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KA42.1 Cephalohaematoma due to birth injury International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 Cephalhaematoma is a subperiosteal collection of blood caused by rupture of vessels beneath the periosteum and does not extend across the suture lines.
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Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA6CW5 Scalp – XA0WK0 Frontal scalp –– XA0WG9 Frontal scalp margin – XA9DZ0 Temporal scalp –– XA26C1 Temporal scalp margin – XA4W34 Parietal scalp – XA7JE5 Occipital scalp –– XA3EK3 Occipital scalp margin – XA5BY6 Vertex of scalp – XA6AL1 Scalp margin –– XA93S9 Parietal scalp margin Associated with - multiple selections are allowed [select] KA00 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions that may be unrelated to present pregnancy – KA00.0 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal hypertensive disorders – KA00.1 Fetus or newborn affected by gestational oedema or proteinuria without hypertension – KA00.2 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal renal or urinary tract diseases – KA00.3 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal infectious diseases – KA00.4 Fetus or newborn affected by periodontal disease in mother – KA00.5 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal respiratory diseases – KA00.6 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders – KA00.7 Fetus or newborn affected by abnormal maternal chemistry – KA00.8 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal injury – KA00.9 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal chemotherapy – KA00.A Fetus or newborn affected by surgical procedure on mother – KA00.B Fetus or newborn affected by maternal anaemia – KA00.Y Fetus or newborn affected by other specified maternal condition that may be unrelated to present pregnancy – KA00.Z Fetus or newborn affected by unspecified maternal condition that may be unrelated to present pregnancy –– KA00.60 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal malnutrition –– KA00.61 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal overweight or obesity –– KA00.6Y Other specified fetus or newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders –– KA00.6Z Fetus or newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders, unspecified KA01 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy – KA01.0 Fetus or newborn affected by incompetence of cervix uteri – KA01.1 Fetus or newborn affected by premature rupture of membranes – KA01.2 Fetus or newborn affected by oligohydramnios – KA01.3 Fetus or newborn affected by polyhydramnios – KA01.4 Fetus or newborn affected by ectopic pregnancy – KA01.5 Fetus or newborn affected by multiple pregnancy – KA01.6 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal death – KA01.7 Fetus or newborn affected by malpresentation before labour – KA01.8 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal blood loss – KA01.Y Fetus or newborn affected by other specified maternal complication of pregnancy – KA01.Z Fetus or newborn affected by unspecified maternal complication of pregnancy KA02 Fetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta – KA02.0 Fetus or newborn affected by placenta praevia – KA02.1 Fetus or newborn affected by placental oedema or large placenta – KA02.2 Fetus or newborn affected by placental infarction – KA02.3 Fetus or newborn affected by placental insufficiency or small placenta – KA02.4 Fetus or newborn affected by placental transfusion syndromes – KA02.Y Fetus or newborn affected by other specified complication of placenta – KA02.Z Fetus or newborn affected by unspecified complication of placenta KA03 Fetus or newborn affected by complications of umbilical cord – KA03.0 Fetus or newborn affected by prolapsed cord – KA03.1 Fetus or newborn affected by other compression of umbilical cord – KA03.2 Fetus or newborn affected by abnormalities of umbilical cord length – KA03.3 Fetus or newborn affected by vasa praevia – KA03.4 Fetus or newborn affected by traumatic injury of the umbilical cord – KA03.Y Fetus or newborn affected by other specified complication of umbilical cord – KA03.Z Fetus or newborn affected by unspecified complication of umbilical cord –– KA03.20 Fetus or newborn affected by short umbilical cord –– KA03.21 Fetus or newborn affected by long umbilical cord –– KA03.2Y Other specified fetus or newborn affected by abnormalities of umbilical cord length –– KA03.2Z Fetus or newborn affected by abnormalities of umbilical cord length, unspecified KA04 Fetus or newborn affected by other abnormalities of membranes – KA04.0 Fetus or newborn affected by chorioamnionitis – KA04.1 Fetus or newborn affected by amniotic band syndrome – KA04.Y Fetus or newborn affected by other specified abnormality of membranes – KA04.Z Fetus or newborn affected by unspecified abnormality of membranes KA05 Fetus or newborn affected by certain complications of labour or delivery – KA05.0 Fetus or newborn affected by breech delivery or extraction – KA05.1 Fetus or newborn affected by other malpresentation, malposition or disproportion during labour or delivery – KA05.2 Fetus or newborn affected by forceps delivery – KA05.3 Fetus or newborn affected by delivery by vacuum extractor – KA05.4 Fetus or newborn affected by caesarean delivery – KA05.5 Fetus or newborn affected by precipitate delivery – KA05.6 Fetus or newborn affected by abnormal uterine contractions – KA05.7 Fetus or newborn affected by abnormality in fetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm – KA05.8 Meconium passage during delivery – KA05.Y Fetus or newborn affected or suspected to be affected by other specified complications of labour or delivery – KA05.Z Fetus or newborn affected or suspected to be affected by unspecified complications of labour or delivery –– KA05.70 Fetus and newborn affected by abnormality in fetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm before onset of labour –– KA05.71 Fetus and newborn affected by abnormality in fetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm during labour –– KA05.7Z Fetus or newborn affected by abnormality in fetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm, unspecified KA06 Fetus or newborn affected by noxious influences transmitted via placenta or breast milk – KA06.0 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal anaesthesia or analgesia in pregnancy, labour or delivery – KA06.1 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal use of tobacco – KA06.2 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol – KA06.3 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal use of drugs of addiction – KA06.4 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal use of nutritional chemical substances – KA06.5 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal exposure to environmental chemical substances – KA06.Y Fetus or newborn affected by other specified noxious influence transmitted via placenta or breast milk – KA06.Z Fetus or newborn affected by unspecified noxious influence transmitted via placenta or breast milk KA07 Neonatal dermatoses due to maternal antibodies – KA07.0 Neonatal lupus erythematosus – KA07.1 Neonatal pemphigus – KA07.Y Other specified neonatal dermatoses due to maternal antibodies KA0Z Fetus or newborn affected by unspecified maternal factors or by complications of pregnancy, labour or delivery
synonyms Cephalohaematoma due to birth injury cephalohaematoma of fetus or newborn Cephalohaematoma deformans of Schüller
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