Coding experts Alicia and Laureen from CCO review the new 2025 ICD-10-CM code changes.
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8A64 Single seizure due to remote causes International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 An unprovoked seizure occurring in a patient with no history of antecedent seizures but with abnormalities of brain development or a potentially responsible clinical condition (metabolic, structural, toxic). The temporal relationship with the CNS insult is beyond the interval estimated for the occurrence of acute symptomatic seizures. The CNS insult may be static or progressive.
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Has causing condition - a selection is required - multiple selections are allowed [select] 2A00 Primary neoplasms of brain – 2A00.0 Gliomas of brain – 2A00.1 Embryonal tumours of brain – 2A00.2 Tumours of neuroepithelial tissue of brain – 2A00.3 Central neurocytoma of brain – 2A00.4 Astroblastoma of the brain – 2A00.5 Primary neoplasm of brain of unknown or unspecified type –– 2A00.00 Glioblastoma of brain –– 2A00.0Y Other specified gliomas of brain –– 2A00.0Z Gliomas of brain, unspecified –– 2A00.10 Medulloblastoma of brain –– 2A00.11 Central primitive neuroectodermal tumour –– 2A00.1Y Other specified embryonal tumours of brain –– 2A00.1Z Embryonal tumours of brain, unspecified –– 2A00.20 Tumours of the pineal gland or pineal region –– 2A00.21 Mixed neuronal-glial tumours –– 2A00.22 Choroid plexus tumours –– 2A00.2Y Other specified tumours of neuroepithelial tissue of brain –– 2A00.2Z Tumours of neuroepithelial tissue of brain, unspecified 2A01 Primary neoplasms of meninges – 2A01.0 Meningiomas – 2A01.1 Mesenchymal tumours of meninges – 2A01.2 Primary neoplasm of meninges of unknown or unspecified type –– 2A01.00 Primary malignant meningioma –– 2A01.0Y Other specified meningiomas –– 2A01.0Z Meningiomas, unspecified 2A02 Primary neoplasm of spinal cord, cranial nerves or remaining parts of central nervous system – 2A02.0 Gliomas of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of the central nervous system – 2A02.1 Tumours of cranial or paraspinal nerves – 2A02.2 Primary neoplasm of spinal cord of unknown or unspecified type – 2A02.3 Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves – 2A02.4 Benign neoplasm of spinal cord –– 2A02.00 Glioblastoma of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of central nervous system –– 2A02.0Y Other specified gliomas of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of the central nervous system –– 2A02.0Z Gliomas of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of the central nervous system, unspecified –– 2A02.10 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour of cranial or paraspinal nerves –– 2A02.11 Paraspinal neuroblastoma –– 2A02.12 Malignant neoplasm of the optic nerve –– 2A02.1Y Other specified tumours of cranial or paraspinal nerves –– 2A02.1Z Tumours of cranial or paraspinal nerves, unspecified 2A0Z Other and unspecified neoplasms of brain or central nervous system 4A00 Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of innate immunity – 4A00.0 Functional neutrophil defects – 4A00.1 Defects in the complement system – 4A00.2 Genetic susceptibility to particular pathogens – 4A00.3 Immunodeficiency with natural-killer cell deficiency – 4A00.Y Other specified primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of innate immunity – 4A00.Z Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of innate immunity, unspecified –– 4A00.00 Neutrophil immunodeficiency syndrome –– 4A00.0Y Other specified functional neutrophil defects –– 4A00.0Z Functional neutrophil defects, unspecified –– 4A00.10 Immunodeficiency with an early component of complement deficiency –– 4A00.11 Immunodeficiency with a late component of complement deficiency –– 4A00.12 Immunodeficiency with factor B deficiency –– 4A00.13 Immunodeficiency with factor D anomaly –– 4A00.14 Hereditary angioedema –– 4A00.15 Acquired angioedema –– 4A00.1Y Other specified defects in the complement system –– 4A00.1Z Defects in the complement system, unspecified 4A01 Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of adaptive immunity – 4A01.0 Immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects – 4A01.1 Combined immunodeficiencies – 4A01.2 Diseases of immune dysregulation – 4A01.3 Other well-defined immunodeficiency syndromes due to defects in adaptive immunity – 4A01.Z Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of adaptive immunity, unspecified –– 4A01.00 Hereditary agammaglobulinaemia with profoundly reduced or absent B cells –– 4A01.01 Immunodeficiencies with severe reduction in at least two serum immunoglobulin isotypes with normal or low numbers of B cells –– 4A01.02 Specific antibody deficiency with normal immunoglobulin concentrations or normal number of B cells –– 4A01.03 Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy –– 4A01.04 Immunodeficiencies with isotype or light chain deficiencies with normal number of B cells –– 4A01.05 Immunodeficiencies with severe reduction in serum IgG or IgA with normal or elevated IgM and normal numbers of B-cells –– 4A01.0Y Other specified immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects –– 4A01.0Z Immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects, unspecified –– 4A01.10 Severe combined immunodeficiencies –– 4A01.11 Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency –– 4A01.12 Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency –– 4A01.1Y Other specified combined immunodeficiencies –– 4A01.1Z Combined immunodeficiencies, unspecified –– 4A01.20 Immune dysregulation syndromes with hypopigmentation –– 4A01.21 Immune dysregulation syndromes presenting primarily with autoimmunity –– 4A01.22 Immune dysregulation syndromes presenting primarily with lymphoproliferation –– 4A01.23 Primary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis –– 4A01.2Y Other specified diseases of immune dysregulation –– 4A01.2Z Diseases of immune dysregulation, unspecified –– 4A01.30 Immunodeficiency due to defects of the thymus –– 4A01.31 DNA repair defects other than combined T-cell or B-cell immunodeficiencies –– 4A01.32 Immuno-osseous dysplasia –– 4A01.33 Hepatic veno-occlusive disease - immunodeficiency syndrome –– 4A01.34 Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndromes 4A0Y Other specified primary immunodeficiencies 4A0Z Primary immunodeficiencies, unspecified 4A20 Acquired immunodeficiencies 4A20.0 Adult-onset immunodeficiency 4A20.1 Acquired immunodeficiency due to loss of immunoglobulin 4A20.Y Other specified acquired immunodeficiencies 4A20.Z Acquired immunodeficiencies, unspecified 4A40 Lupus erythematosus – 4A40.0 Systemic lupus erythematosus – 4A40.1 Drug-induced lupus erythematosus – 4A40.Y Other specified lupus erythematosus – 4A40.Z Lupus erythematosus, unspecified –– 4A40.00 Systemic lupus erythematosus with skin involvement –– 4A40.0Y Other specified systemic lupus erythematosus –– 4A40.0Z Systemic lupus erythematosus, unspecified 4A41 Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy – 4A41.0 Dermatomyositis – 4A41.1 Polymyositis – 4A41.2 Inclusion body myopathy – 4A41.Y Other specified idiopathic inflammatory myopathy – 4A41.Z Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, unspecified –– 4A41.00 Adult dermatomyositis –– 4A41.01 Juvenile dermatomyositis –– 4A41.0Z Dermatomyositis, unspecified –– 4A41.10 Juvenile polymyositis –– 4A41.11 Paraneoplastic polymyositis –– 4A41.1Y Other specified polymyositis –– 4A41.1Z Polymyositis, unspecified –– 4A41.20 Inflammatory inclusion body myositis –– 4A41.21 Noninflammatory inclusion body myopathy –– 4A41.2Z Inclusion body myopathy, unspecified 4A42 Systemic sclerosis – 4A42.0 Paediatric onset systemic sclerosis – 4A42.1 Diffuse systemic sclerosis – 4A42.2 Limited systemic sclerosis – 4A42.Z Systemic sclerosis, unspecified 4A43 Overlap or undifferentiated nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disease – 4A43.0 IgG4 related disease – 4A43.1 Mikulicz disease – 4A43.2 Sjögren syndrome – 4A43.3 Mixed connective tissue disease – 4A43.4 Diffuse eosinophilic fasciitis – 4A43.Y Other specified overlap non-organ specific systemic autoimmune disease – 4A43.Z Undifferentiated non-organ specific systemic autoimmune disease –– 4A43.20 Primary Sjögren syndrome –– 4A43.21 Secondary Sjögren syndrome –– 4A43.22 Paediatric onset Sjögren syndrome –– 4A43.2Y Other specified sjögren syndrome –– 4A43.2Z Sjögren syndrome, unspecified 4A44 Vasculitis – 4A44.0 Rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis – 4A44.1 Aortic arch syndrome – 4A44.2 Giant cell arteritis – 4A44.3 Single organ vasculitis – 4A44.4 Polyarteritis nodosa – 4A44.5 Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome – 4A44.6 Sneddon syndrome – 4A44.7 Primary angiitis of the central nervous system – 4A44.8 Thromboangiitis obliterans – 4A44.9 Immune complex small vessel vasculitis – 4A44.A Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis – 4A44.B Leukocytoclastic vasculitis – 4A44.Y Other specified vasculitis – 4A44.Z Vasculitis, unspecified –– 4A44.90 Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis –– 4A44.91 Hypocomplementaemic urticarial vasculitis –– 4A44.92 IgA vasculitis –– 4A44.9Y Other specified immune complex small vessel vasculitis –– 4A44.9Z Immune complex small vessel vasculitis, unspecified –– 4A44.A0 Microscopic polyangiitis –– 4A44.A1 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis –– 4A44.A2 Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis –– 4A44.AY Other specified antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis –– 4A44.AZ Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis, unspecified –– 4A44.B0 Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis –– 4A44.BY Other specified leukocytoclastic vasculitis –– 4A44.BZ Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, unspecified 4A45 Antiphospholipid syndrome – 4A45.0 Primary antiphospholipid syndrome – 4A45.1 Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome – 4A45.2 Antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnancy – 4A45.3 Lupus anticoagulant-hypoprothrombinaemia syndrome – 4A45.Z Antiphospholipid syndrome, unspecified 4A4Y Other specified nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disorders 4A4Z Nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disorders, unspecified 4A60 Monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes – 4A60.0 Familial Mediterranean fever – 4A60.1 Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes – 4A60.2 Tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 associated periodic syndrome – 4A60.Y Other specified monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes – 4A60.Z Autoimflammatory syndrome, unspecified 4A61 SAPHO syndrome 4A62 Behçet disease 4A6Y Other specified autoinflammatory disorders 4A6Z Autoinflammatory disorders, unspecified 4A80 Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the respiratory tract – 4A80.0 Drug-induced bronchospasm – 4A80.1 Bronchospasm provoked by allergy to food substance – 4A80.Y Other specified allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the respiratory tract – 4A80.Z Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the respiratory tract, unspecified 4A81 Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the eye 4A82 Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving skin or mucous membranes 4A83 Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract – 4A83.0 Food-induced eosinophilic gastroenteritis – 4A83.1 Food-induced eosinophilic oesophagitis – 4A83.Y Other specified allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract – 4A83.Z Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract, unspecified 4A84 Anaphylaxis – 4A84.0 Anaphylaxis due to allergic reaction to food – 4A84.1 Drug-induced anaphylaxis – 4A84.2 Anaphylaxis due to insect venom – 4A84.3 Anaphylaxis provoked by physical factors – 4A84.4 Anaphylaxis due to inhaled allergens – 4A84.5 Anaphylaxis due to contact with allergens – 4A84.6 Anaphylaxis secondary to mast cell disorder – 4A84.Y Other specified anaphylaxis – 4A84.Z Anaphylaxis, unspecified –– 4A84.30 Exercise-induced anaphylaxis –– 4A84.31 Cold-induced anaphylaxis –– 4A84.3Y Anaphylaxis provoked by other specified physical factors –– 4A84.3Z Anaphylaxis provoked by unspecified physical factors 4A85 Complex allergic or hypersensitivity conditions – 4A85.0 Drug or pharmacological agents hypersensitivity – 4A85.1 Hypersensitivity to herbal and alternative medical therapies – 4A85.2 Food hypersensitivity – 4A85.3 Allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to arthropods – 4A85.Y Other specified complex allergic or hypersensitivity conditions – 4A85.Z Complex allergic or hypersensitivity conditions, unspecified –– 4A85.00 Drug-induced liver hypersensitivity disease –– 4A85.01 Drug-induced kidney hypersensitivity –– 4A85.02 Drug-induced cytopenia –– 4A85.03 Drug-induced vasculitis –– 4A85.04 Multiple drug hypersensitivity syndrome –– 4A85.0Y Drug hypersensitivity of other specified type –– 4A85.0Z Drug hypersensitivity of unspecified type –– 4A85.20 Food-induced gastrointestinal hypersensitivity –– 4A85.21 Food-induced urticaria or angioedema –– 4A85.22 Allergic contact dermatitis due to food allergen –– 4A85.2Y Other specified food hypersensitivity –– 4A85.2Z Food hypersensitivity, unspecified –– 4A85.30 Systemic allergic reaction due to Hymenoptera venom –– 4A85.31 Cutaneous allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to Hymenoptera venom –– 4A85.32 Cutaneous allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to arthropods 4A8Y Allergic or hypersensitivity conditions of other specified type 4A8Z Allergic or hypersensitivity conditions of unspecified type 4B00 Disorders of neutrophil number – 4B00.0 Neutropaenia – 4B00.1 Neutrophilia – 4B00.Y Other specified disorders of neutrophil number –– 4B00.00 Constitutional neutropaenia –– 4B00.01 Acquired neutropaenia –– 4B00.0Z Neutropaenia, unspecified –– 4B00.10 Constitutional neutrophilia –– 4B00.11 Acquired neutrophilia –– 4B00.1Z Neutrophilia, unspecified 4B01 Disorders of neutrophil function – 4B01.0 Constitutional disorders of neutrophil function – 4B01.1 Acquired disorders of neutrophil function – 4B01.Z Disorders of neutrophil function, unspecified –– 4B01.00 Disorders of neutrophil adhesion –– 4B01.01 Disorders of neutrophil chemotaxis –– 4B01.02 Disorders of neutrophil granule formation or release –– 4B01.03 Disorders of neutrophil oxidative metabolism –– 4B01.0Y Other specified constitutional disorders of neutrophil function –– 4B01.0Z Constitutional disorders of neutrophil function, unspecified 4B02 Eosinopenia – 4B02.0 Constitutional decrease in eosinophil number – 4B02.1 Acquired decrease in eosinophil number – 4B02.Z Eosinopenia, unspecified 4B03 Eosinophilia – 4B03.0 Constitutional eosinophilia – 4B03.1 Acquired eosinophilia – 4B03.Z Eosinophilia, unspecified 4B04 Disorders with decreased monocyte counts 4B05 Disorders with increased monocyte counts 4B06 Acquired lymphopenia 4B07 Acquired lymphocytosis 4B0Y Other specified immune system disorders involving white cell lineages 4B0Z Immune system disorders involving white cell lineages, unspecified 4B20 Sarcoidosis – 4B20.0 Sarcoidosis of lung – 4B20.1 Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes – 4B20.2 Sarcoidosis of the digestive system – 4B20.3 Neurosarcoidosis – 4B20.4 Ocular sarcoidosis – 4B20.5 Cutaneous sarcoidosis – 4B20.Y Other specified sarcoidosis – 4B20.Z Sarcoidosis, unspecified 4B21 Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia 4B22 Cryoglobulinaemia 4B23 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 4B24 Graft-versus-host disease – 4B24.0 Acute graft-versus-host disease – 4B24.1 Chronic graft-versus-host disease – 4B24.Y Other specified graft-versus-host disease – 4B24.Z Graft-versus-host disease, unspecified 4B2Y Other specified disorders involving the immune system 4B40 Diseases of thymus 4B40.0 Persistent hyperplasia of thymus 4B40.1 Abscess of thymus 4B40.2 Good syndrome 4B40.Y Other specified diseases of thymus 4B40.Z Diseases of thymus, unspecified 4B4Y Other specified diseases of the immune system 4B4Z Diseases of the immune system, unspecified 8A20 Alzheimer disease 8A21 Progressive focal atrophies – 8A21.0 Posterior cortical atrophy – 8A21.Y Other specified progressive focal atrophies – 8A21.Z Progressive focal atrophies, unspecified 8A22 Lewy body disease 8A23 Frontotemporal lobar degeneration 8A2Y Other specified disorders with neurocognitive impairment as a major feature 8A2Z Disorders with neurocognitive impairment as a major feature, unspecified – 8B00 Intracerebral haemorrhage –– 8B00.0 Deep hemispheric haemorrhage –– 8B00.1 Lobar haemorrhage –– 8B00.2 Brainstem haemorrhage –– 8B00.3 Cerebellar haemorrhage –– 8B00.4 Intraventricular haemorrhage without parenchymal haemorrhage –– 8B00.5 Haemorrhage of multiple sites –– 8B00.Z Intracerebral haemorrhage, site unspecified – 8B01 Subarachnoid haemorrhage –– 8B01.0 Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage –– 8B01.1 Non-aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage –– 8B01.2 Subarachnoid haemorrhage not known if aneurysmal or non-aneurysmal – 8B02 Nontraumatic subdural haemorrhage – 8B03 Nontraumatic epidural haemorrhage – 8B0Z Intracranial haemorrhage, unspecified – 8B10 Transient ischaemic attack –– 8B10.0 Amaurosis fugax –– 8B10.Y Other specified transient ischaemic attack –– 8B10.Z Transient ischaemic attack, unspecified – 8B11 Cerebral ischaemic stroke –– 8B11.0 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to extracranial large artery atherosclerosis –– 8B11.1 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to intracranial large artery atherosclerosis –– 8B11.2 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to embolic occlusion –– 8B11.3 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to small artery occlusion –– 8B11.4 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to other known cause –– 8B11.5 Cerebral ischaemic stroke of unknown cause ––– 8B11.20 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to cardiac embolism ––– 8B11.21 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to aortic arch embolism ––– 8B11.22 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to paradoxical embolism ––– 8B11.2Y Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to other specified embolic occlusion ––– 8B11.2Z Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to embolic occlusion, unspecified ––– 8B11.40 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to global hypoperfusion with watershed infarct ––– 8B11.41 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to other non-atherosclerotic arteriopathy ––– 8B11.42 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to hypercoagulable state ––– 8B11.43 Cerebral ischaemic stroke in association with subarachnoid haemorrhage ––– 8B11.44 Cerebral ischemic stroke from dissection ––– 8B11.50 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of extracranial large artery ––– 8B11.51 Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of intracranial large artery ––– 8B11.5Z Cerebral ischaemic stroke, unspecified – 8B1Y Other specified cerebral ischaemia – 8B1Z Cerebral ischaemia, unspecified 8B20 Stroke not known if ischaemic or haemorrhagic 8B21 Cerebrovascular disease with no acute cerebral symptom – 8B21.0 Silent cerebral infarct – 8B21.1 Silent cerebral microbleed – 8B21.Y Other specified cerebrovascular disease with no acute cerebral symptom – 8B21.Z Cerebrovascular disease with no acute cerebral symptom, unspecified 8B22 Certain specified cerebrovascular diseases – 8B22.0 Dissection of cerebral arteries – 8B22.1 Cerebral venous thrombosis – 8B22.2 Cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes – 8B22.3 Isolated cerebral amyloid angiopathy – 8B22.4 Intracranial vascular malformation – 8B22.5 Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured – 8B22.6 Familial cerebral saccular aneurysm – 8B22.7 Cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified – 8B22.8 Hypertensive encephalopathy – 8B22.9 Migraine-induced stroke – 8B22.A Subclavian steal syndrome – 8B22.B Moyamoya syndrome – 8B22.C Hereditary cerebrovascular diseases – 8B22.Y Other specified cerebrovascular disease –– 8B22.40 Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels –– 8B22.41 Cerebral cavernous malformation –– 8B22.42 Dural arteriovenous fistula –– 8B22.43 Carotid cavernous fistula –– 8B22.4Y Other specified intracranial vascular malformation –– 8B22.4Z Intracranial vascular malformation, unspecified –– 8B22.70 Primary cerebral arteritis –– 8B22.7Y Other specified cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified –– 8B22.7Z Cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified, unspecified –– 8B22.C0 CADASIL - [cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy] syndrome –– 8B22.C1 CARASIL - [cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy] syndrome –– 8B22.CY Other specified hereditary cerebrovascular diseases –– 8B22.CZ Hereditary cerebrovascular diseases, unspecified 8B23 Cerebrovascular abnormalities 8B24 Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy – 8B24.0 Anoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy – 8B24.Y Other specified hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy – 8B24.Z Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, unspecified 8B25 Late effects of cerebrovascular disease – 8B25.0 Late effects of cerebral ischemic stroke – 8B25.1 Late effects of intracerebral haemorrhage – 8B25.2 Late effects of subarachnoid haemorrhage – 8B25.3 Late effects of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage – 8B25.4 Late effects of stroke not known if ischaemic or haemorrhagic – 8B25.Y Late effects of other specified cerebrovascular disease – 8B25.Z Late effects of cerebrovascular disease, unspecified 8B26 Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases – 8B26.0 Brainstem stroke syndrome – 8B26.1 Cerebellar stroke syndrome – 8B26.2 Middle cerebral artery syndrome – 8B26.3 Anterior cerebral artery syndrome – 8B26.4 Posterior cerebral artery syndrome – 8B26.5 Lacunar syndromes – 8B26.Y Other specified vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases – 8B26.Z Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases, unspecified –– 8B26.50 Pure motor lacunar syndrome –– 8B26.51 Pure sensory lacunar syndrome –– 8B26.5Y Other specified lacunar syndromes –– 8B26.5Z Lacunar syndromes, unspecified 8B2Z Cerebrovascular diseases, unspecified – LA00 Anencephaly or similar anomalies –– LA00.0 Anencephaly –– LA00.1 Iniencephaly –– LA00.2 Acephaly –– LA00.3 Amyelencephaly –– LA00.Y Other specified anencephaly or similar anomalies –– LA00.Z Anencephaly or similar anomalies, unspecified ––– LA00.00 Craniorachischisis ––– LA00.0Y Other specified anencephaly ––– LA00.0Z Anencephaly, unspecified – LA01 Cephalocele – LA02 Spina bifida –– LA02.0 Spina bifida cystica –– LA02.1 Spina bifida aperta –– LA02.Y Other specified spina bifida –– LA02.Z Spina bifida, unspecified ––– LA02.00 Myelomeningocele with hydrocephalus ––– LA02.01 Myelomeningocele without hydrocephalus ––– LA02.02 Myelocystocele ––– LA02.0Y Other specified spina bifida cystica ––– LA02.0Z Spina bifida cystica, unspecified – LA03 Arnold-Chiari malformation type II – LA04 Congenital hydrocephalus –– LA04.0 Hydrocephalus with stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius –– LA04.Y Other specified congenital hydrocephalus –– LA04.Z Congenital hydrocephalus, unspecified – LA05 Cerebral structural developmental anomalies –– LA05.0 Microcephaly –– LA05.1 Megalencephaly –– LA05.2 Holoprosencephaly –– LA05.3 Corpus callosum agenesis –– LA05.4 Arrhinencephaly –– LA05.5 Abnormal neuronal migration –– LA05.6 Encephaloclastic disorders –– LA05.7 Brain cystic malformations –– LA05.8 Colpocephaly –– LA05.Y Other specified cerebral structural developmental anomalies –– LA05.Z Cerebral structural developmental anomalies, unspecified ––– LA05.50 Polymicrogyria ––– LA05.51 Cortical dysplasia ––– LA05.5Y Other specified abnormal neuronal migration ––– LA05.5Z Abnormal neuronal migration, unspecified ––– LA05.60 Porencephaly ––– LA05.61 Schizencephaly ––– LA05.62 Hydranencephaly ––– LA05.6Y Other specified encephaloclastic disorders ––– LA05.6Z Encephaloclastic disorders, unspecified – LA06 Cerebellar structural developmental anomalies –– LA06.0 Dandy-Walker malformation –– LA06.1 Hypoplasia or agenesis of cerebellar hemispheres –– LA06.2 Focal cerebellar dysplasia –– LA06.Y Other specified cerebellar structural developmental anomalies –– LA06.Z Cerebellar structural developmental anomalies, unspecified – LA07 Structural developmental anomalies of the neurenteric canal, spinal cord or vertebral column –– LA07.0 Primary tethered cord syndrome –– LA07.1 Diastematomyelia –– LA07.2 Amyelia –– LA07.3 Primary syringomyelia or hydromyelia –– LA07.4 Arnold-Chiari malformation type I –– LA07.Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the neurenteric canal, spinal cord or vertebral column –– LA07.Z Structural developmental anomalies of the neurenteric canal, spinal cord or vertebral column, unspecified – LA0Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the nervous system – LA0Z Structural developmental anomalies of the nervous system, unspecified NA07 Intracranial injury – NA07.0 Concussion – NA07.1 Traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage – NA07.2 Traumatic cerebral oedema – NA07.3 Diffuse brain injury – NA07.4 Focal brain injury – NA07.5 Traumatic epidural haemorrhage – NA07.6 Traumatic subdural haemorrhage – NA07.7 Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage – NA07.8 Traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue – NA07.Y Other specified intracranial injury – NA07.Z Intracranial injury, unspecified –– NA07.00 Concussion with incomplete loss of consciousness with amnesia –– NA07.01 Concussion with incomplete loss of consciousness without amnesia –– NA07.02 Concussion with loss of consciousness, short duration of less than 30 minutes –– NA07.03 Concussion with loss of consciousness, short duration of 30 minutes to less than one hour –– NA07.04 Concussion with loss of consciousness, short duration of one hour to less than 6 hours –– NA07.05 Concussion with loss of consciousness, intermediate duration of 6 hours to less than 24 hours –– NA07.06 Concussion with loss of consciousness, persisting longer than 24 hours or until discharge or latest assessment –– NA07.07 Concussion with loss of consciousness, persisting until death –– NA07.08 Concussion with loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to effects of therapy –– NA07.09 Concussion with loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to lack of information –– NA07.0Y Other specified concussion –– NA07.0Z Concussion, unspecified –– NA07.20 Diffuse traumatic cerebral oedema –– NA07.21 Focal traumatic cerebral oedema –– NA07.2Y Other specified traumatic cerebral oedema –– NA07.2Z Traumatic cerebral oedema, unspecified –– NA07.30 Diffuse injury of cerebrum –– NA07.31 Diffuse injury of cerebellum –– NA07.32 Diffuse injury of brainstem –– NA07.33 Diffuse injury of multiple parts of brain –– NA07.3Y Other specified diffuse brain injury –– NA07.3Z Unspecified diffuse traumatic brain injury –– NA07.40 Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum –– NA07.41 Focal haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum –– NA07.42 Focal laceration of cerebrum –– NA07.43 Multiple focal injuries of cerebrum –– NA07.44 Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebellum –– NA07.45 Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of cerebellum –– NA07.46 Focal laceration of cerebellum –– NA07.47 Multiple focal injuries of cerebellum –– NA07.48 Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of brainstem –– NA07.49 Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of brainstem –– NA07.4A Contusion of temporal lobe –– NA07.4B Focal laceration of brainstem –– NA07.4C Focal brain contusion –– NA07.4D Focal brain laceration –– NA07.4E Contusion of parietal lobe –– NA07.4F Contusion of occipital lobe –– NA07.4Z Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury –– NA07.60 Acute traumatic subdural haemorrhage –– NA07.61 Chronic traumatic subdural haemorrhage –– NA07.6Z Traumatic subdural haemorrhage, unspecified whether acute or chronic –– NA07.80 Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebrum white matter –– NA07.81 Traumatic haemorrhage in thalamus or basal ganglia –– NA07.82 Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebellum –– NA07.83 Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem without specification whether primary or secondary –– NA07.84 Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, primary –– NA07.85 Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, secondary –– NA07.86 Multiple traumatic haemorrhages –– NA07.8Y Other specified traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue –– NA07.8Z Traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue, unspecified – QC50 Late effect of prior health problem, not elsewhere classified
synonyms Single seizure due to remote causes Single seizure due to prenatal or perinatal brain insults Single seizure due to genetic syndromes with widespread or progressive effects Single seizure due to other remote causes Single seizure due to central nervous system infections or infestations Single seizure due to cerebrovascular diseases Single seizure due to injuries to the head Single seizure due to tumours of the nervous system Single seizure due to degenerative brain disorders Single seizure with mesial temporal sclerosis Single seizure due to immune disorders Single seizure due to abnormalities of brain development
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