1F66 Filariasis International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 infections with nematodes of the superfamily Filarioidea; presence of living worms in the body is mainly asymptomatic but the death of adult worms leads to granulomatous inflammation and permanent fibrosis; organisms of the genus Elaeophora infect wild elk and domestic sheep causing ischaemic necrosis of the brain, blindness, and dermatosis of the face.
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Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA9WH0 Intrathoracic lymph nodes ––– XA4DJ9 Zygomatic nerve – XA4A74 Perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve –– XA35L5 Superior palpebral arch artery –– XA7AS3 Occipital venous lacunae ––– XA7NQ7 Left anterior descending coronary artery –– XA64J5 Upper right 1st bicuspid ––– XA6UV6 Inferior nasal conchae –––– XA3ZF8 Base of the fourth metacarpal bone ––– XA3VJ3 Pisometacarpal ligament – XA3YC6 Iliococcygeus muscle – XA8H50 Flexor carpi radialis tendon – XA41B8 Tracheobronchial lymph node ––– XA62X3 Zygomaticofacial nerve XA7718 Autonomic nervous system –– XA1Q49 Zygomatic branches of the lacrimal artery –– XA0X91 Ophthalmic vein –––– XA2N78 Diagonal branches of left anterior descending coronary artery –– XA0LE1 Upper right canine ––– XA9GZ6 Lacrimal bone ––– XA88S1 Fifth metacarpal ––– XA0PY0 Radioulnar ligament – XA73H8 Ischiocavernosus muscle – XA5CE2 Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon –– XA96Z0 Bronchopulmonary lymph node ––– XA9MM8 Zygomaticotemporal nerve XA2BH4 Nerves of the autonomic nervous system –– XA4KE1 Branches to gingiva ––– XA6C95 Superior ophthalmic vein ––––– XA20E5 D1 - first diagonal branch –– XA3QH3 Upper right  lateral incisor ––– XA4319 Palatine bone –––– XA3Z46 Head of the fifth metacarpal bone –––– XA4396 Dorsal radioulnar ligament – XA9T66 Levator ani-coccygeus muscle – XA23D8 Flexor digiti minimi tendon ––– XA5MW1 Hilar lymph node –– XA1F17 Trigeminal nerve, mandibular branch – XA3XN8 Aortic plexus – XA9UT1 Artery of thorax ––– XA8M04 Inferior ophthalmic vein ––––– XA86J1 D2 - second diagonal branch –– XA43X2 Upper right central incisor ––– XA14T2 Vomer bone –––– XA16Y6 Neck of the fifth metacarpal bone –––– XA2940 Volar radioulnar ligament – XA3HP4 Pubococcygeus muscle – XA0GQ6 Flexor digitorum profundus tendon –– XA9QW9 Pulmonary lymph node ––– XA5DA8 Auriculotemporal nerve – XA2G56 Auerbach plexus –– XA4TH8 Branches to diaphragm of the musculophrenic artery –– XA1SM5 Palatine vein ––––– XA5SR3 D3 - third diagonal branch –– XA8328 Upper left 3rd molar ––– XA8N32 Zygomatic bone –––– XA92G8 Shaft of the fifth metacarpal bone ––– XA3SZ9 Transverse metacarpal ligament – XA7MM8 Puborectalis muscle – XA9526 Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon –– XA3194 Tracheal lymph node ––– XA7UK9 Buccal nerve – XA9QM5 Cardiac plexus –– XA1PX4 Branches to lower part of the pericardium of the musculophrenic artery –– XA4HX4 Parietal venous lacunae ––– XA1SH6 Left obtuse marginal artery –– XA1YK1 Upper left 2nd molar ––– XA51B7 Mandible –––– XA65Y7 Base of the fifth metacarpal bone ––– XA3K32 Ulnocarpal ligament – XA4RK4 Pubovaginalis muscle – XA9Q34 Flexor digitorum tendon –– XA2JX0 Superior tracheobronchial lymph node ––– XA52H1 Deep temporal nerve – XA3FS7 Cavernous plexus –– XA2KA0 Brachiocephalic trunk –– XA91G2 Parotid vein ––– XA3QP2 Ramus intermedius artery –– XA2GW7 Upper left 1st molar –––– XA3B77 Alveolar border of body of mandible –– XA3PA7 Phalanx of the hand ––– XA1PU7 Volar carpometacarpal ligament – XA3ML6 Sphincter ani muscle – XA1Q82 Flexor pollicis brevis tendon –– XA1PA1 Inferior tracheobronchial lymph node ––– XA3VT0 Inferior alveolar nerve – XA4U92 Coeliac plexus –– XA3M86 Deep branch of dorsal scapular artery –– XA98C1 Pharyngeal vein ––– XA5LW8 Septal artery –– XA5Z15 Upper left 2nd bicuspid –––– XA0M61 Angle of mandible ––– XA0HH1 Proximal phalanx of the hand ––– XA47N4 Volar intercarpal ligaments – XA8FT0 Sphincter urethrae muscle – XA92F7 Flexor pollicis longus tendon – XA61B8 Mediastinal lymph node –––– XA9FV5 Mylohyoid nerve – XA2Y82 Gastric plexus –– XA7KK5 Intercostal artery –– XA2NF3 Posterior anastomotic vein of Labbé –– XA2QX7 Right coronary artery –– XA3EF6 Upper left 1st bicuspid –––– XA98M7 Condylar process of the mandible –––– XA25U2 Proximal phalanx of index finger ––– XA1LF5 Volar intermetacarpal ligament – XA56U7 Superficial transverse perinei muscle – XA5YQ2 Flexor tendon –– XA5HA3 Anterior mediastinal visceral lymph node ––– XA3114 Lateral pterygoid nerve – XA4YZ0 Hepatic plexus –– XA0T62 Intercostal branches of the musculophrenic artery –– XA0QP2 Pterygoid venous plexus ––– XA1LL7 Right acute marginal artery –– XA2LF2 Upper left canine ––––– XA7919 Subcondylar process of mandible –––– XA6ET0 Proximal phalanx of middle finger ––– XA3VN5 Volar metacarpophalangeal ligament XA4Z20 Muscles of the upper extremity – XA4M25 Interossei tendon –– XA7571 Posterior mediastinal visceral lymph node ––– XA5CT7 Lingual nerve – XA05T1 Inferior hypogastric plexus –– XA9S49 Internal thoracic artery –– XA0M51 Sphenopalatine vein ––– XA81T7 Posterior interventricular artery –– XA0MG2 Upper left  lateral incisor –––– XA24B3 Coronoid process of the mandible –––– XA9MR0 Proximal phalanx of ring finger ––– XA0492 Volar radiocarpal ligament – XA90T3 Abductor digiti minimi muscle (hand) – XA1X89 Levator scapulae tendon – XA8VY5 Oesophageal lymph node ––– XA5NQ5 Masseteric nerve – XA8QG3 Inferior mesenteric plexus ––– XA4XE2 Mediastinal artery –– XA4XY4 Stylomastoid vein ––– XA8PS0 Posterolateral artery –– XA9P69 Upper left central incisor –––– XA5969 Ramus of mandible –––– XA73Q6 Proximal phalanx of little finger XA5ST4 Joints and ligaments of the lower extremity – XA0Z05 Abductor pollicis brevis muscle – XA8TQ1 Lumbrical tendon – XA8E34 Intercostal lymph node ––– XA1RH8 Medial pterygoid nerve – XA5JN1 Internal carotid plexus –– XA3DE1 Lateral thoracic artery –– XA7K99 Sublingual vein ––– XA7TB5 Sinoatrial nodal artery –– XA8YF6 Lower right 3rd molar –––– XA8JR9 Symphysis of mandible –––– XA0903 Proximal phalanx of thumb – XA7L41 Joints of lower extremity – XA7PS1 Abductor pollicis longus muscle – XA9KM7 Opponens digiti minimi tendon – XA2CH0 Parasternal lymph node ––– XA6ZD8 Mental nerve – XA8Z10 Meissner plexus –– XA09J9 Pulmonary artery –– XA7ZY4 Submaxillary vein – XA9FK9 Cardiac veins –– XA5CA4 Lower right 2nd molar –––– XA0NC8 Inferior maxilla ––– XA89G7 Middle phalanx of hand –– XA4XS4 Hip joint – XA54Z7 Adductor pollicis muscle – XA3W45 Opponens pollicis tendon – XA1478 Superior diaphragmatic lymph node – XA4GX3 Abducens nerve – XA7K49 Oesophageal plexus –– XA1EE3 Lower (3rd to 11th) posterior intercostal artery –– XA1LD6 Submental vein –– XA6YW4 Oblique vein of the left atrium –– XA5M57 Lower right 1st molar ––– XA7VK5 Maxilla –––– XA3JL6 Middle phalanx of index finger –– XA8RL1 Knee joint – XA2583 Anconeus muscle – XA82E6 Palmar interosseous tendon – XA4P97 Innominate lymph node – XA64Y7 Facial nerve – XA9PB2 Ovarian plexus –– XA0QG6 Lower branches of the space anastomoses of the six anterior intercostal branches of the internal thoracic artery –– XA8680 Terminal vein –– XA0HP7 Left marginal vein of heart –– XA26X2 Lower right 2nd bicuspid ––– XA8E16 Nasal bone –––– XA5910 Middle phalanx of middle finger ––– XA0LC4 Tibiofemoral joint – XA0GV5 Articularis cubiti muscle – XA7B73 Palmaris brevis tendon XA05C1 Intra-abdominal lymph nodes –– XA7F87 Posterior auricular nerve – XA0C44 Pancreatic plexus –– XA7EC2 Musculophrenic artery –– XA7F45 Tracheal vein –– XA38Z5 Great cardiac vein –– XA47C4 Lower right 1st bicuspid ––– XA88P5 Jaw, unspecified –––– XA8N14 Middle phalanx of ring finger ––– XA0VJ4 Patellofemoral joint – XA1KL5 Biceps brachii muscle – XA41L1 Palmaris longus tendon – XA59Q1 Lumbar lymph node –– XA1VA9 Temporal branch of the facial nerve – XA9ME3 Phrenic plexus –– XA1190 Perforating branches of the internal thoracic artery –– XA6945 Transverse cervical vein –– XA8HT6 Posterior vein of the left ventricle –– XA95A1 Lower right canine –– XA6EQ1 Bones of middle ear –––– XA6HX0 Middle phalanx of little finger ––– XA0LG3 Proximal tibiofibular joint –– XA0481 Long head of the biceps brachii muscle – XA41Z5 Pronator quadratus tendon – XA25W0 Aortic lymph node –– XA7JD7 Zygomatic branch of the facial nerve – XA16Y3 Prostatic plexus –– XA0WT1 Posterior intercostal artery –– XA22T9 Vein from the tympanic cavity –– XA3UN3 Middle cardiac vein –– XA8660 Lower right  lateral incisor ––– XA4D04 Incus ––– XA7LS3 Distal phalanx of the hand ––– XA8VV2 Semilunar cartilage –– XA3J17 Short head of the biceps brachii muscle – XA7EK5 Pronator teres tendon –– XA4WV3 Preaortic lymph node –– XA3A57 Buccal branch of the facial nerve – XA9411 Pudendal plexus –– XA14K0 Six anterior intercostal branches of the internal thoracic artery –– XA21F0 Vein of the ala nasi –– XA6QD7 Small cardiac vein –– XA5NT8 Lower right central incisor ––– XA5DS8 Malleus –––– XA54X0 Distal phalanx of index finger –– XA27P3 Ankle joint – XA6CR7 Brachialis muscle – XA7V30 Subclavius tendon ––– XA38T7 Coeliac lymph node –– XA1TY5 Marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve – XA82M9 Renal plexus –– XA6UQ6 Sternal branches of the internal thoracic artery –– XA9914 Vein of the pterygoid canal –– XA16E4 Coronary sinus –– XA0XB1 Lower left 3rd molar ––– XA3WA4 Stapes –––– XA8NR0 Distal phalanx of middle finger ––– XA8MM7 Talocrural joint – XA2ZN1 Brachioradialis muscle – XA54N6 Subscapularis tendon –––– XA1HL1 Gastric lymph node –– XA5241 Cervical branch of the facial nerve – XA4V38 Splenic plexus –– XA3311 Subcostal artery –– XA1RH4 Vena comitans of the hypoglossal nerve –– XA4TZ2 Anterior cardiac veins –– XA8YV5 Lower left 2nd molar – XA5J55 Vertebral column –––– XA51S6 Distal phalanx of ring finger ––– XA2K81 Distal tibiofibular joint – XA0TQ5 Coracobrachialis muscle – XA5EJ6 Supinator tendon ––––– XA1FW5 Inferior gastric lymph node ––– XA1ZH3 Digastric branch of the facial nerve – XA33C1 Superior hypogastric plexus –– XA9J15 Superior phrenic artery –– XA1K34 Venous jugular arch –– XA9498 Smallest cardiac vein –– XA6R23 Lower left 1st molar –– XA7MS2 Vertebra –––– XA32G6 Distal phalanx of little finger ––– XA7SZ8 Subtalar joint – XA3VN0 Deltoid muscle – XA5VZ4 Supraspinatus tendon ––––– XA1T01 Upper superior gastric lymph node ––– XA36Y9 Stylohyoid branch of the facial nerve – XA3DJ3 Superior mesenteric plexus –– XA8M67 Superior thoracic artery –– XA1VJ8 Venous Sinuses –– XA2KE8 Right marginal vein of heart –– XA80S2 Lower left 2nd bicuspid ––– XA9ZW8 Cervical vertebra –––– XA70H5 Distal phalanx of thumb –– XA22T0 Joint of the foot – XA4U40 Extensor carpi radialis brevis – XA5RS6 Triceps brachii tendon ––––– XA3F65 Superior gastric lymph node –– XA2BL2 Chorda tympani – XA4G22 Superior rectal plexus –– XA7TT5 Supreme intercostal artery ––– XA5WN3 Cavernous sinus –– XA4366 Pericardial vein –– XA1SQ7 Lower left 1st bicuspid –––– XA2XE8 Atlas ––– XA5D87 Bone of finger, not elsewhere classified ––– XA2YS1 Intertarsal joint – XA8824 Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle XA5L93 Tendons of the lower extremity ––––– XA3ET7 Lower superior gastric lymph node –– XA69Y7 Nerve to the stapedius – XA6MY2 Suprarenal plexus –– XA79X5 Thoracoacromial artery ––– XA4NJ4 Confluence of the sinuses – XA10E0 Chamber of the heart –– XA8P88 Lower left canine ––––– XA0KQ4 Posterior arch of first cervical vertebra ––– XA95Q5 Bone of thumb, not elsewhere classified –––– XA4JJ1 Calcaneocuboid joint – XA9304 Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle – XA5ZK0 Abductor digiti minimi (foot) tendon ––––– XA4WL5 Paracardial superior gastric lymph node – XA6LY7 Vestibulocochlear nerve XA7EA2 Parasympathetic nervous system –– XA99C2 Upper branches of the six anterior intercostal branches of the internal thoracic artery ––– XA6ZV2 Inferior petrosal sinus –– XA91S4 Cardiac atrium –– XA4B13 Lower left  lateral incisor ––––– XA1304 Lateral mass of first cervical vertebra – XA2T04 Bones of the lower extremity –––– XA0WY5 Talocalcaneonavicular joint – XA0T60 Extensor digiti minimi muscle (hand) – XA14Z8 Abductor hallucis tendon ––––– XA2AX1 Pyloric lymph node –– XA1QU6 Cochlear nerve XA93B4 Sympathetic nervous system –– XA8ES3 Oesophageal artery ––– XA9ED6 Inferior sagittal sinus –– XA7XU8 Cardiac ventricle –– XA7B54 Lower left central incisor –––– XA17N0 Axis –– XA6BA0 Femur –––– XA6NT7 Cuneonavicular joint – XA7QU8 Extensor digitorum muscle (hand) – XA8BK1 Achilles tendon ––––– XA1RP0 Subpyloric lymph node –– XA1AL7 Vestibular nerve –– XA8K52 Aorta of thorax ––– XA2SC7 Occipital sinus – XA3113 Connective and other soft tissue of heart – XA7675 Deciduous dentition ––––– XA5W02 Odontoid process ––– XA96S5 Femoral head –––– XA1N77 Cuboideonavicular joint – XA1AV6 Extensor indicis muscle – XA4HF0 Adductor brevis tendon –––– XA11U1 Hepatic lymph node – XA8RW1 Glossopharyngeal nerve XA3PR2 Nerve ganglia ––– XA75Z8 Arch of the aorta ––– XA4041 Sigmoid sinus –– XA42G7 Arteries of heart –– XA2GE5 Upper right 2nd molar, deciduous –––– XA2W05 Third cervical vertebra ––– XA1673 Femoral neck –––– XA9SD1 Intercuneiform joint – XA4V20 Extensor pollicis brevis muscle – XA8B14 Adductor hallucis tendon ––––– XA35G1 Common duct lymph node –– XA5QA5 Pharyngeal branches of glossopharyngeal nerve XA2B55 Infraorbital plexus ––– XA01A6 Ascending aorta ––– XA03D2 Straight sinus ––– XA9X98 Pericardiophrenic artery –– XA7ZT9 Upper right 1st molar, deciduous ––––– XA51V4 Arch of third cervical vertebra ––– XA32G0 Trochanter –––– XA2FA3 Cuneocuboid joint – XA0CS4 Extensor pollicis longus muscle – XA1TK8 Adductor longus tendon ––––– XA71D7 Cystic lymph node – XA6VN1 Vagus nerve XA0GB0 Median nerve ––– XA5H34 Descending aorta ––– XA81R3 Superior sagittal sinus –– XA2XU0 Pericardium –– XA06P0 Upper right canine, deciduous ––––– XA4UV1 Body of third cervical vertebra –––– XA1VJ3 Greater trochanter of femur ––– XA2MY1 Tarsometatarsal joint – XA0S07 Flexor carpi radialis muscle – XA8746 Adductor magnus tendon –––– XA7ZP7 Pancreaticosplenic lymph node –– XA0P44 Auricular branch of vagus nerve XA3M58 Nerve of the Thorax –– XA6E07 Bronchial artery ––– XA1YP1 Superior petrosal sinus ––– XA8RK9 Parietal pericardium –– XA2XZ5 Upper right  lateral incisor, deciduous ––––– XA8CG0 Processes of third cervical vertebra –––– XA9TD9 Lesser trochanter of femur ––– XA6FF3 Intermetatarsal joint – XA4HV9 Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle – XA9381 Anterior ligament of the lower extremity ––––– XA6W89 Pancreaticoduodenal lymph node –– XA9LV7 Pharyngeal plexus –– XA5D68 Subclavian artery ––– XA4289 Transverse sinus ––– XA48H9 Pericardial cavity –– XA3BG3 Upper right central incisor, deciduous –––– XA3RE9 Fourth cervical vertebra ––– XA9JB2 Intertrochanteric crest of femur ––– XA8XU1 Metatarsophalangeal joint – XA3UK3 Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (hand) – XA7MT0 Articularis genu tendon ––––– XA9PJ7 Splenic lymph node –– XA8F53 Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve – XA2330 Multiple Nerves – XA9JK8 Artery of abdomen ––– XA5255 Sphenoparietal sinus ––– XA37Q8 Epicardium –– XA2BD4 Upper left 2nd molar, deciduous ––––– XA24X7 Arch of fourth cervical vertebra ––– XA4AF2 Femoral shaft –––– XA7NJ7 First metatarsophalangeal joint – XA4Z43 Flexor digitorum profundus muscle – XA1MF8 Biceps femoris tendon ––––– XA8X72 Splenic hilar lymph node –– XA2HA5 Superior laryngeal nerve – XA7MX8 Single Nerve –– XA7TZ1 Anterior suprarenal artery ––– XA3U52 Intercavernous sinus –– XA3227 Endocardium –– XA85K7 Upper left 1st molar, deciduous ––––– XA3GT0 Body of fourth cervical vertebra ––– XA6UG0 Femoral condyle –––– XA58K5 Second metatarsophalangeal joint – XA1NW3 Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle – XA86H9 Dorsal interossei of foot tendon ––––– XA7T42 Pancreatic lymph node –– XA9LP4 External laryngeal nerve XA8BJ3 Radial nerve –– XA82R7 Ascending branch of the left colic artery –––– XA8P44 Anterior intercavernous sinus –– XA81Z5 Cardiac septum –– XA98V8 Upper left canine, deciduous ––––– XA75V3 Processes of fourth cervical vertebra ––– XA2BJ0 Femoral epiphysis –––– XA2792 Third metatarsophalangeal joint – XA5QD0 Flexor pollicis brevis muscle – XA6230 Extensor digitorum brevis (foot) tendon ––––– XA2P83 Peripancreatic lymph node –– XA6UK8 Internal laryngeal nerve XA2AS2 Ulnar nerve –– XA8BY2 Branches to abdominal muscles of the musculophrenic artery –––– XA7QE4 Posterior intercavernous sinus –– XA2DC8 Papillary muscle –– XA9QP7 Upper left lateral incisor, deciduous –––– XA9C12 Fifth cervical vertebra ––– XA00N4 Pertrochanter –––– XA7QC6 Fourth metatarsophalangeal joint – XA3GQ7 Flexor pollicis longus muscle – XA1ZF4 Extensor digitorum longus (foot) tendon ––– XA8Y29 Inferior mesenteric lymph node –– XA3524 Left recurrent laryngeal nerve XA4M27 Ventral ramus –– XA8577 Coeliac artery ––– XA9JS4 Circular sinus – XA6CK2 Heart wall –– XA4ZQ5 Upper left central incisor, deciduous ––––– XA1PJ5 Arch of fifth cervical vertebra ––– XA5EL8 Subtrochanteric line of femur –––– XA5A23 Fifth metatarsophalangeal joint – XA6463 Interossei of the hand muscle – XA4NZ0 Extensor hallucis brevis tendon –––– XA6ZA5 Pararectal inferior mesenteric lymph node –– XA2KY5 Pulmonary branches of vagus nerve –– XA26R6 Common hepatic artery ––– XA6UW5 Petrosquamous sinus –– XA7RE3 Anterior wall of heart –– XA6F50 Lower right 2nd molar, deciduous ––––– XA1BS2 Body of fifth cervical vertebra –– XA4T36 Patella ––– XA04T7 Interphalangeal joint of the foot –– XA2QW3 Dorsal interossei of the hand muscle – XA5L26 Extensor hallucis longus tendon ––– XA37Y9 Superior mesenteric lymph node – XA2M45 Accessory nerve XA7D89 Eye –– XA0JE4 Cystic artery ––– XA6HK7 Sinus of the dura mater –– XA5W05 Anterolateral wall of heart –– XA36B2 Lower right 1st molar, deciduous ––––– XA2FY7 Processes of fifth cervical vertebra –– XA44U1 Tibia –––– XA87P9 Interphalangeal joint of great toe –– XA5055 Palmar interossei of the hand muscle – XA8X38 Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot) tendon –––– XA26J2 Mesenteric lymph node – XA3YX3 Hypoglossal nerve XA17K1 Eyelid and ocular surface –– XA6NY6 Descending branch of the left colic artery ––– XA5UX2 Cranial venous sinus –– XA2RT9 Anteroseptal wall of heart –– XA8KQ7 Lower right canine, deciduous –––– XA5S79 Sixth cervical vertebra ––– XA5RE8 Tibial condyle –––– XA5573 Proximal interphalangeal joint of the foot – XA9B77 Lumbricals of hand muscle – XA8GD0 Flexor digitorum brevis tendon –––– XA69J6 Ileocolic lymph node –– XA48Z8 Petrous ganglion – XA3RB1 Eyelids –– XA1VJ7 Descending vasa recta –– XA9VA8 Thyroid vein –– XA4U99 Anteroapical wall of heart –– XA1W31 Lower right  lateral incisor, deciduous ––––– XA8W16 Arch of sixth cervical vertebra –––– XA87A0 Lateral condyle of tibia ––––– XA56K9 Proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe – XA4RW9 Opponens digiti minimi muscle (hand) – XA3MK8 Flexor digitorum longus (foot) tendon ––––– XA66B8 Ileal ileocolic lymph node –– XA4Q30 Tympanic nerve –– XA9K79 Upper eyelid –– XA1QB0 Dorsal pancreatic artery ––– XA2KJ8 Inferior thyroid vein –– XA3RM8 Inferior wall of heart –– XA6TB6 Lower right central incisor, deciduous ––––– XA9Q12 Body of sixth cervical vertebra –––– XA7Y69 Medial condyle of tibia ––––– XA2QY2 Proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe – XA0Q73 Opponens pollicis muscle – XA00Z8 Flexor hallucis brevis tendon ––––– XA8W06 Anterior ileocolic lymph node –– XA9CT5 Deep petrosal nerve ––– XA53T1 Upper eyelid margin –– XA0NN4 Gastroduodenal artery ––– XA2DN0 Middle thyroid vein –– XA61Y9 Inferolateral wall of heart –– XA8NE2 Lower left 2nd molar, deciduous ––––– XA60Z0 Processes of sixth cervical vertebra ––– XA3DL5 Tibial tuberosity ––––– XA2R87 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe – XA9KL5 Palmaris brevis muscle – XA1MF0 Flexor hallucis longus tendon ––––– XA7JE2 Posterior ileocolic lymph node –– XA4W18 Greater petrosal nerve ––– XA4649 Superior palpebral sulcus –– XA5AP2 Hepatic artery ––– XA9BZ3 Superior thyroid vein –– XA2H88 Inferoposterior wall of heart –– XA55D8 Lower left 1st molar, deciduous –––– XA34U8 Seventh cervical vertebra ––– XA66B3 Tibial shaft ––––– XA1LM0 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe – XA6P76 Palmaris longus muscle – XA5LZ0 Gastrocnemius tendon ––––– XA73R0 Right colic ileocolic lymph node –– XA1SG6 Ciliary ganglion –– XA0JV9 Lower eyelid –– XA2LQ8 Hepatic branch of the left gastric artery –– XA9SD5 Palpebral vein –– XA8ZQ8 Apical-lateral wall of heart –– XA8QV7 Lower left canine, deciduous ––––– XA05M5 Arch of seventh cervical vertebra ––– XA2EN5 Tibial spine –––– XA0RK3 Distal interphalangeal joint of the foot – XA91W0 Pronator quadratus muscle – XA2HX4 Gemellus inferior tendon –––– XA09W7 Colic lymph node ––– XA3VY1 Long ciliary nerves ––– XA4AX5 Lower eyelid margin –– XA2Z43 Ileocolic artery ––– XA9K84 Inferior palpebral vein –– XA6GR4 Basal-lateral wall of heart –– XA8MH6 Lower left  lateral incisor, deciduous ––––– XA1JS3 Body of seventh cervical vertebra ––– XA1HS9 Medial malleolus ––––– XA8UM5 Distal interphalangeal joint of second toe – XA58Z6 Pronator teres muscle – XA5M18 Gemellus superior tendon ––––– XA4F32 Midcolic lymph node –– XA2260 Otic ganglion –– XA0403 Lateral canthus –– XA3F13 Inferior epigastric artery ––– XA9T11 Superior palpebral vein –– XA1HH6 High lateral wall of heart –– XA2RW5 Lower left central incisor, deciduous ––––– XA91D7 Processes of seventh cervical vertebra ––– XA3450 Posterior malleolus ––––– XA43F0 Distal interphalangeal joint of third toe – XA3DL4 Rotator cuff muscle – XA1JL3 Gluteus maximus tendon ––––– XA8JH9 Epicolic lymph node –– XA0ER1 Pterygopalatine ganglion –– XA2GQ3 Medial canthus –– XA2N15 Inferior mesenteric artery ––– XA0Z20 Lateral palpebral vein –– XA3XS7 Lateral wall of heart – XA1PT3 Parts of tooth ––– XA6E88 Thoracic vertebra –– XA3KT5 Fibula ––––– XA8NU9 Distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe –– XA7E49 Infraspinatus muscle – XA1387 Gluteus medius tendon ––––– XA9JM2 Paracolic lymph node –– XA74N6 Submandibular ganglion – XA8PS3 Conjunctiva –– XA6358 Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery –– XA52V8 Labial vein –– XA01U7 True posterior wall of heart –– XA5B71 Pulp –––– XA3F93 First thoracic vertebra ––– XA0K77 Fibular head ––––– XA39U1 Distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe –– XA1QF1 Subscapularis muscle – XA4HK9 Gluteus minimus tendon ––––– XA7PM1 Intermediate colic lymph node XA1630 Peripheral nervous system –– XA3X70 Palpebral conjunctiva –– XA2LL9 Inferior phrenic artery ––– XA5DP6 Inferior labial vein –– XA7D76 Posterobasal wall of heart –– XA6FX3 Dentin ––––– XA7UP5 Arch of first thoracic vertebra ––– XA5G97 Fibular shaft ––– XA9Z55 Transverse tarsal joint –– XA74P3 Supraspinatus muscle – XA12U3 Gracilis tendon ––––– XA3TX6 Preterminal colic lymph node XA65L3 Spinal nerve –– XA6EZ4 Conjunctival fornices –– XA68L7 Intestinal artery ––– XA4AG1 Superior labial vein –– XA4RC1 Posterolateral wall of heart –– XA5R09 Enamel ––––– XA8PH0 Body of first thoracic vertebra ––– XA4UL1 Lateral malleolus – XA7U26 Ligaments of the lower extremity –– XA3CP1 Teres minor muscle – XA8FT1 Iliacus tendon –– XA6KK3 Lateral aortic lymph node – XA1YC9 Cervical spinal nerve ––– XA4H06 Superior conjunctival fornix –– XA6WR7 Left colic artery –– XA97T8 Auricular vein –– XA60V2 Posteroseptal wall of heart –– XA4KC7 Cementum ––––– XA1AX4 Processes of first thoracic vertebra –– XA7NN4 Tarsal bone –– XA1A66 Ligament of the hip – XA90Z6 Supinator muscle – XA5DE3 Lumbrical of foot tendon ––– XA9T50 Epigastric lymph node –– XA9DY6 First cervical spinal nerve ––– XA3KE6 Inferior conjunctival fornix –– XA0LL0 Left gastric artery ––– XA46F3 Anterior auricular vein –– XA83Q5 Septal wall of heart –– XA2CA1 Periapical tissue –––– XA8QS0 Second thoracic vertebra ––– XA5LU2 Calcaneus ––– XA1F23 Iliofemoral ligament – XA2EB2 Triceps brachii muscle – XA3EE9 Obturator externus tendon ––– XA53K4 Iliac circumflex lymph node –– XA1LR0 Second cervical spinal nerve –– XA6V06 Bulbar conjunctiva –– XA9AQ6 Left gastro-omental artery ––– XA67N9 Posterior auricular vein – XA79Z5 Cardiac electrical conducting system – XA2US1 Surfaces of the teeth ––––– XA2VV9 Arch of second thoracic vertebra –––– XA57V1 Anterior process of calcaneus ––– XA6KC6 Iliotibial ligament XA47J0 Muscles of the lower extremity – XA2469 Obturator internus tendon –– XA0TK3 Retroaortic lymph node –– XA7LF0 Third cervical spinal nerve XA0M40 Eyeball –– XA4UK9 Lumbar artery –– XA0BP3 Facial vein –– XA1UE3 Sinoatrial node –– XA5ML5 Distal surface of tooth ––––– XA3Z42 Body of second thoracic vertebra –––– XA62P4 Tuberosity of calcaneus ––– XA6TZ6 Iliotrochanteric ligament – XA0W07 Abductor digiti minimi muscle (foot) – XA07E4 Pectineus tendon – XA3TG4 Intestinal lymph node –– XA1QX0 Fourth cervical spinal nerve – XA2AF4 Sclera –– XA6CA5 Mesenteric artery ––– XA7WC0 Anterior facial vein –– XA4359 Atrioventricular node –– XA4UP2 Labial surface of tooth ––––– XA6T61 Processes of second thoracic vertebra ––– XA1LF4 Talus ––– XA5HX9 Ischiocapsular ligament – XA7119 Abductor hallucis muscle – XA3AN0 Peroneus brevis tendon – XA0KH9 Retroperitoneal lymph node –– XA06Q1 Fifth cervical spinal nerve – XA4C02 Cornea –– XA1Z62 Middle colic artery ––– XA2681 Deep facial vein –– XA7J11 Bundle of His –– XA6DE2 Buccal surface of tooth –––– XA1Z15 Third thoracic vertebra –––– XA1N98 Dome of the talus ––– XA13S4 Ligamentum teres femoris – XA8GU7 Adductor brevis muscle – XA7VY0 Peroneus longus tendon –– XA7DX9 Suprarenal lymph node –– XA26W5 Sixth cervical spinal nerve –– XA1DA5 Limbus of cornea –– XA1GQ7 Middle suprarenal artery ––– XA3LQ0 Common facial vein – XA0QB6 Heart valve –– XA3W20 Incisal surface of tooth ––––– XA2SM3 Arch of third thoracic vertebra –––– XA6L02 Neck of the talus ––– XA3GE8 Pubofemoral ligament – XA0FW7 Adductor hallucis muscle – XA3D16 Peroneus tertius tendon – XA2YR9 Porta hepatis lymph node –– XA4WT3 Seventh cervical spinal nerve – XA4MT3 Uvea –– XA00T1 Posterior suprarenal artery ––– XA4NP1 Posterior facial vein – XA8SK6 Myocardium –– XA8M68 Lingual surface of tooth ––––– XA35A0 Body of third thoracic vertebra –––– XA3MT9 Posterior process of the talus ––– XA9J44 Transverse acetabular ligament – XA01U3 Adductor longus muscle – XA3EU4 Piriformis tendon XA5HU6 Pelvic lymph nodes –– XA3XK7 Eighth cervical spinal nerve –– XA03X9 Ciliary body –– XA8C72 Proper hepatic artery ––– XA5GY9 Transverse facial vein –– XA5Z48 Mesial surface of tooth ––––– XA41U9 Processes of third thoracic vertebra ––– XA84E6 Navicular bone –– XA8P38 Ligament of the knee – XA8HR3 Adductor magnus muscle – XA7L19 Plantar interossei of foot tendon – XA50T5 Iliac lymph node – XA6KS1 Thoracic spinal nerve ––– XA9SH1 Ciliary muscle –– XA69V9 Renal artery –– XA4582 Jugular vein XA10P2 Lymphatic system of the head and neck –– XA5DM8 Occlusal surface of tooth –––– XA0C31 Fourth thoracic vertebra ––– XA4J74 Medial cuneiform bone ––– XA0ZC8 Anterior cruciate ligament – XA0DE1 Articularis genu muscle – XA6BZ6 Plantaris tendon –– XA1MS6 Common iliac lymph node –– XA2QF3 First thoracic spinal nerve ––– XA1S43 Ciliary processes –– XA6GC2 Right colic artery ––– XA9U48 Anterior jugular vein – XA0LH6 Jugular lymphatic trunk –– XA3HD5 Proximal surface of tooth ––––– XA22W3 Arch of fourth thoracic vertebra ––– XA4046 Intermediate cuneiform bone ––– XA04S7 Coronary ligament – XA3CB9 Biceps femoris muscle – XA4V24 Popliteus tendon –– XA0TJ6 Internal iliac lymph node –– XA1K85 Second thoracic spinal nerve –– XA96A7 Choroid –– XA9HE0 Right gastric artery ––– XA46B9 Internal jugular vein – XA6TY4 Lymphatic vessel of the pinna XA1WN1 Oral cavity ––––– XA3J42 Body of fourth thoracic vertebra ––– XA8462 Lateral cuneiform bone ––– XA4YJ0 Fibular collateral ligament – XA7FZ1 Extensor digitorum brevis muscle (foot) – XA1L44 Quadratus plantae tendon –– XA8M66 External iliac lymph node –– XA0DY5 Third thoracic spinal nerve –– XA3GW7 Iris –– XA8V02 Right gastro-omental artery ––– XA99S7 External jugular vein – XA02Y8 Lymphatic vessel of the external acoustic meatus – XA7ZA6 Palate ––––– XA1WL4 Processes of fourth thoracic vertebra ––– XA0LW4 Cuboid bone ––– XA6HQ4 Lateral meniscus of knee joint – XA24U7 Extensor digitorum longus muscle (foot) – XA9420 Quadriceps femoris tendon ––– XA9Z71 Obturator lymph node –– XA7BM1 Fourth thoracic spinal nerve ––– XA0B15 Pupil –– XA02A2 Sigmoid artery ––– XA31W7 Posterior external jugular vein – XA1EC8 Lymphatic vessel of the face –– XA4527 Hard palate –––– XA3PH5 Fifth thoracic vertebra ––– XA43L9 Bone of ankle ––– XA87R6 Oblique popliteal ligament – XA3T27 Extensor hallucis brevis muscle – XA4ZG0 Rectus femoris tendon – XA4J45 Suprainguinal lymph node –– XA48M5 Fifth thoracic spinal nerve –––– XA0571 Pupillary membrane –– XA0R02 Splenic artery –– XA9XW7 Orbital vein – XA0167 Lymphatic vessel of the palatine tonsil –– XA8HL5 Soft palate ––––– XA28A7 Arch of fifth thoracic vertebra ––– XA6UL8 Tarsal canal ––– XA3772 Patellar ligament – XA7R67 Extensor hallucis longus muscle – XA0981 Sartorius tendon – XA24Q3 Sacral lymph node –– XA4GT3 Sixth thoracic spinal nerve – XA13U9 Crystalline lens –– XA2870 Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery –– XA73J2 Vein of the pericranium – XA4QZ6 Lymphatic vessel of the scalp –– XA2993 Uvula ––––– XA8W59 Body of fifth thoracic vertebra –– XA6VH2 Metatarsal bone ––– XA4635 Posterior cruciate ligament – XA20W3 Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (foot) – XA4AL5 Semimembranosus tendon –– XA1EN9 Lateral sacral lymph node –– XA0RA9 Seventh thoracic spinal nerve –– XA6U53 Suspensory ligament of lens –– XA51U4 Terminal branches of the proper hepatic artery –– XA0ET2 Anterior vertebral vein – XA9FT5 Lymphatic vessel of the tongue –– XA00H5 Palatal mucosa ––––– XA0449 Processes of fifth thoracic vertebra –– XA39M2 Phalanx of the foot ––– XA7LD2 Tibial collateral ligament – XA97C3 Flexor digitorum brevis muscle – XA7DY9 Semitendinosus tendon –– XA86R4 Median sacral lymph node –– XA2VJ9 Eighth thoracic spinal nerve – XA8WV8 Retina –– XA0VZ0 Umbilical artery –– XA1LU7 Deep temporal vein – XA1G40 Lymphatic vessels of the skin and muscles of the neck – XA1T19 Tongue –––– XA45S2 Sixth thoracic vertebra ––– XA6U96 Proximal phalanx of the toe ––– XA71L7 Transverse ligament of the knee – XA23Q3 Flexor digitorum longus muscle (foot) – XA7E05 Soleus tendon – XA32C4 Presymphysial lymph node –– XA64N5 Ninth thoracic spinal nerve –– XA9V06 Macula lutea –– XA3VR0 Superior mesenteric artery –– XA2L55 Extraspinal vein XA23Z9 Lymphatic system of the upper extremity –– XA8Q87 Body of tongue ––––– XA29X2 Arch of sixth thoracic vertebra –––– XA8KC3 Proximal phalanx of great toe ––– XA7LB6 Medial meniscus of knee joint – XA3MB7 Flexor hallucis brevis muscle – XA33Q1 Tensor fasciae lata tendon – XA5VA3 Inferior epigastric lymph node –– XA5AZ7 Tenth thoracic spinal nerve ––– XA2U02 Fovea – XA4GP1 Artery of pelvis –– XA5YM5 Internal auditory vein – XA05S0 Deep lymphatic vessel ––– XA65E9 Midline of tongue ––––– XA0YY2 Body of sixth thoracic vertebra –––– XA0AQ0 Proximal phalanx of second toe –– XA2F70 Ligament of the ankle or foot – XA7E33 Flexor hallucis longus muscle – XA8SN1 Tibialis anterior tendon – XA9TN5 Female genital lymph node –– XA6369 Eleventh thoracic spinal nerve –– XA4A75 Optic disc –– XA5PV1 Artery of bulb of penis –– XA5TG4 Pterygoid plexus – XA6D43 Dorsal interosseous lymphatic vessel –– XA8SX3 Junctional zone of tongue ––––– XA1R53 Processes of sixth thoracic vertebra –––– XA11P1 Proximal phalanx of third toe ––– XA93X1 Anterior inferior ligament – XA1PK6 Gastrocnemius muscle – XA7FR7 Tibialis posterior tendon –– XA3QA5 Parametrial lymph node –– XA7QX3 Twelfth thoracic spinal nerve –– XA4YS8 Peripheral retina –– XA30X9 Artery of bulb of vestibule –– XA1VP6 Pterygoid vein – XA7FS7 Median lymphatic vessel –– XA25G3 Base of tongue –––– XA59Y3 Seventh thoracic vertebra –––– XA8CX6 Proximal phalanx of fourth toe ––– XA84J2 Anterior talofibular ligament – XA7PN8 Gemellus inferior muscle – XA8ST5 Vastus intermedius tendon –– XA5M72 Uterine paracervical lymph node – XA44R0 Lumbar spinal nerve XA0BB2 Chamber of eye –– XA4XP0 Deep artery of clitoris –– XA1RV1 Superior sagittal vein – XA3HQ3 Radial lymphatic vessel ––– XA2B11 Posterior of tongue ––––– XA54G1 Arch of seventh thoracic vertebra –––– XA8PK1 Proximal phalanx of fifth toe ––– XA1259 Anterior tibiofibular ligament – XA0472 Gemellus superior muscle – XA8CQ5 Vastus lateralis tendon XA7TQ3 Lymph nodes of upper extremity –– XA1471 First lumbar spinal nerve – XA0N58 Posterior chamber of the eye –– XA7AM0 Deep artery of penis –– XA7QR6 Vertebral vein – XA12G8 Superficial lymphatic vessel –– XA1V27 Dorsal surface of tongue ––––– XA62Y3 Body of seventh thoracic vertebra ––– XA8539 Middle phalanx of toe ––– XA5EY2 Bifurcated ligament – XA1HH2 Gracilis muscle – XA6RK3 Vastus medialis tendon – XA90B2 Axillary lymph node –– XA0VF5 Second lumbar spinal nerve –– XA4HU2 Vitreous humor –– XA14N2 Deep branch of the superior gluteal artery –– XA0BP6 Anterior vertebral venous plexus – XA4UB1 Ulnar lymphatic vessel ––– XA8YB9 Dorsal surface of body of tongue ––––– XA1CQ7 Processes of seventh thoracic vertebra –––– XA1UN2 Middle phalanx of second toe ––– XA3154 Calcaneofibular ligament – XA0200 Iliacus muscle XA2C51 Enthesis –– XA63L4 Pectoral lymph node –– XA9178 Third lumbar spinal nerve – XA4MZ4 Anterior chamber of the eye –– XA4AP3 Deep external pudendal artery – XA8CT1 Vein of thorax – XA5SZ5 Volar lymphatic vessel ––– XA0HQ3 Dorsal surface of base of tongue –––– XA8NQ5 Eighth thoracic vertebra –––– XA9YP5 Middle phalanx of third toe ––– XA59Z4 Collateral ligament of the foot – XA15P6 Interossei - dorsal of foot muscle XA16K5 Bursa –– XA6NK2 Lateral axillary lymph node –– XA6N66 Fourth lumbar spinal nerve –– XA3518 Aqueous humour –– XA27B8 Deferential artery –– XA6DM9 Accessory hemiazygos vein XA52C3 Lymphatic system of the thorax –– XA9RP1 Other and unspecified parts of tongue ––––– XA3PL7 Arch of eighth thoracic vertebra –––– XA2SX4 Middle phalanx of fourth toe ––– XA2314 Cuneometatarsal ligament – XA8TS8 Interossei - plantar of foot muscle XA12U7 Bursa olecrani –– XA9R12 Subscapular lymph node –– XA7VL6 Fifth lumbar spinal nerve XA1TF9 Eye fluid –– XA4FK8 Dorsal artery of clitoris –– XA7AN5 Azygos vein – XA94Z9 Bronchomediastinal trunk –– XA8FK4 Ventral surface of tongue ––––– XA5JX9 Body of eighth thoracic vertebra –––– XA90F0 Middle phalanx of fifth toe ––– XA9YS6 Deltoid ligament – XA7PN0 Lumbricals of foot muscle XA7P88 Bursa praepatellaris –– XA8HY4 Central axillary lymph node – XA17Y2 Sacral spinal nerve XA0096 Lacrimal apparatus –– XA4X54 Dorsal artery of penis –– XA57F8 Brachiocephalic vein – XA7474 Cisterna chyli lymph sac ––– XA9YA2 Lingual frenulum ––––– XA1SD8 Processes of eighth thoracic vertebra ––– XA4352 Distal phalanx of the toe ––– XA42X4 Dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament – XA7Y24 Obturator externus muscle –– XA1N88 Subclavicular axillary lymph node –– XA2E82 First sacral spinal nerve XA75Y9 Lacrimal gland –– XA5GV0 Iliac branch of the iliolumbar artery –– XA1GY9 Bronchial vein – XA1VK9 Deep lymphatic vessel of the thoracic wall –– XA4DB6 Border of tongue –––– XA3E70 Ninth thoracic vertebra –––– XA2AC2 Distal phalanx of great toe ––– XA6Q67 Dorsal cuboideonavicular ligament – XA11E8 Obturator internus muscle –– XA9CD6 Subclavian lymphatic trunk –– XA9V46 Second sacral spinal nerve – XA2PA4 Lacrimal gland ducts –– XA7D46 Iliolumbar artery –– XA9NE2 Diaphragmatic vein – XA9D98 Intestinal lymphatic trunk ––– XA49C6 Lateral margin of tongue ––––– XA9N69 Arch of ninth thoracic vertebra –––– XA3QM7 Distal phalanx of second toe ––– XA3TS2 Dorsal intermetatarsal ligament – XA9E00 Pectineus muscle XA6KU8 Kidney –– XA2UJ4 Intermediate lymph node –– XA74E6 Third sacral spinal nerve XA9D80 Meibomian gland –– XA3XS2 Inferior branch of the lateral sacral artery –– XA3VU3 Oesophageal vein – XA8JF4 Jugular lymph sac ––– XA1WZ8 Tip of tongue ––––– XA2X21 Body of ninth thoracic vertebra –––– XA38Q1 Distal phalanx of third toe ––– XA8NU3 Dorsal naviculocuneiform ligament – XA26M7 Peroneus brevis muscle – XA5EP6 Renal capsule – XA3H20 Cubital lymph node –– XA25F0 Fourth sacral spinal nerve XA8EM9 Lacrimal puncta –– XA0G82 Inferior gluteal artery –– XA4GF1 Hemiazygos vein – XA1SQ2 Lymph Sac – XA8EY7 Floor of mouth ––––– XA5SW1 Processes of ninth thoracic vertebra –––– XA8XV0 Distal phalanx of fourth toe ––– XA86X4 Dorsal talonavicular ligament – XA3P60 Peroneus longus muscle – XA35W4 Renal cortex –– XA5183 Epitrochlear lymph node –– XA73B4 Fifth sacral spinal nerve – XA2VR4 Superior lacrimal punctum –– XA2QX3 Inferior vesical artery –– XA27D1 Innominate vein – XA8YM1 Lymphatic vessel of the diaphragm –– XA69M6 Alveololingual sulcus –––– XA0AV7 Tenth thoracic vertebra –––– XA6ED4 Distal phalanx of fifth toe ––– XA9E13 Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligament – XA9D52 Peroneus tertius muscle – XA91E4 Renal medulla – XA0MR2 Infraclavicular lymph node – XA4CU7 Dorsal spinal nerve – XA99D0 Inferior lacrimal punctum –– XA7FK7 Internal pudendal artery –– XA9HG3 Intercostal vein – XA4RC7 Lymphatic vessel of the breast –– XA8CF9 Mucosa of floor of mouth ––––– XA7LF7 Arch of tenth thoracic vertebra ––– XA2FV7 Inferior transverse ligament of ankle – XA7XS8 Piriformis muscle –– XA9Q52 Renal pyramid XA86X1 Lymph nodes of lower extremity – XA7TS7 Ventral spinal nerve XA6C35 Lacrimal canaliculi –– XA5Y50 Lateral sacral artery –– XA6JE5 Mediastinal vein – XA3SY2 Lymphatic vessel of the thoracic viscera – XA29D3 Tonsillar region ––––– XA6VP6 Body of tenth thoracic vertebra XA7948 Joints and ligaments of the head and neck ––– XA16V1 Intercuneiform ligament – XA7W96 Plantaris muscle – XA21J4 Renal pelvis – XA7N26 Inguinal lymph node XA6EC2 Spinal nerve root XA5SW9 Nasolacrimal duct –– XA82V4 Median sacral artery –– XA6YT2 Subclavian vein –– XA55B8 Lymphatic vessel of the heart –– XA9A13 Glossopalatine arch ––––– XA7122 Processes of tenth thoracic vertebra – XA6UT2 Joints of the head –––– XA7075 Dorsal intercuneiform ligament – XA8CL8 Popliteus muscle –– XA0AC1 Renal calyces –– XA1114 Superficial inguinal lymph node – XA3UZ3 Cervical nerve root XA2WJ9 Orbit –– XA8X93 Middle rectal artery –– XA3568 Subcostal vein –– XA3EB8 Lymphatic vessel of the lungs ––– XA2JB0 Anterior tonsillar pillar –––– XA7T69 Eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA65F2 Atlantooccipital joint –––– XA5HQ7 Plantar intercuneiform ligament – XA41G3 Quadratus plantae muscle ––– XA6N83 Major calyx –– XA4RT0 Subinguinal lymph node –– XA53S6 First cervical nerve root XA9WT4 Connective and other soft tissue of orbit –– XA69V8 Obturator artery –– XA4VD1 Superior epigastric vein –– XA8QZ0 Lymphatic vessel of the oesophagus –– XA46Z4 Tonsillar fossa ––––– XA98R9 Arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA7EM1 Atlantoaxial joint ––– XA4XJ2 Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament – XA1BT5 Quadriceps femoris muscle ––– XA8XL0 Minor calyx ––– XA30V5 Superficial subinguinal lymph node –– XA15A2 Second cervical nerve root – XA8GT2 Nasofrontal vein –– XA1MF5 Ovarian artery in females –– XA5WA4 Superior vena cava –– XA6J62 Lymphatic vessel of the pericardium –– XA3021 Pharyngopalatine arch ––––– XA91J0 Body of eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA2SM2 Temporomandibular joint ––– XA6NS2 Long plantar ligament – XA5447 Rectus femoris muscle –– XA7NQ9 Ureteropelvic junction ––– XA6EE2 Deep subinguinal lymph nodes –– XA2MT0 Third cervical nerve root – XA7LQ0 Supraorbital vein –– XA5MN1 Perineal artery –– XA4DR2 Superior intercostal vein –– XA4QL2 Lymphatic vessel of the pleura ––– XA0X58 Posterior tonsillar pillar ––––– XA92Q6 Processes of eleventh thoracic vertebra – XA1LE7 Ligaments of the head and neck ––– XA59U6 Plantar accessory ligament – XA5CE3 Sartorius muscle – XA4UD2 Renal hilum –– XA5130 Femoral lymph node –– XA36V3 Fourth cervical nerve root –– XA34Z7 Posterior labial branches  of the internal pudendal artery –– XA3V69 Internal mammary vein –– XA3JF4 Lymphatic vessel of the thymus – XA15G1 Palatine arch –––– XA69W5 Twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA68Z9 Anterior atlantoaxial ligament ––– XA87B0 Plantar aponeurosis – XA5AM5 Semimembranosus muscle – XA40R2 Glomerulus ––– XA4AU1 Lymph node of Cloquet –– XA87U1 Fifth cervical nerve root XA01U5 Ear –– XA2025 Posterior scrotal branches of the internal pudendal artery –– XA2DL5 Transverse scapular vein – XA4J10 Posterior lymph sac XA6NQ7 Oral mucosa ––––– XA15N3 Arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA4XK9 Anterior atlantooccipital ligament ––– XA4N86 Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament – XA2EK1 Semitendinosus muscle –– XA8AN8 Nephron – XA4W98 Popliteal lymph node –– XA8YT7 Sixth cervical nerve root XA57R3 Inner Ear –– XA2TT0 Superficial branch of the superior gluteal artery –– XA8WJ4 Subscapular vein – XA8MX8 Retroperitoneal lymph sac XA2KN0 Other and unspecified parts of mouth ––––– XA1401 Body of twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA9F16 Anterior longitudinal ligament ––– XA5KN3 Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament – XA5B83 Soleus muscle –– XA2364 Renal tubule – XA2PP2 Tibial lymph node –– XA5BL9 Seventh cervical nerve root – XA3MS6 Semicircular canals –– XA0AZ8 Superior branch of the lateral sacral artery –– XA2YF2 Thymic vein – XA3ER1 Right lymphatic duct XA5T23 Salivary gland apparatus ––––– XA2D62 Processes of twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA3K95 Apical odontoid ligament ––– XA2NX5 Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament – XA02U9 Tibialis anterior muscle XA7156 Ureter –– XA3X71 Anterior tibial lymph node –– XA0245 Eighth cervical nerve root – XA0JV0 Cochlea –– XA26E6 Superior gluteal artery – XA0RA8 Vein of abdomen – XA3TX9 Superficial lymphatic vessel of the thoracic wall XA07S5 Parotid gland ––– XA0D60 Lumbar vertebra –– XA3XV5 Articular capsules ––– XA18T4 Plantar intermetatarsal ligament – XA3VR3 Tibialis posterior muscle – XA9L57 Ureterovesical orifice XA4T07 Lymph nodes of multiple regions – XA5SU4 Thoracic nerve root – XA6ZY7 Internal Acoustic Meatus –– XA1426 Superior vesical artery –– XA4DQ4 Ascending lumbar vein – XA8A74 Thoracic duct XA9Q61 Submandibular gland –––– XA3291 First lumbar vertebra –– XA3ZW3 Interarticular ligament ––– XA1747 Plantar naviculocuneiform ligament – XA33F6 Vastus intermedius muscle XA77K2 Urinary bladder XA0GJ0 Mononuclear phagocyte system –– XA22C5 First thoracic nerve root – XA0L54 Labyrinth –– XA0UK9 Testicular artery in males –– XA9PF5 Caput medusae vein XA81G2 Lymphatic system of the abdomen – XA0CS1 Left submandibular gland ––––– XA8AX7 Arch of first lumbar vertebra –– XA9M15 Interspinal ligament ––– XA71L9 Plantar tarsometatarsal ligament – XA00Z6 Vastus lateralis muscle – XA2PT2 Dome of bladder –– XA8933 Second thoracic nerve root – XA44P4 Auditory vestibule –– XA85K8 Urethral artery –– XA1MQ4 Cystic Vein – XA07V7 Intestinal lumbar trunk – XA8GQ5 Right submandibular gland ––––– XA9E61 Body of first lumbar vertebra –– XA9NZ1 Intertransverse ligament ––– XA2D55 Posterior inferior ligament – XA9RD2 Vastus medialis muscle – XA0R03 Bladder wall XA1CN1 Hypothalamus –– XA2EK5 Third thoracic nerve root XA0G74 Middle Ear –– XA0610 Uterine artery –– XA95M2 Ileocolic vein – XA6R71 Lumbar lymphatic trunk – XA7GY0 Submandibular gland duct ––––– XA4U01 Processes of first lumbar vertebra –– XA5180 Intervertebral fibrocartilage ligament ––– XA93E6 Posterior talofibular ligament – XA48F2 Gluteus maximus muscle –– XA3JA5 Lateral wall of bladder XA1EU3 Pineal gland –– XA6NV1 Fourth thoracic nerve root – XA7XY6 Eustachian tube –– XA47A2 Vaginal artery –– XA7UV5 Inferior vena cava – XA9XL5 Lymphatic vessel of the caecum XA51Q9 Sublingual gland –––– XA2GH9 Second lumbar vertebra –– XA97L7 Lateral atlantooccipital ligament ––– XA6RA3 Posterior tibiofibular ligament – XA5VJ8 Gluteus medius muscle –– XA4UM5 Anterior wall of bladder XA8J35 Pituitary gland –– XA8DN4 Fifth thoracic nerve root – XA16S6 Oval window –– XA83D6 Iliac artery –– XA2UD7 Hepatic Vein – XA1BU5 Lymphatic vessel of the colon XA30Q1 Minor salivary gland ––––– XA24M1 Arch of second lumbar vertebra –– XA72L3 Ligamenta flava ––– XA6546 Talocalcaneal ligament – XA7BY4 Gluteus minimus muscle –– XA2562 Posterior wall of bladder XA9787 Rathke pouch –– XA1AB6 Sixth thoracic nerve root – XA9RH9 Mastoid antrum ––– XA6PZ8 Common iliac artery –– XA52L9 Lumbar vein – XA92E5 Lymphatic vessel of the duodenum XA5CM1 Salivary duct ––––– XA5079 Body of second lumbar vertebra –– XA6RG7 Ligamentum nuchae –––– XA93N5 Anterior talocalcaneal ligament – XA11U3 Tensor fasciae lata muscle –– XA6SR9 Superior wall of bladder – XA5309 Craniopharyngeal duct –– XA1VM6 Seventh thoracic nerve root – XA3KB2 Tympanic cavity ––– XA9MJ1 Deep circumflex iliac artery –– XA3X37 Pancreatic vein – XA6VD0 Lymphatic vessel of the gallbladder – XA44X8 Parotid gland duct ––––– XA52T1 Processes of second lumbar vertebra –– XA3J99 Occipitoaxial ligament –––– XA4VX8 Lateral talocalcaneal ligament – XA6KF2 Trigone of bladder XA8RK3 Thyroid gland –– XA2UY4 Eighth thoracic nerve root – XA3UT7 Connective and other soft tissues of middle ear ––– XA4HL2 Internal iliac artery –– XA4XM0 Pancreaticoduodenal vein – XA55Y5 Lymphatic vessel of the ileum – XA1J93 Sublingual gland duct –––– XA3N97 Third lumbar vertebra –– XA1CC5 Posterior atlantoaxial ligament –––– XA09E2 Medial talocalcaneal ligament XA3PP9 Tendons of the head and neck –– XA4P63 Ureteric orifice XA8LV3 Left lobe of thyroid gland –– XA8QS1 Ninth thoracic nerve root – XA08X4 Tympanic membrane ––– XA53T4 External iliac artery –– XA0N54 Paraumbilical Vein – XA4CQ1 Lymphatic vessel of the jejunum XA93V5 Pharynx ––––– XA3G24 Arch of third lumbar vertebra –– XA80K5 Posterior atlantooccipital ligament –––– XA60T4 Posterior talocalcaneal ligament – XA46A9 Alaeque nasi tendon –– XA8KN5 Internal urethral orifice XA9L72 Right lobe of thyroid gland –– XA2VK2 Tenth thoracic nerve root XA6ZY6 External Ear –– XA9QC3 Inferior adrenal artery –– XA1E17 Portal Vein – XA3610 Lymphatic vessel of the kidney XA4J67 Oropharynx ––––– XA0TL0 Body of third lumbar vertebra –– XA8E20 Posterior longitudinal ligament ––– XA5BX0 Transverse metatarsal ligament – XA6J99 Aryepiglotticus tendon – XA0VZ5 Bladder neck XA4NE5 Isthmus of thyroid gland –– XA61G0 Eleventh thoracic nerve root – XA4E71 Pinna – XA81N7 Artery of upper extremity –– XA5JV6 Rectal venous plexus – XA0WY9 Lymphatic vessel of the liver – XA8RX5 Lateral wall of oropharynx ––––– XA80X7 Processes of third lumbar vertebra –– XA4FR7 Sphenomandibular ligament XA2P74 Ligaments and joints of multiple sites – XA8XC7 Auricularis tendon XA5TA5 Urethra XA5109 Pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland –– XA76V2 Twelfth thoracic nerve root –– XA6B58 Helix of pinna –– XA0H14 Anterior humeral circumflex artery –– XA0J33 Splenic vein – XA9YZ4 Lymphatic vessel of the pancreas – XA8659 Posterior wall of oropharynx –––– XA9A53 Fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA4WM3 Stylomandibular ligament – XA3163 Buccinator tendon – XA33M0 Internal urethral sphincter XA1342 Parathyroid gland – XA4T95 Lumbar nerve root ––– XA9A86 Crus of helix –– XA7U09 Anterior ulnar recurrent artery –– XA46Q0 Thoracoepigastric vein – XA5LE6 Lymphatic vessel of the spleen – XA88V4 Vallecula ––––– XA7CH7 Arch of fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA7WU3 Supraspinal ligament – XA4EJ6 Multiple Joints – XA6L11 Corrugator supercilii tendon – XA75T3 Membranous urethra XA45E6 Pancreatic islets –– XA8VX2 First lumbar nerve root ––– XA9M10 Apex of helix –– XA2PP8 Anterior interosseous artery –– XA2DK6 Colic vein – XA1599 Lymphatic vessel of the stomach – XA60Q5 Branchial cleft ––––– XA4145 Body of fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA4WJ7 Temporomandibular ligament –– XA1CK9 Oligoarticular – XA01X1 Cricothyroid tendon – XA7869 Prostatic urethra XA0NE9 Adrenal gland –– XA9BK9 Second lumbar nerve root ––– XA7AB8 Spine of helix –– XA8ZA6 Ascending branches of the Inferior ulnar collateral artery ––– XA2UN4 Right colic vein – XA3RD0 Lymphatic vessel of the subdiaphragmatic portion of the digestive tube XA2J67 Hypopharynx ––––– XA38A4 Processes of fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA8389 Transverse ligament of the atlas –– XA3FU7 Polyarticular – XA28X5 Depressor anguli oris tendon – XA4DF2 External urethral sphincter XA8956 Adrenal cortex –– XA4N03 Third lumbar nerve root ––– XA1BZ8 Tail of helix –– XA38W3 Axillary artery ––– XA49E0 Middle colic vein – XA21T8 Lymphatic vessel of the suprarenal lymph node – XA3MZ0 Piriform recess –––– XA9641 Fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA33F9 Thyrohyoid ligament ––– XA02P3 Multiple large joints only – XA6WZ3 Depressor labii inferioris tendon – XA8EW9 Penile urethra XA6SS0 Adrenal medulla –– XA2ZQ7 Fourth lumbar nerve root –– XA7V14 Antihelix –– XA1138 Brachial artery ––– XA2WF1 Left colic vein – XA29U5 Lymphatic vessel of the vermiform process – XA4NZ9 Postcricoid region ––––– XA2JV2 Arch of fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA9XG3 Cricoarytenoid ligament ––– XA2SK7 Multiple small joints only – XA5S69 Digastric tendon – XA4NU9 External urethral meatus –– XA5W91 Fifth lumbar nerve root ––– XA96Q7 Crura of antihelix –– XA5RC6 Branch to volar carpal network of the anterior interosseous artery –– XA5T10 Rectal vein XA6709 Lymphatic system of the pelvis and perineum – XA0XK1 Hypopharyngeal wall ––––– XA5886 Body of fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA6B16 Cricopharyngeal ligament ––– XA3BZ3 Both large and small joints – XA5CP4 Frontalis tendon XA4V93 Urinary tract, not elsewhere classified XA3JU6 Central nervous system – XA9F62 Sacral nerve root ––– XA5LW2 Scaphoid fossa of pinna –– XA91T8 Branches to the deltoid muscle of the Profunda brachii artery ––– XA6NJ4 Middle rectal vein – XA9H16 Anterior vesical lymphatic vessel of the bladder XA9607 Gastrointestinal tract ––––– XA4PS3 Processes of fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA3BV9 Cricotracheal ligament ––– XA5X22 Large joints only with cervical spine or temporomandibular involvement – XA6BT8 Genioglossus tendon – XA34X0 Lower urinary tract XA0AK4 Meninges –– XA4HY7 First sacral nerve root –– XA8W55 Concha of pinna –– XA4RU3 Common interosseous artery ––– XA80L8 Inferior rectal vein – XA28F6 Lateral vesical lymphatic vessel of the bladder XA0828 Oesophagus ––– XA14W3 Sacrum –– XA3JR5 Hyoepiglottic ligament – XA4BF0 Monoarticular – XA9L90 Geniohyoid tendon – XA6RS6 Upper urinary tract – XA6HA2 Cerebral meninges –– XA4PP9 Second sacral nerve root ––– XA5KM5 Cymba conchae –– XA3M37 Deep palmar arch ––– XA30C9 Superior hemorrhoidal vein – XA4LM3 Lymphatic vessel of the anal canal – XA1180 Upper third of oesophagus ––– XA4V28 Coccyx –– XA4051 Cricothyroid ligament – XA8N10 Hyoglossus tendon –– XA9M51 Cranial dura mater –– XA32J7 Third sacral nerve root ––– XA8D58 Conchal bowl of pinna –– XA1ES5 Descending branches of the Inferior ulnar collateral artery ––– XA34F0 Perineal hemorrhoidal vein – XA5C29 Lymphatic vessel of the anus – XA2BY3 Middle third of oesophagus –– XA02R1 Intervertebral disc or space –– XA56S4 Thyroepiglottic ligament – XA5XD5 Multiple ligaments – XA7EE6 Hyoid tendon XA75A2 Male genital organs –– XA6WL2 Cranial arachnoid –– XA0WH3 Fourth sacral nerve root –– XA3RC6 Triangular fossa of pinna –– XA2UT9 First dorsal metacarpal artery –– XA1EK8 Phrenic vein – XA1UK6 Lymphatic vessel of the bladder – XA9CB6 Lower third of oesophagus ––– XA8D30 Cervical discs or space –– XA4KB2 Vestibular ligament – XA5NN2 Single ligament – XA3ZA2 Inferior oblique tendon – XA7QV2 Penis –– XA2T81 Cranial pia mater –– XA7BN5 Fifth sacral nerve root –– XA2N71 Tragus of pinna –– XA9F90 Inferior ulnar collateral artery ––– XA27Y3 Superior phrenic vein – XA16J8 Lymphatic vessel of the ductus deferens – XA0N03 Cervical oesophagus –––– XA9Z06 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C1-C2 –– XA6928 Vocal ligament – XA7HT8 Inferior rectus tendon –– XA0970 Root of penis –– XA7N98 Tentorium cerebelli – XA9J98 Dorsal nerve root ganglion –– XA5VK5 Intertragic notch of pinna –– XA9179 Interosseous recurrent artery ––– XA0EZ6 Inferior phrenic vein – XA4229 Lymphatic vessel of the ovary – XA8JT3 Thoracic oesophagus –––– XA18M2 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C2-C3 XA2EL4 Joints and ligaments of the thorax XA8YS7 Elastic cartilage – XA1394 Lateral cricoarytenoid tendon –– XA9A26 Body of penis –– XA09H1 Falx without further specification – XA1TP8 Dorsal nerve root –– XA0TW7 Earlobe –– XA2722 Medial collateral artery –– XA5KA1 Mesenteric vein – XA1SS8 Lymphatic vessel of the prostate – XA0TN5 Abdominal oesophagus –––– XA94K2 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C3-C4 – XA2NG8 Joints of the thorax XA8VH7 Fibrous cartilage – XA6PK4 Lateral pterygoid tendon ––– XA03Y8 Dorsal surface of penis ––– XA1FV7 Falx cerebri – XA8G34 Ventral nerve root ganglion –– XA7RR9 Antitragus of pinna –– XA8LL2 Muscular branches of the anterior interosseous artery ––– XA4DA7 Superior mesenteric vein – XA6DH7 Lymphatic vessel of the rectum – XA4YW8 Overlapping sites of oesophagus –––– XA3623 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C4-C5 –– XA83N6 Sternocostal joint XA2686 Hyaline cartilage – XA3LT8 Lateral rectus tendon ––– XA3D56 Ventral surface of penis ––– XA33G9 Falx cerebelli – XA1V70 Ventral nerve root –– XA3S47 Posterior surface of pinna –– XA0GZ0 Palmar carpal arch ––– XA4EK2 Inferior mesenteric vein – XA2XZ6 Lymphatic vessel of the reproductive organs XA7SR6 Cardioesophageal junction –––– XA1X49 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C5-C6 –– XA30Q4 Costochondral joint – XA3NV3 Articular cartilage – XA7653 Levator anguli oris tendon –– XA0MH6 Glans penis – XA5AH0 Spinal meninges XA64F0 Spinal nerve plexus ––– XA6NU1 Antihelical fossa –– XA2F13 Palmar carpal branch of radial artery –– XA04Q7 Epigastric vein – XA1UA0 Lymphatic vessel of the testes XA7MC7 Stomach –––– XA16L1 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C6-C7 –– XA0892 Costovertebral joint – XA6958 Costal cartilage – XA0YK7 Levator labii superioris tendon ––– XA3Q76 Penile urethral meatus –– XA8R98 Spinal dura mater – XA6LU7 Cervical plexus ––– XA6KW8 Eminence of concha –– XA51P8 Posterior interosseous artery ––– XA8WC0 Superficial epigastric vein – XA6324 Lymphatic vessel of the ureter – XA2828 Gastric cardia –––– XA2SG0 Cervicothoracic disc or space C7-T1 –– XA7AR2 Costotransverse joint – XA61C9 Levator palpebrae superioris tendon ––– XA3KB3 Paraurethral gland –– XA0382 Spinal arachnoid – XA22K9 Brachial plexus ––– XA0H47 Eminence of scapha –– XA8JY7 Posterior ulnar recurrent artery ––– XA30F2 Inferior epigastric vein – XA6HM6 Lymphatic vessel of the urethra – XA7UE1 Gastric corpus ––– XA1N54 Thoracic discs or space –– XA0ZE4 Facet joint XA2JQ8 Muscles of the head and neck – XA7VD7 Levator veli palatini tendon –– XA71S4 Prepuce –– XA8SH5 Spinal pia mater –– XA1UT5 Posterior cord of brachial plexus ––– XA8VK6 Eminence of triangular fossa –– XA05L5 Princeps pollicis artery –– XA1C53 Veins of stomach – XA7JY4 Lymphatic vessel of the urinary organ – XA56K7 Gastric fundus –––– XA4722 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T1-T2 – XA2UN9 Ligaments of the thorax – XA2SJ6 Alaeque nasi muscle – XA1FR7 Longus capitis tendon ––– XA2BL8 Outer surface of prepuce – XA04B5 Dura mater –– XA9PG2 Lateral cord of brachial plexus –– XA4DV9 Retroauricular sulcus –– XA2PP0 Profunda brachii artery ––– XA7CB3 Gastric vein – XA5755 Lymphatic vessel of the uterine tube – XA6P89 Gastric pylorus –––– XA6KQ8 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T2-T3 –– XA70E9 Anterior costotransverse ligament – XA2QF2 Anterior auricularis muscle – XA0UD3 Longus colli tendon ––– XA1CP6 Mucosal surface of prepuce – XA3D30 Arachnoid mater –– XA7UA9 Medial cord of brachial plexus – XA3UC1 External auditory canal –– XA8RG5 Radial artery –––– XA73S8 Left gastric vein – XA9PA3 Lymphatic vessel of the uterus –– XA4EC5 Pyloric antrum –––– XA6CX2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T3-T4 –– XA0QM2 Anterior intersternal ligament – XA3SS4 Aryepiglotticus muscle – XA1FB3 Masseter tendon –– XA54U4 Coronal sulcus of penis – XA6AF5 Pia mater – XA8YS2 Lumbosacral plexus –– XA5GS5 External auditory meatus –– XA9W25 Radial branches at the wrist of the radial artery –––– XA23Q4 Right gastric vein – XA1ZK1 Lymphatic vessel of the vagina – XA7WQ5 Greater curvature of stomach –––– XA0NE8 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T4-T5 –– XA8V32 Anterior ligament of the spine – XA8GG0 Buccinator muscle – XA8F95 Medial pterygoid tendon –– XA7V24 Frenulum of penis XA9738 Brain –– XA1E79 Lumbar plexus –– XA5K66 Ceruminal gland –– XA91J7 Radial branches in the hand of the radial artery –––– XA5QC9 Short gastric vein – XA0GB7 Lymphatic vessel of the seminal vesicles – XA4ML9 Lesser curvature of stomach –––– XA7PD1 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T5-T6 –– XA5G44 Costotransverse ligament – XA0UH6 Constrictor of pharynx - inferior muscle – XA6SG3 Medial rectus tendon – XA4947 Testis – XA1M33 Cerebrum –– XA1JE5 Presacral plexus – XA9E26 Skin of auricle –– XA3SL1 Radial branches in the forearm of the radial artery ––– XA2R35 Gastroepiploic vein XA0Z86 Lymphatic system of the lower extremity XA6452 Small intestine –––– XA4TP2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T6-T7 –– XA2S05 Costoxiphoid ligament – XA3S80 Constrictor of pharynx - middle muscle – XA7JW2 Mentalis tendon –– XA1FS5 Tunica vaginalis –– XA8GR3 Cerebral hemisphere –– XA0929 Sacral plexus –– XA3PZ4 Radial collateral artery –– XA55H2 Intestinal vein – XA6UC7 Anterior tibial lymphatic trunk – XA9780 Duodenum –––– XA7117 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T7-T8 –– XA4356 Iliolumbar ligament – XA9568 Constrictor of pharynx - superior muscle – XA7ZZ8 Mylohyoid tendon –– XA07W9 Tunica albuginea ––– XA2NT0 Frontal Lobe – XA5186 Patellar plexus XA4PM9 Cardiovascular system –– XA3H61 Radial recurrent artery – XA26H2 Vein of pelvis – XA8UM1 Jejunum –––– XA9PW9 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T8-T9 –– XA70A1 Interarticular sternocostal ligament – XA01U4 Corrugator supercilii muscle – XA7NU6 Nasalis tendon –– XA9636 Seminiferous tubules –––– XA3RD9 Frontal pole – XA3SK8 Splanchnic plexus XA5999 Arteries –– XA62C1 Radialis indicis of the radial artery –– XA3200 Renal vein XA8Z63 Upper respiratory tract – XA0QT6 Ileum –––– XA8E13 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T9-T10 –– XA8D15 Interchondral ligament – XA7W64 Cricothyroid muscle – XA5Q22 Oblique arytenoid tendon –– XA13Z7 Descended testis ––– XA97T4 Temporal lobe – XA2G95 Uterovaginal plexus – XA4TS7 Artery of head, face, and neck –– XA5AG1 Superficial palmar arch –– XA6YL8 Corpus cavernosum penis XA43C9 Nasal cavity XA1B13 Large intestine –––– XA6HY9 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T10-T11 –– XA6ZD7 Ligament of the neck of the rib – XA04G0 Depressor anguli oris muscle – XA8AT8 Obliquus capitis inferior tendon –– XA14M8 Testicular appendage –––– XA7BD1 Hippocampus – XA1KP5 Vesical nervous plexus –– XA2B10 Anterior communicating artery –– XA5BG5 Superficial palmar branch of the radial artery –– XA03F7 Deep dorsal vein of the penis – XA53X2 Nasal vestibule – XA6J68 Caecum –––– XA5LG2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T11-T12 –– XA81P3 Ligament of the tubercle of the rib – XA60C8 Depressor labii inferioris muscle – XA39M0 Obliquus capitis superior tendon – XA4D25 Epididymis –––– XA7J78 Uncus XA06U6 Peripheral nerve –– XA2QF4 Anterior ethmoidal artery –– XA0JA6 Superior ulnar collateral artery –– XA9X28 Iliolumbar vein – XA8D47 Nasal septum – XA03U9 Colon –––– XA97A4 Thoracolumbar intervertebral disc or space T12-L1 –– XA4A37 Posterior costotransverse ligament – XA2967 Digastric muscle – XA2JY6 Omohyoid tendon – XA9235 Spermatic cord –––– XA1XY9 Amygdala – XA20S2 Inferior cervical ganglion ––– XA53D3 Nasal branches of the anterior ethmoidal artery –– XA23B7 Ulnar artery –– XA7U63 Deep vein of the penis – XA8817 Nasal turbinate –– XA3AL5 Ascending colon ––– XA54S5 Lumbar discs or space –– XA8B33 Lumbocostal ligament – XA09D1 Frontalis muscle – XA65X4 Orbicularis oculi tendon –– XA8PQ1 Vas deferens ––– XA92Y6 Parietal Lobe – XA0Z50 Suboccipital nerve –– XA00K1 Anterior meningeal artery –– XA90B4 Volar carpal network –– XA5AH6 Obturator vein – XA7WQ4 Nasal cartilage –– XA95L3 Hepatic flexure of colon –––– XA7RD5 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L1-L2 –– XA26A7 Posterior intersternal ligament – XA50R5 Genioglossus muscle – XA0W74 Orbicularis oris tendon – XA0MJ1 Seminal vesicle ––– XA89Y2 Occipital lobe – XA4WK4 Greater auricular nerve –– XA1GU9 Anterior superior alveolar artery –– XA1VB5 Deep volar branch of ulnar artery –– XA4PC3 Ovarian Vein – XA4CN5 Nasal mucosa –– XA49U1 Transverse colon –––– XA8DG2 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L2-L3 –– XA8RC0 Radiate ligament – XA5YU7 Geniohyoid muscle – XA6SX4 Palatoglossus tendon – XA63E5 Prostate gland –––– XA5TY2 Brodmann area – XA6BB0 Greater occipital nerve –– XA2505 Artery of pterygoid canal –– XA9ZJ6 Dorsal carpal arch –– XA05M3 Pampiniform plexus – XA6YH7 Connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues of nasal cavity –– XA1PY9 Splenic flexure of colon –––– XA1F44 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L3-L4 –– XA43Z7 Radiate sternocostal ligament – XA5DX5 Hyoglossus muscle – XA6LA2 Palatopharyngeus tendon XA2GU7 Female genital organs –––– XA0B59 Occipital pole – XA3ND8 Lesser occipital nerve –– XA9AD7 Carotid artery –– XA44C1 Dorsal carpal branch of radial artery –– XA1W18 Perineal vein –– XA3HQ4 nasal arch vein –– XA2G13 Descending colon –––– XA2N96 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L4-L5 XA6KC7 Joints and ligaments of the pelvis and perineum – XA3PY5 Hyoid muscle – XA4758 Platysma tendon – XA78U5 Vulva –– XA64R0 Cerebral cortex – XA18D0 Third occipital nerve ––– XA0F61 Carotid body –– XA7M90 Dorsal carpal network –– XA8WY0 Prostatic vein XA3523 Accessory sinuses –– XA8YJ9 Sigmoid colon –––– XA54R2 Lumbosacral intervertebral disc or space L5-S1 – XA1TL5 Joints of the pelvis – XA4N79 Inferior oblique muscle – XA0AE2 Posterior cricoarytenoid ligament –– XA11L9 Labia of vulva –– XA7L93 Thalamus – XA8T30 Iliohypogastric nerve ––– XA1V84 Common carotid artery –– XA2YJ5 Subscapular artery –– XA0GG0 Pubic vein – XA1R64 Maxillary sinus –– XA33J5 Rectosigmoid junction ––– XA2Y58 Intervertebral disc –– XA5A04 Lumbosacral joint – XA1X67 Inferior rectus muscle – XA5HD8 Procerus tendon ––– XA59G9 Labium majus –– XA4T82 Basal ganglia – XA5Q50 Ilioinguinal nerve ––– XA78C0 Internal carotid artery –– XA0882 Posterior humeral circumflex artery –– XA8HY5 Sigmoid vein – XA58F6 Ethmoid sinus –– XA7177 Descending colon and splenic flexure of colon –––– XA8WM9 Nucleus pulposus –– XA70B6 Sacrococcygeal joint – XA31C3 Intrinsic muscles of tongue – XA8CQ6 Rectus capitis anterior tendon ––– XA0MU9 Labium minus ––– XA64F9 Corpus striatum – XA8CZ0 Inferior anal nerves –––– XA1CW5 Ophthalmic artery – XA8DW5 Artery of lower extremity –– XA4TQ4 Superficial dorsal vein of the penis – XA91G8 Frontal sinus –– XA25P9 Ascending colon and right flexure of colon –––– XA10M1 Annulus fibrosus –– XA3T32 Sacroiliac joint – XA5WQ9 Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle – XA4RG2 Rectus capitis lateralis tendon –– XA4851 Clitoris –––– XA8W72 Lentiform nucleus – XA8U35 Lumbar splanchnic nerve ––– XA9EK2 External carotid artery –– XA61E8 Acetabular branch –– XA2WW4 Suprarenal vein – XA4U67 Sphenoid sinus – XA4KU2 Rectum – XA5VB6 Bones of the thorax – XA9TF3 Ligaments of the pelvis and perineum – XA8ZB7 Lateral pterygoid muscle – XA6WL6 Rectus capitis posterior major tendon ––– XA3C45 Clitoral hood ––––– XA80J3 Globus pallidus – XA8ML2 Middle cardiac nerve –– XA5SN3 Cerebellar artery –– XA91J1 Anterior lateral malleolar artery –– XA7AB3 Uterine plexus XA9AZ1 Nasopharynx – XA0D34 Anus –– XA5TK7 Rib –– XA5S21 Anterior pubic ligament – XA3282 Lateral rectus muscle – XA1XH8 Rectus capitis posterior minor tendon –– XA1A52 Vulval vestibule ––––– XA8KA5 Putamen – XA11K1 Posterior branch of spinal nerve –– XA13S2 Cerebral artery –– XA4K68 Anterior medial malleolar artery –– XA8M77 Uterine vein – XA0659 Superior wall of nasopharynx – XA39S6 Anal Canal ––– XA98Q1 First rib –– XA10C4 Anterior sacroiliac ligament – XA75X0 Levator anguli oris muscle – XA9450 Risorius tendon ––– XA27K9 Bartholin gland –––– XA7TX5 Caudate nucleus – XA9AN9 Posterior superior alveolar nerve ––– XA1VB0 Anterior cerebral artery –– XA6CN3 Anterior tibial artery –– XA1MK5 Vaginal vein – XA21P9 Anterior wall of nasopharynx – XA8QB7 Cloacogenic zone ––– XA7XY2 Second rib –– XA9621 Arcuate pubic ligament – XA1490 Levator labii superioris muscle – XA0SH8 Salpingopharyngeus tendon –– XA0565 Posterior fourchette of vulva ––– XA00D6 Claustrum – XA7ZD7 Proper palmar digital nerves of median nerve ––– XA2K99 Basilar artery –– XA7BL5 Anterior tibial recurrent artery –– XA0DB7 Vesical plexus – XA4BR4 Posterior wall of nasopharynx XA28R6 Upper gastrointestinal tract, not elsewhere classified ––– XA2U21 Third rib –– XA0EJ9 Broad ligament of the uterus – XA2R46 Levator palpebrae superioris muscle – XA3XC1 Scalene tendon – XA1LK7 Vagina –– XA5TX3 Optic chiasm – XA0SA1 Sacral splanchnic nerves –––– XA3185 Pontine branches of the basilar artery –– XA5BU3 Ascending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery –– XA7GN4 Vesical vein –– XA5AS8 Adenoid XA8PW4 Appendix ––– XA4SQ6 Fourth rib ––– XA6VF6 Mesovarium – XA5LP4 Levator veli palatini muscle –– XA45L1 scalenus anterior tendon –– XA4AH3 Vaginal introitus –– XA63Y1 Optic tract – XA1SM8 Semilunar ganglion ––– XA2JH8 Middle cerebral artery –– XA0DB6 Ascending branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery –– XA9GG9 Vulval vein – XA7PX5 Lateral wall of nasopharynx XA0W19 Hepatobiliary system ––– XA31L8 Fifth rib ––– XA9TX2 Parovarian region – XA6YE6 Longus capitis muscle –– XA7XV7 scalenus medius tendon –– XA3A69 Hymen –– XA5CF8 Visual cortex – XA07F8 Short ciliary nerves ––– XA4WT4 Anterolateral central artery –– XA42R8 Branch of the medial inferior genicular artery to popliteus –– XA8GA3 Gluteal vein –– XA7W35 Pharyngeal recess XA5DY0 Liver ––– XA63Z2 Sixth rib ––– XA6CV1 Mesosalpinx – XA8EM8 Longus colli muscle –– XA7NL5 scalenus minimus tendon –– XA9BM1 Gartner duct –– XA1ZN9 Cerebral white matter – XA1AC5 Superior cardiac nerve ––– XA7C50 Posterior cerebral artery –– XA7WF1 Branch of the medial superior genicular artery to vastus medialis ––– XA3HW8 Inferior gluteal vein ––– XA9P89 Retropharyngeal recess – XA5766 Left lobe of liver ––– XA2WC3 Seventh rib ––– XA3AN2 Mesometrium – XA2VD8 Masseter muscle –– XA9HH7 scalenus posterior tendon –– XA46V2 Vaginal vault –– XA0XP7 Insula – XA6BG1 Superior cervical ganglion –– XA2UK9 Costocervical trunk –– XA2DD1 Branch of the medial superior genicular artery to surface of the femur and the knee-joint ––– XA47S7 Superior gluteal vein ––– XA6QY3 Parapharyngeal recess – XA2KG6 Right lobe of liver ––– XA9WQ3 Eighth rib –– XA46Z2 Interarticular ligament of the pelvis – XA2DX4 Medial pterygoid muscle – XA39C9 Splenius capitis tendon – XA99N3 Uterus –– XA5JN6 Internal capsule – XA6YL5 Superior ganglion –– XA7SK1 Deep auricular artery –– XA4VS8 Communicating branch of the fibular artery to the anterior tibial artery –– XA03Q4 Iliac vein XA2RH5 Larynx – XA3278 Caudate lobe of liver ––– XA31V8 Ninth rib –– XA02T6 Interosseous sacroiliac ligament – XA95N1 Medial rectus muscle – XA2HL1 Splenius cervicis tendon –– XA3V49 Fundus of uterus –– XA84G1 Operculum – XA25F4 Transverse cervical nerve –– XA1NY7 Deep cervical artery –– XA7DF6 Deep branch of the descending branch of the Medial femoral circumflex artery ––– XA3EG0 Internal iliac vein – XA1PB3 Supraglottic larynx – XA13D3 Quadrate lobe of liver ––– XA54R4 Tenth rib –– XA1NT7 Ligamentum teres of the Liver – XA0U25 Mentalis muscle – XA8W69 Stapedius tendon –– XA5229 Corpus uteri –– XA4F88 Pallium – XA9ZM0 Phrenic nerve –– XA18D8 Dorsal nasal artery –– XA19F5 Deep branch of the lateral superior genicular artery ––– XA49T5 External iliac vein –– XA9ZY9 Epiglottis XA0KT3 Biliary tract ––– XA3VH4 Eleventh rib –– XA92G5 Posterior pubic ligament – XA8AR7 Musculus uvulae muscle – XA70V9 Sternocleidomastoid tendon ––– XA8QA8 Endometrium –– XA0Z39 Rhinencephalon – XA6W14 Sympathetic trunk ––– XA56R8 Dorsal nasal artery to the root of nose –– XA3KL5 Deep femoral artery ––– XA7W40 Common iliac vein ––– XA4DV7 Anterior surface of epiglottis – XA4415 Hepatic bile ducts ––– XA6W52 Twelfth rib –– XA6RS4 Posterior sacroiliac ligament – XA83A9 Mylohyoid muscle – XA6S11 Sternohyoid tendon –––– XA9DM0 Endometrial gland –– XA5N14 Cerebral lobe – XA7HH4 Common fibular nerve ––– XA0PF0 Dorsal nasal artery to the dorsum of the nose –– XA3SV6 Descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery ––– XA3H93 Deep iliac circumflex vein ––– XA8U54 Posterior surface of epiglottis –– XA89K4 Left hepatic duct –– XA6NB3 Sternum ––– XA69U0 Long posterior sacroiliac ligament – XA0Y41 Nasalis muscle – XA4VX2 Sternothyroid tendon –––– XA3FR4 Endometrial stroma –– XA73A8 Supratentorial region of brain – XA3QB5 Deep fibular nerve –– XA4QF0 External striate of the anterolateral central artery –– XA15J8 Descending branch of the Medial femoral circumflex artery –– XA71Q4 Sacral vein –– XA9907 Aryepiglottic fold –– XA6M95 Right hepatic duct ––– XA3M45 Body of sternum ––– XA9HV6 Short posterior sacroiliac ligament – XA59J0 Oblique arytenoid muscle – XA90J0 Styloglossus tendon ––– XA2LU5 Myometrium – XA1CW2 Cerebellum – XA11D4 Femoral nerve –– XA3FL3 Facial artery –– XA3CV5 Descending genicular artery ––– XA4PJ8 Lateral sacral vein ––– XA8N50 Laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold –– XA96K1 Common hepatic duct ––– XA0K13 Manubrium –– XA1UP6 Pubic symphysis – XA8L72 Oblique auricularis muscle – XA20E0 Stylohyoid tendon ––– XA9HG1 Parametrium –– XA4SL2 Cerebellar hemisphere – XA9JZ4 Genitofemoral nerve ––– XA7YP8 Ascending palatine artery –– XA41L4 Dorsalis pedis artery ––– XA9Z04 Middle sacral vein – XA7AE7 Glottis – XA0077 Cystic duct ––– XA2RB7 Xiphoid –– XA23X3 Round ligament of uterus – XA6LS5 Obliquus capitis inferior muscle – XA7GV2 Stylopharyngeus tendon ––– XA3QZ2 Uterine cavity –– XA7E38 Cerebellar tonsil – XA60R4 Gluteal nerve ––– XA4UT8 Superior labial artery –– XA2JF3 Femoral artery –– XA5KK7 Spermatic Vein –– XA3299 Vocal cord – XA8KL9 Gallbladder – XA4N47 Bones of the pelvis –– XA8GZ2 Sacrococcygeal ligament – XA0X13 Obliquus capitis superior muscle – XA5ES8 Superior oblique tendon –– XA7F09 Isthmus uteri –– XA8E64 Cerebellar vermis – XA1GU3 Inferior gluteal nerve ––– XA2ZM0 Inferior labial artery –– XA9GM6 Fibular artery –– XA3F81 Pudendal vein – XA25B1 Subglottic larynx – XA6R80 Common bile duct –– XA8Y23 Pelvis ––– XA2MA4 Anterior sacrococcygeal ligament – XA4RN7 Omohyoid muscle – XA3ZN4 Superior rectus tendon –– XA5WW1 Cervix uteri ––– XA5694 Superior vermis – XA4834 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve ––– XA36S6 Angular artery –– XA2GU0 First perforating artery ––– XA7XD2 Internal pudendal vein – XA0NK8 Laryngeal cartilage – XA6WA8 Sphincter of Oddi ––– XA5FT5 Ilium ––– XA4B16 Lateral sacrococcygeal ligament – XA0ZM1 Orbicularis oculi muscle – XA7D16 Temporalis tendon ––– XA3Z33 Internal os ––– XA70Y8 Inferior vermis – XA9958 Lateral plantar nerve ––– XA9QG7 Cervical artery –– XA9EP9 Lateral femoral circumflex artery ––– XA6NF9 Superficial external pudendal vein –– XA0AF3 Arytenoid cartilage – XA7QA8 Ampulla of Vater –––– XA4743 Iliac crest ––– XA2U92 Posterior sacrococcygeal ligament – XA55R2 Orbicularis oris muscle – XA8BT2 Temporoparietalis tendon ––– XA7Z73 Cervical canal – XA8733 Limbic system – XA5UE9 Lumbar nerve –––– XA85T4 Deep branch of the submental artery –– XA4B67 Lateral inferior genicular artery ––– XA1ET7 Deep external pudendal vein –– XA7S05 Cricoid cartilage – XA9HM5 Extrahepatic bile duct ––– XA5L47 Ischium –– XA8J68 Sacrospinous ligament – XA2U72 Palatoglossus muscle – XA5956 Tensor tympani tendon –– XA0KR7 Connective and other soft tissues of uterus – XA26E8 Cerebral ventricle – XA8307 Lumboinguinal nerve –– XA83M8 Glandular branches of the cervical artery –– XA6920 Medial femoral circumflex artery –– XA6TQ3 Adrenal vein ––– XA2383 Cricoarytenoid articulation XA3QC5 Pancreas ––– XA82W3 Pubis –– XA6396 Sacrotuberous ligament – XA1PG4 Palatopharyngeus muscle – XA2W44 Tensor veli palatini tendon – XA1QK0 Ovary –– XA45Y8 Lateral ventricle of the brain – XA76D3 Lumbosacral trunk –– XA2626 Greater palatine artery –– XA1QB3 Medial inferior genicular artery – XA9WN7 Vein of upper extremity ––– XA73G2 Cricothyroid articulation XA1412 Head of pancreas –––– XA1XZ3 Superior pubic ramus –– XA68K7 Superior pubic ligament – XA17T6 Platysma muscle – XA4ME3 Thyroarytenoid tendon –– XA6FA5 Cortex of ovary ––– XA1XM1 Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle – XA9AF5 Medial plantar nerve –– XA4H29 Hyoid artery –– XA7PN1 Medial plantar artery –– XA0QT1 Accessory cephalic vein –– XA7SZ3 Cuneiform cartilage XA8LA4 Neck of pancreas –––– XA4VB9 Inferior pubic ramus –– XA4T57 Uterine ligament – XA8C48 Posterior auricularis muscle – XA0CT5 Thyroepiglotticus tendon –– XA44X6 Medulla of ovary –– XA1H64 Third ventricle of the brain – XA7S27 Nerve to quadratus femoris –– XA4VH9 Inferior palpebral arch artery –– XA5LB1 Middle genicular artery –– XA3EY8 Axillary vein –– XA2716 Thyroid cartilage XA6ZE4 Body of pancreas ––– XA6Z32 Acetabulum –– XA2NB2 Uterosacral ligament – XA9RS8 Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle – XA9YC3 Transverse arytenoid tendon – XA7E69 Uterine adnexa ––– XA53A3 Choroid plexus of third ventricle – XA3906 Plantar nerve –– XA5VX8 Internal striate of the anterolateral central artery –– XA0PT7 Muscular branches of the anterior tibial artery –– XA6JD7 Basilic vein XA07R2 Lower respiratory tract XA0CX6 Tail of pancreas XA4TM1 Peripheral skeleton XA4XC0 Joints and ligaments of the upper extremity – XA6648 Procerus muscle – XA4CN7 Vocalis tendon –– XA3EF0 Fallopian tube –– XA83T2 Cerebral aqueduct – XA83P9 Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh –– XA85W7 Intracranial artery –– XA9TP5 Musculo-articular branch of the Descending genicular artery –– XA43Q5 Brachial vein XA26H1 Trachea XA1XL7 Pancreatic duct – XA7R53 Bones of the upper extremity – XA4U90 Joints of the upper extremity – XA16A4 Rectus capitis anterior muscle – XA0XQ7 Zygomaticus major tendon XA1MQ5 Embryological structures –– XA1804 Fourth ventricle of the brain – XA9EW1 Saphenous nerve –– XA16L7 Lateral branch of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery –– XA0GA4 Perforating artery –– XA4YQ8 Cephalic vein – XA7SG3 Cervical trachea – XA8WC8 Duct of Santorini –– XA2AL0 Bones of the shoulder girdle –– XA05J7 Shoulder joint – XA0JK2 Rectus capitis lateralis muscle – XA0SZ1 Zygomaticus minor tendon – XA7A99 Developmental tissue ––– XA1B86 Choroid plexus of fourth ventricle – XA9KK8 Sciatic nerve –– XA3N26 Lateral nasal branch of the facial artery –– XA1YF2 Perforating branch of the fibular artery to the posterior tibial artery –– XA7FD2 Common volar digital vein – XA4RN3 Thoracic trachea – XA3789 Duct of Wirsung ––– XA6384 Clavicle ––– XA49P8 Glenohumeral joint – XA20Q8 Rectus capitis posterior major muscle XA3SA1 Tendons of the thorax –– XA7TJ5 Ectoderm –– XA9KX2 Choroid plexus – XA2125 Superficial fibular nerve –– XA5Z38 Lesser palatine artery –– XA44K1 Popliteal artery –– XA7902 Deep volar venous arch XA57M6 Lung XA0KZ0 Peritoneum –––– XA76N8 Sternal end of clavicle ––– XA69U6 Acromioclavicular joint – XA80F2 Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle – XA01T0 Chordae tendineae –– XA3HM5 Endoderm –– XA6J38 Ependyma – XA9AC5 Superior gluteal nerve –– XA5TR9 Lingual branch of the inferior alveolar artery –– XA6LK2 Posterior tibial artery –– XA6NS3 Dorsal interosseous vein – XA9TC5 Main bronchus XA6S21 Retroperitoneum –––– XA4PT6 Shaft of the clavicle ––– XA0CH1 Sternoclavicular joint – XA49A7 Risorius muscle – XA9N29 Diaphragm tendon –– XA3D33 Mesoderm – XA8AT9 Brainstem – XA4HR8 Sural nerve –– XA18M5 Maxillary artery –– XA33D9 Posterior tibial recurrent artery –– XA9886 Dorsal metacarpal vein –– XA3L52 Right main bronchus XA43V8 Mesentery –––– XA09P2 Acromial end of clavicle –– XA69H4 Elbow joint – XA81P5 Salpingopharyngeus muscle – XA5WL5 Intercostals external tendon – XA3NA0 Embryo –– XA17J6 Medulla oblongata – XA7534 Tibial nerve ––– XA49F5 First portion of the maxillary artery –– XA09P5 Saphenous branch of the Descending genicular artery –– XA4A41 Lateral thoracic vein –– XA5FV2 Left main bronchus XA6DF7 Omentum ––– XA53X6 Scapula ––– XA3G42 Proximal radioulnar joint – XA0JF1 Scalenus anterior muscle – XA8FV0 Intercostals innermost tendon – XA23B0 Fetus –– XA5KS6 Midbrain – XA9JU0 Anococcygeal nerve ––– XA0BD0 Deep temporal artery (anterior and posterior) –– XA2Z59 Second perforating artery –– XA3TW9 Median antebrachial vein – XA4JA0 Carina XA46W1 Mesoappendix –––– XA2HS8 Neck of the scapula ––– XA46J3 Humeroulnar joint – XA6S71 Scalenus medius muscle – XA92E2 Intercostals internal tendon – XA85H6 Fetal membranes ––– XA1AA8 Cerebral peduncle – XA84W1 Cauda equina ––– XA7SV5 Inferior alveolar artery –– XA7W56 Superficial branch of the descending branch of the Medial femoral circumflex artery –– XA1YZ7 Median basilic vein – XA7EZ3 Right lung XA4QM7 Mesocolon –––– XA1216 Glenoid cavity of the scapula ––– XA53P1 Humeroradial joint – XA3TF5 Scalenus minimus muscle – XA5R18 Levatores costarum tendon –– XA7MU1 Amniotic sac –– XA9CM4 Pons – XA5C62 Coccygeal nerve –––– XA3W87 Incisor branch of the Inferior alveolar artery –– XA5687 Superficial branch of the lateral superior genicular artery –– XA3GZ6 Proper volar digital vein –– XA29Y4 Hilum of right lung XA5PF4 Pelvic peritoneum –––– XA2Y48 Coracoid process of the scapula –– XA64C3 Wrist joint – XA35K5 Scalenus posterior muscle – XA3C70 Pectoralis major tendon ––– XA8XR0 Amnion –– XA34M4 Reticular formation – XA76C3 Dorsal nerve of clitoris –––– XA7AG7 Mental branch of the Inferior alveolar artery –– XA08Q7 Sural artery –– XA32L8 Radial vein –– XA8Z30 Right upper lobe bronchus –––– XA3664 Acromion ––– XA78S6 Distal radioulnar joint – XA58T9 Splenius capitis muscle – XA40K0 Pectoralis minor tendon ––– XA66R5 Chorion –– XA5KN2 Olives – XA8CC3 Dorsal nerve of the penis ––– XA49F4 Masseteric artery –– XA8J55 Third or fourth perforating artery –– XA7HM9 Superficial volar venous arch –– XA41Z3 Right lower lobe bronchus XA0364 Skin –– XA2XL4 Humerus ––– XA0P38 Radiocarpal joint – XA6095 Splenius cervicis muscle – XA91D0 Serratus anterior tendon ––– XA33K4 Amniotic fluid XA8EC5 Blood –– XA5097 Pyramid – XA99Q6 Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve ––– XA55G2 Descending palatine artery –– XA4XR2 Transverse branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery –– XA8CK3 Ulnar vein –– XA1QM3 Right middle lobe bronchus XA3JN1 Epidermis ––– XA4VY5 Head of the humerus –– XA62V5 Joints of the hand – XA8D61 Stapedius muscle – XA7J14 Serratus posterior inferior tendon –– XA9YJ5 Allantois XA8UK8 Blood cells –– XA1GA1 Infratentorial region of brain – XA0W10 Perineal nerve –––– XA9XM3 Pharyngeal artery –– XA6QR6 Lateral plantar artery –– XA2Y72 Volar digital vein – XA2UD3 Left lung – XA5P21 Stratum corneum ––– XA0XN0 Anatomical neck of the humerus ––– XA3MB4 Carpal joint – XA2H61 Sternocleidomastoid muscle – XA0MH0 Serratus posterior superior tendon – XA0SH3 Thyroglossal duct – XM8QV9 Erythrocytes – XA08F7 Intracranial site, not elsewhere classified – XA7NU3 Posterior scrotal nerve ––– XA3WA5 Posterior superior alveolar artery –– XA8YC8 Common femoral artery –– XA2C08 Volar interosseous vein –– XA6VA2 Hilum of left lung – XA3G02 Stratum lucidum ––– XA6FR2 Surgical neck of the humerus –––– XA0E90 Intercarpal joint – XA5QR5 Sternohyoid muscle – XA8WS6 Subcostalis tendon – XA1NC2 Urachus – XA32R4 Leucocytes XA0V83 Spinal cord – XA6WU3 Pudendal nerve ––– XA0LK0 Buccal artery –– XA5PP5 Superficial femoral artery –– XA13N1 Volar metacarpal vein –– XA6F58 Left upper lobe bronchus – XA4W90 Stratum granulosum ––– XA7144 Greater tuberosity of the humerus –––– XA4AS7 Midcarpal joint – XA9H91 Sternothyroid muscle – XA3XC9 Tendon of Todaro – XA3L42 Umbilical cord –– XA2WC0 Granulocytes – XA1SP1 Cervical spinal cord – XA55J8 Accessory obturator nerve ––– XA9MM1 Anterior tympanic artery – XA9PU5 Afferent arteriole of the interlobular artery – XA76A3 Vein of lower extremity ––– XA4565 Lingula of lung – XA8AM6 Stratum spinosum ––– XA72X2 Lesser tuberosity of the humerus –––– XA0JX0 Carpometacarpal joint – XA5L15 Styloglossus muscle – XA1HX3 Transversus thoracis tendon – XA90F8 Placenta ––– XA8C44 Neutrophils –– XA2K06 C1 level – XA9RP3 Dorsal scapular nerve ––– XA8YX3 Accessory meningeal artery – XA6Y34 Aorta –– XA8WJ3 Accessory saphenous vein –– XA2XH5 Left lower lobe bronchus – XA9QS1 Stratum basale ––– XA4RN8 Shaft of the humerus ––– XA9DN6 Intermetacarpal joint – XA1TY3 Stylohyoid muscle XA4797 Tendons of the abdomen ––– XA5G96 Basophils –– XA7852 C2 level – XA9TB4 Inferior cardiac nerve ––– XA5RM1 Middle meningeal artery –– XA9NQ2 Thoracoabdominal aorta –– XA4CQ8 Anterior tibial vein – XA90M2 Lobe of lung – XA8JE9 Epidermal basement membrane ––– XA3RE0 Condyle of the humerus ––– XA86T5 Metacarpophalangeal joint – XA9AM5 Stylopharyngeus muscle – XA0101 External oblique abdominis tendon ––– XA0V82 Eosinophils –– XA3JF5 C3 level – XA5HJ3 Intercostal nerve –– XA2WS5 Lingual artery ––– XA5Z66 Abdominal aorta –– XA23R2 Common digital vein –– XA9HN5 Upper lobe of lung XA8113 Epidermal appendages –––– XA11M8 Capitulum of humerus –––– XA3M83 First metacarpophalangeal joint – XA8SW4 Superior auricularis muscle – XA45G1 Internal oblique abdominis tendon –– XA46Q2 Monocytes –– XA2MQ3 C4 level – XA2F71 Intercostobrachial nerve –– XA9EU7 Occipital artery –––– XA5EX6 Suprarenal abdominal aorta –– XA3E41 Deep Femoral Vein –– XA1N36 Middle lobe of lung – XA0XC8 Hair follicle –––– XA9LK4 Trochlea of humerus –––– XA9YH1 Second metacarpophalangeal joint – XA2X27 Superior oblique muscle – XA3045 Psoas major tendon –– XA9DP6 Macrophages –– XA3JA6 C5 level – XA5A06 Lateral pectoral nerve –– XA13U3 Posterior auricular artery –––– XA2LN9 Infrarenal abdominal aorta –– XA8RN9 Deep plantar venous arch –– XA7L34 Lower lobe of lung –– XA2MW3 Hair bulb ––– XA6EF8 Lateral epicondyle of the humerus –––– XA6HB0 Third metacarpophalangeal joint – XA51R1 Superior rectus muscle – XA7V41 Psoas minor tendon –– XA8YQ2 Lymphocytes –– XA4LT0 C6 level – XA0A05 Long thoracic nerve –– XA0SB1 Superficial temporal artery XA5J49 Veins –– XA3QX9 Femoral vein –– XA37W0 Upper lobe, bronchus –– XA6666 Sebaceous gland ––– XA4097 Medial epicondyle of the humerus –––– XA7XA8 Fourth metacarpophalangeal joint – XA01H9 Temporalis muscle – XA49W5 Pyramidalis tendon – XA10B5 Platelets –– XA3NV2 C7 level – XA9XA5 Lower subscapular nerve ––– XA7WG0 Frontal branch of the superficial temporal artery – XA59M2 Vein of head, face, and neck –– XA59H1 Great saphenous vein –– XA1K94 Middle lobe, bronchus –– XA7487 Apocrine sweat gland –– XA3WG1 Radius –––– XA7KA0 Fifth metacarpophalangeal joint – XA1CQ1 Temporoparietalis muscle – XA34K5 Quadratus lumborum tendon XA7UR0 Plasma –– XA8965 C8 level – XA49V5 Medial pectoral nerve –– XA7K29 Superior thyroid artery –– XA9TJ8 Cortical vein –– XA74K2 Lateral femoral circumflex vein –– XA8JM5 Lower lobe, bronchus –– XA6DT2 Hair shaft ––– XA2N25 Radial head ––– XA9291 Interphalangeal joint of the hand – XA42R7 Tensor tympani muscle – XA1HT1 Rectus abdominis tendon – XA3JX0 Platelet-rich plasma – XA6Z51 Thoracic spinal cord – XA1BR5 Right recurrent laryngeal nerve ––– XA0FT7 Cricothyroid artery –– XA8ZU5 Basal vein –– XA4L08 Lateral marginal vein – XA2PV7 Connective and other soft tissues of lung – XA8T72 Hair ––– XA0ZF7 Radial neck –––– XA6L43 Interphalangeal joint of the thumb – XA7LF2 Tensor veli palatini muscle – XA0V25 Transversus abdominis tendon XA9XK1 Bone marrow –– XA17G6 T1 level – XA3RU6 Subcostal nerve ––– XA2V10 Inferior thyroid artery –– XA37J7 Alveolar vein –– XA0L88 Lateral plantar vein –– XA61M6 Bronchus –– XA5Y68 Scalp hair ––– XA35U4 Shaft of radius –––– XA1307 Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger – XA8352 Thyroarytenoid muscle XA9Z26 Tendons of the back XA5869 Haematopoietic stem cells –– XA6GU9 T2 level – XA5318 Supraclavicular nerves ––– XA77C5 Sternocleidomastoid artery –– XA8ZS9 Angular vein –– XA8PZ9 Medial femoral circumflex vein –– XA8Z62 Lung parenchyma –– XA78D2 Eyebrow hairs ––– XA6YE5 Radial groove ––––– XA1DN6 Proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger – XA2ZL4 Thyroepiglotticus muscle – XA48X7 Iliocostalis tendon XA3K78 Common myeloid progenitor –– XA7U15 T3 level – XA8QY6 Suprascapular nerve –– XA00E5 Ascending pharyngeal artery –– XA6HG4 Temporal vein –– XA1XM3 Medial marginal vein ––– XA5437 Bronchioles –– XA1RK2 Eyelashes ––– XA3MH2 Styloid process of radius ––––– XA3NW6 Proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger – XA87S0 Thyrohyoid muscle – XA2MX3 Infraspinatus tendon – XA8LY0 Erythroblast –– XA5UF4 T4 level – XA2R06 Thoracic splanchnic nerve –– XA53A8 Right common carotid artery ––– XA1GE4 Deep anterior temporal vein –– XA85B7 Medial plantar vein ––– XA5772 Alveoli –– XA9N28 Beard hair ––– XA4X32 Lower end of radius not otherwise specified ––––– XA0BF5 Proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger – XA3856 Transverse arytenoid muscle – XA2E69 Interspinales tendon – XA6385 Myeloblast –– XA0D58 T5 level – XA0462 Thoraco-abdominal nerve –– XA6X36 Middle temporal artery ––– XA8SD6 Middle temporal vein –– XA7ND7 Metatarsal vein –– XA4646 Pulmonary vasculature –– XA1WH2 Body hair ––– XA76U7 Upper end of radius not otherwise specified ––––– XA4175 Proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger – XA9AU8 Transverse auricularis muscle – XA8UU5 Intertransversarii tendon – XA3EA5 Megakaryoblast –– XA5Q83 T6 level – XA2542 Thoracodorsal nerve –– XA3TE9 Mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar artery ––– XA30B2 Deep posterior temporal vein –– XA4EV7 Plantar cutaneous venous arch ––– XA8FY4 Pulmonary vein –– XA12U4 Pubic hair –– XA5007 Ulna –––– XA4U75 Distal interphalangeal joint of finger – XA0M12 Vocalis muscle – XA8467 Latissimus dorsi tendon XA0TJ1 Lymphoblast –– XA79E1 T7 level – XA5KR0 Upper subscapular nerve –– XA6XV2 Parietal branch of the superficial temporal artery ––– XA2NX9 Superficial temporal vein –– XA8657 Plantar digital vein –––– XA1WN5 Left pulmonary vein – XA4S72 Nail apparatus ––– XA0NS5 Coronoid process of the ulna ––––– XA6KB0 Distal interphalangeal joint of index finger – XA37U4 Zygomaticus major muscle – XA3TD7 Longissimus tendon –– XA0N76 T8 level – XA1ZC4 Axillary nerve –– XA7U73 Posterior communicating artery –– XA6SL1 Basilar plexus –– XA08Q1 Popliteal vein ––––– XA9941 Left superior pulmonary vein –– XA4KT3 Nail matrix ––– XA0725 Lower end of ulna not otherwise specified ––––– XA15C8 Distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger – XA2AP2 Zygomaticus minor muscle – XA33T4 Multifidus tendon –– XA5T86 T9 level – XA1LW6 Common palmar digital nerves of median nerve –– XA5881 Posterior ethmoidal artery –– XA5SG1 Buccinator vein –– XA5D60 Posterior tibial vein ––––– XA8TW3 Left inferior pulmonary vein ––– XA5LM0 Germinal matrix ––– XA5VA1 Olecranon process of the ulna ––––– XA0LT5 Distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger XA19W0 Muscle of the thorax – XA3P63 Rhomboid major tendon XA8373 Thymus –– XA4QU1 T10 level – XA5179 Deep branch of the radial nerve ––– XA7561 Nasal branches of the posterior ethmoidal artery –– XA91N0 Cerebellar vein –– XA2073 Small saphenous vein –––– XA86L0 Right pulmonary vein ––– XA0060 Sterile matrix ––– XA8U33 Shaft of the ulna ––––– XA1928 Distal interphalangeal joint of little finger – XA2JL0 Diaphragm – XA8918 Rhomboid minor tendon – XA2PK9 Connective and other soft tissues of thymus –– XA9DV3 T11 level – XA37M8 Digital nerve ––– XA7945 Meningeal branch of the posterior ethmoidal artery ––– XA93W0 Inferior cerebellar vein –– XA8HR9 Superficial iliac circumflex vein ––––– XA05T2 Right superior pulmonary vein –– XA6Q52 Nail ––– XA05C5 Styloid process of the ulna – XA4BC2 Ligaments of the upper extremity – XA6RW0 External intercostal muscle – XA16J2 Rotatores tendon XA7FU9 Spleen –– XA6FB9 T12 level – XA1TY7 Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve –– XA8RM9 Posterior inferior cerebellar artery ––– XA2Z35 Superior cerebellar vein –– XA4930 Peroneal vein ––––– XA41F3 Right inferior pulmonary vein –– XA5US0 Perionychium ––– XA6SV9 Upper end of ulna not otherwise specified –– XA93X9 Ligament of the shoulder – XA3P12 Innermost intercostal muscle – XA3D42 Semispinalis tendon XA1EM4 Lingual tonsil – XA8PP5 Lumbar spinal cord – XA6166 Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm –– XA9VV0 Posterior lateral nasal branches of the sphenopalatine artery –– XA2LX2 Cerebral vein –– XA8LE8 Anterior femoral cutaneous vein ––––– XA4530 Accesory right pulmonary vein ––– XA1ES4 Eponychium –– XA09H2 Carpal bones ––– XA2H23 Acromioclavicular ligament – XA1256 Internal intercostal muscle – XA28J9 Spinalis tendon XA8US7 Waldeyer ring –– XA6TL5 L1 level – XA9HJ5 Medial cutaneous nerve –– XA8FA1 Posterior meningeal artery ––– XA6DC3 Internal cerebral vein – XA60H0 Vena cava –––– XA1SF4 Common left sided trunk of pulmonary veins ––– XA0NS1 Hyponychium ––– XA7480 Scaphoid bone –––– XA49Z7 Inferior acromioclavicular ligament – XA7NL0 Levator costarum muscle – XA09K4 Teres major tendon XA3V90 Palatine tonsil –– XA8X63 L2 level – XA7K97 Medial cutaneous nerve of arm –– XA4Q78 Posterior septal branches of the sphenopalatine artery ––– XA1MX7 Deep middle cerebral vein XA21T7 Blood Vessels ––– XA0F36 Pulmonary capillaries – XA63U7 Eccrine gland –––– XA8E71 Distal pole of scaphoid –––– XA8RC9 Superior acromioclavicular ligament – XA1QH6 Pectoralis major muscle – XA42P8 Teres minor tendon XA33X2 Lymph nodes –– XA57M0 L3 level – XA26F7 Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm –– XA1K74 Pterygoid branches ––– XA0U80 Inferior cerebral vein – XA6943 Blood vessel of the finger –– XA5TT2 Pleura –– XA6PJ1 Acrosyringium –––– XA1GV4 Distal third of the scaphoid bone ––– XA01C8 Anterior ligament of the shoulder – XA0SB2 Pectoralis minor muscle – XA9PV0 Trapezius tendon XA9U65 Lymph nodes of head, face and neck –– XA1ZV5 L4 level – XA3P46 Muscular branches of the radial nerve –– XA1BZ0 Sphenopalatine artery, terminal branch ––– XA43H1 Middle cerebral vein – XA7SM4 Blood vessel of the thumb ––– XA1B59 Visceral pleura –– XA7P52 Eccrine sweat duct –––– XA3ZG5 Middle third of the scaphoid bone ––– XA2JQ3 Anterior sternoclavicular ligament – XA7QL8 Serratus anterior muscle XA1SN1 Tendons of the pelvis and perineum – XA6H69 Occipital lymph node –– XA86M5 L5 level – XA89K2 Palmar branch of the median nerve –– XA90T0 Submental artery of the cervical artery ––– XA4WV6 Superficial middle cerebral vein – XA6Y60 Blood vessels at wrist or hand level ––– XA7RC6 Parietal pleura –– XA5VA9 Eccrine sweat coil –––– XA5ZE5 Proximal third of the scaphoid bone ––– XA8MA3 Coracoacromial ligament – XA44Y8 Subcostalis muscle – XA15H4 Bulbospongiosus tendon – XA7YF1 Auricular lymph node – XA85J0 Sacral spinal cord – XA7FU0 Palmar branch of ulnar nerve ––– XA6FR0 Superficial branch of the submental artery ––– XA0E47 Superior cerebral vein – XA08R7 Blood vessel of the kidney – XA4U64 Artery of lung XA1QT7 Dermis ––– XA30C8 Lunate bone ––– XA9WP5 Coracoclavicular ligament – XA3G64 Transversus thoracis muscle – XA45X9 Coccygeus tendon –– XA91C5 Posterior auricular lymph node –– XA3407 S1 level – XA0KL7 Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm –– XA0898 Superficial branch of the transverse cervical artery ––– XA7VW1 Small anterior cerebral vein – XA5K61 Blood vessel of the lung –– XA2AT1 Efferent arteriole of the interlobular artery – XA4LG9 Papillary dermis ––– XA4A64 Triquetrum bone –––– XA4PU7 Conoid ligament XA8PG5 Muscle of the abdomen – XA4755 Cremaster tendon –– XA56J5 Preauricular lymph node –– XA8EL3 S2 level – XA2XU7 Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm –– XA82P9 Superficial petrosal branch of the anterior and posterior meningeal artery ––– XA18W3 Great cerebral vein – XA9AN5 Blood vessel of the neck –– XA6WT9 Interlobar artery – XA2Q30 Reticular dermis ––– XA8SZ6 Pisiform bone –––– XA5SJ7 Trapezoid ligament – XA3TW8 External oblique abdominis muscle – XA2BV5 Dartos tendon – XA0W17 Parotid lymph node –– XA1VA6 S3 level – XA2E94 Superficial branch of the radial nerve –– XA7423 Superior cerebellar artery –– XA49Y4 Choroid vein – XA8N71 Blood vessel of the thorax –– XA2S57 Interlobular artery XA2013 Hypodermis ––– XA7XM2 Trapezium bone ––– XA5EW9 Coracohumeral ligament – XA9B36 Internal oblique abdominis muscle – XA2TD5 Deep transverse perinei tendon –– XA1Q47 Subparotid lymph node –– XA2EF6 S4 level – XA6B07 Superior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm –– XA9GU1 Superior laryngeal artery –– XA7C08 Cricothyroid vein – XA7P54 Blood vessel of hip –– XA3713 Pulmonary trunk – XA5CS6 Subcutaneous fat ––– XA9DH2 Trapezoid bone ––– XA1PK9 Costoclavicular ligament – XA43E9 Psoas major muscle – XA6QW7 Iliococcygeus tendon –– XA85E1 Superficial parotid lymph node –– XA4L09 S5 level – XA2M04 Ansa cervicalis –– XA50Q9 Superior tympanic artery –– XA9U81 Deep cervical vein – XA9M17 Blood vessels at lower leg level ––– XA06T2 Capitate bone ––– XA8H81 Glenohumeral ligament – XA7DA1 Psoas minor muscle – XA7YP5 Ischiocavernosus tendon –– XA07P4 Deep parotid lymph node – XA5QM0 Medullary cavity – XA6RQ4 Anterior interosseous nerve –– XA6W31 Supratrochlear artery –– XA2QB0 Diploic vein – XA2769 Capillary, not elsewhere classified XA8182 Mouth ––– XA8488 Hamate bone ––– XA5Z24 Glenoidal labrum ligament – XA6AY9 Pyramidalis muscle – XA5JV1 Pubococcygeus tendon – XA2U89 Facial lymph node – XA2FQ1 Conus medullaris – XA6PJ8 Anterior superior alveolar nerve –– XA65G3 Temporal branches of the anterior and posterior meningeal artery ––– XA6VQ5 Frontal diploic vein – XA5TF7 Cerebral vasculature XA5TW5 Vestibule of mouth XA4S38 Axial skeleton –––– XA97A0 Hook of hamate ––– XA84L3 Interclavicular ligament – XA1GP3 Quadratus lumborum muscle – XA66F5 Puborectalis tendon –– XA1SG7 Buccinator lymph node XA8EK9 Cranial Nerve – XA54B9 Bulbar nuclei –– XA9XH0 Thyrocervical trunk ––– XA6694 Anterior temporal diploic vein – XA4H19 Intracranial blood vessels, not elsewhere classified – XA9072 Labial mucosa of upper lip – XA4RY5 Bones of the head ––– XA0GJ4 Carpal tunnel ––– XA3PT9 Posterior sternoclavicular ligament – XA1N65 Rectus abdominis muscle – XA32R3 Pubovaginalis tendon –– XA8DW7 Mandibular lymph node – XA5QD6 Olfactory nerve – XA89R1 Celiac ganglion ––– XA2E78 Tonsillar branch of the cervical artery ––– XA5AY0 Posterior temporal diploic vein – XA1SX5 Extracranial blood vessels, not elsewhere classified – XA72W2 Labial mucosa of lower lip –– XA1RZ4 Cranial Bones ––– XA22M5 Base of other carpal bone ––– XA6EG3 Rotator cuff capsule – XA9FR3 Transversus abdominis muscle XA0WU6 Tendons of the upper extremity –– XA2S79 Deep facial lymph node – XA1E00 Optic nerve – XA8QL3 Diagonal band of Broca –– XA6142 Transverse cervical artery ––– XA2HM1 Occipital diploic vein XA6H07 Heart – XA8WB3 Buccal mucosa ––– XA0E94 Base of the skull ––– XA9640 Neck of other carpal bone ––– XA6EE7 Spinoglenoid ligament XA8Z76 Muscle of the back – XA5AY5 Abductor digiti minimi tendon – XA1DV2 Lingual lymph node – XA7488 Oculomotor nerve – XA66H0 Geniculate ganglion –– XA9M59 Transverse facial artery –– XA12G2 Emissary vein of the foramen of Vesalius – XA6548 Left atrium – XA0S17 Retromolar region ––– XA2BH0 Calvarium ––– XA5TX9 Shaft of other carpal bone ––– XA5MU7 Suprascapular ligament – XA19S9 Iliocostalis muscle – XA7YE1 Abductor pollicis brevis tendon –– XA8027 Sublingual lymph node – XA0GK2 Trochlear nerve – XA6B81 Intermediate cutaneous nerve –– XA5D86 Twig to the upper part of lacrimal sac of the dorsal nasal artery –– XA14M4 Emissary vein –– XA7V72 Mitral valve – XA44M8 Labial sulcus ––– XA0KU6 Cranial fossa –– XA3YX4 Metacarpal bone ––– XA9C92 Transverse humeral ligament – XA8YU1 Interspinales muscle – XA0UY5 Abductor pollicis longus tendon – XA42P9 Submental lymph node – XA72G0 Trigeminal nerve – XA8AU6 Jugular ganglion –– XA1XP6 Vertebral artery ––– XA6BA1 Condyloid emissary vein ––– XA3GE9 Cusps of mitral valve –– XA2151 Superior labial sulcus –––– XA7B66 Anterior fossa ––– XA58X4 First metacarpal –– XA5Y12 Ligament of the elbow – XA02Z7 Intertransversarii muscle – XA9749 Adductor pollicis tendon – XA9E80 Submandibular lymph node –– XA95Y8 Trigeminal nerve, ophthalmic branch – XA1Z01 Long root of the ciliary ganglion ––– XA3NW4 Meningeal branches of vertebral artery ––– XA4K04 Occipital emissary vein ––– XA69W6 Chordae tendineae of mitral valve –– XA52Q7 Inferior labial sulcus –––– XA8Y22 Middle fossa –––– XA12D2 Head of the first metacarpal bone ––– XA0JJ8 Annular ligament – XA9AG9 Latissimus dorsi muscle – XA4HK3 Anconeus tendon – XA4759 Anterior cervical lymph node ––– XA5BP8 Ethmoidal nerve – XA9RD0 Middle cervical ganglion ––– XA6TE8 Ascending branch of the vertebral artery ––– XA8C81 Mastoid emissary vein – XA78X5 Interatrial septum – XA6A73 Buccal sulcus –––– XA5U78 Posterior fossa –––– XA8J87 Neck of the first metacarpal bone ––– XA4S76 Ligament of Struthers – XA00C1 Levator scapulae muscle – XA8AM4 Biceps brachii tendon –– XA9PW0 Deep cervical lymph node –––– XA8482 External nasal nerve – XA5QF4 Musculocutaneous nerve ––– XA3R20 Descending branch of the vertebral artery ––– XA0T02 Parietal emissary vein – XA6T92 Right atrium –– XA6WJ3 Superolateral buccal sulcus ––– XA2SR4 Ethmoid bone –––– XA5N95 Shaft of the first metacarpal bone ––– XA16Y4 Posterior ligament of elbow – XA6MB7 Longissimus muscle –– XA2UD9 Long head of biceps brachii tendon ––– XA2RE9 Prelaryngeal lymph node ––– XA7F46 Frontal nerve – XA96Q6 Nerve of the cervical region –– XA1C15 Supraorbital artery –– XA74U9 Frontal vein –– XA6FF2 Tricuspid valve –– XA5MG3 Inferolateral buccal sulcus ––– XA6ZM9 Frontal bone –––– XA2P67 Base of the first metacarpal bone ––– XA8B40 Quadrate ligament – XA8512 Multifidus muscle –– XA0FB1 Short head of biceps brachii tendon ––– XA4LC1 Pretracheal lymph node –––– XA31J6 Supraorbital nerve – XA1HC7 Nerve to obturator internus ––– XA6503 Superficial branch of the supraorbital artery –– XA0CA3 Frontal venous lacunae ––– XA19H9 Cusps of tricuspid valve XA54T3 Gingivae ––– XA5JA2 Occipital bone ––– XA5HE0 Second metacarpal ––– XA9WJ8 Radial collateral ligament – XA25S1 Rhomboid major muscle – XA9G06 Brachialis tendon ––– XA7W32 Paratracheal lymph node –––– XA95V8 Supratrochlear nerve – XA8PE3 Nerve to the piriformis ––– XA8BL5 Deep branch of the supraorbital artery –– XA3DS7 Great anastomotic vein of Trolard ––– XA4LY3 Chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve – XA6743 Upper gingiva –––– XA4RS9 Occipital condyle –––– XA93C5 Head of the second metacarpal bone ––– XA9220 Ulnar collateral ligament – XA5GH5 Rhomboid minor muscle – XA3YY6 Brachioradialis tendon ––– XA08L8 Retropharyngeal lymph node ––– XA16M4 Lacrimal nerve – XA4XD7 Nerve to the subclavius –– XA34H5 Orbital branches of the anterior and posterior meningeal artery –– XA9GT2 Inferior striate vein – XA8FJ7 Left ventricle –– XA2C94 Upper alveolar mucosa –––– XA33W1 Occiput –––– XA8KU0 Neck of the second metacarpal bone –– XA6SA0 Interosseous membrane of forearm – XA76Q0 Rotatores muscle – XA83R8 Coracobrachialis tendon – XA60D1 Jugular lymph node ––– XA5WM9 Nasociliary nerve – XA0869 Nervus intermedius –– XA5C33 Infraorbital artery –– XA4ZZ3 Maxillary vein –– XA19J4 Aortic valve –– XA7DA0 Upper alveolar ridge mucosa ––– XA2J87 Parietal bone –––– XA4RC8 Shaft of the second metacarpal bone –– XA9Y28 Ligament of the wrist and hand – XA60Q0 Semispinalis muscle – XA0942 Deltoid tendon –– XA6YX2 Anterior jugular node –– XA8KJ5 Trigeminal nerve, maxillary branch – XA2KG8 Nervus spinosus ––– XA05E9 Orbital branches of the infraorbital artery –– XA23C4 Laryngeal vein ––– XA2QK7 Cusps of aortic valve – XA9303 Lower gingiva ––– XA63R0 Sphenoid bone –––– XA37V2 Base of the second metacarpal bone ––– XA9MY7 Collateral carpal ligament – XA4A47 Serratus posterior inferior muscle – XA24P4 Dorsal Interosseous tendon –– XA6HG6 Jugulodigastric lymph node ––– XA4E11 Inferior palpebral nerve – XA5NY4 Nodose ganglion –– XA9RA2 Long posterior ciliary artery ––– XA2JH6 Inferior laryngeal vein –– XA7S34 Left ventricular papillary muscles –– XA96F2 Lower alveolar mucosa –––– XA9N34 Pituitary fossa ––– XA7J93 Third metacarpal ––– XA0K88 Collateral metacarpophalangeal ligament – XA15B6 Serratus posterior superior muscle – XA18F0 Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon –– XA5A75 Jugulo-omohyoid lymph node ––– XA3G43 Infraorbital nerve – XA4548 Obturator nerve –– XA04E2 Short posterior ciliary artery ––– XA3XZ1 Superior laryngeal vein – XA5651 Interventricular septum –– XA8C21 Lower alveolar ridge mucosa ––– XA2P19 Temporal bone –––– XA6442 Head of the third metacarpal bone ––– XA20K5 Dorsal carpometacarpal ligament – XA0U57 Spinalis muscle – XA1T90 Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon – XA5XT7 Cervical lymph node ––– XA9G70 Middle meningeal nerve – XA9519 Paraganglion –– XA94Y6 Anterior ciliary artery –– XA8Z61 Masseteric vein – XA9HH8 Right ventricle – XA3SP9 Alveolar mucosa –––– XA1E15 Petrous bone –––– XA50H4 Neck of the third metacarpal bone ––– XA0PE4 Dorsal intercarpal ligament – XA7RM2 Teres major muscle – XA4PY2 Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon –– XA4R20 Inferior cervical lymph node ––– XA0S35 Nasopalatine nerve –– XA0VA6 Aortic body –– XA5RB0 Central retinal artery –– XA8NY9 Lingual vein –– XA5Y16 Right ventricular papillary muscles XA6CZ2 Teeth –––– XA68N3 Mastoid –––– XA8BP2 Shaft of the third metacarpal bone ––– XA0WZ1 Dorsal intermetacarpal ligament – XA86Q8 Trapezius muscle – XA4WU2 Extensor digiti minimi tendon –– XA1W79 Lateral cervical lymph node ––– XA9LR9 Nerve of pterygoid canal –– XA6Y08 Coccygeal glomus –– XA22D8 Circulus arteriosus major artery –– XA4105 Meningeal vein –– XA6WC4 Pulmonary valve – XA4GG3 Permanent dentition ––– XA8E69 Orbital bone –––– XA8NK6 Base of the third metacarpal bone ––– XA2PN5 Dorsal metacarpophalangeal ligament XA2J71 Muscles of the pelvis and perineum – XA5H06 Extensor digitorum tendon –– XA6AC0 Superior deep cervical lymph node ––– XA7P00 Palatine nerve –– XA17K2 Glomus jugulare –– XA8T70 Circulus arteriosus minor artery ––– XA8D07 Anterior meningeal vein ––– XA1403 Cusps of pulmonary valve –– XA5306 Upper right 3rd molar –––– XA9XW3 Orbital roof ––– XA9KB7 Fourth metacarpal ––– XA7Q52 Dorsal radiocarpal ligament – XA2E07 Bulbospongiosus muscle – XA4EE2 Extensor indicis tendon –– XA3S48 Inferior deep cervical lymph node ––– XA5Q86 Pharyngeal nerve –– XA8S02 Para-aortic body –– XA5P69 Lacrimal artery ––– XA5600 Middle meningeal vein – XA3B03 Coronary arteries –– XA0BR9 Upper right 2nd molar –––– XA7MW9 Orbital floor –––– XA8X42 Head of the fourth metacarpal bone ––– XA52E8 Interosseous ligament – XA5FZ1 Cremaster muscle – XA5KN6 Extensor pollicis brevis tendon –– XA7N00 Superficial cervical lymph node ––– XA3W58 Sphenopalatine nerves – XA1GM8 Pelvic splanchnic nerve –– XA00Q9 Lateral palpebral artery ––– XA73V2 Posterior meningeal vein –– XA0F62 Left main coronary artery –– XA0TL3 Upper right 1st molar –– XA3Y16 Facial bones –––– XA9NT7 Neck of the fourth metacarpal bone ––– XA10U4 Palmar aponeurosis – XA8HG2 Dartos muscle – XA4CG6 Extensor pollicis longus tendon – XA00M7 Supraclavicular lymph node ––– XA6AE9 Superior labial nerve – XA6GZ8 Perforating cutaneous nerve –– XA8VA1 Medial palpebral artery –– XA01E7 Occipital vein ––– XA9FX9 Left circumflex artery –– XA45K9 Upper right 2nd bicuspid ––– XA5CQ0 Hyoid bone –––– XA4CP7 Shaft of the fourth metacarpal bone ––– XA1Z72 Pisohamate ligament – XA2LG6 Deep transverse perinei muscle – XA8U10 Extensor tendon ––– XA15W6 Lower lip –– XA9Y82 Lateral border of foot –––– XA5VD0 External lower lip –– XA3WM8 Medial border of foot –––– XA9TK2 Vermilion border of lower lip –– XA3T29 Arch of foot –––– XA7H02 Vermilion of lower lip – XA4LC9 Toes ––– XA1BP2 Inner aspect of lip –– XA2RP7 Great toe –––– XA3141 Frenulum of lip ––– XA4774 Perionychium of great toe ––– XA3K27 External lip –––– XA8L19 Proximal nail fold of great toe –– XA2C62 Chin –––– XA7WP9 Eponychium of great toe – XA04T9 Skin of nose –––– XA7GD8 Lateral nail fold of great toe XA7AA6 Neck –––– XA2F64 Hyponychium of great toe XA4QS6 Front of neck ––– XA1RE3 Great toenail – XA1NS6 Anterior triangle of neck –––– XA64R9 Lunula of great toe –– XA5TZ1 Submental region –––– XA0HX8 Nail bed of great toe –– XA0MP5 Submandibular region –––– XA47T1 Nail plate of great toe –– XA8RA2 Suprasternal notch ––– XA6VJ2 Pad of great toe – XA9DQ5 Supraclavicular region –– XA8ZZ3 Second toe XA2ZF0 Side of neck ––– XA5446 Perionychium of second toe – XA45K8 Posterior triangle of neck –––– XA1ED1 Proximal nail fold of second toe XA1M78 Nape of neck –––– XA0SL7 Eponychium of second toe XA3FR3 Trunk –––– XA7003 Lateral nail fold of second toe XA4QH7 Upper trunk –––– XA2ZJ7 Hyponychium of second toe XA5D93 Thorax ––– XA7GG3 Second toenail – XA55T2 Chest wall –––– XA9439 Lunula of second toe –– XA00R3 Anterior thoracic region –––– XA7B22 Nail bed of second toe ––– XA8ML7 Upper anterior thoracic region –––– XA1WQ6 Nail plate of second toe –––– XA4MN6 Clavicular region ––– XA3626 Pad of second toe –––– XA6M63 Infraclavicular region –– XA0SP3 Third toe –––– XA5MS8 Presternal region ––– XA3UC8 Perionychium of third toe ––– XA7GU3 Lower anterior thoracic region –––– XA2484 Proximal nail fold of third toe –– XA7884 Lateral thoracic region –––– XA8DQ2 Eponychium of third toe ––– XA9RL9 Upper lateral thoracic region –––– XA1MM3 Lateral nail fold of third toe –––– XA0XL3 Anterolateral upper thoracic region –––– XA2H72 Hyponychium of third toe –––– XA5C28 Posterolateral upper thoracic region ––– XA5JP9 Pad of third toe ––– XA9MN4 Lower lateral thoracic region ––– XA3D73 Third toenail –––– XA3266 Anterolateral lower thoracic region –––– XA9UL1 Lunula of third toe –––– XA7MS4 Posterolateral lower thoracic region –––– XA6189 Nail bed of third toe – XA10L7 Upper back –––– XA3LW9 Nail plate of third toe –– XA3PG8 Suprascapular region –– XA4KK7 Fourth toe –– XA3WD7 Scapular region ––– XA40R3 Perionychium of fourth toe –– XA9LN5 Interscapular region –––– XA2Y79 Proximal nail fold of fourth toe –– XA8NK1 Infrascapular region –––– XA0XZ8 Eponychium of fourth toe –– XA6RF2 Lower thoracic paraspinal region –––– XA0PV4 Lateral nail fold of fourth toe – XA8EK1 Skin of thorax –––– XA4ZB3 Hyponychium of fourth toe XA12C1 Breast ––– XA9316 Pad of fourth toe – XA1NS5 Upper half of breast ––– XA6TS5 Fourth toenail –– XA3LS6 Upper inner quadrant of breast –––– XA2PD3 Lunula of fourth toe –– XA2Q54 Upper outer quadrant of breast –––– XA65U3 Nail bed of fourth toe –– XA3PG5 Axillary tail of breast –––– XA8F87 Nail plate of fourth toe – XA0US1 Central portion of breast –– XA42W4 Fifth toe –– XA2JK3 Areola ––– XA1AV3 Perionychium of fifth toe –– XA85A1 Lactiferous ducts –––– XA43K6 Proximal nail fold of fifth toe –– XA5MC5 Nipple –––– XA2W24 Eponychium of fifth toe – XA3UY3 Lower half of breast –––– XA38J0 Lateral nail fold of fifth toe –– XA0VX8 Lower inner quadrant of breast –––– XA0DD8 Hyponychium of fifth toe –– XA94U2 Lower outer quadrant of breast ––– XA3C43 Pad of fifth toe – XA9CM2 Lateral half of breast ––– XA3VM6 Fifth toenail – XA3JH6 Medial half of breast –––– XA1PK7 Lunula of fifth toe – XA0T50 Inframammary flexure –––– XA9L52 Nail bed of fifth toe XA6CY1 Lower trunk –––– XA4U10 Nail plate of fifth toe XA6GV0 Abdomen –– XA9LJ5 Plantar surface of toe – XA0U66 Upper abdomen –– XA7J49 Dorsal surface of toe –– XA8ZL8 Epigastrium –– XA14Y9 Side of toe –– XA3TD4 Hypochondrium –– XA9E36 Toenail – XA1LM1 Periumbilical region –– XA3MT8 Umbilicus – XA1DN2 Lateral lumbar region – XA4TC0 Lower abdomen –– XA6N20 Hypogastrium –– XA0NH8 Iliac region – XA3KX0 Abdominal wall –– XA4SN6 Anterior abdominal wall XA25R8 Lumbosacral region – XA6ZR2 Mid back –– XA7ZW8 Lumbar paraspinal region –– XA8FK6 Posterior lumbar region – XA9ET2 Lower back –– XA6DS1 Coccygeal area –– XA2UC8 Sacral region ––– XA4L23 Sacrococcygeal region XA2P90 Back XA8HA7 Anogenital region XA5FG3 Genital region – XA9PG6 Female external genitalia – XA1AK8 Male external genitalia –– XA8MT4 Scrotum XA9PX3 Perigenital region – XA0LF4 Suprapubic area – XA10Z0 Mons pubis – XA2XG2 Inguinocrural fold –– XA00B4 Inguinal canal XA4B34 Perianal region – XA53N9 Perineum – XA2F27 Intergluteal cleft XA6AS2 Extremities XA4BA8 Upper extremity XA2ND5 Shoulder – XA3PZ3 Anterior surface of shoulder – XA5BU5 Apex of shoulder – XA34G7 Posterior surface of shoulder XA17J1 Axilla – XA41A1 Anterior axillary fold – XA86E8 Apex of axilla – XA2RY5 Posterior axillary fold XA6809 Upper arm – XA22Q1 Anterior surface of upper arm – XA2W33 Lateral surface of upper arm – XA5TK8 Posterior surface of upper arm – XA3J41 Medial surface of upper arm XA9FF8 Elbow – XA9NE6 Antecubital fossa – XA6599 Lateral condylar surface of elbow – XA3RT8 Elbow tip – XA4983 Medial condylar surface of elbow XA7WB0 Forearm – XA8ZL6 Volar surface of forearm – XA1VA2 Lateral surface of forearm – XA8WH0 Dorsal surface of forearm – XA2Q46 Medial surface of forearm XA2J63 Wrist – XA6AR5 Volar surface of wrist – XA3LK1 Radial border of wrist – XA0SH5 Dorsal surface of wrist – XA0J47 Ulnar border of wrist XA5R12 Hand – XA30Z6 Dorsum of hand –– XA3T43 Knuckles – XA65Z3 Interdigital web space of hand –– XA1BR6 First interdigital web space of hand –– XA5PY9 Second interdigital web space of hand –– XA4012 Third interdigital web space of hand –– XA3WG2 Fourth interdigital web space of hand – XA3NY8 Palm of hand –– XA3FJ0 Proximal palm ––– XA2JN4 Thenar eminence ––– XA5TQ4 Hypothenar eminence –– XA50E4 Central palm –– XA00D7 Distal palm – XA2593 Fingers and thumb –– XA8DJ6 Thumb ––– XA0RL8 Perionychium of thumb –––– XA13E9 Proximal nailfold of thumb –––– XA20L7 Eponychium of thumb –––– XA4GD7 Lateral nailfold of thumb –––– XA63L0 Hyponychium of thumb ––– XA5PD5 Thumbnail –––– XA6DM1 Lunula of thumb –––– XA9N39 Nail bed of thumb –––– XA5V24 Nail plate of thumb ––– XA5ZV0 Pad of thumb ––– XA76N2 Dorsum of thumb –– XA6NZ0 Index finger ––– XA6YH1 Perionychium of index finger –––– XA90K8 Eponychium of index finger –––– XA2UG0 Hyponychium of index finger ––– XA40D9 Index fingernail –––– XA1GS3 Lunula of index finger –––– XA1SB3 Nail bed of index finger –––– XA2XE0 Nail plate of index finger ––– XA6TA9 Pad of index finger –– XA0Y38 Middle finger ––– XA1FY2 Perionychium of middle finger –––– XA8YE5 Proximal nail fold of middle finger –––– XA13L6 Eponychium of middle finger –––– XA2N38 Lateral nail fold of middle finger –––– XA8KX8 Hyponychium of middle finger ––– XA9YZ9 Middle fingernail –––– XA8VS0 Lunula of middle finger –––– XA2A53 Nail bed of middle finger –––– XA10T8 Nail plate of middle finger ––– XA79X0 Pad of middle finger –– XA06X8 Ring finger ––– XA7K11 Perionychium of ring finger –––– XA1F61 Proximal nail fold of ring finger –––– XA8L06 Eponychium of ring finger –––– XA3HG9 Lateral nail fold of ring finger –––– XA1W89 Hyponychium of ring finger ––– XA6Y59 Ring fingernail –––– XA4P58 Lunula of ring finger –––– XA3MW5 Nail bed of ring finger –––– XA3PS0 Nail plate of ring finger ––– XA6C72 Pad of ring finger –– XA5EN3 Little finger ––– XA89P0 Perionychium of little finger –––– XA4KU5 Proximal nail fold of little finger –––– XA2AV8 Eponychium of little finger –––– XA3LC5 Lateral nail fold of little finger –––– XA1C10 Hyponychium of little finger ––– XA4WN3 Pad of little finger ––– XA29K9 Little fingernail –––– XA3R66 Lunula of little finger –––– XA6HB9 Nail bed of little finger –––– XA4A79 Nail plate of little finger –– XA4HZ3 Side of finger –– XA7GT9 Tips of fingers ––– XA41X5 Tip of index finger ––– XA9Y99 Tip of middle finger ––– XA91S7 Tip of ring finger ––– XA8QW7 Tip of little finger XA1RS6 Head and neck – XA0EH9 Fingernails XA20Q1 Head XA66R9 Skin of elbow XA6CW5 Scalp XA45A6 Lower extremity – XA0WK0 Frontal scalp XA3VA7 Buttock –– XA0WG9 Frontal scalp margin – XA5UE3 Gluteal fold – XA9DZ0 Temporal scalp XA5S78 Thigh –– XA26C1 Temporal scalp margin – XA98B3 Anterior surface of thigh – XA4W34 Parietal scalp – XA8RH9 Lateral surface of thigh – XA7JE5 Occipital scalp –– XA4TQ2 Trochanteric region –– XA3EK3 Occipital scalp margin – XA0183 Posterior surface of thigh – XA5BY6 Vertex of scalp – XA1YQ6 Medial surface of thigh – XA6AL1 Scalp margin –– XA9ZB4 Upper medial surface of thigh –– XA93S9 Parietal scalp margin XA8KL5 Knee XA86S4 Face – XA9L17 Patellar region – XA6TR8 Forehead – XA77E9 Lateral surface of knee –– XA9SG2 Central forehead – XA9S09 Medial surface of knee –– XA1UW4 Paramedian forehead – XA4DM3 Popliteal fossa –– XA1Z38 Lateral forehead XA3YG1 Lower leg –– XA90D8 Glabella – XA33X4 Anterior surface of lower leg – XA9T94 Temple – XA4K86 Calf – XA29E7 Orbital region –– XA4RR4 Lateral surface of lower leg –– XA0SB3 Periorbital region –– XA0LQ2 Posterior surface of lower leg ––– XA5WP1 Supraorbital region –– XA15P0 Medial surface of lower leg –––– XA1LZ5 Eyebrow – XA5U49 Distal lower leg ––– XA6TV2 Infraorbital region – XA90X0 Proximal lower leg – XA7MK8 Cheek XA67V4 Ankle –– XA5KE9 Upper cheek – XA2V14 Anterior surface of ankle ––– XA0M67 Malar region – XA7AM4 Lateral surface of ankle –––– XA57N0 Malar eminence –– XA1D83 Lateral supramalleolar region –– XA6C41 Central cheek –– XA41K4 Lateral retromalleolar region –– XA3ZL3 Paranasal region – XA7P78 Medial surface of ankle –– XA7207 Lower cheek –– XA87M9 Medial supramalleolar region ––– XA0SU2 Preauricular region –– XA1SM7 Medial retromalleolar region ––– XA8KA2 Mandibular region – XA6AP4 Posterior surface of ankle – XA3H13 Nose XA47V8 Foot –– XA0LR7 Root of nose – XA99M7 Hindfoot –– XA5YP3 Dorsum of nose –– XA5HK0 Heel ––– XA3057 Supratip of nose ––– XA5ZE2 Posterior surface of heel –– XA9JN5 Lateral side wall of nose ––– XA1QH8 Medial surface of heel –– XA56T3 Tip of nose ––– XA3R99 Lateral surface of heel ––– XA3ZG3 Infratip lobule of nose ––– XA2N02 Plantar surface of heel –– XA32Q9 Ala nasi – XA5151 Midfoot ––– XA5ED7 Alar groove –– XA02P2 Dorsal surface of midfoot ––– XA7LG9 Alar rim – XA5YL1 Forefoot ––– XA2TK5 Side wall of ala nasi –– XA81Z3 Dorsal surface of forefoot –– XA1B05 Nostril –– XA1FL5 Interdigital web space of foot ––– XA4S17 Columella ––– XA81N1 First interdigital web space of foot ––– XA9YZ7 Sill of nostril ––– XA8HC5 Second interdigital web space of foot – XA5A87 Oral region ––– XA9LB9 Third interdigital web space of foot –– XA1A48 Perioral region ––– XA2A07 Fourth interdigital web space of foot –– XA8JD4 Lip –– XA6KE9 Plantar surface of forefoot ––– XA7VQ4 Upper lip ––– XA6V29 First metatarsal head region –––– XA0K68 External upper lip ––– XA2P22 Second metatarsal head region ––––– XA5LY8 Philtrum ––– XA0HX4 Third metatarsal head region ––––– XA5163 Nasolabial fold ––– XA86J0 Fourth metatarsal head region –––– XA8RK1 Vermilion border of upper lip ––– XA05N7 Fifth metatarsal head region –––– XA75S0 Vermilion of upper lip – XA8BE2 Dorsum of foot ––– XA1EF8 Labial commissure – XA1XM4 Sole of foot XA4UM2 Alveolar wall XA5UL3 Cell wall XA3JR1 Intestinal Wall XA37C7 Oral floor XA9KX3 Parietal wall XA5CW9 Pelvic floor XA29C1 Pelvic wall XA60B5 Rectovaginal septum XA37K5 Rectovesical septum XA1DP8 Uterine wall XA57Q2 Vaginal wall XA06R8 Body fluid XA1N55 Cerebrospinal fluid XA08M4 Interstitial fluid XA2L90 Serous fluid XA0518 Synovial fluid XA0UK0 Bone tissue XA7YJ2 Collagen fibres XA5A05 Connective tissue XA6R65 Adipose tissue XA0FR0 Fascia XA51U1 Loose connective tissue XA53R0 Perichondrium XA7YP0 Periodontium XA6FQ2 Periosteum XA3G85 Synovium XA8SZ4 Lymphatic tissue XA97C4 Soft tissue, not elsewhere classified – XA5P05 Soft tissue of limb, not elsewhere classified XA56S9 Epithelium XA0PT3 Mucosa XA0182 Mesothelium XA1922 Gamete XA95A3 Female gamete XA2470 Male gamete XA39T1 Muscle tissue XA6283 Cardiac muscle XA0DD5 Skeletal muscle XA0JY3 Smooth muscle XA5B23 Nervous Tissue XA1J91 Neuroglia XA1413 Neuron – XA5BW5 Interneuron – XA5DJ5 Motor Neuron – XA2LT7 Sensory Neuron XA1ZV6 Cranial cavity XA1XM6 Subarachnoid space XA1FQ8 Subdural space XA9QA7 Dorsal body cavity XA1GB6 Perineural space XA2N82 Ventral body cavity XA34B0 Abdominopelvic cavity – XA9M74 Abdominal cavity – XA25Q2 Pelvic cavity –– XA9CK0 Ischiorectal fossa –– XA53A7 Presacral region –– XA2EG4 Perirectal region –– XA0GN7 Inguinal region XA7WA2 Mediastinum – XA5UF8 Anterior mediastinum – XA99Z0 Middle mediastinum – XA1FD0 Posterior mediastinum – XA8607 Connective and other soft tissues of mediastinum XA8YW7 Vertebral cavity XA8SS8 Epidural space XA4LQ4 Intramedullary space XA1XJ5 Thoracic cavity XA3LX5 Pleural cavity XA2RT1 Precordium Has manifestation - multiple selections are allowed [select] 9A60.Y Other specified conjunctivitis GA80 Ulcerative disorders of the penis or scrotum GA80.0 Aphthosis of penis or scrotum GA80.1 Ulcer of penis of uncertain nature GA80.Y Other specified ulcerative disorders of penis and scrotum GA81 Miscellaneous dermatoses of male genitalia GA81.0 Penoscrotal pruritus GA81.Y Other specified dermatoses of male genitalia GA90 Hyperplasia of prostate GA91 Inflammatory and other diseases of prostate GA91.0 Chronic prostatitis GA91.1 Abscess of prostate GA91.2 Prostatocystitis GA91.3 Calculus of prostate GA91.4 Haemorrhage of the prostate GA91.5 Atrophy of prostate GA91.6 Low grade intraepithelial lesion of prostate GA91.Y Other specified inflammatory and other diseases of prostate GA91.Z Inflammatory and other diseases of prostate, unspecified GB00 Hydrocele or spermatocele GB00.0 Encysted hydrocele GB00.1 Infected hydrocele GB00.2 Spermatocele GB00.Y Other specified hydrocele or spermatocele GB00.Z Hydrocele or spermatocele, unspecified GB01 Torsion of testis, epididymis or appendices GB01.0 Torsion of testis GB01.1 Torsion of epididymis GB01.2 Torsion of hydatids GB01.Z Torsion of testis, epididymis or appendices, unspecified GB02 Orchitis or epididymitis GB02.0 Orchitis, epididymitis or epididymo-orchitis with abscess GB02.1 Orchitis, epididymitis or epididymo-orchitis without abscess GB02.Y Other specified orchitis or epididymitis GB02.Z Orchitis or epididymitis, unspecified GB03 Atrophy of testis GB04 Male infertility GB04.0 Azoospermia GB04.Y Other specified male infertility GB04.Z Male infertility, unspecified GB05 Redundant prepuce, phimosis or paraphimosis GB05.0 Redundant prepuce GB05.1 Frenulum breve GB05.2 Phimosis GB05.3 Paraphimosis GB05.4 Adherent prepuce GB05.Z Redundant prepuce, phimosis or paraphimosis, unspecified GB06 Certain specified disorders of penis GB06.0 Balanoposthitis GB06.1 Priapism GB06.2 Penile fibromatosis GB06.3 Mondor disease of the penis GB06.4 Chronic penile oedema GB06.5 Sclerosing lymphangitis of penis GB06.Y Other specified disorders of penis GB06.Z Disorders of penis, unspecified GB06.01 Irritant balanoposthitis GB06.02 Balanoposthitis due to infection GB06.0Y Other specified forms of balanitis and balanoposthitis GB06.0Z Balanoposthitis, unspecified GB07 Inflammatory disorders of male genital organs, not elsewhere classified GB07.0 Inflammatory disorders of seminal vesicle GB07.1 Inflammatory disorders of spermatic cord, tunica vaginalis or vas deferens GB07.2 Inflammatory disorders of scrotum GB07.Y Other specified inflammatory disorders of male genital organs, not elsewhere classified GB08 Vascular disorders of male genital organs HA03 Ejaculatory dysfunctions HA03.0 Male early ejaculation HA03.1 Male delayed ejaculation HA03.Y Other specified ejaculatory dysfunctions HA03.Z Ejaculatory dysfunctions, unspecified HA03.00 Male early ejaculation, lifelong, generalised HA03.01 Male early ejaculation, lifelong, situational HA03.02 Male early ejaculation, acquired, generalised HA03.03 Male early ejaculation, acquired, situational HA03.0Z Male early ejaculation, unspecified HA03.10 Male delayed ejaculation, lifelong, generalised HA03.11 Male delayed ejaculation, lifelong, situational HA03.12 Male delayed ejaculation, acquired, generalised HA03.13 Male delayed ejaculation, acquired, situational HA03.1Z Male delayed ejaculation, unspecified MF40 Problems of male genital organs MF40.0 Symptom or complaint of the penis MF40.1 Problems of the prostate MF40.2 Symptom or complaint of the scrotum or testis MF40.3 Retrograde ejaculation MF40.Y Other specified problems of male genital organs MF40.Z Problems of male genital organs, unspecified – MF40.00 Pain in penis – MF40.0Y Other specified symptom or complaint of the penis – MF40.0Z Symptom or complaint of the penis, unspecified – MF40.20 Acute scrotal pain – MF40.21 Testicular pain – MF40.2Y Other specified symptom or complaint of the scrotum or testis – MF40.2Z Symptom or complaint of the scrotum or testis, unspecified EC92.0 Penoscrotodynia
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