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FB80.B Pathological fracture International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 exclusions postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Laterality - only one may be selected [select] XK9J Bilateral XK8G Left XK9K Right XK70 Unilateral, unspecified Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA6UV6 Inferior nasal conchae XA9GZ6 Lacrimal bone XA4319 Palatine bone XA14T2 Vomer bone XA8N32 Zygomatic bone XA51B7 Mandible – XA3B77 Alveolar border of body of mandible – XA0M61 Angle of mandible – XA98M7 Condylar process of the mandible –– XA7919 Subcondylar process of mandible – XA24B3 Coronoid process of the mandible – XA5969 Ramus of mandible – XA8JR9 Symphysis of mandible – XA0NC8 Inferior maxilla XA7VK5 Maxilla XA8E16 Nasal bone XA88P5 Jaw, unspecified XA6EQ1 Bones of middle ear XA4D04 Incus XA5DS8 Malleus XA3WA4 Stapes XA5J55 Vertebral column XA7MS2 Vertebra XA9ZW8 Cervical vertebra – XA2XE8 Atlas –– XA0KQ4 Posterior arch of first cervical vertebra –– XA1304 Lateral mass of first cervical vertebra – XA17N0 Axis –– XA5W02 Odontoid process – XA2W05 Third cervical vertebra –– XA51V4 Arch of third cervical vertebra –– XA4UV1 Body of third cervical vertebra –– XA8CG0 Processes of third cervical vertebra – XA3RE9 Fourth cervical vertebra –– XA24X7 Arch of fourth cervical vertebra –– XA3GT0 Body of fourth cervical vertebra –– XA75V3 Processes of fourth cervical vertebra – XA9C12 Fifth cervical vertebra –– XA1PJ5 Arch of fifth cervical vertebra –– XA1BS2 Body of fifth cervical vertebra –– XA2FY7 Processes of fifth cervical vertebra – XA5S79 Sixth cervical vertebra –– XA8W16 Arch of sixth cervical vertebra –– XA9Q12 Body of sixth cervical vertebra –– XA60Z0 Processes of sixth cervical vertebra – XA34U8 Seventh cervical vertebra –– XA05M5 Arch of seventh cervical vertebra –– XA1JS3 Body of seventh cervical vertebra –– XA91D7 Processes of seventh cervical vertebra XA6E88 Thoracic vertebra – XA3F93 First thoracic vertebra –– XA7UP5 Arch of first thoracic vertebra –– XA8PH0 Body of first thoracic vertebra –– XA1AX4 Processes of first thoracic vertebra – XA8QS0 Second thoracic vertebra –– XA2VV9 Arch of second thoracic vertebra –– XA3Z42 Body of second thoracic vertebra –– XA6T61 Processes of second thoracic vertebra – XA1Z15 Third thoracic vertebra –– XA2SM3 Arch of third thoracic vertebra –– XA35A0 Body of third thoracic vertebra –– XA41U9 Processes of third thoracic vertebra – XA0C31 Fourth thoracic vertebra –– XA22W3 Arch of fourth thoracic vertebra –– XA3J42 Body of fourth thoracic vertebra –– XA1WL4 Processes of fourth thoracic vertebra – XA3PH5 Fifth thoracic vertebra –– XA28A7 Arch of fifth thoracic vertebra –– XA8W59 Body of fifth thoracic vertebra –– XA0449 Processes of fifth thoracic vertebra – XA45S2 Sixth thoracic vertebra –– XA29X2 Arch of sixth thoracic vertebra –– XA0YY2 Body of sixth thoracic vertebra –– XA1R53 Processes of sixth thoracic vertebra – XA59Y3 Seventh thoracic vertebra –– XA54G1 Arch of seventh thoracic vertebra –– XA62Y3 Body of seventh thoracic vertebra –– XA1CQ7 Processes of seventh thoracic vertebra – XA8NQ5 Eighth thoracic vertebra –– XA3PL7 Arch of eighth thoracic vertebra –– XA5JX9 Body of eighth thoracic vertebra –– XA1SD8 Processes of eighth thoracic vertebra – XA3E70 Ninth thoracic vertebra –– XA9N69 Arch of ninth thoracic vertebra –– XA2X21 Body of ninth thoracic vertebra –– XA5SW1 Processes of ninth thoracic vertebra – XA0AV7 Tenth thoracic vertebra –– XA7LF7 Arch of tenth thoracic vertebra –– XA6VP6 Body of tenth thoracic vertebra –– XA7122 Processes of tenth thoracic vertebra – XA7T69 Eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA98R9 Arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA91J0 Body of eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA92Q6 Processes of eleventh thoracic vertebra – XA69W5 Twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA15N3 Arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA1401 Body of twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA2D62 Processes of twelfth thoracic vertebra XA0D60 Lumbar vertebra – XA3291 First lumbar vertebra –– XA8AX7 Arch of first lumbar vertebra –– XA9E61 Body of first lumbar vertebra –– XA4U01 Processes of first lumbar vertebra – XA2GH9 Second lumbar vertebra –– XA24M1 Arch of second lumbar vertebra –– XA5079 Body of second lumbar vertebra –– XA52T1 Processes of second lumbar vertebra – XA3N97 Third lumbar vertebra –– XA3G24 Arch of third lumbar vertebra –– XA0TL0 Body of third lumbar vertebra –– XA80X7 Processes of third lumbar vertebra – XA9A53 Fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA7CH7 Arch of fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA4145 Body of fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA38A4 Processes of fourth lumbar vertebra – XA9641 Fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA2JV2 Arch of fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA5886 Body of fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA4PS3 Processes of fifth lumbar vertebra XA14W3 Sacrum XA4V28 Coccyx XA02R1 Intervertebral disc or space XA8D30 Cervical discs or space – XA9Z06 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C1-C2 – XA18M2 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C2-C3 – XA94K2 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C3-C4 – XA3623 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C4-C5 – XA1X49 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C5-C6 – XA16L1 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C6-C7 – XA2SG0 Cervicothoracic disc or space C7-T1 XA1N54 Thoracic discs or space – XA4722 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T1-T2 – XA6KQ8 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T2-T3 – XA6CX2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T3-T4 – XA0NE8 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T4-T5 – XA7PD1 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T5-T6 – XA4TP2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T6-T7 – XA7117 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T7-T8 – XA9PW9 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T8-T9 – XA8E13 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T9-T10 – XA6HY9 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T10-T11 – XA5LG2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T11-T12 – XA97A4 Thoracolumbar intervertebral disc or space T12-L1 XA54S5 Lumbar discs or space – XA7RD5 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L1-L2 – XA8DG2 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L2-L3 – XA1F44 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L3-L4 – XA2N96 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L4-L5 – XA54R2 Lumbosacral intervertebral disc or space L5-S1 XA2Y58 Intervertebral disc – XA8WM9 Nucleus pulposus – XA10M1 Annulus fibrosus XA5VB6 Bones of the thorax XA5TK7 Rib XA98Q1 First rib XA7XY2 Second rib XA2U21 Third rib XA4SQ6 Fourth rib XA31L8 Fifth rib XA63Z2 Sixth rib XA2WC3 Seventh rib XA9WQ3 Eighth rib XA31V8 Ninth rib XA54R4 Tenth rib XA3VH4 Eleventh rib XA6W52 Twelfth rib XA6NB3 Sternum XA3M45 Body of sternum XA0K13 Manubrium XA2RB7 Xiphoid XA4N47 Bones of the pelvis XA8Y23 Pelvis XA5FT5 Ilium – XA4743 Iliac crest XA5L47 Ischium XA82W3 Pubis – XA1XZ3 Superior pubic ramus – XA4VB9 Inferior pubic ramus XA6Z32 Acetabulum XA4S38 Axial skeleton XA4RY5 Bones of the head XA1RZ4 Cranial Bones XA0E94 Base of the skull XA2BH0 Calvarium XA0KU6 Cranial fossa – XA7B66 Anterior fossa – XA8Y22 Middle fossa – XA5U78 Posterior fossa XA2SR4 Ethmoid bone XA6ZM9 Frontal bone XA5JA2 Occipital bone – XA4RS9 Occipital condyle – XA33W1 Occiput XA2J87 Parietal bone XA63R0 Sphenoid bone – XA9N34 Pituitary fossa XA2P19 Temporal bone – XA1E15 Petrous bone – XA68N3 Mastoid XA8E69 Orbital bone – XA9XW3 Orbital roof – XA7MW9 Orbital floor XA3Y16 Facial bones XA5CQ0 Hyoid bone – XA3ZF8 Base of the fourth metacarpal bone XA88S1 Fifth metacarpal – XA3Z46 Head of the fifth metacarpal bone – XA16Y6 Neck of the fifth metacarpal bone – XA92G8 Shaft of the fifth metacarpal bone – XA65Y7 Base of the fifth metacarpal bone XA3PA7 Phalanx of the hand XA0HH1 Proximal phalanx of the hand – XA25U2 Proximal phalanx of index finger – XA6ET0 Proximal phalanx of middle finger – XA9MR0 Proximal phalanx of ring finger – XA73Q6 Proximal phalanx of little finger – XA0903 Proximal phalanx of thumb XA89G7 Middle phalanx of hand – XA3JL6 Middle phalanx of index finger – XA5910 Middle phalanx of middle finger – XA8N14 Middle phalanx of ring finger – XA6HX0 Middle phalanx of little finger XA7LS3 Distal phalanx of the hand – XA54X0 Distal phalanx of index finger – XA8NR0 Distal phalanx of middle finger – XA51S6 Distal phalanx of ring finger – XA32G6 Distal phalanx of little finger – XA70H5 Distal phalanx of thumb XA5D87 Bone of finger, not elsewhere classified XA95Q5 Bone of thumb, not elsewhere classified XA2T04 Bones of the lower extremity XA6BA0 Femur XA96S5 Femoral head XA1673 Femoral neck XA32G0 Trochanter – XA1VJ3 Greater trochanter of femur – XA9TD9 Lesser trochanter of femur XA9JB2 Intertrochanteric crest of femur XA4AF2 Femoral shaft XA6UG0 Femoral condyle XA2BJ0 Femoral epiphysis XA00N4 Pertrochanter XA5EL8 Subtrochanteric line of femur XA4T36 Patella XA44U1 Tibia XA5RE8 Tibial condyle – XA87A0 Lateral condyle of tibia – XA7Y69 Medial condyle of tibia XA3DL5 Tibial tuberosity XA66B3 Tibial shaft XA2EN5 Tibial spine XA1HS9 Medial malleolus XA3450 Posterior malleolus XA3KT5 Fibula XA0K77 Fibular head XA5G97 Fibular shaft XA4UL1 Lateral malleolus XA7NN4 Tarsal bone XA5LU2 Calcaneus – XA57V1 Anterior process of calcaneus – XA62P4 Tuberosity of calcaneus XA1LF4 Talus – XA1N98 Dome of the talus – XA6L02 Neck of the talus – XA3MT9 Posterior process of the talus XA84E6 Navicular bone XA4J74 Medial cuneiform bone XA4046 Intermediate cuneiform bone XA8462 Lateral cuneiform bone XA0LW4 Cuboid bone XA43L9 Bone of ankle XA6UL8 Tarsal canal XA6VH2 Metatarsal bone XA39M2 Phalanx of the foot XA6U96 Proximal phalanx of the toe – XA8KC3 Proximal phalanx of great toe – XA0AQ0 Proximal phalanx of second toe – XA11P1 Proximal phalanx of third toe – XA8CX6 Proximal phalanx of fourth toe – XA8PK1 Proximal phalanx of fifth toe XA8539 Middle phalanx of toe – XA1UN2 Middle phalanx of second toe – XA9YP5 Middle phalanx of third toe – XA2SX4 Middle phalanx of fourth toe – XA90F0 Middle phalanx of fifth toe XA4352 Distal phalanx of the toe – XA2AC2 Distal phalanx of great toe – XA3QM7 Distal phalanx of second toe – XA38Q1 Distal phalanx of third toe – XA8XV0 Distal phalanx of fourth toe – XA6ED4 Distal phalanx of fifth toe XA4TM1 Peripheral skeleton XA7R53 Bones of the upper extremity XA2AL0 Bones of the shoulder girdle XA6384 Clavicle – XA76N8 Sternal end of clavicle – XA4PT6 Shaft of the clavicle – XA09P2 Acromial end of clavicle XA53X6 Scapula – XA2HS8 Neck of the scapula – XA1216 Glenoid cavity of the scapula – XA2Y48 Coracoid process of the scapula – XA3664 Acromion XA2XL4 Humerus XA4VY5 Head of the humerus XA0XN0 Anatomical neck of the humerus XA6FR2 Surgical neck of the humerus XA7144 Greater tuberosity of the humerus XA72X2 Lesser tuberosity of the humerus XA4RN8 Shaft of the humerus XA3RE0 Condyle of the humerus – XA11M8 Capitulum of humerus – XA9LK4 Trochlea of humerus XA6EF8 Lateral epicondyle of the humerus XA4097 Medial epicondyle of the humerus XA3WG1 Radius XA2N25 Radial head XA0ZF7 Radial neck XA35U4 Shaft of radius XA6YE5 Radial groove XA3MH2 Styloid process of radius XA4X32 Lower end of radius not otherwise specified XA76U7 Upper end of radius not otherwise specified XA5007 Ulna XA0NS5 Coronoid process of the ulna XA0725 Lower end of ulna not otherwise specified XA5VA1 Olecranon process of the ulna XA8U33 Shaft of the ulna XA05C5 Styloid process of the ulna XA6SV9 Upper end of ulna not otherwise specified XA09H2 Carpal bones XA7480 Scaphoid bone – XA8E71 Distal pole of scaphoid – XA1GV4 Distal third of the scaphoid bone – XA3ZG5 Middle third of the scaphoid bone – XA5ZE5 Proximal third of the scaphoid bone XA30C8 Lunate bone XA4A64 Triquetrum bone XA8SZ6 Pisiform bone XA7XM2 Trapezium bone XA9DH2 Trapezoid bone XA06T2 Capitate bone XA8488 Hamate bone – XA97A0 Hook of hamate XA0GJ4 Carpal tunnel XA22M5 Base of other carpal bone XA9640 Neck of other carpal bone XA5TX9 Shaft of other carpal bone XA3YX4 Metacarpal bone XA58X4 First metacarpal – XA12D2 Head of the first metacarpal bone – XA8J87 Neck of the first metacarpal bone – XA5N95 Shaft of the first metacarpal bone – XA2P67 Base of the first metacarpal bone XA5HE0 Second metacarpal – XA93C5 Head of the second metacarpal bone – XA8KU0 Neck of the second metacarpal bone – XA4RC8 Shaft of the second metacarpal bone – XA37V2 Base of the second metacarpal bone XA7J93 Third metacarpal – XA6442 Head of the third metacarpal bone – XA50H4 Neck of the third metacarpal bone – XA8BP2 Shaft of the third metacarpal bone – XA8NK6 Base of the third metacarpal bone XA9KB7 Fourth metacarpal – XA8X42 Head of the fourth metacarpal bone – XA9NT7 Neck of the fourth metacarpal bone – XA4CP7 Shaft of the fourth metacarpal bone Associated with - multiple selections are allowed [select] 2A00 Primary neoplasms of brain – 2A00.0 Gliomas of brain – 2A00.1 Embryonal tumours of brain – 2A00.2 Tumours of neuroepithelial tissue of brain – 2A00.3 Central neurocytoma of brain – 2A00.4 Astroblastoma of the brain – 2A00.5 Primary neoplasm of brain of unknown or unspecified type –– 2A00.00 Glioblastoma of brain –– 2A00.0Y Other specified gliomas of brain –– 2A00.0Z Gliomas of brain, unspecified –– 2A00.10 Medulloblastoma of brain –– 2A00.11 Central primitive neuroectodermal tumour –– 2A00.1Y Other specified embryonal tumours of brain –– 2A00.1Z Embryonal tumours of brain, unspecified –– 2A00.20 Tumours of the pineal gland or pineal region –– 2A00.21 Mixed neuronal-glial tumours –– 2A00.22 Choroid plexus tumours –– 2A00.2Y Other specified tumours of neuroepithelial tissue of brain –– 2A00.2Z Tumours of neuroepithelial tissue of brain, unspecified 2A01 Primary neoplasms of meninges – 2A01.0 Meningiomas – 2A01.1 Mesenchymal tumours of meninges – 2A01.2 Primary neoplasm of meninges of unknown or unspecified type –– 2A01.00 Primary malignant meningioma –– 2A01.0Y Other specified meningiomas –– 2A01.0Z Meningiomas, unspecified 2A02 Primary neoplasm of spinal cord, cranial nerves or remaining parts of central nervous system – 2A02.0 Gliomas of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of the central nervous system – 2A02.1 Tumours of cranial or paraspinal nerves – 2A02.2 Primary neoplasm of spinal cord of unknown or unspecified type – 2A02.3 Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves – 2A02.4 Benign neoplasm of spinal cord –– 2A02.00 Glioblastoma of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of central nervous system –– 2A02.0Y Other specified gliomas of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of the central nervous system –– 2A02.0Z Gliomas of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of the central nervous system, unspecified –– 2A02.10 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour of cranial or paraspinal nerves –– 2A02.11 Paraspinal neuroblastoma –– 2A02.12 Malignant neoplasm of the optic nerve –– 2A02.1Y Other specified tumours of cranial or paraspinal nerves –– 2A02.1Z Tumours of cranial or paraspinal nerves, unspecified 2A0Z Other and unspecified neoplasms of brain or central nervous system – 2A20 Non mast cell myeloproliferative neoplasms –– 2A20.0 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia, BCR-ABL1-positive –– 2A20.1 Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia –– 2A20.2 Primary myelofibrosis –– 2A20.3 Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia, not elsewhere classified –– 2A20.4 Polycythaemia vera –– 2A20.5 Non mast cell myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable –– 2A20.Y Other specified non mast cell myeloproliferative neoplasms –– 2A20.Z Non mast cell myeloproliferative neoplasms, unspecified ––– 2A20.00 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia with blast crisis ––– 2A20.01 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia, Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1) positive ––– 2A20.02 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia, t(9:22)(q34; q11) ––– 2A20.03 Naegeli-type monocytic leukaemia ––– 2A20.0Y Other specified chronic myelogenous leukaemia, BCR-ABL1-positive ––– 2A20.0Z Chronic myelogenous leukaemia, BCR-ABL1-positive, unspecified – 2A21 Mastocytosis –– 2A21.0 Systemic mastocytosis –– 2A21.1 Cutaneous mastocytosis –– 2A21.2 Mast cell sarcoma –– 2A21.3 Extracutaneous mastocytoma –– 2A21.Y Other specified mastocytosis –– 2A21.Z Mastocytosis, unspecified ––– 2A21.00 Mast cell leukaemia ––– 2A21.0Y Other specified systemic mastocytosis ––– 2A21.0Z Systemic mastocytosis, unspecified ––– 2A21.10 Urticaria pigmentosa ––– 2A21.1Y Other specified cutaneous mastocytosis ––– 2A21.1Z Cutaneous mastocytosis, unspecified – 2A22 Other and unspecified myeloproliferative neoplasms – 2A30 Refractory anaemia – 2A31 Refractory neutropaenia – 2A32 Refractory thrombocytopenia – 2A33 Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts – 2A34 Refractory cytopenia with multi-lineage dysplasia – 2A35 Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts – 2A36 Myelodysplastic syndrome with isolated del(5q) – 2A37 Myelodysplastic syndrome, unclassifiable – 2A38 Refractory cytopenia of childhood – 2A3Y Other specified myelodysplastic syndromes – 2A3Z Myelodysplastic syndromes, unspecified – 2A40 Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia – 2A41 Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR-ABL1-negative – 2A42 Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia –– 2A42.0 Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia in complete remission –– 2A42.Y Other specified juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia –– 2A42.Z Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia, unspecified – 2A43 Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts associated with marked thrombocytosis – 2A44 Myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic disease, unclassifiable – 2A4Y Other specified myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms – 2A4Z Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms, unspecified – 2A50 Myeloid/lymphoid neoplasm associated with PDGFRA rearrangement – 2A51 Myeloid neoplasm associated with PDGFRB rearrangement – 2A52 Myeloid or lymphoid neoplasms with FGFR1 abnormalities – 2A5Z Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms with eosinophilia and abnormalities of PDGFRA, PDGFRB or FGFR1, unspecified 2A60 Acute myeloid leukaemias and related precursor neoplasms – 2A60.0 Acute myeloid leukaemia with recurrent genetic abnormalities – 2A60.1 Acute myeloid leukaemia with myelodysplasia-related changes – 2A60.2 Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms – 2A60.3 Acute myeloid leukaemia, not elsewhere classified by criteria of other types – 2A60.4 Myeloid proliferation associated with Down syndrome – 2A60.5 Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm – 2A60.Y Other specified acute myeloid leukaemias and related precursor neoplasms – 2A60.Z Acute myeloid leukaemias and related precursor neoplasms, unspecified –– 2A60.20 Therapy related acute myeloid leukaemia or myelodysplastic syndrome –– 2A60.2Y Other specified therapy-related myeloid neoplasms –– 2A60.2Z Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms, unspecified –– 2A60.30 Acute myeloid leukaemia with minimal differentiation –– 2A60.31 Acute myeloid leukaemia without maturation –– 2A60.32 Acute myeloid leukaemia with maturation –– 2A60.33 Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia –– 2A60.34 Acute monoblastic or monocytic leukaemia –– 2A60.35 Acute erythroid leukaemia –– 2A60.36 Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia –– 2A60.37 Acute basophilic leukaemia –– 2A60.38 Acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis –– 2A60.39 Myeloid sarcoma –– 2A60.3Y Other specified acute myeloid leukaemia, not elsewhere classified by criteria of other types –– 2A60.3Z Acute myeloid leukaemia, unspecified –– 2A60.40 Transient abnormal myelopoiesis –– 2A60.41 Myeloid leukaemia associated with Down syndrome –– 2A60.4Y Other specified myeloid proliferation associated with Down syndrome –– 2A60.4Z Myeloid proliferation associated with Down syndrome, unspecified 2A61 Acute leukaemias of ambiguous lineage – 2A70 Precursor B-lymphoblastic neoplasms –– 2A70.0 B lymphoblastic leukaemia or lymphoma, not elsewhere classified –– 2A70.1 B lymphoblastic leukaemia or lymphoma with t(9:22) (q34;q11.2); BCR-ABL1 –– 2A70.Y Other B-lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma with recurrent genetic abnormalities – 2A71 Precursor T-lymphoblastic neoplasms – 2A7Z Precursor lymphoid neoplasms, unspecified – 2A80 Follicular lymphoma –– 2A80.0 Follicular lymphoma grade 1 –– 2A80.1 Follicular lymphoma grade 2 –– 2A80.2 Follicular lymphoma grade 3 –– 2A80.3 Primary cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma –– 2A80.4 Paediatric type follicular lymphoma –– 2A80.5 Follicular lymphoma in situ –– 2A80.6 Follicular lymphoma of small intestine –– 2A80.Y Other specified follicular lymphoma –– 2A80.Z Follicular lymphoma, unspecified – 2A81 Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas –– 2A81.0 Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma –– 2A81.1 Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma –– 2A81.2 Plasmablastic lymphoma –– 2A81.3 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis –– 2A81.4 T-cell/histiocyte rich large B-cell lymphoma –– 2A81.5 Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of central nervous system –– 2A81.6 Epstein-Barr Virus-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the elderly –– 2A81.7 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma associated with chronic inflammation –– 2A81.8 ALK-positive large B-cell lymphoma –– 2A81.9 Primary effusion lymphoma –– 2A81.A Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type –– 2A81.Y Other specified diffuse large B-cell lymphomas –– 2A81.Z Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified – 2A82 Mature B-cell neoplasm with leukaemic behaviour –– 2A82.0 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma –– 2A82.1 B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia –– 2A82.2 Hairy-cell leukaemia –– 2A82.3 Splenic B-cell lymphoma or leukaemia, unclassifiable –– 2A82.Y Other specified mature B-cell neoplasm with leukaemic behaviour –– 2A82.Z Mature B-cell neoplasm with leukaemic behaviour, unspecified ––– 2A82.00 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia of B-cell type ––– 2A82.0Y Other specified chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma ––– 2A82.0Z Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma, unspecified ––– 2A82.10 B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia in complete remission ––– 2A82.1Y Other specified b-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia ––– 2A82.1Z B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia, unspecified – 2A83 Plasma cell neoplasms –– 2A83.0 Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance –– 2A83.1 Plasma cell myeloma –– 2A83.2 Solitary plasmacytoma –– 2A83.3 Extraosseous plasmacytoma –– 2A83.4 Plasma cell leukaemia –– 2A83.5 Monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease –– 2A83.Y Other specified multiple myeloma and plasma cell neoplasms –– 2A83.Z Plasma cell neoplasm, unspecified ––– 2A83.50 Heavy chain deposition disease ––– 2A83.51 Light and heavy chain deposition disease ––– 2A83.52 Light chain deposition disease – 2A84 Heavy chain diseases or malignant immunoproliferative diseases –– 2A84.0 Alpha heavy chain disease –– 2A84.1 Gamma heavy chain disease –– 2A84.2 Mu heavy chain disease –– 2A84.Y Other specified malignant immunoproliferative diseases –– 2A84.Z Heavy chain diseases, unspecified – 2A85 Other specified mature B-cell neoplasms or lymphoma –– 2A85.0 Nodal marginal zone lymphoma –– 2A85.1 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue of stomach –– 2A85.2 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, primary site skin –– 2A85.3 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, primary site excluding stomach or skin –– 2A85.4 Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma –– 2A85.5 Mantle cell lymphoma –– 2A85.6 Burkitt lymphoma including Burkitt leukaemia –– 2A85.Y Further specified mature B-cell neoplasms or lymphoma – 2A86 B-cell lymphoma, mixed features –– 2A86.0 Malignant lymphoma of B cell type, not elsewhere classified –– 2A86.1 B-cell lymphoma unclassifiable with features intermediate between Burkitt lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma –– 2A86.2 B-cell lymphoma unclassifiable with features intermediate between classical Hodgkin lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma –– 2A86.Y Other specified B-cell lymphoma, mixed features –– 2A86.Z B-cell lymphoma, mixed features, unspecified – 2A8Z Mature B-cell neoplasms, unspecified – 2A90 Mature T-cell lymphoma, specified types, nodal or systemic –– 2A90.0 T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia –– 2A90.1 T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia –– 2A90.2 Chronic lymphoproliferative disorders of NK-cells –– 2A90.3 Aggressive NK cell leukaemia –– 2A90.4 Systemic Epstein-Barr Virus-positive T-cell lymphoma of childhood –– 2A90.5 Adult T-cell lymphoma or leukaemia, human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1-associated –– 2A90.6 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type –– 2A90.7 Enteropathy associated T-cell lymphoma –– 2A90.8 Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma –– 2A90.9 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma –– 2A90.A Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive –– 2A90.B Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative –– 2A90.C Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified –– 2B00 Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma –– 2B01 Mycosis fungoides –– 2B02 Sézary syndrome –– 2B03 Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders ––– 2B03.0 Primary cutaneous CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma ––– 2B03.1 Lymphomatoid papulosis –– 2B0Y Other specified primary cutaneous mature T-cell or NK-cell lymphomas and lymphoproliferative disorders –– 2B0Z Primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of undetermined or unspecified type – 2B2Y Other specified mature T-cell or NK-cell neoplasms – 2B2Z Mature T-cell or NK-cell neoplasms, unspecified 2B30 Hodgkin lymphoma – 2B30.0 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma – 2B30.1 Classical Hodgkin lymphoma – 2B30.Z Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified –– 2B30.10 Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma –– 2B30.11 Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma –– 2B30.12 Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma –– 2B30.13 Lymphocyte depleted classical Hodgkin lymphoma –– 2B30.1Z Classical Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified 2B31 Histiocytic or dendritic cell neoplasms – 2B31.0 Juvenile xanthogranuloma – 2B31.1 Histiocytic sarcoma – 2B31.2 Langerhans cell histiocytosis – 2B31.3 Langerhans cell sarcoma – 2B31.4 Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma – 2B31.5 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma – 2B31.6 Indeterminate cell histiocytosis – 2B31.7 Fibroblastic reticular cell tumour – 2B31.Y Other specified histiocytic or dendritic cell neoplasms – 2B31.Z Histiocytic or dendritic cell neoplasms, unspecified –– 2B31.20 Langerhans cell histiocytosis involving the skin –– 2B31.2Y Other specified Langerhans cell histiocytosis –– 2B31.2Z Langerhans cell histiocytosis, unspecified 2B32 Immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders – 2B32.0 Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, early lesion – 2B32.1 Reactive plasmacytic hyperplasia – 2B32.2 Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, Infectious mononucleosis-like – 2B32.3 Polymorphic post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder – 2B32.Y Other specified immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders – 2B32.Z Immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders, unspecified 2B33 Malignant haematopoietic neoplasms without further specification – 2B33.0 Acute leukaemia, not elsewhere classified – 2B33.1 Myeloid leukaemia – 2B33.2 Chronic myeloid leukaemia, not elsewhere classified – 2B33.3 Lymphoid leukaemia, not elsewhere classified – 2B33.4 Leukaemia, unspecified – 2B33.5 Malignant lymphoma, not elsewhere classified – 2B33.Y Other malignant haematopoietic neoplasms without further specification 2B3Z Neoplasms of haematopoietic or lymphoid tissues, unspecified –– 2B50 Chondrosarcoma, primary site ––– 2B50.0 Chondrosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of limbs ––– 2B50.1 Chondrosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of pelvis ––– 2B50.2 Chondrosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of ribs, sternum or clavicle ––– 2B50.Y Chondrosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of other specified sites ––– 2B50.Z Chondrosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of unspecified sites –– 2B51 Osteosarcoma, primary site ––– 2B51.0 Osteosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of jaw ––– 2B51.1 Osteosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of limbs ––– 2B51.2 Osteosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of pelvis ––– 2B51.Y Osteosarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of other specified sites ––– 2B51.Z Osteosarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of unspecified sites –– 2B52 Ewing sarcoma, primary site ––– 2B52.0 Ewing sarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of limbs ––– 2B52.1 Ewing sarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of pelvis ––– 2B52.2 Ewing sarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of ribs ––– 2B52.3 Ewing sarcoma of soft tissue ––– 2B52.Y Ewing sarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of other specified sites ––– 2B52.Z Ewing sarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of unspecified sites –– 2B53 Fibroblastic or myofibroblastic tumour, primary site ––– 2B53.0 Myxofibrosarcoma, primary site ––– 2B53.1 Fibroblastic or myofibroblastic tumour of skin ––– 2B53.Y Other specified fibroblastic or myofibroblastic tumour, primary site ––– 2B53.Z Fibroblastic or myofibroblastic tumour, primary site, unspecified –– 2B54 Unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma, primary site ––– 2B54.0 Unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma of skin ––– 2B54.1 Unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma of retroperitoneum or peritoneum ––– 2B54.Y Unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma, primary site, other specified site ––– 2B54.Z Unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma, primary site, unspecified site –– 2B55 Rhabdomyosarcoma, primary site ––– 2B55.0 Rhabdomyosarcoma of the oral cavity or pharynx ––– 2B55.1 Rhabdomyosarcoma of respiratory or intrathoracic organs ––– 2B55.2 Rhabdomyosarcoma of male genital organs ––– 2B55.Y Rhabdomyosarcoma, other specified primary site ––– 2B55.Z Rhabdomyosarcoma, unspecified primary site –– 2B56 Angiosarcoma, primary site ––– 2B56.0 Angiosarcoma of heart ––– 2B56.1 Angiosarcoma of skin ––– 2B56.2 Angiosarcoma of breast ––– 2B56.3 Angiosarcoma of liver ––– 2B56.Y Angiosarcoma, other specified primary site ––– 2B56.Z Angiosarcoma, unspecified primary site –– 2B57 Kaposi sarcoma, primary site ––– 2B57.0 Kaposi sarcoma of lung ––– 2B57.1 Kaposi sarcoma of skin ––– 2B57.2 Kaposi sarcoma of gastrointestinal sites ––– 2B57.Y Kaposi sarcoma of other specified primary sites ––– 2B57.Z Kaposi sarcoma of unspecified primary site –– 2B58 Leiomyosarcoma, primary site ––– 2B58.0 Leiomyosarcoma of retroperitoneum or peritoneum ––– 2B58.1 Leiomyosarcoma of uterus ––– 2B58.2 Leiomyosarcoma of stomach ––– 2B58.Y Leiomyosarcoma, other specified primary site ––– 2B58.Z Leiomyosarcoma, unspecified primary site –– 2B59 Liposarcoma, primary site ––– 2B59.0 Liposarcoma of soft tissue of limb ––– 2B59.1 Liposarcoma of retroperitoneum or peritoneum ––– 2B59.2 Liposarcoma of male genital organs ––– 2B59.Y Liposarcoma, other specified primary site ––– 2B59.Z Liposarcoma, unspecified primary site –– 2B5A Synovial sarcoma, primary site ––– 2B5A.0 Synovial sarcoma of soft tissues of limb ––– 2B5A.1 Synovial sarcoma of respiratory or intra-thoracic organs ––– 2B5A.Y Synovial sarcoma, other specified primary site ––– 2B5A.Z Synovial sarcoma, unspecified primary site –– 2B5B Gastrointestinal stromal tumour, primary site ––– 2B5B.0 Gastrointestinal stromal tumour of stomach ––– 2B5B.1 Gastrointestinal stromal tumour of small intestine ––– 2B5B.Y Gastrointestinal stromal tumour of other gastrointestinal sites ––– 2B5B.Z Gastrointestinal stromal tumour of unspecified gastrointestinal sites –– 2B5C Endometrial stromal sarcoma, primary site –– 2B5D Malignant mixed epithelial mesenchymal tumour, primary site ––– 2B5D.0 Malignant mixed epithelial mesenchymal tumour of ovary ––– 2B5D.1 Malignant mixed epithelial and mesenchymal tumour of corpus uteri ––– 2B5D.Y Malignant mixed epithelial mesenchymal tumour, other specified primary site ––– 2B5D.Z Malignant mixed epithelial mesenchymal tumour, unspecified primary site –– 2B5E Malignant nerve sheath tumour of peripheral nerves or autonomic nervous system, primary site –– 2B5F Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified, primary site ––– 2B5F.0 Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified of uterus ––– 2B5F.1 Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified of retroperitoneum or peritoneum ––– 2B5F.2 Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified of other specified sites ––– 2B5F.3 Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified, primary site unknown –––– 2B5F.10 Myosarcomas of omentum –––– 2B5F.1Y Other specified sarcoma, not elsewhere classified of retroperitoneum or peritoneum –––– 2B5F.1Z Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified of retroperitoneum or peritoneum, unspecified –– 2B5G Myosarcoma of uterus, part not specified –– 2B5H Well differentiated lipomatous tumour, primary site –– 2B5J Malignant miscellaneous tumours of bone or articular cartilage of other or unspecified sites –– 2B5K Unspecified malignant soft tissue tumours or sarcomas of bone or articular cartilage of other or unspecified sites –– 2B5Y Other specified malignant mesenchymal neoplasms –– 2B5Z Malignant mesenchymal neoplasm of unspecified type –– 2B60 Malignant neoplasms of lip ––– 2B60.0 Basal cell carcinoma of lip ––– 2B60.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of lip ––– 2B60.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of lip ––– 2B60.Z Malignant neoplasms of lip, unspecified –– 2B61 Malignant neoplasms of base of tongue ––– 2B61.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue ––– 2B61.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of base of tongue ––– 2B61.Z Malignant neoplasms of base of tongue, unspecified –– 2B62 Malignant neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of tongue ––– 2B62.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of other or unspecified parts of tongue ––– 2B62.1 Malignant neoplasms of lingual tonsil ––– 2B62.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified parts of tongue ––– 2B62.Z Malignant neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of tongue, unspecified –––– 2B62.10 Squamous cell carcinoma of lingual tonsil –––– 2B62.1Z Malignant neoplasms of lingual tonsil, unspecified –– 2B63 Malignant neoplasms of gum ––– 2B63.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of gum ––– 2B63.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of gum ––– 2B63.Z Malignant neoplasms of gum, unspecified –– 2B64 Malignant neoplasms of floor of mouth ––– 2B64.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of floor of mouth ––– 2B64.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth ––– 2B64.Z Malignant neoplasms of floor of mouth, unspecified –– 2B65 Malignant neoplasms of palate ––– 2B65.0 Adenocarcinoma of palate ––– 2B65.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of palate ––– 2B65.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of palate ––– 2B65.Z Malignant neoplasms of palate, unspecified –– 2B66 Malignant neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of mouth ––– 2B66.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of other or unspecified parts of mouth ––– 2B66.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified parts of mouth ––– 2B66.Z Malignant neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of mouth, unspecified –– 2B67 Malignant neoplasms of parotid gland ––– 2B67.0 Adenocarcinoma of parotid gland ––– 2B67.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of parotid gland ––– 2B67.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of parotid gland ––– 2B67.Z Malignant neoplasms of parotid gland, unspecified –– 2B68 Malignant neoplasms of submandibular or sublingual glands ––– 2B68.0 Adenocarcinoma of submandibular or sublingual glands ––– 2B68.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of submandibular or sublingual glands ––– 2B68.2 Other specified malignant neoplasms of submandibular or sublingual glands ––– 2B68.Z Malignant neoplasms of submandibular or sublingual glands, unspecified –– 2B69 Malignant neoplasms of tonsil ––– 2B69.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of tonsil ––– 2B69.1 Other specified malignant neoplasms of tonsil ––– 2B69.Z Malignant neoplasms of tonsil, unspecified –– 2B6A Malignant neoplasms of oropharynx ––– 2B6A.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx ––– 2B6A.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of oropharynx ––– 2B6A.Z Malignant neoplasms of oropharynx, unspecified –– 2B6B Malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx ––– 2B6B.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx ––– 2B6B.1 Malignant epithelial neoplasms of nasopharynx, unspecified type ––– 2B6B.2 Malignant neoplasms of pharyngeal tonsil ––– 2B6B.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx ––– 2B6B.Z Malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx, unspecified –––– 2B6B.20 Squamous cell carcinoma of pharyngeal tonsil –––– 2B6B.21 Other or unspecified malignant epithelial neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil –––– 2B6B.2Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of pharyngeal tonsil –––– 2B6B.2Z Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil without mention of type –– 2B6C Malignant neoplasms of piriform sinus ––– 2B6C.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of piriform sinus ––– 2B6C.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of piriform sinus ––– 2B6C.Z Malignant neoplasms of piriform sinus, unspecified –– 2B6D Malignant neoplasms of hypopharynx ––– 2B6D.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx and variants ––– 2B6D.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of hypopharynx ––– 2B6D.Z Malignant neoplasms of hypopharynx, unspecified –– 2B6E Malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity or pharynx ––– 2B6E.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of other or ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity or pharynx ––– 2B6E.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity or pharynx ––– 2B6E.Z Malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity or pharynx, unspecified –– 2B6Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity or pharynx –– 2B70 Malignant neoplasms of oesophagus ––– 2B70.0 Adenocarcinoma of oesophagus ––– 2B70.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of oesophagus ––– 2B70.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of oesophagus ––– 2B70.Z Malignant neoplasms of oesophagus, unspecified –––– 2B70.00 Barrett adenocarcinoma –––– 2B70.0Y Other specified adenocarcinoma of oesophagus –––– 2B70.0Z Adenocarcinoma of oesophagus, unspecified –– 2B71 Malignant neoplasms of oesophagogastric junction ––– 2B71.0 Adenocarcinoma of oesophagogastric junction ––– 2B71.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of oesophagogastric junction ––– 2B71.Z Malignant neoplasms of oesophagogastric junction, unspecified –– 2B72 Malignant neoplasms of stomach ––– 2B72.0 Adenocarcinoma of stomach ––– 2B72.1 Malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of stomach ––– 2B72.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of stomach ––– 2B72.Z Malignant neoplasms of stomach, unspecified ––– 2B80 Malignant neoplasms of small intestine –––– 2B80.0 Malignant neoplasms of duodenum –––– 2B80.1 Malignant neoplasms of jejunum or ileum –––– 2B80.2 Malignant neoplasms of small intestine, site unspecified –––– 2B80.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of small intestine –––– 2B80.Z Malignant neoplasms of small intestine, unspecified ––––– 2B80.00 Adenocarcinoma of duodenum ––––– 2B80.01 Neuroendocrine neoplasm of duodenum ––––– 2B80.0Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of the duodenum ––––– 2B80.0Z Malignant neoplasms of duodenum, unspecified ––––– 2B80.10 Adenocarcinoma of jejunum or ileum ––––– 2B80.11 Neuroendocrine neoplasms of jejunum or ileum ––––– 2B80.1Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of jejunum or ileum ––––– 2B80.1Z Malignant neoplasms of jejunum or ileum, unspecified ––––– 2B80.20 Adenocarcinoma of small intestine, site unspecified ––––– 2B80.21 Neuroendocrine neoplasms of small intestine, site unspecified ––––– 2B80.2Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of small intestine, site unspecified ––– 2B81 Malignant neoplasms of appendix –––– 2B81.0 Adenocarcinoma of appendix –––– 2B81.2 Neuroendocrine neoplasms of appendix –––– 2B81.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of appendix –––– 2B81.Z Malignant neoplasms of appendix, unspecified ––––– 2B81.00 Mucinous adenocarcinoma of appendix –––– 2B90 Malignant neoplasms of colon ––––– 2B90.0 Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon and right flexure of colon ––––– 2B90.1 Malignant neoplasm of descending colon and splenic flexure of colon ––––– 2B90.2 Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon ––––– 2B90.3 Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon ––––– 2B90.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of colon ––––– 2B90.Z Malignant neoplasms of colon, unspecified –––––– 2B90.00 Adenocarcinoma of ascending colon or right flexure of colon –––––– 2B90.0Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of ascending colon and right flexure of colon –––––– 2B90.0Z Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon and right flexure of colon, unspecified –––––– 2B90.10 Adenocarcinoma of descending colon or splenic flexure of colon –––––– 2B90.1Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of descending colon and splenic flexure of colon –––––– 2B90.1Z Malignant neoplasm of descending colon and splenic flexure of colon, unspecified –––––– 2B90.20 Adenocarcinoma of transverse colon –––––– 2B90.2Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of transverse colon –––––– 2B90.2Z Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon, unspecified –––––– 2B90.30 Adenocarcinoma of sigmoid colon –––––– 2B90.3Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon –––––– 2B90.3Z Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon, unspecified –––– 2B91 Malignant neoplasms of rectosigmoid junction ––––– 2B91.0 Adenocarcinoma of rectosigmoid junction ––––– 2B91.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of rectosigmoid junction ––––– 2B91.Z Malignant neoplasms of rectosigmoid junction, unspecified –––– 2B92 Malignant neoplasms of rectum ––––– 2B92.0 Adenocarcinomas of rectum ––––– 2B92.1 Neuroendocrine neoplasms of rectum ––––– 2B92.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of rectum ––––– 2B92.Z Malignant neoplasms of rectum, unspecified –––– 2B93 Malignant neoplasms of large intestine, site unspecified ––––– 2B93.0 Adenocarcinoma of large intestine, site unspecified ––––– 2B93.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of large intestine, site unspecified ––––– 2B93.Z Malignant neoplasms of large intestine, site and type unspecified –––– 2B9Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of large intestine ––– 2C00 Malignant neoplasms of anus or anal canal –––– 2C00.0 Adenocarcinoma of anus or anal canal –––– 2C00.1 Melanoma of anus or anal canal –––– 2C00.2 Neuroendocrine neoplasm of anus or anal canal –––– 2C00.3 Squamous cell carcinoma of anus or anal canal –––– 2C00.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of anus and anal canal –––– 2C00.Z Malignant neoplasms of anus or anal canal, unspecified ––– 2C0Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of intestine ––– 2C0Z Malignant neoplasms of intestine, unspecified –– 2C10 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas ––– 2C10.0 Adenocarcinoma of pancreas ––– 2C10.1 Neuroendocrine neoplasms of pancreas ––– 2C10.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of pancreas ––– 2C10.Z Malignant neoplasm of pancreas, unspecified –– 2C11 Malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined digestive organs ––– 2C11.0 Adenocarcinoma of other or ill-defined digestive organs ––– 2C11.1 Mucinous carcinoma of other or ill-defined digestive organs ––– 2C11.2 Other specified malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined digestive organs ––– 2C11.Z Malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined digestive organs, unspecified –– 2C12 Malignant neoplasms of liver or intrahepatic bile ducts ––– 2C12.0 Malignant neoplasm of liver ––– 2C12.1 Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts –––– 2C12.00 Combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma –––– 2C12.01 Hepatoblastoma –––– 2C12.02 Hepatocellular carcinoma of liver –––– 2C12.03 Mesothelial carcinoma of liver –––– 2C12.0Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of liver –––– 2C12.0Z Malignant neoplasm of liver, unspecified –––– 2C12.10 Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma –––– 2C12.1Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of intrahepatic bile ducts –––– 2C12.1Z Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts, unspecified –– 2C13 Malignant neoplasms of gallbladder ––– 2C13.0 Adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder ––– 2C13.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of gallbladder ––– 2C13.Z Malignant neoplasms of gallbladder, unspecified –– 2C14 Malignant neoplasms of proximal biliary tract, cystic duct ––– 2C14.0 Adenocarcinoma of proximal biliary tract, cystic duct ––– 2C14.1 Mucinous cystic neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma of cystic duct ––– 2C14.2 Neuroendocrine neoplasms of cystic duct ––– 2C14.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of biliary tract, cystic duct ––– 2C14.Z Malignant neoplasms of proximal biliary tract, cystic duct, unspecified –– 2C15 Malignant neoplasms of biliary tract, distal bile duct ––– 2C15.0 Adenocarcinoma of biliary tract, distal bile duct ––– 2C15.1 Mucinous cystic neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma of distal bile duct ––– 2C15.2 Neuroendocrine neoplasms of distal bile duct ––– 2C15.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of biliary tract, distal bile duct ––– 2C15.Z Malignant neoplasms of biliary tract, distal bile duct, unspecified –– 2C16 Malignant neoplasms of ampulla of Vater ––– 2C16.0 Adenocarcinoma of ampulla of Vater ––– 2C16.1 Neuroendocrine neoplasms of ampulla of Vater ––– 2C16.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of ampulla of Vater ––– 2C16.Z Malignant neoplasms of ampulla of Vater, unspecified –– 2C17 Malignant neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of biliary tract ––– 2C17.0 Adenocarcinoma of other or unspecified parts of biliary tract ––– 2C17.1 Mucinous cystic neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma of other or unspecified parts of biliary tract ––– 2C17.2 Neuroendocrine neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of biliary tract ––– 2C17.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of overlapping lesion of biliary tract ––– 2C17.Z Malignant neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of biliary tract, unspecified –– 2C18 Malignant neoplasms of perihilar bile duct ––– 2C18.0 Hilar cholangiocarcinoma ––– 2C18.1 Mucinous cystic neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma of perihilar bile duct ––– 2C18.2 Neuroendocrine neoplasm of perihilar bile duct ––– 2C18.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of perihilar bile duct ––– 2C18.Z Malignant neoplasms of perihilar bile duct, unspecified –– 2C1Z Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs, unspecified –– 2C20 Malignant neoplasms of nasal cavity ––– 2C20.0 Adenocarcinoma of nasal cavity ––– 2C20.1 Malignant neuroepitheliomatous neoplasm of nasal cavity ––– 2C20.2 Melanoma of nasal cavity ––– 2C20.3 Olfactory neuroblastoma ––– 2C20.4 Squamous cell carcinoma of nasal cavity ––– 2C20.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity ––– 2C20.Z Malignant neoplasms of nasal cavity, unspecified –– 2C21 Malignant neoplasms of middle ear ––– 2C21.0 Adenocarcinoma of middle ear ––– 2C21.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of middle ear ––– 2C21.2 Unspecified malignant epithelial neoplasm of middle ear ––– 2C21.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of middle ear ––– 2C21.Z Malignant neoplasms of middle ear, unspecified –– 2C22 Malignant neoplasms of accessory sinuses ––– 2C22.0 Adenocarcinoma of accessory sinuses ––– 2C22.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of accessory sinuses ––– 2C22.2 Malignant epithelial neoplasms of accessory sinuses, unspecified type ––– 2C22.3 Melanomas of accessory sinuses ––– 2C22.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of accessory sinuses ––– 2C22.Z Malignant neoplasms of accessory sinuses, unspecified –––– 2C22.10 Squamous cell carcinoma of sphenoidal sinus –––– 2C22.1Y Squamous cell carcinoma of other specified accessory sinuses –– 2C23 Malignant neoplasms of larynx ––– 2C23.1 Malignant neoplasms of glottis of larynx ––– 2C23.2 Malignant neoplasms of supraglottis of larynx ––– 2C23.3 Malignant neoplasms of subglottis of larynx ––– 2C23.4 Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage ––– 2C23.5 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of larynx ––– 2C23.Z Malignant neoplasms of larynx, unspecified –––– 2C23.10 Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx, glottis –––– 2C23.1Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of larynx, glottis –––– 2C23.20 Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx, supraglottis –––– 2C23.2Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of larynx, supraglottis –––– 2C23.30 Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx, subglottis –––– 2C23.31 Adenocarcinoma of larynx, subglottis –––– 2C23.3Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of larynx, subglottis –– 2C24 Malignant neoplasms of trachea ––– 2C24.0 Adenocarcinoma of trachea ––– 2C24.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of trachea ––– 2C24.2 Malignant epithelial neoplasms of trachea, unspecified type ––– 2C24.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of trachea ––– 2C24.Z Malignant neoplasms of trachea, unspecified –– 2C25 Malignant neoplasms of bronchus or lung ––– 2C25.0 Adenocarcinoma of bronchus or lung ––– 2C25.1 Small cell carcinoma of bronchus or lung ––– 2C25.2 Squamous cell carcinoma of bronchus or lung ––– 2C25.3 Large cell carcinoma of bronchus or lung ––– 2C25.4 Carcinoid or other malignant neuroendocrine neoplasms of bronchus or lung ––– 2C25.5 Unspecified malignant epithelial neoplasm of bronchus or lung ––– 2C25.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of bronchus or lung ––– 2C25.Z Malignant neoplasms of bronchus or lung, unspecified –– 2C26 Malignant neoplasms of the pleura ––– 2C26.0 Mesothelioma of pleura ––– 2C26.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of the pleura ––– 2C26.Z Malignant neoplasms of the pleura, unspecified –– 2C27 Malignant neoplasms of thymus ––– 2C27.0 Carcinoma of thymus ––– 2C27.1 Carcinoid tumour or other neuroendocrine neoplasms of thymus ––– 2C27.2 Malignant thymoma ––– 2C27.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of thymus ––– 2C27.Z Malignant neoplasms of thymus, unspecified –– 2C28 Malignant neoplasms of heart, mediastinum or non-mesothelioma of pleura ––– 2C28.0 Malignant germ cell neoplasms of heart, mediastinum or non-mesothelioma of pleura ––– 2C28.1 Other specified malignant neoplasms of heart, mediastinum or non-mesothelioma of pleura ––– 2C28.Z Malignant neoplasms of heart, mediastinum or non-mesothelioma of pleura, unspecified –– 2C29 Malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the respiratory system or intrathoracic organs ––– 2C29.0 Squamous cell carcinomas of other and ill-defined sites in the respiratory system and intrathoracic organs ––– 2C29.1 Other specified malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the respiratory system or intrathoracic organs ––– 2C29.Z Malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the respiratory system or intrathoracic organs, unspecified –– 2C2Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of middle ear, respiratory or intrathoracic organs –– 2C2Z Malignant neoplasms of middle ear, respiratory or intrathoracic organs, unspecified –– 2C30 Melanoma of skin ––– 2C30.0 Superficial spreading melanoma, primary ––– 2C30.1 Nodular melanoma, primary ––– 2C30.2 Lentigo maligna melanoma, primary ––– 2C30.3 Acral lentiginous melanoma, primary ––– 2C30.Y Other specified melanoma of skin ––– 2C30.Z Melanoma of skin, unspecified –– 2C31 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin ––– 2C31.0 Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma of skin ––– 2C31.1 Keratoacanthoma ––– 2C31.Z Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma –– 2C32 Basal cell carcinoma of skin ––– 2C32.0 Nodular basal cell carcinoma of skin ––– 2C32.1 Sclerosing basal cell carcinoma of skin ––– 2C32.2 Superficial basal cell carcinoma of skin ––– 2C32.Y Other specified basal cell carcinoma of skin ––– 2C32.Z Basal cell carcinoma of skin, unspecified –– 2C33 Adnexal carcinoma of skin –– 2C34 Cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma –– 2C35 Cutaneous sarcoma –– 2C3Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of skin –– 2C3Z Malignant neoplasm of skin of unknown or unspecified type –– 2C40 Malignant neuroepitheliomatous neoplasms of peripheral nerves or autonomic nervous system –– 2C41 Malignant perineurioma –– 2C4Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system –– 2C4Z Malignant neoplasms of peripheral nerves or autonomic nervous system, unspecified –– 2C50 Malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum ––– 2C50.0 Cystic, mucinous or serous carcinoma of retroperitoneum ––– 2C50.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum ––– 2C50.Z Malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum, unspecified –– 2C51 Malignant neoplasms of peritoneum ––– 2C51.0 Adenocarcinomas of peritoneum ––– 2C51.1 Cystic, mucinous or serous carcinoma of peritoneum ––– 2C51.2 Mesotheliomas of peritoneum ––– 2C51.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of peritoneum ––– 2C51.Z Malignant neoplasms of peritoneum, unspecified –––– 2C51.20 Mesothelioma of mesocolon –––– 2C51.21 Mesothelioma of mesentery –––– 2C51.2Y Mesotheliomas of other specified sites of peritoneum –––– 2C51.2Z Mesotheliomas of peritoneum, site unspecified –– 2C52 Malignant neoplasms of omentum ––– 2C52.0 Cystic, mucinous or serous carcinoma of omentum ––– 2C52.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of omentum ––– 2C52.Z Malignant neoplasms of omentum, unspecified –– 2C53 Malignant neoplasm involving overlapping sites of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum ––– 2C53.0 Adenocarcinoma involving overlapping sites of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum ––– 2C53.1 Mesothelioma involving overlapping sites of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum ––– 2C53.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm involving overlapping sites of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum ––– 2C53.Z Malignant neoplasm involving overlapping sites of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum, unspecified –– 2C5Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum –– 2C5Z Malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum, unspecified –– 2C60 Carcinoma of breast, specialised type –– 2C61 Invasive carcinoma of breast ––– 2C61.0 Invasive ductal carcinoma of breast ––– 2C61.1 Invasive lobular carcinoma of breast ––– 2C61.2 Invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma of breast ––– 2C61.3 Invasive carcinoma of breast with mixed ductal and lobular features ––– 2C61.4 Invasive carcinoma of breast, unidentifiable type –– 2C62 Inflammatory carcinoma of breast –– 2C63 Malignant phyllodes tumour of breast –– 2C64 Solid papillary carcinoma of breast with evidence of invasion –– 2C65 Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome –– 2C6Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of breast –– 2C6Z Malignant neoplasms of breast, unspecified –– 2C70 Malignant neoplasms of vulva ––– 2C70.0 Basal cell carcinoma of vulva ––– 2C70.1 Melanoma of vulva ––– 2C70.2 Squamous cell carcinoma of vulva ––– 2C70.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of vulva ––– 2C70.Z Malignant neoplasms of vulva, unspecified –– 2C71 Malignant neoplasms of vagina ––– 2C71.0 Adenocarcinoma of vagina ––– 2C71.1 Melanoma of vagina ––– 2C71.2 Squamous cell carcinoma of vagina ––– 2C71.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of vagina ––– 2C71.Z Malignant neoplasms of vagina, unspecified –– 2C72 Malignant neoplasms of uterine ligament, parametrium, or uterine adnexa ––– 2C72.0 Adenocarcinoma of uterine ligament, parametrium, or uterine adnexa ––– 2C72.1 Mucinous or serous carcinoma of uterine ligament, parametrium, or uterine adnexa ––– 2C72.3 Carcinosarcomas of uterine ligament, parametrium, or uterine adnexa ––– 2C72.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of uterine ligament, parametrium, and uterine adnexa ––– 2C72.Z Malignant neoplasms of uterine ligament, parametrium, or uterine adnexa, unspecified –– 2C73 Malignant neoplasms of ovary ––– 2C73.0 Carcinomas of ovary ––– 2C73.1 Dysgerminoma of ovary ––– 2C73.2 Granulosa cell malignant tumour of ovary ––– 2C73.3 Malignant teratoma of ovary ––– 2C73.4 Serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy of ovary ––– 2C73.5 Endodermal sinus tumour, unspecified site, female ––– 2C73.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of the ovary ––– 2C73.Z Malignant neoplasms of ovary, unspecified –––– 2C73.00 Clear cell adenocarcinoma of ovary –––– 2C73.01 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma of ovary –––– 2C73.02 Low grade serous adenocarcinoma of ovary –––– 2C73.03 High grade serous adenocarcinoma of ovary –––– 2C73.04 Mucinous adenocarcinoma of ovary –––– 2C73.0Y Other specified carcinomas of ovary –––– 2C73.0Z Carcinomas of ovary, unspecified –– 2C74 Malignant neoplasms of fallopian tube ––– 2C74.0 Adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube ––– 2C74.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of fallopian tube ––– 2C74.Z Malignant neoplasms of fallopian tube, unspecified –– 2C75 Malignant neoplasms of placenta ––– 2C75.0 Malignant trophoblastic neoplasms of placenta ––– 2C75.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of placenta ––– 2C75.Z Malignant neoplasms of placenta, unspecified –– 2C76 Malignant neoplasms of corpus uteri ––– 2C76.0 Endometrial endometrioid adenocarcinoma ––– 2C76.1 Endometrial mucinous adenocarcinoma ––– 2C76.2 Endometrial clear cell adenocarcinoma ––– 2C76.3 Endometrial serous adenocarcinoma ––– 2C76.4 Endometrial mixed adenocarcinoma ––– 2C76.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of corpus uteri ––– 2C76.Z Malignant neoplasms of corpus uteri, unspecified –––– 2C76.40 Endometrial squamous cell carcinoma –––– 2C76.41 Endometrial small cell carcinoma –––– 2C76.42 Endometrial undifferentiated carcinoma –––– 2C76.43 Carcinosarcoma of uterus –––– 2C76.4Z Endometrial mixed adenocarcinoma, unspecified –– 2C77 Malignant neoplasms of cervix uteri ––– 2C77.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix uteri ––– 2C77.1 Adenocarcinoma of cervix uteri ––– 2C77.2 Adenosquamous carcinoma of cervix uteri ––– 2C77.3 Neuroendocrine carcinoma of cervix uteri ––– 2C77.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of cervix uteri ––– 2C77.Z Malignant neoplasms of cervix uteri, unspecified –– 2C78 Malignant neoplasms of uterus, part not specified –– 2C79 Malignant neoplasm involving overlapping sites of female genital organs –– 2C7Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of female genital organs –– 2C7Z Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs, unspecified –– 2C80 Malignant neoplasms of testis ––– 2C80.2 Germ cell tumour of testis ––– 2C80.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of testis ––– 2C80.Z Malignant neoplasms of testis, unspecified –– 2C81 Malignant neoplasms of penis ––– 2C81.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of penis ––– 2C81.1 Melanoma of penis ––– 2C81.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of penis ––– 2C81.Z Malignant neoplasms of penis, unspecified –– 2C82 Malignant neoplasms of prostate ––– 2C82.0 Adenocarcinoma of prostate ––– 2C82.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of prostate ––– 2C82.Z Malignant neoplasms of prostate, unspecified –– 2C83 Malignant neoplasms of scrotum ––– 2C83.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of scrotum ––– 2C83.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of scrotum ––– 2C83.Z Malignant neoplasms of scrotum, unspecified –– 2C84 Malignant neoplasms of other specified male genital organs –– 2C8Z Malignant neoplasms of male genital organs, unspecified –– 2C90 Malignant neoplasms of kidney, except renal pelvis ––– 2C90.0 Renal cell carcinoma of kidney, except renal pelvis ––– 2C90.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of kidney, except renal pelvis ––– 2C90.Z Malignant neoplasms of kidney, except renal pelvis, unspecified –– 2C91 Malignant neoplasms of renal pelvis ––– 2C91.0 Urothelial carcinoma of renal pelvis ––– 2C91.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of renal pelvis ––– 2C91.Z Malignant neoplasms of renal pelvis, unspecified –– 2C92 Malignant neoplasms of ureter ––– 2C92.0 Urothelial carcinoma of ureter ––– 2C92.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of ureter ––– 2C92.Z Malignant neoplasms of ureter, unspecified –– 2C93 Malignant neoplasms of urethra or paraurethral gland ––– 2C93.0 Adenocarcinoma of urethra or paraurethral gland ––– 2C93.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of urethra or paraurethral gland ––– 2C93.2 Urothelial carcinoma of urethra or paraurethral gland ––– 2C93.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of urethra and paraurethral gland ––– 2C93.Z Malignant neoplasms of urethra or paraurethral gland, unspecified –– 2C94 Malignant neoplasms of bladder ––– 2C94.0 Adenocarcinoma of urinary bladder ––– 2C94.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of urinary bladder ––– 2C94.2 Urothelial carcinoma of bladder ––– 2C94.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of bladder ––– 2C94.Z Malignant neoplasms of bladder, unspecified –– 2C95 Malignant neoplasm involving overlapping sites of urinary organs ––– 2C95.0 Adenocarcinoma involving overlapping sites of urinary organs ––– 2C95.1 Squamous cell carcinomas involving overlapping sites of urinary organs ––– 2C95.2 Urothelial carcinoma involving overlapping sites of urinary organs ––– 2C95.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of overlapping lesion of urinary organs ––– 2C95.Z Malignant neoplasm involving overlapping sites of urinary organs, unspecified –– 2C9Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of urinary tract –– 2C9Z Malignant neoplasms of urinary tract, unspecified –– 2D00 Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva ––– 2D00.0 Melanoma of conjunctiva ––– 2D00.1 Malignant neoplasm of caruncle ––– 2D00.2 Squamous cell carcinoma of conjunctiva ––– 2D00.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva ––– 2D00.Z Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva, unspecified –– 2D01 Malignant neoplasm of cornea ––– 2D01.0 Melanoma of cornea ––– 2D01.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of cornea ––– 2D01.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of cornea ––– 2D01.Z Malignant neoplasm of cornea, unspecified –– 2D02 Malignant neoplasm of retina ––– 2D02.0 Adenocarcinoma of retinal pigment epithelium ––– 2D02.1 Malignant neuroepithelial tumours of retina ––– 2D02.2 Retinoblastoma ––– 2D02.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of retina ––– 2D02.Z Malignant neoplasm of retina, unspecified –– 2D03 Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal apparatus ––– 2D03.0 Adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal apparatus ––– 2D03.1 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of lacrimal apparatus ––– 2D03.2 Squamous cell carcinoma of the lacrimal apparatus ––– 2D03.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of lacrimal apparatus ––– 2D03.Z Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal apparatus, unspecified –– 2D04 Malignant neoplasm of orbit –– 2D05 Malignant neoplasm of choroid ––– 2D05.0 Melanoma of choroid ––– 2D05.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of choroid ––– 2D05.Z Malignant neoplasm of choroid, unspecified –– 2D06 Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body ––– 2D06.0 Adenocarcinoma of ciliary epithelium ––– 2D06.1 Malignant medulloepithelioma of ciliary body ––– 2D06.3 Malignant neuroepithelial tumours of ciliary body ––– 2D06.4 Melanoma of ciliary body ––– 2D06.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of ciliary body ––– 2D06.Z Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body, unspecified –– 2D07 Malignant neoplasm of iris ––– 2D07.0 Adenocarcinoma of iris epithelium ––– 2D07.1 Malignant neuroepithelial tumours of iris ––– 2D07.2 Melanoma of iris ––– 2D07.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of iris ––– 2D07.Z Malignant neoplasm of iris, unspecified –– 2D0Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of eye and ocular adnexa –– 2D0Z Malignant neoplasms of eye or ocular adnexa, unspecified –– 2D10 Malignant neoplasms of thyroid gland ––– 2D10.0 Follicular carcinoma of thyroid gland ––– 2D10.1 Papillary carcinoma of thyroid gland ––– 2D10.2 Poorly differentiated carcinoma of thyroid gland ––– 2D10.3 Undifferentiated carcinoma of thyroid gland ––– 2D10.4 Medullary carcinoma of thyroid gland ––– 2D10.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of thyroid gland ––– 2D10.Z Malignant neoplasms of thyroid gland, unspecified –– 2D11 Malignant neoplasms of adrenal gland ––– 2D11.0 Adenocarcinoma of adrenal gland ––– 2D11.1 Malignant phaeochromocytoma of adrenal gland ––– 2D11.2 Neuroblastoma of adrenal gland ––– 2D11.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of adrenal gland ––– 2D11.Z Malignant neoplasms of adrenal gland, unspecified –– 2D12 Malignant neoplasms of other endocrine glands or related structures ––– 2D12.0 Malignant epithelial neoplasms of other endocrine glands or related structures, unspecified type ––– 2D12.1 Adenocarcinoma of other endocrine glands or related structures ––– 2D12.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of other endocrine glands or related structures ––– 2D12.Z Malignant neoplasms of other endocrine glands or related structures, unspecified –– 2D1Z Malignant neoplasms of endocrine glands, unspecified – 2D3Y Other specified malignant neoplasms, stated or presumed to be primary, of specified sites, except of lymphoid, haematopoietic, central nervous system or related tissues – 2D3Z Malignant neoplasms, stated or presumed to be primary, of specified sites, except of lymphoid, haematopoietic, central nervous system or related tissues, unspecified – 2D40 Adenocarcinoma of unspecified site – 2D41 Unspecified carcinoma of unspecified site – 2D42 Malignant neoplasms of ill-defined sites – 2D43 Malignant neoplasms of independent, multiple primary sites – 2D44 Malignant neoplasm, primary site unknown, so stated – 2D4Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of unspecified primary sites – 2D4Z Unspecified malignant neoplasms of unspecified sites – 2D50 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in brain – 2D51 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in meninges – 2D52 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in spinal cord, cranial nerves or remaining parts of central nervous system –– 2D60 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in lymph node of a single region ––– 2D60.0 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in lymph nodes of head, face or neck ––– 2D60.1 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in intrathoracic lymph nodes ––– 2D60.2 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in intra-abdominal lymph nodes ––– 2D60.3 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in axillary lymph nodes ––– 2D60.4 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in inguinal lymph nodes ––– 2D60.5 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in intrapelvic lymph nodes ––– 2D60.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm metastasis in lymph node of a single region ––– 2D60.Z Malignant neoplasm metastasis in lymph node of a single region, unspecified –– 2D61 Malignant neoplasm metastases in lymph nodes of multiple regions –– 2D6Z Metastatic malignant neoplasm to unspecified lymph node –– 2D70 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in lung –– 2D71 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in mediastinum –– 2D72 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in pleura –– 2D73 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in upper respiratory tract organs –– 2D7Y Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other specified thoracic organs –– 2D7Z Malignant neoplasm metastasis in thoracic or respiratory organs, unspecified –– 2D80 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in liver or intrahepatic bile duct ––– 2D80.0 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in liver ––– 2D80.1 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in intrahepatic bile duct –– 2D81 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in pancreas –– 2D82 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in extrahepatic bile ducts –– 2D83 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in ampulla of Vater –– 2D84 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in the small intestine –– 2D85 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in large intestine –– 2D86 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in anus –– 2D8Y Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other specified digestive system organ –– 2D8Z Malignant neoplasm metastasis in unspecified digestive system organ –– 2D90 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in retroperitoneum –– 2D91 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in peritoneum –– 2E00 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in kidney or renal pelvis –– 2E01 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in bladder –– 2E02 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other or unspecified urinary system organs –– 2E03 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in bone or bone marrow –– 2E04 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in soft tissue –– 2E05 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in female reproductive system ––– 2E05.0 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in ovary ––– 2E05.Y Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other female reproductive system organs ––– 2E05.Z Malignant neoplasm metastasis in female reproductive system, unspecified –– 2E06 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in male genital organs –– 2E07 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in adrenal gland –– 2E08 Metastatic malignant neoplasm involving skin –– 2E09 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in peripheral nervous system –– 2E0Y Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other specified sites – 2E2Z Malignant neoplasm metastasis, unspecified 2E60 Carcinoma in situ of oral cavity, oesophagus or stomach – 2E60.0 Carcinoma in situ of lip, oral cavity or pharynx – 2E60.1 Carcinoma in situ of oesophagus – 2E60.2 Carcinoma in situ of stomach 2E61 Carcinoma in situ of other or unspecified digestive organs – 2E61.0 Carcinoma in situ of colon – 2E61.1 Carcinoma in situ of rectum – 2E61.2 Carcinoma in situ of anal canal – 2E61.3 Carcinoma in situ of gallbladder, biliary tract or ampulla of Vater – 2E61.Y Carcinoma in situ of other specified digestive organs – 2E61.Z Carcinoma in situ of unspecified digestive organs 2E62 Carcinoma in situ of middle ear or respiratory system – 2E62.0 Carcinoma in situ of larynx – 2E62.1 Carcinoma in situ of trachea – 2E62.2 Carcinoma in situ of bronchus or lung – 2E62.Y Carcinoma in situ of other specified sites of middle ear and respiratory system – 2E62.Z Carcinoma in situ of unspecified sites of middle ear and respiratory system 2E63 Melanoma in situ neoplasms – 2E63.0 Melanoma in situ of skin – 2E63.1 Melanoma in situ of conjunctiva – 2E63.Y Melanoma in situ neoplasms, other specified site – 2E63.Z Melanoma in situ neoplasms, unspecified site –– 2E63.00 Lentigo maligna –– 2E63.0Z Melanoma in situ of skin, unspecified 2E64 Carcinoma in situ of skin – 2E64.0 Intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma – 2E64.1 Extramammary Paget disease of skin – 2E64.2 Carcinoma in situ of anal margin or perianal skin – 2E64.Y Other specified carcinoma in situ of skin – 2E64.Z Carcinoma in situ of skin, unspecified –– 2E64.00 Bowen disease of skin –– 2E64.01 Actinic intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma –– 2E64.0Y Other specified intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma –– 2E64.0Z Intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma, unspecified 2E65 Carcinoma in situ of breast – 2E65.0 Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast – 2E65.1 Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast, pleomorphic subtype – 2E65.2 Ductal carcinoma in situ of breast – 2E65.3 Ductal carcinoma in situ of breast, comedo subtype – 2E65.4 Mixed ductal and lobular carcinoma in situ of breast – 2E65.5 Paget disease of nipple – 2E65.Y Other specified carcinoma in situ of breast – 2E65.Z Carcinoma in situ of breast, unspecified 2E66 Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri – 2E66.2 High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion of cervix uteri – 2E66.Y Other specified carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri – 2E66.Z Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri, unspecified 2E67 Carcinoma in situ of other or unspecified genital organs – 2E67.0 Carcinoma in situ of endometrium – 2E67.1 Carcinoma in situ of vulva – 2E67.2 Carcinoma in situ of vagina – 2E67.3 Carcinoma in situ of other or unspecified female genital organs – 2E67.4 Carcinoma in situ of penis – 2E67.5 High grade intraepithelial lesion of prostate – 2E67.6 Carcinoma in situ of other or unspecified male genital organs –– 2E67.11 Vulvar Paget disease –– 2E67.12 Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, HPV-independent –– 2E67.13 High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion of vulva, HPV-associated –– 2E67.22 High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion of vagina –– 2E67.2Y Other specified carcinoma in situ of vagina –– 2E67.2Z Carcinoma in situ of vagina, unspecified –– 2E67.40 Squamous cell carcinoma in situ of skin of penis –– 2E67.41 Squamous cell carcinoma in situ of mucocutaneous epithelium of penis 2E68 Carcinoma in situ of bladder 2E69 Carcinoma in situ of other or unspecified urinary organs 2E6A Carcinoma in situ of the eye or ocular adnexa – 2E6A.0 Carcinoma in situ of the conjunctiva – 2E6A.1 Carcinoma in situ of the cornea – 2E6A.Y Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified part of the eye and adnexa 2E6B Carcinoma in situ of thyroid and other endocrine glands 2E6Y Carcinoma in situ of other specified site 2E6Z Carcinoma in situ of unspecified site – 2E80 Benign lipomatous neoplasm –– 2E80.0 Lipoma –– 2E80.1 Lipoblastoma –– 2E80.Y Other specified benign lipomatous neoplasm –– 2E80.Z Benign lipomatous neoplasm, unspecified ––– 2E80.00 Superficial subcutaneous lipoma ––– 2E80.01 Deep subfascial lipoma ––– 2E80.02 Deep internal or visceral lipoma ––– 2E80.0Y Lipoma, other specified site ––– 2E80.0Z Lipoma, unspecified site – 2E81 Benign vascular neoplasms –– 2E81.0 Neoplastic haemangioma –– 2E81.1 Benign lymphatic neoplasms –– 2E81.2 Benign vascular neoplasms of infancy and childhood –– 2E81.Y Other specified benign vascular neoplasms –– 2E81.Z Benign vascular neoplasms, unspecified ––– 2E81.00 Umbilical cord haemangioma ––– 2E81.01 Conjunctival haemangioma or haemolymphangioma ––– 2E81.0Y Neoplastic haemangioma of other specified site ––– 2E81.0Z Neoplastic haemangioma, unspecified site ––– 2E81.10 Disseminated lymphangiomatosis ––– 2E81.11 Acquired progressive lymphangioma ––– 2E81.1Y Other specified benign lymphatic neoplasms ––– 2E81.1Z Benign lymphatic neoplasms, unspecified ––– 2E81.20 Focal infantile haemangioma ––– 2E81.21 Multifocal infantile haemangioma ––– 2E81.2Y Other specified benign vascular neoplasms of infancy and childhood ––– 2E81.2Z Benign vascular neoplasms of infancy and childhood, unspecified – 2E82 Benign chondrogenic tumours –– 2E82.0 Benign chondrogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of limbs –– 2E82.1 Benign chondrogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of other specified sites –– 2E82.Z Benign chondrogenic tumours, site unspecified – 2E83 Benign osteogenic tumours –– 2E83.0 Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of skull or face –– 2E83.1 Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of lower jaw –– 2E83.2 Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of vertebral column –– 2E83.3 Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of ribs, sternum or clavicle –– 2E83.4 Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of pelvic bones, sacrum or coccyx –– 2E83.5 Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of limbs –– 2E83.Y Benign osteogenic tumour of other specified site –– 2E83.Z Benign osteogenic tumour of unspecified site – 2E84 Benign fibrogenic or myofibrogenic tumour –– 2E84.0 Benign fibrogenic or myofibrogenic tumour of skin –– 2E84.Y Benign fibrogenic or myofibrogenic tumour of other specified sites –– 2E84.Z Benign fibrogenic or myofibrogenic tumour, site unknown – 2E85 Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour –– 2E85.0 Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour of soft tissues of limbs –– 2E85.1 Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour of retroperitoneum or peritoneum –– 2E85.2 Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour of skin –– 2E85.Y Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour of other specified sites –– 2E85.Z Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour, site unspecified – 2E86 Benign smooth muscle or skeletal muscle tumour –– 2E86.0 Leiomyoma of uterus –– 2E86.1 Leiomyoma of other or unspecified sites –– 2E86.2 Rhabdomyoma –– 2E86.Y Other specified benign smooth muscle or skeletal muscle tumour –– 2E86.Z Benign smooth muscle or skeletal muscle tumour, unspecified – 2E87 Benign gastrointestinal stromal tumour – 2E88 Benign endometrial stromal nodule – 2E89 Benign mesenchymal tumours of uncertain differentiation –– 2E89.0 Benign tumours of uncertain differentiation, bone or cartilage –– 2E89.1 Benign tumours of uncertain differentiation, soft tissue –– 2E89.Y Benign mesenchymal tumours of uncertain differentiation of other specified site –– 2E89.Z Benign mesenchymal tumours of uncertain differentiation of unspecified site – 2E8A Other mixed or unspecified benign mesenchymal tumours – 2E8Y Other specified benign mesenchymal neoplasm – 2E8Z Benign mesenchymal neoplasms, unspecified – 2E90 Benign neoplasm of lip, oral cavity or pharynx –– 2E90.0 Benign neoplasm of lip –– 2E90.1 Benign neoplasm of tongue –– 2E90.2 Benign neoplasm of floor of mouth –– 2E90.3 Benign neoplasm of other or unspecified parts of mouth –– 2E90.4 Benign neoplasm of tonsil –– 2E90.5 Benign neoplasm of oropharynx –– 2E90.6 Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx –– 2E90.7 Benign neoplasm of hypopharynx –– 2E90.8 Benign neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified – 2E91 Benign neoplasm of major salivary glands –– 2E91.0 Benign neoplasm of parotid gland –– 2E91.1 Benign neoplasm of other specified major salivary glands –– 2E91.Z Benign neoplasm of unspecified major salivary glands – 2E92 Benign neoplasm of digestive organs –– 2E92.0 Benign neoplasm of oesophagus –– 2E92.1 Benign neoplasm of stomach –– 2E92.2 Benign neoplasm of duodenum –– 2E92.3 Benign neoplasm of other or unspecified parts of small intestine –– 2E92.4 Benign neoplasm of the large intestine –– 2E92.5 Benign neoplasm of anus or anal canal –– 2E92.6 Benign neoplasm of gallbladder, extrahepatic bile ducts or ampulla of Vater –– 2E92.7 Benign neoplasm of liver or intrahepatic bile ducts –– 2E92.8 Benign neoplasm of pancreas –– 2E92.9 Benign neoplasm of endocrine pancreas –– 2E92.Y Benign neoplasm of other specified digestive organs –– 2E92.Z Benign neoplasm of unspecified digestive organs ––– 2E92.40 Polyposis syndrome ––– 2E92.4Y Other specified benign neoplasm of the large intestine ––– 2E92.4Z Benign neoplasm of the large intestine, unspecified –– 2F00 Benign neoplasm of middle ear or respiratory system ––– 2F00.0 Middle ear endocrine tumour ––– 2F00.1 Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis ––– 2F00.2 Laryngeal endocrine tumour ––– 2F00.Y Other specified benign neoplasm of middle ear or respiratory system ––– 2F00.Z Benign neoplasm of middle ear or respiratory system, unspecified –– 2F01 Benign neoplasm of intrathoracic organs –– 2F0Y Benign neoplasms of other specified respiratory and intrathoracic organs –– 2F0Z Benign neoplasms of unspecified respiratory and intrathoracic organs – 2F10 Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue –– 2F20 Benign cutaneous melanocytic neoplasms ––– 2F20.0 Common acquired melanocytic naevus ––– 2F20.1 Atypical melanocytic naevus ––– 2F20.2 Congenital melanocytic naevus ––– 2F20.3 Generalised eruptive melanocytic naevi ––– 2F20.Y Other specific types of melanocytic naevus ––– 2F20.Z Melanocytic naevus, unspecified –––– 2F20.00 Multiple benign melanocytic naevi –––– 2F20.0Y Other specified common acquired melanocytic naevus –––– 2F20.0Z Common acquired melanocytic naevus, unspecified –––– 2F20.20 Giant congenital melanocytic naevus –––– 2F20.2Y Other specified congenital melanocytic naevus –––– 2F20.2Z Congenital melanocytic naevus, unspecified –– 2F21 Benign keratinocytic acanthomas ––– 2F21.0 Seborrhoeic keratosis ––– 2F21.Y Other specified benign keratinocytic acanthomas –– 2F22 Benign neoplasms of epidermal appendages –– 2F23 Benign dermal fibrous or fibrohistiocytic neoplasms ––– 2F23.0 Dermatofibroma ––– 2F23.Y Other specified benign dermal fibrous or fibrohistiocytic neoplasms –– 2F24 Benign cutaneous neoplasms of neural or nerve sheath origin –– 2F25 Cherry angioma –– 2F26 Lobular capillary haemangioma –– 2F2Y Other specified benign cutaneous neoplasms –– 2F2Z Benign cutaneous neoplasm of unspecified type – 2F30 Benign neoplasm of breast –– 2F30.0 Tubular adenoma of breast –– 2F30.1 Lactating adenoma of breast –– 2F30.2 Intraductal papilloma of breast –– 2F30.3 Benign phyllodes tumour of breast –– 2F30.4 Fibromatosis of breast –– 2F30.5 Fibroadenoma of breast –– 2F30.6 Extensive adenomatosis of nipple –– 2F30.Y Other specified benign neoplasm of breast –– 2F30.Z Benign neoplasm of breast, unspecified – 2F31 Benign non-mesenchymal neoplasms of uterus –– 2F31.0 Benign non-mesenchymal neoplasm of uterus, cervix uteri –– 2F31.1 Benign non-mesenchymal neoplasm of uterus, corpus uteri –– 2F31.2 Benign non-mesenchymal neoplasms of uterus, other parts – 2F32 Benign neoplasm of ovary –– 2F32.0 Cystic teratoma –– 2F32.1 Ovarian fibroma –– 2F32.2 Meigs' syndrome –– 2F32.3 Serous ovarian cystadenoma –– 2F32.Y Other specified benign neoplasm of ovary –– 2F32.Z Benign neoplasm of ovary, unspecified – 2F33 Benign neoplasm of other or unspecified female genital organs – 2F34 Benign neoplasm of male genital organs – 2F35 Benign neoplasm of urinary organs – 2F36 Benign neoplasm of eye or ocular adnexa –– 2F36.0 Benign neoplasm of choroid –– 2F36.1 Benign neoplasm of iris –– 2F36.2 Benign neoplasm of ciliary body –– 2F36.3 Teratoma of orbit –– 2F36.4 Cysts of eyelid –– 2F36.Y Other specified benign neoplasm of eye or ocular adnexa –– 2F36.Z Benign neoplasm of eye or ocular adnexa, unspecified – 2F37 Benign neoplasm of endocrine glands –– 2F37.0 Non-secreting pituitary adenoma –– 2F37.Y Other specified benign neoplasm of endocrine glands –– 2F37.Z Benign neoplasm of endocrine glands, unspecified – 2F3Y Benign non-mesenchymal neoplasms of other specified site – 2F3Z Benign non-mesenchymal neoplasms of unspecified site 2F5Y Other specified benign neoplasms, except of lymphoid, haematopoietic, central nervous system or related tissues 2F5Z Benign neoplasms, except of lymphoid, haematopoietic, central nervous system or related tissues, unspecified 2F70 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of oral cavity or digestive organs – 2F70.0 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of lip, oral cavity or pharynx – 2F70.1 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of stomach – 2F70.2 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of small intestine – 2F70.3 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of colon – 2F70.4 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of rectum – 2F70.5 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of liver, gallbladder or bile ducts – 2F70.Y Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs, other specified site – 2F70.Z Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs, unspecified site 2F71 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of middle ear, respiratory or intrathoracic organs – 2F71.0 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of thymus – 2F71.1 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of larynx – 2F71.2 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of pleura – 2F71.3 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of trachea, bronchus or lung – 2F71.4 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of mediastinum – 2F71.Y Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of middle ear, respiratory and intrathoracic organs, other specified site – 2F71.Z Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of middle ear, respiratory and intrathoracic organs, unspecified site 2F72 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of skin – 2F72.1 Spitzoid tumour of uncertain malignant potential – 2F72.2 Melanocytic naevus with severe melanocytic dysplasia – 2F72.Y Other specified neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of skin 2F73 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of retroperitoneum 2F74 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of peritoneum 2F75 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of breast 2F76 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of female genital organs 2F77 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of male genital organs 2F78 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of urinary organs 2F79 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of eye or ocular adnexa 2F7A Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of endocrine glands – 2F7A.0 Multiple polyglandular tumours – 2F7A.Y Other specified neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of endocrine glands – 2F7A.Z Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of endocrine glands, unspecified 2F7B Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of bone or articular cartilage 2F7C Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of connective or other soft tissue 2F7Y Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of other specified site 2F7Z Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of unspecified site 2F90 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of oral cavity or digestive organs – 2F90.0 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of colon – 2F90.1 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of rectum – 2F90.Y Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs, other specified site – 2F90.Z Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs, unspecified site 2F91 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of middle ear, respiratory or intrathoracic organs – 2F91.0 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of larynx – 2F91.1 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of trachea, bronchus or lung – 2F91.Y Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of other specified respiratory organ, intrathoracic organ or middle ear – 2F91.Z Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of unspecified respiratory organ or intrathoracic organ 2F92 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of skin 2F93 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of retroperitoneum 2F94 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of peritoneum 2F95 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of breast 2F96 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of female genital organs 2F97 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of male genital organs 2F98 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of urinary organs 2F99 Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of eye or ocular adnexa 2F9A Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of endocrine glands 2F9B Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of bone or articular cartilage 2F9C Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of connective or other soft tissue 2F9Y Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of other specified site 2F9Z Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of unspecified site 4A40 Lupus erythematosus – 4A40.0 Systemic lupus erythematosus – 4A40.1 Drug-induced lupus erythematosus – 4A40.Y Other specified lupus erythematosus – 4A40.Z Lupus erythematosus, unspecified –– 4A40.00 Systemic lupus erythematosus with skin involvement –– 4A40.0Y Other specified systemic lupus erythematosus –– 4A40.0Z Systemic lupus erythematosus, unspecified 4A41 Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy – 4A41.0 Dermatomyositis – 4A41.1 Polymyositis – 4A41.2 Inclusion body myopathy – 4A41.Y Other specified idiopathic inflammatory myopathy – 4A41.Z Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, unspecified –– 4A41.00 Adult dermatomyositis –– 4A41.01 Juvenile dermatomyositis –– 4A41.0Z Dermatomyositis, unspecified –– 4A41.10 Juvenile polymyositis –– 4A41.11 Paraneoplastic polymyositis –– 4A41.1Y Other specified polymyositis –– 4A41.1Z Polymyositis, unspecified –– 4A41.20 Inflammatory inclusion body myositis –– 4A41.21 Noninflammatory inclusion body myopathy –– 4A41.2Z Inclusion body myopathy, unspecified 4A42 Systemic sclerosis – 4A42.0 Paediatric onset systemic sclerosis – 4A42.1 Diffuse systemic sclerosis – 4A42.2 Limited systemic sclerosis – 4A42.Z Systemic sclerosis, unspecified 4A43 Overlap or undifferentiated nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disease – 4A43.0 IgG4 related disease – 4A43.1 Mikulicz disease – 4A43.2 Sjögren syndrome – 4A43.3 Mixed connective tissue disease – 4A43.4 Diffuse eosinophilic fasciitis – 4A43.Y Other specified overlap non-organ specific systemic autoimmune disease – 4A43.Z Undifferentiated non-organ specific systemic autoimmune disease –– 4A43.20 Primary Sjögren syndrome –– 4A43.21 Secondary Sjögren syndrome –– 4A43.22 Paediatric onset Sjögren syndrome –– 4A43.2Y Other specified sjögren syndrome –– 4A43.2Z Sjögren syndrome, unspecified 4A44 Vasculitis – 4A44.0 Rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis – 4A44.1 Aortic arch syndrome – 4A44.2 Giant cell arteritis – 4A44.3 Single organ vasculitis – 4A44.4 Polyarteritis nodosa – 4A44.5 Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome – 4A44.6 Sneddon syndrome – 4A44.7 Primary angiitis of the central nervous system – 4A44.8 Thromboangiitis obliterans – 4A44.9 Immune complex small vessel vasculitis – 4A44.A Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis – 4A44.B Leukocytoclastic vasculitis – 4A44.Y Other specified vasculitis – 4A44.Z Vasculitis, unspecified –– 4A44.90 Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis –– 4A44.91 Hypocomplementaemic urticarial vasculitis –– 4A44.92 IgA vasculitis –– 4A44.9Y Other specified immune complex small vessel vasculitis –– 4A44.9Z Immune complex small vessel vasculitis, unspecified –– 4A44.A0 Microscopic polyangiitis –– 4A44.A1 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis –– 4A44.A2 Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis –– 4A44.AY Other specified antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis –– 4A44.AZ Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis, unspecified –– 4A44.B0 Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis –– 4A44.BY Other specified leukocytoclastic vasculitis –– 4A44.BZ Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, unspecified 4A45 Antiphospholipid syndrome – 4A45.0 Primary antiphospholipid syndrome – 4A45.1 Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome – 4A45.2 Antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnancy – 4A45.3 Lupus anticoagulant-hypoprothrombinaemia syndrome – 4A45.Z Antiphospholipid syndrome, unspecified 4A4Y Other specified nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disorders 4A4Z Nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disorders, unspecified 4A60 Monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes – 4A60.0 Familial Mediterranean fever – 4A60.1 Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes – 4A60.2 Tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 associated periodic syndrome – 4A60.Y Other specified monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes – 4A60.Z Autoimflammatory syndrome, unspecified – FA00 Osteoarthritis of hip –– FA00.0 Primary osteoarthritis of hip –– FA00.1 Post traumatic osteoarthritis of hip –– FA00.2 Other secondary osteoarthritis of hip –– FA00.Z Osteoarthritis of hip, unspecified – FA01 Osteoarthritis of knee –– FA01.0 Primary osteoarthritis of knee –– FA01.1 Post traumatic osteoarthritis of knee –– FA01.2 Other secondary osteoarthritis of knee –– FA01.Z Osteoarthritis of knee, unspecified – FA02 Osteoarthritis of wrist or hand –– FA02.0 Primary osteoarthritis of wrist or hand –– FA02.1 Post traumatic osteoarthritis of wrist or hand –– FA02.2 Other secondary osteoarthritis of wrist or hand –– FA02.Z Osteoarthritis of wrist or hand, unspecified – FA03 Osteoarthritis of other specified joint –– FA03.0 Primary osteoarthritis of other specified joint –– FA03.1 Post traumatic osteoarthritis of other specified joint –– FA03.2 Other secondary osteoarthritis of other specified joint –– FA03.Z Osteoarthritis of other specified joint, unspecified – FA04 Oligoosteoarthritis – FA05 Polyosteoarthritis – FA0Z Osteoarthritis, unspecified – FA10 Direct infections of joint –– FA10.0 Bacterial infection of joint –– FA10.1 Viral infection of joint –– FA10.2 Fungal infection of joint –– FA10.Z Direct infections of joint, unspecified – FA11 Reactive arthropathies –– FA11.0 Arthropathy following intestinal bypass –– FA11.1 Arthropathy following vaccination –– FA11.2 Arthropathy following genitourinary infection –– FA11.Y Other specified reactive arthropathies –– FA11.Z Reactive arthropathies, unspecified – FA12 Postinfectious arthropathies –– FA12.0 Bacterial postinfectious arthropathy –– FA12.1 Viral postinfectious arthropathies –– FA12.2 Fungal postinfectious arthropathies –– FA12.3 Parasitic postinfectious arthropathies –– FA12.Y Other specified postinfectious arthropathies –– FA12.Z Postinfectious arthropathies, unspecified – FA13 Infectious spondyloarthritis – FA1Y Other specified infection related arthropathies – FA1Z Infection related arthropathies, unspecified – FA20 Rheumatoid arthritis –– FA20.0 Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis –– FA20.1 Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis –– FA20.Z Rheumatoid arthritis, serology unspecified – FA21 Psoriatic arthritis –– FA21.0 Psoriatic spondyloarthritis –– FA21.Y Other specified psoriatic arthritis –– FA21.Z Psoriatic arthritis, unspecified – FA22 Polymyalgia rheumatica – FA23 Adult-onset Still disease – FA24 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis –– FA24.0 Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis –– FA24.1 Juvenile idiopathic polyarthritis –– FA24.2 Juvenile psoriatic arthritis –– FA24.3 Juvenile enthesitis related arthritis –– FA24.4 Juvenile systemic arthritis –– FA24.Y Other specified juvenile idiopathic arthritis –– FA24.Z Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, unspecified ––– FA24.00 Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset persistent ––– FA24.01 Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset extended ––– FA24.0Z Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset unspecified – FA25 Gout –– FA25.0 Primary gout –– FA25.1 Secondary gout –– FA25.2 Gout without specification whether primary or secondary ––– FA25.10 Lead-induced gout ––– FA25.11 Drug-induced gout ––– FA25.12 Gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects or other inherited disorders ––– FA25.1Y Other specified secondary gout ––– FA25.1Z Secondary gout, unspecified ––– FA25.20 Tophaceous gout ––– FA25.2Y Other specified gout without specification whether primary or secondary ––– FA25.2Z Gout, unspecified – FA26 Certain specified crystal arthropathies –– FA26.0 Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate deposition disease –– FA26.1 Hydroxyapatite deposition disease –– FA26.2 Chondrocalcinosis –– FA26.Y Other specified crystal arthropathies –– FA26.Z Crystal arthropathies, unspecified – FA27 Certain specified inflammatory arthropathies –– FA27.0 Kashin-Beck disease –– FA27.1 Pigmented villonodular synovitis –– FA27.2 Palindromic rheumatism –– FA27.3 Transient synovitis –– FA27.4 Intermittent hydrarthrosis –– FA27.Y Other specified inflammatory arthropathies – FA2Z Inflammatory arthropathies, unspecified – FA30 Acquired deformities of fingers or toes –– FA30.0 Acquired hallux valgus –– FA30.1 Hallux rigidus –– FA30.2 Acquired hammer toe –– FA30.Y Other specified acquired deformities of fingers or toes –– FA30.Z Acquired deformities of fingers or toes, unspecified – FA31 Other acquired deformities of limbs –– FA31.0 Valgus deformity, not elsewhere classified –– FA31.1 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified –– FA31.2 Flexion deformity –– FA31.3 Acquired wrist drop –– FA31.4 Acquired foot drop –– FA31.5 Acquired pes planus –– FA31.6 Acquired clawhand or clubhand –– FA31.7 Acquired clawfoot or clubfoot –– FA31.8 Acquired unequal limb length –– FA31.Y Other specified acquired deformities of limbs –– FA31.Z Acquired deformities of limbs, unspecified – FA32 Disorders of patella –– FA32.0 Recurrent instability of patella –– FA32.1 Patellofemoral disorders –– FA32.Y Other specified disorders of patella –– FA32.Z Disorders of patella, unspecified – FA33 Internal derangement of knee –– FA33.0 Cystic meniscus –– FA33.1 Discoid meniscus –– FA33.2 Derangement of meniscus due to old tear or injury –– FA33.3 Loose body in knee –– FA33.4 Chronic instability of knee –– FA33.Y Other specified internal derangement of knee –– FA33.Z Internal derangement of knee, unspecified ––– FA33.40 Chronic instability of knee, medial collateral ligament or other or unspecified part of medial meniscus ––– FA33.4Y Other specified chronic instability of knee ––– FA33.4Z Chronic instability of knee, unspecified – FA34 Certain specified joint derangements –– FA34.0 Loose body in joint –– FA34.1 Disorder of ligament –– FA34.2 Recurrent instability of joint –– FA34.3 Contracture of joint –– FA34.4 Ankylosis of joint –– FA34.5 Impingement syndrome of hip –– FA34.Y Other joint derangements – FA35 Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis –– FA35.0 Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of hip –– FA35.1 Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of knee –– FA35.2 Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of other joint –– FA35.Z Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of unspecified joint – FA36 Effusion of joint –– FA36.0 Effusion of joint containing blood –– FA36.Y Other specified effusion of joint –– FA36.Z Effusion of joint, unspecified – FA37 Certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified –– FA37.0 Osteophyte –– FA37.Y Other specified certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified –– FA37.Z Certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified, unspecified – FA38 Arthropathy in diseases classified elsewhere –– FA38.0 Diabetic arthropathy –– FA38.1 Neuropathic arthropathy –– FA38.2 Arthropathy in hypersensitivity reactions classified elsewhere –– FA38.3 Haemophilic arthropathy –– FA38.Y Other specified arthropathy in diseases classified elsewhere –– FA38.Z Unspecified arthropathy in diseases classified elsewhere ––– FA38.10 Diabetic Charcot arthropathy ––– FA38.1Y Other specified neuropathic arthropathy ––– FA38.1Z Neuropathic arthropathy, unspecified – FA3Z Unspecified joint disorders and deformities of limbs FA5Y Other specified arthropathies FA5Z Arthropathies, unspecified – FA70 Spinal deformities –– FA70.0 Kyphosis –– FA70.1 Scoliosis –– FA70.2 Lordosis –– FA70.Z Spinal deformities, unspecified – FA71 Torticollis – FA72 Disorders of vertebra –– FA72.0 Ankylosing hyperostosis –– FA72.1 Kissing spine –– FA72.2 Traumatic spondylopathy –– FA72.3 Fatigue fracture of vertebra –– FA72.4 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified –– FA72.Y Other specified disorders of vertebra –– FA72.Z Disorders of vertebra, unspecified – FA7Y Other specified structural disorders of spine – FA7Z Structural disorders of spine, unspecified – FA80 Intervertebral disc degeneration –– FA80.0 Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine without prolapsed disc –– FA80.1 Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with prolapsed disc –– FA80.2 Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with bony spur at the vertebra –– FA80.3 Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with nervous system involvement –– FA80.4 Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine without prolapsed disc –– FA80.5 Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with prolapsed disc –– FA80.6 Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with bony spur at the vertebra –– FA80.7 Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with nervous system involvement –– FA80.8 Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine without prolapsed disc –– FA80.9 Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with prolapsed disc –– FA80.A Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with bony spur at the vertebra –– FA80.B Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with nervous system involvement –– FA80.Y Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration –– FA80.Z Intervertebral disc degeneration, unspecified – FA81 Spondylolysis –– FA81.0 Spondylolysis with slippage –– FA81.1 Spondylolysis without slippage –– FA81.Z Spondylolysis, unspecified – FA82 Spinal stenosis – FA83 Ossification of spinal ligaments – FA84 Spondylolisthesis –– FA84.0 Spondylolisthesis with pars defect –– FA84.1 Spondylolisthesis without pars defect –– FA84.Z Spondylolisthesis, unspecified – FA85 Spinal endplate defects –– FA85.0 Spinal epiphysiopathy with no determinant –– FA85.1 Spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants –– FA85.Y Other specified spinal endplate defects –– FA85.Z Spinal endplate defects, unspecified ––– FA85.10 Localised central endplate defect ––– FA85.11 Multiple anterior endplate defect ––– FA85.12 Separation of ring apophysis ––– FA85.1Y Other specified spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants ––– FA85.1Z Spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants, unspecified – FA8Y Other specified degenerative condition of spine – FA8Z Degenerative condition of spine, unspecified – FA90 Infection of vertebra –– FA90.0 Infection of vertebra with no determinant –– FA90.1 Infection of vertebra with determinants –– FA90.Y Other specified infection of vertebra –– FA90.Z Infection of vertebra, unspecified – FA91 Infection of intervertebral disc – FA92 Inflammatory spondyloarthritis –– FA92.0 Axial spondyloarthritis –– FA92.1 Peripheral spondyloarthritis –– FA92.Y Other specified inflammatory spondyloarthritis –– FA92.Z Inflammatory spondyloarthritis, unspecified ––– FA92.00 Spinal enthesitis ––– FA92.01 Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere classified ––– FA92.0Y Other specified axial spondyloarthritis ––– FA92.0Z Axial spondyloarthritis, unspecified – FA9Y Other specified inflammation of spine – FA9Z Inflammation of spine, unspecified – FB00 Ankylosis of spinal joint – FB0Y Other specified spondylopathies – FB0Z Spondylopathies, unspecified FB10 Spinal instabilities FB1Y Other specified conditions associated with the spine FB1Z Conditions associated with the spine, unspecified – FB30 Infectious myositis – FB31 Calcification or ossification of muscle –– FB31.0 Progressive osseous heteroplasia –– FB31.1 Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva –– FB31.Y Other specified calcification or ossification of muscle –– FB31.Z Calcification or ossification of muscle, unspecified – FB32 Certain specified disorders of muscle –– FB32.0 Diastasis of muscle –– FB32.1 Spontaneous rupture of muscle –– FB32.2 Ischaemic infarction of muscle –– FB32.3 Immobility syndrome –– FB32.4 Contracture of muscle –– FB32.5 Muscle strain or sprain –– FB32.Y Other specified disorders of muscles ––– FB32.20 Idiopathic rhabdomyolysis ––– FB32.2Y Other specified ischaemic infarction of muscle ––– FB32.2Z Ischaemic infarction of muscle, unspecified – FB33 Secondary disorders of muscle – FB3Z Disorders of muscles, unspecified – FB40 Tenosynovitis –– FB40.0 Infectious tenosynovitis –– FB40.1 Plantar fasciitis –– FB40.2 Posterior tibial tendonitis –– FB40.3 Calcific tendinitis –– FB40.4 Trigger finger –– FB40.5 Radial styloid tenosynovitis –– FB40.Y Other specified tenosynovitis –– FB40.Z Tenosynovitis, unspecified – FB41 Spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon –– FB41.0 Spontaneous rupture of popliteal cyst –– FB41.1 Spontaneous rupture of synovium –– FB41.2 Spontaneous rupture of tendon –– FB41.Y Other specified spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon –– FB41.Z Spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon, unspecified – FB42 Certain specified disorders of synovium or tendon –– FB42.0 Acquired short Achilles tendon –– FB42.1 Contracture of tendon sheath –– FB42.2 Ganglion –– FB42.3 Synovial hypertrophy, not elsewhere classified – FB43 Secondary disorders of synovium or tendon – FB4Y Other specified disorders of synovium or tendon – FB4Z Disorders of synovium or tendon, unspecified – FB50 Bursitis –– FB50.0 Infectious bursitis –– FB50.1 Bursitis related to use, overuse or pressure –– FB50.2 Synovial cyst of popliteal space –– FB50.3 Calcium deposit in bursa –– FB50.Y Other specified bursitis –– FB50.Z Bursitis, unspecified – FB51 Fibroblastic disorders –– FB51.0 Palmar fascial fibromatosis –– FB51.1 Knuckle pads –– FB51.2 Fasciitis and fibromatosis –– FB51.3 Fibroblastic rheumatism –– FB51.4 Retroperitoneal fibrosis –– FB51.Y Other specified fibroblastic disorders –– FB51.Z Fibroblastic disorders, unspecified ––– FB51.40 Primary retroperitoneal fibrosis ––– FB51.4Y Other specified retroperitoneal fibrosis ––– FB51.4Z Retroperitoneal fibrosis, unspecified – FB52 Soft tissue disorders in diseases classified elsewhere – FB53 Shoulder lesions –– FB53.0 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder –– FB53.1 Rotator cuff syndrome –– FB53.2 Impingement syndrome of shoulder –– FB53.Y Other specified shoulder lesions –– FB53.Z Shoulder lesions, unspecified – FB54 Enthesopathies of lower limb –– FB54.0 Iliac crest spur –– FB54.1 Iliotibial band syndrome –– FB54.2 Tibial collateral bursitis –– FB54.3 Calcaneal spur –– FB54.4 Metatarsalgia –– FB54.Y Other specified enthesopathies of lower limb –– FB54.Z Enthesopathies of lower limb, unspecified – FB55 Certain specified enthesopathies –– FB55.0 Medial epicondylitis of elbow –– FB55.1 Lateral epicondylitis of elbow –– FB55.2 Periarthritis of wrist –– FB55.Z Enthesopathies, unspecified – FB56 Specified soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified –– FB56.0 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified –– FB56.1 Residual foreign body in soft tissue –– FB56.2 Myalgia –– FB56.3 Hypertrophy of infrapatellar fat pad –– FB56.4 Pain in limb –– FB56.6 Other specified soft tissue disorders FB6Z Soft tissue disorders, unspecified FB8Y Other specified osteopathies or chondropathies FB83 Low bone mass disorders – FB83.0 Osteopenia – FB83.1 Osteoporosis – FB83.2 Adult osteomalacia –– FB83.00 Premenopausal idiopathic osteopenia –– FB83.01 Postmenopausal osteopenia –– FB83.02 Senile osteopenia –– FB83.03 Osteopenia of disuse –– FB83.04 Drug-induced osteopenia –– FB83.0Y Other specified osteopenia –– FB83.0Z Osteopenia, unspecified –– FB83.10 Premenopausal idiopathic osteoporosis –– FB83.11 Postmenopausal osteoporosis –– FB83.12 Osteoporosis of disuse –– FB83.13 Drug-induced osteoporosis –– FB83.14 Osteoporosis due to malabsorption –– FB83.1Y Other specified osteoporosis –– FB83.1Z Osteoporosis, unspecified –– FB83.20 Aluminium bone disease –– FB83.21 Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition –– FB83.22 Drug-induced adult osteomalacia –– FB83.2Y Other specified adult osteomalacia –– FB83.2Z Adult osteomalacia, unspecified – LD24.1 Bone diseases with increased bone density –– LD24.10 Osteopetrosis –– LD24.11 Osteopoikilosis –– LD24.1Y Other specified bone diseases with increased bone density –– LD24.1Z Bone diseases with increased bone density, unspecified – LD24.2 Bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components –– LD24.20 Multiple osteochondromas –– LD24.21 Exostoses with anetodermia and brachydactyly type E –– LD24.22 Cherubism –– LD24.23 Yunis-Varon disease –– LD24.2Y Other specified bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components –– LD24.2Z Bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components, unspecified – FB80.0 Fibrous dysplasia of bone –– LD24.K0 Osteogenesis imperfecta – FB80.1 Skeletal fluorosis – FB80.2 Osteitis condensans – FB80.3 Hyperostosis of skull – FB80.4 Osteosclerosis – FB80.5 Solitary bone cyst – FB80.6 Aneurysmal bone cyst – FB80.Y Other specified disorders of bone density and structure FB81 Osteonecrosis – FB81.0 Idiopathic aseptic osteonecrosis – FB81.1 Osteonecrosis due to dialysis – FB81.2 Drug-induced osteonecrosis – FB81.3 Osteonecrosis due to trauma – FB81.4 Osteonecrosis due to haemoglobinopathy – FB81.5 Osteonecrosis due to ionizing radiation – FB81.6 Alcohol induced osteonecrosis – FB81.Y Other specified osteonecrosis – FB81.Z Osteonecrosis, unspecified – LD26.6 Congenital vascular bone syndromes –– LD26.60 Angio-osteohypertrophic syndrome –– LD26.6Y Other specified congenital vascular bone syndromes –– LD26.6Z Congenital vascular bone syndromes, unspecified ––– 1B12.40 Tuberculosis of bones or joints FB84 Osteomyelitis or osteitis – FB84.0 Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis – FB84.1 Other acute osteomyelitis – FB84.2 Subacute osteomyelitis – FB84.3 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis – FB84.4 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus – FB84.5 Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis – FB84.Y Other specified osteomyelitis or osteitis – FB84.Z Osteomyelitis or osteitis, unspecified ––– 1B12.40 Tuberculosis of bones or joints – AA02 Malignant otitis externa FB85 Paget disease of bone – FB85.0 Juvenile Paget disease – FB85.1 Paget disease of bone in neoplastic disease – FB85.Y Other specified Paget disease of bone – FB85.Z Paget disease of bone, unspecified FB86 Disorders associated with bone growth – FB86.0 Epiphyseal arrest – FB86.1 Bone hyperplasias – FB86.2 Osteolysis – FB86.Y Other specified disorders associated with bone growth – FB86.Z Disorders associated with bone growth, unspecified –– FB86.10 Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy –– FB86.11 Hypertrophy of bone –– FB86.1Y Other specified bone hyperplasias –– FB86.1Z Bone hyperplasias, unspecified FB82 Chondropathies – FB82.0 Chondromalacia – FB82.1 Osteochondrosis or osteochondritis dissecans – FB82.2 Slipped upper femoral epiphysis – FB82.3 Relapsing polychondritis – FB82.Y Other specified chondropathies – FB82.Z Chondropathies, unspecified –– FB82.00 Chondromalacia patellae –– FB82.0Y Other specified chondromalacia –– FB82.0Z Chondromalacia, unspecified FC00 Certain specified acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system or connective tissue, not elsewhere classified FC00.0 Acquired deformity of nose FC00.1 Acquired deformity of neck FC00.2 Acquired deformity of chest or rib FC00.3 Acquired deformity of pelvis FC00.4 Acquired deformity of trunk FC00.Y Acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, not classified elsewhere, other specified sites FC01 Postprocedural disorders of the musculoskeletal system FC01.0 Pseudarthrosis after fusion or arthrodesis FC01.1 Postlaminectomy syndrome, not elsewhere classified FC01.2 Post radiation kyphosis FC01.3 Postlaminectomy kyphosis FC01.4 Postsurgical lordosis FC01.5 Post radiation scoliosis FC01.6 Fracture of bone following insertion of orthopaedic implant, joint prosthesis, or bone plate FC01.7 Nonunion after arthrodesis FC01.8 Postsurgical osteolysis FC01.9 Postoophorectomy osteoporosis FC01.A Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis – FC01.70 Nonunion after spinal arthrodesis – FC01.7Y Nonunion after arthrodesis of other sites – LB70 Structural developmental anomalies of cranium –– LB70.0 Craniosynostosis –– LB70.1 Wormian bones –– LB70.2 J-shaped sella turcica –– LB70.3 Macrocephaly –– LB70.Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of cranium –– LB70.Z Structural developmental anomalies of cranium, unspecified ––– LB70.00 Plagiocephaly ––– LB70.0Y Other specified craniosynostosis ––– LB70.0Z Craniosynostosis, unspecified – LB71 Structural developmental anomalies of facial bones –– LB71.0 Hypotelorism –– LB71.1 Hypertelorism –– LB71.Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of facial bones –– LB71.Z Structural developmental anomalies of facial bones, unspecified – LB72 Structural developmental anomalies of shoulder girdle –– LB72.0 Cervical rib –– LB72.1 Sprengel deformity –– LB72.2 Deformation of scapula –– LB72.Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of shoulder girdle –– LB72.Z Structural developmental anomalies of shoulder girdle, unspecified – LB73 Structural developmental anomalies of spine or bony thorax –– LB73.0 Occult spinal dysraphism –– LB73.1 Structural developmental anomalies of chest wall –– LB73.2 Structural developmental anomalies of spine –– LB73.Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of spine or bony thorax –– LB73.Z Structural developmental anomalies of spine or bony thorax, unspecified ––– LB73.10 Poland syndrome ––– LB73.11 Bifid rib ––– LB73.12 Accessory rib ––– LB73.13 Structural developmental anomalies of sternum ––– LB73.1Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of chest wall ––– LB73.1Z Structural developmental anomalies of chest wall, unspecified ––– LB73.20 Klippel-Feil anomaly ––– LB73.21 Occipitalisation of atlas ––– LB73.22 Atlanto-axial instability or subluxation ––– LB73.23 Aplasia or hypoplasia of the odontoid process of axis ––– LB73.24 Segmentation anomalies of vertebrae ––– LB73.25 Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation ––– LB73.26 Sacralisation of the last lumbar vertebra ––– LB73.27 Lumbarisation of the first sacral vertebra ––– LB73.28 Sacrum agenesis or hypoplasia ––– LB73.29 Caudal appendage ––– LB73.2A Congenital spondylolisthesis ––– LB73.2Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of spine ––– LB73.2Z Structural developmental anomalies of spine, unspecified – LB74 Structural developmental anomalies of pelvic girdle –– LB74.0 Developmental dysplasia of hip –– LB74.1 Congenital subluxation of hip –– LB74.2 Unstable hip –– LB74.3 Congenital coxa vara –– LB74.4 Congenital coxa valga –– LB74.5 Wide symphysis pubis –– LB74.Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of pelvic girdle –– LB74.Z Structural developmental anomalies of pelvic girdle, unspecified – LB75 Brachydactyly –– LB75.0 Brachydactyly of fingers –– LB75.1 Brachydactyly of toes –– LB75.2 Symbrachydactyly of hands or feet –– LB75.Y Other specified brachydactyly –– LB75.Z Brachydactyly, unspecified – LB76 Triphalangeal thumb – LB77 Hyperphalangy – LB78 Polydactyly –– LB78.0 Polydactyly of the thumb –– LB78.1 Polysyndactyly –– LB78.2 Postaxial polydactyly of fingers –– LB78.3 Polydactyly of toes –– LB78.Y Other specified polydactyly –– LB78.Z Polydactyly, unspecified – LB79 Syndactyly –– LB79.0 Fused fingers –– LB79.1 Webbed fingers –– LB79.2 Fused toes –– LB79.3 Webbed toes –– LB79.Y Other specified syndactyly –– LB79.Z Syndactyly, unspecified –– LB80 Congenital deformities of fingers ––– LB80.0 Clinodactyly of fingers ––– LB80.2 Radial deviation of fingers ––– LB80.Y Other specified congenital deformities of fingers ––– LB80.Z Congenital deformities of fingers, unspecified –– LB81 Congenital deformities of toes ––– LB81.0 Clinodactyly of toes ––– LB81.Y Other specified congenital deformities of toes ––– LB81.Z Congenital deformities of toes, unspecified – LB90 Joint formation defects –– LB90.0 Humero-radio-ulnar synostosis –– LB90.1 Humero-radial synostosis –– LB90.2 Humero-ulnar synostosis –– LB90.3 Radio-ulnar synostosis –– LB90.4 Madelung deformity –– LB90.5 Congenital digital clubbing –– LB90.6 Tibio-fibular synostosis –– LB90.7 Cubitus valgus –– LB90.8 Cubitus varus –– LB90.Y Other specified joint formation defects –– LB90.Z Joint formation defects, unspecified – LB91 Congenital shoulder dislocation – LB92 Congenital elbow dislocation – LB93 Congenital knee dislocation –– LB93.0 Congenital genu recurvatum –– LB93.1 Congenital genu flexum –– LB93.Y Other specified congenital knee dislocation –– LB93.Z Congenital knee dislocation, unspecified – LB94 Congenital patella dislocation – LB95 Patella aplasia or hypoplasia – LB96 Congenital bowing of long bones –– LB96.0 Congenital bowing of femur –– LB96.1 Congenital bowing of tibia –– LB96.Y Other specified congenital bowing of long bones –– LB96.Z Congenital bowing of long bones, unspecified – LB97 Limb overgrowth –– LB97.0 Macrodactyly of fingers –– LB97.1 Macrodactyly of toes –– LB97.2 Upper limb hypertrophy –– LB97.3 Lower limb hypertrophy –– LB97.Y Other specified limb overgrowth –– LB97.Z Limb overgrowth, unspecified – LB98 Congenital deformities of feet –– LB98.0 Congenital varus deformities of feet –– LB98.1 Congenital pes planus –– LB98.2 Congenital valgus deformities of feet –– LB98.3 Congenital pes cavus –– LB98.4 Congenital vertical talus –– LB98.5 Congenital hammer toe –– LB98.Y Other specified congenital deformities of feet –– LB98.Z Congenital deformities of feet, unspecified ––– LB98.00 Talipes equinovarus ––– LB98.01 Talipes calcaneovarus ––– LB98.02 Metatarsus varus ––– LB98.0Y Other specified congenital varus deformities of feet ––– LB98.0Z Congenital varus deformities of feet, unspecified ––– LB98.20 Congenital hallux valgus ––– LB98.21 Metatarsus valgus ––– LB98.22 Talipes calcaneovalgus ––– LB98.2Y Other specified congenital valgus deformities of feet ––– LB98.2Z Congenital valgus deformities of feet, unspecified – LB99 Reduction defects of upper limb –– LB99.0 Amelia of upper limb –– LB99.1 Humeral agenesis or hypoplasia –– LB99.2 Radial hemimelia –– LB99.3 Ulnar hemimelia –– LB99.4 Congenital absence of upper arm or forearm with hand present –– LB99.5 Congenital absence of both forearm and hand –– LB99.6 Acheiria –– LB99.7 Adactyly of hands –– LB99.8 Split hand –– LB99.Y Other specified reduction defects of upper limb –– LB99.Z Reduction defects of upper limb, unspecified – LB9A Reduction defects of lower limb –– LB9A.0 Amelia of lower limb –– LB9A.1 Tibial hemimelia –– LB9A.2 Fibular hemimelia –– LB9A.3 Congenital absence of thigh or lower leg with foot present –– LB9A.4 Apodia –– LB9A.5 Adactyly of feet –– LB9A.6 Split foot –– LB9A.7 Congenital absence of both lower leg and foot –– LB9A.8 Femoral agenesis or hypoplasia –– LB9A.Y Other specified reduction defects of lower limb –– LB9A.Z Reduction defects of lower limb, unspecified – LB9B Reduction defects of upper and lower limbs – LB9Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the skeleton – LB9Z Structural developmental anomalies of the skeleton, unspecified LD24 Syndromes with skeletal anomalies as a major feature – LD24.0 Syndromes with micromelia – LD24.1 Bone diseases with increased bone density – LD24.2 Bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components – LD24.3 Spondyloepiphyseal or spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasias – LD24.4 Spondylometaphyseal dysplasias – LD24.5 Spondylodysplastic dysplasias – LD24.6 Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia or pseudoachondroplasia – LD24.7 Multiple metaphyseal dysplasias – LD24.8 Acromelic dysplasias – LD24.9 Acromesomelic dysplasias – LD24.A Mesomelic or rhizomesomelic dysplasias – LD24.B Short rib syndromes – LD24.C Bent bone dysplasias – LD24.D Slender bone dysplasias – LD24.E Bone dysplasias with multiple joint dislocations – LD24.F Progressive ossification of skin, skeletal muscle, fascia, tendons or ligaments – LD24.G Syndromic craniosynostoses – LD24.H Dysostoses with predominant vertebral and costal involvement – LD24.J Patellar dysostoses – LD24.K Genetic bone diseases with decreased bone density – LD24.Y Other specified syndromes with skeletal anomalies as a major feature – LD24.Z Syndromes with skeletal anomalies as a major feature, unspecified –– LD24.00 Achondroplasia –– LD24.01 Hypochondroplasia –– LD24.02 Thanatophoric dysplasia –– LD24.03 Diastrophic dysplasia –– LD24.04 Chondrodysplasia punctata –– LD24.0Y Other specified syndromes with micromelia –– LD24.0Z Syndromes with micromelia, unspecified –– LD24.10 Osteopetrosis –– LD24.11 Osteopoikilosis –– LD24.1Y Other specified bone diseases with increased bone density –– LD24.1Z Bone diseases with increased bone density, unspecified –– LD24.20 Multiple osteochondromas –– LD24.21 Exostoses with anetodermia and brachydactyly type E –– LD24.22 Cherubism –– LD24.23 Yunis-Varon disease –– LD24.2Y Other specified bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components –– LD24.2Z Bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components, unspecified –– LD24.50 Achondrogenesis –– LD24.51 Hypochondrogenesis –– LD24.5Y Other specified spondylodysplastic dysplasias –– LD24.5Z Spondylodysplastic dysplasias, unspecified –– LD24.60 Pseudoachondroplasia –– LD24.61 Multiple epiphyseal dysplasias –– LD24.6Y Other specified multiple epiphyseal dysplasia or pseudoachondroplasia –– LD24.6Z Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia or pseudoachondroplasia, unspecified –– LD24.80 Langer-Giedion syndrome –– LD24.8Y Other specified acromelic dysplasias –– LD24.8Z Acromelic dysplasias, unspecified –– LD24.B0 Short rib-polydactyly syndrome –– LD24.B1 Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy –– LD24.BY Other specified short rib syndromes –– LD24.BZ Short rib syndromes, unspecified –– LD24.G0 Pfeiffer syndrome –– LD24.G1 Crouzon disease –– LD24.G2 Apert syndrome –– LD24.GY Other specified syndromic craniosynostoses –– LD24.GZ Syndromic craniosynostoses, unspecified –– LD24.J0 Nail-patella syndrome –– LD24.JY Other specified patellar dysostoses –– LD24.JZ Patellar dysostoses, unspecified –– LD24.K0 Osteogenesis imperfecta –– LD24.KY Other specified genetic bone diseases with decreased bone density –– LD24.KZ Genetic bone diseases with decreased bone density, unspecified LD28 Syndromes with connective tissue involvement as a major feature – LD28.0 Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related disorders – LD28.1 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome – LD28.2 Genetically-determined cutis laxa – LD28.Y Other specified syndromes with connective tissue involvement as a major feature – LD28.Z Syndromes with connective tissue involvement as a major feature, unspecified –– LD28.00 Congenital contractural arachnodactyly –– LD28.01 Marfan syndrome –– LD28.0Y Other specified Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related disorders –– LD28.0Z Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related disorders, unspecified –– LD28.10 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classical type –– LD28.1Y Other specified types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome – ME80 Clicking hip – ME81 Musculoskeletal chest pain –– ME81.0 Intercostal pain –– ME81.Y Other specified musculoskeletal chest pain –– ME81.Z Musculoskeletal chest pain, unspecified – ME82 Pain in joint – ME83 Rheumatism, unspecified – ME84 Spinal pain –– ME84.0 Cervical spine pain –– ME84.1 Thoracic spine pain –– ME84.2 Low back pain –– ME84.3 Sciatica –– ME84.Z Spinal pain, unspecified ––– ME84.20 Lumbago with sciatica ––– ME84.2Y Other specified low back pain ––– ME84.2Z Low back pain, unspecified – ME85 Stiffness of joint – ME86 Symptom or complaint of a body part –– ME86.0 Symptom or complaint of the ankle –– ME86.1 Symptom or complaint of the arm –– ME86.2 Symptom or complaint of the back –– ME86.3 Symptom or complaint of the chest –– ME86.4 Symptom or complaint of the elbow –– ME86.5 Symptom or complaint of the flank or axilla –– ME86.6 Symptom or complaint of the foot or toe –– ME86.7 Symptom or complaint of the hand or finger –– ME86.8 Symptom or complaint of the hip –– ME86.9 Symptom or complaint of the jaw –– ME86.A Symptom or complaint of the knee –– ME86.B Symptom or complaint of the leg or thigh –– ME86.C Symptom or complaint of the neck –– ME86.D Symptom or complaint of the shoulder –– ME86.E Symptom or complaint of the wrist –– ME86.F Symptom or complaint of joint, not otherwise specified –– ME86.G Symptom or complaint of muscle, not otherwise specified –– ME86.Y Problem of other specified body part –– ME86.Z Problem of unspecified body part ––– ME86.20 Back syndrome without radiating pain ––– ME86.21 Back syndrome with radiating pain ––– ME86.22 Symptom or complaint of the low back ––– ME86.2Y Other specified symptom or complaint of the back ––– ME86.2Z Symptom or complaint of the back, unspecified ––– ME86.D0 Shoulder syndrome ––– ME86.DY Other specified symptom or complaint of the shoulder ––– ME86.DZ Symptom or complaint of the shoulder, unspecified – ME8Y Other specified symptoms or signs of the musculoskeletal system – ME90 Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head – ME91 Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of limbs – ME92 Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system –– ME92.0 Wedging of vertebra –– ME92.1 Bony erosion –– ME92.Y Other specified clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system –– ME92.Z Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system, unspecified – ME93 Biomechanical lesions, not elsewhere classified –– ME93.0 Segmental and somatic dysfunction –– ME93.1 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal –– ME93.2 Osseous stenosis of neural canal –– ME93.3 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal –– ME93.4 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal –– ME93.5 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina –– ME93.6 Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina –– ME93.Y Other specified biomechanical lesions, not elsewhere classified –– ME93.Z Biomechanical lesions, unspecified ––– ME93.40 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, head region ––– ME93.41 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, cervical region ––– ME93.42 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, thoracic region ––– ME93.43 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, lumbar region ––– ME93.44 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, sacral region ––– ME93.45 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, pelvic region ––– ME93.46 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, lower extremity ––– ME93.47 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, upper extremity ––– ME93.48 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, rib cage ––– ME93.4Y Other specified intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal ––– ME93.4Z Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, unspecified – ME9Y Other specified clinical findings in the musculoskeletal system MF1Y Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the musculoskeletal system NA00 Superficial injury of head – NA00.0 Superficial injury of scalp – NA00.1 Superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area – NA00.2 Superficial injury of ear – NA00.3 Superficial injury of nose – NA00.4 Superficial injury of lip or oral cavity – NA00.5 Multiple superficial injuries of head – NA00.6 Abrasion of other or unspecified sites of head – NA00.7 Contusion of other or unspecified sites of head – NA00.Y Superficial injury of other specified part of head – NA00.Z Superficial injury of unspecified part of head –– NA00.00 Abrasion of scalp –– NA00.01 Contusion of scalp –– NA00.02 Superficial foreign body in scalp –– NA00.0Y Other specified superficial injury of scalp –– NA00.0Z Superficial injury of scalp, type unspecified –– NA00.10 Abrasion of eyelid or periocular area –– NA00.11 Contusion of eyelid or periocular area –– NA00.1Y Other specified superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area –– NA00.1Z Superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area, unspecified NA01 Open wound of head – NA01.2 Laceration without foreign body of head – NA01.3 Laceration with foreign body of head – NA01.4 Puncture wound without foreign body of head – NA01.5 Puncture wound with foreign body of head – NA01.6 Open bite of head – NA01.7 Multiple open wounds of head – NA01.Y Other specified open wound of head – NA01.Z Open wound of head, unspecified NA02 Fracture of skull or facial bones – NA02.0 Fracture of vault of skull – NA02.1 Fracture of base of skull – NA02.2 Orbital fracture – NA02.3 Fracture of nasal bones – NA02.4 Fracture of maxilla – NA02.5 Fracture of zygoma – NA02.7 Fracture of mandible – NA02.8 Multiple fractures involving skull or facial bones – NA02.Y Fracture of other specified skull or facial bones – NA02.Z Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified –– NA02.00 Fracture of squama of frontal bone of skull –– NA02.01 Fracture of parietal bone of skull –– NA02.02 Fracture of squama of temporal bone of skull –– NA02.03 Fracture of squama of occipital bone of skull –– NA02.0Z Fracture of vault of skull, unspecified –– NA02.10 Fracture of anterior fossa of base of skull –– NA02.11 Fracture of middle fossa of base of skull –– NA02.12 Fracture of posterior fossa of base of skull –– NA02.13 Fracture of sinus of ethmoid bone of skull –– NA02.14 Fracture of frontal sinus of skull –– NA02.15 Fracture of sphenoid bone of skull –– NA02.16 Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type I –– NA02.17 Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type II –– NA02.18 Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type III –– NA02.19 Fracture of other part of occipital bone of skull –– NA02.1A Other fractures of base of skull –– NA02.1Z Fracture of base of skull, unspecified –– NA02.20 Fracture of orbital roof –– NA02.21 Fracture of orbital floor –– NA02.2Y Other specified orbital fracture –– NA02.2Z Orbital fracture, unspecified –– NA02.40 Le Fort fracture type I –– NA02.41 Le Fort fracture type II –– NA02.42 Le Fort fracture type III –– NA02.4Y Other specified fracture of maxilla –– NA02.4Z Fracture of maxilla, unspecified –– NA02.70 Fracture of condylar process of mandible –– NA02.71 Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible –– NA02.72 Fracture of coronoid process of mandible –– NA02.73 Fracture of ramus of mandible –– NA02.74 Fracture of angle of mandible –– NA02.75 Fracture of alveolar margin of mandible –– NA02.76 Fracture of symphysis of mandible –– NA02.7Y Other specified fracture of mandible –– NA02.7Z Fracture of mandible, unspecified NA03 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of head – NA03.0 Dislocation of jaw – NA03.1 Dislocation of septal cartilage of nose – NA03.3 Strain or sprain of jaw – NA03.Y Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments of head – NA03.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of head, unspecified NA04 Injury of cranial nerves – NA04.0 Injury of olfactory nerve – NA04.1 Injury of optic nerve or pathways – NA04.2 Injury of oculomotor nerve – NA04.3 Injury of trochlear nerve – NA04.4 Injury of trigeminal nerve – NA04.5 Injury of abducent nerve – NA04.6 Injury of facial nerve – NA04.7 Injury of acoustic nerve – NA04.8 Injury of glossopharyngeal nerve – NA04.9 Injury of vagus nerve – NA04.A Injury of accessory nerve – NA04.B Injury of hypoglossal nerve – NA04.Z Injury of cranial nerves, unspecified –– NA04.10 Injury of optic nerve, unilateral –– NA04.11 Injury of optic nerve, bilateral –– NA04.12 Injury of optic chiasm –– NA04.13 Injury of optic tract or pathways, unilateral –– NA04.14 Injury of optic tract or pathways, bilateral –– NA04.15 Injury of visual cortex, unilateral –– NA04.16 Injury of visual cortex, bilateral –– NA04.1Y Other specified injury of optic nerve or pathways –– NA04.1Z Injury of optic nerve or pathways, unspecified NA05 Injury of blood vessels of head – NA05.0 Injury of intracranial vessels of head – NA05.1 Injury of extracranial vessels of head – NA05.Z Injury of blood vessels of head, unspecified NA06 Injury of eye or orbit – NA06.0 Eyelid trauma – NA06.1 Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body – NA06.2 Retained foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit – NA06.3 Traumatic orbital haemorrhage – NA06.4 Injury of conjunctiva or corneal abrasion without mention of foreign body – NA06.5 Trauma to the iris sphincter – NA06.6 Traumatic injuries of the retina – NA06.7 Traumatic retinal haemorrhage – NA06.8 Traumatic injury to eyeball – NA06.9 Contusion of eyeball or orbital tissues – NA06.A Injury of lens – NA06.Y Other specified injury of eye or orbit – NA06.Z Injury of eye or orbit, unspecified –– NA06.00 Eyelid avulsion –– NA06.01 Haematoma of eyelid –– NA06.02 Oedema of eyelid –– NA06.03 Retained foreign body in eyelid –– NA06.04 Open wound of eyelid or periocular area –– NA06.0Y Other specified eyelid trauma –– NA06.0Z Eyelid trauma, unspecified –– NA06.60 Traumatic macular hole –– NA06.61 Choroidal rupture –– NA06.62 Commotio retinae –– NA06.63 Optic nerve avulsion –– NA06.6Y Other specified traumatic injuries of the retina –– NA06.6Z Traumatic injuries of the retina, unspecified –– NA06.80 Retained intraocular magnetic foreign body, unilateral –– NA06.81 Retained intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body, unilateral –– NA06.82 Closed eyeball trauma, unilateral –– NA06.83 Closed eyeball trauma, bilateral –– NA06.84 Penetrating wound of eyeball without foreign body, unilateral –– NA06.85 Avulsion of eye, unilateral –– NA06.86 Avulsion of eye, bilateral –– NA06.87 Ocular laceration or rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, unilateral –– NA06.88 Ocular laceration or rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, bilateral –– NA06.89 Penetrating injury of eyeball, bilateral –– NA06.8A Perforating injury of eyeball, bilateral –– NA06.8B Retained intraocular magnetic foreign body, bilateral –– NA06.8C Retained intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body, bilateral –– NA06.8D Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, unilateral –– NA06.8E Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, bilateral –– NA06.8Y Other specified traumatic injury to eyeball –– NA06.8Z Traumatic injury to eyeball, unspecified NA07 Intracranial injury – NA07.0 Concussion – NA07.1 Traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage – NA07.2 Traumatic cerebral oedema – NA07.3 Diffuse brain injury – NA07.4 Focal brain injury – NA07.5 Traumatic epidural haemorrhage – NA07.6 Traumatic subdural haemorrhage – NA07.7 Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage – NA07.8 Traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue – NA07.Y Other specified intracranial injury – NA07.Z Intracranial injury, unspecified –– NA07.00 Concussion with incomplete loss of consciousness with amnesia –– NA07.01 Concussion with incomplete loss of consciousness without amnesia –– NA07.02 Concussion with loss of consciousness, short duration of less than 30 minutes –– NA07.03 Concussion with loss of consciousness, short duration of 30 minutes to less than one hour –– NA07.04 Concussion with loss of consciousness, short duration of one hour to less than 6 hours –– NA07.05 Concussion with loss of consciousness, intermediate duration of 6 hours to less than 24 hours –– NA07.06 Concussion with loss of consciousness, persisting longer than 24 hours or until discharge or latest assessment –– NA07.07 Concussion with loss of consciousness, persisting until death –– NA07.08 Concussion with loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to effects of therapy –– NA07.09 Concussion with loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to lack of information –– NA07.0Y Other specified concussion –– NA07.0Z Concussion, unspecified –– NA07.20 Diffuse traumatic cerebral oedema –– NA07.21 Focal traumatic cerebral oedema –– NA07.2Y Other specified traumatic cerebral oedema –– NA07.2Z Traumatic cerebral oedema, unspecified –– NA07.30 Diffuse injury of cerebrum –– NA07.31 Diffuse injury of cerebellum –– NA07.32 Diffuse injury of brainstem –– NA07.33 Diffuse injury of multiple parts of brain –– NA07.3Y Other specified diffuse brain injury –– NA07.3Z Unspecified diffuse traumatic brain injury –– NA07.40 Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum –– NA07.41 Focal haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum –– NA07.42 Focal laceration of cerebrum –– NA07.43 Multiple focal injuries of cerebrum –– NA07.44 Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebellum –– NA07.45 Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of cerebellum –– NA07.46 Focal laceration of cerebellum –– NA07.47 Multiple focal injuries of cerebellum –– NA07.48 Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of brainstem –– NA07.49 Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of brainstem –– NA07.4A Contusion of temporal lobe –– NA07.4B Focal laceration of brainstem –– NA07.4C Focal brain contusion –– NA07.4D Focal brain laceration –– NA07.4E Contusion of parietal lobe –– NA07.4F Contusion of occipital lobe –– NA07.4Z Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury –– NA07.60 Acute traumatic subdural haemorrhage –– NA07.61 Chronic traumatic subdural haemorrhage –– NA07.6Z Traumatic subdural haemorrhage, unspecified whether acute or chronic –– NA07.80 Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebrum white matter –– NA07.81 Traumatic haemorrhage in thalamus or basal ganglia –– NA07.82 Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebellum –– NA07.83 Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem without specification whether primary or secondary –– NA07.84 Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, primary –– NA07.85 Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, secondary –– NA07.86 Multiple traumatic haemorrhages –– NA07.8Y Other specified traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue –– NA07.8Z Traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue, unspecified NA08 Crushing injury of head – NA08.0 Crushing injury of brain – NA08.1 Crushing injury of face – NA08.2 Crushing injury of skull – NA08.3 Crushed scalp – NA08.Y Other specified crushing injury of head – NA08.Z Crushing injury of head, unspecified NA09 Traumatic amputation of part of head – NA09.0 Avulsion of scalp – NA09.1 Traumatic amputation of ear – NA09.2 Traumatic amputation of nose – NA09.3 Traumatic amputation of lip – NA09.Y Other specified traumatic amputation of part of head – NA09.Z Traumatic amputation of part of head, unspecified –– NA09.10 Traumatic amputation of ear, complete –– NA09.11 Traumatic amputation of ear, partial –– NA09.1Z Traumatic amputation of ear, unspecified –– NA09.20 Traumatic amputation of nose, complete –– NA09.21 Traumatic amputation of nose, partial –– NA09.2Z Traumatic amputation of nose, unspecified NA0A Certain specified injuries of head – NA0A.0 Complex wounds to the head – NA0A.1 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head – NA0A.2 Traumatic rupture of ear drum – NA0A.3 Multiple injuries of head – NA0A.Y Other specified injuries of head –– NA0A.00 Complex wounds to the head with retained external material –– NA0A.01 Complex wounds to the head with intracranial haemorrhage –– NA0A.02 Complex wounds to the head with through and through perforation –– NA0A.03 Complex wounds to the head with avulsive loss of part of skull and cranial contents –– NA0A.0Y Other specified complex wounds to the head –– NA0A.0Z Complex wounds to the head, unspecified –– NA0A.10 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of head –– NA0A.11 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of head –– NA0A.1Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head –– NA0A.1Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head, unspecified NA0B Injury of the auricle NA0C Injury of middle or inner ear NA0D Injury of teeth or supporting structures – NA0D.0 Injury of hard dental tissues and pulp – NA0D.1 Injury of periodontal tissues – NA0D.Y Other specified injury of teeth or supporting structures – NA0D.Z Injury of teeth or supporting structures, unspecified –– NA0D.00 Enamel infraction –– NA0D.01 Enamel fracture –– NA0D.02 Enamel-dentin fracture –– NA0D.03 Complicated crown fracture –– NA0D.04 Uncomplicated crown-root fracture –– NA0D.05 Complicated crown-root fracture –– NA0D.06 Root fracture –– NA0D.0Y Other specified injury of hard dental tissues and pulp –– NA0D.0Z Injury of hard dental tissues and pulp, unspecified –– NA0D.10 Concussion of periodontal tissue –– NA0D.11 Subluxation of tooth –– NA0D.12 Extrusive luxation of tooth –– NA0D.13 Lateral luxation of tooth –– NA0D.14 Intrusive luxation of tooth –– NA0D.15 Avulsion of tooth –– NA0D.1Y Other specified injury of periodontal tissues –– NA0D.1Z Injury of periodontal tissues, unspecified NA0Z Injuries to the head, unspecified NA20 Superficial injury of neck – NA20.0 Abrasion of throat – NA20.1 Contusion of throat – NA20.2 Other or unspecified superficial injuries of throat – NA20.3 Multiple superficial injuries of neck – NA20.Y Other specified superficial injury of neck – NA20.Z Superficial injury of neck, unspecified NA21 Open wound of neck – NA21.0 Laceration without foreign body of neck – NA21.1 Laceration with foreign body of neck – NA21.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of neck – NA21.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of neck – NA21.4 Open bite of neck – NA21.5 Multiple open wounds of neck – NA21.Y Other specified open wound of neck – NA21.Z Open wound of neck, unspecified NA22 Fracture of neck – NA22.0 Fracture of first cervical vertebra – NA22.1 Fracture of second cervical vertebra – NA22.2 Fracture of other specified cervical vertebra – NA22.3 Multiple fractures of cervical spine – NA22.Z Fracture of neck, unspecified –– NA22.00 Fracture of first cervical vertebra, burst fracture –– NA22.01 Fracture of posterior arch of first cervical vertebra –– NA22.02 Fracture of lateral mass of first cervical vertebra –– NA22.03 Other fracture of first cervical vertebra –– NA22.0Z Fracture of first cervical vertebra, unspecified –– NA22.10 Traumatic spondylolisthesis of second cervical vertebra, type III –– NA22.11 Other traumatic spondylolisthesis of second cervical vertebra –– NA22.12 Fracture of odontoid process –– NA22.13 Other fracture of second cervical vertebra –– NA22.1Z Fracture of second cervical vertebra, unspecified NA23 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level – NA23.0 Traumatic rupture of cervical intervertebral disc – NA23.1 Dislocation of cervical vertebra – NA23.2 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of neck – NA23.3 Multiple dislocations of neck – NA23.4 Strain or sprain of cervical spine – NA23.5 Strain or sprain of thyroid region – NA23.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level – NA23.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level, unspecified –– NA23.10 Cranio-cervical dissociation –– NA23.11 Atlanto-axial dislocation –– NA23.12 Dislocation of other specified cervical vertebra –– NA23.1Z Dislocation of cervical vertebra, unspecified –– NA23.40 Acute whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain, stiffness or tenderness only –– NA23.41 Acute whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain with musculoskeletal signs –– NA23.42 Acute whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain with neurological signs –– NA23.4Y Other specified strain or sprain of cervical spine –– NA23.4Z Strain or sprain of cervical spine, unspecified –– NA30 Concussion or oedema of cervical spinal cord –– NA31 Certain specified injuries of cervical spinal cord ––– NA31.0 Complete lesion of cervical spinal cord ––– NA31.1 Central cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord ––– NA31.2 Anterior cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord ––– NA31.3 Posterior cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord ––– NA31.4 Brown-Sequard syndrome of cervical spinal cord ––– NA31.5 Other incomplete cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord –– NA3Z Injury of cervical spinal cord, unspecified –– NA40 Injury of nerve root of cervical spine –– NA41 Injury of brachial plexus ––– NA41.0 Injury of brachial plexus cord ––– NA41.1 Injury of brachial plexus division ––– NA41.2 Injury of brachial plexus trunk ––– NA41.Y Other specified injury of brachial plexus ––– NA41.Z Injury of brachial plexus, unspecified –– NA42 Injury of peripheral nerves of neck ––– NA42.0 Injury of supraclavicular nerve ––– NA42.1 Injury to anterior cutaneous nerve of neck ––– NA42.Y Injury of other specified peripheral nerves of neck ––– NA42.Z Injury of peripheral nerves of neck, unspecified –– NA43 Injury of cervical sympathetic nerves –– NA44 Injury of phrenic nerve –– NA4Y Injury of other specified nerves at neck level –– NA4Z Injury of nerves at neck level, unspecified NA60 Injury of blood vessels at neck level – NA60.0 Injury of carotid artery – NA60.1 Injury of vertebral artery – NA60.2 Injury of external jugular vein – NA60.3 Injury of internal jugular vein – NA60.4 Injury of multiple blood vessels at neck level – NA60.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at neck level – NA60.Z Injury of blood vessels at neck level, unspecified –– NA60.00 Laceration of carotid artery, minor –– NA60.01 Laceration of carotid artery, major –– NA60.0Y Other specified injury of carotid artery –– NA60.0Z Injury of carotid artery, unspecified –– NA60.10 Laceration of vertebral artery, minor –– NA60.11 Laceration of vertebral artery, major –– NA60.1Y Other specified injury of vertebral artery –– NA60.1Z Injury of vertebral artery, unspecified –– NA60.20 Laceration of external jugular vein, minor –– NA60.21 Laceration of external jugular vein, major –– NA60.2Y Other specified injury of external jugular vein –– NA60.2Z Injury of external jugular vein, unspecified –– NA60.30 Laceration of internal jugular vein, minor –– NA60.31 Laceration of internal jugular vein, major –– NA60.3Y Other specified injury of internal jugular vein –– NA60.3Z Injury of internal jugular vein, unspecified NA61 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level – NA61.0 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level – NA61.1 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level – NA61.Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level – NA61.Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level, unspecified NA62 Crushing injury of neck – NA62.0 Crushing injury of larynx or trachea – NA62.Y Crushing injury of other specified site of neck – NA62.Z Crushing injury of neck, unspecified NA63 Traumatic amputation at neck level NA64 Multiple injuries of neck NA6Y Other specified injuries to the neck NA6Z Injuries to the neck, unspecified NA80 Superficial injury of thorax – NA80.0 Abrasion of breast – NA80.1 Contusion of breast – NA80.2 Other or unspecified superficial injuries of breast – NA80.3 Other superficial injuries of front wall of thorax – NA80.4 Other superficial injuries of back wall of thorax – NA80.5 Abrasion of thorax – NA80.6 Contusion of thorax – NA80.7 Multiple superficial injuries of thorax – NA80.Y Other specified superficial injury of thorax – NA80.Z Superficial injury of thorax, unspecified NA81 Open wound of thorax – NA81.0 Laceration without foreign body of thorax – NA81.1 Laceration with foreign body of thorax – NA81.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of thorax – NA81.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of thorax – NA81.4 Open bite of thorax – NA81.5 Multiple open wounds of thoracic wall – NA81.Y Other specified open wound of thorax – NA81.Z Open wound of thorax, unspecified NA82 Fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine – NA82.0 Fracture of thoracic vertebra – NA82.1 Multiple fractures of thoracic spine – NA82.2 Fracture of sternum – NA82.3 Fracture of rib – NA82.4 Multiple fractures of ribs – NA82.5 Flail chest – NA82.Y Other specified fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine – NA82.Z Fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine, unspecified –– NA82.30 Fracture of rib, posterior or posterior and lateral –– NA82.3Y Other specified fracture of rib –– NA82.3Z Fracture of rib, unspecified NA83 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax – NA83.0 Traumatic rupture of thoracic intervertebral disc – NA83.1 Dislocation of thoracic vertebra – NA83.2 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of thorax – NA83.3 Strain or sprain of ligaments of thoracic spine – NA83.4 Strain or sprain of ribs or sternum – NA83.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax – NA83.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax, unspecified –– NA83.40 Strain or sprain of sternum –– NA83.41 Strain or sprain of sterno-clavicular joint or ligament –– NA83.42 Strain or sprain of chondro-sternal joint –– NA83.4Y Strain or sprain of other specified site of ribs or sternum –– NA83.4Z Strain or sprain of ribs or sternum, unspecified –– NA90 Concussion or oedema of thoracic spinal cord –– NA91 Certain specified injuries of thoracic spinal cord ––– NA91.0 Complete lesion of thoracic spinal cord ––– NA91.1 Central cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord ––– NA91.2 Anterior cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord ––– NA91.3 Posterior cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord ––– NA91.4 Brown-Sequard syndrome of thoracic spinal cord ––– NA91.5 Other incomplete cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord –– NA9Z Injury of thoracic spinal cord, unspecified –– NB00 Injury of nerve root of thoracic spine –– NB01 Injury of peripheral nerves of thorax –– NB02 Injury of thoracic sympathetic nerves –– NB0Y Injury of other specified nerves at thorax level – NB2Y Other specified injury of nerves or spinal cord at thorax level – NB2Z Injury of nerves or spinal cord at thorax level, unspecified NB30 Injury of blood vessels of thorax – NB30.0 Injury of thoracic aorta – NB30.1 Injury of innominate or subclavian artery – NB30.2 Injury of superior vena cava – NB30.3 Injury of innominate or subclavian vein – NB30.4 Injury of pulmonary blood vessels – NB30.5 Injury of intercostal blood vessels – NB30.6 Injury of multiple blood vessels of thorax – NB30.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels of thorax – NB30.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessels of thorax –– NB30.00 Minor laceration of thoracic aorta –– NB30.01 Major laceration of thoracic aorta –– NB30.0Y Other specified injury of thoracic aorta –– NB30.0Z Injury of thoracic aorta, unspecified –– NB30.10 Minor laceration of innominate or subclavian artery –– NB30.11 Major laceration of innominate or subclavian artery –– NB30.1Y Other specified injury of innominate or subclavian artery –– NB30.1Z Injury of innominate or subclavian artery, unspecified –– NB30.20 Minor laceration of superior vena cava –– NB30.21 Major laceration of superior vena cava –– NB30.2Y Other specified injury of superior vena cava –– NB30.2Z Injury of superior vena cava, unspecified –– NB30.30 Minor laceration of innominate or subclavian vein –– NB30.31 Major laceration of innominate or subclavian vein –– NB30.3Y Other specified injury of innominate or subclavian vein –– NB30.3Z Injury of innominate or subclavian vein, unspecified –– NB30.40 Minor laceration of pulmonary blood vessels –– NB30.41 Major laceration of pulmonary blood vessels –– NB30.4Y Other specified injury of pulmonary blood vessels –– NB30.4Z Injury of pulmonary blood vessels, unspecified –– NB30.50 Laceration of intercostal blood vessels –– NB30.5Y Other specified injury of intercostal blood vessels –– NB30.5Z Injury of intercostal blood vessels, unspecified NB31 Injury of heart – NB31.0 Injury of heart with haemopericardium – NB31.1 Injury of heart without haemopericardium – NB31.2 Injury of heart, unspecified without open wound into thoracic cavity – NB31.3 Injury of heart, unspecified with open wound into thoracic cavity – NB31.4 Injury of heart valve – NB31.Y Other specified injury of heart – NB31.Z Injury of heart, unspecified –– NB31.00 Contusion of heart with haemopericardium –– NB31.01 Minor laceration of heart with haemopericardium –– NB31.02 Moderate laceration of heart with haemopericardium –– NB31.03 Major laceration of heart with haemopericardium –– NB31.0Y Other specified injury of heart with haemopericardium –– NB31.0Z Injury of heart with haemopericardium, unspecified –– NB31.10 Contusion of heart without haemopericardium –– NB31.11 Laceration of heart without haemopericardium –– NB31.1Y Other specified injury of heart without haemopericardium –– NB31.1Z Injury of heart without haemopericardium, unspecified –– NB31.40 Injury to mitral valve –– NB31.4Y Injury of other specified heart valve –– NB31.4Z Injury of heart valve, unspecified NB32 Injury of other or unspecified intrathoracic organs – NB32.0 Traumatic pneumothorax – NB32.1 Traumatic haemothorax – NB32.2 Traumatic haemopneumothorax – NB32.3 Certain injuries of lung – NB32.4 Injury of bronchus – NB32.5 Injury of thoracic trachea – NB32.6 Injury of pleura – NB32.7 Multiple injuries of intrathoracic organs – NB32.Y Other specified injury of other or unspecified intrathoracic organs – NB32.Z Unspecified injury of unspecified intrathoracic organs –– NB32.30 Contusion of lung –– NB32.31 Laceration of lung –– NB32.32 Inhalation injury of lung –– NB32.33 Primary blast injury of lung –– NB32.3Y Other injury of lung –– NB32.3Z Injury of lung, unspecified –– NB32.40 Contusion of bronchus –– NB32.41 Minor laceration of bronchus –– NB32.42 Moderate laceration of bronchus –– NB32.43 Major laceration of bronchus –– NB32.4Y Other specified injury of bronchus –– NB32.4Z Injury of bronchus, unspecified –– NB32.50 Contusion of thoracic trachea –– NB32.51 Minor laceration of thoracic trachea –– NB32.52 Moderate laceration of thoracic trachea –– NB32.53 Major laceration of thoracic trachea –– NB32.5Y Other specified injury of thoracic trachea –– NB32.5Z Injury of thoracic trachea, unspecified –– NB32.60 Laceration of pleura –– NB32.6Y Other specified injury of pleura –– NB32.6Z Injury of pleura, unspecified NB33 Crushing injury of thorax or traumatic amputation of part of thorax – NB33.0 Crushed chest – NB33.1 Traumatic amputation of breast – NB33.2 Traumatic amputation of other or unspecified part of thorax –– NB33.10 Traumatic amputation of part of breast –– NB33.11 Traumatic amputation of entire breast –– NB33.1Z Traumatic amputation of breast, unspecified NB34 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level – NB34.0 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level – NB34.1 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level – NB34.Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level – NB34.Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level, unspecified NB35 Multiple injuries of thorax NB3Y Other specified injuries to the thorax NB3Z Injuries to the thorax, unspecified NB50 Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB50.0 Abrasion of lower back or pelvis – NB50.1 Contusion of lower back or pelvis – NB50.2 Abrasion of abdominal wall – NB50.3 Contusion of abdominal wall – NB50.4 Abrasion of external genital organs – NB50.5 Contusion of external genital organs – NB50.6 Multiple superficial injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB50.Y Other specified superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB50.Z Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified NB51 Open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB51.0 Laceration without foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB51.1 Laceration with foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB51.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB51.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB51.4 Open bite of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB51.5 Multiple open wounds of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB51.Y Other specified open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB51.Z Open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified NB52 Fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis – NB52.0 Fracture of lumbar vertebra – NB52.1 Fracture of pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring – NB52.2 Fracture of the pelvic ring with incomplete disruption of posterior arch – NB52.3 Fracture of pelvic ring with complete disruption of posterior arch – NB52.4 Multiple fractures of lumbar spine or pelvis – NB52.Y Other specified fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis – NB52.Z Fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified –– NB52.10 Fracture of sacrum without disruption of pelvic ring –– NB52.11 Fracture of coccyx –– NB52.12 Fracture of ilium without disruption of pelvic ring –– NB52.13 Fracture of acetabulum without disruption of pelvic ring –– NB52.14 Fracture of pubis without disruption of pelvic ring –– NB52.15 Fracture of ischium without disruption of pelvic ring –– NB52.1Y Fracture of other specified pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring –– NB52.1Z Fracture of unspecified pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring NB53 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis – NB53.0 Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc – NB53.1 Dislocation of lumbar vertebra – NB53.2 Dislocation of sacroiliac or sacrococcygeal joint without disruption of pelvic ring – NB53.3 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of lumbar spine or pelvis without disruption of pelvic ring – NB53.4 Traumatic rupture of symphysis pubis without disruption of pelvic ring – NB53.5 Strain or sprain of lumbar spine – NB53.6 Strain or sprain of sacroiliac joint – NB53.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis – NB53.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified –– NB60 Concussion or oedema of lumbar spinal cord –– NB61 Concussion or oedema of sacral spinal cord –– NB62 Certain specified injuries of lumbar spinal cord ––– NB62.0 Complete lesion of lumbar spinal cord ––– NB62.1 Central cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord ––– NB62.2 Anterior cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord ––– NB62.3 Posterior cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord ––– NB62.4 Brown-Sequard syndrome of lumbar spinal cord ––– NB62.5 Other incomplete cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord ––– NB62.6 Puncture wound or laceration of dura mater of lumbar spinal cord –– NB63 Certain specified injuries of sacral spinal cord ––– NB63.0 Complete injury of sacral spinal cord ––– NB63.1 Incomplete injury of sacral spinal cord ––– NB63.Z Injury of sacral spinal cord, unspecified –– NB6Z Injury of spinal cord at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level, unspecified –– NB70 Injury of nerve root of lumbar spine –– NB71 Injury of nerve root of sacral spine –– NB72 Injury of cauda equina –– NB73 Injury of lumbosacral plexus –– NB74 Injury of lumbar, sacral or pelvic sympathetic nerves –– NB75 Injury of peripheral nerve of abdomen, lower back or pelvis –– NB7Y Other specified injury of nerves at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level –– NB7Z Injury of nerves at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level, unspecified NB90 Injury of blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level – NB90.0 Injury of abdominal aorta – NB90.1 Injury of inferior vena cava – NB90.2 Injury of coeliac artery – NB90.3 Injury of mesenteric artery – NB90.4 Injury of portal or splenic vein – NB90.5 Injury of renal blood vessels – NB90.6 Injury of iliac blood vessels – NB90.7 Injury of multiple blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level – NB90.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level – NB90.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level –– NB90.00 Minor laceration of abdominal aorta –– NB90.01 Major laceration of abdominal aorta –– NB90.0Y Other specified injury of abdominal aorta –– NB90.0Z Injury of abdominal aorta, unspecified –– NB90.10 Minor laceration of inferior vena cava –– NB90.11 Major laceration of inferior vena cava –– NB90.1Y Other specified injury of inferior vena cava –– NB90.1Z Injury of inferior vena cava, unspecified –– NB90.20 Minor laceration of coeliac artery –– NB90.21 Major laceration of coeliac artery –– NB90.2Y Other specified injury of coeliac artery –– NB90.2Z Injury of coeliac artery, unspecified –– NB90.30 Minor laceration mesenteric artery –– NB90.31 Major laceration of mesenteric artery –– NB90.3Y Other specified injury of mesenteric artery –– NB90.3Z Injury of mesenteric artery, unspecified –– NB90.40 Minor laceration of portal or splenic vein –– NB90.41 Major laceration of portal or splenic vein –– NB90.4Y Other specified injury of portal or splenic vein –– NB90.4Z Injury of portal or splenic vein, unspecified –– NB90.50 Minor laceration of renal blood vessels –– NB90.51 Major laceration of renal blood vessels –– NB90.5Y Other specified injury of renal blood vessels –– NB90.5Z Injury of renal blood vessels, unspecified –– NB90.60 Minor laceration of iliac blood vessels –– NB90.61 Major laceration of iliac blood vessels –– NB90.6Y Other specified injury of iliac blood vessels –– NB90.6Z Injury of iliac blood vessels, unspecified NB91 Injury of intra-abdominal organs – NB91.0 Injury of spleen – NB91.1 Injury of liver – NB91.2 Injury of gallbladder – NB91.3 Injury of bile duct – NB91.4 Injury of pancreas – NB91.5 Injury of stomach – NB91.6 Injury of duodenum – NB91.7 Injury of small intestine – NB91.8 Injury of colon – NB91.9 Injury of rectum – NB91.A Injury of mesentery – NB91.B Injury of multiple intra-abdominal organs – NB91.Y Injury of other specified intra-abdominal organs – NB91.Z Injury of intra-abdominal organs, unspecified –– NB91.00 Contusion of spleen, minor –– NB91.01 Contusion of spleen, major –– NB91.02 Laceration of spleen, minor –– NB91.03 Laceration of spleen, moderate –– NB91.04 Laceration of spleen, major –– NB91.05 Avulsion of spleen –– NB91.0Y Other specified injury of spleen –– NB91.0Z Injury of spleen, unspecified –– NB91.10 Contusion of liver –– NB91.11 Laceration of liver, minor –– NB91.12 Laceration of liver, moderate –– NB91.13 Laceration of liver, major –– NB91.14 Injury of hepatic duct –– NB91.1Y Other specified injury of liver –– NB91.1Z Injury of liver, unspecified –– NB91.40 Contusion of pancreas –– NB91.41 Laceration of pancreas, minor –– NB91.42 Laceration of pancreas, moderate –– NB91.43 Laceration of pancreas, major –– NB91.4Y Other specified injury of pancreas –– NB91.4Z Injury of pancreas, unspecified –– NB91.50 Contusion of stomach –– NB91.51 Laceration of stomach without perforation –– NB91.52 Laceration of stomach with perforation, avulsion or massive damage –– NB91.53 Ingestion injury of stomach without perforation –– NB91.54 Ingestion injury of stomach with perforation –– NB91.5Y Other specified injury of stomach –– NB91.5Z Injury of stomach, unspecified –– NB91.60 Contusion of duodenum –– NB91.61 Laceration of duodenum –– NB91.62 Primary blast injury of duodenum –– NB91.63 Perforation of duodenum –– NB91.6Y Other specified injury of duodenum –– NB91.6Z Injury of duodenum, unspecified –– NB91.70 Contusion of small intestine –– NB91.71 Laceration of small intestine –– NB91.72 Primary blast injury of small intestine –– NB91.7Y Other specified injury of small intestine –– NB91.7Z Injury of small intestine, unspecified –– NB91.80 Contusion of colon –– NB91.81 Laceration of colon –– NB91.82 Primary blast injury of colon –– NB91.8Y Other specified injury of colon –– NB91.8Z Injury of colon, unspecified –– NB91.90 Contusion of rectum –– NB91.91 Laceration of rectum –– NB91.92 Primary blast injury of rectum –– NB91.9Y Other specified injury of rectum –– NB91.9Z Injury of rectum, unspecified NB92 Injury of urinary or pelvic organs – NB92.0 Injury of kidney – NB92.1 Injury of ureter – NB92.2 Injury of bladder – NB92.3 Injury of urethra – NB92.4 Injury of ovary – NB92.5 Injury of fallopian tube – NB92.6 Injury of uterus – NB92.7 Injury of urinary tract – NB92.8 Injury of multiple pelvic organs – NB92.Y Injury of other specified pelvic organs – NB92.Z Injury of urinary or pelvic organs, unspecified –– NB92.00 Contusion of kidney, minor –– NB92.01 Contusion of kidney, major –– NB92.02 Laceration of kidney, minor –– NB92.03 Laceration of kidney, moderate –– NB92.04 Laceration of kidney, major –– NB92.0Y Other specified injury of kidney –– NB92.0Z Injury of kidney, unspecified –– NB92.10 Contusion of ureter –– NB92.11 Laceration of ureter –– NB92.1Y Other specified injury of ureter –– NB92.1Z Injury of ureter, unspecified –– NB92.20 Contusion of bladder –– NB92.21 Laceration of bladder –– NB92.2Y Other specified injury of bladder –– NB92.2Z Injury of bladder, unspecified –– NB92.30 Contusion of urethra –– NB92.31 Laceration of urethra –– NB92.3Y Other specified injury of urethra –– NB92.3Z Injury of urethra, unspecified –– NB92.40 Contusion of ovary –– NB92.41 Laceration of ovary –– NB92.4Y Other specified injury of ovary –– NB92.4Z Injury of ovary, unspecified NB93 Crushing injury or traumatic amputation of part of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB93.0 Crushing injury of external genital organs – NB93.1 Crushing injury of other or unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB93.2 Traumatic amputation of external genital organs – NB93.3 Traumatic amputation of other or unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back or pelvis –– NB93.00 Crushing injury of penis –– NB93.01 Crushing injury of testes or scrotum –– NB93.02 Crushing injury of vulva –– NB93.0Z Crushing injury of external genital organs, unspecified –– NB93.20 Traumatic amputation of entire penis –– NB93.21 Traumatic amputation of part of penis –– NB93.22 Traumatic amputation of entire testes or scrotum –– NB93.23 Traumatic amputation of part of testes or scrotum –– NB93.24 Traumatic amputation of entire vulva –– NB93.25 Traumatic amputation of part of vulva –– NB93.2Z Traumatic amputation of external genital organs, unspecified NB94 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB94.0 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen – NB94.1 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of lower back – NB94.2 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of pelvis – NB94.3 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen – NB94.4 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of lower back – NB94.5 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of pelvis – NB94.Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB94.Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified NB95 Injury of intra-abdominal organ with pelvic organ NB96 Other multiple injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB97 Certain specified injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis – NB97.0 Retroperitoneal haemorrhage or haematoma – NB97.1 Fractured penis NB98 Injury to female genital organ without further specification NB99 Injury to male genital organ without further specification NB9Y Other specified injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine or pelvis NB9Z Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified NC10 Superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm – NC10.0 Abrasion of shoulder or upper arm – NC10.1 Contusion of shoulder or upper arm – NC10.2 Multiple superficial injuries of shoulder or upper arm – NC10.Y Other specified superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm – NC10.Z Superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified NC11 Open wound of shoulder or upper arm – NC11.0 Laceration without foreign body of shoulder or upper arm – NC11.1 Laceration with foreign body of shoulder or upper arm – NC11.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of shoulder or upper arm – NC11.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of shoulder or upper arm – NC11.4 Open bite of shoulder or upper arm – NC11.5 Multiple open wounds of shoulder or upper arm – NC11.Y Other specified open wound of shoulder or upper arm – NC11.Z Open wound of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified NC12 Fracture of shoulder or upper arm – NC12.0 Fracture of clavicle – NC12.1 Fracture of scapula – NC12.2 Fracture of upper end of humerus – NC12.3 Fracture of shaft of humerus – NC12.4 Fracture of lower end of humerus – NC12.5 Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula or humerus – NC12.7 Fracture of shoulder girdle, part unspecified – NC12.Z Fracture of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified –– NC12.00 Fracture of sternal end of clavicle –– NC12.01 Fracture of shaft of clavicle –– NC12.02 Fracture of acromial end of clavicle –– NC12.03 Multiple fractures of clavicle, alone –– NC12.0Y Other specified fracture of clavicle –– NC12.0Z Fracture of clavicle, unspecified –– NC12.10 Multiple fractures of scapula –– NC12.1Y Other specified fracture of scapula –– NC12.1Z Fracture of scapula, unspecified –– NC12.20 Fracture of upper end of humerus, head –– NC12.21 Fracture of surgical neck of humerus –– NC12.22 Fracture of anatomical neck of humerus –– NC12.23 Fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus –– NC12.24 Fracture of lesser tuberosity of humerus –– NC12.2Z Fracture of upper end of humerus, unspecified site –– NC12.40 Supracondylar fracture of humerus –– NC12.41 Fracture of lateral epicondyle of humerus –– NC12.42 Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus –– NC12.43 Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus –– NC12.44 Fracture of medial condyle of humerus –– NC12.4Y Other specified fracture of lower end of humerus –– NC12.4Z Fracture of lower end of humerus, unspecified NC13 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of shoulder girdle – NC13.0 Dislocation of shoulder joint – NC13.1 Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint – NC13.2 Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint – NC13.3 Dislocation of scapula – NC13.4 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of shoulder girdle – NC13.5 Strain or sprain of shoulder joint – NC13.6 Strain or sprain of acromioclavicular joint – NC13.7 Strain or sprain of sternoclavicular joint – NC13.8 Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of shoulder girdle – NC13.Y Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints and ligaments of shoulder girdle – NC13.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of shoulder girdle, unspecified NC14 Injury of nerves at shoulder or upper arm level – NC14.0 Injury of ulnar nerve at upper arm level – NC14.1 Injury of median nerve at upper arm level – NC14.2 Injury of radial nerve at upper arm level – NC14.3 Injury of axillary nerve – NC14.4 Injury of musculocutaneous nerve – NC14.5 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder or upper arm level – NC14.6 Injury of multiple nerves at shoulder or upper arm level – NC14.Y Injury of other specified nerves at shoulder or upper arm level – NC14.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at shoulder or upper arm level NC15 Injury of blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level – NC15.0 Injury of axillary artery – NC15.1 Injury of brachial artery – NC15.2 Injury of axillary or brachial vein – NC15.3 Injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level – NC15.4 Injury of multiple blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level – NC15.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level – NC15.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at shoulder or upper arm level –– NC15.00 Laceration of axillary artery –– NC15.0Y Other specified injury of axillary artery –– NC15.0Z Injury of axillary artery, unspecified –– NC15.10 Laceration of brachial artery –– NC15.1Y Other specified injury of brachial artery –– NC15.1Z Injury of brachial artery, unspecified –– NC15.20 Laceration of axillary or brachial vein –– NC15.2Y Other specified injury of axillary or brachial vein –– NC15.2Z Injury of axillary or brachial vein, unspecified –– NC15.30 Laceration of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level –– NC15.3Y Other specified injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level –– NC15.3Z Injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level, unspecified NC16 Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at shoulder or upper arm level – NC16.0 Injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder – NC16.1 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps – NC16.2 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps – NC16.3 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps – NC16.4 Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level – NC16.5 Injury of bursa of shoulder – NC16.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at shoulder or upper arm level – NC16.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at shoulder or upper arm level –– NC16.00 Strain or sprain of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder –– NC16.01 Laceration of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder –– NC16.0Y Other specified injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder –– NC16.0Z Injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder, unspecified –– NC16.10 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps –– NC16.11 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps –– NC16.1Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps –– NC16.1Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps, unspecified –– NC16.20 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps –– NC16.21 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps –– NC16.2Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps –– NC16.2Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps, unspecified –– NC16.30 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps –– NC16.31 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps –– NC16.3Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps –– NC16.3Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps, unspecified –– NC16.40 Strain or sprain of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level –– NC16.41 Laceration of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level –– NC16.4Y Other specified injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level –– NC16.4Z Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level, unspecified NC17 Crushing injury of shoulder or upper arm NC18 Traumatic amputation of shoulder or upper arm – NC18.0 Traumatic amputation at right shoulder joint – NC18.1 Traumatic amputation at left shoulder joint – NC18.2 Traumatic amputation at shoulder joint, bilateral – NC18.3 Traumatic amputation at level between right shoulder and elbow – NC18.4 Traumatic amputation at level between left shoulder and elbow – NC18.5 Traumatic amputation at level between shoulder and elbow, bilateral – NC18.Z Traumatic amputation of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified NC19 Multiple injuries of shoulder or upper arm NC1Y Other specified injuries to the shoulder or upper arm NC1Z Injuries to the shoulder or upper arm, unspecified NC30 Superficial injury of forearm – NC30.0 Abrasion of elbow – NC30.1 Contusion of elbow – NC30.2 Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of forearm – NC30.3 Contusion of other or unspecified parts of forearm – NC30.4 Multiple superficial injuries of forearm – NC30.Y Other specified superficial injury of forearm – NC30.Z Superficial injury of forearm, unspecified NC31 Open wound of forearm – NC31.0 Laceration without foreign body of forearm – NC31.1 Laceration with foreign body of forearm – NC31.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of forearm – NC31.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of forearm – NC31.4 Open bite of forearm – NC31.5 Multiple open wounds of forearm – NC31.Y Other specified open wound of forearm – NC31.Z Open wound of forearm, unspecified NC32 Fracture of forearm – NC32.0 Fracture of upper end of ulna – NC32.1 Fracture of upper end of radius – NC32.2 Fracture of shaft of ulna – NC32.3 Fracture of shaft of radius – NC32.4 Fracture of shafts of both ulna and radius – NC32.5 Fracture of lower end of radius – NC32.6 Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius – NC32.7 Multiple fractures of forearm – NC32.Y Fracture of other specified parts of forearm – NC32.Z Fracture of forearm, unspecified –– NC32.50 Fracture of lower end of radius, dorsal tilt –– NC32.51 Fracture of lower end of radius, volar tilt –– NC32.5Y Other specified fracture of lower end of radius –– NC32.5Z Fracture of lower end of radius, unspecified NC33 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of elbow – NC33.0 Dislocation of radial head – NC33.1 Dislocation of elbow – NC33.2 Traumatic rupture of radial collateral ligament – NC33.3 Traumatic rupture of ulnar collateral ligament – NC33.4 Strain or sprain of elbow – NC33.Y Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments of elbow – NC33.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of elbow, unspecified NC34 Injury of nerves at forearm level – NC34.0 Injury of ulnar nerve at forearm level – NC34.1 Injury of median nerve at forearm level – NC34.2 Injury of radial nerve at forearm level – NC34.3 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level – NC34.4 Injury of multiple nerves at forearm level – NC34.Y Injury of other specified nerves at forearm level – NC34.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at forearm level NC35 Injury of blood vessels at forearm level – NC35.0 Injury of ulnar artery at forearm level – NC35.1 Injury of radial artery at forearm level – NC35.2 Injury of vein at forearm level – NC35.3 Injury of multiple blood vessels at forearm level – NC35.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at forearm level – NC35.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at forearm level –– NC35.00 Laceration of ulnar artery at forearm level –– NC35.0Y Other specified injury of ulnar artery at forearm level –– NC35.0Z Injury of ulnar artery at forearm level, unspecified –– NC35.10 Laceration of radial artery at forearm level –– NC35.1Y Other specified injury of radial artery at forearm level –– NC35.1Z Injury of radial artery at forearm level, unspecified –– NC35.20 Laceration of vein at forearm level –– NC35.2Y Other specified injury of vein at forearm level –– NC35.2Z Injury of vein at forearm level, unspecified NC36 Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level – NC36.0 Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level – NC36.1 Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level – NC36.2 Injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level – NC36.3 Injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level – NC36.4 Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level – NC36.5 Injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level – NC36.6 Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at forearm level – NC36.7 Injury of bursa of elbow – NC36.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level – NC36.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level –– NC36.00 Strain or sprain of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level –– NC36.01 Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level –– NC36.0Y Other specified injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level –– NC36.0Z Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level, unspecified –– NC36.10 Strain or sprain of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level –– NC36.11 Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level –– NC36.1Y Other specified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level –– NC36.1Z Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level, unspecified –– NC36.20 Strain or sprain of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level –– NC36.21 Laceration of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level –– NC36.2Y Other specified injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level –– NC36.2Z Injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level, unspecified –– NC36.30 Strain or sprain of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level –– NC36.31 Laceration of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level –– NC36.3Y Other specified injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level –– NC36.3Z Injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level, unspecified –– NC36.40 Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level –– NC36.41 Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level –– NC36.4Y Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level –– NC36.4Z Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level, unspecified –– NC36.50 Strain or sprain of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level –– NC36.51 Laceration of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level –– NC36.5Y Other specified injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level –– NC36.5Z Injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level, unspecified NC37 Crushing injury of forearm – NC37.0 Crushing injury of elbow – NC37.Y Crushing injury of other specified part of forearm – NC37.Z Crushing injury of forearm, unspecified NC38 Traumatic amputation of forearm – NC38.0 Traumatic amputation at right elbow level – NC38.1 Traumatic amputation at left elbow level – NC38.2 Traumatic amputation at elbow level, bilateral – NC38.3 Traumatic amputation at level between right elbow and wrist – NC38.4 Traumatic amputation at level between left elbow and wrist – NC38.5 Traumatic amputation between elbow and wrist, bilateral – NC38.Z Traumatic amputation of forearm, unspecified NC39 Multiple injuries of forearm NC3Y Other specified injuries to the elbow or forearm NC3Z Injuries to the elbow or forearm, unspecified NC50 Injury to fingernail NC51 Superficial injury of wrist or hand – NC51.0 Superficial injury of finger or thumb – NC51.1 Superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand – NC51.2 Multiple superficial injuries of wrist or hand –– NC51.00 Abrasion of finger or thumb –– NC51.01 Contusion of finger or thumb –– NC51.0Y Other specified superficial injury of finger or thumb –– NC51.0Z Superficial injury of finger or thumb, unspecified –– NC51.10 Contusion of other parts of wrist or hand –– NC51.11 Nonvenomous insect bite of other parts of wrist or hand –– NC51.1Y Other specified superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand –– NC51.1Z Superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand, unspecified NC52 Open wound of wrist or hand – NC52.0 Open wound of finger or thumb – NC52.1 Open wound of other parts of wrist or hand – NC52.2 Multiple open wounds of wrist or hand –– NC52.00 Laceration without foreign body of finger or thumb –– NC52.01 Laceration with foreign body of finger or thumb –– NC52.02 Puncture wound without foreign body of finger or thumb –– NC52.03 Puncture wound with foreign body of finger or thumb –– NC52.04 Open bite of finger or thumb –– NC52.0Y Other specified open wound of finger or thumb –– NC52.0Z Open wound of finger or thumb, unspecified –– NC52.10 Laceration without foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand –– NC52.11 Laceration with foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand –– NC52.12 Puncture wound with foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand –– NC52.13 Puncture wound without foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand –– NC52.14 Open bite of other parts of wrist or hand –– NC52.1Y Other specified open wound of other parts of wrist or hand –– NC52.1Z Open wound of other parts of wrist or hand, unspecified NC53 Fracture at wrist or hand level – NC53.0 Fracture of scaphoid bone of hand – NC53.1 Fracture of other carpal bone – NC53.2 Fracture of first metacarpal bone – NC53.3 Fracture of other metacarpal bone – NC53.4 Multiple fractures of metacarpal bones – NC53.5 Fracture of thumb bone – NC53.6 Fracture of other finger bone – NC53.7 Multiple fractures of fingers – NC53.Y Fracture at other specified part of wrist or hand level – NC53.Z Fracture at wrist or hand level, unspecified –– NC53.30 Fracture of shaft of other metacarpal bone –– NC53.31 Fracture of neck of other metacarpal bone –– NC53.3Y Fracture of other specified part of other metacarpal bone –– NC53.3Z Fracture of other metacarpal bone, unspecified –– NC53.60 Fracture of index finger –– NC53.61 Fracture of middle finger –– NC53.62 Fracture of ring finger –– NC53.63 Fracture of little finger –– NC53.6Y Other specified fracture of other finger bone –– NC53.6Z Fracture of other finger bone, unspecified NC54 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level – NC54.0 Dislocation of wrist – NC54.1 Dislocation of thumb – NC54.2 Dislocation of finger – NC54.3 Multiple dislocations of fingers – NC54.4 Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist or carpus – NC54.5 Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint – NC54.6 Strain or sprain of wrist – NC54.7 Strain or sprain of thumb – NC54.8 Strain or sprain of finger – NC54.Y Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level – NC54.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level, unspecified –– NC54.00 Dislocation of distal radioulnar joint –– NC54.01 Dislocation of radiocarpal joint –– NC54.02 Dislocation of midcarpal joint –– NC54.03 Dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb –– NC54.04 Dislocation of other carpometacarpal joint –– NC54.05 Dislocation of metacarpal bone, proximal end –– NC54.0Y Dislocation of other specified part of wrist –– NC54.0Z Dislocation of wrist, unspecified –– NC54.10 Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb –– NC54.11 Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of thumb –– NC54.1Y Dislocation of other specified part of thumb –– NC54.1Z Dislocation of thumb, unspecified –– NC54.20 Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger –– NC54.21 Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of finger –– NC54.2Y Dislocation of other specified part of finger –– NC54.2Z Dislocation of finger, unspecified –– NC54.40 Traumatic rupture of scapholunate ligament –– NC54.41 Traumatic rupture of radiocarpal ligament –– NC54.42 Traumatic rupture of ulnocarpal ligament –– NC54.43 Traumatic rupture of lunotriquetral ligament –– NC54.4Y Traumatic rupture of other specified ligament of wrist or carpus –– NC54.4Z Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist or carpus, unspecified –– NC54.50 Traumatic rupture of collateral ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint –– NC54.51 Traumatic rupture of palmar ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint –– NC54.52 Traumatic rupture of volar plate of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint –– NC54.53 Traumatic rupture of other ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint –– NC54.5Z Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint, unspecified –– NC54.60 Strain or sprain of carpal joint –– NC54.61 Strain or sprain of radiocarpal joint –– NC54.62 Strain or sprain of carpometacarpal joint –– NC54.6Y Sprain of other specified part of wrist –– NC54.6Z Strain or sprain of wrist, unspecified –– NC54.70 Strain or sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb –– NC54.71 Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of thumb –– NC54.7Y Sprain or strain of other specified part of thumb –– NC54.7Z Strain or sprain of thumb, unspecified –– NC54.80 Strain or sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger –– NC54.81 Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of finger –– NC54.8Y Sprain of other specified part of finger –– NC54.8Z Strain or sprain of finger, unspecified NC55 Injury of nerves at wrist or hand level – NC55.0 Injury of ulnar nerve at wrist or hand level – NC55.1 Injury of median nerve at wrist or hand level – NC55.2 Injury of radial nerve at wrist or hand level – NC55.3 Injury of multiple nerves at wrist or hand level – NC55.Y Injury of other specified nerves at wrist or hand level – NC55.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist or hand level NC56 Injury of blood vessels at wrist or hand level – NC56.0 Injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level – NC56.1 Injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level – NC56.2 Injury of superficial palmar arch – NC56.3 Injury of deep palmar arch – NC56.4 Injury of blood vessel of thumb – NC56.5 Injury of blood vessel of other finger – NC56.6 Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level – NC56.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at wrist and hand level – NC56.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist or hand level –– NC56.00 Laceration of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level –– NC56.01 Contusion of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level –– NC56.0Y Other specified injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level –– NC56.0Z Injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level, unspecified –– NC56.10 Laceration of radial artery at wrist or hand level –– NC56.11 Contusion of radial artery at wrist or hand level –– NC56.1Y Other specified injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level –– NC56.1Z Injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level, unspecified –– NC56.20 Laceration of superficial palmar arch –– NC56.21 Contusion of superficial palmar arch –– NC56.2Y Other specified injury of superficial palmar arch –– NC56.2Z Injury of superficial palmar arch, unspecified –– NC56.30 Laceration of deep palmar arch –– NC56.31 Contusion of deep palmar arch –– NC56.3Y Other specified injury of deep palmar arch –– NC56.3Z Injury of deep palmar arch, unspecified –– NC56.40 Laceration of blood vessel of thumb –– NC56.41 Contusion of blood vessel of thumb –– NC56.4Y Other specified injury of blood vessel of thumb –– NC56.4Z Injury of blood vessel of thumb, unspecified –– NC56.50 Laceration of blood vessel of other finger –– NC56.51 Contusion of blood vessel of other finger –– NC56.5Y Other specified injury of blood vessel of other finger –– NC56.5Z Injury of blood vessel of other finger, unspecified –– NC56.60 Laceration of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level –– NC56.61 Contusion of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level –– NC56.6Y Other specified injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level –– NC56.6Z Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC57 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level – NC57.0 Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level – NC57.1 Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level – NC57.2 Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level – NC57.3 Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level – NC57.4 Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level – NC57.5 Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level – NC57.6 Injury of multiple flexor muscles or tendons at wrist or hand level – NC57.7 Injury of multiple extensor muscles or tendons at wrist or hand level – NC57.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level – NC57.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level –– NC57.00 Strain or sprain of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level –– NC57.01 Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level –– NC57.0Y Other specified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level –– NC57.0Z Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified –– NC57.10 Strain or sprain of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level –– NC57.11 Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level –– NC57.1Y Other specified injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level –– NC57.1Z Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified –– NC57.20 Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level –– NC57.21 Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level –– NC57.2Y Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level –– NC57.2Z Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified –– NC57.30 Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level –– NC57.31 Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level –– NC57.3Y Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level –– NC57.3Z Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified –– NC57.40 Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level –– NC57.41 Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level –– NC57.4Y Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level –– NC57.4Z Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified –– NC57.50 Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level –– NC57.51 Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level –– NC57.5Y Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level –– NC57.5Z Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC58 Crushing injury of wrist or hand – NC58.0 Crushing injury of thumb – NC58.1 Crushing injury of other finger – NC58.2 Crushing injury of hand – NC58.3 Crushing injury of wrist – NC58.Y Crushing injury of other specified part of wrist or hand – NC58.Z Crushing injury of wrist or hand, unspecified NC59 Traumatic amputation of wrist or hand – NC59.0 Traumatic amputation of thumb – NC59.1 Traumatic amputation of other single finger – NC59.2 Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone – NC59.3 Combined traumatic amputation of finger with other parts of wrist or hand – NC59.4 Traumatic amputation of hand at metacarpal level – NC59.Z Traumatic amputation of wrist or hand, unspecified –– NC59.00 Traumatic amputation at or near base of right thumb –– NC59.01 Traumatic amputation at or near base of left thumb –– NC59.02 Traumatic amputation at or near base of thumb, bilateral –– NC59.0Y Other specified traumatic amputation of thumb –– NC59.0Z Traumatic amputation of thumb, unspecified –– NC59.20 Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers at or near base, right hand –– NC59.21 Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers at or near base, left hand –– NC59.22 Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone at or near base, bilateral –– NC59.2Y Other specified traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone –– NC59.2Z Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone, unspecified NC5A Multiple injuries of wrist or hand – NC5A.0 Injury of multiple sites of hand – NC5A.1 Injury of multiple sites of wrist – NC5A.Y Other specified multiple injuries of wrist or hand – NC5A.Z Multiple injuries of wrist or hand, unspecified NC5Y Other specified injuries to the wrist or hand NC5Z Injuries to the wrist or hand, unspecified NC70 Superficial injury of hip or thigh – NC70.0 Abrasion of hip – NC70.1 Contusion of hip – NC70.2 Abrasion of thigh – NC70.3 Contusion of thigh – NC70.4 Multiple superficial injuries of hip or thigh – NC70.Y Other specified superficial injury of hip or thigh – NC70.Z Superficial injury of hip or thigh, unspecified NC71 Open wound of hip or thigh – NC71.0 Laceration without foreign body of hip or thigh – NC71.1 Laceration with foreign body of hip or thigh – NC71.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of hip or thigh – NC71.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of hip or thigh – NC71.4 Open bite of hip or thigh – NC71.5 Multiple open wounds of hip or thigh – NC71.Y Other specified open wound of hip or thigh – NC71.Z Open wound of hip or thigh, unspecified NC72 Fracture of femur – NC72.0 Fracture of head of femur – NC72.1 Fracture of upper epiphysis of femur – NC72.2 Fracture of neck of femur – NC72.3 Fracture of trochanteric section of femur – NC72.4 Subtrochanteric fracture of femur – NC72.5 Fracture of shaft of femur – NC72.6 Fracture of lower end of femur – NC72.7 Multiple fractures of femur – NC72.8 Fractures of other parts of femur – NC72.Y Other specified fracture of femur – NC72.Z Fracture of femur, unspecified –– NC72.20 Fracture of neck of femur, subcapital –– NC72.21 Fracture of neck of femur, mid-cervical –– NC72.22 Fracture of base of neck of femur –– NC72.23 Intracapsular fracture of femur –– NC72.2Y Other specified fracture of neck of femur –– NC72.2Z Fracture of neck of femur, unspecified –– NC72.30 Intertrochanteric fracture of femur –– NC72.31 Pertrochanteric fracture of femur –– NC72.3Y Fracture of other specified trochanteric section of femur –– NC72.3Z Fracture of unspecified trochanteric section of femur –– NC72.60 Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, simple –– NC72.61 Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, wedge –– NC72.62 Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, complex –– NC72.63 Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, lateral condyle –– NC72.64 Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, medial condyle –– NC72.65 Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, frontal –– NC72.66 Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, complete articular –– NC72.6Y Other specified fracture of lower end of femur –– NC72.6Z Fracture of lower end of femur, unspecified NC73 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joint or ligaments of hip – NC73.0 Dislocation of hip – NC73.1 Strain or sprain of hip –– NC73.00 Posterior dislocation of hip –– NC73.01 Obturator dislocation of hip –– NC73.02 Other anterior dislocation of hip –– NC73.03 Central dislocation of hip –– NC73.0Y Other specified dislocation of hip –– NC73.0Z Dislocation of hip, unspecified –– NC73.10 Iliofemoral ligament strain or sprain of hip –– NC73.11 Ischiocapsular ligament strain or sprain of hip –– NC73.1Y Other specified strain or sprain of hip –– NC73.1Z Strain or sprain of hip, unspecified NC74 Injury of nerves at hip or thigh level – NC74.0 Injury of sciatic nerve at hip or thigh level – NC74.1 Injury of femoral nerve at hip or thigh level – NC74.2 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip or thigh level – NC74.3 Injury of multiple nerves at hip or thigh level – NC74.Y Injury of other specified nerves at hip or thigh level – NC74.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at hip or thigh level NC75 Injury of blood vessels at hip or thigh level – NC75.0 Injury of femoral artery – NC75.1 Injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level – NC75.2 Injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level – NC75.3 Injury of multiple blood vessels at hip or thigh level – NC75.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at hip and thigh level – NC75.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at hip or thigh level –– NC75.00 Laceration of femoral artery, minor –– NC75.01 Laceration of femoral artery, major –– NC75.0Y Other specified injury of femoral artery –– NC75.0Z Injury of femoral artery, unspecified –– NC75.10 Laceration of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, minor –– NC75.11 Laceration of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, major –– NC75.1Y Other specified injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level –– NC75.1Z Injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, unspecified –– NC75.20 Laceration of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, minor –– NC75.21 Laceration of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, major –– NC75.2Y Other specified injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level –– NC75.2Z Injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, unspecified NC76 Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level – NC76.0 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip – NC76.1 Injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon – NC76.2 Injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh – NC76.3 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level – NC76.4 Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level – NC76.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level – NC76.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level –– NC76.00 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip –– NC76.01 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip –– NC76.0Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip –– NC76.0Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip, unspecified –– NC76.10 Strain or sprain of quadriceps muscle or tendon –– NC76.11 Laceration of quadriceps muscle or tendon –– NC76.1Y Other specified injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon –– NC76.1Z Injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon, unspecified –– NC76.20 Strain or sprain of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh –– NC76.21 Laceration of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh –– NC76.2Y Other specified injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh –– NC76.2Z Injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh, unspecified –– NC76.30 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level –– NC76.31 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level –– NC76.3Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level –– NC76.3Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level, unspecified –– NC76.40 Injury of bursa of hip –– NC76.4Y Other specified injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level –– NC76.4Z Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level, unspecified NC77 Crushing injury of hip or thigh – NC77.0 Crushing injury of hip – NC77.1 Crushing injury of thigh – NC77.2 Crushing injury of hip with thigh – NC77.Z Crushing injury of hip or thigh, unspecified NC78 Traumatic amputation of hip or thigh – NC78.0 Traumatic amputation at right hip joint – NC78.1 Traumatic amputation at left hip joint – NC78.2 Traumatic amputation at hip joint, bilateral – NC78.3 Traumatic amputation at level between right hip and knee – NC78.4 Traumatic amputation at level between left hip and knee – NC78.5 Traumatic amputation at level between hip and knee, bilateral – NC78.Z Traumatic amputation of hip or thigh, unspecified NC79 Multiple injuries of hip or thigh NC7Y Other specified injuries to the hip or thigh NC7Z Injuries to the hip or thigh, unspecified NC90 Superficial injury of knee or lower leg – NC90.0 Abrasion of knee – NC90.1 Contusion of knee – NC90.2 Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of lower leg – NC90.3 Contusion of other or unspecified parts of lower leg – NC90.4 Multiple superficial injuries of lower leg – NC90.Y Other specified superficial injury of knee or lower leg – NC90.Z Superficial injury of knee or lower leg, unspecified NC91 Open wound of knee or lower leg – NC91.0 Laceration without foreign body of lower leg – NC91.1 Laceration with foreign body of lower leg – NC91.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of lower leg – NC91.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of lower leg – NC91.4 Open bite of lower leg – NC91.5 Multiple open wounds of lower leg – NC91.Y Other specified open wound of knee or lower leg – NC91.Z Open wound of knee or lower leg, unspecified NC92 Fracture of lower leg, including ankle – NC92.0 Fracture of patella – NC92.1 Fracture of upper end of tibia – NC92.2 Fracture of shaft of tibia – NC92.3 Fracture of lower end of tibia – NC92.4 Fracture of fibula – NC92.5 Fracture of medial malleolus – NC92.6 Fracture of lateral malleolus – NC92.7 Complex fractures of ankle – NC92.8 Multiple fractures of lower leg – NC92.Y Fracture of other specified part of lower leg, including ankle – NC92.Z Fracture of lower leg, including ankle, unspecified –– NC92.10 Avulsion of cruciate ligament insertion –– NC92.11 Avulsion of tibial tuberosity –– NC92.12 Metaphyseal fracture of upper end of tibia –– NC92.13 Fracture of upper end of tibia, lateral condyle –– NC92.14 Fracture of upper end of tibia, medial condyle –– NC92.1Y Other specified fracture of upper end of tibia –– NC92.1Z Fracture of upper end of tibia, unspecified –– NC92.40 Avulsion of fibular head –– NC92.4Y Other specified fracture of fibula –– NC92.4Z Fracture of fibula, unspecified –– NC92.70 Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of lateral malleolus below syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus –– NC92.71 Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of lateral malleolus below syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia –– NC92.72 Fracture of lateral malleolus at syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus –– NC92.73 Fracture of lateral malleolus at syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia –– NC92.74 Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus with fracture of fibula above syndesmosis –– NC92.75 Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus with fracture of fibula above syndesmosis and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia –– NC92.76 Bimalleolar fracture of ankle, not otherwise specified –– NC92.77 Trimalleolar fracture of ankle, not otherwise specified –– NC92.7Y Other specified complex fractures of ankle –– NC92.7Z Complex fractures of ankle, unspecified NC93 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee – NC93.0 Acute internal damage of knee – NC93.1 Dislocation of patella – NC93.2 Dislocation of knee – NC93.3 Tear of meniscus, current – NC93.4 Tear of articular cartilage of knee – NC93.5 Strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee – NC93.6 Strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee – NC93.7 Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of knee – NC93.8 Injury to multiple structures of knee – NC93.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee – NC93.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee, unspecified –– NC93.10 Lateral dislocation of patella –– NC93.1Y Other specified dislocation of patella –– NC93.1Z Dislocation of patella, unspecified –– NC93.20 Anterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia –– NC93.21 Posterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia –– NC93.22 Medial dislocation of proximal end of tibia –– NC93.23 Lateral dislocation of proximal end of tibia –– NC93.2Y Other specified dislocation of knee –– NC93.2Z Dislocation of knee, unspecified –– NC93.30 Tear of medial meniscus –– NC93.31 Tear of lateral meniscus –– NC93.3Y Other specified tear of meniscus, current –– NC93.3Z Tear of meniscus, current, unspecified –– NC93.50 Strain or sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee, excluding rupture –– NC93.51 Strain or sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee, excluding rupture –– NC93.52 Rupture of medial collateral ligament of knee –– NC93.53 Rupture of lateral collateral ligament of knee –– NC93.5Y Other specified strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee –– NC93.5Z Strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee, unspecified –– NC93.60 Strain or sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of knee, excluding rupture –– NC93.61 Strain or sprain of posterior cruciate ligament of knee, excluding rupture –– NC93.62 Rupture of anterior cruciate ligament –– NC93.63 Rupture of posterior cruciate ligament –– NC93.6Y Other specified strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee –– NC93.6Z Strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee, unspecified NC94 Injury of nerves at lower leg level – NC94.0 Injury of tibial nerve at lower leg level – NC94.1 Injury of peroneal nerve at lower leg level – NC94.2 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level – NC94.3 Injury of multiple nerves at lower leg level – NC94.Y Injury of other specified nerves at lower leg level – NC94.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at lower leg level NC95 Injury of blood vessels at lower leg level – NC95.0 Injury of popliteal artery – NC95.1 Injury of anterior tibial artery – NC95.2 Injury of posterior tibial artery – NC95.3 Injury of peroneal artery – NC95.4 Injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level – NC95.5 Injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level – NC95.6 Injury of popliteal vein – NC95.7 Injury of multiple blood vessels at lower leg level – NC95.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at lower leg level – NC95.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at lower leg level –– NC95.00 Laceration of popliteal artery –– NC95.0Y Other specified injury of popliteal artery –– NC95.0Z Injury of popliteal artery, unspecified –– NC95.10 Laceration of anterior tibial artery –– NC95.1Y Other specified injury of anterior tibial artery –– NC95.1Z Injury of anterior tibial artery, unspecified –– NC95.20 Laceration of posterior tibial artery –– NC95.2Y Other specified injury of posterior tibial artery –– NC95.2Z Injury of posterior tibial artery, unspecified –– NC95.30 Laceration of peroneal artery –– NC95.3Y Other specified injury of peroneal artery –– NC95.3Z Injury of peroneal artery, unspecified –– NC95.40 Laceration of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level –– NC95.4Y Other specified injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level –– NC95.4Z Injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level, unspecified –– NC95.50 Laceration of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level –– NC95.5Y Other specified injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level –– NC95.5Z Injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level, unspecified –– NC95.60 Laceration of popliteal vein –– NC95.6Y Other specified injury of popliteal vein –– NC95.6Z Injury of popliteal vein, unspecified NC96 Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level – NC96.0 Injury of Achilles tendon – NC96.1 Injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level – NC96.2 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level – NC96.3 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level – NC96.4 Injury of multiple muscles, fasciae or tendons at lower leg level – NC96.5 Injury of bursa of knee – NC96.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level – NC96.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level –– NC96.00 Strain or sprain of Achilles tendon –– NC96.01 Laceration of Achilles tendon –– NC96.02 Rupture of Achilles tendon –– NC96.0Y Other specified injury of Achilles tendon –– NC96.0Z Injury of Achilles tendon, unspecified –– NC96.10 Strain or sprain of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level –– NC96.11 Laceration of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level –– NC96.1Y Other specified injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level –– NC96.1Z Injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified –– NC96.20 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level –– NC96.21 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level –– NC96.2Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level –– NC96.2Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified –– NC96.30 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level –– NC96.31 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level –– NC96.3Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level –– NC96.3Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified NC97 Crushing injury of lower leg – NC97.0 Crushing injury of knee – NC97.Y Crushing injury of other specified part of lower leg – NC97.Z Crushing injury of lower leg, unspecified NC98 Traumatic amputation of lower leg – NC98.0 Traumatic amputation of right lower leg at knee level – NC98.1 Traumatic amputation of left lower leg at knee level – NC98.2 Traumatic amputation at knee level, bilateral – NC98.3 Traumatic amputation at level between right knee and ankle – NC98.4 Traumatic amputation at level between left knee and ankle – NC98.5 Traumatic amputation at level between knee and ankle, bilateral – NC98.Y Other specified traumatic amputation of lower leg – NC98.Z Traumatic amputation of lower leg, unspecified NC99 Multiple injuries of lower leg NC9Y Other specified injuries to the knee or lower leg NC9Z Injuries to the knee or lower leg, unspecified ND10 Injury to toenail ND11 Superficial injury of ankle or foot – ND11.0 Abrasion of ankle – ND11.1 Contusion of ankle – ND11.2 Nonthermal blister of ankle – ND11.3 Nonvenomous insect bite of ankle – ND11.4 Superficial foreign body in ankle – ND11.5 Abrasion of toe – ND11.6 Contusion of toe – ND11.7 Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of foot – ND11.8 Contusion of other or unspecified parts of foot – ND11.9 Nonthermal blister of other or unspecified parts of foot – ND11.A Nonvenomous insect bite of other or unspecified parts of foot – ND11.B Superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot – ND11.C Multiple superficial injuries of ankle or foot – ND11.Y Other specified superficial injury of ankle or foot – ND11.Z Superficial injury of ankle or foot, unspecified –– ND11.40 Splinter in ankle –– ND11.4Y Other specified superficial foreign body in ankle –– ND11.4Z Superficial foreign body in ankle, unspecified –– ND11.B0 Splinter in other or unspecified parts of foot –– ND11.BY Other specified superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot –– ND11.BZ Superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot, unspecified ND12 Open wound of ankle or foot – ND12.0 Laceration without foreign body of ankle or foot – ND12.1 Laceration with foreign body of ankle or foot – ND12.2 Puncture wound with foreign body of ankle or foot – ND12.3 Puncture wound without foreign body of ankle or foot – ND12.4 Open bite of ankle or foot – ND12.5 Multiple open wounds of ankle or foot – ND12.6 Open wound of toe – ND12.Y Other specified open wound of ankle or foot – ND12.Z Open wound of ankle or foot, unspecified –– ND12.60 Laceration without foreign body of toe –– ND12.61 Laceration with foreign body of toe –– ND12.62 Puncture wound without foreign body of toe –– ND12.63 Puncture wound with foreign body of toe –– ND12.64 Open bite of toe –– ND12.6Y Other specified open wound of toe –– ND12.6Z Open wound of toe, unspecified ND13 Fracture of foot, except ankle – ND13.0 Fracture of calcaneus – ND13.1 Fracture of talus – ND13.2 Fracture of unspecified tarsal bone – ND13.3 Fracture of metatarsal bone – ND13.4 Fracture of great toe – ND13.5 Fracture of other toe – ND13.6 Multiple fractures of foot – ND13.7 Fracture of cuboid bone – ND13.8 Fracture of lateral cuneiform – ND13.9 Fracture of intermediate cuneiform – ND13.A Fracture of medial cuneiform – ND13.B Fracture of navicular of foot – ND13.Y Fracture of other specified part of foot, except ankle – ND13.Z Fracture of foot, except ankle, unspecified ND14 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level – ND14.0 Dislocation of ankle joint – ND14.1 Dislocation of great toe – ND14.2 Dislocation of other toe – ND14.3 Dislocation of tarsal joint – ND14.4 Dislocation of tarsometatarsal joint – ND14.5 Rupture of ligaments at ankle or foot level – ND14.6 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of foot – ND14.7 Strain or sprain of ankle – ND14.8 Strain or sprain of other toe – ND14.9 Strain or sprain of great toe – ND14.A Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of foot – ND14.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level – ND14.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level, unspecified –– ND14.10 Dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe –– ND14.11 Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of great toe –– ND14.1Z Dislocation of great toe, unspecified –– ND14.20 Dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe –– ND14.21 Dislocation of interphalangeal joints of lesser toe –– ND14.2Y Dislocation of other specified toe –– ND14.2Z Dislocation of other toe, unspecified –– ND14.70 Strain or sprain of calcaneofibular ligament –– ND14.71 Strain or sprain of deltoid ligament –– ND14.72 Strain or sprain of tibiofibular ligament –– ND14.73 Strain or sprain of other ligament of ankle –– ND14.7Z Strain or sprain of ankle, unspecified –– ND14.80 Strain or sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe –– ND14.81 Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joints of lesser toe –– ND14.8Y Strain or sprain of other specified toe –– ND14.8Z Strain or sprain of other toe, unspecified –– ND14.90 Strain or sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe –– ND14.91 Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of great toe –– ND14.9Z Strain or sprain of great toe, unspecified ND15 Injury of nerves at ankle or foot level – ND15.0 Injury of lateral plantar nerve – ND15.1 Injury of medial plantar nerve – ND15.2 Injury of deep peroneal nerve at ankle or foot level – ND15.3 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle or foot level – ND15.4 Injury of multiple nerves at ankle or foot level – ND15.Y Injury of other specified nerves at ankle and foot level – ND15.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at ankle or foot level ND16 Injury of blood vessels at ankle or foot level – ND16.0 Injury of dorsal artery of foot – ND16.1 Injury of plantar artery of foot – ND16.2 Injury of dorsal vein of foot – ND16.3 Injury of multiple blood vessels at ankle or foot level – ND16.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at ankle and foot level – ND16.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at ankle or foot level –– ND16.00 Laceration of dorsal artery of foot –– ND16.0Y Other specified injury of dorsal artery of foot –– ND16.0Z Injury of dorsal artery of foot, unspecified –– ND16.10 Laceration of plantar artery of foot –– ND16.1Y Other specified injury of plantar artery of foot –– ND16.1Z Injury of plantar artery of foot, unspecified –– ND16.20 Laceration of dorsal vein of foot –– ND16.2Y Other specified injury of dorsal vein of foot –– ND16.2Z Injury of dorsal vein of foot, unspecified ND17 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level – ND17.0 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level – ND17.1 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level – ND17.2 Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level – ND17.3 Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at ankle or foot level – ND17.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level – ND17.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level –– ND17.00 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level –– ND17.01 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level –– ND17.0Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level –– ND17.0Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level, unspecified –– ND17.10 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level –– ND17.11 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level –– ND17.1Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level –– ND17.1Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level, unspecified –– ND17.20 Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level –– ND17.21 Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level –– ND17.2Y Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level –– ND17.2Z Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level, unspecified ND18 Crushing injury of ankle or foot – ND18.0 Crushing injury of ankle – ND18.1 Crushing injury of toe – ND18.2 Crushing injury of other parts of ankle or foot – ND18.Z Crushing injury of ankle or foot, unspecified ND19 Traumatic amputation of ankle or foot – ND19.0 Traumatic amputation of right foot at ankle level – ND19.1 Traumatic amputation of left foot at ankle level – ND19.2 Traumatic amputation of foot at ankle level, bilateral – ND19.3 Traumatic amputation of right foot at metatarsal level – ND19.4 Traumatic amputation of left foot at metatarsal level – ND19.5 Traumatic amputation of foot at metatarsal level, bilateral – ND19.6 Traumatic amputation of one toe – ND19.7 Traumatic amputation of two or more toes – ND19.8 Traumatic amputation of other parts of foot – ND19.Z Traumatic amputation of ankle or foot, unspecified ND1A Multiple injuries of ankle or foot ND1Y Other specified injuries to the ankle or foot ND1Z Injuries to the ankle or foot, unspecified ND30 Superficial injuries involving multiple body regions ND31 Open wounds involving multiple body regions ND32 Fractures involving multiple body regions ND33 Dislocations, strains or sprains involving multiple body regions ND34 Crushing injuries involving multiple body regions ND35 Traumatic amputations involving multiple body regions ND36 Other injuries involving multiple body regions, not elsewhere classified ND37 Unspecified multiple injuries ND50 Fracture of spine, level unspecified ND51 Other injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified – ND51.0 Dislocation or strain or sprain of unspecified joint or ligament of trunk – ND51.1 Injury of unspecified nerve, spinal nerve root or plexus of trunk – ND51.2 Injury of spinal cord, level unspecified – ND51.3 Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon of trunk – ND51.4 Crushing injury of spine or trunk, level unspecified – ND51.Y Other specified injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified – ND51.Z Unspecified injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified ND52 Fracture of arm, level unspecified ND53 Other injuries of arm, level unspecified – ND53.0 Crushing injury of arm, level unspecified – ND53.Y Other specified injuries of arm, level unspecified ND54 Fracture of leg, level unspecified ND55 Other injuries of leg, level unspecified ND56 Injury of unspecified body region – ND56.0 Superficial injury of unspecified body region – ND56.1 Open wound of unspecified body region – ND56.2 Fracture of unspecified body region – ND56.3 Dislocation or strain or sprain of unspecified body region – ND56.4 Injury of nerve of unspecified body region – ND56.5 Injury of blood vessel of unspecified body region – ND56.6 Injury of muscles or tendons of unspecified body region – ND56.7 Crushing injury of unspecified body region – ND56.8 Traumatic amputation of unspecified body region – ND56.9 Injury complicating pregnancy – ND56.Y Other specified injury of unspecified body region – ND56.Z Unspecified injury to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region ND57 Secondary effect of trauma ND5Y Other specified injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region ND5Z Injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region, unspecified ND70 Foreign body on external eye – ND70.0 Foreign body in cornea – ND70.1 Foreign body in conjunctival sac – ND70.2 Foreign body in multiple parts of external eye – ND70.Y Foreign body in other specified part of external eye – ND70.Z Foreign body on external eye, unspecified ND71 Foreign body in ear ND72 Foreign body in respiratory tract – ND72.0 Foreign body in nasal sinus – ND72.1 Foreign body in nostril – ND72.2 Foreign body in pharynx – ND72.3 Foreign body in larynx – ND72.4 Foreign body in trachea – ND72.5 Foreign body in bronchus – ND72.6 Foreign body in multiple parts of respiratory tract – ND72.Y Foreign body in other parts of respiratory tract – ND72.Z Foreign body in unspecified part of respiratory tract –– ND72.20 Asphyxia on mucous in nasopharynx –– ND72.2Y Other specified foreign body in pharynx –– ND72.2Z Foreign body in pharynx, unspecified ND73 Foreign body in alimentary tract – ND73.0 Foreign body in mouth – ND73.1 Foreign body in oesophagus – ND73.2 Foreign body in stomach – ND73.3 Foreign body in small intestine – ND73.4 Foreign body in colon – ND73.5 Foreign body in anus or rectum – ND73.Y Foreign body in other specified part of alimentary tract – ND73.Z Foreign body in alimentary tract, unspecified –– ND73.20 Trichobezoar –– ND73.2Y Other specified foreign body in stomach –– ND73.2Z Foreign body in stomach, unspecified ND74 Foreign body in genitourinary tract – ND74.0 Foreign body in urethra – ND74.1 Foreign body in bladder – ND74.2 Foreign body in vulva or vagina – ND74.3 Foreign body in uterus, any part – ND74.Y Foreign body in other specified part of genitourinary tract – ND74.Z Foreign body in genitourinary tract, unspecified ND7Z Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice, unspecified – ND90 Burn of head or neck except face –– ND90.0 Burn of head or neck except face, epidermal burn –– ND90.1 Burn of head or neck except face, superficial partial thickness burn –– ND90.2 Burn of head or neck except face, deep partial thickness burn –– ND90.3 Burn of head and neck except face, full thickness burn –– ND90.4 Burn of head or neck except face, deep full thickness or complex burn –– ND90.Z Burn of head and neck except face, depth of burn unspecified – ND91 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa –– ND91.0 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, epidermal burn –– ND91.1 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, superficial partial thickness burn –– ND91.2 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, deep partial thickness burn –– ND91.3 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, full thickness burn –– ND91.4 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, deep full thickness or complex burn –– ND91.Z Burn of face except eye, depth of burn unspecified – ND92 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia –– ND92.0 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn –– ND92.1 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, superficial partial thickness burn –– ND92.2 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, deep partial thickness burn –– ND92.3 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, full thickness burn –– ND92.4 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, deep full thickness or complex burn –– ND92.Z Burn of trunk except perineum and genitalia, depth of burn unspecified ––– ND92.00 Burn of breast, epidermal burn ––– ND92.01 Burn of chest wall, epidermal burn ––– ND92.02 Burn of abdominal wall, epidermal burn ––– ND92.03 Burn of back, any part, epidermal burn ––– ND92.0Y Other specified burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn ––– ND92.0Z Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn, unspecified – ND93 Burn of perineum or genitalia –– ND93.0 Burn of perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn –– ND93.1 Burn of perineum or genitalia, superficial partial thickness burn –– ND93.2 Burn of perineum or genitalia, deep partial thickness burn –– ND93.3 Burn of perineum or genitalia, full thickness burn –– ND93.4 Burn of perineum or genitalia, deep full thickness or complex burn –– ND93.Z Burn of perineum and genitalia, depth of burn unspecified – ND94 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand –– ND94.0 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, epidermal burn –– ND94.1 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn –– ND94.2 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn –– ND94.3 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, full thickness burn –– ND94.4 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep full thickness or complex burn –– ND94.Z Burn of shoulder and arm except wrist and hand, depth of burn unspecified ––– ND94.10 Burn of forearm and elbow, superficial partial thickness burn ––– ND94.1Y Other specified burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn ––– ND94.1Z Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn, unspecified ––– ND94.20 Burn of forearm or elbow, deep partial thickness burn ––– ND94.2Y Other specified burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn ––– ND94.2Z Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn, unspecified – ND95 Burn of wrist or hand –– ND95.0 Burn of wrist or hand, epidermal burn –– ND95.1 Burn of wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn –– ND95.2 Burn of wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn –– ND95.3 Burn of wrist or hand, full thickness burn –– ND95.4 Burn of wrist or hand, deep full thickness or complex burn –– ND95.Z Burn of wrist and hand, depth of burn unspecified – ND96 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot –– ND96.0 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, epidermal burn –– ND96.1 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, superficial partial thickness burn –– ND96.2 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, deep partial thickness burn –– ND96.3 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, full thickness burn –– ND96.4 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, deep full thickness or complex burn –– ND96.Z Burn of hip and leg except ankle and foot, depth of burn unspecified – ND97 Burn of ankle or foot –– ND97.0 Burn of ankle or foot, epidermal burn –– ND97.1 Burn of ankle or foot, superficial partial thickness burn –– ND97.2 Burn of ankle or foot, deep partial thickness burn –– ND97.3 Burn of ankle or foot, full thickness burn –– ND97.4 Burn of ankle or foot, deep full thickness or complex burn –– ND97.Z Burn of ankle and foot, depth of burn unspecified – ND99 Acute skin injury due to skin contact with corrosive substance –– ND99.1 Chemical burn due to skin contact with corrosive substance – ND9Y Burns of external body surface, other specified site – ND9Z Burns of external body surface, unspecified site – NE00 Burn of eye or ocular adnexa – NE01 Burn of respiratory tract – NE02 Burn of other internal organs – NE0Z Burns of unspecified internal organ – NE10 Burns of multiple body regions – NE11 Burn of unspecified body region NE2Z Burns, unspecified NE40 Superficial frostbite NE41 Frostbite with tissue necrosis NE42 Frostbite involving multiple body regions NE4Z Frostbite, unspecified NE60 Harmful effects of drugs, medicaments or biological substances, not elsewhere classified NE61 Harmful effects of or exposure to noxious substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source, not elsewhere classified NE6Z Harmful effects of unspecified substance NE80 Injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified – NE80.0 Air embolism following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection – NE80.1 ABO incompatibility reaction – NE80.2 Rh incompatibility reaction – NE80.3 Other serum reactions – NE80.Y Other specified injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified – NE80.Z Injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified, unspecified NE81 Injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified – NE81.0 Haemorrhage or haematoma complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified – NE81.1 Disruption of operation wound, not elsewhere classified – NE81.2 Surgical site infection – NE81.3 Postsurgical leak – NE81.Y Other specified injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified – NE81.Z Injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified, unspecified –– NE81.00 Haematoma of surgical wound of skin –– NE81.01 Haemorrhage and haematoma of eye or ocular adnexa complicating a procedure –– NE81.0Z Haemorrhage or haematoma of other or unspecified site complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified –– NE81.20 Superficial incisional site infection –– NE81.21 Deep incisional site infection –– NE81.22 Organ or organ space surgical site infection –– NE81.2Y Other specified surgical site infection –– NE81.2Z Surgical site infection, unspecified NE82 Dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified – NE82.0 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication – NE82.1 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction – NE82.2 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication – NE82.3 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead dysfunction – NE82.Y Other specified dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified – NE82.Z Dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified, unspecified –– NE82.00 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket erosion –– NE82.01 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket muscle stimulation –– NE82.02 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator phrenic nerve stimulation –– NE82.03 Pacing-induced cardiomyopathy –– NE82.0Y Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication –– NE82.0Z Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication, unspecified –– NE82.10 Inappropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator shock –– NE82.11 Pacemaker syndrome –– NE82.12 Pacemaker generator dysfunction –– NE82.1Y Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction –– NE82.1Z Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction, unspecified –– NE82.20 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead fracture –– NE82.21 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead dislodgement –– NE82.22 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead insulation break –– NE82.2Y Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication –– NE82.2Z Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication, unspecified NE83 Injury or harm arising from other device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified – NE83.0 Destruction or cartilage wear of joint with hemiarthroplasty – NE83.1 Infection arising from device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified – NE83.Y Other specified injury or harm arising from other device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified NE84 Failure or rejection of transplanted organs or tissues NE85 Complications peculiar to reattachment or amputation – NE85.0 Complications of reattached upper extremity – NE85.1 Complications of reattached lower extremity – NE85.2 Complications of other reattached body part – NE85.3 Neuroma of amputation stump – NE85.4 Infection of amputation stump – NE85.5 Necrosis of amputation stump – NE85.6 Other or unspecified complications of amputation stump NE86 Malignant hyperthermia due to anaesthesia NE87 Failed or difficult intubation NE88 Drug toxicity associated with harm in surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified NE89 Awareness under general anaesthesia NE8Y Other specified injury or harm arising from surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified NE8Z Injury or harm arising from surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified, unspecified NF00 Effects of radiation, not elsewhere classified NF01 Effects of heat – NF01.0 Heat stroke – NF01.1 Heat syncope – NF01.2 Heat exhaustion due to fluid depletion – NF01.3 Heat fatigue, transient – NF01.Y Other specified effects of heat – NF01.Z Effects of heat, unspecified NF02 Hypothermia NF03 Other effects of reduced temperature – NF03.0 Chilblains – NF03.1 Immersion hand or foot – NF03.Y Other specified effects of reduced temperature – NF03.Z Unspecified effects of reduced temperature NF04 Effects of air pressure or water pressure – NF04.0 Otitic barotrauma – NF04.1 Sinus barotrauma – NF04.2 Caisson disease – NF04.3 Effects of high-pressure fluids – NF04.Y Other specified effects of air pressure or water pressure – NF04.Z Effects of air pressure or water pressure, unspecified NF05 Asphyxiation NF06 Effects of strenuous physical exercise – NF06.0 Exertional heat stroke – NF06.1 Post exercise postural hypotension – NF06.2 Post exertional dehydration – NF06.3 Exercise muscle cramp – NF06.Y Other specified effects of strenuous physical exercise – NF06.Z Effects of strenuous physical exercise, unspecified NF07 Effects of other deprivation – NF07.0 Effects of hunger – NF07.1 Effects of thirst – NF07.2 Exhaustion due to exposure – NF07.Y Other specified effects of deprivation – NF07.Z Effects of other deprivation, unspecified NF08 Effects of certain specified external causes – NF08.0 Effects of lightning – NF08.1 Drowning or nonfatal submersion – NF08.2 Effects of vibration – NF08.3 Motion sickness – NF08.4 Effects of electric current –– NF08.20 Hand and arm vibration syndrome –– NF08.2Y Other specified effects of vibration –– NF08.2Z Effects of vibration, unspecified NF09 Adverse effects, not elsewhere classified NF0A Certain early complications of trauma, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.0 Air embolism, traumatic, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.1 Fat embolism, traumatic, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.2 Traumatic secondary or recurrent haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.3 Post traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.4 Traumatic shock, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.5 Traumatic anuria, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.6 Traumatic ischaemia of muscle, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.7 Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.Y Other early complication of trauma, not elsewhere classified – NF0A.Z Early complications of trauma, not elsewhere classified NF0Y Other specified effects of external causes NF0Z Unspecified effects of external causes NF2Y Other specified injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes NF2Z Unspecified injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes –– PA00 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a pedestrian –– PA01 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance –– PA02 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a pedal cyclist –– PA03 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a motor cyclist –– PA04 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a car occupant –– PA05 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a bus or coach –– PA06 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a light goods vehicle –– PA07 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a heavy goods vehicle –– PA08 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram –– PA09 Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle –– PA0A Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture –– PA0B Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises –– PA0C Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of a special construction vehicle –– PA0D Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle –– PA0E Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a rider of an animal –– PA0F Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle –– PA0Y Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of other specified land transport –– PA0Z Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of unspecified land transport –– PA10 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a pedestrian –– PA11 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance –– PA12 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a pedal cyclist –– PA13 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a motor cyclist –– PA14 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a car occupant –– PA15 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a bus or coach –– PA16 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a light goods vehicle –– PA17 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a heavy goods vehicle –– PA18 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram –– PA19 Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle –– PA1A Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture –– PA1B Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises –– PA1C Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of a special construction vehicle –– PA1D Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle –– PA1E Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a rider of an animal –– PA1F Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle –– PA1Y Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of other specified land transport –– PA1Z Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of unknown or unspecified land transport –– PA20 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a pedestrian –– PA21 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance –– PA22 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a pedal cyclist –– PA23 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a motor cyclist –– PA24 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a car occupant –– PA25 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a bus or coach –– PA26 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a light goods vehicle –– PA27 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a heavy goods vehicle –– PA28 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram –– PA29 Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle –– PA2A Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture –– PA2B Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises –– PA2C Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a special construction vehicle –– PA2D Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of an all-terrain vehicle –– PA2E Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a rider of an animal –– PA2F Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle –– PA2Y Unintentional land transport injury event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a user of other specified transport –– PA2Z Unintentional land transport injury event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a user of unspecified transport –– PA30 Unintentional railway transport injury event with collision or derailment –– PA31 Unintentional railway transport injury event without collision or derailment –– PA3Z Unintentional railway transport injury event of unspecified type –– PA40 Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed ––– PA40.0 Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing submersion or drowning ––– PA40.1 Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing other injury ––– PA40.Z Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing unspecified injury –– PA41 Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed ––– PA41.0 Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing submersion or drowning ––– PA41.Z Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing unspecified injury –– PA4Z Unintentional water transport injury event with damage to water vessel unspecified – PA50 Unintentional air or space transport injury event –– PA50.0 Unintentional air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft not damaged, disabled or destroyed –– PA50.1 Unintentional air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft damaged, disabled or destroyed –– PA50.Z Unintentional air or space transport injury event, unspecified – PA5Y Other specified unintentional transport injury event – PA5Z Unintentional transport injury event, unspecified – PA60 Unintentional fall on the same level or from less than 1 metre – PA61 Unintentional fall from a height of 1 metre or more – PA6Z Unintentional fall from unspecified height – PA70 Unintentionally struck, kicked, or bumped by person – PA71 Unintentionally struck, kicked, or bumped by animal – PA72 Unintentionally stepped on or crushed by person – PA73 Unintentionally stepped on or crushed by animal – PA74 Unintentionally bitten by person – PA75 Unintentionally bitten by animal – PA76 Unintentionally scratched or clawed by person – PA77 Unintentionally scratched or clawed by animal – PA78 Unintentionally stung or envenomated by animal – PA79 Unintentionally injured by contact with plant – PA7Y Other specified type of unintentional contact with person, animal or plant – PA7Z Unintentional contact with person, animal or plant, type unspecified – PA80 Unintentionally struck by projectile from firearm –– PA80.0 Unintentionally struck by projectile from handgun –– PA80.1 Unintentionally struck by projectile from rifle, shotgun or larger firearm –– PA80.2 Unintentional exposure to other and unspecified firearm – PA81 Unintentionally struck by moving object – PA82 Unintentional striking against stationary object – PA83 Unintentionally cut or pierced by sharp object –– PA83.0 Unintentionally cut or pierced by knife, sword, or dagger –– PA83.1 Unintentionally cut or pierced by sharp glass –– PA83.2 Unintentionally cut or pierced by other or unspecified sharp object – PA84 Unintentionally struck by blunt object – PA85 Unintentionally caught, crushed, jammed or pinched between objects – PA8Y Unintentional exposure to other specified object, not elsewhere classified – PA8Z Unintentional exposure to object, unspecified – PA90 Unintentional drowning or submersion, while in body of water – PA91 Unintentional drowning or submersion, following fall into body of water – PA92 Unintentional injury other than drowning following fall into body of water – PA9Z Unintentional immersion, submersion or falling into water, unspecified – PB00 Unintentional threat to breathing by suffocation from object covering mouth or nose – PB01 Unintentional threat to breathing by hanging – PB02 Unintentional threat to breathing by strangulation – PB03 Unintentional threat to breathing by external compression of airways or chest – PB04 Unintentional threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of gastric contents – PB05 Unintentional threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of liquids – PB06 Unintentional threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of food – PB07 Unintentional threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of other objects or materials – PB08 Unintentional threat to breathing from low oxygen environment – PB0Y Unintentional threat to breathing by other specified means – PB0Z Unintentional threat to breathing by unspecified means – PB10 Unintentional exposure to uncontrolled fire – PB11 Unintentional exposure to controlled fire – PB12 Unintentional exposure to ignition or melting of material – PB13 Unintentional contact with hot object or liquid – PB14 Unintentional exposure to steam, hot vapour, air or gases – PB15 Unintentional exposure to excessive heat – PB16 Unintentional exposure to excessive cold – PB1Y Unintentional exposure to other specified thermal mechanism – PB1Z Unintentional exposure to unspecified thermal mechanism –– PB20 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of opioids or related analgesics –– PB21 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of sedative hypnotic drugs or other CNS depressants –– PB22 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of psychostimulants –– PB23 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of cannabinoids or hallucinogens –– PB24 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of analgesics, antipyretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs –– PB25 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of antidepressants –– PB26 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of antipsychotics –– PB27 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of antiepileptics or antiparkinsonism drugs –– PB28 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified drug, medicament or biological substance –– PB29 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of multiple drugs, medicaments or biological substances –– PB30 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of alcohols –– PB31 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of organic solvents –– PB32 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of carbon monoxide –– PB33 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of pesticides –– PB34 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of corrosive substances –– PB35 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of halogen derivatives of aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons –– PB36 Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source – PB50 Unintentional exposure to foreign body in orifice – PB51 Unintentional exposure to electric current – PB52 Unintentional exposure to sunlight – PB53 Unintentional exposure to radiation – PB54 Unintentional exposure to high or low air pressure or changes in air pressure – PB55 Unintentional exposure to explosion –– PB55.0 Unintentional exposure to chemical explosion –– PB55.1 Unintentional exposure to explosion or rupture of pressurised materials or object –– PB55.Y Other specified unintentional exposure to explosion –– PB55.Z Unintentional exposure to explosion, unspecified – PB56 Unintentional exposure to physical overexertion – PB57 Unintentional lack of food – PB58 Unintentional lack of water – PB59 Unintentional other specified privation – PB5A Unintentional abandonment – PB5B Unintentional neglect PB6Y Other unintentional cause of morbidity or mortality PB6Z Unspecified unintentional cause of morbidity or mortality – PB80 Intentional self-harm by land transport road traffic injury event – PB81 Intentional self-harm by land transport off-road nontraffic injury event – PB82 Intentional self-harm by land transport injury event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic – PB83 Intentional self-harm by railway transport injury event –– PB90 Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed –– PB91 Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed ––– PB91.0 Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing submersion or drowning ––– PB91.1 Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing other injury ––– PB91.Z Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, unspecified –– PB9Z Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with damage to water vessel unspecified –– PC00 Intentional self-harm by air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft damaged, disabled or destroyed –– PC01 Intentional self-harm by air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft not damaged, disabled or destroyed –– PC0Z Intentional self-harm by air or space transport injury event with damage to aircraft or spacecraft unspecified – PC2Y Intentional self-harm by other specified transport injury event – PC2Z Intentional self-harm by transport injury event, unspecified – PC30 Intentional self-harm by fall or jump on same level or from less than 1 metre – PC31 Intentional self-harm by fall or jump from a height of 1 metre or more – PC3Y Other specified intentional self-harm by fall or jump – PC3Z Intentional self-harm by fall or jump, unspecified – PC40 Intentional self-harm by being struck, kicked, or bumped by person – PC41 Intentional self-harm by being struck, kicked, or bumped by animal – PC42 Intentional self-harm by being stepped on or crushed by person – PC43 Intentional self-harm by being stepped on or crushed by animal – PC44 Intentional self-harm by being bitten by animal – PC45 Intentional self-harm by being scratched or clawed by person – PC46 Intentional self-harm by being scratched or clawed by animal – PC47 Intentional self-harm by being stung or envenomated by animal – PC48 Intentional self-harm by contact with plant – PC4Y Other specified type of intentional self-harm by contact with person, animal or plant – PC4Z Intentional self-harm by contact with person, animal or plant, type unspecified – PC50 Intentional self-harm by being struck by projectile from firearm –– PC50.0 Intentional self-harm by projectile from handgun –– PC50.1 Intentional self-harm by projectile from rifle, shotgun or larger firearm –– PC50.Y Other specified intentional self-harm by being struck by projectile from firearm –– PC50.Z Intentional self-harm by being struck by projectile from firearm, unspecified – PC51 Intentional self-harm by being struck by moving object, not elsewhere classified – PC52 Intentional self-harm by striking against stationary object – PC53 Intentional self-harm by being cut or pierced by sharp object –– PC53.0 Intentional self-harm by being cut or pierced by knife, sword or dagger –– PC53.1 Intentional self-harm by being cut or pierced by sharp glass –– PC53.Y Other specified intentional self-harm by being cut or pierced by sharp object –– PC53.Z Intentional self-harm by being cut or pierced by sharp object, unspecified – PC54 Intentional self-harm by being struck by blunt object – PC55 Intentional self-harm by being caught, crushed, jammed or pinched between objects – PC5Y Intentional self harm by contact with other specified type of weapon – PC5Z Intentional self harm by contact with weapon, type unspecified – PC60 Intentional self-harm by drowning or submersion while in body of water – PC61 Intentional self-harm by drowning or submersion following fall into body of water – PC62 Intentional self-harm by injury other than drowning while in body of water – PC63 Intentional self-harm by injury other than drowning following fall into body of water – PC6Z Intentional self-harm by immersion, submersion or falling into water, unspecified – PC70 Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by suffocation from object covering mouth or nose – PC71 Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by hanging – PC72 Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by strangulation – PC73 Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by external compression of airways or chest – PC74 Intentional self-harm by inhalation or ingestion of gastric contents – PC75 Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of liquids – PC76 Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of food – PC77 Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of other objects or materials – PC78 Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing from low oxygen environment – PC7Y Other specified intentional self-harm by threat to breathing – PC7Z Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing, unspecified – PC80 Intentional self-harm by exposure to controlled fire – PC81 Intentional self-harm by exposure to uncontrolled fire – PC82 Intentional self-harm by exposure to ignition or melting of material – PC83 Intentional self-harm by contact with hot object or liquid – PC84 Intentional self-harm by exposure to steam, hot vapour, air or gases – PC85 Intentional self-harm by exposure to excessive heat – PC86 Intentional self-harm by exposure to excessive cold – PC8Y Intentional self-harm by exposure to other specified thermal mechanism – PC8Z Intentional self-harm by exposure to unspecified thermal mechanism –– PC90 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of opioids or related analgesics –– PC91 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of sedative hypnotic drugs or other CNS depressants –– PC92 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of psychostimulants –– PC93 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of cannabinoids or hallucinogens –– PC94 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of analgesics, antipyretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs –– PC95 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of antidepressants –– PC96 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of antipsychotics –– PC97 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of antiepileptics or antiparkinsonism drugs –– PC98 Intentional self-harm by exposure to other and unspecified drug, medicament and biological substance –– PC99 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of multiple drugs, medicaments or biological substances –– PD00 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of alcohols –– PD01 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of organic solvents –– PD02 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of carbon monoxide –– PD03 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of pesticides –– PD04 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of corrosive substances –– PD05 Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source – PD20 Intentional self-harm by foreign body in orifice – PD21 Intentional self-harm by exposure to electric current – PD22 Intentional self-harm by exposure to sunlight – PD23 Intentional self-harm by exposure to radiation – PD24 Intentional self-harm by exposure to high or low air pressure or changes in air pressure – PD25 Intentional self-harm by explosion or rupture of pressurised materials or object – PD26 Intentional self-harm by physical overexertion – PD27 Intentional self-harm by lack of food – PD28 Intentional self-harm by lack of water – PD29 Intentional self-harm by other specified privation PD3Y Other specified intentional self-harm PD3Z Intentional self-harm, unspecified – PD50 Assault by land transport road traffic injury event – PD51 Assault by land transport off-road nontraffic injury event – PD52 Assault by land transport injury event unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic – PD53 Assault by railway transport injury event –– PD60 Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed ––– PD60.0 Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing submersion or drowning ––– PD60.1 Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing other injury ––– PD60.Z Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing unspecified injury –– PD61 Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed ––– PD61.0 Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing submersion or drowning ––– PD61.1 Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing other injury ––– PD61.Y Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing unspecified injury ––– PD61.Z Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, unspecified –– PD6Z Assault by water transport injury event with damage to water vessel unspecified –– PD70 Assault by air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft damaged, disabled or destroyed –– PD71 Assault by air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft not damaged, disabled or destroyed –– PD7Z Assault by air or space transport injury event with damage to aircraft or spacecraft unspecified – PD9Y Other specified assault by transport injury event – PD9Z Assault by transport injury event, unspecified – PE00 Assault by causing a fall or jump on same level or from less than 1 metre – PE01 Assault by causing a fall or jump from a height of 1 metre or more – PE0Z Assault by causing a fall or jump from unspecified height – PE10 Assault by being struck, kicked or bumped by person – PE11 Assault by being struck, kicked or bumped by animal – PE12 Assault by being crushed or stepped on by person – PE13 Assault by being crushed or stepped on by animal – PE14 Assault by being bitten by person – PE15 Assault by being bitten by animal – PE16 Assault by being scratched or clawed by person – PE17 Assault by being scratched or clawed by animal – PE18 Assault by being stung or envenomated by animal – PE19 Assault by contact with plant – PE1Y Other specified type of assault by contact with person, animal or plant – PE1Z Assault by contact with person, animal or plant, type unspecified – PE20 Assault by projectile from firearm –– PE20.0 Assault by projectile from handgun –– PE20.1 Assault by projectile from rifle, shotgun or larger firearm –– PE20.Y Assault by being struck by projectile from other specified firearm –– PE20.Z Assault by being struck by projectile from unspecified firearm – PE21 Assault by being struck by moving object, not elsewhere classified – PE22 Assault by striking against stationary object –– PE30 Assault by being cut or pierced by knife, sword, or dagger –– PE31 Assault by being cut or pierced by sharp glass –– PE3Z Assault by being cut or pierced by other or unspecified sharp object – PE40 Assault by being struck by blunt object – PE41 Assault by being caught, crushed, jammed or pinched between objects – PE4Y Assault by contact with other specified object, not elsewhere classified – PE4Z Assault by exposure to unspecified object, not elsewhere classified – PE50 Assault by drowning or submersion, while in body of water – PE51 Assault by drowning or submersion following fall into body of water – PE52 Assault by injury other than drowning while in body of water – PE53 Assault by injury other than drowning following fall into body of water – PE5Y Other specified assault by immersion, submersion or falling into water – PE5Z Assault by immersion, submersion or falling into water, unspecified – PE60 Assault by threat to breathing, suffocation from object covering mouth or nose – PE61 Assault by threat to breathing by hanging – PE62 Assault by threat to breathing by strangulation – PE63 Assault by threat to breathing by external compression of airways or chest – PE64 Assault by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of liquids – PE65 Assault by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of food – PE66 Assault by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of other objects or materials – PE67 Assault by threat to breathing by low oxygen environment – PE6Y Other specified assault by threat to breathing – PE6Z Assault by threat to breathing, unspecified – PE70 Assault by exposure to uncontrolled fire – PE71 Assault by exposure to controlled fire – PE72 Assault by exposure to ignition or melting of materials – PE73 Assault by contact with hot object or liquid – PE74 Assault by contact with steam, hot vapour, air or gases – PE75 Assault by exposure to excessive heat – PE76 Assault by exposure to excessive cold – PE7Y Assault by exposure to other specified thermal mechanism – PE7Z Assault by exposure to unspecified thermal mechanism –– PE80 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of opioids or related analgesics –– PE81 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of sedative, hypnotic drugs or other CNS depressants –– PE82 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of psychostimulants –– PE83 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of cannabinoids or hallucinogens –– PE84 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of analgesics, antipyretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs –– PE85 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of antidepressants –– PE86 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of antipsychotics –– PE87 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of antiepileptics or antiparkinsonism drugs –– PE88 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified drug, medicament or biological substance –– PE89 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of multiple drugs, medicaments or biological substances –– PE8Y Other specified assault by exposure to or harmful effects of drugs, medicaments or biological substances –– PE8Z Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of drugs, medicaments or biological substances, unspecified –– PE90 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of alcohols –– PE91 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of organic solvents –– PE92 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of carbon monoxide –– PE93 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of pesticides –– PE94 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of corrosive substances –– PE95 Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source – PF10 Assault by foreign body in orifice or eye – PF11 Assault by exposure to electric current – PF12 Assault by exposure to sunlight – PF13 Assault by exposure to radiation – PF14 Assault by exposure to high or low air pressure or changes in air pressure – PF15 Assault by exposure to explosion –– PF15.0 Assault by exposure to chemical explosion –– PF15.1 Assault by explosion or rupture of materials or object –– PF15.Y Other specified assault by exposure to explosion –– PF15.Z Assault by exposure to explosion, unspecified – PF16 Assault by physical overexertion – PF17 Assault by lack of food – PF18 Assault by lack of water – PF19 Assault by other specified privation – PF1A Assault by abandonment – PF1B Assault by neglect PF2Y Other specified assault PF2Z Assault, unspecified –– PF40 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a pedestrian –– PF41 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance –– PF42 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a pedal cyclist –– PF43 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a motor cyclist –– PF44 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a car occupant –– PF45 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a bus or coach occupant –– PF46 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of light goods vehicle –– PF47 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of heavy goods vehicle –– PF48 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram –– PF49 Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle –– PF4A Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture –– PF4B Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises –– PF4C Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special construction vehicle –– PF4D Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle –– PF4E Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a rider of an animal –– PF4F Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle –– PF4Y Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of other specified land transport –– PF4Z Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of unknown or unspecified land transport –– PF50 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a pedestrian –– PF51 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance –– PF52 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a pedal cyclist –– PF53 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a motor cyclist –– PF54 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a car occupant –– PF55 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a bus or coach occupant –– PF56 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of light goods vehicle –– PF57 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of heavy goods vehicle –– PF58 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram –– PF59 Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle –– PF5A Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture –– PF5B Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises –– PF5C Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special construction vehicle –– PF5D Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle –– PF5E Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a rider of an animal –– PF5F Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle –– PF5Y Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of other specified land transport –– PF5Z Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of unknown or unspecified land transport –– PF60 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a pedestrian –– PF61 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance –– PF62 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a pedal cyclist –– PF63 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a motor cyclist –– PF64 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a car occupant –– PF65 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a bus or coach occupant –– PF66 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of light goods vehicle –– PF67 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of heavy goods vehicle –– PF68 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram –– PF69 Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle –– PF6A Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture –– PF6B Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises –– PF6C Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of a special construction vehicle –– PF6D Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle –– PF6E Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a rider of an animal –– PF6F Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle –– PF6Y Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of an other specified vehicle –– PF6Z Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of an unknown or unspecified vehicle –– PF70 Railway transport injury event of undetermined intent with collision or derailment –– PF71 Railway transport injury event of undetermined intent without collision or derailment –– PF7Z Railway transport injury event of undetermined intent of unspecified type ––– PF80 Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed causing submersion or drowning ––– PF8Y Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed causing other injury ––– PF8Z Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed causing unspecified injury ––– PF90 Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing submersion or drowning ––– PF9Y Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing other injury ––– PF9Z Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing unspecified injury –– PG1Z Water transport injury event of undetermined intent, damage to water vessel unspecified –– PG20 Air or space transport injury event of undetermined intent with aircraft or spacecraft damaged, disabled or destroyed –– PG21 Air or space transport injury event of undetermined intent with aircraft or spacecraft not damaged, disabled or destroyed –– PG2Z Air or space transport event injury of undetermined intent, damage to aircraft or spacecraft unspecified – PG4Y Other specified transport injury event of undetermined intent – PG4Z Unspecified transport injury event of undetermined intent – PG50 Fall or jump of undetermined intent on the same level or from less than 1 metre – PG51 Fall or jump of undetermined intent from a height of 1 metre or more – PG5Z Fall or jump of undetermined intent, height unspecified – PG60 Struck, kicked, or bumped with undetermined intent by person – PG61 Struck, kicked, or bumped with undetermined intent by animal – PG62 Stepped on or crushed with undetermined intent by person – PG63 Stepped on or crushed with undetermined intent by animal – PG64 Bitten with undetermined intent by person – PG65 Bitten with undetermined intent by animal – PG66 Scratched or clawed with undetermined intent by person – PG67 Scratched or clawed with undetermined intent by animal – PG68 Stung or envenomated with undetermined intent by animal – PG69 Contact with plant of undetermined intent – PG6Y Other specified type of contact with person, animal or plant of undetermined intent – PG6Z Unspecified type of contact with person, animal or plant of undetermined intent –– PG70 Struck by projectile from handgun of undetermined intent –– PG71 Struck by projectile from rifle, shotgun or larger firearm of undetermined intent –– PG7Z Struck by projectile from other and unspecified firearm with unknown intent – PG80 Struck by moving object, not elsewhere classified of undetermined intent – PG81 Striking against stationary object of undetermined intent –– PG90 Cut or pierced by knife, sword or dagger of undetermined intent –– PG91 Cut or pierced by sharp glass of undetermined intent –– PG9Z Cut or pierced by other or unspecified sharp object, undetermined intent – PH00 Struck by blunt object with undetermined intent – PH01 Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched between objects with undetermined intent – PH0Y Contact with other specified object, not elsewhere classified with undetermined intent – PH0Z Exposure to unspecified object, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent – PH10 Drowning or submersion while in body of water with undetermined intent – PH11 Drowning or submersion following fall into body of water with undetermined intent – PH12 Injury other than drowning while in body of water with undetermined intent – PH13 Injury other than drowning following fall into body of water with undetermined intent – PH1Z Immersion, submersion or falling into water with undetermined intent, unspecified – PH20 Threat to breathing by suffocation from object covering mouth or nose with undetermined intent – PH21 Threat to breathing by hanging with undetermined intent – PH22 Threat to breathing by strangulation with undetermined intent – PH23 Threat to breathing by external compression of airways or chest with undetermined intent – PH24 Threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of liquids with undetermined intent – PH25 Threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of food with undetermined intent – PH26 Threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of other objects or materials with undetermined intent – PH27 Threat to breathing by low oxygen environment with undetermined intent – PH2Y Other specified threat to breathing with undetermined intent – PH2Z Threat to breathing with undetermined intent, unspecified – PH30 Exposure to uncontrolled fire with undetermined intent – PH31 Exposure to controlled fire with undetermined intent – PH32 Exposure to ignition or melting of materials with undetermined intent – PH33 Contact with hot object or liquid with undetermined intent – PH34 Contact with steam, hot vapour, air or gases with undetermined intent – PH35 Exposure to excessive heat with undetermined intent – PH36 Exposure to excessive cold with undetermined intent – PH3Y Exposure to other specified thermal mechanism with undetermined intent – PH3Z Exposure to unspecified thermal mechanism with undetermined intent –– PH40 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of opioids or related analgesics –– PH41 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of sedative hypnotic drugs or other CNS depressants –– PH42 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of psychostimulants –– PH43 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of cannabinoids or hallucinogens –– PH44 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of analgesics, antipyretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs –– PH45 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of antidepressants –– PH46 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of antipsychotics –– PH47 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of antiepileptics or antiparkinsonism drugs ––– PH47.0 Harmful effects of or exposure to mixed antiepileptics, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent ––– PH47.Z Undetermined intent: Harmful effects of and exposure to noxious substances: Drugs, medicaments or biological substances: Unspecified antiepileptics or antiparkinsonism drugs –– PH48 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of other or unspecified drugs, medicaments or biological substances –– PH49 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of multiple drugs, medicaments or biological substances –– PH50 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of alcohols –– PH51 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of organic solvents –– PH52 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of carbon monoxide –– PH53 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of pesticides –– PH54 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of corrosive substances –– PH55 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of halogen derivatives of aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons –– PH56 Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source – PH70 Exposure to foreign body in orifice or eye with undetermined intent – PH71 Exposure to electric current with undetermined intent – PH72 Exposure to sunlight with undetermined intent – PH73 Exposure to radiation with undetermined intent – PH74 Exposure to high or low air pressure or changes in air pressure with undetermined intent – PH75 Exposure to explosion with undetermined intent –– PH75.0 Exposure to chemical explosion with undetermined intent –– PH75.1 Exposure to explosion or rupture of pressurised materials or object with undetermined intent –– PH75.Y Other specified exposure to explosion with undetermined intent –– PH75.Z Exposure to explosion with undetermined intent, unspecified – PH76 Physical overexertion with undetermined intent – PH77 Lack of food with undetermined intent – PH78 Lack of water with undetermined intent – PH79 Other specified privation with undetermined intent – PH7A Abandonment with undetermined intent – PH7B Neglect with undetermined intent PH8Y Other specified injury event of undetermined intent PH8Z Unspecified injury event of undetermined intent PJ00 Victim of lightning PJ01 Victim of earthquake PJ02 Victim of cataclysmic earth movements caused by earthquake PJ03 Victim of tsunami PJ04 Victim of volcanic eruption PJ05 Victim of avalanche, landslide or other earth movements PJ06 Victim of cataclysmic storm PJ07 Victim of flood PJ0Y Exposure to other specified forces of nature PJ0Z Exposure to unspecified forces of nature PJ20 Physical maltreatment PJ21 Sexual maltreatment PJ22 Psychological maltreatment PJ2Y Other specified maltreatment PJ2Z Maltreatment, unspecified PJ40 Legal intervention involving projectile from firearm PJ41 Legal intervention involving other projectile PJ42 Legal intervention involving blunt object PJ43 Legal intervention involving sharp object PJ44 Legal intervention involving electric weapon PJ45 Legal intervention involving explosive PJ46 Legal intervention involving gas PJ47 Legal intervention involving application of physical force PJ4Y Legal intervention involving other means PJ4Z Legal intervention involving unspecified means – PJ60 Explosion of depth-charge or marine mine during armed conflict – PJ61 Explosion of torpedo during armed conflict – PJ62 Explosion of sea-based artillery shell during armed conflict – PJ6Y Explosion of other marine weapons during armed conflict – PJ6Z Explosion of unspecified marine weapon – PJ70 Attack on or destruction of aircraft during armed conflict due to enemy fire or explosives – PJ71 Attack on or destruction of aircraft during armed conflict due to collision with other aircraft – PJ7Y Other destruction of aircraft during armed conflict – PJ7Z Unspecified destruction of aircraft during armed conflict – PJ80 Explosion of missile during armed conflict – PJ81 Explosion of aerial bomb during armed conflict – PJ82 Explosion of munitions or weapons during armed conflict – PJ83 Explosion of improvised explosive device during armed conflict – PJ8Y Other explosion or fragments during armed conflict – PJ8Z Unspecified explosion or fragments during armed conflict – PJ90 Use of gasoline bomb during armed conflict – PJ91 Use of flamethrower during armed conflict – PJ92 Use of incendiary bullets during armed conflict – PJ9Y Other specified fires, conflagrations or hot substances during armed conflict – PJ9Z Unspecified fire, conflagration or hot substance during armed conflict – PK00 Use of rubber bullets during armed conflict – PK01 Use of firearm pellets during armed conflict – PK02 Other firearms discharge during armed conflict – PK03 Other weapons use during armed conflict – PK04 Unarmed combat during armed conflict – PK0Z Other and unspecified forms of conventional weapons use during armed conflict – PK10 Thermal or blast effects of nuclear weapon during armed conflict – PK11 Nuclear radiation effects of nuclear weapon during armed conflict – PK1Z Other and unspecified effect of nuclear weapon during armed conflict – PK20 Use of weaponised micro-organisms during armed conflict – PK2Y Use of other specified biological weapons during armed conflict – PK2Z Use of unspecified biological weapons during armed conflict – PK30 Use of chemical weapons during armed conflict – PK31 Use of lasers or other energetic beams or fields during armed conflict – PK32 Use of electric weapons during armed conflict – PK33 Use of autonomous or semi-autonomous machines as weapons during armed conflict – PK3Z Other and unspecified forms of unconventional warfare during armed conflict – PK40 Explosion of mine after cessation of armed conflict – PK41 Explosion of bomb after cessation of armed conflict – PK4Z Other and unspecified event after cessation of armed conflict PK6Y Other specified weapon or attack during armed conflict PK6Z Unspecified weapon or attack during armed conflict – PK80 Medical or surgical procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.0 Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.1 Cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.2 Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.3 Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.4 Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.5 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.6 Urological procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.7 Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.8 Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.9 Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.A Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.B Dental procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.C Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK80.D Ophthalmic procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use ––– PK80.00 Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.01 Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.02 Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.0Y Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach ––– PK80.0Z Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach ––– PK80.10 Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.11 Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.12 Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.13 Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach ––– PK80.14 Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.15 Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.16 Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.17 Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach ––– PK80.1Y Unspecified type of cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach ––– PK80.1Z Unspecified type of cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach ––– PK80.20 Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.21 Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.22 Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.2Y Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach ––– PK80.2Z Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach ––– PK80.30 Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.31 Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.32 Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.3Y Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach ––– PK80.3Z Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach ––– PK80.40 Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.41 Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.42 Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.4Y Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach ––– PK80.4Z Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach ––– PK80.50 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.51 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.52 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.53 Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, per orifice approach ––– PK80.5Y Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach ––– PK80.5Z Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach ––– PK80.60 Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.61 Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.62 Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.6Y Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach ––– PK80.6Z Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach ––– PK80.70 Caesarean section or other obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.71 Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.72 Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.73 Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, per orifice approach ––– PK80.7Y Caesarean section or other obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach ––– PK80.7Z Caesarean section or other obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach ––– PK80.80 Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.81 Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.82 Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.8Y Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach ––– PK80.8Z Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach ––– PK80.90 Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.91 Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.92 Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.9Y Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach ––– PK80.9Z Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach ––– PK80.A0 Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.A1 Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.A2 Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.AY Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach ––– PK80.AZ Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach ––– PK80.B0 Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.B1 Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.B2 Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.BY Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach ––– PK80.BZ Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach ––– PK80.C0 Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach ––– PK80.C1 Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach ––– PK80.C2 Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach ––– PK80.CY Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach ––– PK80.CZ Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach – PK81 Certain medical procedures associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.0 Ventilation associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.1 Extracorporeal life support procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.2 Aspiration or drainage of body cavity or fluid collection associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.3 Acupuncture or related therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.4 Bone marrow aspiration or biopsy associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.5 Biopsy procedure, not elsewhere classified, associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.6 Dialysis associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.7 Injection or infusion for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.8 Insertion of tube associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.9 Joint aspiration associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.A Lumbar puncture associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.B Manipulative therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.C Radiation therapy associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.D Other specified medical procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.E Cardiopulmonary resuscitation associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PK81.F Needle stick associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use ––– PK81.30 Acupuncture cupping associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use ––– PK81.3Y Other specified acupuncture or related therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use ––– PK81.3Z Acupuncture or related therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified – PK8Y Other specified surgical or other medical procedures associated with injury or harm in diagnostic or therapeutic use – PK8Z Surgical or other medical procedures associated with injury or harm in diagnostic or therapeutic use, unspecified – PK90 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm –– PK90.0 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK90.1 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK90.2 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK90.3 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK90.4 Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK90.Y Other specified anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm –– PK90.Z Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified – PK91 Cardiovascular devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK91.0 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK91.1 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK91.2 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK91.3 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK91.4 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK91.Y Other specified cardiovascular devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK91.Z Cardiovascular devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified ––– PK91.10 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, pacemaker ––– PK91.11 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, implantable defibrillator ––– PK91.12 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, left ventricular assist devices ––– PK91.13 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, intra-aortic balloon pump ––– PK91.14 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, IVC filter ––– PK91.15 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, central venous catheter ––– PK91.16 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm: peripheral venous catheter ––– PK91.1Y Other specified cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices ––– PK91.1Z Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices, unspecified ––– PK91.20 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, grafts ––– PK91.21 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, stents ––– PK91.22 Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, mechanical or bioprosthetic valves ––– PK91.2Y Other specified cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices ––– PK91.2Z Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices, unspecified – PK92 Otorhinolaryngological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK92.0 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK92.1 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK92.2 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK92.3 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK92.4 Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK92.Y Other specified otorhinolaryngological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK92.Z Otorhinolaryngological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified – PK93 Gastroenterology or urology devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK93.0 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK93.1 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK93.2 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK93.3 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK93.4 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK93.Y Other specified gastroenterology or urology devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK93.Z Gastroenterology or urology devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified ––– PK93.10 Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, urinary catheter ––– PK93.1Y Other specified gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices ––– PK93.1Z Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices, unspecified – PK94 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm –– PK94.0 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK94.1 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK94.2 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK94.3 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK94.4 General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK94.Y Other specified general hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm –– PK94.Z General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified – PK95 Neurological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK95.0 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK95.1 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK95.2 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK95.3 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK95.4 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK95.Y Other specified neurological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK95.Z Neurological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified ––– PK95.20 Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, ventricular shunt ––– PK95.2Y Other specified neurological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices ––– PK95.2Z Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices, unspecified – PK96 Obstetric or gynaecological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK96.0 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK96.1 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK96.2 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK96.3 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK96.4 Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK96.Y Other specified obstetric or gynaecological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK96.Z Obstetric or gynaecological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified – PK97 Ophthalmic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK97.0 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK97.1 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK97.2 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK97.3 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK97.4 Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK97.Y Other specified ophthalmic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK97.Z Ophthalmic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified – PK98 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm –– PK98.0 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK98.1 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK98.2 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK98.3 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK98.4 Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK98.Y Other specified radiological devices associated with injury or harm –– PK98.Z Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified – PK99 Orthopaedic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK99.0 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK99.1 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK99.2 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK99.3 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK99.4 Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK99.Y Other specified orthopaedic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK99.Z Orthopaedic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified – PK9A Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm –– PK9A.0 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK9A.1 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK9A.2 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK9A.3 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK9A.4 Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK9A.Y Other specified physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm –– PK9A.Z Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified ––– PK9A.20 Communication system devices associated with adverse incidents ––– PK9A.21 Communication system devices associated with adverse incidents in a physical medicine care environment ––– PK9A.22 Environmental control system devices associated with adverse incidents ––– PK9A.23 Mobility aids associated with adverse incidents ––– PK9A.24 Orthotic devices associated with adverse incidents ––– PK9A.2Y Other specified physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices ––– PK9A.2Z Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices, unspecified – PK9B General or plastic surgery devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK9B.0 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK9B.1 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK9B.2 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK9B.3 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK9B.4 General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified –– PK9B.Y Other specified general or plastic surgery devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK9B.Z General or plastic surgery devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified – PK9C Other or unspecified medical devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm –– PK9C.0 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices –– PK9C.1 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices –– PK9C.2 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices –– PK9C.3 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices –– PK9C.4 Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified ––– PK9C.30 Mechanical complication of nonabsorbable surgical material, not otherwise specified ––– PK9C.31 Mechanical complication of permanent sutures ––– PK9C.3Y Other specified other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices ––– PK9C.3Z Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices, unspecified – PL00 Drugs, medicaments or biological substances associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use – PL01 Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PL01.0 Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, Herbal Preparations or Formulas –– PL01.1 Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, Dietary Supplements, Vitamins or Minerals –– PL01.2 Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, Complementary or Traditional Medicines, not elsewhere classified –– PL01.Y Other specified complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use –– PL01.Z Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified – PL0Z Substances associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified PL10 Other health care related causes of injury or harm PL11 Mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical procedure – PL11.0 Cut, puncture or tear, as mode of injury or harm – PL11.1 Burn arising during procedure, as mode of injury or harm – PL11.2 Embolisation, as mode of injury or harm – PL11.3 Foreign body accidentally left in body, as mode of injury or harm – PL11.4 Failure of sterile precautions, as mode of injury or harm – PL11.5 Procedure undertaken at wrong site or wrong side, as mode of injury or harm – PL11.6 Pressure, as mode of injury or harm – PL11.Y Other specified mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical procedure – PL11.Z Unspecified mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical procedure –– PL11.20 Air embolism, as mode of injury –– PL11.2Y Other specified embolisation, as mode of injury or harm –– PL11.2Z Embolisation, as mode of injury or harm, unspecified PL12 Mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical device, implant or graft – PL12.0 Structural device failure, as mode of injury or harm – PL12.1 Functional device failure, as mode of injury or harm – PL12.2 Perforation or protrusion by device, as mode of injury or harm – PL12.3 Obstruction of device, as mode of injury or harm – PL12.4 Dislodgement, misconnection or de-attachment, as mode of injury or harm – PL12.5 Operator error, as mode of injury or harm – PL12.6 Combination or interaction of operator error and device failure, as mode of injury or harm – PL12.Y Other specified mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical device, implant or graft – PL12.Z Mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical device, implant or graft, unspecified PL13 Mode of injury or harm associated with exposure to a drug, medicament or biological substance – PL13.0 Overdose of substance, as mode of injury or harm – PL13.1 Underdosing, as mode of injury or harm – PL13.2 Drug-related injury or harm in the context of correct administration or dosage, as mode of injury or harm – PL13.3 Incorrect substance, as mode of injury or harm – PL13.5 Incorrect administration of drug or medicament, as mode of injury – PL13.6 Medication or substance that is known to be an allergen, as mode of injury or harm – PL13.7 Medication or substance that is known to be contraindicated for the patient, as mode of injury or harm – PL13.8 Expired or deteriorated medication or substance, as mode of injury or harm – PL13.9 Drug or substance interactions, as mode of injury or harm – PL13.A Inappropriate stoppage or discontinuation of drug, as mode of injury or harm – PL13.Y Other specified mode of injury or harm associated with exposure to a drug, medicament or biological substance – PL13.Z Mode of injury or harm associated with exposure to a drug, medicament or biological substance, unspecified –– PL13.50 Incorrect route of drug or medicament, as mode of injury –– PL13.51 Incorrect rate of drug or medicament, as mode of injury –– PL13.52 Incorrect timing of drug or medicament, as mode of injury –– PL13.53 Incorrect duration of drug or medicament, as mode of injury –– PL13.5Y Other specified incorrect administration of drug or medicament, as mode of injury –– PL13.5Z Incorrect administration of drug or medicament, as mode of injury, unspecified PL14 Mode of injury or harm associated with other health care related causes – PL14.0 Non-administration of necessary drug – PL14.1 Non provision of necessary procedure – PL14.2 Problem associated with physical transfer of patient – PL14.3 Mismatched blood used in transfusion – PL14.4 Other problem associated with transfusion – PL14.5 Problem associated with physical restraints – PL14.6 Problem associated with isolation protocol – PL14.7 Problem associated with clinical documentation – PL14.8 Problem associated with clinical software – PL14.9 Incorrect diagnosis – PL14.A Delayed diagnosis – PL14.B Delayed treatment – PL14.C Patient received diagnostic test or treatment intended for another patient – PL14.D Problem associated with transitions of care, hand offs, or handovers – PL14.E Fall in health care – PL14.Y Other specified aspects of care associated with injury or harm – PL14.Z Mode of injury or harm associated with other health care related causes, unspecified PL2Y Other specified external causes of morbidity or mortality PL2Z External causes of morbidity or mortality, unspecified
synonyms Pathological fracture pathological bone fracture Pathological fracture NOS spontaneous fracture spontaneous fracture with dislocation Pathological fracture, multiple sites Pathological fracture, shoulder region Pathological fracture, clavicle Pathological fracture, scapula Pathological fracture, acromioclavicular joint Pathological fracture, glenohumeral joint Pathological fracture, sternoclavicular joint Pathological fracture, upper arm Pathological fracture, humerus Pathological fracture, elbow joint Pathological fracture, forearm Pathological fracture, radius Pathological fracture, ulna Pathological fracture, wrist joint Pathological fracture, hand Pathological fracture, carpus Pathological fracture, fingers Pathological fracture, metacarpus Pathological fracture, pelvic region or thigh Pathological fracture, femur Pathological fracture, pelvis Pathological fracture, lower leg Pathological fracture, fibula Pathological fracture, tibia Pathological fracture, ankle or foot Pathological fracture, metatarsus Pathological fracture, tarsus Pathological fracture, toes Pathological fracture, head Pathological fracture, ribs Pathological fracture, skull Pathological fracture, vertebral column Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease of uncertain behaviour Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease of unknown behaviour
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