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JB64.1 Other diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs or certain disorders involving the immune mechanism complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 Any disease affecting pregnant females, characterised by pathological changes to the blood and blood-forming organs and pathological changes involving the immune mechanism that complicate pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium not classified elsewhere.
exclusions coding note This category includes conditions which complicate the pregnant state, are aggravated by the pregnancy or are a main reason for obstetric care but no specific category exists in this chapter.
postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Associated with - multiple selections are allowed [select] 3A00 Iron deficiency anaemia – 3A00.0 Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to blood loss – 3A00.1 Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to low intake – 3A00.2 Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to decreased absorption – 3A00.3 Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to increased requirement – 3A00.Y Other specified iron deficiency anaemia – 3A00.Z Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified –– 3A00.01 Chronic posthaemorrhagic anaemia –– 3A00.0Z Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to blood loss, unspecified 3A01 Megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency – 3A01.0 Hereditary vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia – 3A01.1 Neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia – 3A01.2 Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to low intake – 3A01.3 Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency – 3A01.4 Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intestinal disease – 3A01.5 Drug-induced vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia – 3A01.Y Other specified megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency – 3A01.Z Megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, unspecified –– 3A01.30 Pernicious anaemia –– 3A01.3Y Other specified vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency 3A02 Folate deficiency anaemia – 3A02.0 Hereditary folate deficiency anaemia – 3A02.1 Folate deficiency anaemia due to low intake – 3A02.2 Folate deficiency anaemia due to increased requirements – 3A02.3 Folate deficiency anaemia due to decreased intestinal absorption – 3A02.4 Drug-induced folate deficiency anaemia – 3A02.Y Other specified folate deficiency anaemia – 3A02.Z Folate deficiency anaemia, unspecified 3A03 Other nutritional or metabolic anaemias – 3A03.0 Hereditary orotic aciduria – 3A03.1 Protein deficiency anaemia – 3A03.2 Scorbutic anaemia – 3A03.3 Copper deficiency anaemia – 3A03.4 Acquired other vitamin B deficiency anaemia – 3A03.5 Acquired vitamin A deficiency anaemia – 3A03.6 Acquired vitamin E deficiency anaemia – 3A03.Y Other and unspecified nutritional or metabolic anaemia –– 3A03.40 Acquired pyridoxine deficiency anaemia –– 3A03.41 Acquired riboflavin deficiency anaemia –– 3A03.42 Acquired thiamine deficiency anaemia –– 3A03.4Y Other specified acquired other vitamin B deficiency anaemia – 3A10 Hereditary haemolytic anaemia –– 3A10.0 Haemolytic anaemias due to hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism anomalies –– 3A10.1 Haemolytic anaemia due to adenosine deaminase excess –– 3A10.2 Hereditary elliptocytosis –– 3A10.3 Familial pseudohyperkalaemia –– 3A10.Y Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemia –– 3A10.Z Hereditary haemolytic anaemia, unspecified ––– 3A10.00 Haemolytic anaemia due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency ––– 3A10.0Y Other specified haemolytic anaemias due to hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism anomalies ––– 3A10.0Z Haemolytic anaemias due to hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism anomalies, unspecified – 3A1Y Other specified congenital haemolytic anaemia – 3A20 Acquired haemolytic anaemia, immune –– 3A20.0 Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, warm type –– 3A20.1 Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, cold type –– 3A20.2 Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, mixed type, cold and warm –– 3A20.3 Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria –– 3A20.4 Alloimmune haemolytic anaemia –– 3A20.5 Evans syndrome –– 3A20.Y Other specified acquired haemolytic anaemia, immune – 3A21 Acquired haemolytic anaemia, non-immune –– 3A21.0 Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria –– 3A21.1 Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia –– 3A21.2 Haemolytic uraemic syndrome –– 3A21.Y Other specified acquired haemolytic anaemia, non-immune – 3A2Z Acquired haemolytic anaemia, unspecified 3A4Z Haemolytic anaemias, unspecified 3A50 Thalassaemias 3A50.0 Alpha thalassaemia 3A50.1 Alpha thalassaemia related syndromes 3A50.2 Beta thalassaemia 3A50.3 Delta, delta-beta or gamma-delta-beta thalassaemia 3A50.4 Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin 3A50.Y Other specified thalassaemias 3A50.Z Thalassaemias, unspecified – 3A50.00 Mild alpha thalassaemia diseases – 3A50.01 Thalassaemic alpha-chain variants – 3A50.02 Haemoglobin H disease (– α/– – included) – 3A50.03 Homozygous or compound heterozygous alpha0 thalassaemia – 3A50.0Y Other specified alpha thalassaemia – 3A50.0Z Alpha thalassaemia, unspecified 3A51 Sickle cell disorders or other haemoglobinopathies 3A51.0 Sickle cell trait 3A51.1 Sickle cell disease without crisis 3A51.2 Sickle cell disease with crisis 3A51.3 Compound heterozygous sickling disorders without crisis 3A51.4 Compound heterozygous sickling disorders with crisis 3A51.5 Haemoglobin C disease 3A51.6 Haemoglobin D disease 3A51.7 High affinity haemoglobin 3A51.8 Low affinity haemoglobin 3A51.9 Haemoglobin O disease 3A51.A Haemoglobin E disease 3A51.B Haemoglobin C/beta thalassaemia compound heterozygosity 3A51.Y Other specified sickle cell disorders or other haemoglobinopathies 3A51.Z Sickle cell disorders or other haemoglobinopathies, unspecified 3A60 Congenital pure red cell aplasia – 3A60.0 Congenital non-inherited pure red cell aplasia – 3A60.1 Hereditary pure red cell aplasia – 3A60.Z Congenital pure red cell aplasia, unspecified 3A61 Acquired pure red cell aplasia – 3A61.0 Acute acquired pure red cell aplasia – 3A61.1 Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia – 3A61.Y Other specified acquired pure red cell aplasia – 3A61.Z Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified 3A6Z Pure red cell aplasia, unspecified 3A70 Aplastic anaemia 3A70.0 Congenital aplastic anaemia 3A70.1 Acquired aplastic anaemias 3A70.Z Aplastic anaemia, unspecified – 3A70.10 Drug-induced aplastic anaemia – 3A70.11 Aplastic anaemia due to other external agents – 3A70.12 Idiopathic aplastic anaemia – 3A70.1Y Other specified acquired aplastic anaemias – 3A70.1Z Acquired aplastic anaemias, unspecified 3A71 Anaemia due to chronic disease 3A71.0 Anaemia in neoplastic disease 3A71.1 Anaemia in chronic infectious diseases 3A71.2 Anaemia in chronic kidney disease 3A71.Y Anaemia due to other specified chronic disease 3A71.Z Anaemia due to chronic disease, unspecified 3A72 Sideroblastic anaemia 3A72.0 Congenital sideroblastic anaemias 3A72.1 Acquired sideroblastic anaemias 3A72.Z Sideroblastic anaemia, unspecified – 3A72.00 Hereditary sideroblastic anaemias – 3A72.01 Hereditary syndromic sideroblastic anaemia – 3A72.0Y Other specified congenital sideroblastic anaemias – 3A72.0Z Congenital sideroblastic anaemias, unspecified 3A73 Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia 3A80 Congenital polycythaemia – 3A80.0 Primary inherited erythrocytosis – 3A80.Y Other specified congenital polycythaemia – 3A80.Z Congenital polycythaemia, unspecified 3A81 Acquired polycythaemia – 3A81.0 Polycythaemia due to hypoxia, including high altitude – 3A81.1 Polycythaemia due to over-transfusion or blood doping – 3A81.2 Relative polycythaemia – 3A81.Y Other specified acquired polycythaemia – 3A81.Z Acquired polycythaemia, unspecified 3A8Z Polycythaemia, unspecified 3A90 Anaemia due to acute disease 3A91 Congenital methaemoglobinaemia 3A92 Hereditary methaemoglobinaemia 3A93 Acquired methaemoglobinaemia 3A94 Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia 3A9Y Other specified anaemias or erythrocyte disorders 3A9Z Anaemias or other erythrocyte disorders, unspecified – 3B10 Hereditary factor VIII deficiency –– 3B10.0 Haemophilia A –– 3B10.1 Hereditary factor VIII deficiency with anti-factor VIII inhibitor –– 3B10.Y Other specified hereditary factor VIII deficiency –– 3B10.Z Hereditary factor VIII deficiency, unspecified – 3B11 Hereditary factor IX deficiency –– 3B11.0 Haemophilia B –– 3B11.Y Other specified hereditary factor IX deficiency –– 3B11.Z Hereditary factor IX deficiency, unspecified – 3B12 Von Willebrand disease – 3B13 Haemophilia C – 3B14 Other inherited coagulation factor deficiency with bleeding tendency –– 3B14.0 Hereditary deficiency of factor I –– 3B14.1 Hereditary factor X deficiency –– 3B14.2 Combined deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors –– 3B14.Z Other inherited coagulation factor deficiency with bleeding tendency, unspecified – 3B15 Inherited coagulation factor deficiency without bleeding tendency – 3B1Z Congenital or constitutional haemorrhagic condition, unspecified – 3B20 Disseminated intravascular coagulation – 3B21 Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants and coagulation factors –– 3B21.0 Haemorrhage due to thrombin inhibitor other than heparin –– 3B21.1 Haemorrhage due to factor Xa inhibitor –– 3B21.Y Haemorrhagic disorder due to other specified circulating anticoagulants –– 3B21.Z Haemorrhagic disorder due to unspecified circulating anticoagulants – 3B22 Acquired haemophilia – 3B2Y Other specified haemorrhagic diseases due to acquired coagulation factor defects 3B4Z Coagulation defects, unspecified 3B50 Inherited fibrinolytic defects – 3B50.0 Congenital alpha-2 antiplasmin deficiency – 3B50.1 Congenital plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 deficiency – 3B50.Y Other specified inherited fibrinolytic defects – 3B50.Z Inherited fibrinolytic defects, unspecified 3B51 Acquired fibrinolytic defects 3B60 Non-thrombocytopenic purpura 3B60.0 Hereditary vascular purpura 3B60.1 Acquired vascular purpura 3B61 Thrombophilia 3B61.0 Hereditary thrombophilia 3B61.1 Acquired thrombophilia 3B61.Y Other specified thrombophilia 3B61.Z Thrombophilia, unspecified – 3B61.00 Hyperhomocysteinaemia – 3B61.0Y Other specified hereditary thrombophilia – 3B61.0Z Hereditary thrombophilia, unspecified 3B62 Qualitative platelet defects 3B62.0 Inherited qualitative platelet defects 3B62.1 Bleeding diathesis due to thromboxane synthesis deficiency 3B62.2 Isolated thrombocytopenia 3B62.3 Dense granule disease 3B62.4 Alpha-delta dense granule deficiency 3B62.5 Haemophagocytic syndrome associated with infection 3B62.Y Other specified qualitative platelet defects 3B62.Z Qualitative platelet defects, unspecified – 3B62.00 Alpha-granule diseases – 3B62.01 Inherited giant platelet disorder – 3B62.0Y Other specified inherited qualitative platelet defects – 3B62.0Z Inherited qualitative platelet defects, unspecified 3B63 Thrombocytosis 3B63.0 Congenital thrombocytosis 3B63.1 Acquired thrombocytosis 3B63.Y Other specified thrombocytosis 3B63.Z Thrombocytosis, unspecified – 3B63.10 Secondary thrombocytosis – 3B63.1Y Other specified acquired thrombocytosis – 3B63.1Z Acquired thrombocytosis, unspecified 3B64 Thrombocytopenia 3B64.0 Congenital thrombocytopenia 3B64.1 Acquired thrombocytopenia 3B64.Z Thrombocytopenia, unspecified – 3B64.00 Congenital non-inherited thrombocytopenia – 3B64.01 Hereditary thrombocytopenia – 3B64.0Z Congenital thrombocytopenia, unspecified – 3B64.10 Immune thrombocytopenic purpura – 3B64.11 Secondary thrombocytopenic purpura – 3B64.12 Drug-induced thrombocytopenic purpura – 3B64.13 Alloimmune thrombocytopenia – 3B64.14 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura – 3B64.1Y Other specified acquired thrombocytopenia 3B65 Thrombotic microangiopathy, not elsewhere classified 3B6Y Other specified coagulation defects, purpura or other haemorrhagic or related conditions 3B6Z Coagulation defects, purpura or other haemorrhagic or related conditions, unspecified 3B80 Congenital disorders of spleen 3B80.0 Splenomegaly in storage diseases 3B81 Acquired disorders of spleen 3B81.0 Tumour-like conditions of spleen 3B81.1 Postsurgical asplenia 3B81.2 Atrophy of spleen 3B81.3 Nontraumatic laceration or rupture of spleen 3B81.4 Splenosis 3B81.5 Splenic cyst or pseudocyst 3B81.6 Infarction of spleen 3B81.7 Infection of spleen 3B81.8 Torsion of spleen 3B81.9 Fibrosis of spleen 3B81.A Perisplenitis 3B81.B Hypersplenism 3B81.C Chronic congestive splenomegaly 3B81.Y Other specified acquired disorders of spleen 3B81.Z Acquired disorders of spleen, unspecified – 3B81.50 Pseudocyst of spleen – 3B81.51 Epithelial cyst of spleen – 3B81.5Y Other specified splenic cyst – 3B81.5Z Splenic cyst, unspecified – 3B81.70 Acute septic splenitis – 3B81.71 Abscess of spleen – 3B81.7Y Other specified infection of spleen – 3B81.7Z Infection of spleen, unspecified 3B8Z Diseases of spleen, unspecified 3C0Y Other specified diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs 3C0Z Diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs, unspecified 4A00 Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of innate immunity 4A00.0 Functional neutrophil defects 4A00.1 Defects in the complement system 4A00.2 Genetic susceptibility to particular pathogens 4A00.3 Immunodeficiency with natural-killer cell deficiency 4A00.Y Other specified primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of innate immunity 4A00.Z Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of innate immunity, unspecified – 4A00.00 Neutrophil immunodeficiency syndrome – 4A00.0Y Other specified functional neutrophil defects – 4A00.0Z Functional neutrophil defects, unspecified – 4A00.10 Immunodeficiency with an early component of complement deficiency – 4A00.11 Immunodeficiency with a late component of complement deficiency – 4A00.12 Immunodeficiency with factor B deficiency – 4A00.13 Immunodeficiency with factor D anomaly – 4A00.14 Hereditary angioedema – 4A00.15 Acquired angioedema – 4A00.1Y Other specified defects in the complement system – 4A00.1Z Defects in the complement system, unspecified 4A01 Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of adaptive immunity 4A01.0 Immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects 4A01.1 Combined immunodeficiencies 4A01.2 Diseases of immune dysregulation 4A01.3 Other well-defined immunodeficiency syndromes due to defects in adaptive immunity 4A01.Z Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of adaptive immunity, unspecified – 4A01.00 Hereditary agammaglobulinaemia with profoundly reduced or absent B cells – 4A01.01 Immunodeficiencies with severe reduction in at least two serum immunoglobulin isotypes with normal or low numbers of B cells – 4A01.02 Specific antibody deficiency with normal immunoglobulin concentrations or normal number of B cells – 4A01.03 Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy – 4A01.04 Immunodeficiencies with isotype or light chain deficiencies with normal number of B cells – 4A01.05 Immunodeficiencies with severe reduction in serum IgG or IgA with normal or elevated IgM and normal numbers of B-cells – 4A01.0Y Other specified immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects – 4A01.0Z Immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects, unspecified – 4A01.10 Severe combined immunodeficiencies – 4A01.11 Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency – 4A01.12 Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency – 4A01.1Y Other specified combined immunodeficiencies – 4A01.1Z Combined immunodeficiencies, unspecified – 4A01.20 Immune dysregulation syndromes with hypopigmentation – 4A01.21 Immune dysregulation syndromes presenting primarily with autoimmunity – 4A01.22 Immune dysregulation syndromes presenting primarily with lymphoproliferation – 4A01.23 Primary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis – 4A01.2Y Other specified diseases of immune dysregulation – 4A01.2Z Diseases of immune dysregulation, unspecified – 4A01.30 Immunodeficiency due to defects of the thymus – 4A01.31 DNA repair defects other than combined T-cell or B-cell immunodeficiencies – 4A01.32 Immuno-osseous dysplasia – 4A01.33 Hepatic veno-occlusive disease - immunodeficiency syndrome – 4A01.34 Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndromes 4A0Y Other specified primary immunodeficiencies 4A0Z Primary immunodeficiencies, unspecified 4A20 Acquired immunodeficiencies 4A20.0 Adult-onset immunodeficiency 4A20.1 Acquired immunodeficiency due to loss of immunoglobulin 4A20.Y Other specified acquired immunodeficiencies 4A20.Z Acquired immunodeficiencies, unspecified 4A40 Lupus erythematosus 4A40.0 Systemic lupus erythematosus 4A40.1 Drug-induced lupus erythematosus 4A40.Y Other specified lupus erythematosus 4A40.Z Lupus erythematosus, unspecified – 4A40.00 Systemic lupus erythematosus with skin involvement – 4A40.0Y Other specified systemic lupus erythematosus – 4A40.0Z Systemic lupus erythematosus, unspecified 4A41 Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy 4A41.0 Dermatomyositis 4A41.1 Polymyositis 4A41.2 Inclusion body myopathy 4A41.Y Other specified idiopathic inflammatory myopathy 4A41.Z Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, unspecified – 4A41.00 Adult dermatomyositis – 4A41.01 Juvenile dermatomyositis – 4A41.0Z Dermatomyositis, unspecified – 4A41.10 Juvenile polymyositis – 4A41.11 Paraneoplastic polymyositis – 4A41.1Y Other specified polymyositis – 4A41.1Z Polymyositis, unspecified – 4A41.20 Inflammatory inclusion body myositis – 4A41.21 Noninflammatory inclusion body myopathy – 4A41.2Z Inclusion body myopathy, unspecified 4A42 Systemic sclerosis 4A42.0 Paediatric onset systemic sclerosis 4A42.1 Diffuse systemic sclerosis 4A42.2 Limited systemic sclerosis 4A42.Z Systemic sclerosis, unspecified 4A43 Overlap or undifferentiated nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disease 4A43.0 IgG4 related disease 4A43.1 Mikulicz disease 4A43.2 Sjögren syndrome 4A43.3 Mixed connective tissue disease 4A43.4 Diffuse eosinophilic fasciitis 4A43.Y Other specified overlap non-organ specific systemic autoimmune disease 4A43.Z Undifferentiated non-organ specific systemic autoimmune disease – 4A43.20 Primary Sjögren syndrome – 4A43.21 Secondary Sjögren syndrome – 4A43.22 Paediatric onset Sjögren syndrome – 4A43.2Y Other specified sjögren syndrome – 4A43.2Z Sjögren syndrome, unspecified 4A44 Vasculitis 4A44.0 Rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis 4A44.1 Aortic arch syndrome 4A44.2 Giant cell arteritis 4A44.3 Single organ vasculitis 4A44.4 Polyarteritis nodosa 4A44.5 Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome 4A44.6 Sneddon syndrome 4A44.7 Primary angiitis of the central nervous system 4A44.8 Thromboangiitis obliterans 4A44.9 Immune complex small vessel vasculitis 4A44.A Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis 4A44.B Leukocytoclastic vasculitis 4A44.Y Other specified vasculitis 4A44.Z Vasculitis, unspecified – 4A44.90 Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis – 4A44.91 Hypocomplementaemic urticarial vasculitis – 4A44.92 IgA vasculitis – 4A44.9Y Other specified immune complex small vessel vasculitis – 4A44.9Z Immune complex small vessel vasculitis, unspecified – 4A44.A0 Microscopic polyangiitis – 4A44.A1 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis – 4A44.A2 Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis – 4A44.AY Other specified antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis – 4A44.AZ Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis, unspecified – 4A44.B0 Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis – 4A44.BY Other specified leukocytoclastic vasculitis – 4A44.BZ Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, unspecified 4A45 Antiphospholipid syndrome 4A45.0 Primary antiphospholipid syndrome 4A45.1 Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome 4A45.2 Antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnancy 4A45.3 Lupus anticoagulant-hypoprothrombinaemia syndrome 4A45.Z Antiphospholipid syndrome, unspecified 4A4Y Other specified nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disorders 4A4Z Nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disorders, unspecified 4A60 Monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes 4A60.0 Familial Mediterranean fever 4A60.1 Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes 4A60.2 Tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 associated periodic syndrome 4A60.Y Other specified monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes 4A60.Z Autoimflammatory syndrome, unspecified 4A61 SAPHO syndrome 4A62 Behçet disease 4A6Y Other specified autoinflammatory disorders 4A6Z Autoinflammatory disorders, unspecified 4A80 Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the respiratory tract 4A80.0 Drug-induced bronchospasm 4A80.1 Bronchospasm provoked by allergy to food substance 4A80.Y Other specified allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the respiratory tract 4A80.Z Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the respiratory tract, unspecified 4A81 Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the eye 4A82 Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving skin or mucous membranes 4A83 Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract 4A83.0 Food-induced eosinophilic gastroenteritis 4A83.1 Food-induced eosinophilic oesophagitis 4A83.Y Other specified allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract 4A83.Z Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract, unspecified 4A84 Anaphylaxis 4A84.0 Anaphylaxis due to allergic reaction to food 4A84.1 Drug-induced anaphylaxis 4A84.2 Anaphylaxis due to insect venom 4A84.3 Anaphylaxis provoked by physical factors 4A84.4 Anaphylaxis due to inhaled allergens 4A84.5 Anaphylaxis due to contact with allergens 4A84.6 Anaphylaxis secondary to mast cell disorder 4A84.Y Other specified anaphylaxis 4A84.Z Anaphylaxis, unspecified – 4A84.30 Exercise-induced anaphylaxis – 4A84.31 Cold-induced anaphylaxis – 4A84.3Y Anaphylaxis provoked by other specified physical factors – 4A84.3Z Anaphylaxis provoked by unspecified physical factors 4A85 Complex allergic or hypersensitivity conditions 4A85.0 Drug or pharmacological agents hypersensitivity 4A85.1 Hypersensitivity to herbal and alternative medical therapies 4A85.2 Food hypersensitivity 4A85.3 Allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to arthropods 4A85.Y Other specified complex allergic or hypersensitivity conditions 4A85.Z Complex allergic or hypersensitivity conditions, unspecified – 4A85.00 Drug-induced liver hypersensitivity disease – 4A85.01 Drug-induced kidney hypersensitivity – 4A85.02 Drug-induced cytopenia – 4A85.03 Drug-induced vasculitis – 4A85.04 Multiple drug hypersensitivity syndrome – 4A85.0Y Drug hypersensitivity of other specified type – 4A85.0Z Drug hypersensitivity of unspecified type – 4A85.20 Food-induced gastrointestinal hypersensitivity – 4A85.21 Food-induced urticaria or angioedema – 4A85.22 Allergic contact dermatitis due to food allergen – 4A85.2Y Other specified food hypersensitivity – 4A85.2Z Food hypersensitivity, unspecified – 4A85.30 Systemic allergic reaction due to Hymenoptera venom – 4A85.31 Cutaneous allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to Hymenoptera venom – 4A85.32 Cutaneous allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to arthropods 4A8Y Allergic or hypersensitivity conditions of other specified type 4A8Z Allergic or hypersensitivity conditions of unspecified type 4B00 Disorders of neutrophil number 4B00.0 Neutropaenia 4B00.1 Neutrophilia 4B00.Y Other specified disorders of neutrophil number – 4B00.00 Constitutional neutropaenia – 4B00.01 Acquired neutropaenia – 4B00.0Z Neutropaenia, unspecified – 4B00.10 Constitutional neutrophilia – 4B00.11 Acquired neutrophilia – 4B00.1Z Neutrophilia, unspecified 4B01 Disorders of neutrophil function 4B01.0 Constitutional disorders of neutrophil function 4B01.1 Acquired disorders of neutrophil function 4B01.Z Disorders of neutrophil function, unspecified – 4B01.00 Disorders of neutrophil adhesion – 4B01.01 Disorders of neutrophil chemotaxis – 4B01.02 Disorders of neutrophil granule formation or release – 4B01.03 Disorders of neutrophil oxidative metabolism – 4B01.0Y Other specified constitutional disorders of neutrophil function – 4B01.0Z Constitutional disorders of neutrophil function, unspecified 4B02 Eosinopenia 4B02.0 Constitutional decrease in eosinophil number 4B02.1 Acquired decrease in eosinophil number 4B02.Z Eosinopenia, unspecified 4B03 Eosinophilia 4B03.0 Constitutional eosinophilia 4B03.1 Acquired eosinophilia 4B03.Z Eosinophilia, unspecified 4B04 Disorders with decreased monocyte counts 4B05 Disorders with increased monocyte counts 4B06 Acquired lymphopenia 4B07 Acquired lymphocytosis 4B0Y Other specified immune system disorders involving white cell lineages 4B0Z Immune system disorders involving white cell lineages, unspecified 4B20 Sarcoidosis 4B20.0 Sarcoidosis of lung 4B20.1 Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes 4B20.2 Sarcoidosis of the digestive system 4B20.3 Neurosarcoidosis 4B20.4 Ocular sarcoidosis 4B20.5 Cutaneous sarcoidosis 4B20.Y Other specified sarcoidosis 4B20.Z Sarcoidosis, unspecified 4B21 Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia 4B22 Cryoglobulinaemia 4B23 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 4B24 Graft-versus-host disease 4B24.0 Acute graft-versus-host disease 4B24.1 Chronic graft-versus-host disease 4B24.Y Other specified graft-versus-host disease 4B24.Z Graft-versus-host disease, unspecified 4B2Y Other specified disorders involving the immune system 4B40 Diseases of thymus 4B40.0 Persistent hyperplasia of thymus 4B40.1 Abscess of thymus 4B40.2 Good syndrome 4B40.Y Other specified diseases of thymus 4B40.Z Diseases of thymus, unspecified 4B4Y Other specified diseases of the immune system 4B4Z Diseases of the immune system, unspecified
synonyms Other diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs or certain disorders involving the immune mechanism complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium
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