Coding experts Alicia and Laureen from CCO review the new 2025 ICD-10-CM code changes.
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1F53.3 Chagas disease with digestive system involvement International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 A disease caused by an infection with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. This disease is characterised by severe malaise or digestive system involvement (such as megaoesophagus or megacolon). Transmission is by direct contact with faeces from an infected triatomine bug, vertical transmission, iatrogenic transmission, or ingestion of contaminated food or water. Confirmation is by identification of Trypanosoma cruzi in a blood sample.
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Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA64J5 Upper right 1st bicuspid XA0LE1 Upper right canine XA3QH3 Upper right lateral incisor XA43X2 Upper right central incisor XA8328 Upper left 3rd molar XA1YK1 Upper left 2nd molar XA2GW7 Upper left 1st molar XA5Z15 Upper left 2nd bicuspid XA3EF6 Upper left 1st bicuspid XA2LF2 Upper left canine XA0MG2 Upper left lateral incisor XA9P69 Upper left central incisor XA8YF6 Lower right 3rd molar XA5CA4 Lower right 2nd molar XA5M57 Lower right 1st molar XA26X2 Lower right 2nd bicuspid XA47C4 Lower right 1st bicuspid XA95A1 Lower right canine XA8660 Lower right lateral incisor XA5NT8 Lower right central incisor XA0XB1 Lower left 3rd molar XA8YV5 Lower left 2nd molar XA6R23 Lower left 1st molar XA80S2 Lower left 2nd bicuspid XA1SQ7 Lower left 1st bicuspid XA8P88 Lower left canine XA4B13 Lower left lateral incisor XA7B54 Lower left central incisor XA7675 Deciduous dentition XA2GE5 Upper right 2nd molar, deciduous XA7ZT9 Upper right 1st molar, deciduous XA06P0 Upper right canine, deciduous XA2XZ5 Upper right lateral incisor, deciduous XA3BG3 Upper right central incisor, deciduous XA2BD4 Upper left 2nd molar, deciduous XA85K7 Upper left 1st molar, deciduous XA98V8 Upper left canine, deciduous XA9QP7 Upper left lateral incisor, deciduous XA4ZQ5 Upper left central incisor, deciduous XA6F50 Lower right 2nd molar, deciduous XA36B2 Lower right 1st molar, deciduous XA8KQ7 Lower right canine, deciduous XA1W31 Lower right lateral incisor, deciduous XA6TB6 Lower right central incisor, deciduous XA8NE2 Lower left 2nd molar, deciduous XA55D8 Lower left 1st molar, deciduous XA8QV7 Lower left canine, deciduous XA8MH6 Lower left lateral incisor, deciduous XA2RW5 Lower left central incisor, deciduous XA1PT3 Parts of tooth XA5B71 Pulp XA6FX3 Dentin XA5R09 Enamel XA4KC7 Cementum XA2CA1 Periapical tissue XA2US1 Surfaces of the teeth XA5ML5 Distal surface of tooth XA4UP2 Labial surface of tooth XA6DE2 Buccal surface of tooth XA3W20 Incisal surface of tooth XA8M68 Lingual surface of tooth XA5Z48 Mesial surface of tooth XA5DM8 Occlusal surface of tooth XA3HD5 Proximal surface of tooth XA1WN1 Oral cavity XA7ZA6 Palate XA4527 Hard palate XA8HL5 Soft palate XA2993 Uvula XA00H5 Palatal mucosa XA1T19 Tongue XA8Q87 Body of tongue – XA65E9 Midline of tongue XA8SX3 Junctional zone of tongue XA25G3 Base of tongue – XA2B11 Posterior of tongue XA1V27 Dorsal surface of tongue – XA8YB9 Dorsal surface of body of tongue – XA0HQ3 Dorsal surface of base of tongue XA9RP1 Other and unspecified parts of tongue XA8FK4 Ventral surface of tongue – XA9YA2 Lingual frenulum XA4DB6 Border of tongue – XA49C6 Lateral margin of tongue – XA1WZ8 Tip of tongue XA8EY7 Floor of mouth XA69M6 Alveololingual sulcus XA8CF9 Mucosa of floor of mouth XA29D3 Tonsillar region XA9A13 Glossopalatine arch – XA2JB0 Anterior tonsillar pillar XA46Z4 Tonsillar fossa XA3021 Pharyngopalatine arch – XA0X58 Posterior tonsillar pillar XA15G1 Palatine arch XA6NQ7 Oral mucosa XA2KN0 Other and unspecified parts of mouth XA8182 Mouth XA5TW5 Vestibule of mouth XA9072 Labial mucosa of upper lip XA72W2 Labial mucosa of lower lip XA8WB3 Buccal mucosa XA0S17 Retromolar region XA44M8 Labial sulcus XA2151 Superior labial sulcus XA52Q7 Inferior labial sulcus XA6A73 Buccal sulcus XA6WJ3 Superolateral buccal sulcus XA5MG3 Inferolateral buccal sulcus XA54T3 Gingivae XA6743 Upper gingiva XA2C94 Upper alveolar mucosa XA7DA0 Upper alveolar ridge mucosa XA9303 Lower gingiva XA96F2 Lower alveolar mucosa XA8C21 Lower alveolar ridge mucosa XA3SP9 Alveolar mucosa XA6CZ2 Teeth XA4GG3 Permanent dentition XA5306 Upper right 3rd molar XA0BR9 Upper right 2nd molar XA0TL3 Upper right 1st molar XA45K9 Upper right 2nd bicuspid XA5T23 Salivary gland apparatus XA07S5 Parotid gland XA9Q61 Submandibular gland XA0CS1 Left submandibular gland XA8GQ5 Right submandibular gland XA7GY0 Submandibular gland duct XA51Q9 Sublingual gland XA30Q1 Minor salivary gland XA5CM1 Salivary duct XA44X8 Parotid gland duct XA1J93 Sublingual gland duct XA93V5 Pharynx XA4J67 Oropharynx XA8RX5 Lateral wall of oropharynx XA8659 Posterior wall of oropharynx XA88V4 Vallecula XA60Q5 Branchial cleft XA2J67 Hypopharynx XA3MZ0 Piriform recess XA4NZ9 Postcricoid region XA0XK1 Hypopharyngeal wall XA9607 Gastrointestinal tract XA0828 Oesophagus XA1180 Upper third of oesophagus XA2BY3 Middle third of oesophagus XA9CB6 Lower third of oesophagus XA0N03 Cervical oesophagus XA8JT3 Thoracic oesophagus XA0TN5 Abdominal oesophagus XA4YW8 Overlapping sites of oesophagus XA7SR6 Cardioesophageal junction XA7MC7 Stomach XA2828 Gastric cardia XA7UE1 Gastric corpus XA56K7 Gastric fundus XA6P89 Gastric pylorus XA4EC5 Pyloric antrum XA7WQ5 Greater curvature of stomach XA4ML9 Lesser curvature of stomach XA6452 Small intestine XA9780 Duodenum XA8UM1 Jejunum XA0QT6 Ileum XA1B13 Large intestine XA6J68 Caecum XA03U9 Colon XA3AL5 Ascending colon XA95L3 Hepatic flexure of colon XA49U1 Transverse colon XA1PY9 Splenic flexure of colon XA2G13 Descending colon XA8YJ9 Sigmoid colon XA33J5 Rectosigmoid junction XA7177 Descending colon and splenic flexure of colon XA25P9 Ascending colon and right flexure of colon XA4KU2 Rectum XA0D34 Anus XA39S6 Anal Canal XA8QB7 Cloacogenic zone XA28R6 Upper gastrointestinal tract, not elsewhere classified XA8PW4 Appendix XA0W19 Hepatobiliary system XA5DY0 Liver XA5766 Left lobe of liver XA2KG6 Right lobe of liver XA3278 Caudate lobe of liver XA13D3 Quadrate lobe of liver XA0KT3 Biliary tract XA4415 Hepatic bile ducts XA89K4 Left hepatic duct XA6M95 Right hepatic duct XA96K1 Common hepatic duct XA0077 Cystic duct XA8KL9 Gallbladder XA6R80 Common bile duct XA6WA8 Sphincter of Oddi XA7QA8 Ampulla of Vater XA9HM5 Extrahepatic bile duct XA3QC5 Pancreas XA1412 Head of pancreas XA8LA4 Neck of pancreas XA6ZE4 Body of pancreas XA0CX6 Tail of pancreas XA1XL7 Pancreatic duct XA8WC8 Duct of Santorini XA3789 Duct of Wirsung XA0KZ0 Peritoneum XA6S21 Retroperitoneum XA43V8 Mesentery XA6DF7 Omentum XA46W1 Mesoappendix XA4QM7 Mesocolon XA5PF4 Pelvic peritoneum Has manifestation - multiple selections are allowed [select] DA21.0 Achalasia DA21.Y Other specified motility disorders of oesophagus DB32.2 Megacolon – DB32.20 Toxic megacolon – DB32.2Y Other specified megacolon – DB32.2Z Megacolon, unspecified
synonyms Chagas disease with digestive system involvement chronic Chagas disease with digestive system involvement Megaoesophagus in Chagas disease Chagasic megaoesophagus Achalasia in Chagas disease Megacolon in Chagas disease
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