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FA11.2 Arthropathy following genitourinary infection International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 Reactive arthritis (ReA) is an autoimmune disorder belonging to the group of seronegative spondyloarthropathies and is characterised by the classic triad of arthritis, urethritis and conjunctivitis.
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Laterality - only one may be selected [select] XK9J Bilateral XK8G Left XK9K Right XK70 Unilateral, unspecified Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA6UT2 Joints of the head – XA65F2 Atlantooccipital joint – XA7EM1 Atlantoaxial joint – XA2SM2 Temporomandibular joint XA2NG8 Joints of the thorax – XA83N6 Sternocostal joint – XA30Q4 Costochondral joint – XA0892 Costovertebral joint – XA7AR2 Costotransverse joint – XA0ZE4 Facet joint XA1TL5 Joints of the pelvis – XA5A04 Lumbosacral joint – XA70B6 Sacrococcygeal joint – XA3T32 Sacroiliac joint XA4U90 Joints of the upper extremity – XA05J7 Shoulder joint –– XA49P8 Glenohumeral joint –– XA69U6 Acromioclavicular joint –– XA0CH1 Sternoclavicular joint – XA69H4 Elbow joint –– XA3G42 Proximal radioulnar joint –– XA46J3 Humeroulnar joint –– XA53P1 Humeroradial joint – XA64C3 Wrist joint –– XA78S6 Distal radioulnar joint –– XA0P38 Radiocarpal joint – XA62V5 Joints of the hand –– XA3MB4 Carpal joint ––– XA0E90 Intercarpal joint ––– XA4AS7 Midcarpal joint ––– XA0JX0 Carpometacarpal joint –– XA9DN6 Intermetacarpal joint –– XA86T5 Metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA3M83 First metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA9YH1 Second metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA6HB0 Third metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA7XA8 Fourth metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA7KA0 Fifth metacarpophalangeal joint –– XA9291 Interphalangeal joint of the hand ––– XA6L43 Interphalangeal joint of the thumb ––– XA1307 Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger –––– XA1DN6 Proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger –––– XA3NW6 Proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger –––– XA0BF5 Proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger –––– XA4175 Proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger ––– XA4U75 Distal interphalangeal joint of finger –––– XA6KB0 Distal interphalangeal joint of index finger –––– XA15C8 Distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger –––– XA0LT5 Distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger –––– XA1928 Distal interphalangeal joint of little finger XA7L41 Joints of lower extremity – XA4XS4 Hip joint – XA8RL1 Knee joint –– XA0LC4 Tibiofemoral joint –– XA0VJ4 Patellofemoral joint –– XA0LG3 Proximal tibiofibular joint –– XA8VV2 Semilunar cartilage – XA27P3 Ankle joint –– XA8MM7 Talocrural joint –– XA2K81 Distal tibiofibular joint –– XA7SZ8 Subtalar joint – XA22T0 Joint of the foot –– XA2YS1 Intertarsal joint ––– XA4JJ1 Calcaneocuboid joint ––– XA0WY5 Talocalcaneonavicular joint ––– XA6NT7 Cuneonavicular joint ––– XA1N77 Cuboideonavicular joint ––– XA9SD1 Intercuneiform joint ––– XA2FA3 Cuneocuboid joint –– XA2MY1 Tarsometatarsal joint –– XA6FF3 Intermetatarsal joint –– XA8XU1 Metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA7NJ7 First metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA58K5 Second metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA2792 Third metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA7QC6 Fourth metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA5A23 Fifth metatarsophalangeal joint –– XA04T7 Interphalangeal joint of the foot ––– XA87P9 Interphalangeal joint of great toe ––– XA5573 Proximal interphalangeal joint of the foot –––– XA56K9 Proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe –––– XA2QY2 Proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe –––– XA2R87 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe –––– XA1LM0 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe ––– XA0RK3 Distal interphalangeal joint of the foot –––– XA8UM5 Distal interphalangeal joint of second toe –––– XA43F0 Distal interphalangeal joint of third toe –––– XA8NU9 Distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe –––– XA39U1 Distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe –– XA9Z55 Transverse tarsal joint Has causing condition - a selection is required - multiple selections are allowed [select] 1A60 Congenital syphilis – 1A60.0 Early congenital syphilis, symptomatic – 1A60.1 Early congenital syphilis, latent – 1A60.2 Late congenital syphilitic oculopathy – 1A60.3 Late congenital neurosyphilis – 1A60.4 Other late congenital syphilis, symptomatic – 1A60.5 Late congenital syphilis, latent – 1A60.Z Congenital syphilis, unspecified 1A61 Early syphilis – 1A61.0 Primary genital syphilis – 1A61.1 Primary anal syphilis – 1A61.2 Primary syphilis of other sites – 1A61.3 Secondary syphilis of skin or mucous membranes – 1A61.4 Secondary syphilis of other sites – 1A61.5 Latent early syphilis – 1A61.Y Other specified early syphilis – 1A61.Z Early syphilis, unspecified 1A62 Late syphilis – 1A62.0 Neurosyphilis – 1A62.1 Cardiovascular late syphilis – 1A62.2 Symptomatic late syphilis of other sites – 1A62.Y Other specified late syphilis – 1A62.Z Late syphilis, unspecified –– 1A62.00 Asymptomatic neurosyphilis –– 1A62.01 Symptomatic late neurosyphilis –– 1A62.0Z Neurosyphilis, unspecified –– 1A62.20 Ocular late syphilis –– 1A62.21 Late syphilis involving the musculoskeletal system –– 1A62.22 Late syphilis of skin or mucous membranes –– 1A62.2Y Symptomatic late syphilis of other specified sites –– 1A62.2Z Symptomatic late syphilis of unspecified site 1A63 Latent syphilis, unspecified as early or late 1A6Z Syphilis, unspecified 1A70 Gonococcal genitourinary infection – 1A70.0 Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess – 1A70.1 Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral or accessory gland abscess – 1A70.Y Gonococcal infection of other specified genitourinary organ – 1A70.Z Gonococcal genitourinary infection, unspecified –– 1A70.00 Gonorrhoea of penis –– 1A70.0Y Other specified gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess –– 1A70.0Z Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess, unspecified 1A71 Gonococcal pelviperitonitis 1A72 Gonococcal infection of other sites – 1A72.0 Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system – 1A72.1 Gonococcal infection of rectum – 1A72.2 Gonococcal infection of anus – 1A72.3 Gonococcal pharyngitis – 1A72.4 Gonococcal infection of eye – 1A72.Y Gonococcal infection of other specified sites 1A73 Disseminated gonococcal infection 1A7Z Gonococcal infection, unspecified 1A80 Chlamydial lymphogranuloma 1A81 Non-ulcerative sexually transmitted chlamydial infection – 1A81.0 Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract – 1A81.1 Chlamydial infection of internal reproductive organs – 1A81.Y Non-ulcerative sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other specified site – 1A81.Z Non-ulcerative sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of unspecified site 1A8Y Other specified sexually transmissible infections due to chlamydia 1A8Z Sexually transmissible infections due to chlamydia, unspecified 1A90 Chancroid 1A91 Granuloma inguinale 1A92 Trichomoniasis 1A93 Sexually transmissible infestations 1A94 Anogenital herpes simplex infection 1A94.0 Herpes simplex infection of genitalia or urogenital tract 1A94.1 Herpes simplex infection of perianal skin or rectum 1A94.Z Anogenital herpes simplex infection without further specification 1A95 Anogenital warts 1A95.0 Anal warts 1A95.1 Genital warts 1A95.2 Extragenital condylomata acuminata 1A95.Z Anogenital warts, unspecified 1A9Y Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted infections 1A9Z Predominantly sexually transmitted infections, unspecified
synonyms Arthropathy following genitourinary infection Arthritis urethritica Venereal arthritis urethro-oculo-articular syndrome urethrooculoarticular syndrome infectious uroarthritis nongonococcal Reiter urethritis Fiessinger-Leroy disease (deprecated) Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter disease (deprecated) Reiter (deprecated) Reiter disease (deprecated) Reiter triad (deprecated) Reiter urethritis (deprecated) Reiter's disease (deprecated) Reiter's syndrome (deprecated) Reiter's urethritis (deprecated) Arthropathy following genitourinary infection, multiple sites reiter disease, multiple sites Arthropathy following genitourinary infection, shoulder region reiter disease, shoulder region Arthropathy following genitourinary infection, forearm reiter disease, forearm Arthropathy following genitourinary infection, hand reiter disease, hand Arthropathy following genitourinary infection, pelvic region or thigh reiter disease, pelvic region or thigh Arthropathy following genitourinary infection, lower leg reiter disease, lower leg Arthropathy following genitourinary infection, ankle or foot reiter disease, ankle or foot
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