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DB35.2 Benign lymphoid polyp of large intestine International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 Benign lymphoid polyps are associated with hyperplasia (enhanced cell division) of lymphoid tissue in the colonic mucosa. It is seen in parts of the intestine where lymphoid tissues are concentrated like the ileum of the small intestine or rectum.
inclusions Focal lymphoid hyperplasia postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA1B13 Large intestine – XA6J68 Caecum – XA03U9 Colon –– XA3AL5 Ascending colon –– XA95L3 Hepatic flexure of colon –– XA49U1 Transverse colon –– XA1PY9 Splenic flexure of colon –– XA2G13 Descending colon –– XA8YJ9 Sigmoid colon –– XA33J5 Rectosigmoid junction –– XA7177 Descending colon and splenic flexure of colon –– XA25P9 Ascending colon and right flexure of colon – XA4KU2 Rectum – XA0D34 Anus – XA39S6 Anal Canal – XA8QB7 Cloacogenic zone Has manifestation - multiple selections are allowed [select] ME24 Clinical manifestations of the digestive system – ME24.0 Digestive system abscess – ME24.1 Digestive system fistula – ME24.2 Digestive system obstruction – ME24.3 Digestive system perforation – ME24.4 Digestive system stenosis – ME24.5 Digestive system ulcer – ME24.6 Digestive system dilatation – ME24.7 Digestive system incarceration – ME24.8 Digestive system strangulation or gangrene – ME24.9 Gastrointestinal bleeding – ME24.A Other digestive system haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified – ME24.Y Other specified clinical manifestations of the digestive system –– ME24.30 Perforation of small intestine –– ME24.31 Perforation of large intestine –– ME24.35 Perforation of gallbladder or bile ducts –– ME24.3Y Digestive system perforation of other specified site –– ME24.3Z Digestive system perforation of unspecified site –– ME24.90 Acute gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified –– ME24.91 Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified –– ME24.9Z Gastrointestinal bleeding, unspecified –– ME24.A0 Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding –– ME24.A1 Haemorrhage of anus and rectum –– ME24.A2 Oesophageal haemorrhage –– ME24.A3 Haematochezia –– ME24.A4 Melaena –– ME24.A5 Haematemesis –– ME24.A6 Positive occult blood in stool
synonyms Benign lymphoid polyp of large intestine Focal lymphoid hyperplasia
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