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7A42.5 Sleep-related hypoventilation due to medical condition International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 Sleep-related hypoventilation due to medical condition is characterised by sleep-related hypoventilation due to lung airway or parenchymal disease, chest wall disorders, pulmonary hypertension, or neurologic and neuromuscular disorders. Daytime hypercapnia may also be present. Sleep related hypoxemia may be severe. Patients can either be asymptomatic or present with complaints of dyspnea, chest tightness, or fatigue.
Note: A definitive diagnosis requires objective evidence based on polysomnography with carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring (by arterial, end-tidal or transcutaneous measures) in the presence of a medical condition that is judged to be causing the symptoms.
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Associated with - multiple selections are allowed [select] 8A00 Parkinsonism – 8A00.0 Parkinson disease – 8A00.1 Atypical parkinsonism – 8A00.2 Secondary parkinsonism – 8A00.3 Functional parkinsonism – 8A00.Y Other specified parkinsonism – 8A00.Z Parkinsonism, unspecified –– 8A00.00 Sporadic Parkinson disease –– 8A00.01 Familial Parkinson disease –– 8A00.0Y Other specified Parkinson disease –– 8A00.0Z Parkinson disease, unspecified –– 8A00.10 Progressive supranuclear palsy –– 8A00.1Y Other specified atypical parkinsonism –– 8A00.1Z Atypical parkinsonism, unspecified –– 8A00.20 Parkinsonism due to heredodegenerative disorders –– 8A00.21 Hemiparkinsonism hemiatrophy syndrome –– 8A00.22 Infectious or postinfectious parkinsonism –– 8A00.23 Vascular parkinsonism –– 8A00.24 Drug-induced parkinsonism –– 8A00.25 Post traumatic Parkinsonism –– 8A00.26 Parkinsonism due to structural lesions –– 8A00.2Y Other specified secondary parkinsonism –– 8A00.2Z Secondary parkinsonism, unspecified 8A01 Choreiform disorders – 8A01.0 Benign hereditary chorea – 8A01.1 Secondary Chorea – 8A01.2 Hemichorea or hemiballismus – 8A01.Y Other specified choreiform disorders – 8A01.Z Choreiform disorders, unspecified –– 8A01.10 Huntington disease –– 8A01.11 Chorea due to Huntington disease-like conditions –– 8A01.12 Chorea due to Dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy –– 8A01.13 Chorea due to Wilson disease –– 8A01.14 Chorea due to infectious or para-infectious causes –– 8A01.15 Chorea due to systemic lupus erythematosus –– 8A01.16 Drug-induced chorea –– 8A01.1Y Other specified secondary chorea –– 8A01.1Z Secondary chorea, unspecified –– 8A01.20 Hemichorea –– 8A01.21 Ballism –– 8A01.22 Hemiballism –– 8A01.2Y Other specified hemichorea or hemiballismus –– 8A01.2Z Hemichorea or hemiballismus, unspecified 8A02 Dystonic disorders – 8A02.0 Primary dystonia – 8A02.1 Secondary dystonia – 8A02.2 Paroxysmal dystonia – 8A02.3 Functional dystonia or spasms – 8A02.Y Other specified dystonic disorders – 8A02.Z Dystonic disorders, unspecified –– 8A02.00 Benign essential blepharospasm –– 8A02.0Y Other specified primary dystonia –– 8A02.0Z Primary dystonia, unspecified –– 8A02.10 Drug-induced dystonia –– 8A02.11 Dystonia-plus –– 8A02.12 Dystonia associated with heredodegenerative disorders –– 8A02.1Y Other specified secondary dystonia –– 8A02.1Z Secondary dystonia, unspecified 8A03 Ataxic disorders – 8A03.0 Congenital ataxia – 8A03.1 Hereditary ataxia – 8A03.2 Non-hereditary degenerative ataxia – 8A03.3 Acquired ataxia – 8A03.Y Other specified ataxic disorders – 8A03.Z Ataxic disorders, unspecified –– 8A03.10 Friedreich ataxia –– 8A03.11 Ataxia due to Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis –– 8A03.12 Ataxia due to Refsum disease –– 8A03.13 Ataxia due to abetalipoproteinemia –– 8A03.14 Hereditary episodic ataxia –– 8A03.15 Ataxia due to mitochondrial mutations –– 8A03.16 Spinocerebellar ataxia –– 8A03.1Y Other specified hereditary ataxia –– 8A03.1Z Hereditary ataxia, unspecified –– 8A03.20 Late onset cerebellar cortical atrophy –– 8A03.2Y Other specified non-hereditary degenerative ataxia –– 8A03.2Z Non-hereditary degenerative ataxia, unspecified –– 8A03.30 Ataxia due to alcoholic cerebellar degeneration –– 8A03.3Y Other specified acquired ataxia –– 8A03.3Z Acquired ataxia, unspecified 8A04 Disorders associated with tremor – 8A04.0 Enhanced physiological tremor – 8A04.1 Essential tremor or related tremors – 8A04.2 Rest tremor – 8A04.3 Secondary tremor – 8A04.4 Functional tremor – 8A04.Y Other specified disorders associated with tremor – 8A04.Z Disorders associated with tremor, unspecified –– 8A04.30 Tremor due to metabolic disorders –– 8A04.31 Tremor due to chronic or acute substance use –– 8A04.32 Tremor due to drug withdrawal –– 8A04.33 Tremor due to certain specified central nervous system diseases –– 8A04.3Y Other specified secondary tremor –– 8A04.3Z Secondary tremor, unspecified 8A05 Tic disorders – 8A05.0 Primary tics or tic disorders – 8A05.1 Secondary tics – 8A05.Y Other specified tic disorders – 8A05.Z Tic disorders, unspecified –– 8A05.00 Tourette syndrome –– 8A05.01 Chronic motor tic disorder –– 8A05.02 Chronic phonic tic disorder –– 8A05.03 Transient motor tics –– 8A05.0Y Other specified primary tics or tic disorders –– 8A05.0Z Primary tics or tic disorders, unspecified –– 8A05.10 Infectious or postinfectious tics –– 8A05.11 Tics associated with developmental disorders –– 8A05.1Y Other specified secondary tics –– 8A05.1Z Secondary tics, unspecified 8A06 Myoclonic disorders – 8A06.0 Essential myoclonus – 8A06.1 Segmental myoclonus – 8A06.2 Focal myoclonus – 8A06.Y Other specified myoclonic disorders – 8A06.Z Myoclonic disorders, unspecified –– 8A06.20 Palatal myoclonus –– 8A06.21 Chronic hiccups –– 8A06.2Y Other specified focal myoclonus –– 8A06.2Z Focal myoclonus, unspecified 8A07 Certain specified movement disorder – 8A07.0 Stereotypies – 8A07.1 Akathisia – 8A07.2 Excessive startle reflex –– 8A07.00 Primary stereotypy –– 8A07.01 Secondary stereotypy –– 8A07.0Y Other specified stereotypies –– 8A07.0Z Stereotypies, unspecified 8A0Y Other specified movement disorders 8A0Z Movement disorders, unspecified 8A20 Alzheimer disease 8A21 Progressive focal atrophies – 8A21.0 Posterior cortical atrophy – 8A21.Y Other specified progressive focal atrophies – 8A21.Z Progressive focal atrophies, unspecified 8A22 Lewy body disease 8A23 Frontotemporal lobar degeneration 8A2Y Other specified disorders with neurocognitive impairment as a major feature 8A2Z Disorders with neurocognitive impairment as a major feature, unspecified 8A40 Multiple sclerosis – 8A40.0 Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis – 8A40.1 Primary progressive multiple sclerosis – 8A40.2 Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis – 8A40.Y Other specified multiple sclerosis – 8A40.Z Multiple sclerosis, unspecified 8A41 Isolated demyelinating syndromes of the central nervous system – 8A41.0 Transverse myelitis – 8A41.1 Neuromyelitis optica myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-positive – 8A41.Y Other specified isolated demyelinating syndromes of the central nervous system – 8A41.Z Isolated demyelinating syndromes of the central nervous system, unspecified 8A42 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis – 8A42.0 Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis – 8A42.Y Other specified acute disseminated encephalomyelitis – 8A42.Z Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, unspecified 8A43 Neuromyelitis optica – 8A43.0 Neuromyelitis optica aquaporin-4 antibody positive – 8A43.1 Neuromyelitis optica aquaporin-4 antibody negative – 8A43.2 Single transverse myelitis aquaporin-4 antibody positive – 8A43.3 Recurrent transverse myelitis aquaporin-4 antibody positive – 8A43.4 Single optic neuritis aquaporin-4 antibody positive – 8A43.5 Recurrent optic neuritis aquaporin-4 antibody positive – 8A43.Y Other specified neuromyelitis optica – 8A43.Z Neuromyelitis optica, unspecified 8A44 Leukodystrophies – 8A44.0 Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease – 8A44.1 Adrenoleukodystrophy – 8A44.2 Alexander disease – 8A44.3 Certain specified leukodystrophies – 8A44.4 Krabbe disease – 8A44.Z Leukodystrophies, unspecified 8A45 Secondary white matter disorders – 8A45.0 White matter disorders due to infections – 8A45.1 White matter disorders due to toxicity – 8A45.2 White matter disorders due to vascular abnormality or ischemia – 8A45.3 White matter disorders due to nutritional deficiency – 8A45.4 White matter disorders due to certain specified systemic disease – 8A45.Y Other specified secondary white matter disorders – 8A45.Z Secondary white matter disorders, unspecified –– 8A45.00 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus-associated myelopathy –– 8A45.01 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis –– 8A45.02 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy –– 8A45.0Y Other specified white matter disorders due to infections –– 8A45.0Z White matter disorders due to infections, unspecified –– 8A45.20 White matter disorder due to CADASIL –– 8A45.21 Subacute necrotising myelitis –– 8A45.2Y Other specified white matter disorders due to vascular abnormality or ischemia –– 8A45.2Z White matter disorders due to vascular abnormality or ischemia, unspecified –– 8A45.30 White matter disorder due to vitamin B12 deficiency –– 8A45.31 Central pontine myelinolysis –– 8A45.3Y Other specified white matter disorders due to nutritional deficiency –– 8A45.3Z White matter disorders due to nutritional deficiency, unspecified –– 8A45.40 Demyelination due to sarcoidosis –– 8A45.41 Demyelination due to systemic lupus erythematosus –– 8A45.42 Demyelination due to Sjögren disease –– 8A45.43 Demyelination due to Behcet disease –– 8A45.44 Demyelination due to systemic vasculitis –– 8A45.45 Demyelination due to mitochondrial disease –– 8A45.4Z White matter disorders due to certain specified systemic disease, unspecified 8A46 Central demyelination of corpus callosum 8A4Y Other specified multiple sclerosis or other white matter disorders 8A4Z Multiple sclerosis or other white matter disorders, unspecified 8A60 Epilepsy due to structural or metabolic conditions or diseases – 8A60.0 Epilepsy due to prenatal or perinatal brain insults – 8A60.1 Epilepsy due to cerebrovascular disorders – 8A60.2 Epilepsy due to degenerative brain disorders – 8A60.3 Epilepsy due to dementias – 8A60.4 Epilepsy due to central nervous system infections or infestations – 8A60.5 Epilepsy due to injuries to the head – 8A60.6 Epilepsy due to tumours of the nervous system – 8A60.7 Epilepsy with mesial temporal sclerosis – 8A60.8 Epilepsy due to immune disorders – 8A60.9 Epilepsy due to abnormalities of brain development – 8A60.A Epilepsy due to genetic syndromes with widespread or progressive effects – 8A60.B Epilepsy due to multiple sclerosis or other demyelinating disorders – 8A60.Y Epilepsy due to other structural or metabolic condition or disease – 8A60.Z Epilepsy due to unspecified structural or metabolic condition or disease –– 8A60.00 Epilepsy due to prenatal or perinatal vascular insults –– 8A60.01 Epilepsy due to neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy –– 8A60.0Y Epilepsy due to other prenatal or perinatal brain insults –– 8A60.0Z Epilepsy due to unspecified prenatal or perinatal brain insults 8A61 Genetic or presumed genetic syndromes primarily expressed as epilepsy – 8A61.0 Genetic epileptic syndromes with neonatal onset – 8A61.1 Genetic epileptic syndromes with onset in infancy – 8A61.2 Genetic epileptic syndromes with childhood onset – 8A61.3 Genetic epileptic syndrome with adolescent or adult onset – 8A61.4 Genetic epileptic syndromes with variable age of onset – 8A61.Y Other specified genetic or presumed genetic syndromes primarily expressed as epilepsy – 8A61.Z Genetic or presumed genetic syndromes primarily expressed as epilepsy, unspecified –– 8A61.00 Pyridoxal dependent epilepsy –– 8A61.0Y Other specified genetic epileptic syndromes with neonatal onset –– 8A61.0Z Genetic epileptic syndromes with neonatal onset, unspecified –– 8A61.10 Benign familial infantile epilepsy –– 8A61.11 Dravet syndrome –– 8A61.12 Epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures –– 8A61.1Y Other specified genetic epileptic syndromes with onset in infancy –– 8A61.1Z Genetic epileptic syndromes with onset in infancy, unspecified –– 8A61.20 Benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes –– 8A61.21 Childhood absence epilepsy –– 8A61.22 Epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic seizures –– 8A61.23 Myoclonic absences or absences with myoclonias –– 8A61.2Y Other specified genetic epileptic syndromes with childhood onset –– 8A61.2Z Genetic epileptic syndromes with childhood onset, unspecified –– 8A61.30 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy –– 8A61.31 Juvenile absence epilepsy –– 8A61.32 Benign adult familial myoclonus epilepsy –– 8A61.3Y Other specified genetic epileptic syndrome with adolescent or adult onset –– 8A61.3Z Genetic epileptic syndrome with adolescent or adult onset, unspecified –– 8A61.40 Reflex epilepsies –– 8A61.41 Progressive myoclonic epilepsy –– 8A61.4Y Other specified genetic epileptic syndromes with variable age of onset –– 8A61.4Z Genetic epileptic syndromes with variable age of onset, unspecified 8A62 Epileptic encephalopathies – 8A62.0 Infantile spasms – 8A62.1 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome – 8A62.2 Acquired epileptic aphasia – 8A62.Y Other specified epileptic encephalopathies – 8A62.Z Epileptic encephalopathies, unspecified 8A63 Seizure due to acute causes – 8A63.0 Febrile seizures – 8A63.Y Seizure due to other acute cause – 8A63.Z Seizure due to unspecified acute cause –– 8A63.00 Simple febrile seizures –– 8A63.01 Complex febrile seizures –– 8A63.0Y Other specified febrile seizures –– 8A63.0Z Febrile seizures, unspecified 8A64 Single seizure due to remote causes 8A65 Single unprovoked seizure 8A66 Status epilepticus – 8A66.0 Convulsive status epilepticus – 8A66.1 Non-convulsive status epilepticus – 8A66.Y Other specified status epilepticus – 8A66.Z Status epilepticus, unspecified –– 8A66.10 Absence status epilepticus –– 8A66.1Y Other specified non-convulsive status epilepticus –– 8A66.1Z Non-convulsive status epilepticus, unspecified 8A67 Acute repetitive seizures 8A68 Types of seizures – 8A68.0 Focal unaware seizure – 8A68.1 Absence seizures, atypical – 8A68.2 Absence seizures, typical – 8A68.3 Focal aware seizure – 8A68.4 Generalised tonic-clonic seizure – 8A68.5 Generalised myoclonic seizure – 8A68.6 Generalised tonic seizure – 8A68.7 Generalised atonic seizure – 8A68.Y Other specified type of seizure – 8A68.Z Type of seizure, unspecified 8A6Y Other specified epilepsy or seizures 8A6Z Epilepsy or seizures, unspecified 8A80 Migraine – 8A80.0 Migraine without aura – 8A80.1 Migraine with aura – 8A80.2 Chronic migraine – 8A80.3 Complications related to migraine – 8A80.4 Cyclic vomiting syndrome – 8A80.Y Other specified migraine – 8A80.Z Migraine, unspecified –– 8A80.10 Hemiplegic migraine –– 8A80.1Y Other specified migraine with aura –– 8A80.1Z Migraine with aura, unspecified –– 8A80.30 Status migrainosus –– 8A80.3Y Other specified complications related to migraine 8A81 Tension-type headache – 8A81.0 Infrequent episodic tension-type headache – 8A81.1 Frequent episodic tension-type headache – 8A81.2 Chronic tension-type headache – 8A81.Y Other specified tension-type headache – 8A81.Z Tension-type headache, unspecified 8A82 Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias 8A83 Other primary headache disorder 8A84 Secondary headache – 8A84.0 Acute headache associated with traumatic injury to the head – 8A84.1 Persistent headache associated with traumatic injury to the head – 8A84.Y Other specified secondary headache – 8A84.Z Secondary headache, unspecified 8A85 Painful cranial neuropathies or other facial pains 8A8Y Other specified headache disorders 8A8Z Headache disorders, unspecified – 8B00 Intracerebral haemorrhage –– 8B00.0 Deep hemispheric haemorrhage –– 8B00.1 Lobar haemorrhage –– 8B00.2 Brainstem haemorrhage –– 8B00.3 Cerebellar haemorrhage –– 8B00.4 Intraventricular haemorrhage without parenchymal haemorrhage –– 8B00.5 Haemorrhage of multiple sites –– 8B00.Z Intracerebral haemorrhage, site unspecified – 8B01 Subarachnoid haemorrhage –– 8B01.0 Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage –– 8B01.1 Non-aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage –– 8B01.2 Subarachnoid haemorrhage not known if aneurysmal or non-aneurysmal – 8B02 Nontraumatic subdural haemorrhage – 8B03 Nontraumatic epidural haemorrhage – 8B0Z Intracranial haemorrhage, unspecified – 8B10 Transient ischaemic attack –– 8B10.0 Amaurosis fugax –– 8B10.Y Other specified transient ischaemic attack –– 8B10.Z Transient ischaemic attack, unspecified – 8B11 Cerebral ischaemic stroke –– 8B11.0 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to extracranial large artery atherosclerosis –– 8B11.1 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to intracranial large artery atherosclerosis –– 8B11.2 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to embolic occlusion –– 8B11.3 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to small artery occlusion –– 8B11.4 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to other known cause –– 8B11.5 Cerebral ischaemic stroke of unknown cause ––– 8B11.20 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to cardiac embolism ––– 8B11.21 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to aortic arch embolism ––– 8B11.22 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to paradoxical embolism ––– 8B11.2Y Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to other specified embolic occlusion ––– 8B11.2Z Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to embolic occlusion, unspecified ––– 8B11.40 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to global hypoperfusion with watershed infarct ––– 8B11.41 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to other non-atherosclerotic arteriopathy ––– 8B11.42 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to hypercoagulable state ––– 8B11.43 Cerebral ischaemic stroke in association with subarachnoid haemorrhage ––– 8B11.44 Cerebral ischemic stroke from dissection ––– 8B11.50 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of extracranial large artery ––– 8B11.51 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of intracranial large artery ––– 8B11.5Z Cerebral ischaemic stroke, unspecified – 8B1Y Other specified cerebral ischaemia – 8B1Z Cerebral ischaemia, unspecified 8B20 Stroke not known if ischaemic or haemorrhagic 8B21 Cerebrovascular disease with no acute cerebral symptom – 8B21.0 Silent cerebral infarct – 8B21.1 Silent cerebral microbleed – 8B21.Y Other specified cerebrovascular disease with no acute cerebral symptom – 8B21.Z Cerebrovascular disease with no acute cerebral symptom, unspecified 8B22 Certain specified cerebrovascular diseases – 8B22.0 Dissection of cerebral arteries – 8B22.1 Cerebral venous thrombosis – 8B22.2 Cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes – 8B22.3 Isolated cerebral amyloid angiopathy – 8B22.4 Intracranial vascular malformation – 8B22.5 Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured – 8B22.6 Familial cerebral saccular aneurysm – 8B22.7 Cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified – 8B22.8 Hypertensive encephalopathy – 8B22.9 Migraine-induced stroke – 8B22.A Subclavian steal syndrome – 8B22.B Moyamoya syndrome – 8B22.C Hereditary cerebrovascular diseases – 8B22.Y Other specified cerebrovascular disease –– 8B22.40 Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels –– 8B22.41 Cerebral cavernous malformation –– 8B22.42 Dural arteriovenous fistula –– 8B22.43 Carotid cavernous fistula –– 8B22.4Y Other specified intracranial vascular malformation –– 8B22.4Z Intracranial vascular malformation, unspecified –– 8B22.70 Primary cerebral arteritis –– 8B22.7Y Other specified cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified –– 8B22.7Z Cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified, unspecified –– 8B22.C0 CADASIL - [cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy] syndrome –– 8B22.C1 CARASIL - [cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy] syndrome –– 8B22.CY Other specified hereditary cerebrovascular diseases –– 8B22.CZ Hereditary cerebrovascular diseases, unspecified 8B23 Cerebrovascular abnormalities 8B24 Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy – 8B24.0 Anoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy – 8B24.Y Other specified hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy – 8B24.Z Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, unspecified 8B25 Late effects of cerebrovascular disease – 8B25.0 Late effects of cerebral ischemic stroke – 8B25.1 Late effects of intracerebral haemorrhage – 8B25.2 Late effects of subarachnoid haemorrhage – 8B25.3 Late effects of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage – 8B25.4 Late effects of stroke not known if ischaemic or haemorrhagic – 8B25.Y Late effects of other specified cerebrovascular disease – 8B25.Z Late effects of cerebrovascular disease, unspecified 8B26 Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases – 8B26.0 Brainstem stroke syndrome – 8B26.1 Cerebellar stroke syndrome – 8B26.2 Middle cerebral artery syndrome – 8B26.3 Anterior cerebral artery syndrome – 8B26.4 Posterior cerebral artery syndrome – 8B26.5 Lacunar syndromes – 8B26.Y Other specified vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases – 8B26.Z Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases, unspecified –– 8B26.50 Pure motor lacunar syndrome –– 8B26.51 Pure sensory lacunar syndrome –– 8B26.5Y Other specified lacunar syndromes –– 8B26.5Z Lacunar syndromes, unspecified 8B2Z Cerebrovascular diseases, unspecified 8B40 Cauda equina syndrome 8B41 Myelitis 8B42 Myelopathy 8B43 Non-compressive vascular myelopathies – 8B43.0 Acute arterial infarction of the spinal cord – 8B43.1 Acute venous infarction of the spinal cord – 8B43.2 Chronic venous infarction of the spinal cord – 8B43.Y Other specified non-compressive vascular myelopathies – 8B43.Z Non-compressive vascular myelopathies, unspecified 8B44 Degenerative myelopathic disorders – 8B44.0 Hereditary spastic paraplegia – 8B44.Y Other specified degenerative myelopathic disorders – 8B44.Z Degenerative myelopathic disorders, unspecified –– 8B44.00 Autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia –– 8B44.01 Autosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraplegia –– 8B44.02 X-linked hereditary spastic paraplegia –– 8B44.0Y Other specified hereditary spastic paraplegia –– 8B44.0Z Hereditary spastic paraplegia, unspecified 8B4Y Other specified spinal cord disorders excluding trauma 8B4Z Spinal cord disorders excluding trauma, unspecified 8B60 Motor neuron disease – 8B60.0 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – 8B60.1 Progressive bulbar palsy – 8B60.2 Progressive pseudobulbar palsy – 8B60.3 Progressive muscular atrophy – 8B60.4 Primary lateral sclerosis – 8B60.5 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-Plus – 8B60.6 Monomelic amyotrophy – 8B60.7 Madras type motor neuron disease – 8B60.Y Other specified motor neuron disease – 8B60.Z Motor neuron disease, unspecified 8B61 Spinal muscular atrophy – 8B61.0 Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, Type I – 8B61.1 Late infantile spinal muscular atrophy, Type II – 8B61.2 Juvenile form spinal muscular dystrophy, Type III – 8B61.3 Adult onset spinal muscular atrophy, Type IV – 8B61.4 Localised spinal muscular atrophy – 8B61.Y Other specified spinal muscular atrophy – 8B61.Z Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified 8B62 Post polio progressive muscular atrophy 8B6Y Other specified motor neuron diseases or related disorders 8B6Z Motor neuron diseases or related disorders, unspecified – 8B80 Disorders of olfactory nerve – 8B81 Disorders of vestibulocochlear nerve –– 8B81.0 Brainstem lesion –– 8B81.Y Other specified disorders of vestibulocochlear nerve –– 8B81.Z Disorders of vestibulocochlear nerve, unspecified – 8B82 Disorders of trigeminal nerve –– 8B82.0 Trigeminal neuralgia –– 8B82.Z Disorders of trigeminal nerve, unspecified – 8B83 Disorders of spinal accessory nerve – 8B84 Disorders of hypoglossal nerve – 8B85 Disorders of multiple cranial nerves – 8B86 Disorders of vagus nerve – 8B87 Disorders of glossopharyngeal nerve – 8B88 Disorders of facial nerve –– 8B88.0 Bell palsy –– 8B88.1 Facial myokymia –– 8B88.2 Hemifacial spasm –– 8B88.3 Facial neuritis –– 8B88.Y Other specified disorders of facial nerve –– 8B88.Z Disorders of facial nerve, unspecified – 8B8Y Other specified disorders of cranial nerves – 8B8Z Disorders of cranial nerves, unspecified – 8B90 Nerve root and plexus compressions – 8B91 Brachial plexus disorders –– 8B91.0 Neuralgic shoulder amyotrophy –– 8B91.1 Thoracic outlet syndrome due to cervical rib –– 8B91.Y Other specified brachial plexus disorders –– 8B91.Z Brachial plexus disorders, unspecified – 8B92 Lumbosacral plexus disorders –– 8B92.0 Post radiation lumbosacral plexopathy –– 8B92.1 Vasculitic lumbosacral plexopathy –– 8B92.2 Diabetic lumbosacral plexopathy –– 8B92.3 Lumbosacral radiculoplexopathy –– 8B92.Y Other specified lumbosacral plexus disorders –– 8B92.Z Lumbosacral plexus disorders, unspecified – 8B93 Radiculopathy –– 8B93.0 Radiculopathy due to compression –– 8B93.1 Radiculopathy due to metabolic disorders –– 8B93.2 Radiculopathy due to electric shock or lightning –– 8B93.3 Radiculopathy due to radiation injury –– 8B93.4 Radiculopathy due to nutritional deficiencies –– 8B93.5 Radiculopathy due to toxicity –– 8B93.6 Radiculopathy due to intervertebral disc disorders –– 8B93.7 Radiculopathy due to neoplastic disease –– 8B93.8 Radiculopathy due to spondylosis –– 8B93.Y Other specified radiculopathy –– 8B93.Z Radiculopathy, unspecified – 8B94 Diabetic radiculoplexoneuropathy – 8B95 Secondary brachial plexus lesion due to certain specified disorders – 8B9Y Other specified nerve root or plexus disorders – 8B9Z Nerve root or plexus disorders, unspecified – 8C00 Idiopathic progressive neuropathy – 8C01 Inflammatory polyneuropathy –– 8C01.0 Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy –– 8C01.1 Post vaccinal neuropathy –– 8C01.2 Subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy –– 8C01.3 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy –– 8C01.Y Other specified inflammatory polyneuropathy –– 8C01.Z Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified – 8C03 Other secondary polyneuropathy –– 8C03.0 Diabetic polyneuropathy –– 8C03.1 Polyneuropathy due to infectious diseases –– 8C03.2 Polyneuropathy in neoplastic disease –– 8C03.3 Polyneuropathy in nutritional deficiency –– 8C03.4 Polyneuropathy in systemic connective tissue disorders –– 8C03.Y Other specified secondary polyneuropathy –– 8C03.Z Other secondary polyneuropathy, unspecified – 8C0Y Other specified polyneuropathy – 8C0Z Polyneuropathy, unspecified – 8C10 Mononeuropathies of upper limb –– 8C10.0 Carpal tunnel syndrome –– 8C10.1 Lesion of ulnar nerve –– 8C10.2 Lesion of radial nerve –– 8C10.Y Other specified mononeuropathies of upper limb –– 8C10.Z Mononeuropathies of upper limb, unspecified – 8C11 Mononeuropathies of lower limb –– 8C11.0 Lesion of sciatic nerve –– 8C11.1 Meralgia paraesthetica –– 8C11.2 Lesion of femoral nerve –– 8C11.3 Lesion of common peroneal nerve –– 8C11.4 Lesion of tibial nerve –– 8C11.5 Tarsal tunnel syndrome –– 8C11.6 Lesion of plantar nerve –– 8C11.Y Other specified mononeuropathies of lower limb –– 8C11.Z Mononeuropathies of lower limb, unspecified ––– 8C11.00 Sciatic nerve piriformis syndrome ––– 8C11.0Y Other specified lesion of sciatic nerve ––– 8C11.0Z Lesion of sciatic nerve, unspecified – 8C12 Certain specified mononeuropathies –– 8C12.0 Intercostal neuropathy –– 8C12.1 Mononeuritis multiplex –– 8C12.2 Lesion of suprascapular nerve –– 8C12.3 Lesion of axillary nerve –– 8C12.4 Lesion of long thoracic nerve –– 8C12.5 Traumatic neuroma, not otherwise specified –– 8C12.Y Mononeuropathy of other specified nerve – 8C1Y Mononeuropathy of other specified site – 8C1Z Mononeuropathy of unspecified site – 8C20 Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy –– 8C20.0 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1 demyelinating –– 8C20.1 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 2 axonal –– 8C20.2 Intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease –– 8C20.Y Other specified hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy –– 8C20.Z Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy, unspecified – 8C21 Hereditary sensory or autonomic neuropathy –– 8C21.0 Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I –– 8C21.1 Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type III –– 8C21.2 Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type IV –– 8C21.3 Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type V –– 8C21.Y Other specified hereditary sensory or autonomic neuropathy –– 8C21.Z Hereditary sensory or autonomic neuropathy, unspecified – 8C2Y Other specified hereditary neuropathy – 8C2Z Hereditary neuropathy, unspecified 8C4Y Other specified disorders of nerve root, plexus or peripheral nerves 8C4Z Disorders of nerve root, plexus or peripheral nerves, unspecified – 8C60 Myasthenia gravis –– 8C60.0 Drug-induced myasthenia gravis –– 8C60.Y Other specified myasthenia gravis –– 8C60.Z Myasthenia gravis, unspecified – 8C61 Congenital myasthenic syndromes – 8C62 Lambert-Eaton syndrome – 8C6Y Other specified myasthenia gravis and neuromuscular junction disorders – 8C6Z Unspecified myasthenia gravis or neuromuscular junction disorders – 8C70 Muscular dystrophy –– 8C70.0 Becker muscular dystrophy –– 8C70.1 Duchenne muscular dystrophy –– 8C70.2 Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy –– 8C70.3 Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy –– 8C70.4 Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy –– 8C70.5 Scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy –– 8C70.6 Congenital muscular dystrophy –– 8C70.Y Other specified muscular dystrophy –– 8C70.Z Muscular dystrophy, unspecified ––– 8C70.40 Dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy ––– 8C70.41 Recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy ––– 8C70.4Y Other specified limb-girdle muscular dystrophy ––– 8C70.4Z Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, unspecified – 8C71 Myotonic disorders –– 8C71.0 Myotonic dystrophy –– 8C71.1 Chondrodystrophic myotonia –– 8C71.2 Myotonia congenita –– 8C71.3 Drug-induced myotonia –– 8C71.4 Neuromyotonia –– 8C71.5 Pseudomyotonia –– 8C71.Y Other specified myotonic disorders –– 8C71.Z Myotonic disorders, unspecified – 8C72 Congenital myopathies –– 8C72.0 Congenital myopathy with structural abnormalities –– 8C72.1 Congenital myopathy with no structural abnormalities –– 8C72.Y Other specified congenital myopathies –– 8C72.Z Congenital myopathies, unspecified ––– 8C72.00 Nemaline myopathy ––– 8C72.01 Centronuclear myopathy ––– 8C72.02 Central core disease ––– 8C72.0Y Other specified congenital myopathy with structural abnormalities ––– 8C72.0Z Congenital myopathy with structural abnormalities, unspecified – 8C73 Mitochondrial myopathies –– 8C73.0 Autosomal recessive cardiomyopathy or ophthalmoplegia –– 8C73.1 Neuropathy, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa –– 8C73.Y Other specified mitochondrial myopathies –– 8C73.Z Mitochondrial myopathies, unspecified – 8C74 Periodic paralyses or disorders of muscle membrane excitability –– 8C74.0 Paramyotonia congenita –– 8C74.1 Periodic paralysis –– 8C74.Y Other specified periodic paralyses or disorders of muscle membrane excitability –– 8C74.Z Periodic paralyses or disorders of muscle membrane excitability, unspecified ––– 8C74.10 Hypokalaemic periodic paralysis ––– 8C74.11 Hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis ––– 8C74.1Y Other specified periodic paralysis ––– 8C74.1Z Periodic paralysis, unspecified – 8C75 Distal myopathies – 8C76 Myofibrillar myopathy – 8C77 Ocular myopathy – 8C78 Malignant hyperthermia or hyperpyrexia – 8C7Y Other specified primary disorders of muscles – 8C7Z Primary disorders of muscles, unspecified – 8C80 Drug-induced myopathy – 8C81 Autoimmune myopathy – 8C82 Myopathy in certain specified infectious or parasitic disease – 8C83 Myopathy in certain specified endocrine disease – 8C84 Secondary rhabdomyolysis – 8C8Y Other specified secondary myopathies – 8C8Z Secondary myopathies, unspecified 8D0Y Other specified diseases of neuromuscular junction or muscle 8D0Z Diseases of neuromuscular junction or muscle, unspecified 8D20 Spastic cerebral palsy – 8D20.0 Spastic unilateral cerebral palsy – 8D20.1 Spastic bilateral cerebral palsy – 8D20.Y Other specified spastic cerebral palsy – 8D20.Z Spastic cerebral palsy, unspecified –– 8D20.10 Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy –– 8D20.11 Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy –– 8D20.1Z Spastic bilateral cerebral palsy, unspecified 8D21 Dyskinetic cerebral palsy 8D22 Ataxic cerebral palsy 8D23 Worster-Drought syndrome 8D2Y Other specified cerebral palsy 8D2Z Cerebral palsy, unspecified 8D40 Neurological disorders due to nutrient deficiency – 8D40.0 Encephalopathy due to nutritional deficiency – 8D40.1 Neuropathy due to nutritional deficiency – 8D40.2 Myopathy due to nutritional deficiency – 8D40.3 Intellectual developmental disorder due to nutritional deficiency – 8D40.Y Other specified neurological disorders due to nutrient deficiency – 8D40.Z Neurological disorders due to nutrient deficiency, unspecified 8D41 Neurological disorders due to an excess of micro or macro nutrients – 8D41.0 Peripheral neuropathy due to vitamin B6 hyperalimentation – 8D41.1 Myopathy due to hypercalcaemia – 8D41.2 Pseudotumour Cerebri related to Hypervitaminosis A – 8D41.Y Other specified neurological disorders due to an excess of micro or macro nutrients – 8D41.Z Neurological disorders due to an excess of micro or macro nutrients, unspecified 8D42 Neurological disorders due to overweight or obesity in adults or children 8D43 Neurological disorders due to toxicity – 8D43.0 Encephalopathy due to toxicity – 8D43.1 Cognitive impairment due to toxicity – 8D43.2 Neuropathy due to toxicity – 8D43.3 Myopathy due to toxicity – 8D43.4 Movement disorders due to toxicity – 8D43.5 Cassava poisoning – 8D43.Y Other specified neurological disorders due to toxicity – 8D43.Z Neurological disorders due to toxicity, unspecified –– 8D43.00 Encephalopathy due to ammonia –– 8D43.0Y Other specified encephalopathy due to toxicity –– 8D43.0Z Encephalopathy due to toxicity, unspecified –– 8D43.20 Drug-induced polyneuropathy –– 8D43.21 Post radiation polyneuropathy –– 8D43.2Y Other specified neuropathy due to toxicity –– 8D43.2Z Neuropathy due to toxicity, unspecified 8D44 Alcohol-related neurological disorders – 8D44.0 Alcoholic polyneuropathy – 8D44.1 Alcoholic myopathy – 8D44.Y Other specified alcohol-related neurological disorders – 8D44.Z Alcohol-related neurological disorders, unspecified 8D4Y Other specified nutritional or toxic disorders of the nervous system 8D4Z Nutritional or toxic disorders of the nervous system, unspecified 8D60 Increased intracranial pressure – 8D60.0 Brain herniation syndromes – 8D60.1 Cerebral oedema – 8D60.Y Other specified increased intracranial pressure – 8D60.Z Increased intracranial pressure, unspecified 8D61 Intracranial hypotension – 8D61.0 Spontaneous intracranial hypotension – 8D61.1 Secondary intracranial hypotension – 8D61.Y Other specified intracranial hypotension – 8D61.Z Intracranial hypotension, unspecified 8D62 Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea 8D63 Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhoea 8D64 Hydrocephalus – 8D64.0 Communicating hydrocephalus – 8D64.1 Non-communicating hydrocephalus – 8D64.2 Ex-vacuo hydrocephalus – 8D64.Z Hydrocephalus, unspecified –– 8D64.00 Increased cerebrospinal fluid production –– 8D64.01 Congenital agenesis of arachnoid villi –– 8D64.02 Post haemorrhagic hydrocephalus –– 8D64.03 Post traumatic hydrocephalus –– 8D64.04 Normal-pressure hydrocephalus –– 8D64.0Y Other specified communicating hydrocephalus –– 8D64.0Z Communicating hydrocephalus, unspecified –– 8D64.10 Hydrocephalus due to structural malformations –– 8D64.1Y Other specified non-communicating hydrocephalus –– 8D64.1Z Non-communicating hydrocephalus, unspecified 8D65 Cerebrospinal fluid fistula 8D66 Syringomyelia or syringobulbia – 8D66.0 Idiopathic syringomyelia – 8D66.1 Syringomyelia due to certain specified cause – 8D66.2 Syringobulbia – 8D66.Y Other specified syringomyelia or syringobulbia – 8D66.Z Syringomyelia or syringobulbia, unspecified 8D67 Intracranial arachnoid cyst 8D68 Porencephalic cyst 8D6Y Other specified disorders of cerebrospinal fluid pressure or flow 8D6Z Disorders of cerebrospinal fluid pressure or flow, unspecified 8D80 Congenital malformations of the autonomic nervous system 8D81 Inherited autonomic nervous system disorders 8D82 Autoimmune disorders involving the autonomic nervous system 8D83 Autonomic nervous system disorder due to infection 8D84 Pure autonomic nervous system failure 8D85 Autonomic nervous system disorder due to substances 8D86 Autonomic nervous system hyperactivity 8D87 Autonomic nervous system disorder due to certain specified neurodegenerative disorder – 8D87.0 Multiple system atrophy – 8D87.Y Other specified autonomic nervous system disorder due to specified neurodegenerative disorder –– 8D87.00 Multiple system atrophy, Cerebellar type –– 8D87.01 Multiple system atrophy, Parkinsonism –– 8D87.0Y Other specified multiple system atrophy –– 8D87.0Z Multiple system atrophy, unspecified 8D88 Autonomic neuropathies – 8D88.0 Autonomic neuropathy due to sodium channelopathies – 8D88.1 Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes mellitus – 8D88.2 Immune mediated autonomic neuropathy – 8D88.3 Autonomic disorder due to toxins – 8D88.4 Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases – 8D88.Y Other specified autonomic neuropathies – 8D88.Z Autonomic neuropathies, unspecified 8D89 Disorders of orthostatic tolerance – 8D89.0 Reflex syncope – 8D89.1 Syncope due to autonomic failure – 8D89.2 Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome – 8D89.3 Baroreflex failure – 8D89.Y Other specified disorders of orthostatic tolerance – 8D89.Z Disorders of orthostatic tolerance, unspecified 8D8A Focal or segmental autonomic disorders – 8D8A.1 Horner syndrome – 8D8A.2 Episodic anisocoria – 8D8A.Y Other specified focal or segmental autonomic disorders – 8D8A.Z Focal or segmental autonomic disorders, unspecified 8D8B Disorders affecting autonomic synaptic neurotransmission 8D8C Autonomic dysreflexia 8D8D Hypoglycaemia unawareness 8D8Y Other specified disorders of autonomic nervous system 8D8Z Disorders of autonomic nervous system, unspecified 8E00 Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 8E01 Acquired prion disease – 8E01.0 Iatrogenically acquired Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease – 8E01.1 Kuru – 8E01.2 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease – 8E01.3 Other acquired Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease – 8E01.Z Acquired prion disease, unspecified 8E02 Genetic prion diseases – 8E02.0 Genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease – 8E02.1 Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome – 8E02.2 Fatal familial insomnia – 8E02.3 Other genetic prion diseases – 8E02.Y Other specified Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease – 8E02.Z Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, unspecified 8E03 Variably protease sensitive prionopathy 8E0Y Other specified human prion diseases 8E0Z Human prion diseases, unspecified 8E20 Persistent vegetative state 8E21 Permanent vegetative state 8E22 Minimally conscious state – 8E22.0 Minimally conscious state plus – 8E22.1 Minimally conscious state minus – 8E22.Y Other specified minimally conscious state – 8E22.Z Minimally conscious state, unspecified 8E2Y Other specified disorders of consciousness 8E2Z Disorders of consciousness, unspecified 8E40 Disorders of the meninges excluding infection – 8E40.0 Neoplastic meningitis – 8E40.1 Chemical meningitis – 8E40.2 Inflammatory meningitis – 8E40.3 Arachnoiditis – 8E40.Y Other specified disorders of the meninges excluding infection – 8E40.Z Disorders of the meninges excluding infection, unspecified 8E41 Pachymeningitis – 8E41.0 Pachymeningitis due to infection – 8E41.1 Idiopathic hypertrophic pachymeningitis – 8E41.Y Other specified pachymeningitis – 8E41.Z Pachymeningitis, unspecified 8E42 Superficial siderosis of the nervous system 8E43 Pain disorders – 8E43.0 Neuropathic pain – 8E43.Y Other specified pain disorders – 8E43.Z Pain disorders, unspecified –– 8E43.00 Phantom limb syndrome –– 8E43.0Y Other specified neuropathic pain –– 8E43.0Z Neuropathic pain, unspecified 8E44 Post anoxic brain damage 8E45 Locked-in syndrome 8E46 Reye syndrome 8E47 Encephalopathy, not elsewhere classified 8E48 Encephalitis, not elsewhere classified 8E49 Postviral fatigue syndrome 8E4A Paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the nervous system – 8E4A.0 Paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the central nervous system, brain or spinal cord – 8E4A.1 Paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the peripheral or autonomic nervous system – 8E4A.2 Paraneoplastic or autoimmune neuromuscular transmission disorders – 8E4A.3 Paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the muscle – 8E4A.Y Other specified paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the nervous system – 8E4A.Z Paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the nervous system, unspecified 8E4Y Other specified disorders of the nervous system 8E60 Post ventricular shunting leak 8E61 Post radiation injury of the nervous system – 8E61.0 Radiation-induced brain injury – 8E61.1 Spinal cord irradiation – 8E61.Z Post radiation injury of the nervous system, unspecified 8E62 Postprocedural meningitis 8E63 Post pump encephalopathy 8E64 Multifocal cerebral infarctions 8E66 Intracranial hypotension due to lumbar puncture 8E7Y Other specified diseases of the nervous system 8E7Z Diseases of the nervous system, unspecified
synonyms Sleep-related hypoventilation due to medical condition alveolar hypoventilation nonapnoeic alveolar hypoventilation secondary alveolar hypoventilation sleep related hypoventilation
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