Coding experts Alicia and Laureen from CCO review the new 2025 ICD-10-CM code changes.
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1A72.0 Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 This is a species of Gram-negative coffee bean-shaped diplococci bacteria responsible for the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhoea. This diagnosis is of the musculoskeletal system.
inclusions Gonococcal arthritis Gonococcal bursitis Gonococcal osteomyelitis Gonococcal synovitis Gonococcal tenosynovitis postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA6UV6 Inferior nasal conchae – XA3ZF8 Base of the fourth metacarpal bone XA9GZ6 Lacrimal bone XA88S1 Fifth metacarpal XA4319 Palatine bone – XA3Z46 Head of the fifth metacarpal bone XA14T2 Vomer bone – XA16Y6 Neck of the fifth metacarpal bone XA8N32 Zygomatic bone – XA92G8 Shaft of the fifth metacarpal bone XA51B7 Mandible – XA65Y7 Base of the fifth metacarpal bone – XA3B77 Alveolar border of body of mandible XA3PA7 Phalanx of the hand – XA0M61 Angle of mandible XA0HH1 Proximal phalanx of the hand – XA98M7 Condylar process of the mandible – XA25U2 Proximal phalanx of index finger –– XA7919 Subcondylar process of mandible – XA6ET0 Proximal phalanx of middle finger – XA24B3 Coronoid process of the mandible – XA9MR0 Proximal phalanx of ring finger – XA5969 Ramus of mandible – XA73Q6 Proximal phalanx of little finger – XA8JR9 Symphysis of mandible – XA0903 Proximal phalanx of thumb – XA0NC8 Inferior maxilla XA89G7 Middle phalanx of hand XA7VK5 Maxilla – XA3JL6 Middle phalanx of index finger XA8E16 Nasal bone – XA5910 Middle phalanx of middle finger XA88P5 Jaw, unspecified – XA8N14 Middle phalanx of ring finger XA6EQ1 Bones of middle ear – XA6HX0 Middle phalanx of little finger XA4D04 Incus XA7LS3 Distal phalanx of the hand XA5DS8 Malleus – XA54X0 Distal phalanx of index finger XA3WA4 Stapes – XA8NR0 Distal phalanx of middle finger XA5J55 Vertebral column – XA51S6 Distal phalanx of ring finger XA7MS2 Vertebra – XA32G6 Distal phalanx of little finger XA9ZW8 Cervical vertebra – XA70H5 Distal phalanx of thumb – XA2XE8 Atlas XA5D87 Bone of finger, not elsewhere classified –– XA0KQ4 Posterior arch of first cervical vertebra XA95Q5 Bone of thumb, not elsewhere classified –– XA1304 Lateral mass of first cervical vertebra XA2T04 Bones of the lower extremity – XA17N0 Axis XA6BA0 Femur –– XA5W02 Odontoid process XA96S5 Femoral head – XA2W05 Third cervical vertebra XA1673 Femoral neck –– XA51V4 Arch of third cervical vertebra XA32G0 Trochanter –– XA4UV1 Body of third cervical vertebra – XA1VJ3 Greater trochanter of femur –– XA8CG0 Processes of third cervical vertebra – XA9TD9 Lesser trochanter of femur – XA3RE9 Fourth cervical vertebra XA9JB2 Intertrochanteric crest of femur –– XA24X7 Arch of fourth cervical vertebra XA4AF2 Femoral shaft –– XA3GT0 Body of fourth cervical vertebra XA6UG0 Femoral condyle –– XA75V3 Processes of fourth cervical vertebra XA2BJ0 Femoral epiphysis – XA9C12 Fifth cervical vertebra XA00N4 Pertrochanter –– XA1PJ5 Arch of fifth cervical vertebra XA5EL8 Subtrochanteric line of femur –– XA1BS2 Body of fifth cervical vertebra XA4T36 Patella –– XA2FY7 Processes of fifth cervical vertebra XA44U1 Tibia – XA5S79 Sixth cervical vertebra XA5RE8 Tibial condyle –– XA8W16 Arch of sixth cervical vertebra – XA87A0 Lateral condyle of tibia –– XA9Q12 Body of sixth cervical vertebra – XA7Y69 Medial condyle of tibia –– XA60Z0 Processes of sixth cervical vertebra XA3DL5 Tibial tuberosity – XA34U8 Seventh cervical vertebra XA66B3 Tibial shaft –– XA05M5 Arch of seventh cervical vertebra XA2EN5 Tibial spine –– XA1JS3 Body of seventh cervical vertebra XA1HS9 Medial malleolus –– XA91D7 Processes of seventh cervical vertebra XA3450 Posterior malleolus XA6E88 Thoracic vertebra XA3KT5 Fibula – XA3F93 First thoracic vertebra XA0K77 Fibular head –– XA7UP5 Arch of first thoracic vertebra XA5G97 Fibular shaft –– XA8PH0 Body of first thoracic vertebra XA4UL1 Lateral malleolus –– XA1AX4 Processes of first thoracic vertebra XA7NN4 Tarsal bone – XA8QS0 Second thoracic vertebra XA5LU2 Calcaneus –– XA2VV9 Arch of second thoracic vertebra – XA57V1 Anterior process of calcaneus –– XA3Z42 Body of second thoracic vertebra – XA62P4 Tuberosity of calcaneus –– XA6T61 Processes of second thoracic vertebra XA1LF4 Talus – XA1Z15 Third thoracic vertebra – XA1N98 Dome of the talus –– XA2SM3 Arch of third thoracic vertebra – XA6L02 Neck of the talus –– XA35A0 Body of third thoracic vertebra – XA3MT9 Posterior process of the talus –– XA41U9 Processes of third thoracic vertebra XA84E6 Navicular bone – XA0C31 Fourth thoracic vertebra XA4J74 Medial cuneiform bone –– XA22W3 Arch of fourth thoracic vertebra XA4046 Intermediate cuneiform bone –– XA3J42 Body of fourth thoracic vertebra XA8462 Lateral cuneiform bone –– XA1WL4 Processes of fourth thoracic vertebra XA0LW4 Cuboid bone – XA3PH5 Fifth thoracic vertebra XA43L9 Bone of ankle –– XA28A7 Arch of fifth thoracic vertebra XA6UL8 Tarsal canal –– XA8W59 Body of fifth thoracic vertebra XA6VH2 Metatarsal bone –– XA0449 Processes of fifth thoracic vertebra XA39M2 Phalanx of the foot – XA45S2 Sixth thoracic vertebra XA6U96 Proximal phalanx of the toe –– XA29X2 Arch of sixth thoracic vertebra – XA8KC3 Proximal phalanx of great toe –– XA0YY2 Body of sixth thoracic vertebra – XA0AQ0 Proximal phalanx of second toe –– XA1R53 Processes of sixth thoracic vertebra – XA11P1 Proximal phalanx of third toe – XA59Y3 Seventh thoracic vertebra – XA8CX6 Proximal phalanx of fourth toe –– XA54G1 Arch of seventh thoracic vertebra – XA8PK1 Proximal phalanx of fifth toe –– XA62Y3 Body of seventh thoracic vertebra XA8539 Middle phalanx of toe –– XA1CQ7 Processes of seventh thoracic vertebra – XA1UN2 Middle phalanx of second toe – XA8NQ5 Eighth thoracic vertebra – XA9YP5 Middle phalanx of third toe –– XA3PL7 Arch of eighth thoracic vertebra – XA2SX4 Middle phalanx of fourth toe –– XA5JX9 Body of eighth thoracic vertebra – XA90F0 Middle phalanx of fifth toe –– XA1SD8 Processes of eighth thoracic vertebra XA4352 Distal phalanx of the toe – XA3E70 Ninth thoracic vertebra – XA2AC2 Distal phalanx of great toe –– XA9N69 Arch of ninth thoracic vertebra – XA3QM7 Distal phalanx of second toe –– XA2X21 Body of ninth thoracic vertebra – XA38Q1 Distal phalanx of third toe –– XA5SW1 Processes of ninth thoracic vertebra – XA8XV0 Distal phalanx of fourth toe – XA0AV7 Tenth thoracic vertebra – XA6ED4 Distal phalanx of fifth toe –– XA7LF7 Arch of tenth thoracic vertebra –– XA6VP6 Body of tenth thoracic vertebra –– XA7122 Processes of tenth thoracic vertebra – XA7T69 Eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA98R9 Arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA91J0 Body of eleventh thoracic vertebra –– XA92Q6 Processes of eleventh thoracic vertebra – XA69W5 Twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA15N3 Arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA1401 Body of twelfth thoracic vertebra –– XA2D62 Processes of twelfth thoracic vertebra XA0D60 Lumbar vertebra – XA3291 First lumbar vertebra –– XA8AX7 Arch of first lumbar vertebra –– XA9E61 Body of first lumbar vertebra –– XA4U01 Processes of first lumbar vertebra – XA2GH9 Second lumbar vertebra –– XA24M1 Arch of second lumbar vertebra –– XA5079 Body of second lumbar vertebra –– XA52T1 Processes of second lumbar vertebra – XA3N97 Third lumbar vertebra –– XA3G24 Arch of third lumbar vertebra –– XA0TL0 Body of third lumbar vertebra –– XA80X7 Processes of third lumbar vertebra – XA9A53 Fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA7CH7 Arch of fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA4145 Body of fourth lumbar vertebra –– XA38A4 Processes of fourth lumbar vertebra – XA9641 Fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA2JV2 Arch of fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA5886 Body of fifth lumbar vertebra –– XA4PS3 Processes of fifth lumbar vertebra XA14W3 Sacrum XA4V28 Coccyx XA02R1 Intervertebral disc or space XA8D30 Cervical discs or space – XA9Z06 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C1-C2 – XA18M2 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C2-C3 – XA94K2 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C3-C4 – XA3623 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C4-C5 – XA1X49 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C5-C6 – XA16L1 Cervical intervertebral disc or space C6-C7 – XA2SG0 Cervicothoracic disc or space C7-T1 XA1N54 Thoracic discs or space – XA4722 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T1-T2 – XA6KQ8 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T2-T3 – XA6CX2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T3-T4 – XA0NE8 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T4-T5 – XA7PD1 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T5-T6 – XA4TP2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T6-T7 – XA7117 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T7-T8 – XA9PW9 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T8-T9 – XA8E13 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T9-T10 – XA6HY9 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T10-T11 – XA5LG2 Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T11-T12 – XA97A4 Thoracolumbar intervertebral disc or space T12-L1 XA54S5 Lumbar discs or space – XA7RD5 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L1-L2 – XA8DG2 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L2-L3 – XA1F44 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L3-L4 – XA2N96 Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L4-L5 – XA54R2 Lumbosacral intervertebral disc or space L5-S1 XA2Y58 Intervertebral disc – XA8WM9 Nucleus pulposus – XA10M1 Annulus fibrosus XA5VB6 Bones of the thorax XA5TK7 Rib XA98Q1 First rib XA7XY2 Second rib XA2U21 Third rib XA4SQ6 Fourth rib XA31L8 Fifth rib XA63Z2 Sixth rib XA2WC3 Seventh rib XA9WQ3 Eighth rib XA31V8 Ninth rib XA54R4 Tenth rib XA3VH4 Eleventh rib XA6W52 Twelfth rib XA6NB3 Sternum XA3M45 Body of sternum XA0K13 Manubrium XA2RB7 Xiphoid XA4N47 Bones of the pelvis XA8Y23 Pelvis XA5FT5 Ilium – XA4743 Iliac crest XA5L47 Ischium XA82W3 Pubis – XA1XZ3 Superior pubic ramus – XA4VB9 Inferior pubic ramus XA6Z32 Acetabulum XA4TM1 Peripheral skeleton XA7R53 Bones of the upper extremity XA2AL0 Bones of the shoulder girdle XA6384 Clavicle – XA76N8 Sternal end of clavicle – XA4PT6 Shaft of the clavicle – XA09P2 Acromial end of clavicle XA53X6 Scapula – XA2HS8 Neck of the scapula – XA1216 Glenoid cavity of the scapula – XA2Y48 Coracoid process of the scapula – XA3664 Acromion XA2XL4 Humerus XA4VY5 Head of the humerus XA0XN0 Anatomical neck of the humerus XA6FR2 Surgical neck of the humerus XA7144 Greater tuberosity of the humerus XA72X2 Lesser tuberosity of the humerus XA4RN8 Shaft of the humerus XA3RE0 Condyle of the humerus – XA11M8 Capitulum of humerus – XA9LK4 Trochlea of humerus XA6EF8 Lateral epicondyle of the humerus XA4097 Medial epicondyle of the humerus XA3WG1 Radius XA2N25 Radial head XA0ZF7 Radial neck XA35U4 Shaft of radius XA6YE5 Radial groove XA3MH2 Styloid process of radius XA4X32 Lower end of radius not otherwise specified XA76U7 Upper end of radius not otherwise specified XA5007 Ulna XA0NS5 Coronoid process of the ulna XA0725 Lower end of ulna not otherwise specified XA5VA1 Olecranon process of the ulna XA8U33 Shaft of the ulna XA05C5 Styloid process of the ulna XA6SV9 Upper end of ulna not otherwise specified XA09H2 Carpal bones XA7480 Scaphoid bone – XA8E71 Distal pole of scaphoid – XA1GV4 Distal third of the scaphoid bone – XA3ZG5 Middle third of the scaphoid bone – XA5ZE5 Proximal third of the scaphoid bone XA30C8 Lunate bone XA4A64 Triquetrum bone XA8SZ6 Pisiform bone XA7XM2 Trapezium bone XA9DH2 Trapezoid bone XA06T2 Capitate bone XA8488 Hamate bone XA4S38 Axial skeleton – XA97A0 Hook of hamate XA4RY5 Bones of the head XA0GJ4 Carpal tunnel XA1RZ4 Cranial Bones XA22M5 Base of other carpal bone XA0E94 Base of the skull XA9640 Neck of other carpal bone XA2BH0 Calvarium XA5TX9 Shaft of other carpal bone XA0KU6 Cranial fossa XA3YX4 Metacarpal bone – XA7B66 Anterior fossa XA58X4 First metacarpal – XA8Y22 Middle fossa – XA12D2 Head of the first metacarpal bone – XA5U78 Posterior fossa – XA8J87 Neck of the first metacarpal bone XA2SR4 Ethmoid bone – XA5N95 Shaft of the first metacarpal bone XA6ZM9 Frontal bone – XA2P67 Base of the first metacarpal bone XA5JA2 Occipital bone XA5HE0 Second metacarpal – XA4RS9 Occipital condyle – XA93C5 Head of the second metacarpal bone – XA33W1 Occiput – XA8KU0 Neck of the second metacarpal bone XA2J87 Parietal bone – XA4RC8 Shaft of the second metacarpal bone XA63R0 Sphenoid bone – XA37V2 Base of the second metacarpal bone – XA9N34 Pituitary fossa XA7J93 Third metacarpal XA2P19 Temporal bone – XA6442 Head of the third metacarpal bone – XA1E15 Petrous bone – XA50H4 Neck of the third metacarpal bone – XA68N3 Mastoid – XA8BP2 Shaft of the third metacarpal bone XA8E69 Orbital bone – XA8NK6 Base of the third metacarpal bone – XA9XW3 Orbital roof XA9KB7 Fourth metacarpal – XA7MW9 Orbital floor – XA8X42 Head of the fourth metacarpal bone XA3Y16 Facial bones – XA9NT7 Neck of the fourth metacarpal bone XA5CQ0 Hyoid bone – XA4CP7 Shaft of the fourth metacarpal bone XA3VJ3 Pisometacarpal ligament XA0PY0 Radioulnar ligament – XA4396 Dorsal radioulnar ligament – XA2940 Volar radioulnar ligament XA3SZ9 Transverse metacarpal ligament XA3K32 Ulnocarpal ligament XA1PU7 Volar carpometacarpal ligament XA47N4 Volar intercarpal ligaments XA1LF5 Volar intermetacarpal ligament XA3VN5 Volar metacarpophalangeal ligament XA0492 Volar radiocarpal ligament XA5ST4 Joints and ligaments of the lower extremity XA7L41 Joints of lower extremity XA4XS4 Hip joint XA8RL1 Knee joint XA0LC4 Tibiofemoral joint XA0VJ4 Patellofemoral joint XA0LG3 Proximal tibiofibular joint XA8VV2 Semilunar cartilage XA27P3 Ankle joint XA8MM7 Talocrural joint XA2K81 Distal tibiofibular joint XA7SZ8 Subtalar joint XA22T0 Joint of the foot XA2YS1 Intertarsal joint – XA4JJ1 Calcaneocuboid joint – XA0WY5 Talocalcaneonavicular joint – XA6NT7 Cuneonavicular joint – XA1N77 Cuboideonavicular joint – XA9SD1 Intercuneiform joint – XA2FA3 Cuneocuboid joint XA2MY1 Tarsometatarsal joint XA6FF3 Intermetatarsal joint XA8XU1 Metatarsophalangeal joint – XA7NJ7 First metatarsophalangeal joint – XA58K5 Second metatarsophalangeal joint – XA2792 Third metatarsophalangeal joint – XA7QC6 Fourth metatarsophalangeal joint – XA5A23 Fifth metatarsophalangeal joint XA04T7 Interphalangeal joint of the foot – XA87P9 Interphalangeal joint of great toe – XA5573 Proximal interphalangeal joint of the foot –– XA56K9 Proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe –– XA2QY2 Proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe –– XA2R87 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe –– XA1LM0 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe – XA0RK3 Distal interphalangeal joint of the foot –– XA8UM5 Distal interphalangeal joint of second toe –– XA43F0 Distal interphalangeal joint of third toe –– XA8NU9 Distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe –– XA39U1 Distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe XA9Z55 Transverse tarsal joint XA7U26 Ligaments of the lower extremity XA1A66 Ligament of the hip XA1F23 Iliofemoral ligament XA6KC6 Iliotibial ligament XA6TZ6 Iliotrochanteric ligament XA5HX9 Ischiocapsular ligament XA13S4 Ligamentum teres femoris XA3GE8 Pubofemoral ligament XA9J44 Transverse acetabular ligament XA8P38 Ligament of the knee XA0ZC8 Anterior cruciate ligament XA04S7 Coronary ligament XA4YJ0 Fibular collateral ligament XA6HQ4 Lateral meniscus of knee joint XA87R6 Oblique popliteal ligament XA3772 Patellar ligament XA4635 Posterior cruciate ligament XA7LD2 Tibial collateral ligament XA71L7 Transverse ligament of the knee XA7LB6 Medial meniscus of knee joint XA2F70 Ligament of the ankle or foot XA93X1 Anterior inferior ligament XA84J2 Anterior talofibular ligament XA1259 Anterior tibiofibular ligament XA5EY2 Bifurcated ligament XA3154 Calcaneofibular ligament XA59Z4 Collateral ligament of the foot XA2314 Cuneometatarsal ligament XA9YS6 Deltoid ligament XA42X4 Dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament XA6Q67 Dorsal cuboideonavicular ligament XA3TS2 Dorsal intermetatarsal ligament XA8NU3 Dorsal naviculocuneiform ligament XA86X4 Dorsal talonavicular ligament XA9E13 Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligament XA2FV7 Inferior transverse ligament of ankle XA7948 Joints and ligaments of the head and neck XA16V1 Intercuneiform ligament XA6UT2 Joints of the head – XA7075 Dorsal intercuneiform ligament XA65F2 Atlantooccipital joint – XA5HQ7 Plantar intercuneiform ligament XA7EM1 Atlantoaxial joint XA4XJ2 Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament XA2SM2 Temporomandibular joint XA6NS2 Long plantar ligament XA1LE7 Ligaments of the head and neck XA59U6 Plantar accessory ligament XA68Z9 Anterior atlantoaxial ligament XA87B0 Plantar aponeurosis XA4XK9 Anterior atlantooccipital ligament XA4N86 Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament XA9F16 Anterior longitudinal ligament XA5KN3 Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament XA3K95 Apical odontoid ligament XA2NX5 Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament XA3XV5 Articular capsules XA18T4 Plantar intermetatarsal ligament XA3ZW3 Interarticular ligament XA1747 Plantar naviculocuneiform ligament XA9M15 Interspinal ligament XA71L9 Plantar tarsometatarsal ligament XA9NZ1 Intertransverse ligament XA2D55 Posterior inferior ligament XA5180 Intervertebral fibrocartilage ligament XA93E6 Posterior talofibular ligament XA97L7 Lateral atlantooccipital ligament XA6RA3 Posterior tibiofibular ligament XA72L3 Ligamenta flava XA6546 Talocalcaneal ligament XA6RG7 Ligamentum nuchae – XA93N5 Anterior talocalcaneal ligament XA3J99 Occipitoaxial ligament – XA4VX8 Lateral talocalcaneal ligament XA1CC5 Posterior atlantoaxial ligament – XA09E2 Medial talocalcaneal ligament XA80K5 Posterior atlantooccipital ligament – XA60T4 Posterior talocalcaneal ligament XA8E20 Posterior longitudinal ligament XA5BX0 Transverse metatarsal ligament XA4FR7 Sphenomandibular ligament XA2P74 Ligaments and joints of multiple sites XA4WM3 Stylomandibular ligament XA7WU3 Supraspinal ligament XA4EJ6 Multiple Joints XA4WJ7 Temporomandibular ligament XA1CK9 Oligoarticular XA8389 Transverse ligament of the atlas XA3FU7 Polyarticular XA33F9 Thyrohyoid ligament XA02P3 Multiple large joints only XA9XG3 Cricoarytenoid ligament XA2SK7 Multiple small joints only XA6B16 Cricopharyngeal ligament XA3BZ3 Both large and small joints XA3BV9 Cricotracheal ligament XA5X22 Large joints only with cervical spine or temporomandibular involvement XA3JR5 Hyoepiglottic ligament XA4BF0 Monoarticular XA4051 Cricothyroid ligament XA56S4 Thyroepiglottic ligament XA5XD5 Multiple ligaments XA4KB2 Vestibular ligament XA5NN2 Single ligament XA6928 Vocal ligament XA2EL4 Joints and ligaments of the thorax XA2NG8 Joints of the thorax XA83N6 Sternocostal joint XA30Q4 Costochondral joint XA0892 Costovertebral joint XA7AR2 Costotransverse joint XA0ZE4 Facet joint XA2UN9 Ligaments of the thorax XA70E9 Anterior costotransverse ligament XA0QM2 Anterior intersternal ligament XA8V32 Anterior ligament of the spine XA5G44 Costotransverse ligament XA2S05 Costoxiphoid ligament XA4356 Iliolumbar ligament XA70A1 Interarticular sternocostal ligament XA8D15 Interchondral ligament XA6ZD7 Ligament of the neck of the rib XA81P3 Ligament of the tubercle of the rib XA4A37 Posterior costotransverse ligament XA8B33 Lumbocostal ligament XA26A7 Posterior intersternal ligament XA8RC0 Radiate ligament XA43Z7 Radiate sternocostal ligament XA6KC7 Joints and ligaments of the pelvis and perineum XA1TL5 Joints of the pelvis XA5A04 Lumbosacral joint XA70B6 Sacrococcygeal joint XA3T32 Sacroiliac joint XA9TF3 Ligaments of the pelvis and perineum XA5S21 Anterior pubic ligament XA10C4 Anterior sacroiliac ligament XA9621 Arcuate pubic ligament XA0EJ9 Broad ligament of the uterus XA6VF6 Mesovarium XA9TX2 Parovarian region XA6CV1 Mesosalpinx XA3AN2 Mesometrium XA46Z2 Interarticular ligament of the pelvis XA02T6 Interosseous sacroiliac ligament XA1NT7 Ligamentum teres of the Liver XA92G5 Posterior pubic ligament XA6RS4 Posterior sacroiliac ligament XA69U0 Long posterior sacroiliac ligament XA9HV6 Short posterior sacroiliac ligament XA1UP6 Pubic symphysis XA23X3 Round ligament of uterus XA8GZ2 Sacrococcygeal ligament XA2MA4 Anterior sacrococcygeal ligament XA4B16 Lateral sacrococcygeal ligament XA2U92 Posterior sacrococcygeal ligament XA8J68 Sacrospinous ligament XA6396 Sacrotuberous ligament XA68K7 Superior pubic ligament XA4T57 Uterine ligament XA2NB2 Uterosacral ligament XA4XC0 Joints and ligaments of the upper extremity XA4U90 Joints of the upper extremity XA05J7 Shoulder joint XA49P8 Glenohumeral joint XA69U6 Acromioclavicular joint XA0CH1 Sternoclavicular joint XA69H4 Elbow joint XA3G42 Proximal radioulnar joint XA46J3 Humeroulnar joint XA53P1 Humeroradial joint XA64C3 Wrist joint XA78S6 Distal radioulnar joint XA0P38 Radiocarpal joint XA62V5 Joints of the hand XA3MB4 Carpal joint – XA0E90 Intercarpal joint – XA4AS7 Midcarpal joint – XA0JX0 Carpometacarpal joint XA9DN6 Intermetacarpal joint XA86T5 Metacarpophalangeal joint – XA3M83 First metacarpophalangeal joint – XA9YH1 Second metacarpophalangeal joint – XA6HB0 Third metacarpophalangeal joint – XA7XA8 Fourth metacarpophalangeal joint – XA7KA0 Fifth metacarpophalangeal joint XA9291 Interphalangeal joint of the hand – XA6L43 Interphalangeal joint of the thumb – XA1307 Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger –– XA1DN6 Proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger –– XA3NW6 Proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger –– XA0BF5 Proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger –– XA4175 Proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger – XA4U75 Distal interphalangeal joint of finger –– XA6KB0 Distal interphalangeal joint of index finger –– XA15C8 Distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger –– XA0LT5 Distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger –– XA1928 Distal interphalangeal joint of little finger XA4BC2 Ligaments of the upper extremity XA93X9 Ligament of the shoulder XA2H23 Acromioclavicular ligament – XA49Z7 Inferior acromioclavicular ligament – XA8RC9 Superior acromioclavicular ligament XA01C8 Anterior ligament of the shoulder XA2JQ3 Anterior sternoclavicular ligament XA8MA3 Coracoacromial ligament XA9WP5 Coracoclavicular ligament – XA4PU7 Conoid ligament – XA5SJ7 Trapezoid ligament XA5EW9 Coracohumeral ligament XA1PK9 Costoclavicular ligament XA8H81 Glenohumeral ligament XA5Z24 Glenoidal labrum ligament XA84L3 Interclavicular ligament XA3PT9 Posterior sternoclavicular ligament XA6EG3 Rotator cuff capsule XA6EE7 Spinoglenoid ligament XA5MU7 Suprascapular ligament XA9C92 Transverse humeral ligament XA5Y12 Ligament of the elbow XA0JJ8 Annular ligament XA4S76 Ligament of Struthers XA16Y4 Posterior ligament of elbow XA8B40 Quadrate ligament XA9WJ8 Radial collateral ligament XA9220 Ulnar collateral ligament XA6SA0 Interosseous membrane of forearm XA9Y28 Ligament of the wrist and hand XA9MY7 Collateral carpal ligament XA0K88 Collateral metacarpophalangeal ligament XA20K5 Dorsal carpometacarpal ligament XA0PE4 Dorsal intercarpal ligament XA0WZ1 Dorsal intermetacarpal ligament XA2PN5 Dorsal metacarpophalangeal ligament XA7Q52 Dorsal radiocarpal ligament XA52E8 Interosseous ligament XA10U4 Palmar aponeurosis XA1Z72 Pisohamate ligament XA8YS7 Elastic cartilage XA8VH7 Fibrous cartilage XA2686 Hyaline cartilage XA3NV3 Articular cartilage XA6958 Costal cartilage XA3YC6 Iliococcygeus muscle XA73H8 Ischiocavernosus muscle XA9T66 Levator ani-coccygeus muscle XA3HP4 Pubococcygeus muscle XA7MM8 Puborectalis muscle XA4RK4 Pubovaginalis muscle XA3ML6 Sphincter ani muscle XA8FT0 Sphincter urethrae muscle XA56U7 Superficial transverse perinei muscle XA4Z20 Muscles of the upper extremity XA90T3 Abductor digiti minimi muscle (hand) XA0Z05 Abductor pollicis brevis muscle XA7PS1 Abductor pollicis longus muscle XA54Z7 Adductor pollicis muscle XA2583 Anconeus muscle XA0GV5 Articularis cubiti muscle XA1KL5 Biceps brachii muscle XA0481 Long head of the biceps brachii muscle XA3J17 Short head of the biceps brachii muscle XA6CR7 Brachialis muscle XA2ZN1 Brachioradialis muscle XA0TQ5 Coracobrachialis muscle XA3VN0 Deltoid muscle XA4U40 Extensor carpi radialis brevis XA8824 Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle XA9304 Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle XA0T60 Extensor digiti minimi muscle (hand) XA7QU8 Extensor digitorum muscle (hand) XA1AV6 Extensor indicis muscle XA4V20 Extensor pollicis brevis muscle XA0CS4 Extensor pollicis longus muscle XA0S07 Flexor carpi radialis muscle XA4HV9 Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle XA3UK3 Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (hand) XA4Z43 Flexor digitorum profundus muscle XA1NW3 Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle XA5QD0 Flexor pollicis brevis muscle XA3GQ7 Flexor pollicis longus muscle XA6463 Interossei of the hand muscle XA2QW3 Dorsal interossei of the hand muscle XA5055 Palmar interossei of the hand muscle XA9B77 Lumbricals of hand muscle XA4RW9 Opponens digiti minimi muscle (hand) XA0Q73 Opponens pollicis muscle XA9KL5 Palmaris brevis muscle XA6P76 Palmaris longus muscle XA91W0 Pronator quadratus muscle XA58Z6 Pronator teres muscle XA3DL4 Rotator cuff muscle XA7E49 Infraspinatus muscle XA1QF1 Subscapularis muscle XA74P3 Supraspinatus muscle XA3CP1 Teres minor muscle XA90Z6 Supinator muscle XA2EB2 Triceps brachii muscle XA47J0 Muscles of the lower extremity XA0W07 Abductor digiti minimi muscle (foot) XA7119 Abductor hallucis muscle XA8GU7 Adductor brevis muscle XA0FW7 Adductor hallucis muscle XA01U3 Adductor longus muscle XA8HR3 Adductor magnus muscle XA0DE1 Articularis genu muscle XA3CB9 Biceps femoris muscle XA7FZ1 Extensor digitorum brevis muscle (foot) XA24U7 Extensor digitorum longus muscle (foot) XA3T27 Extensor hallucis brevis muscle XA7R67 Extensor hallucis longus muscle XA20W3 Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (foot) XA97C3 Flexor digitorum brevis muscle XA23Q3 Flexor digitorum longus muscle (foot) XA3MB7 Flexor hallucis brevis muscle XA7E33 Flexor hallucis longus muscle XA1PK6 Gastrocnemius muscle XA7PN8 Gemellus inferior muscle XA0472 Gemellus superior muscle XA1HH2 Gracilis muscle XA0200 Iliacus muscle XA15P6 Interossei - dorsal of foot muscle XA8TS8 Interossei - plantar of foot muscle XA7PN0 Lumbricals of foot muscle XA7Y24 Obturator externus muscle XA11E8 Obturator internus muscle XA9E00 Pectineus muscle XA26M7 Peroneus brevis muscle XA3P60 Peroneus longus muscle XA9D52 Peroneus tertius muscle XA7XS8 Piriformis muscle XA7W96 Plantaris muscle XA8CL8 Popliteus muscle XA41G3 Quadratus plantae muscle XA1BT5 Quadriceps femoris muscle XA5447 Rectus femoris muscle XA5CE3 Sartorius muscle XA5AM5 Semimembranosus muscle XA2EK1 Semitendinosus muscle XA5B83 Soleus muscle XA02U9 Tibialis anterior muscle XA3VR3 Tibialis posterior muscle XA33F6 Vastus intermedius muscle XA00Z6 Vastus lateralis muscle XA9RD2 Vastus medialis muscle XA48F2 Gluteus maximus muscle XA5VJ8 Gluteus medius muscle XA7BY4 Gluteus minimus muscle XA11U3 Tensor fasciae lata muscle XA2JQ8 Muscles of the head and neck XA2SJ6 Alaeque nasi muscle XA2QF2 Anterior auricularis muscle XA3SS4 Aryepiglotticus muscle XA8GG0 Buccinator muscle XA0UH6 Constrictor of pharynx - inferior muscle XA3S80 Constrictor of pharynx - middle muscle XA9568 Constrictor of pharynx - superior muscle XA01U4 Corrugator supercilii muscle XA7W64 Cricothyroid muscle XA04G0 Depressor anguli oris muscle XA60C8 Depressor labii inferioris muscle XA2967 Digastric muscle XA09D1 Frontalis muscle XA50R5 Genioglossus muscle XA5YU7 Geniohyoid muscle XA5DX5 Hyoglossus muscle XA3PY5 Hyoid muscle XA4N79 Inferior oblique muscle XA1X67 Inferior rectus muscle XA31C3 Intrinsic muscles of tongue XA5WQ9 Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle XA8ZB7 Lateral pterygoid muscle XA3282 Lateral rectus muscle XA75X0 Levator anguli oris muscle XA1490 Levator labii superioris muscle XA2R46 Levator palpebrae superioris muscle XA5LP4 Levator veli palatini muscle XA6YE6 Longus capitis muscle XA8EM8 Longus colli muscle XA2VD8 Masseter muscle XA2DX4 Medial pterygoid muscle XA95N1 Medial rectus muscle XA0U25 Mentalis muscle XA8AR7 Musculus uvulae muscle XA83A9 Mylohyoid muscle XA0Y41 Nasalis muscle XA59J0 Oblique arytenoid muscle XA8L72 Oblique auricularis muscle XA6LS5 Obliquus capitis inferior muscle XA0X13 Obliquus capitis superior muscle XA4RN7 Omohyoid muscle XA0ZM1 Orbicularis oculi muscle XA55R2 Orbicularis oris muscle XA2U72 Palatoglossus muscle XA1PG4 Palatopharyngeus muscle XA17T6 Platysma muscle XA8C48 Posterior auricularis muscle XA9RS8 Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle XA6648 Procerus muscle XA16A4 Rectus capitis anterior muscle XA0JK2 Rectus capitis lateralis muscle XA20Q8 Rectus capitis posterior major muscle XA80F2 Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle XA49A7 Risorius muscle XA81P5 Salpingopharyngeus muscle XA0JF1 Scalenus anterior muscle XA6S71 Scalenus medius muscle XA3TF5 Scalenus minimus muscle XA35K5 Scalenus posterior muscle XA58T9 Splenius capitis muscle XA6095 Splenius cervicis muscle XA8D61 Stapedius muscle XA2H61 Sternocleidomastoid muscle XA5QR5 Sternohyoid muscle XA9H91 Sternothyroid muscle XA5L15 Styloglossus muscle XA1TY3 Stylohyoid muscle XA9AM5 Stylopharyngeus muscle XA8SW4 Superior auricularis muscle XA2X27 Superior oblique muscle XA51R1 Superior rectus muscle XA01H9 Temporalis muscle XA1CQ1 Temporoparietalis muscle XA42R7 Tensor tympani muscle XA7LF2 Tensor veli palatini muscle XA8352 Thyroarytenoid muscle XA2ZL4 Thyroepiglotticus muscle XA87S0 Thyrohyoid muscle XA3856 Transverse arytenoid muscle XA9AU8 Transverse auricularis muscle XA0M12 Vocalis muscle XA37U4 Zygomaticus major muscle XA2AP2 Zygomaticus minor muscle XA19W0 Muscle of the thorax XA2JL0 Diaphragm XA6RW0 External intercostal muscle XA3P12 Innermost intercostal muscle XA1256 Internal intercostal muscle XA7NL0 Levator costarum muscle XA1QH6 Pectoralis major muscle XA0SB2 Pectoralis minor muscle XA7QL8 Serratus anterior muscle XA44Y8 Subcostalis muscle XA3G64 Transversus thoracis muscle XA8PG5 Muscle of the abdomen XA3TW8 External oblique abdominis muscle XA9B36 Internal oblique abdominis muscle XA43E9 Psoas major muscle XA7DA1 Psoas minor muscle XA6AY9 Pyramidalis muscle XA1GP3 Quadratus lumborum muscle XA1N65 Rectus abdominis muscle XA9FR3 Transversus abdominis muscle XA8Z76 Muscle of the back XA19S9 Iliocostalis muscle XA8YU1 Interspinales muscle XA02Z7 Intertransversarii muscle XA9AG9 Latissimus dorsi muscle XA00C1 Levator scapulae muscle XA6MB7 Longissimus muscle XA8512 Multifidus muscle XA25S1 Rhomboid major muscle XA5GH5 Rhomboid minor muscle XA76Q0 Rotatores muscle XA60Q0 Semispinalis muscle XA4A47 Serratus posterior inferior muscle XA15B6 Serratus posterior superior muscle XA0U57 Spinalis muscle XA7RM2 Teres major muscle XA86Q8 Trapezius muscle XA2J71 Muscles of the pelvis and perineum XA2E07 Bulbospongiosus muscle XA5FZ1 Cremaster muscle XA8HG2 Dartos muscle XA2LG6 Deep transverse perinei muscle XA8H50 Flexor carpi radialis tendon XA5CE2 Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon XA23D8 Flexor digiti minimi tendon XA0GQ6 Flexor digitorum profundus tendon XA9526 Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon XA9Q34 Flexor digitorum tendon XA1Q82 Flexor pollicis brevis tendon XA92F7 Flexor pollicis longus tendon XA5YQ2 Flexor tendon XA4M25 Interossei tendon XA1X89 Levator scapulae tendon XA8TQ1 Lumbrical tendon XA9KM7 Opponens digiti minimi tendon XA3W45 Opponens pollicis tendon XA82E6 Palmar interosseous tendon XA7B73 Palmaris brevis tendon XA41L1 Palmaris longus tendon XA41Z5 Pronator quadratus tendon XA7EK5 Pronator teres tendon XA7V30 Subclavius tendon XA54N6 Subscapularis tendon XA5EJ6 Supinator tendon XA5VZ4 Supraspinatus tendon XA5RS6 Triceps brachii tendon XA5L93 Tendons of the lower extremity XA5ZK0 Abductor digiti minimi (foot) tendon XA14Z8 Abductor hallucis tendon XA8BK1 Achilles tendon XA4HF0 Adductor brevis tendon XA8B14 Adductor hallucis tendon XA1TK8 Adductor longus tendon XA8746 Adductor magnus tendon XA9381 Anterior ligament of the lower extremity XA7MT0 Articularis genu tendon XA1MF8 Biceps femoris tendon XA86H9 Dorsal interossei of foot tendon XA6230 Extensor digitorum brevis (foot) tendon XA1ZF4 Extensor digitorum longus (foot) tendon XA4NZ0 Extensor hallucis brevis tendon XA5L26 Extensor hallucis longus tendon XA8X38 Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot) tendon XA8GD0 Flexor digitorum brevis tendon XA3MK8 Flexor digitorum longus (foot) tendon XA00Z8 Flexor hallucis brevis tendon XA1MF0 Flexor hallucis longus tendon XA5LZ0 Gastrocnemius tendon XA2HX4 Gemellus inferior tendon XA5M18 Gemellus superior tendon XA1JL3 Gluteus maximus tendon XA1387 Gluteus medius tendon XA4HK9 Gluteus minimus tendon XA12U3 Gracilis tendon XA8FT1 Iliacus tendon XA5DE3 Lumbrical of foot tendon XA3EE9 Obturator externus tendon XA2469 Obturator internus tendon XA07E4 Pectineus tendon XA3AN0 Peroneus brevis tendon XA7VY0 Peroneus longus tendon XA3D16 Peroneus tertius tendon XA3EU4 Piriformis tendon XA7L19 Plantar interossei of foot tendon XA6BZ6 Plantaris tendon XA4V24 Popliteus tendon XA1L44 Quadratus plantae tendon XA9420 Quadriceps femoris tendon XA4ZG0 Rectus femoris tendon XA0981 Sartorius tendon XA4AL5 Semimembranosus tendon XA7DY9 Semitendinosus tendon XA7E05 Soleus tendon XA33Q1 Tensor fasciae lata tendon XA8SN1 Tibialis anterior tendon XA7FR7 Tibialis posterior tendon XA8ST5 Vastus intermedius tendon XA8CQ5 Vastus lateralis tendon XA6RK3 Vastus medialis tendon XA2C51 Enthesis XA3PP9 Tendons of the head and neck XA46A9 Alaeque nasi tendon XA6J99 Aryepiglotticus tendon XA8XC7 Auricularis tendon XA3163 Buccinator tendon XA6L11 Corrugator supercilii tendon XA01X1 Cricothyroid tendon XA28X5 Depressor anguli oris tendon XA6WZ3 Depressor labii inferioris tendon XA5S69 Digastric tendon XA5CP4 Frontalis tendon XA6BT8 Genioglossus tendon XA9L90 Geniohyoid tendon XA8N10 Hyoglossus tendon XA7EE6 Hyoid tendon XA3ZA2 Inferior oblique tendon XA7HT8 Inferior rectus tendon XA1394 Lateral cricoarytenoid tendon XA6PK4 Lateral pterygoid tendon XA3LT8 Lateral rectus tendon XA7653 Levator anguli oris tendon XA0YK7 Levator labii superioris tendon XA61C9 Levator palpebrae superioris tendon XA7VD7 Levator veli palatini tendon XA1FR7 Longus capitis tendon XA0UD3 Longus colli tendon XA1FB3 Masseter tendon XA8F95 Medial pterygoid tendon XA6SG3 Medial rectus tendon XA7JW2 Mentalis tendon XA7ZZ8 Mylohyoid tendon XA7NU6 Nasalis tendon XA5Q22 Oblique arytenoid tendon XA8AT8 Obliquus capitis inferior tendon XA39M0 Obliquus capitis superior tendon XA2JY6 Omohyoid tendon XA65X4 Orbicularis oculi tendon XA0W74 Orbicularis oris tendon XA6SX4 Palatoglossus tendon XA6LA2 Palatopharyngeus tendon XA4758 Platysma tendon XA0AE2 Posterior cricoarytenoid ligament XA5HD8 Procerus tendon XA8CQ6 Rectus capitis anterior tendon XA4RG2 Rectus capitis lateralis tendon XA6WL6 Rectus capitis posterior major tendon XA1XH8 Rectus capitis posterior minor tendon XA9450 Risorius tendon XA0SH8 Salpingopharyngeus tendon XA3XC1 Scalene tendon XA45L1 scalenus anterior tendon XA7XV7 scalenus medius tendon XA7NL5 scalenus minimus tendon XA9HH7 scalenus posterior tendon XA39C9 Splenius capitis tendon XA2HL1 Splenius cervicis tendon XA8W69 Stapedius tendon XA70V9 Sternocleidomastoid tendon XA6S11 Sternohyoid tendon XA4VX2 Sternothyroid tendon XA90J0 Styloglossus tendon XA20E0 Stylohyoid tendon XA7GV2 Stylopharyngeus tendon XA5ES8 Superior oblique tendon XA3ZN4 Superior rectus tendon XA7D16 Temporalis tendon XA8BT2 Temporoparietalis tendon XA5956 Tensor tympani tendon XA2W44 Tensor veli palatini tendon XA4ME3 Thyroarytenoid tendon XA0CT5 Thyroepiglotticus tendon XA9YC3 Transverse arytenoid tendon XA4CN7 Vocalis tendon XA0XQ7 Zygomaticus major tendon XA0SZ1 Zygomaticus minor tendon XA3SA1 Tendons of the thorax XA01T0 Chordae tendineae XA9N29 Diaphragm tendon XA5WL5 Intercostals external tendon XA8FV0 Intercostals innermost tendon XA92E2 Intercostals internal tendon XA5R18 Levatores costarum tendon XA3C70 Pectoralis major tendon XA40K0 Pectoralis minor tendon XA91D0 Serratus anterior tendon XA7J14 Serratus posterior inferior tendon XA0MH0 Serratus posterior superior tendon XA8WS6 Subcostalis tendon XA3XC9 Tendon of Todaro XA1HX3 Transversus thoracis tendon XA4797 Tendons of the abdomen XA0101 External oblique abdominis tendon XA45G1 Internal oblique abdominis tendon XA3045 Psoas major tendon XA7V41 Psoas minor tendon XA49W5 Pyramidalis tendon XA34K5 Quadratus lumborum tendon XA1HT1 Rectus abdominis tendon XA0V25 Transversus abdominis tendon XA9Z26 Tendons of the back XA48X7 Iliocostalis tendon XA2MX3 Infraspinatus tendon XA2E69 Interspinales tendon XA8UU5 Intertransversarii tendon XA8467 Latissimus dorsi tendon XA3TD7 Longissimus tendon XA33T4 Multifidus tendon XA3P63 Rhomboid major tendon XA8918 Rhomboid minor tendon XA16J2 Rotatores tendon XA3D42 Semispinalis tendon XA28J9 Spinalis tendon XA09K4 Teres major tendon XA42P8 Teres minor tendon XA9PV0 Trapezius tendon XA1SN1 Tendons of the pelvis and perineum XA15H4 Bulbospongiosus tendon XA45X9 Coccygeus tendon XA4755 Cremaster tendon XA2BV5 Dartos tendon XA2TD5 Deep transverse perinei tendon XA6QW7 Iliococcygeus tendon XA7YP5 Ischiocavernosus tendon XA5JV1 Pubococcygeus tendon XA66F5 Puborectalis tendon XA32R3 Pubovaginalis tendon XA0WU6 Tendons of the upper extremity XA5AY5 Abductor digiti minimi tendon XA7YE1 Abductor pollicis brevis tendon XA0UY5 Abductor pollicis longus tendon XA9749 Adductor pollicis tendon XA4HK3 Anconeus tendon XA8AM4 Biceps brachii tendon XA2UD9 Long head of biceps brachii tendon XA0FB1 Short head of biceps brachii tendon XA9G06 Brachialis tendon XA3YY6 Brachioradialis tendon XA83R8 Coracobrachialis tendon XA0942 Deltoid tendon XA24P4 Dorsal Interosseous tendon XA18F0 Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon XA1T90 Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon XA4PY2 Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon XA4WU2 Extensor digiti minimi tendon XA5H06 Extensor digitorum tendon XA4EE2 Extensor indicis tendon XA5KN6 Extensor pollicis brevis tendon XA4CG6 Extensor pollicis longus tendon XA8U10 Extensor tendon XA16K5 Bursa XA12U7 Bursa olecrani XA7P88 Bursa praepatellaris Has manifestation - multiple selections are allowed [select] FA10.0 Bacterial infection of joint FB50.0 Infectious bursitis FB84 Osteomyelitis or osteitis FB84.0 Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis FB84.1 Other acute osteomyelitis FB84.2 Subacute osteomyelitis FB84.3 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis FB84.4 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus FB84.5 Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis FB84.Y Other specified osteomyelitis or osteitis FB84.Z Osteomyelitis or osteitis, unspecified Associated with - multiple selections are allowed [select] MG50.6 Antibiotic resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae – MG50.60 Third generation cephalosporin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae – MG50.61 Macrolide resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae – MG50.62 Aminocyclitol resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae – MG50.63 Fluoroquinolone resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae – MG50.64 Aminoglycoside resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae – MG50.6Y Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant to other antibiotic – MG50.6Z Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant to unspecified antibiotic
synonyms Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system Infection of the musculoskeletal system due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae Gonococcal infection of joint gonococcal infection of joint NOS Gonococcal arthritis Acute gonococcal arthritis Blennorrhagic arthritis Gonococcal bursitis gonococcal bursitis, site unspecified Gonococcal bursitis, multiple sites Gonococcal bursitis, shoulder region Gonococcal bursitis, clavicle Gonococcal bursitis, scapula Gonococcal bursitis, acromioclavicular joint Gonococcal bursitis, glenohumeral joint Gonococcal bursitis, sternoclavicular joint Gonococcal bursitis, upper arm Gonococcal bursitis, humerus Gonococcal bursitis, elbow joint Gonococcal bursitis, forearm Gonococcal bursitis, radius Gonococcal bursitis, ulna Gonococcal bursitis, wrist joint Gonococcal bursitis, hand Gonococcal bursitis, carpus Gonococcal bursitis, fingers Gonococcal bursitis, metacarpus Gonococcal bursitis, pelvic region or thigh Gonococcal bursitis, buttock Gonococcal bursitis, femur Gonococcal bursitis, pelvis Gonococcal bursitis, hip joint Gonococcal bursitis, sacroiliac joint Gonococcal bursitis, lower leg Gonococcal bursitis, fibula Gonococcal bursitis, knee joint Gonococcal bursitis, tibia Gonococcal bursitis, ankle or foot Gonococcal bursitis, metatarsus Gonococcal bursitis, tarsus Gonococcal bursitis, toes Gonococcal bursitis, ankle joint Gonococcal bursitis, other joints in foot Gonococcal bursitis, head Gonococcal bursitis, neck Gonococcal bursitis, ribs Gonococcal bursitis, skull Gonococcal bursitis, trunk Gonococcal bursitis, vertebral column Gonococcal osteomyelitis Gonococcal synovitis Gonococcal tenosynovitis Gonococcal rheumatism Gonococcal spondylitis
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