NA02.70 Fracture of condylar process of mandible

International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01

Condylar process fractures are defined as fractures running above or posterior to a line confined by the sigmoid notch line and the masseteric notch line. The mandibular condylar process comprises three fracture levels and is subdivided into the head region, the condylar neck, and the condylar base. Fractures of the condylar head show typical fracture lines either within the lateral pole zone, which may lead to loss of vertical height, or medially to the pole zone, with the latter ones usually not compromising the vertical condyle to disc and fossa relation. Fractures of the condylar neck and base can be differentiated according to radiologically based rules with regard to the proportion of the fracture line above and below the level of the sigmoid notch, and are basically subdivided according to the presence or absence of displacement or dislocation. Further parameters for definition are presence or absence of fragmentation, sideward displacement (medially or laterally), angulation of the superior main fragment and fracture-site geometry (e.g. straight or oblique, interfragmentary interdigitation)



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