecified DA22 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease DA22.0 Non-erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease DA22.1 Erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease DA22.Z Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, unspecified DA23 Columnar metaplastic epithelium of the oesophagus DA23.0 Barrett epithelium DA23.1 Dysplasia of Barrett epithelium DA23.2 Barrett ulcer DA23.Y Other specified columnar metaplastic epithelium of the oesophagus DA23.Z Columnar metaplastic epithelium of the oesophagus, unspecified DA24 Oesophagitis DA24.0 Infectious oesophagitis DA24.1 Eosinophilic oesophagitis DA24.2 Oesophagitis due to external causes DA24.Y Other specified oesophagitis DA24.Z Oesophagitis, unspecified DA24.00 Oesophageal phlegmon DA24.0Y Other specified infectious oesophagitis DA24.0Z Infectious oesophagitis, unspecified DA24.20 Chemical oesophagitis DA24.21 Drug-induced oesophagitis DA24.22 Radiation oesophagitis DA24.2Z Oesophagitis due to external causes, unspecified DA25 Oesophageal ulcer DA25.0 Oesophageal erosion DA25.1 Infectious oesophageal ulcer DA25.2 Oesophageal ulcer due to allergic or immunologic disorder DA25.3 Oesophageal ulcer due to external causes DA25.Y Other specified oesophageal ulcer DA25.Z Oesophageal ulcer, unspecified DA25.10 Bacterial oesophageal ulcer DA25.11 Fungal oesophageal ulcer DA25.12 Parasitic oesophageal ulcer DA25.13 Viral oesophageal ulcer DA25.1Y Other specified infectious oesophageal ulcer DA25.1Z Infectious oesophageal ulcer, unspecified DA25.30 Chemical oesophageal ulcer DA25.31 Drug-induced oesophageal ulcer DA25.32 Radiation oesophageal ulcer DA25.3Y Oesophageal ulcer due to other specified external causes DA25.3Z Oesophageal ulcer due to external causes, unspecified DA26 Vascular disorders of the oesophagus DA26.0 Oesophageal varices DA26.1 Angiodysplasia or arteriovenous malformation of oesophagus DA26.2 Intramural haemorrhage of oesophagus DA26.3 Gastro-oesophageal laceration-haemorrhage syndrome DA26.Y Other specified vascular disorders of the oesophagus DA26.Z Vascular disorders of the oesophagus, unspecified DA26.00 Oesophageal varices with bleeding DA26.01 Oesophageal varices without bleeding DA26.0Z Oesophageal varices, unspecified DA2Y Other specified diseases of oesophagus DA2Z Diseases of oesophagus, unspecified DA40 Acquired anatomical alterations of the stomach DA40.0 Gastric outlet obstruction DA40.1 Gastric fistula, acquired DA40.2 Gastric volvulus DA40.3 Gastric diverticulum DA40.4 Hourglass stricture and stenosis of stomach DA40.5 Gastroptosis DA40.Y Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the stomach DA40.Z Acquired anatomical alterations of the stomach, unspecified DA41 Gastroduodenal motor or secretory disorders DA41.0 Abnormal gastric motility DA41.1 Acute dilatation of stomach DA41.2 Acid hypersecretion DA41.3 Achlorhydria DA41.Y Other specified gastroduodenal motor or secretory disorders DA41.Z Gastroduodenal motor or secretory disorders, unspecified – DA41.00 Gastroparesis – DA41.0Y Other specified abnormal gastric motility – DA41.0Z Abnormal gastric motility, unspecified DA42 Gastritis DA42.0 Autoimmune gastritis DA42.1 Helicobacter pylori induced gastritis DA42.2 Eosinophilic gastritis DA42.3 Lymphocytic gastritis DA42.4 Allergic gastritis DA42.5 Gastritis due to duodenogastric reflux DA42.6 Menetrier disease DA42.7 Gastritis of unknown aetiology with specific endoscopic or pathological features DA42.8 Gastritis due to external causes DA42.9 Gastric phlegmon DA42.Y Other specified gastritis DA42.Z Gastritis, unspecified – DA42.40 Allergic gastritis due to IgE-mediated hypersensitivity – DA42.41 Allergic gastritis due to non-IgE-mediated hypersensitivity – DA42.4Y Other specified allergic gastritis – DA42.4Z Allergic gastritis, unspecified – DA42.70 Acute superficial gastritis of unknown aetiology – DA42.71 Chronic superficial gastritis of unknown aetiology – DA42.72 Acute haemorrhagic gastritis of unknown aetiology – DA42.73 Chronic atrophic gastritis of unknown aetiology – DA42.74 Metaplastic gastritis of unknown aetiology – DA42.75 Granulomatous gastritis of unknown aetiology – DA42.76 Hypertrophic gastritis of unknown aetiology – DA42.7Y Other specified gastritis of unknown aetiology with specific endoscopic or pathological features – DA42.80 Alcoholic gastritis – DA42.81 Radiation gastritis – DA42.82 Chemical gastritis – DA42.83 Drug-induced gastritis – DA42.8Z Gastritis due to external causes, unspecified DA43 Vascular disorders of the stomach DA43.0 Gastric varices DA43.1 Angiodysplasia of stomach DA43.2 Arteriovenous malformation of stomach DA43.3 Portal hypertensive gastropathy DA43.4 Diffuse vascular ectasia of stomach DA43.Y Other specified vascular disorders of the stomach DA43.Z Vascular disorders of the stomach, unspecified DA44 Gastric polyp DA44.0 Hyperplastic polyp of stomach DA44.1 Fundic gland polyp of stomach DA44.2 Hamartomatous polyp of stomach DA44.Y Other specified gastric polyp DA44.Z Gastric polyp, unspecified DA4Y Other specified diseases of stomach DA4Z Diseases of stomach, unspecified DA50 Acquired anatomical alterations of the duodenum DA50.0 Obstruction of duodenum DA50.1 Diverticulum of duodenum DA50.2 Fistula of duodenum DA50.3 Deformity of duodenum, acquired DA50.Y Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the duodenum DA50.Z Acquired anatomical alterations of the duodenum, unspecified DA51 Duodenitis DA51.0 Helicobacter-pylori associated duodenitis DA51.1 Eosinophilic duodenitis DA51.2 Lymphocytic duodenitis DA51.3 Allergic duodenitis DA51.4 Duodenitis of unknown aetiology with specific endoscopic or pathologic features DA51.5 Duodenitis due to external causes DA51.6 Infectious duodenitis DA51.Y Other specified duodenitis DA51.Z Duodenitis, unspecified – DA51.40 Acute haemorrhagic duodenitis of unknown aetiology – DA51.41 Granulomatous duodenitis of unknown aetiology – DA51.4Z Duodenitis of unknown aetiology with specific endoscopic or pathologic features, unspecified – DA51.50 Alcoholic duodenitis – DA51.51 Drug-induced duodenitis – DA51.52 Chemical duodenitis – DA51.53 Radiation duodenitis – DA51.5Y Duodenitis due to other specified external causes – DA51.5Z Duodenitis due to external causes, unspecified – DA51.60 Duodenal phlegmon – DA51.6Y Other specified infectious duodenitis – DA51.6Z Infectious duodenitis, unspecified DA52 Vascular disorders of the duodenum DA52.0 Duodenal varices DA52.1 Angiodysplasia of duodenum DA52.2 Arteriovenous malformation of duodenum DA52.Y Other specified vascular disorders of the duodenum DA52.Z Vascular disorders of the duodenum, unspecified DA53 Duodenal polyp DA53.0 Hyperplastic duodenal polyp DA53.Y Other specified duodenal polyp DA53.Z Duodenal polyp, unspecified DA5Y Other specified diseases of duodenum DA5Z Diseases of duodenum, unspecified DA60 Gastric ulcer DA60.0 Gastric erosion DA60.1 Helicobacter pylori associated gastric ulcer DA60.2 Helicobacter pylori associated and drug-induced gastric ulcer DA60.3 Stress ulcer of stomach DA60.4 Eosinophilic gastric ulcer DA60.5 Lymphocytic gastric ulcer DA60.6 Gastric ulcer due to external causes DA60.7 Infectious secondary gastric ulcer DA60.Y Other specified gastric ulcer DA60.Z Gastric ulcer, unspecified – DA60.60 Alcohol-induced gastric ulcer – DA60.61 Chemical gastric ulcer – DA60.62 Drug-induced gastric ulcer – DA60.63 Radiation gastric ulcer – DA60.6Y Other specified gastric ulcer due to external causes – DA60.6Z Gastric ulcer due to external causes, unspecified DA61 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified DA62 Anastomotic ulcer DA62.0 Anastomotic erosion DA62.1 Helicobacter pylori associated anastomotic ulcer DA62.2 Drug-induced anastomotic ulcer DA62.3 Peptic anastomotic ulcer DA62.Y Other specified anastomotic ulcer DA62.Z Anastomotic ulcer, unspecified DA63 Duodenal ulcer DA63.0 Duodenal erosion DA63.1 Helicobacter-pylori associated duodenal ulcer DA63.2 Helicobacter-pylori associated and drug-induced duodenal ulcer DA63.3 Stress ulcer of duodenum DA63.4 Eosinophilic duodenal ulcer DA63.5 Duodenal ulcer due to external causes DA63.6 Infectious duodenal ulcer DA63.Y Other specified duodenal ulcer DA63.Z Duodenal ulcer, unspecified – DA63.50 Drug-induced duodenal ulcer – DA63.51 Radiation duodenal ulcer – DA63.52 Chemical duodenal ulcer – DA63.5Y Duodenal ulcer due to other specified external causes – DA63.5Z Duodenal ulcer due to external causes, unspecified – DA63.60 Bacterial duodenal ulcer – DA63.61 Viral duodenal ulcer – DA63.62 Fungal duodenal ulcer – DA63.6Z Infectious duodenal ulcer, unspecified DA7Z Diseases of the stomach or the duodenum, unspecified DA90 Nonstructural developmental anomalies of small intestine DA90.0 Syndromic diarrhoea DA90.1 Congenital intestinal transport defect DA90.2 Congenital intestinal motility disorders DA90.Y Other specified nonstructural developmental anomalies of small intestine DA90.Z Nonstructural developmental anomalies of small intestine, unspecified DA91 Obstruction of small intestine DA91.0 Intussusception of small intestine DA91.1 Volvulus of small intestine DA91.2 Intestinal adhesions or bands of small intestine with obstruction DA91.3 Obstructive ileus of small intestine due to impaction DA91.Y Other specified obstruction of small intestine DA91.Z Obstruction of small intestine, unspecified DA91.30 Gallstone ileus of small intestine DA91.31 Enterolith of small intestine DA91.3Y Other specified obstructive ileus of small intestine due to impaction DA91.3Z Obstructive ileus of small intestine due to impaction, unspecified DA92 Other acquired anatomical alterations of small intestine DA92.0 Fistula of small intestine DA92.1 Pneumatosis intestinalis of small intestine DA92.Y Other specified other acquired anatomical alterations of small intestine DA92.Z Other acquired anatomical alterations of small intestine, unspecified DA93 Motility disorders of small intestine DA93.0 Paralytic ileus DA93.Y Other specified motility disorders of small intestine DA93.Z Motility disorders of small intestine, unspecified DA94 Noninfectious enteritis or ulcer of small intestine DA94.0 Primary ulcer of small intestine DA94.1 Drug-induced or toxic enteritis of small intestine DA94.2 Allergic or dietetic enteritis of small intestine DA94.3 Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to other external causes DA94.Y Other specified noninfectious enteritis or ulcer of small intestine DA94.Z Noninfectious enteritis or ulcer of small intestine, unspecified DA94.00 Primary nonspecific ulceration of small intestine DA94.01 Chronic non-specific multiple ulcers of small intestine DA94.02 Cryptogenic multifocal ulcerous stenosing enteritis DA94.0Y Other specified primary ulcer of small intestine DA94.0Z Primary ulcer of small intestine, unspecified DA94.20 IgE mediated allergic enteritis of small intestine DA94.21 Eosinophilic enteritis DA94.22 Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome DA94.2Y Other specified allergic or dietetic enteritis of small intestine DA94.2Z Allergic or dietetic enteritis of small intestine, unspecified DA94.30 Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to foreign body DA94.31 Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to radiation DA94.32 Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to trauma DA94.3Z Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to other external causes, unspecified DA95 Coeliac disease DA96 Intestinal malabsorption or protein-losing enteropathy DA96.0 Intestinal malabsorption DA96.1 Protein-losing enteropathy DA96.Y Other specified intestinal malabsorption or protein-losing enteropathy DA96.Z Intestinal malabsorption or protein-losing enteropathy, unspecified DA96.00 Bacterial overgrowth syndrome DA96.01 Tropical sprue DA96.02 Malabsorption or intolerance of specific nutrients DA96.04 Short bowel syndrome DA96.05 Intestinal failure DA96.0Y Other specified intestinal malabsorption DA96.0Z Intestinal malabsorption, unspecified DA97 Certain vascular disorders of small intestine DA97.0 Angiodysplasia of small intestine DA97.1 Arteriovenous malformation of small intestine DA97.2 Vasculitis of mesenteric arteries DA97.3 Varices of small intestine DA97.Z Certain vascular disorders of small intestine, unspecified DA98 Polyps of small intestine DA98.0 Hamartoma of small intestine DA98.1 Hyperplastic polyp of small intestine DA98.2 Inflammatory fibroid polyp of small intestine DA98.3 Lymphoid hyperplasia of small intestine DA98.Y Other specified polyps of small intestine DA98.Z Polyps of small intestine, unspecified DA9Y Other specified diseases of small intestine DA9Z Diseases of small intestine, unspecified DB10 Appendicitis DB10.0 Acute appendicitis DB10.1 Chronic appendicitis DB10.Y Other specified appendicitis DB10.Z Appendicitis, unspecified DB10.00 Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis DB10.01 Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis DB10.02 Acute appendicitis without localised or generalised peritonitis DB11 Certain specified diseases of appendix DB11.0 Megaloappendix DB11.1 Hyperplasia of appendix DB11.2 Appendicular concretions DB11.3 Diverticulum of appendix, acquired DB11.4 Fistula of appendix DB11.5 Intussusception of appendix DB11.6 Mucocele of appendix DB1Y Other specified diseases of appendix DB1Z Diseases of appendix, unspecified DB30 Obstruction of large intestine DB30.0 Intussusception of the large intestine DB30.1 Volvulus of large intestine DB30.2 Adhesions of large intestine with obstruction DB30.3 Impaction of large intestine DB30.4 Stenosis of the rectum DB30.Y Other specified obstruction of large intestine DB30.Z Obstruction of large intestine, unspecified DB31 Other acquired anatomical alterations of large intestine DB31.0 Fistula of large intestine DB31.1 Pneumatosis intestinalis of large intestine DB31.2 Rectal prolapse DB31.Y Other specified other acquired anatomical alterations of large intestine DB31.Z Other acquired anatomical alterations of large intestine, unspecified DB32 Motility disorders of large intestine DB32.0 Pseudo-obstruction of colon DB32.1 Slow transit constipation DB32.2 Megacolon DB32.3 Acquired hypoganglionosis of large intestine DB32.Y Other specified motility disorders of large intestine DB32.Z Motility disorders of large intestine, unspecified DB32.20 Toxic megacolon DB32.2Y Other specified megacolon DB32.2Z Megacolon, unspecified DB33 Certain noninfectious colitis or proctitis DB33.0 Primary ulcer of colon DB33.1 Microscopic colitis DB33.2 Allergic or dietetic colitis DB33.3 Diversion colitis DB33.4 Colitis or proctitis due to external causes DB33.Y Other specified noninfectious colitis or proctitis DB33.Z Certain noninfectious colitis or proctitis, unspecified DB33.10 Collagenous colitis DB33.11 Lymphocytic colitis DB33.1Y Other specified microscopic colitis DB33.1Z Microscopic colitis, unspecified DB33.20 Food protein-induced proctitis or colitis of infants DB33.2Y Other specified allergic or dietetic colitis DB33.2Z Allergic or dietetic colitis, unspecified DB33.40 Chemical colitis or proctitis DB33.41 Radiation-induced colitis DB33.42 Radiation proctitis DB33.43 Drug-induced colitis DB33.4Y Other specified colitis or proctitis due to external causes DB33.4Z Colitis or proctitis due to external causes, unspecified DB34 Certain vascular disorders of large intestine DB34.0 Angiodysplasia of colon DB34.1 Arteriovenous malformation of large intestine DB34.2 Vasculitis of large intestine DB34.3 Varices of large intestine DB34.4 Acute haemorrhagic rectal ulcer DB34.Y Other specified vascular disorders of large intestine DB34.Z Vascular disorders of large intestine, unspecified DB35 Polyp of large intestine DB35.0 Hyperplastic polyp of large intestine DB35.1 Inflammatory polyp of large intestine DB35.2 Benign lymphoid polyp of large intestine DB35.3 Hamartomatous polyp DB35.4 Inflammatory fibroid polyp of large intestine DB35.Y Other specified polyp of large intestine DB35.Z Polyp of large intestine, unspecified DB36 Certain infections of the large intestine DB36.0 Colonic abscess DB36.1 Rectal abscess DB36.Y Other specified infections of the large intestine DB36.Z Certain infections of the large intestine, unspecified DB36.10 Perirectal abscess DB36.11 Ischiorectal abscess DB36.12 Rectal cellulitis DB3Y Other specified diseases of large intestine DB3Z Diseases of large intestine, unspecified DB50 Fissure or fistula of anal regions DB50.0 Anal fissure DB50.1 Anal fistula DB50.2 Anorectal fistula DB50.Y Other specified fissure or fistula of anal regions DB50.Z Fissure or fistula of anal regions, unspecified DB51 Stenosis of anal canal DB52 Ulcer of anus DB53 Anal prolapse DB5Y Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the anal canal DB5Z Acquired anatomical alterations of the anal canal, unspecified DB60 Haemorrhoids DB60.0 First degree haemorrhoids DB60.1 Second degree haemorrhoids DB60.2 Third degree haemorrhoids DB60.3 Fourth degree haemorrhoids DB60.Z Haemorrhoids, unspecified DB61 Perianal venous thrombosis DB62 Residual haemorrhoidal skin tags DB6Y Other specified haemorrhoids or perianal venous conditions DB6Z Haemorrhoids or perianal venous conditions, unspecified DB70 Infections of the anal region DB70.0 Abscess of anal regions DB70.Y Other specified infections of the anal region DB70.Z Infections of the anal region, unspecified DB70.00 Anal abscess DB70.01 Anorectal abscess DB70.02 Intrasphincteric abscess DB70.0Y Other specified abscess of anal regions DB70.0Z Abscess of anal regions, unspecified DB71 Anal polyp DB71.0 Inflammatory anal polyp DB71.1 Lymphoid polyp DB71.2 Hypertrophied anal papillae DB71.Y Other specified anal polyp DB71.Z Anal polyp, unspecified DB72 Certain specified diseases of anal canal DB72.0 Anal spasm DB72.Z Certain specified diseases of anal canal, unspecified DB7Y Other specified diseases of anal canal DB7Z Diseases of anal canal, unspecified DB90 Infectious liver disease DB90.0 Abscess of liver DB90.Y Other specified infectious liver disease DB90.Z Infectious liver disease, unspecified DB91 Acute or subacute hepatic failure DB91.0 Acute or subacute hepatic failure due to hepatitis virus DB91.1 Other acute or subacute hepatic failure DB91.Z Acute or subacute hepatic failure, unspecified DB92 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease DB92.0 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease without non-alcoholic steatohepatitis DB92.1 Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis DB92.Y Other specified non-alcoholic fatty liver disease DB92.Z Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, unspecified DB93 Hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis DB93.0 Hepatic fibrosis DB93.1 Hepatic cirrhosis DB93.2 Certain specified fibrosis or cirrhosis of liver DB93.Y Other specified hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis DB93.20 Hereditary North American Indian childhood cirrhosis DB93.21 Idiopathic copper-associated cirrhosis DB94 Alcoholic liver disease DB94.0 Alcoholic fatty liver DB94.1 Alcoholic hepatitis DB94.2 Alcoholic liver fibrosis DB94.3 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver without hepatitis DB94.Y Other specified alcoholic liver disease DB94.Z Alcoholic liver disease, unspecified DB94.10 Alcoholic hepatitis with cirrhosis DB94.1Y Other specified alcoholic hepatitis DB94.1Z Alcoholic hepatitis, unspecified DB95 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease DB95.0 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with acute hepatic necrosis or acute hepatitis DB95.1 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis DB95.2 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis DB95.3 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fatty liver DB95.4 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with granulomatous hepatitis DB95.5 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fibrosis or cirrhosis of liver DB95.6 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with vascular disorders of the liver DB95.7 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with liver tumours DB95.Y Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease DB95.Z Drug-induced or toxic liver disease, unspecified DB95.10 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis DB95.11 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis without cirrhosis DB95.1Y Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis DB95.1Z Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis, unspecified DB95.20 Chronic drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis DB95.2Y Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis DB95.2Z Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis, unspecified DB95.30 Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic fatty liver disease DB95.3Y Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fatty liver DB95.3Z Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fatty liver, unspecified DB96 Autoimmune liver disease DB96.0 Autoimmune hepatitis DB96.1 Primary biliary cholangitis DB96.2 Primary sclerosing cholangitis DB96.Y Other specified autoimmune liver disease DB96.Z Autoimmune liver disease, unspecified DB96.10 Primary biliary cholangitis with overlap syndrome DB96.1Y Other specified primary biliary cholangitis DB96.1Z Primary biliary cholangitis, unspecified DB96.20 Primary sclerosing cholangitis with cirrhosis DB96.2Y Other specified primary sclerosing cholangitis DB96.2Z Primary sclerosing cholangitis, unspecified DB97 Certain specified inflammatory liver diseases DB97.0 Idiopathic granulomatous hepatitis DB97.1 Hepatic berylliosis DB97.2 Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified DB97.Y Other specified inflammatory liver disease DB97.Z Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified DB98 Vascular disorders of the liver DB98.0 Infarction of liver DB98.1 Peliosis hepatis DB98.2 Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver DB98.3 Portal vein thrombosis DB98.4 Splenic vein thrombosis DB98.5 Budd-Chiari syndrome DB98.6 Hepatic veno-occlusive disease DB98.7 Portal hypertension DB98.8 Passive congestion of liver DB98.9 Hepatic artery aneurysm DB98.A Hepatic haemorrhage DB98.B Ischaemia reperfusion injury of liver DB98.Y Other specified vascular disorders of the liver DB98.Z Vascular disorders of the liver, unspecified DB98.70 Idiopathic portal hypertension DB98.71 Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis DB98.72 Partial nodular transformation of liver DB98.73 Splanchnic arteriovenous fistula DB98.74 Secondary portal hypertension DB98.7Y Other specified portal hypertension DB98.7Z Portal hypertension, unspecified DB99 Certain specified diseases of liver DB99.0 Chronic liver disease DB99.1 Hepatic cyst DB99.2 Hepatorenal syndrome DB99.3 Portopulmonary hypertension DB99.4 Hepatopulmonary syndrome DB99.5 Hepatic encephalopathy DB99.6 Intrahepatic cholestasis, not elsewhere classified DB99.7 Hepatic failure without mention whether acute or chronic DB99.8 Chronic hepatic failure DB99.Y Other diseases of liver DB99.10 Polycystic liver disease DB99.1Y Other specified hepatic cyst DB99.1Z Hepatic cyst, unspecified DB99.60 Cholestasis of parenteral nutrition DB99.6Y Other specified intrahepatic cholestasis, not elsewhere classified DB99.6Z Intrahepatic cholestasis, not elsewhere classified, unspecified DB9Z Diseases of liver, unspecified DC10 Acquired anatomical alterations of gallbladder or bile ducts DC10.0 Obstruction of gallbladder or bile ducts DC10.1 Hydrops of gallbladder DC10.2 Fistula of gallbladder or bile duct DC10.3 Polyp of gallbladder DC10.4 Cholesterolosis of gallbladder DC10.Y Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of gallbladder or bile ducts DC10.Z Acquired anatomical alterations of gallbladder or bile ducts, unspecified DC10.00 Obstruction of cystic duct DC10.01 Obstruction of gall bladder DC10.02 Obstruction of bile duct DC10.0Y Other specified obstruction of gallbladder or bile ducts DC10.0Z Obstruction of gallbladder or bile ducts, unspecified DC11 Cholelithiasis DC11.0 Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct with acute cholecystitis DC11.1 Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct with other cholecystitis DC11.2 Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct with cholangitis DC11.3 Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct without cholecystitis or cholangitis DC11.4 Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis DC11.5 Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis DC11.6 Calculus of bile duct without cholangitis or cholecystitis DC11.7 Intrahepatic cholelithiasis DC11.Y Other specified cholelithiasis DC11.Z Cholelithiasis, unspecified DC12 Cholecystitis DC12.0 Acute cholecystitis DC12.1 Chronic cholecystitis DC12.Y Other specified cholecystitis DC12.Z Cholecystitis, unspecified DC12.00 Acute on chronic cholecystitis DC12.0Y Other specified acute cholecystitis DC12.0Z Acute cholecystitis, unspecified DC13 Cholangitis DC14 Certain specified biliary diseases DC14.0 Haemorrhage of bile duct DC14.1 Postcholecystectomy syndrome DC14.2 Dyskinesia of sphincter of Oddi DC14.3 Adenomyomatosis of gallbladder DC14.Y Other biliary diseases DC14.Z Biliary disease, unspecified DC1Y Other specified diseases of gallbladder or biliary tract DC1Z Diseases of gallbladder or biliary tract, unspecified DC30 Cystic diseases of the pancreas DC30.0 Cyst of pancreas DC30.1 Pseudocyst of pancreas DC30.Y Other specified cystic diseases of the pancreas DC30.Z Cystic diseases of the pancreas, unspecified DC31 Acute pancreatitis DC31.0 Acute idiopathic pancreatitis DC31.1 Acute alcohol-induced pancreatitis DC31.2 Acute biliary pancreatitis DC31.3 Acute drug-induced pancreatitis DC31.4 Hereditary acute pancreatitis DC31.5 Acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis DC31.Y Other specified acute pancreatitis DC31.Z Acute pancreatitis, unspecified DC32 Chronic pancreatitis DC32.0 Calcific pancreatitis DC32.1 Groove pancreatitis DC32.2 Hereditary chronic pancreatitis DC32.3 Chronic alcohol-induced pancreatitis DC32.4 Chronic idiopathic pancreatitis DC32.5 Tropical pancreatitis DC32.Y Other specified chronic pancreatitis DC32.Z Chronic pancreatitis, unspecified DC33 Autoimmune pancreatitis DC34 Obstructive pancreatitis DC35 Certain specified diseases of pancreas DC35.0 Atrophy of pancreas DC35.1 Secondary pancreatic insufficiency DC35.2 Pancreatic steatorrhoea DC35.Z Certain specified diseases of pancreas, unspecified DC3Y Other specified diseases of pancreas DC3Z Diseases of pancreas, unspecified DC50 Peritonitis DC50.0 Primary peritonitis DC50.1 Secondary peritonitis DC50.2 Peritoneal abscess DC50.Z Peritonitis, unspecified DC50.00 Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis DC50.01 Other specified primary peritonitis DC50.10 Eosinophilic peritonitis DC50.11 Mesenteric peritonitis DC50.12 Chronic proliferative peritonitis DC50.13 Peritonitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae DC50.1Y Other specified secondary peritonitis DC50.1Z Secondary peritonitis, unspecified DC51 Certain specified disorders of peritoneum or retroperitoneum DC51.0 Chylous ascites DC51.1 Peritoneal adhesions DC51.2 Haemoperitoneum DC51.Y Other specified disorders of peritoneum or retroperitoneum DC5Z Diseases of peritoneum, unspecified DC70 Diverticulitis of small intestine DC70.0 Diverticulitis of small intestine with complication DC70.1 Diverticulitis of small intestine without complication DC70.Z Diverticulitis of small intestine without specification of presence of complications – DC70.00 Diverticulitis of small intestine with perforation or abscess – DC70.0Y Diverticulitis of small intestine with other specified complication – DC70.0Z Diverticulitis of small intestine with unspecified complication DC71 Diverticulosis of small intestine DC71.0 Diverticulosis of small intestine with haemorrhage DC71.1 Diverticulosis of small intestine without haemorrhage DC71.Z Diverticulosis of small intestine, unspecified DC72 Diverticulum of small intestine DC72.0 Diverticulum of small intestine with haemorrhage DC72.1 Diverticulum of small intestine without haemorrhage DC72.Z Diverticulum of small intestine, no specification about presence or absence of haemorrhage DC80 Diverticulitis of large intestine DC80.0 Diverticulitis of large intestine with complication DC80.1 Diverticulitis of large intestine without complication DC80.Z Diverticulitis of large intestine without specification of presence of complications – DC80.00 Diverticulitis of large intestine with perforation or abscess – DC80.0Z Diverticulitis of large intestine with complication, unspecified DC81 Diverticulosis of large intestine DC81.0 Diverticulosis of large intestine with haemorrhage DC81.1 Diverticulosis of large intestine without haemorrhage DC81.Z Diverticulosis of large intestine, unspecified DC82 Diverticulum of large intestine DC82.0 Diverticulum of large intestine with haemorrhage DC82.1 Diverticulum of large intestine without haemorrhage DC82.Z Diverticulum of large intestine, unspecified DC90 Diverticular disease of small and large intestine DD00 Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine DD00.0 Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with complication DD00.1 Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine without complication DD00.Z Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine without specification of presence or absence of complications – DD00.00 Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with perforation or abscess – DD00.0Y Other specified diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with complication – DD00.0Z Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with complication, unspecified DD01 Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine DD01.0 Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine with haemorrhage DD01.1 Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine without haemorrhage DD01.Z Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine, unspecified DD02 Diverticulum of unspecified part of intestine DD02.0 Diverticular disease of unspecified part of intestine with haemorrhage DD02.1 Diverticulum of unspecified part of intestine without complication DD02.Z Diverticulum of unspecified part of intestine, unspecified DD1Z Diverticular disease of intestine, unspecified DD30 Acute vascular disorders of intestine DD30.0 Acute mesenteric arterial infarction DD30.1 Acute mesenteric arterial ischaemia DD30.2 Acute mesenteric venous occlusion DD30.Y Other specified acute vascular disorders of intestine DD30.Z Acute vascular disorders of intestine, unspecified DD31 Chronic vascular disorders of intestine DD31.0 Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia DD31.Y Other specified chronic vascular disorders of intestine DD31.Z Chronic vascular disorders of intestine, unspecified DD31.00 Ischaemic colitis DD31.0Y Other specified non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia DD31.0Z Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia, unspecified DD3Y Other specified ischaemic vascular disorders of intestine DD3Z Ischaemic vascular disorders of intestine, unspecified DD50 Non-abdominal wall hernia DD50.0 Diaphragmatic hernia DD50.1 Pelvic hernia DD50.2 Intra-abdominal hernia DD50.Y Other specified non-abdominal wall hernia DD50.Z Non-abdominal wall hernia, unspecified DD50.20 Primary intra-abdominal hernia DD50.21 Secondary intra-abdominal hernia DD50.2Y Other specified intra-abdominal hernia DD50.2Z Intra-abdominal hernia, unspecified DD51 Inguinal hernia DD52 Femoral hernia DD53 Umbilical hernia DD54 Paraumbilical hernia DD55 Epigastric hernia DD56 Incisional hernia DD57 Parastomal hernia DD5Y Other specified hernias DD5Z Hernias, unspecified DD70 Crohn disease DD70.0 Crohn disease of upper gastrointestinal tract DD70.1 Crohn disease of small intestine DD70.2 Crohn disease of appendix DD70.3 Crohn disease of large intestine DD70.4 Crohn disease of anal region DD70.5 Crohn disease of both small and large intestine DD70.6 Crohn disease of anastomotic sites DD70.Y Crohn disease of other specified site DD70.Z Crohn disease, unspecified site DD71 Ulcerative colitis DD71.0 Ulcerative pancolitis DD71.1 Left sided ulcerative colitis DD71.2 Ulcerative rectosigmoiditis DD71.3 Ulcerative proctitis DD71.Y Other specified ulcerative colitis DD71.Z Ulcerative colitis, unspecified DD72 Indeterminate colitis DD7Y Other specified inflammatory bowel diseases DD7Z Inflammatory bowel diseases, unspecified DD90 Functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders DD90.0 Globus DD90.1 Functional swallowing disorder DD90.2 Functional heartburn DD90.3 Functional dyspepsia DD90.4 Functional nausea or vomiting DD90.5 Functional belching disorders DD90.6 Adult rumination syndrome DD90.Y Other specified functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders DD90.Z Functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders, unspecified DD91 Irritable bowel syndrome or certain specified functional bowel disorders DD91.0 Irritable bowel syndrome DD91.1 Functional constipation DD91.2 Functional diarrhoea DD91.3 Functional bloating DD91.4 Functional abdominal pain syndrome DD91.Y Other specified irritable bowel syndrome or functional bowel disorders DD91.Z Irritable bowel syndrome or functional bowel disorders, unspecified DD91.00 Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation predominant DD91.01 Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea predominant DD91.02 Irritable bowel syndrome, mixed type DD91.03 Irritable bowel syndrome, unsubtyped DD91.0Z Irritable bowel syndrome, type unspecified DD92 Functional anorectal disorders DD92.0 Functional faecal incontinence DD92.1 Functional anorectal pain DD92.2 Functional defaecation disorders DD92.Y Other specified functional anorectal disorders DD92.Z Functional anorectal disorders, unspecified DD93 Functional digestive disorders of infants, toddlers or children DD93.0 Infant regurgitation DD93.1 Infantile colic DD93.2 Infant dyschezia DD93.Y Other functional digestive disorders of infants, neonates or toddlers DD93.Z Functional digestive disorders of infants, toddlers or children, unspecified DD94 Functional gallbladder disorder DD95 Functional sphincter of Oddi disorder DD9Y Other specified functional gastrointestinal disorders DD9Z Functional gastrointestinal disorders, unspecified DE10 Vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery DE11 Dumping syndrome DE12 Malfunction or complication of external stoma of digestive organs DE12.0 Colostomy or enterostomy malfunction or complication DE12.1 Gastrostomy malfunction DE13 Postsurgical malabsorption, not elsewhere classified DE2Y Other specified diseases of the digestive system DE2Z Diseases of the digestive system, unspecified EB90.0 Diabetic skin lesions FA00 Osteoarthritis of hip FA00.0 Primary osteoarthritis of hip FA00.1 Post traumatic osteoarthritis of hip FA00.2 Other secondary osteoarthritis of hip FA00.Z Osteoarthritis of hip, unspecified FA01 Osteoarthritis of knee FA01.0 Primary osteoarthritis of knee FA01.1 Post traumatic osteoarthritis of knee FA01.2 Other secondary osteoarthritis of knee FA01.Z Osteoarthritis of knee, unspecified FA02 Osteoarthritis of wrist or hand FA02.0 Primary osteoarthritis of wrist or hand FA02.1 Post traumatic osteoarthritis of wrist or hand FA02.2 Other secondary osteoarthritis of wrist or hand FA02.Z Osteoarthritis of wrist or hand, unspecified FA03 Osteoarthritis of other specified joint FA03.0 Primary osteoarthritis of other specified joint FA03.1 Post traumatic osteoarthritis of other specified joint FA03.2 Other secondary osteoarthritis of other specified joint FA03.Z Osteoarthritis of other specified joint, unspecified FA04 Oligoosteoarthritis FA05 Polyosteoarthritis FA0Z Osteoarthritis, unspecified FA10 Direct infections of joint FA10.0 Bacterial infection of joint FA10.1 Viral infection of joint FA10.2 Fungal infection of joint FA10.Z Direct infections of joint, unspecified FA11 Reactive arthropathies FA11.0 Arthropathy following intestinal bypass FA11.1 Arthropathy following vaccination FA11.2 Arthropathy following genitourinary infection FA11.Y Other specified reactive arthropathies FA11.Z Reactive arthropathies, unspecified FA12 Postinfectious arthropathies FA12.0 Bacterial postinfectious arthropathy FA12.1 Viral postinfectious arthropathies FA12.2 Fungal postinfectious arthropathies FA12.3 Parasitic postinfectious arthropathies FA12.Y Other specified postinfectious arthropathies FA12.Z Postinfectious arthropathies, unspecified FA13 Infectious spondyloarthritis FA1Y Other specified infection related arthropathies FA1Z Infection related arthropathies, unspecified FA20 Rheumatoid arthritis FA20.0 Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis FA20.1 Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis FA20.Z Rheumatoid arthritis, serology unspecified FA21 Psoriatic arthritis FA21.0 Psoriatic spondyloarthritis FA21.Y Other specified psoriatic arthritis FA21.Z Psoriatic arthritis, unspecified FA22 Polymyalgia rheumatica FA23 Adult-onset Still disease FA24 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis FA24.0 Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis FA24.1 Juvenile idiopathic polyarthritis FA24.2 Juvenile psoriatic arthritis FA24.3 Juvenile enthesitis related arthritis FA24.4 Juvenile systemic arthritis FA24.Y Other specified juvenile idiopathic arthritis FA24.Z Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, unspecified – FA24.00 Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset persistent – FA24.01 Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset extended – FA24.0Z Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset unspecified FA25 Gout FA25.0 Primary gout FA25.1 Secondary gout FA25.2 Gout without specification whether primary or secondary – FA25.10 Lead-induced gout – FA25.11 Drug-induced gout – FA25.12 Gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects or other inherited disorders – FA25.1Y Other specified secondary gout – FA25.1Z Secondary gout, unspecified – FA25.20 Tophaceous gout – FA25.2Y Other specified gout without specification whether primary or secondary – FA25.2Z Gout, unspecified FA26 Certain specified crystal arthropathies FA26.0 Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate deposition disease FA26.1 Hydroxyapatite deposition disease FA26.2 Chondrocalcinosis FA26.Y Other specified crystal arthropathies FA26.Z Crystal arthropathies, unspecified FA27 Certain specified inflammatory arthropathies FA27.0 Kashin-Beck disease FA27.1 Pigmented villonodular synovitis FA27.2 Palindromic rheumatism FA27.3 Transient synovitis FA27.4 Intermittent hydrarthrosis FA27.Y Other specified inflammatory arthropathies FA2Z Inflammatory arthropathies, unspecified FA30 Acquired deformities of fingers or toes FA30.0 Acquired hallux valgus FA30.1 Hallux rigidus FA30.2 Acquired hammer toe FA30.Y Other specified acquired deformities of fingers or toes FA30.Z Acquired deformities of fingers or toes, unspecified FA31 Other acquired deformities of limbs FA31.0 Valgus deformity, not elsewhere classified FA31.1 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified FA31.2 Flexion deformity FA31.3 Acquired wrist drop FA31.4 Acquired foot drop FA31.5 Acquired pes planus FA31.6 Acquired clawhand or clubhand FA31.7 Acquired clawfoot or clubfoot FA31.8 Acquired unequal limb length FA31.Y Other specified acquired deformities of limbs FA31.Z Acquired deformities of limbs, unspecified FA32 Disorders of patella FA32.0 Recurrent instability of patella FA32.1 Patellofemoral disorders FA32.Y Other specified disorders of patella FA32.Z Disorders of patella, unspecified FA33 Internal derangement of knee FA33.0 Cystic meniscus FA33.1 Discoid meniscus FA33.2 Derangement of meniscus due to old tear or injury FA33.3 Loose body in knee FA33.4 Chronic instability of knee FA33.Y Other specified internal derangement of knee FA33.Z Internal derangement of knee, unspecified – FA33.40 Chronic instability of knee, medial collateral ligament or other or unspecified part of medial meniscus – FA33.4Y Other specified chronic instability of knee – FA33.4Z Chronic instability of knee, unspecified FA34 Certain specified joint derangements FA34.0 Loose body in joint FA34.1 Disorder of ligament FA34.2 Recurrent instability of joint FA34.3 Contracture of joint FA34.4 Ankylosis of joint FA34.5 Impingement syndrome of hip FA34.Y Other joint derangements FA35 Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis FA35.0 Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of hip FA35.1 Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of knee FA35.2 Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of other joint FA35.Z Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of unspecified joint FA36 Effusion of joint FA36.0 Effusion of joint containing blood FA36.Y Other specified effusion of joint FA36.Z Effusion of joint, unspecified FA37 Certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified FA37.0 Osteophyte FA37.Y Other specified certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified FA37.Z Certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified, unspecified FA38 Arthropathy in diseases classified elsewhere FA38.0 Diabetic arthropathy FA38.1 Neuropathic arthropathy FA38.2 Arthropathy in hypersensitivity reactions classified elsewhere FA38.3 Haemophilic arthropathy FA38.Y Other specified arthropathy in diseases classified elsewhere FA38.Z Unspecified arthropathy in diseases classified elsewhere – FA38.10 Diabetic Charcot arthropathy – FA38.1Y Other specified neuropathic arthropathy – FA38.1Z Neuropathic arthropathy, unspecified FA3Z Unspecified joint disorders and deformities of limbs FA5Y Other specified arthropathies FA5Z Arthropathies, unspecified FA70 Spinal deformities FA70.0 Kyphosis FA70.1 Scoliosis FA70.2 Lordosis FA70.Z Spinal deformities, unspecified FA71 Torticollis FA72 Disorders of vertebra FA72.0 Ankylosing hyperostosis FA72.1 Kissing spine FA72.2 Traumatic spondylopathy FA72.3 Fatigue fracture of vertebra FA72.4 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified FA72.Y Other specified disorders of vertebra FA72.Z Disorders of vertebra, unspecified FA7Y Other specified structural disorders of spine FA7Z Structural disorders of spine, unspecified FA80 Intervertebral disc degeneration FA80.0 Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine without prolapsed disc FA80.1 Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with prolapsed disc FA80.2 Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with bony spur at the vertebra FA80.3 Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with nervous system involvement FA80.4 Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine without prolapsed disc FA80.5 Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with prolapsed disc FA80.6 Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with bony spur at the vertebra FA80.7 Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with nervous system involvement FA80.8 Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine without prolapsed disc FA80.9 Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with prolapsed disc FA80.A Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with bony spur at the vertebra FA80.B Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with nervous system involvement FA80.Y Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration FA80.Z Intervertebral disc degeneration, unspecified FA81 Spondylolysis FA81.0 Spondylolysis with slippage FA81.1 Spondylolysis without slippage FA81.Z Spondylolysis, unspecified FA82 Spinal stenosis FA83 Ossification of spinal ligaments FA84 Spondylolisthesis FA84.0 Spondylolisthesis with pars defect FA84.1 Spondylolisthesis without pars defect FA84.Z Spondylolisthesis, unspecified FA85 Spinal endplate defects FA85.0 Spinal epiphysiopathy with no determinant FA85.1 Spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants FA85.Y Other specified spinal endplate defects FA85.Z Spinal endplate defects, unspecified – FA85.10 Localised central endplate defect – FA85.11 Multiple anterior endplate defect – FA85.12 Separation of ring apophysis – FA85.1Y Other specified spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants – FA85.1Z Spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants, unspecified FA8Y Other specified degenerative condition of spine FA8Z Degenerative condition of spine, unspecified FA90 Infection of vertebra FA90.0 Infection of vertebra with no determinant FA90.1 Infection of vertebra with determinants FA90.Y Other specified infection of vertebra FA90.Z Infection of vertebra, unspecified FA91 Infection of intervertebral disc FA92 Inflammatory spondyloarthritis FA92.0 Axial spondyloarthritis FA92.1 Peripheral spondyloarthritis FA92.Y Other specified inflammatory spondyloarthritis FA92.Z Inflammatory spondyloarthritis, unspecified – FA92.00 Spinal enthesitis – FA92.01 Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere classified – FA92.0Y Other specified axial spondyloarthritis – FA92.0Z Axial spondyloarthritis, unspecified FA9Y Other specified inflammation of spine FA9Z Inflammation of spine, unspecified FB00 Ankylosis of spinal joint FB0Y Other specified spondylopathies FB0Z Spondylopathies, unspecified FB10 Spinal instabilities FB1Y Other specified conditions associated with the spine FB1Z Conditions associated with the spine, unspecified FB30 Infectious myositis FB31 Calcification or ossification of muscle FB31.0 Progressive osseous heteroplasia FB31.1 Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva FB31.Y Other specified calcification or ossification of muscle FB31.Z Calcification or ossification of muscle, unspecified FB32 Certain specified disorders of muscle FB32.0 Diastasis of muscle FB32.1 Spontaneous rupture of muscle FB32.2 Ischaemic infarction of muscle FB32.3 Immobility syndrome FB32.4 Contracture of muscle FB32.5 Muscle strain or sprain FB32.Y Other specified disorders of muscles – FB32.20 Idiopathic rhabdomyolysis – FB32.2Y Other specified ischaemic infarction of muscle – FB32.2Z Ischaemic infarction of muscle, unspecified FB33 Secondary disorders of muscle FB3Z Disorders of muscles, unspecified FB40 Tenosynovitis FB40.0 Infectious tenosynovitis FB40.1 Plantar fasciitis FB40.2 Posterior tibial tendonitis FB40.3 Calcific tendinitis FB40.4 Trigger finger FB40.5 Radial styloid tenosynovitis FB40.Y Other specified tenosynovitis FB40.Z Tenosynovitis, unspecified FB41 Spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon FB41.0 Spontaneous rupture of popliteal cyst FB41.1 Spontaneous rupture of synovium FB41.2 Spontaneous rupture of tendon FB41.Y Other specified spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon FB41.Z Spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon, unspecified FB42 Certain specified disorders of synovium or tendon FB42.0 Acquired short Achilles tendon FB42.1 Contracture of tendon sheath FB42.2 Ganglion FB42.3 Synovial hypertrophy, not elsewhere classified FB43 Secondary disorders of synovium or tendon FB4Y Other specified disorders of synovium or tendon FB4Z Disorders of synovium or tendon, unspecified FB50 Bursitis FB50.0 Infectious bursitis FB50.1 Bursitis related to use, overuse or pressure FB50.2 Synovial cyst of popliteal space FB50.3 Calcium deposit in bursa FB50.Y Other specified bursitis FB50.Z Bursitis, unspecified FB51 Fibroblastic disorders FB51.0 Palmar fascial fibromatosis FB51.1 Knuckle pads FB51.2 Fasciitis and fibromatosis FB51.3 Fibroblastic rheumatism FB51.4 Retroperitoneal fibrosis FB51.Y Other specified fibroblastic disorders FB51.Z Fibroblastic disorders, unspecified – FB51.40 Primary retroperitoneal fibrosis – FB51.4Y Other specified retroperitoneal fibrosis – FB51.4Z Retroperitoneal fibrosis, unspecified FB52 Soft tissue disorders in diseases classified elsewhere FB53 Shoulder lesions FB53.0 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder FB53.1 Rotator cuff syndrome FB53.2 Impingement syndrome of shoulder FB53.Y Other specified shoulder lesions FB53.Z Shoulder lesions, unspecified FB54 Enthesopathies of lower limb FB54.0 Iliac crest spur FB54.1 Iliotibial band syndrome FB54.2 Tibial collateral bursitis FB54.3 Calcaneal spur FB54.4 Metatarsalgia FB54.Y Other specified enthesopathies of lower limb FB54.Z Enthesopathies of lower limb, unspecified FB55 Certain specified enthesopathies FB55.0 Medial epicondylitis of elbow FB55.1 Lateral epicondylitis of elbow FB55.2 Periarthritis of wrist FB55.Z Enthesopathies, unspecified FB56 Specified soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified FB56.0 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified FB56.1 Residual foreign body in soft tissue FB56.2 Myalgia FB56.3 Hypertrophy of infrapatellar fat pad FB56.4 Pain in limb FB56.6 Other specified soft tissue disorders FB6Z Soft tissue disorders, unspecified FB80 Certain specified disorders of bone density or structure FB80.0 Fibrous dysplasia of bone FB80.1 Skeletal fluorosis FB80.2 Osteitis condensans FB80.3 Hyperostosis of skull FB80.4 Osteosclerosis FB80.5 Solitary bone cyst FB80.6 Aneurysmal bone cyst FB80.7 Malunion of fracture FB80.8 Nonunion of fracture FB80.9 Delayed union of fracture FB80.A Stress fracture, not elsewhere classified FB80.B Pathological fracture FB80.Y Other specified disorders of bone density and structure FB80.Z Disorder of bone density and structure, unspecified FB81 Osteonecrosis FB81.0 Idiopathic aseptic osteonecrosis FB81.1 Osteonecrosis due to dialysis FB81.2 Drug-induced osteonecrosis FB81.3 Osteonecrosis due to trauma FB81.4 Osteonecrosis due to haemoglobinopathy FB81.5 Osteonecrosis due to ionizing radiation FB81.6 Alcohol induced osteonecrosis FB81.Y Other specified osteonecrosis FB81.Z Osteonecrosis, unspecified FB82 Chondropathies FB82.0 Chondromalacia FB82.1 Osteochondrosis or osteochondritis dissecans FB82.2 Slipped upper femoral epiphysis FB82.3 Relapsing polychondritis FB82.Y Other specified chondropathies FB82.Z Chondropathies, unspecified FB82.00 Chondromalacia patellae FB82.0Y Other specified chondromalacia FB82.0Z Chondromalacia, unspecified FB83 Low bone mass disorders FB83.0 Osteopenia FB83.1 Osteoporosis FB83.2 Adult osteomalacia FB83.00 Premenopausal idiopathic osteopenia FB83.01 Postmenopausal osteopenia FB83.02 Senile osteopenia FB83.03 Osteopenia of disuse FB83.04 Drug-induced osteopenia FB83.0Y Other specified osteopenia FB83.0Z Osteopenia, unspecified FB83.10 Premenopausal idiopathic osteoporosis FB83.11 Postmenopausal osteoporosis FB83.12 Osteoporosis of disuse FB83.13 Drug-induced osteoporosis FB83.14 Osteoporosis due to malabsorption FB83.1Y Other specified osteoporosis FB83.1Z Osteoporosis, unspecified FB83.20 Aluminium bone disease FB83.21 Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition FB83.22 Drug-induced adult osteomalacia FB83.2Y Other specified adult osteomalacia FB83.2Z Adult osteomalacia, unspecified FB84 Osteomyelitis or osteitis FB84.0 Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis FB84.1 Other acute osteomyelitis FB84.2 Subacute osteomyelitis FB84.3 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis FB84.4 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus FB84.5 Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis FB84.Y Other specified osteomyelitis or osteitis FB84.Z Osteomyelitis or osteitis, unspecified FB85 Paget disease of bone FB85.0 Juvenile Paget disease FB85.1 Paget disease of bone in neoplastic disease FB85.Y Other specified Paget disease of bone FB85.Z Paget disease of bone, unspecified FB86 Disorders associated with bone growth FB86.0 Epiphyseal arrest FB86.1 Bone hyperplasias FB86.2 Osteolysis FB86.Y Other specified disorders associated with bone growth FB86.Z Disorders associated with bone growth, unspecified FB86.10 Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy FB86.11 Hypertrophy of bone FB86.1Y Other specified bone hyperplasias FB86.1Z Bone hyperplasias, unspecified FB8Y Other specified osteopathies or chondropathies FB8Z Osteopathies or chondropathies, unspecified FC00 Certain specified acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system or connective tissue, not elsewhere classified FC00.0 Acquired deformity of nose FC00.1 Acquired deformity of neck FC00.2 Acquired deformity of chest or rib FC00.3 Acquired deformity of pelvis FC00.4 Acquired deformity of trunk FC00.Y Acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, not classified elsewhere, other specified sites FC01 Postprocedural disorders of the musculoskeletal system FC01.0 Pseudarthrosis after fusion or arthrodesis FC01.1 Postlaminectomy syndrome, not elsewhere classified FC01.2 Post radiation kyphosis FC01.3 Postlaminectomy kyphosis FC01.4 Postsurgical lordosis FC01.5 Post radiation scoliosis FC01.6 Fracture of bone following insertion of orthopaedic implant, joint prosthesis, or bone plate FC01.7 Nonunion after arthrodesis FC01.8 Postsurgical osteolysis FC01.9 Postoophorectomy osteoporosis FC01.A Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis FC01.70 Nonunion after spinal arthrodesis FC01.7Y Nonunion after arthrodesis of other sites FC0Y Other specified diseases of the musculoskeletal system or connective tissue FC0Z Diseases of the musculoskeletal system or connective tissue, unspecified FA38.0 Diabetic arthropathy FA38.1 Neuropathic arthropathy – FA38.10 Diabetic Charcot arthropathy – FA38.1Y Other specified neuropathic arthropathy – FA38.1Z Neuropathic arthropathy, unspecified GA00 Vulvitis GA00.0 Acute vulvitis GA00.1 Subacute, chronic or recurrent vulvitis GA00.2 Abscess of vulva GA00.3 Genital ulcer of vulva GA00.4 Vulvovaginal ulceration and inflammation – GA00.40 Vulvovaginal ulceration – GA00.4Y Other specified vulvovaginal ulceration and inflammation – GA00.4Z Vulvovaginal ulceration and inflammation, unspecified GA01 Inflammatory disorders of the uterus, except cervix GA01.0 Acute inflammatory disease of uterus GA01.1 Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus GA01.Y Other specified inflammatory disorders of the uterus, except cervix GA01.Z Inflammatory disorders of the uterus, except cervix, unspecified – GA01.00 Acute endometritis – GA01.01 Acute inflammatory disease of uterus with pyometra – GA01.0Z Acute inflammatory disease of uterus, unspecified – GA01.10 Chronic endometritis – GA01.11 Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus with pyometra – GA01.1Z Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus, unspecified GA02 Vaginitis GA02.0 Acute vaginitis GA02.1 Inflammatory vaginitis GA02.2 Subacute or chronic vaginitis GA02.3 Genital ulcer disease of vagina GA02.Z Vaginitis, unspecified GA03 Diseases of Bartholin gland GA03.0 Abscess of Bartholin gland GA03.1 Cyst of Bartholin gland GA03.Y Other specified diseases of Bartholin gland GA03.Z Diseases of Bartholin gland, unspecified GA04 Cervicitis GA05 Female pelvic inflammatory diseases GA05.0 Acute female pelvic inflammatory disease GA05.1 Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease GA05.2 Female pelvic peritonitis, unspecified GA05.3 Tuboovarian abscess GA05.Y Other specified female pelvic inflammatory diseases GA05.Z Female pelvic inflammatory diseases, unspecified GA06 Pelvic peritoneal adhesions of unknown or combined origin GA07 Salpingitis and oophoritis GA07.0 Acute salpingitis and oophoritis GA07.1 Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis GA07.Z Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified GA0Z Inflammatory disorders of the female genital tract, unspecified GA10 Endometriosis GA10.B Endometriosis of the reproductive system GA10.C Endometriosis of the digestive system GA10.D Endometriosis of urinary system GA10.E Endometriosis of the circulatory system GA10.F Endometriosis of the nervous system GA10.G Thoracic endometriosis GA10.H Endometriosis in cutaneous scar GA10.J Endometriosis-related adhesions GA10.Y Endometriosis of other specified sites GA10.Z Endometriosis of unspecified site GA10.B0 Endometriosis of the uterosacral ligaments GA10.B1 Endometriosis of the pelvic side wall GA10.B2 Endometriosis of rectovaginal septum or vagina GA10.B3 Endometriosis of fallopian tube GA10.B4 Superficial ovarian endometriosis GA10.B5 Deep ovarian endometriosis GA10.BY Endometriosis of other sites of the reproductive system GA10.BZ Endometriosis of unspecified site of reproductive system GA10.C0 Endometriosis of the gallbladder GA10.C1 Endometriosis of intestine GA10.C2 Endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum GA10.C3 Peritoneal pockets due to endometriosis GA10.CY Endometriosis of other sites within the digestive system GA10.CZ Endometriosis of unspecified site within the digestive system GA10.D0 Endometriosis of the bladder GA10.DY Endometriosis of other sites in the urinary system GA10.DZ Endometriosis of unspecified site in the urinary system GA11 Adenomyosis GA12 Dyspareunia GA13 Acquired abnormalities of vulva or perineum GA13.0 Polyp of vulva GA13.1 Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion of vulva GA13.2 Hypertrophy of vulva GA13.3 Vulvar cyst GA13.4 Labial agglutination GA13.5 Skene duct cyst GA13.6 Vulvar laceration GA13.7 Vulvar haematoma GA13.Y Other specified acquired abnormalities of vulva or perineum GA13.Z Acquired abnormalities of vulva or perineum, unspecified GA14 Acquired abnormalities of vagina GA14.0 Polyp of vagina GA14.1 Haematocolpos GA14.2 Vaginal foreign body GA14.3 Vaginal haematoma GA14.5 Leukoplakia of vagina GA14.6 Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion of vagina GA14.Y Other specified acquired abnormalities of vagina GA14.Z Acquired abnormalities of vagina, unspecified GA15 Acquired abnormalities of cervix uteri GA15.0 Polyp of cervix uteri GA15.1 Erosion or ectropion of cervix uteri GA15.2 Nabothian cyst GA15.3 Old laceration of cervix uteri GA15.4 Stricture or stenosis of cervix uteri GA15.5 Hypertrophic elongation of cervix uteri GA15.6 Incompetence of cervix uteri GA15.7 Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion of cervix uteri GA15.Y Other specified acquired abnormalities of cervix uteri GA15.Z Acquired abnormalities of cervix uteri, unspecified GA16 Acquired abnormalities of uterus, except cervix GA16.0 Endometrial glandular hyperplasia GA16.1 Malposition of uterus GA16.2 Intrauterine synechiae GA16.3 Haematometra GA16.Y Other specified acquired abnormalities of uterus, except cervix GA16.Z Acquired abnormalities of uterus, except cervix, unspecified GA17 Acquired abnormalities of fallopian tube GA17.0 Acquired parafimbrial cyst of the fallopian tube GA17.1 Fimbrial agglutination GA17.2 Hydrosalpinx GA17.3 Haematosalpinx GA17.4 Salpingitis isthmica nodosa GA17.Y Other specified acquired abnormalities of fallopian tube GA17.Z Acquired abnormalities of fallopian tube, unspecified GA18 Acquired abnormalities of ovary GA18.0 Follicular cyst of ovary GA18.1 Corpus luteum cyst GA18.2 Theca lutein cyst GA18.4 Para ovarian cyst GA18.5 Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle or fallopian tube GA18.6 Other or unspecified ovarian cysts GA18.7 Acquired atrophy of ovary or fallopian tube GA18.Y Other specified acquired abnormalities of ovary GA18.Z Acquired abnormalities of ovary, unspecified GA19 Acquired abnormalities of broad ligament GA19.0 Haematoma of broad ligament GA19.Y Other specified acquired abnormalities of broad ligament GA19.Z Acquired abnormalities of broad ligament, unspecified GA1Y Other specified noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract GA1Z Noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract, unspecified GA20 Menstrual cycle bleeding disorders GA20.0 Amenorrhoea GA20.1 Abnormal frequency of uterine bleeding GA20.2 Ovulation bleeding GA20.3 Abnormal regularity of uterine bleeding GA20.4 Abnormal duration of uterine bleeding GA20.5 Abnormal volume of uterine bleeding GA20.Y Other specified menstrual cycle bleeding disorders GA20.Z Menstrual cycle bleeding disorders, unspecified – GA20.00 Primary amenorrhoea – GA20.01 Secondary amenorrhoea – GA20.02 Lactational amenorrhoea – GA20.0Y Other specified amenorrhoea – GA20.0Z Amenorrhoea, unspecified – GA20.10 Frequent menstrual bleeding – GA20.11 Infrequent menstrual bleeding – GA20.1Z Abnormal frequency of uterine bleeding, unspecified – GA20.20 Intermenstrual bleeding – GA20.2Y Other specified ovulation bleeding – GA20.2Z Ovulation bleeding, unspecified – GA20.50 Heavy menstrual bleeding – GA20.51 Light menstrual bleeding – GA20.5Z Abnormal volume of uterine bleeding, unspecified GA21 Nonmenstrual bleeding disorders GA21.0 Postcoital or contact bleeding GA21.Y Other specified nonmenstrual bleeding disorders GA21.Z Nonmenstrual bleeding disorders, unspecified GA22 Excessive menstruation with irregular cycle GA23 Anovulatory bleeding GA2Y Other specified abnormal uterine or vaginal bleeding GA2Z Abnormal uterine or vaginal bleeding, unspecified GA30 Menopausal or certain specified perimenopausal disorders GA30.0 Menopause GA30.1 Postmenopausal uterine bleeding GA30.2 Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis GA30.3 States associated with artificial menopause GA30.4 Menopausal hot flush GA30.5 Menopausal osteoporosis GA30.6 Premature ovarian failure GA30.Y Other specified menopausal and perimenopausal disorders GA30.Z Menopausal and perimenopausal disorders, unspecified GA30.00 Menopausal or female climacteric states GA30.01 Menopausal transition GA30.02 Excessive bleeding in the premenopausal period GA30.0Y Other specified menopause GA30.0Z Menopause, unspecified GA31 Female infertility GA31.0 Primary female infertility GA31.1 Secondary female infertility GA31.Z Female infertility without specification whether primary or secondary GA31.00 Primary female infertility of uterine origin GA31.01 Primary female infertility of tubal origin GA31.0Y Primary female infertility of other specified origin GA31.0Z Primary female infertility of unspecified origin GA31.10 Secondary female infertility of uterine origin GA31.11 Secondary female infertility of tubal origin GA31.1Y Secondary female infertility of other specified origin GA31.1Z Secondary female infertility of unspecified origin GA32 Complications associated with medically assisted reproduction GA32.0 Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome GA32.1 Bleeding after egg retrieval GA32.2 Infection associated with medically assisted reproduction GA32.3 Complications of attempted embryo transfer or medically assisted insemination GA32.Y Other specified complications associated with medically assisted reproduction GA32.Z Complications associated with medically assisted reproduction, unspecified GA33 Recurrent pregnancy loss GA34 Female pelvic pain associated with genital organs or menstrual cycle GA34.0 Pain related to vulva, vagina or pelvic floor GA34.1 Vaginal laxity GA34.2 Female pelvic pain GA34.3 Dysmenorrhoea GA34.4 Premenstrual disturbances GA34.5 Ovarian remnant syndrome GA34.6 Female genital pain GA34.Y Other specified female pelvic pain associated with genital organs or menstrual cycle GA34.Z Female pelvic pain associated with genital organs or menstrual cycle, unspecified GA34.00 Vulval pain GA34.01 Perineal pain GA34.02 Vulvodynia GA34.0Y Other specified pain related to vulva, vagina or pelvic floor GA34.0Z Pain related to vulva, vagina or pelvic floor, unspecified GA34.20 Cyclic pelvic pain GA34.21 Noncyclic pelvic pain GA34.2Z Female pelvic pain, unspecified GA34.40 Premenstrual tension syndrome GA34.41 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder GA34.4Y Other specified premenstrual disturbances GA34.4Z Premenstrual disturbances, unspecified GA40 Inflammatory dermatoses of the vulva GA41 Ulcerative or erosive disorders of the vulva GA41.0 Vulval aphthosis GA41.Y Other specified ulcerative or erosive disorders of the vulva GA42 Sensory disturbance of the vulva GA42.0 Vulval pruritus GA4Y Other specified dermatoses of female genitalia GA6Y Other specified diseases of the female genital system GA6Z Diseases of the female genital system, unspecified GA80 Ulcerative disorders of the penis or scrotum GA80.0 Aphthosis of penis or scrotum GA80.1 Ulcer of penis of uncertain nature GA80.Y Other specified ulcerative disorders of penis and scrotum GA81 Miscellaneous dermatoses of male genitalia GA81.0 Penoscrotal pruritus GA81.Y Other specified dermatoses of male genitalia GA90 Hyperplasia of prostate GA91 Inflammatory and other diseases of prostate GA91.0 Chronic prostatitis GA91.1 Abscess of prostate GA91.2 Prostatocystitis GA91.3 Calculus of prostate GA91.4 Haemorrhage of the prostate GA91.5 Atrophy of prostate GA91.6 Low grade intraepithelial lesion of prostate GA91.Y Other specified inflammatory and other diseases of prostate GA91.Z Inflammatory and other diseases of prostate, unspecified GB00 Hydrocele or spermatocele GB00.0 Encysted hydrocele GB00.1 Infected hydrocele GB00.2 Spermatocele GB00.Y Other specified hydrocele or spermatocele GB00.Z Hydrocele or spermatocele, unspecified GB01 Torsion of testis, epididymis or appendices GB01.0 Torsion of testis GB01.1 Torsion of epididymis GB01.2 Torsion of hydatids GB01.Z Torsion of testis, epididymis or appendices, unspecified GB02 Orchitis or epididymitis GB02.0 Orchitis, epididymitis or epididymo-orchitis with abscess GB02.1 Orchitis, epididymitis or epididymo-orchitis without abscess GB02.Y Other specified orchitis or epididymitis GB02.Z Orchitis or epididymitis, unspecified GB03 Atrophy of testis GB04 Male infertility GB04.0 Azoospermia GB04.Y Other specified male infertility GB04.Z Male infertility, unspecified GB05 Redundant prepuce, phimosis or paraphimosis GB05.0 Redundant prepuce GB05.1 Frenulum breve GB05.2 Phimosis GB05.3 Paraphimosis GB05.4 Adherent prepuce GB05.Z Redundant prepuce, phimosis or paraphimosis, unspecified GB06 Certain specified disorders of penis GB06.0 Balanoposthitis GB06.1 Priapism GB06.2 Penile fibromatosis GB06.3 Mondor disease of the penis GB06.4 Chronic penile oedema GB06.5 Sclerosing lymphangitis of penis GB06.Y Other specified disorders of penis GB06.Z Disorders of penis, unspecified GB06.01 Irritant balanoposthitis GB06.02 Balanoposthitis due to infection GB06.0Y Other specified forms of balanitis and balanoposthitis GB06.0Z Balanoposthitis, unspecified GB07 Inflammatory disorders of male genital organs, not elsewhere classified GB07.0 Inflammatory disorders of seminal vesicle GB07.1 Inflammatory disorders of spermatic cord, tunica vaginalis or vas deferens GB07.2 Inflammatory disorders of scrotum GB07.Y Other specified inflammatory disorders of male genital organs, not elsewhere classified GB08 Vascular disorders of male genital organs GB0Y Other specified diseases of the male genital system GB0Z Diseases of the male genital system, unspecified GB20 Benign breast disease GB20.0 Fibrocystic change of breast GB20.1 Fibroadenosis of breast GB20.Y Other specified benign breast disease GB20.Z Benign breast disease, unspecified GB21 Inflammatory disorders of breast GB21.0 Breast abscess GB21.Y Other specified inflammatory disorders of breast GB21.Z Inflammatory disorders of breast, unspecified GB22 Hypertrophy of breast GB23 Certain specified disorders of breast GB23.0 Mammary duct ectasia GB23.1 Fissure or fistula of nipple GB23.2 Fat necrosis of breast GB23.3 Atrophy of breast GB23.4 Galactorrhoea not associated with childbirth GB23.5 Mastodynia GB2Z Disorders of breast, unspecified GB40 Nephritic syndrome GB41 Nephrotic syndrome GB42 Persistent proteinuria or albuminuria GB42.0 Albuminuria, Grade A2 GB42.1 Albuminuria, Grade A3 GB42.Y Other specified persistent proteinuria or albuminuria GB42.Z Persistent proteinuria or albuminuria, unspecified GB4Y Other specified glomerular diseases GB4Z Glomerular diseases, unspecified GB50 Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis GB51 Acute pyelonephritis GB52 Acute tubular necrosis GB53 Acute renal papillary necrosis GB54 Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic GB55 Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis GB55.0 Balkan nephropathy GB55.1 Nephropathy induced by heavy metals GB55.2 Chronic urate nephropathy GB55.Y Other specified chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis GB55.Z Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis, unspecified GB56 Obstructive or reflux nephropathy GB56.0 Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction GB56.1 Hydronephrosis with ureteral obstruction GB56.2 Hydronephrosis with ureteral orifice obstruction GB56.3 Hydronephrosis due to bladder obstruction GB56.4 Other or unspecified hydronephrosis GB56.5 Hydronephrosis and reflux nephropathy with vesicoureteral or vesico-uretero-renal reflux GB56.Y Other specified obstructive or reflux nephropathy GB56.Z Obstructive or reflux nephropathy, unspecified GB57 Nephrocalcinosis GB58 Pyonephrosis GB59 Renal or perinephric abscess GB5Y Other specified renal tubulo-interstitial diseases GB5Z Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases, unspecified GB60 Acute kidney failure GB60.0 Acute kidney failure, stage 1 GB60.1 Acute kidney failure, stage 2 GB60.2 Acute kidney failure, stage 3 GB60.Y Other specified acute kidney failure GB60.Z Acute kidney failure, stage unspecified GB61 Chronic kidney disease GB61.0 Chronic kidney disease, stage 1 GB61.1 Chronic kidney disease, stage 2 GB61.2 Chronic kidney disease, stage 3a GB61.3 Chronic kidney disease, stage 3b GB61.4 Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 GB61.5 Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 GB61.Z Chronic kidney disease, stage unspecified GB6Z Kidney failure, unspecified GB70 Calculus of upper urinary tract GB70.0 Calculus of kidney GB70.1 Calculus of ureter GB70.Z Calculus of upper urinary tract, unspecified – GB70.00 Staghorn calculus – GB70.0Y Other specified calculus of kidney – GB70.0Z Calculus of kidney, unspecified GB71 Calculus of lower urinary tract GB71.0 Calculus in bladder GB71.1 Calculus in urethra GB71.2 Calculus of bowel segments for urinary diversion GB71.Z Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified GB7Z Urolithiasis, unspecified GB80 Nonfamilial nongenetic cystic kidney disease GB80.0 Simple renal cyst GB80.1 Complex renal cyst GB80.2 Subscapular or perirenal urinoma GB80.Y Other specified nonfamilial nongenetic cystic kidney disease GB80.Z Nonfamilial nongenetic cystic kidney disease, unspecified GB81 Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease GB82 Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial disease GB83 Nephronophthisis GB8Y Other specified cystic or dysplastic kidney disease GB8Z Cystic or dysplastic kidney disease, unspecified GB90 Certain specified disorders of kidney or ureter GB90.0 Nephroptosis GB90.1 Hydroureter GB90.2 Ureteral kinking or deviation without obstruction GB90.3 Ischaemia or infarction of kidney GB90.4 Renal tubular function disorders GB90.Y Other specified disorders of kidney or ureter GB90.40 Hypotonia-cystinuria type 1 GB90.41 Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 GB90.42 Fanconi syndrome GB90.43 Bartter syndrome GB90.44 Renal tubular acidosis GB90.45 Renal glycosuria GB90.46 Tubular disorders of sodium or potassium transport GB90.47 Aminoaciduria GB90.48 Disorders of calcium or phosphate excretion GB90.49 Renal hypocalciuria GB90.4A Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus GB90.4Y Other specified renal tubular function disorders GB90.4Z Renal tubular function disorders, unspecified GC00 Cystitis GC00.0 Trigonitis GC00.1 Infectious cystitis GC00.2 Contracted urinary bladder GC00.3 Interstitial cystitis GC00.Y Other specified cystitis GC00.Z Cystitis, unspecified GC01 Other disorders of bladder GC01.0 Bladder neck obstruction GC01.1 Vesical fistula, not elsewhere classified GC01.2 Diverticulum of bladder GC01.3 Rupture of bladder, nontraumatic GC01.4 Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, not elsewhere classified GC01.Y Other specified disorders of bladder GC01.Z Disorder of bladder, unspecified GC02 Urethritis and urethral syndrome GC02.0 Urethral abscess GC02.1 Nonspecific urethritis GC02.Y Other specified urethritis and urethral syndrome GC02.Z Urethritis and urethral syndrome, unspecified GC03 Urethral stricture GC04 Fistula of the genitourinary tract GC04.0 Urethral fistula GC04.1 Fistulae involving female genital tract GC04.2 Ureteral fistula GC04.Y Other specified fistula of the genitourinary tract GC04.Z Fistula of the genitourinary tract, unspecified – GC04.10 Vesicovaginal fistula – GC04.11 Fistula of small intestine to vagina – GC04.12 Fistula of large intestine to vagina – GC04.13 Female genital tract-skin fistulae – GC04.14 Urethrovaginal fistula – GC04.15 Combined urethrovesicovaginal fistula – GC04.16 Rectovaginal fistula – GC04.17 Vesicouterine fistula with severe scar or extensive tissue loss – GC04.18 Other combined urinary fistula with severe scar or extensive tissue loss – GC04.19 Combined urinary and rectal fistula including cloaca with severe scar or extensive tissue loss – GC04.1A Vaginal stenosis or gynatresia related to obstetric fistula – GC04.1Y Other specified fistulae involving female genital tract – GC04.1Z Fistulae involving female genital tract, unspecified GC05 Prolapsed urethral mucosa GC06 Urethral diverticulum GC07 Urethral caruncle GC08 Urinary tract infection, site not specified GC08.0 Urinary tract infection, site not specified, due to Escherichia coli GC08.1 Urinary tract infection, site not specified, due to Klebsiella pneumoniae GC08.2 Urinary tract infection, site not specified, due to Proteus GC08.Y Urinary tract infection, site not specified due to other agent GC08.Z Urinary tract infection, site and agent not specified GC0Y Other diseases of urinary system GC2Z Diseases of the urinary system, unspecified GC40 Pelvic organ prolapse GC40.0 Prolapse of anterior vaginal wall GC40.1 Prolapse of posterior vaginal wall GC40.2 Prolapse of the vaginal apex GC40.3 Uterovaginal prolapse GC40.4 Pelvic floor muscle disruption GC40.5 Urinary incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse GC40.6 Functional bladder disorders associated with pelvic organ prolapse GC40.Z Pelvic organ prolapse, unspecified – GC40.00 Incomplete anterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.01 Complete anterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.0Z Prolapse of anterior vaginal wall, unspecified – GC40.10 Incomplete posterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.11 Complete posterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.1Z Prolapse of posterior vaginal wall, unspecified – GC40.20 Incomplete apical vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.21 Complete apical vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.2Z Prolapse of the vaginal apex, unspecified – GC40.30 Incomplete uterovaginal prolapse – GC40.31 Incomplete uterine prolapse with anterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.32 Incomplete uterine prolapse with posterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.33 Incomplete uterine prolapse with anterior and posterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.34 Complete uterovaginal prolapse – GC40.35 Complete uterine prolapse with anterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.36 Complete uterine prolapse with posterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.37 Complete uterine prolapse with anterior and posterior vaginal wall prolapse – GC40.3Z Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified – GC40.40 Levator avulsion from symphysis pubis – GC40.4Y Other specified pelvic floor muscle disruption – GC40.4Z Pelvic floor muscle disruption, unspecified – GC40.50 Stress incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse – GC40.51 Urge incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse – GC40.52 Mixed urinary incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse – GC40.53 Overflow incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse – GC40.54 Urinary incontinence, not otherwise specified with pelvic organ prolapse – GC40.60 Overactive bladder associated with pelvic organ prolapse – GC40.6Y Other specified functional bladder disorders associated with pelvic organ prolapse – GC40.6Z Functional bladder disorders associated with pelvic organ prolapse, unspecified GC41 Anorectal dysfunction associated with pelvic organ prolapse GC42 Sexual dysfunction associated with pelvic organ prolapse GC42.0 Diminished sensation due to vaginal or introital laxity GC42.1 Obstructed intercourse GC4Z Female pelvic floor dysfunction, unspecified GC50 Functional bladder disorders, not otherwise specified GC50.0 Overactive bladder GC50.1 Absent or diminished bladder sensation GC50.Y Other specified functional bladder disorders, not otherwise specified GC50.Z Functional bladder disorders, not otherwise specified, unspecified GC50.10 Absent or diminished bladder sensation associated with pelvic organ prolapse GC50.1Y Other specified absent or diminished bladder sensation GC50.1Z Absent or diminished bladder sensation, unspecified GC51 Female Genital Mutilation GC51.0 Female Genital Mutilation Type 1 GC51.1 Female Genital Mutilation Type 2 GC51.2 Female Genital Mutilation Type 3 GC51.3 Female Genital Mutilation Type 4 GC51.Z Female Genital Mutilation, unspecified GC51.00 Female Genital Mutilation Type 1a GC51.01 Female Genital Mutilation Type 1b GC51.0Z Female Genital Mutilation Type 1, unspecified GC51.10 Female Genital Mutilation Type 2a GC51.11 Female Genital Mutilation Type 2b GC51.12 Female Genital Mutilation Type 2c GC51.1Z Female Genital Mutilation Type 2, unspecified GC51.20 Female Genital Mutilation Type 3a GC51.21 Female Genital Mutilation Type 3b GC51.2Z Female Genital Mutilation Type 3, unspecified GC70 Postoperative adhesions of vagina GC71 Prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy GC72 Postprocedural urethral stricture GC73 Postprocedural pelvic peritoneal adhesions GC74 Malfunction or complication of external stoma of urinary tract GC75 Malfunction of the afferent segment of a continent urinary pouch GC76 Malfunction of the efferent segment of a continent urinary pouch GC77 Postprocedural nonmenstrual uterine bleeding GC78 Postprocedural acute female pelvic inflammatory disease GC79 Disorders of breast reduction GC7A Disorders of breast augmentation GC7B Postinterventional ischemia or infarction of kidney GC8Y Other specified diseases of the genitourinary system GC8Z Diseases of the genitourinary system, unspecified GB61 Chronic kidney disease GB61.0 Chronic kidney disease, stage 1 GB61.1 Chronic kidney disease, stage 2 GB61.2 Chronic kidney disease, stage 3a GB61.3 Chronic kidney disease, stage 3b GB61.4 Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 GB61.5 Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 GB61.Z Chronic kidney disease, stage unspecified MC85 Gangrene
synonyms Type 2 diabetes mellitus adult onset diabetes maturity onset diabetes nonketotic diabetes type 2 diabetes diabetes mellitus Type 2 non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus T2DM - [Type 2 diabetes mellitus] NIDDM - [non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus] Type II diabetes mellitus type II diabetes DM2 DM type II Diabetic type 2 insulin requiring type 2 diabetes noninsulin dependent diabetes maturity-onset diabetes mellitus non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications diabetes due to insulin secretory defect diabetes mellitus due to insulin secretory defect non-insulin-dependent diabetes of the young senile diabetes nonketotic hyperglycaemia stable diabetes Ketosis-resistant diabetes mellitus Insulin resistant diabetes mellitus insulin resistant diabetes
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