EL3Y Other specified cutaneous markers of internal disorders
International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01
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Has causing condition - a selection is required - multiple selections are allowed
- Other specified cutaneous markers of internal disorders
- Cutaneous markers of disorders of the haematopoietic or immune systems
- Cutaneous markers of musculoskeletal disorders
- Cutaneous markers of endocrine and metabolic disorders
- Skin disorders associated with diabetes mellitus
- Cutaneous markers of disorders of the digestive system
- Mycosis-like pyoderma
- Pyodermatitis–pyostomatitis vegetans
- Pyodermatitis vegetans
- Pyodermite végétante Hallopeau
- Pyostomatitis vegetans
- Cutaneous markers of disorders of the respiratory system
- Cutaneous markers of disorders of the kidney or urinary tract
- Cutaneous disorders attributable to acquired or iatrogenic immunodeficiency
- Cutaneous disorders attributable to iatrogenic immunosuppression
- Skin disorders associated with Human immunodeficiency virus infection
- HIV-associated eosinophilic folliculitis
- HIV-associated papular pruritic eruption
- HIV-associated pruritus
- HIV-modified psoriasis
- HIV-associated seborrhoeic dermatitis
- Seborrhoeic dermatitis associated with HIV infection
- HIV-modified skin disease
- HIV-associated lipodystrophy
- Lipodystrophy in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected patients
- Lipodystrophy-HIV related
- Cutaneous malakoplakia
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