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GB55.1 Nephropathy induced by heavy metals International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 A disease of the kidney, caused by exposure to heavy, nephrotoxic metals such as cadmium, lead, copper, and mercury. This disease is characterised by tubular damage, renal insufficiency, interstitial fibrosis, necrosis, or renal dysfunction. This disease may also present with hypertension, proteinuria, hyperuricaemia, aminoaciduria, or other symptoms characteristic of chronic kidney disease.
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Laterality - only one may be selected [select] XK9J Bilateral XK8G Left XK9K Right XK70 Unilateral, unspecified Associated with - multiple selections are allowed [select] PB30 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of alcohols PB31 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of organic solvents PB32 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of carbon monoxide PB33 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of pesticides PB34 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of corrosive substances PB35 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of halogen derivatives of aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons PB36 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source PD00 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of alcohols PD01 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of organic solvents PD02 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of carbon monoxide PD03 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of pesticides PD04 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of corrosive substances PD05 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source PE90 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of alcohols PE91 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of organic solvents PE92 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of carbon monoxide PE93 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of pesticides PE94 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of corrosive substances PE95 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source PH50 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of alcohols PH51 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of organic solvents PH52 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of carbon monoxide PH53 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of pesticides PH54 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of corrosive substances PH55 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of halogen derivatives of aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons PH56 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source PL00 Drugs, medicaments or biological substances associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use PL01 Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use PL01.0 Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, Herbal Preparations or Formulas PL01.1 Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, Dietary Supplements, Vitamins or Minerals PL01.2 Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, Complementary or Traditional Medicines, not elsewhere classified PL01.Y Other specified complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use PL01.Z Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified PL0Z Substances associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified
synonyms Nephropathy induced by heavy metals heavy metal nephropathy toxic nephropathy from heavy metals Lead nephropathy lead nephritis Saturnine nephropathy
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