Coding experts Alicia and Laureen from CCO review the new 2025 ICD-10-CM code changes.
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DA92.0 Fistula of small intestine International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 A small intestinal fistula is defined as an abnormal communication between the small intestine and another epithelialized surface such as the skin or an adjacent loop of bowel.
inclusions Fistula of intestine, site unspecified exclusions code elsewhere postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA8UM1 Jejunum XA0QT6 Ileum Has manifestation - multiple selections are allowed [select] ME24 Clinical manifestations of the digestive system – ME24.0 Digestive system abscess – ME24.1 Digestive system fistula – ME24.2 Digestive system obstruction – ME24.3 Digestive system perforation – ME24.4 Digestive system stenosis – ME24.5 Digestive system ulcer – ME24.6 Digestive system dilatation – ME24.7 Digestive system incarceration – ME24.8 Digestive system strangulation or gangrene – ME24.9 Gastrointestinal bleeding – ME24.A Other digestive system haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified – ME24.Y Other specified clinical manifestations of the digestive system –– ME24.30 Perforation of small intestine –– ME24.31 Perforation of large intestine –– ME24.35 Perforation of gallbladder or bile ducts –– ME24.3Y Digestive system perforation of other specified site –– ME24.3Z Digestive system perforation of unspecified site –– ME24.90 Acute gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified –– ME24.91 Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified –– ME24.9Z Gastrointestinal bleeding, unspecified –– ME24.A0 Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding –– ME24.A1 Haemorrhage of anus and rectum –– ME24.A2 Oesophageal haemorrhage –– ME24.A3 Haematochezia –– ME24.A4 Melaena –– ME24.A5 Haematemesis –– ME24.A6 Positive occult blood in stool
synonyms Fistula of small intestine Fistula of intestine, site unspecified
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