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FC01.8 Postsurgical osteolysis International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Laterality - only one may be selected [select] XK9J Bilateral XK8G Left XK9K Right XK70 Unilateral, unspecified Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA6UV6 Inferior nasal conchae XA9GZ6 Lacrimal bone XA4319 Palatine bone XA14T2 Vomer bone XA8N32 Zygomatic bone XA51B7 Mandible – XA3B77 Alveolar border of body of mandible – XA0M61 Angle of mandible – XA98M7 Condylar process of the mandible –– XA7919 Subcondylar process of mandible – XA24B3 Coronoid process of the mandible – XA5969 Ramus of mandible – XA8JR9 Symphysis of mandible – XA0NC8 Inferior maxilla XA7VK5 Maxilla XA8E16 Nasal bone XA88P5 Jaw, unspecified XA6EQ1 Bones of middle ear XA4D04 Incus XA5DS8 Malleus XA3WA4 Stapes XA5J55 Vertebral column XA7MS2 Vertebra XA9ZW8 Cervical vertebra – XA2XE8 Atlas –– XA0KQ4 Posterior arch of first cervical vertebra –– XA1304 Lateral mass of first cervical vertebra – XA17N0 Axis –– XA5W02 Odontoid process – XA2W05 Third cervical vertebra –– XA51V4 Arch of third cervical vertebra –– XA4UV1 Body of third cervical vertebra –– XA8CG0 Processes of third cervical vertebra – XA3RE9 Fourth cervical vertebra –– XA24X7 Arch of fourth cervical vertebra –– XA3GT0 Body of fourth cervical vertebra –– XA75V3 Processes of fourth cervical vertebra – XA9C12 Fifth cervical vertebra –– XA1PJ5 Arch of fifth cervical vertebra –– XA1BS2 Body of fifth cervical vertebra –– XA2FY7 Processes of fifth cervical vertebra – XA5S79 Sixth cervical vertebra –– XA8W16 Arch of sixth cervical vertebra –– XA9Q12 Body of sixth cervical vertebra –– XA60Z0 Processes of sixth cervical vertebra – XA34U8 Seventh cervical vertebra –– XA05M5 Arch of seventh cervical vertebra –– XA1JS3 Body of seventh cervical vertebra –– XA91D7 Processes of seventh cervical vertebra XA6E88 Thoracic vertebra – XA3F93 First thoracic vertebra –– XA7UP5 Arch of first thoracic vertebra –– XA8PH0 Body of first thoracic vertebra –– XA1AX4 Processes of first thoracic vertebra – XA8QS0 Second thoracic vertebra –– XA2VV9 Arch of second thoracic vertebra –– XA3Z42 Body of second thoracic vertebra –– XA6T61 Processes of second thoracic vertebra – XA1Z15 Third thoracic vertebra –– XA2SM3 Arch of third thoracic vertebra –– XA35A0 Body of third thoracic vertebra –– XA41U9 Processes of third thoracic vertebra – XA0C31 Fourth thoracic vertebra –– XA22W3 Arch of fourth thoracic vertebra –– XA3J42 Body of fourth thoracic vertebra –– XA1WL4 Processes of fourth thoracic vertebra – XA3PH5 Fifth thoracic vertebra –– XA28A7 Arch of fifth thoracic vertebra –– XA8W59 Body of fifth thoracic vertebra –– XA0449 Processes of fifth thoracic vertebra – XA45S2 Sixth thoracic vertebra –– XA29X2 Arch of sixth thoracic vertebra –– XA0YY2 Body of sixth thoracic vertebra –– XA1R53 Processes of sixth thoracic vertebra – XA59Y3 Seventh thoracic vertebra –– XA54G1 Arch of seventh thoracic vertebra –– XA62Y3 Body of seventh thoracic vertebra –– XA1CQ7 Processes of seventh thoracic vertebra – XA8NQ5 Eighth thoracic vertebra –– XA3PL7 Arch of eighth thoracic vertebra –– XA5JX9 Body of eighth thoracic vertebra –– XA1SD8 Processes of eighth thoracic vertebra – XA3E70 Ninth thoracic vertebra –– XA9N69 Arch of ninth thoracic vertebra –– XA2X21 Body of ninth thoracic vertebra –– XA5SW1 Processes of ninth thoracic vertebra – XA0AV7 Tenth thoracic vertebra –– XA7LF7 Arch of tenth thoracic vertebra –– XA6VP6 Body of tenth thoracic vertebra –– XA7122 Processes of tenth thoracic vertebra – XA7T69 Eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA98R9 Arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA91J0 Body of eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA92Q6 Processes of eleventh thoracic vertebra – XA69W5 Twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA15N3 Arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA1401 Body of twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA2D62 Processes of twelfth thoracic vertebra XA0D60 Lumbar vertebra – XA3291 First lumbar vertebra –– XA8AX7 Arch of first lumbar vertebra –– XA9E61 Body of first lumbar vertebra –– XA4U01 Processes of first lumbar vertebra – XA2GH9 Second lumbar vertebra –– XA24M1 Arch of second lumbar vertebra –– XA5079 Body of second lumbar vertebra –– XA52T1 Processes of second lumbar vertebra – XA3N97 Third lumbar vertebra –– XA3G24 Arch of third lumbar vertebra –– XA0TL0 Body of third lumbar vertebra –– XA80X7 Processes of third lumbar vertebra – XA9A53 Fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA7CH7 Arch of fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA4145 Body of fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA38A4 Processes of fourth lumbar vertebra – XA9641 Fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA2JV2 Arch of fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA5886 Body of fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA4PS3 Processes of fifth lumbar vertebra XA14W3 Sacrum XA4V28 Coccyx XA02R1 Intervertebral disc or space XA8D30 Cervical discs or space – XA9Z06 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C1-C2 – XA18M2 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C2-C3 – XA94K2 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C3-C4 – XA3623 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C4-C5 – XA1X49 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C5-C6 – XA16L1 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C6-C7 – XA2SG0 Cervicothoracic disc or space C7-T1 XA1N54 Thoracic discs or space – XA4722 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T1-T2 – XA6KQ8 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T2-T3 – XA6CX2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T3-T4 – XA0NE8 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T4-T5 – XA7PD1 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T5-T6 – XA4TP2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T6-T7 – XA7117 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T7-T8 – XA9PW9 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T8-T9 – XA8E13 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T9-T10 – XA6HY9 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T10-T11 – XA5LG2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T11-T12 – XA97A4 Thoracolumbar intervertebral disc or space T12-L1 XA54S5 Lumbar discs or space – XA7RD5 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L1-L2 – XA8DG2 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L2-L3 – XA1F44 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L3-L4 – XA2N96 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L4-L5 – XA54R2 Lumbosacral intervertebral disc or space L5-S1 XA2Y58 Intervertebral disc – XA8WM9 Nucleus pulposus – XA10M1 Annulus fibrosus XA5VB6 Bones of the thorax XA5TK7 Rib XA98Q1 First rib XA7XY2 Second rib XA2U21 Third rib XA4SQ6 Fourth rib XA31L8 Fifth rib XA63Z2 Sixth rib XA2WC3 Seventh rib XA9WQ3 Eighth rib XA31V8 Ninth rib XA54R4 Tenth rib XA3VH4 Eleventh rib XA6W52 Twelfth rib XA6NB3 Sternum XA3M45 Body of sternum XA0K13 Manubrium XA2RB7 Xiphoid XA4N47 Bones of the pelvis XA8Y23 Pelvis XA5FT5 Ilium – XA4743 Iliac crest XA5L47 Ischium XA82W3 Pubis – XA1XZ3 Superior pubic ramus – XA4VB9 Inferior pubic ramus XA6Z32 Acetabulum XA4S38 Axial skeleton XA4RY5 Bones of the head XA1RZ4 Cranial Bones XA0E94 Base of the skull XA2BH0 Calvarium XA0KU6 Cranial fossa – XA7B66 Anterior fossa – XA8Y22 Middle fossa – XA5U78 Posterior fossa XA2SR4 Ethmoid bone XA6ZM9 Frontal bone XA5JA2 Occipital bone – XA4RS9 Occipital condyle – XA33W1 Occiput XA2J87 Parietal bone XA63R0 Sphenoid bone – XA9N34 Pituitary fossa XA2P19 Temporal bone – XA1E15 Petrous bone – XA68N3 Mastoid XA8E69 Orbital bone – XA9XW3 Orbital roof – XA7MW9 Orbital floor XA3Y16 Facial bones XA5CQ0 Hyoid bone – XA3ZF8 Base of the fourth metacarpal bone XA88S1 Fifth metacarpal – XA3Z46 Head of the fifth metacarpal bone – XA16Y6 Neck of the fifth metacarpal bone – XA92G8 Shaft of the fifth metacarpal bone – XA65Y7 Base of the fifth metacarpal bone XA3PA7 Phalanx of the hand XA0HH1 Proximal phalanx of the hand – XA25U2 Proximal phalanx of index finger – XA6ET0 Proximal phalanx of middle finger – XA9MR0 Proximal phalanx of ring finger – XA73Q6 Proximal phalanx of little finger – XA0903 Proximal phalanx of thumb XA89G7 Middle phalanx of hand – XA3JL6 Middle phalanx of index finger – XA5910 Middle phalanx of middle finger – XA8N14 Middle phalanx of ring finger – XA6HX0 Middle phalanx of little finger XA7LS3 Distal phalanx of the hand – XA54X0 Distal phalanx of index finger – XA8NR0 Distal phalanx of middle finger – XA51S6 Distal phalanx of ring finger – XA32G6 Distal phalanx of little finger – XA70H5 Distal phalanx of thumb XA5D87 Bone of finger, not elsewhere classified XA95Q5 Bone of thumb, not elsewhere classified XA2T04 Bones of the lower extremity XA6BA0 Femur XA96S5 Femoral head XA1673 Femoral neck XA32G0 Trochanter – XA1VJ3 Greater trochanter of femur – XA9TD9 Lesser trochanter of femur XA9JB2 Intertrochanteric crest of femur XA4AF2 Femoral shaft XA6UG0 Femoral condyle XA2BJ0 Femoral epiphysis XA00N4 Pertrochanter XA5EL8 Subtrochanteric line of femur XA4T36 Patella XA44U1 Tibia XA5RE8 Tibial condyle – XA87A0 Lateral condyle of tibia – XA7Y69 Medial condyle of tibia XA3DL5 Tibial tuberosity XA66B3 Tibial shaft XA2EN5 Tibial spine XA1HS9 Medial malleolus XA3450 Posterior malleolus XA3KT5 Fibula XA0K77 Fibular head XA5G97 Fibular shaft XA4UL1 Lateral malleolus XA7NN4 Tarsal bone XA5LU2 Calcaneus – XA57V1 Anterior process of calcaneus – XA62P4 Tuberosity of calcaneus XA1LF4 Talus – XA1N98 Dome of the talus – XA6L02 Neck of the talus – XA3MT9 Posterior process of the talus XA84E6 Navicular bone XA4J74 Medial cuneiform bone XA4046 Intermediate cuneiform bone XA8462 Lateral cuneiform bone XA0LW4 Cuboid bone XA43L9 Bone of ankle XA6UL8 Tarsal canal XA6VH2 Metatarsal bone XA39M2 Phalanx of the foot XA6U96 Proximal phalanx of the toe – XA8KC3 Proximal phalanx of great toe – XA0AQ0 Proximal phalanx of second toe – XA11P1 Proximal phalanx of third toe – XA8CX6 Proximal phalanx of fourth toe – XA8PK1 Proximal phalanx of fifth toe XA8539 Middle phalanx of toe – XA1UN2 Middle phalanx of second toe – XA9YP5 Middle phalanx of third toe – XA2SX4 Middle phalanx of fourth toe – XA90F0 Middle phalanx of fifth toe XA4352 Distal phalanx of the toe – XA2AC2 Distal phalanx of great toe – XA3QM7 Distal phalanx of second toe – XA38Q1 Distal phalanx of third toe – XA8XV0 Distal phalanx of fourth toe – XA6ED4 Distal phalanx of fifth toe XA4TM1 Peripheral skeleton XA7R53 Bones of the upper extremity XA2AL0 Bones of the shoulder girdle XA6384 Clavicle – XA76N8 Sternal end of clavicle – XA4PT6 Shaft of the clavicle – XA09P2 Acromial end of clavicle XA53X6 Scapula – XA2HS8 Neck of the scapula – XA1216 Glenoid cavity of the scapula – XA2Y48 Coracoid process of the scapula – XA3664 Acromion XA2XL4 Humerus XA4VY5 Head of the humerus XA0XN0 Anatomical neck of the humerus XA6FR2 Surgical neck of the humerus XA7144 Greater tuberosity of the humerus XA72X2 Lesser tuberosity of the humerus XA4RN8 Shaft of the humerus XA3RE0 Condyle of the humerus – XA11M8 Capitulum of humerus – XA9LK4 Trochlea of humerus XA6EF8 Lateral epicondyle of the humerus XA4097 Medial epicondyle of the humerus XA3WG1 Radius XA2N25 Radial head XA0ZF7 Radial neck XA35U4 Shaft of radius XA6YE5 Radial groove XA3MH2 Styloid process of radius XA4X32 Lower end of radius not otherwise specified XA76U7 Upper end of radius not otherwise specified XA5007 Ulna XA0NS5 Coronoid process of the ulna XA0725 Lower end of ulna not otherwise specified XA5VA1 Olecranon process of the ulna XA8U33 Shaft of the ulna XA05C5 Styloid process of the ulna XA6SV9 Upper end of ulna not otherwise specified XA09H2 Carpal bones XA7480 Scaphoid bone – XA8E71 Distal pole of scaphoid – XA1GV4 Distal third of the scaphoid bone – XA3ZG5 Middle third of the scaphoid bone – XA5ZE5 Proximal third of the scaphoid bone XA30C8 Lunate bone XA4A64 Triquetrum bone XA8SZ6 Pisiform bone XA7XM2 Trapezium bone XA9DH2 Trapezoid bone XA06T2 Capitate bone XA8488 Hamate bone – XA97A0 Hook of hamate XA0GJ4 Carpal tunnel XA22M5 Base of other carpal bone XA9640 Neck of other carpal bone XA5TX9 Shaft of other carpal bone XA3YX4 Metacarpal bone XA58X4 First metacarpal – XA12D2 Head of the first metacarpal bone – XA8J87 Neck of the first metacarpal bone – XA5N95 Shaft of the first metacarpal bone – XA2P67 Base of the first metacarpal bone XA5HE0 Second metacarpal – XA93C5 Head of the second metacarpal bone – XA8KU0 Neck of the second metacarpal bone – XA4RC8 Shaft of the second metacarpal bone – XA37V2 Base of the second metacarpal bone XA7J93 Third metacarpal – XA6442 Head of the third metacarpal bone – XA50H4 Neck of the third metacarpal bone – XA8BP2 Shaft of the third metacarpal bone – XA8NK6 Base of the third metacarpal bone XA9KB7 Fourth metacarpal – XA8X42 Head of the fourth metacarpal bone – XA9NT7 Neck of the fourth metacarpal bone – XA4CP7 Shaft of the fourth metacarpal bone Associated with - multiple selections are allowed [select] PK80 Medical or surgical procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.0 Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.1 Cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.2 Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.3 Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.4 Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.5 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.6 Urological procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.7 Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.8 Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.9 Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.A Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.B Dental procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.C Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK80.D Ophthalmic procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.00 Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.01 Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.02 Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.0Y Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach –– PK80.0Z Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach –– PK80.10 Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.11 Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.12 Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.13 Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach –– PK80.14 Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.15 Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.16 Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.17 Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach –– PK80.1Y Unspecified type of cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach –– PK80.1Z Unspecified type of cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach –– PK80.20 Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.21 Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.22 Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.2Y Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach –– PK80.2Z Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach –– PK80.30 Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.31 Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.32 Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.3Y Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach –– PK80.3Z Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach –– PK80.40 Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.41 Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.42 Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.4Y Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach –– PK80.4Z Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach –– PK80.50 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.51 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.52 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.53 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, per orifice approach –– PK80.5Y Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach –– PK80.5Z Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach –– PK80.60 Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.61 Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.62 Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.6Y Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach –– PK80.6Z Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach –– PK80.70 Caesarean section or other obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.71 Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.72 Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.73 Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, per orifice approach –– PK80.7Y Caesarean section or other obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach –– PK80.7Z Caesarean section or other obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach –– PK80.80 Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.81 Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.82 Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.8Y Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach –– PK80.8Z Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach –– PK80.90 Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.91 Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.92 Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.9Y Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach –– PK80.9Z Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach –– PK80.A0 Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.A1 Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.A2 Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.AY Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach –– PK80.AZ Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach –– PK80.B0 Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.B1 Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.B2 Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.BY Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach –– PK80.BZ Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach –– PK80.C0 Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach –– PK80.C1 Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach –– PK80.C2 Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach –– PK80.CY Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach –– PK80.CZ Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach PK81 Certain medical procedures associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.0 Ventilation associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.1 Extracorporeal life support procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.2 Aspiration or drainage of body cavity or fluid collection associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.3 Acupuncture or related therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.4 Bone marrow aspiration or biopsy associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.5 Biopsy procedure, not elsewhere classified, associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.6 Dialysis associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.7 Injection or infusion for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.8 Insertion of tube associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.9 Joint aspiration associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.A Lumbar puncture associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.B Manipulative therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.C Radiation therapy associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.D Other specified medical procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.E Cardiopulmonary resuscitation associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PK81.F Needle stick associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.30 Acupuncture cupping associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.3Y Other specified acupuncture or related therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.3Z Acupuncture or related therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified PK8Y Other specified surgical or other medical procedures associated with injury or harm in diagnostic or therapeutic use PK8Z Surgical or other medical procedures associated with injury or harm in diagnostic or therapeutic use, unspecified PK90 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm – PK90.0 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK90.1 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK90.2 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK90.3 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK90.4 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK90.Y Other specified anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm – PK90.Z Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified PK91 Cardiovascular devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK91.0 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK91.1 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK91.2 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK91.3 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK91.4 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK91.Y Other specified cardiovascular devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK91.Z Cardiovascular devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified –– PK91.10 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, pacemaker –– PK91.11 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, implantable defibrillator –– PK91.12 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, left ventricular assist devices –– PK91.13 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, intra-aortic balloon pump –– PK91.14 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, IVC filter –– PK91.15 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, central venous catheter –– PK91.16 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm: peripheral venous catheter –– PK91.1Y Other specified cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK91.1Z Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices, unspecified –– PK91.20 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, grafts –– PK91.21 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, stents –– PK91.22 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, mechanical or bioprosthetic valves –– PK91.2Y Other specified cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK91.2Z Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices, unspecified PK92 Otorhinolaryngological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK92.0 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK92.1 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK92.2 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK92.3 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK92.4 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK92.Y Other specified otorhinolaryngological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK92.Z Otorhinolaryngological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified PK93 Gastroenterology or urology devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK93.0 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK93.1 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK93.2 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK93.3 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK93.4 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK93.Y Other specified gastroenterology or urology devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK93.Z Gastroenterology or urology devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified –– PK93.10 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, urinary catheter –– PK93.1Y Other specified gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK93.1Z Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices, unspecified PK94 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm – PK94.0 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK94.1 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK94.2 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK94.3 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK94.4 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK94.Y Other specified general hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm – PK94.Z General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified PK95 Neurological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK95.0 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK95.1 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK95.2 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK95.3 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK95.4 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK95.Y Other specified neurological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK95.Z Neurological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified –– PK95.20 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, ventricular shunt –– PK95.2Y Other specified neurological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK95.2Z Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices, unspecified PK96 Obstetric or gynaecological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK96.0 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK96.1 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK96.2 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK96.3 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK96.4 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK96.Y Other specified obstetric or gynaecological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK96.Z Obstetric or gynaecological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified PK97 Ophthalmic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK97.0 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK97.1 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK97.2 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK97.3 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK97.4 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK97.Y Other specified ophthalmic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK97.Z Ophthalmic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified PK98 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm – PK98.0 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK98.1 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK98.2 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK98.3 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK98.4 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK98.Y Other specified radiological devices associated with injury or harm – PK98.Z Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified PK99 Orthopaedic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK99.0 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK99.1 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK99.2 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK99.3 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK99.4 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK99.Y Other specified orthopaedic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK99.Z Orthopaedic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified PK9A Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm – PK9A.0 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK9A.1 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK9A.2 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK9A.3 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK9A.4 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK9A.Y Other specified physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm – PK9A.Z Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified –– PK9A.20 Communication system devices associated with adverse incidents –– PK9A.21 Communication system devices associated with adverse incidents in a physical medicine care environment –– PK9A.22 Environmental control system devices associated with adverse incidents –– PK9A.23 Mobility aids associated with adverse incidents –– PK9A.24 Orthotic devices associated with adverse incidents –– PK9A.2Y Other specified physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK9A.2Z Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices, unspecified PK9B General or plastic surgery devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK9B.0 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK9B.1 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK9B.2 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK9B.3 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK9B.4 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified – PK9B.Y Other specified general or plastic surgery devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK9B.Z General or plastic surgery devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified PK9C Other or unspecified medical devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm – PK9C.0 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices – PK9C.1 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices – PK9C.2 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices – PK9C.3 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices – PK9C.4 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK9C.30 Mechanical complication of nonabsorbable surgical material, not otherwise specified –– PK9C.31 Mechanical complication of permanent sutures –– PK9C.3Y Other specified other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK9C.3Z Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices, unspecified PL11 Mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical procedure PL11.0 Cut, puncture or tear, as mode of injury or harm PL11.1 Burn arising during procedure, as mode of injury or harm PL11.2 Embolisation, as mode of injury or harm PL11.3 Foreign body accidentally left in body, as mode of injury or harm PL11.4 Failure of sterile precautions, as mode of injury or harm PL11.5 Procedure undertaken at wrong site or wrong side, as mode of injury or harm PL11.6 Pressure, as mode of injury or harm PL11.Y Other specified mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical procedure PL11.Z Unspecified mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical procedure – PL11.20 Air embolism, as mode of injury – PL11.2Y Other specified embolisation, as mode of injury or harm – PL11.2Z Embolisation, as mode of injury or harm, unspecified PL12 Mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical device, implant or graft PL12.0 Structural device failure, as mode of injury or harm PL12.1 Functional device failure, as mode of injury or harm PL12.2 Perforation or protrusion by device, as mode of injury or harm PL12.3 Obstruction of device, as mode of injury or harm PL12.4 Dislodgement, misconnection or de-attachment, as mode of injury or harm PL12.5 Operator error, as mode of injury or harm PL12.6 Combination or interaction of operator error and device failure, as mode of injury or harm PL12.Y Other specified mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical device, implant or graft PL12.Z Mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical device, implant or graft, unspecified
synonyms Postsurgical osteolysis Osteolysis around internal joint prosthesis
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