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2F32 Benign neoplasm of ovary International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 A non-metastasizing neoplasm that arises from the ovary. Representative examples include serous cystadenoma, mucinous cystadenoma, clear cell adenofibroma, benign Brenner tumour, thecoma, and fibroma.
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Laterality - only one may be selected [select] XK9J Bilateral XK8G Left XK9K Right XK70 Unilateral, unspecified Histopathology - only one may be selected [select] XH96Q1 Acinar cell adenoma XH9574 Acidophil adenoma XH3DV3 Adenoma, NOS XH1CV4 Adenomatous polyposis coli XH1YP0 Adrenal cortical adenoma, clear cell XH2CT2 Adrenal cortical adenoma, compact cell XH60N5 Adrenal cortical adenoma, glomerulosa cell XH2VZ8 Adrenal cortical adenoma, mixed cell XH2FJ6 Adrenal cortical adenoma, pigmented XH9356 Alveolar adenoma XH60D1 Basal cell adenoma XH3AH8 Basophil adenoma XH6KR6 Bile duct adenoma XH0778 Bile duct cystadenoma XH7BS0 Biliary intraepithelial neoplasia, low grade XH5YG5 Biliary papillomatosis XH1TD7 Canalicular adenoma XH6WK1 Chief cell adenoma XH7475 Chromophobe adenoma XH9JJ4 Clear cell adenofibroma XH8R87 Clear cell adenoma XH6J91 Cylindroma of skin XH5GN1 Eccrine dermal cylindroma XH6685 Embryonal adenoma XH3K13 Oesophageal glandular dysplasia (intraepithelial neoplasia), low grade XH83X4 Flat adenoma XH0LM0 Follicular adenoma XH5SM2 Follicular adenoma, oxyphilic cell XH6AF9 Glandular intraepithelial neoplasia, low grade XH3BK2 Glandular papilloma XH6PG8 Hurthle cell adenoma XH5X53 Hurthle cell tumour XH6M13 Juxtaglomerular tumour XH0W31 Lactating adenoma XH8P28 Lipoadenoma XH68V1 Liver cell adenoma XH19E3 Macrofollicular adenoma XH0JC7 Metanephric adenoma XH3DH3 Microcystic adenoma XH5LD9 Mixed acidophil-basophil adenoma XH0WV8 Mixed adenomatous and hyperplastic polyp XH1XU4 Mixed cell adenoma XH2CQ8 Monomorphic adenoma XH6CZ4 Multiple adenomatous polyps XH9Z86 Oxyphilic adenoma XH0BF2 Pancreatobiliary neoplasm, non-invasive XH6GG6 Pancreatic microadenoma XH1BH4 Papillomatosis, glandular XH6EJ4 Papillotubular adenoma XH1QS0 Lactotroph adenoma XH5903 Serrated adenoma XH9G87 Trabecular adenoma XH8T50 Turban tumour XH0731 Villous papilloma XH8UC1 Water-clear cell adenoma XH28X1 Cylindroma of breast XH8MU5 Adenomatous polyp, NOS XH7SY6 Tubular adenoma, NOS XH2F06 Sessile serrated adenoma XH63V9 Sessile serrated polyp XH9PD9 Traditional sessile serrated adenoma XH5QL3 Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia XH09B0 Papillary adenoma, NOS XH90D6 Villous adenoma, NOS XH10B0 Tubulovillous adenoma, NOS XH94U0 Pituitary adenoma, NOS XH26P7 Spindle cell oncocytoma XH52F6 Adrenal cortical adenoma, NOS XH6ZD0 Endometrioid adenoma, NOS XH1CX5 Endometrioid adenofibroma, NOS XH2H83 Microfollicular adenoma, NOS XH7DU3 Adenoma, intestinal type XH1Q16 Pancreatic neuroendocrine microadenoma XH8NK5 Oncocytic papillary cystadenoma XH8Y40 Null cell adenoma XH1JL3 Plurihormonal adenoma XH50K4 Gonadotroph adenoma XH4HE3 Somatotroph adenoma XH0MY4 Thyrotroph adenoma XH5RH2 Pituitary adenoma, ectopic XH1C58 Corticotroph adenoma XH7743 Bronchiolar adenoma / Ciliated muconodular papillary tumour XH6YZ9 Apocrine adenoma XH0AQ8 Clear cell hidradenoma XH46Z2 Eccrine acrospiroma XH42Z3 Eccrine papillary adenoma XH25Z9 Eccrine poroma XH3AM1 Spiradenoma, NOS XH4YU8 Follicular fibroma XH7NR3 Hidrocystoma XH4MV7 Hidradenoma, NOS XH4DX4 Papillary hidradenoma XH1PY0 Syringocystadenoma papilliferum XH96Q5 Skin appendage adenoma XH3U61 Sweat gland adenoma XH06Y5 Syringofibroadenoma XH6325 Syringoma, NOS XH9GB7 Syringomatous tumour of nipple XH1NC5 Sebaceous adenoma XH0SH5 Sebaceous epithelioma XH7AL8 Ceruminous adenoma XH8R55 Spindle cell predominant trichodiscoma XH1A80 Apocrine poroma XH8N28 Poroma, NOS XH0QL4 Sebaceoma XH1PG0 Intraepidermal epithelioma of Jadassohn XH5AU2 Trichilemmoma XH6QT9 Trichoepithelioma XH0U05 Trichofolliculoma XH5L76 Pilar tumour XH9E37 Pilomatricoma, NOS XH05Z3 Trichogerminoma XH7CM2 Melanocytic matricoma XH3EY8 Pilar sheath acanthoma XH0489 Tumor of follicular infundibulum XH2K97 Trichoblastoma XH4NS3 Venous haemangioma XH5AW4 Haemangioma, NOS XH37N4 Myointimoma XH1JJ2 Angiofibroma, NOS XH23S6 Verrucous keratotic haemangioma XH4E06 Cellular angiofibroma XH73S9 Giant cell angiofibroma XH2EX4 Acquired tufted haemangioma XH4KP7 Angiokeratoma XH8SM9 Cutaneous epithelioid angiomatoid nodule XH8KN7 Atypical vascular lesion XH9Q71 Cherry hemangioma XH88L5 Sinusoidal hemangioma XH9UU3 Microvenular hemangioma XH9NB0 Glomeruloid hemangioma XH6RP8 Spindle cell hemangioma XH27G6 Congenital hemangioma, NOS XH6RC4 Congenital hemangioma, rapidly involuting XH5427 Congenital hemangioma, non-involuting XH8PD3 Hobnail hemangioma XH4LY5 Lobular capillary hemangioma XH3U29 Capillary haemangioma XH1GU2 Cavernous haemangioma XH10T4 Epithelioid haemangioma XH0LN3 Haemangioendothelioma, benign XH0553 Intramuscular haemangioma XH2HR3 Racemose haemangioma XH9ZB2 Adenolymphoma XH1TX5 Mixed squamous cell and glandular papilloma XH7J33 Lymphadenoma XH4ZH4 Adenomyoma XH7ZB1 Atypical polypoid adenomyoma XH6YS4 Benign cystic nephroma XH70N8 Chondroid syringoma XH8C13 Endometrial stromal nodule XH3SR2 Ossifying renal tumour XH2KC1 Pleomorphic adenoma XH3470 Renomedullary interstitial cell tumour XH2E97 Stromal tumour, benign XH0533 Mixed epithelial and stromal tumour XH7TJ0 Paediatric cystic nephroma XH5QU1 Adenomyoepithelioma, NOS XH2V57 Adenomyoepithelioma, benign XH9T96 Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour, benign XH3UD9 Pulmonary hamartoma XH3CQ8 Myoepithelioma XH7AA3 Mesenchymoma, benign XH1SP3 Adult cystic nephroma XH2P15 Mesenchymal hamartoma XH1WZ6 Ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumour XH6ZU1 Clear cell cystadenoma XH55F1 Cystic tumour of atrio-ventricular node XH5232 Intraductal papillary-mucinous adenoma XH4070 Intraductal papillary-mucinous tumour with intermediate dysplasia XH8MD2 Intraductal papillary-mucinous tumour with low grade dysplasia XH8ML6 Intraductal papillary-mucinous tumour with moderate dysplasia XH0556 Serous microcystic adenoma XH38C4 Serous surface papilloma XH5RJ2 Cystadenoma, NOS XH8TJ0 Serous cystadenoma, NOS XH0FM6 Papillary cystadenoma, NOS XH6H73 Mucinous cystadenoma, NOS XH8XL1 Mucinous cystic neoplasm with intermediate-grade dysplasia XH6NK7 Mucinous cystic neoplasm with low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia XH7K36 Mucinous cystic tumour with intermediate dysplasia XH7834 Mucinous cystic tumour with moderate dysplasia XH0EK3 Mucinous cystic neoplasm with low-grade dysplasia XH8EW6 Mucinous cystic neoplasm with intermediate-grade intraepithelial neoplasia XH9BE7 Seromucinous cystadenoma XH2M29 Mucinous adenoma XH5RX2 Mucous gland adenoma XH9MS1 Papillary cystadenofibroma XH6RX1 Intracystic papillary neoplasm with low grade intraepithelial neoplasia XH5ZH7 Intraductal papillary neoplasm with low grade intraepithelial neoplasia XH4LZ4 Intraductal papilloma XH7QS7 Intraductal tubular-papillary neoplasm, low grade XH6HK2 Intraductal papillary neoplasm, NOS XH60S7 Intraductal papilloma with atypical ductal hyperplasia XH7GN3 Adenoma of nipple XH9F80 Intracystic papillary adenoma XH4JD3 Intraductal papillomatosis, NOS XH9HV0 Epithelial tumour, benign XH1TD2 Tumourlet, benign XH65S3 Epithelioma, benign XH0M86 Focal nodular hyperplasia XH5DX3 Brenner tumour, NOS XH4MA6 Intracanalicular fibroadenoma XH7JU0 Papillary adenofibroma XH0N11 Pericanalicular fibroadenoma XH9HE2 Fibroadenoma, NOS XH91Y8 Adenofibroma, NOS XH5S99 Cystadenofibroma, NOS XH5ZB5 Serous adenofibroma, NOS XH6RL8 Serous cystadenofibroma, NOS XH1VJ0 Seromucinous adenofibroma XH59X8 Mucinous adenofibroma, NOS XH9SM7 Mucinous cystadenofibroma, NOS XH50P7 Phyllodes tumour, benign XH4RU1 Giant fibroadenoma XH70H4 Juvenile fibroadenoma XH5853 Lipofibroadenoma XH7ZU2 Metanephric adenofibroma XH8A47 Angiomyofibroblastoma XH06N0 Benign fibrous histiocytoma XH3BQ8 Elastofibroma XH2MW3 Fascial fibroma XH5XQ3 Fibromyxoma XH3NQ0 Myofibroblastoma XH0953 Myofibroma XH7FV0 Periosteal fibroma XH8E66 Fibroma, NOS XH2ZF3 Desmoplastic fibroblastoma XH7GT0 Gardner fibroma XH0XH6 Nuchal fibroma XH2WT6 Plexiform fibromyxoma XH0WB3 Fibroma of tendon sheath XH8Q71 Solitary fibrous tumour/Haemangiopericytoma, grade 1 XH7TH6 Calcifying fibrous tumour XH5LM1 Nodular fasciitis XH1UJ5 Histiocytoma, NOS XH8B90 Dermatofibroma, NOS XH7436 Sclerosing pneumocytoma XH5DP4 Deep histiocytoma XH9VG1 Juvenile histiocytoma XH33Q1 Reticulohistiocytoma XH8ZE3 Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma XH2874 Collagenous fibroma XH3665 Plaque-like CD34 positive dermal fibroma XH8173 Acral fibromyxoma XH5JG7 Sclerotic fibroma XH6JX7 Proliferative fasciitis XH87F9 Proliferative myositis XH15M9 Epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma XH1BV2 Pleomorphic fibroma XH18K3 Dermatomyofibroma XH2HE9 Myopericytoma XH5FY2 Fibrous dysplasia XH3GV5 Teratoma, benign XH9F67 Dermoid cyst, NOS XH52Q4 Teratoma, prepubertal type XH22M4 Struma ovarii, NOS XH6911 Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, localised XH0HZ1 Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, NOS XH0RF9 Choroid plexus papilloma, NOS XH0H76 Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour XH1Q28 Sellar ependymoma XH09A9 Granular cell tumour, NOS XH2XW8 Granular cell tumour of the sellar region XH2SJ1 Fibrolipoma XH0PH8 Fibromyxolipoma XH7TB0 Infiltrating angiolipoma XH5GN5 Infiltrating lipoma XH3TE0 Intramuscular lipoma XH30M7 Pleomorphic lipoma XH4E98 Spindle cell lipoma XH1PL8 Lipoma, NOS XH4G31 Thymolipoma XH3C77 Angiolipoma, NOS XH4VB4 Angiomyolipoma XH7WX8 Chondroid lipoma XH17C5 Myelolipoma XH1054 Hibernoma XH8L55 Lipoblastomatosis XH9MR8 Lymphangioma, NOS XH6LF7 Capillary lymphangioma XH2EU7 Cavernous lymphangioma XH8G00 Cystic lymphangioma XH2DS9 Lymphangiomyoma XH62A3 Haemolymphangioma XH5ZC7 Fibrous meningioma XH0R11 Lymphoplasmacyte-rich meningioma XH11P5 Meningioma, NOS XH40T5 Meningothelial meningioma XH7N06 Metaplastic meningioma XH1F70 Microcystic meningioma XH6Z51 Secretory meningioma XH3L73 Haemangioblastic meningioma XH4ZM7 Psammomatous meningioma XH6L68 Angiomatous meningioma XH4EX5 Transitional meningioma XH3SX7 Adenoma of rete ovarii XH5AH3 Mesonephroma, benign XH2VV6 Fibrous mesothelioma, benign XH1SS1 Mesothelioma, benign XH0KC4 Epithelioid mesothelioma, benign XH67N8 Well differentiated papillary mesothelioma XH8U12 Peritoneal inclusion cysts XH6BY3 Adenomatoid tumour, NOS XH6M86 Ossifying fibroma XH23E0 Aneurysmal bone cyst XH6C72 Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour XH7MT7 Benign notochordal cell tumour XH0S20 Parachordoma XH7CL0 Angiomyoma XH9824 Bizarre leiomyoma XH9662 Cellular leiomyoma XH8S79 Epithelioid leiomyoma XH4729 Fetal rhabdomyoma XH4FS5 Lipoleiomyoma XH1CZ1 Myoma XH4EP9 Plexiform leiomyoma XH4CY6 Leiomyoma, NOS XH9CC7 Myxoid leiomyoma XH8WG9 Rhabdomyoma, NOS XH4BG5 Adult cellular rhabdomyoma XH2736 Glycogenic rhabdomyoma XH5AF2 Genital rhabdomyoma XH8B88 Leiomyoma, apoplectic XH5Z76 Leiomyoma, hydropic XH5G84 Cotyledonoid leiomyoma XH6GV7 Myolipoma XH6Q84 Myxoma, NOS XH9HK9 Angiomyxoma XH1DA7 Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour XH4V74 Deep angiomyxoma XH58A9 Superficial angiomyxoma XH5T39 Acoustic neuroma XH0U07 Ancient schwannoma XH8WW8 Cellular schwannoma XH75P8 Degenerated schwannoma XH2GD5 Melanotic neurofibroma XH87J5 Neurofibroma, NOS XH2MJ4 Plexiform neurofibroma XH9XT2 Plexiform schwannoma XH9MN2 Psammomatous schwannoma XH98Z3 Schwannoma, NOS XH27Y1 Nerve sheath tumour, NOS XH01G0 Hybrid nerve sheath tumour XH4UE6 Neuroma, NOS XH90Y8 Solitary circumscribed neuroma XH0XF7 Perineurioma, NOS XH3L35 Nerve sheath myxoma XH9QH2 Soft tissue perineurioma XH4BQ8 Intraneural perineurioma XH1UZ6 Cellular neurothekeoma XH9J01 Benign Triton tumour XH6K00 Dysplastic gangliocytoma of cerebellum (Lhermitte-Duclos) XH6KA6 Gangliocytoma XH03L9 Ganglioneuroma XH6LR5 Ganglioneuromatosis XH28W9 Medulloepithelioma, benign XH8NQ6 Pacinian tumour XH5AV1 Retinocytoma XH5NR7 Teratoid medulloepithelioma, benign XH8RN4 Balloon cell naevus XH27A6 Compound naevus – XH8WP0 Inflamed juvenile conjunctival naevus XH6DN3 Diffuse melanocytosis XH9035 Dysplastic naevus XH2HG8 Epithelioid and spindle cell naevus XH8ZB4 Hairy naevus XH5971 Halo naevus XH2MQ5 Dermal naevus XH1BE4 Magnocellular naevus XH8CU4 Neuronevus XH0XH2 Nonpigmented naevus XH4L78 Pigmented naevus, NOS XH02Z5 Melanocytoma, NOS XH8974 Meningeal melanocytosis XH1M79 Junctional naevus, NOS XH9QV1 Spindle cell naevus, NOS XH7QJ7 Blue nevus, NOS XH2P88 Pigmented spindle cell naevus of Reed XH79G6 Epithelioid cell naevus XH3X84 Cellular blue naevus XH40S8 Naevus spilus XH81Y1 Deep penetrating naevus XH0DU8 Combined naevus XH5EL4 Genital naevus XH8FS8 Conjunctival naevus XH9QC8 Lentiginous melanocytic naevus XH88L0 Simple lentigo XH9DB2 Acral naevus XH8NP4 Meyerson naevus XH5YN0 Congenital melanocytic naevus, NOS XH9WF4 Spitz naevus, atypical XH2SD0 Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour XH44W7 Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma XH0964 Ameloblastic fibrodentinoma XH3R33 Calcifying odontogenic cyst XH5Y46 Cementifying fibroma XH52T0 Cemento-ossifying fibroma XH4VL1 Cementoblastoma, benign XH1MT3 Odontogenic fibroma, NOS XH7H47 Complex odontoma XH57B1 Compound odontoma XH6W94 Gigantiform cementoma XH06N8 Odontoameloblastoma XH12N4 Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour XH48L4 Odontogenic myxoma XH43L1 Odontogenic tumour, benign XH4PV9 Squamous odontogenic tumour XH8FX0 Cementoma, NOS XH4QJ8 Odontoma, NOS XH1SV4 Ameloblastoma, NOS XH2M31 Peripheral odontogenic fibroma XH06Y3 Ameloblastic fibroma XH4PT4 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour XH39C5 Sinonasal ameloblastoma XH5ZZ6 Ameloblastoma, unicystic type XH4KQ4 Ameloblastoma, extraosseous/peripheral type XH9SY5 Enchondroma XH5Y87 Osteochondroma XH4818 Osteoma, NOS XH61J9 Osteoid osteoma, NOS XH4316 Osteoblastoma, NOS XH6KR3 Osteochondromyxoma XH23J5 Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation XH0NS4 Chondroma, NOS XH49G1 Juxtacortical chondroma XH3BC3 Periosteal chondroma XH89S0 Chondromyxoid fibroma XH1XL9 Subungual exostosis XH2012 Gangliocytic paraganglioma XH47J2 Glomus tumour, NOS XH4CC6 Perivascular epithelioid tumour, benign XH3RX1 Glomangioma XH2702 Glomangiomyoma XH67T7 Soft tissue tumour, benign XH3C14 Sex cord-stromal tumour, benign XH69N5 Signet-ring stromal tumour XH35B3 Microcystic stromal tumour XH34A0 Thecoma, NOS XH40J2 Luteoma, NOS XH2U25 Granulosa cell tumour of the testis, juvenile XH5XQ2 Leydig cell tumour of the ovary, NOS XH9LH4 Hilus cell tumour XH9XY1 Lipid cell tumour of ovary XH1PE9 Masculinovoblastoma XH9RV1 Adrenal rest tumour XH7H87 Androblastoma, benign XH6NZ8 Sclerosing stromal tumour XH0BG7 Sertoli cell tumour with lipid storage XH7E53 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour, well differentiated XH0Z30 Thecoma, luteinized XH17Q9 Papilloma, NOS XH7YQ5 Squamous cell papilloma, inverted XH50T2 Squamous cell papilloma, NOS XH4611 Squamous intraepithelial neoplasia, low grade XH50N3 Squamous papillomatosis XH2Y10 Verrucous papilloma XH9S34 Anal intraepithelial neoplasia, low grade XH1W63 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, low grade XH3Y37 Oesophageal squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (dysplasia), low grade XH0S03 Benign keratosis, NOS XH63L8 Lichen planus-like keratosis XH7AQ2 Large cell acanthoma XH36H6 Actinic keratosis XH8MN8 PUVA keratosis XH5NG4 Arsenical keratosis XH13L5 Clear cell acanthoma XH65S7 Warty dyskeratoma XH0949 Seborrhoeic keratosis XH7B58 Solar lentigo XH2AW8 Synovioma, benign XH9QW0 Microscopic thymoma XH4341 Thymoma, benign XH0707 Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma XH0TP8 Sinonasal papilloma, exophytic XH3HQ8 Transitional papilloma, inverted, NOS XH5A08 Urothelial papilloma, inverted XH5M82 Urothelial papilloma, NOS XH8CX2 Hydatidiform mole, NOS XH5325 Partial hydatidiform mole Has manifestation - multiple selections are allowed [select] MG30.40 Chronic visceral pain from mechanical factors
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