FB42.2 Ganglion International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 This is a nodular tumour-like lesions or mucoid flesh, arising from tendon sheaths, ligaments, or joint capsule, especially of the hands, wrists, or feet. They are not true cysts as they lack epithelial wall. They are distinguished from synovial cysts by the lack of communication with a joint cavity or the synovial membrane.
inclusions Ganglion of tendon sheath exclusions postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Laterality - only one may be selected [select] XK9J Bilateral XK8G Left XK9K Right XK70 Unilateral, unspecified Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA6UT2 Joints of the head – XA65F2 Atlantooccipital joint – XA7EM1 Atlantoaxial joint – XA2SM2 Temporomandibular joint XA2NG8 Joints of the thorax – XA83N6 Sternocostal joint – XA30Q4 Costochondral joint – XA0892 Costovertebral joint – XA7AR2 Costotransverse joint – XA0ZE4 Facet joint XA1TL5 Joints of the pelvis – XA5A04 Lumbosacral joint – XA70B6 Sacrococcygeal joint – XA3T32 Sacroiliac joint XA4U90 Joints of the upper extremity – XA05J7 Shoulder joint –– XA49P8 Glenohumeral joint –– XA69U6 Acromioclavicular joint –– XA0CH1 Sternoclavicular joint – XA69H4 Elbow joint –– XA3G42 Proximal radioulnar joint –– XA46J3 Humeroulnar joint –– XA53P1 Humeroradial joint – XA64C3 Wrist joint –– XA78S6 Distal radioulnar joint –– XA0P38 Radiocarpal joint – XA62V5 Joints of the hand –– XA3MB4 Carpal joint ––– XA0E90 Intercarpal joint ––– XA4AS7 Midcarpal joint ––– XA0JX0 Carpometacarpal joint –– XA9DN6 Intermetacarpal joint –– XA86T5 Metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA3M83 First metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA9YH1 Second metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA6HB0 Third metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA7XA8 Fourth metacarpophalangeal joint ––– XA7KA0 Fifth metacarpophalangeal joint –– XA9291 Interphalangeal joint of the hand ––– XA6L43 Interphalangeal joint of the thumb ––– XA1307 Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger –––– XA1DN6 Proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger –––– XA3NW6 Proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger –––– XA0BF5 Proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger –––– XA4175 Proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger ––– XA4U75 Distal interphalangeal joint of finger –––– XA6KB0 Distal interphalangeal joint of index finger –––– XA15C8 Distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger –––– XA0LT5 Distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger –––– XA1928 Distal interphalangeal joint of little finger XA7L41 Joints of lower extremity – XA4XS4 Hip joint – XA8RL1 Knee joint –– XA0LC4 Tibiofemoral joint –– XA0VJ4 Patellofemoral joint –– XA0LG3 Proximal tibiofibular joint –– XA8VV2 Semilunar cartilage – XA27P3 Ankle joint –– XA8MM7 Talocrural joint –– XA2K81 Distal tibiofibular joint –– XA7SZ8 Subtalar joint – XA22T0 Joint of the foot –– XA2YS1 Intertarsal joint ––– XA4JJ1 Calcaneocuboid joint ––– XA0WY5 Talocalcaneonavicular joint ––– XA6NT7 Cuneonavicular joint ––– XA1N77 Cuboideonavicular joint ––– XA9SD1 Intercuneiform joint ––– XA2FA3 Cuneocuboid joint –– XA2MY1 Tarsometatarsal joint –– XA6FF3 Intermetatarsal joint –– XA8XU1 Metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA7NJ7 First metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA58K5 Second metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA2792 Third metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA7QC6 Fourth metatarsophalangeal joint ––– XA5A23 Fifth metatarsophalangeal joint –– XA04T7 Interphalangeal joint of the foot ––– XA87P9 Interphalangeal joint of great toe ––– XA5573 Proximal interphalangeal joint of the foot –––– XA56K9 Proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe –––– XA2QY2 Proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe –––– XA2R87 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe –––– XA1LM0 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe ––– XA0RK3 Distal interphalangeal joint of the foot –––– XA8UM5 Distal interphalangeal joint of second toe –––– XA43F0 Distal interphalangeal joint of third toe –––– XA8NU9 Distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe –––– XA39U1 Distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe –– XA9Z55 Transverse tarsal joint XA8H50 Flexor carpi radialis tendon XA5CE2 Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon XA23D8 Flexor digiti minimi tendon XA0GQ6 Flexor digitorum profundus tendon XA9526 Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon XA9Q34 Flexor digitorum tendon XA1Q82 Flexor pollicis brevis tendon XA92F7 Flexor pollicis longus tendon XA5YQ2 Flexor tendon XA4M25 Interossei tendon XA1X89 Levator scapulae tendon XA8TQ1 Lumbrical tendon XA9KM7 Opponens digiti minimi tendon XA3W45 Opponens pollicis tendon XA82E6 Palmar interosseous tendon XA7B73 Palmaris brevis tendon XA41L1 Palmaris longus tendon XA41Z5 Pronator quadratus tendon XA7EK5 Pronator teres tendon XA7V30 Subclavius tendon XA54N6 Subscapularis tendon XA5EJ6 Supinator tendon XA5VZ4 Supraspinatus tendon XA5RS6 Triceps brachii tendon XA5L93 Tendons of the lower extremity XA5ZK0 Abductor digiti minimi (foot) tendon XA14Z8 Abductor hallucis tendon XA8BK1 Achilles tendon XA4HF0 Adductor brevis tendon XA8B14 Adductor hallucis tendon XA1TK8 Adductor longus tendon XA8746 Adductor magnus tendon XA9381 Anterior ligament of the lower extremity XA7MT0 Articularis genu tendon XA1MF8 Biceps femoris tendon XA86H9 Dorsal interossei of foot tendon XA6230 Extensor digitorum brevis (foot) tendon XA1ZF4 Extensor digitorum longus (foot) tendon XA4NZ0 Extensor hallucis brevis tendon XA5L26 Extensor hallucis longus tendon XA8X38 Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot) tendon XA8GD0 Flexor digitorum brevis tendon XA3MK8 Flexor digitorum longus (foot) tendon XA00Z8 Flexor hallucis brevis tendon XA1MF0 Flexor hallucis longus tendon XA5LZ0 Gastrocnemius tendon XA2HX4 Gemellus inferior tendon XA5M18 Gemellus superior tendon XA1JL3 Gluteus maximus tendon XA1387 Gluteus medius tendon XA4HK9 Gluteus minimus tendon XA12U3 Gracilis tendon XA8FT1 Iliacus tendon XA5DE3 Lumbrical of foot tendon XA3EE9 Obturator externus tendon XA2469 Obturator internus tendon XA07E4 Pectineus tendon XA3AN0 Peroneus brevis tendon XA7VY0 Peroneus longus tendon XA3D16 Peroneus tertius tendon XA3EU4 Piriformis tendon XA7L19 Plantar interossei of foot tendon XA6BZ6 Plantaris tendon XA4V24 Popliteus tendon XA1L44 Quadratus plantae tendon XA9420 Quadriceps femoris tendon XA4ZG0 Rectus femoris tendon XA0981 Sartorius tendon XA4AL5 Semimembranosus tendon XA7DY9 Semitendinosus tendon XA7E05 Soleus tendon XA33Q1 Tensor fasciae lata tendon XA8SN1 Tibialis anterior tendon XA7FR7 Tibialis posterior tendon XA8ST5 Vastus intermedius tendon XA8CQ5 Vastus lateralis tendon XA6RK3 Vastus medialis tendon XA2C51 Enthesis XA3PP9 Tendons of the head and neck XA46A9 Alaeque nasi tendon XA6J99 Aryepiglotticus tendon XA8XC7 Auricularis tendon XA3163 Buccinator tendon XA6L11 Corrugator supercilii tendon XA01X1 Cricothyroid tendon XA28X5 Depressor anguli oris tendon XA6WZ3 Depressor labii inferioris tendon XA5S69 Digastric tendon XA5CP4 Frontalis tendon XA6BT8 Genioglossus tendon XA9L90 Geniohyoid tendon XA8N10 Hyoglossus tendon XA7EE6 Hyoid tendon XA3ZA2 Inferior oblique tendon XA7HT8 Inferior rectus tendon XA1394 Lateral cricoarytenoid tendon XA6PK4 Lateral pterygoid tendon XA3LT8 Lateral rectus tendon XA7653 Levator anguli oris tendon XA0YK7 Levator labii superioris tendon XA61C9 Levator palpebrae superioris tendon XA7VD7 Levator veli palatini tendon XA1FR7 Longus capitis tendon XA0UD3 Longus colli tendon XA1FB3 Masseter tendon XA8F95 Medial pterygoid tendon XA6SG3 Medial rectus tendon XA7JW2 Mentalis tendon XA7ZZ8 Mylohyoid tendon XA7NU6 Nasalis tendon XA5Q22 Oblique arytenoid tendon XA8AT8 Obliquus capitis inferior tendon XA39M0 Obliquus capitis superior tendon XA2JY6 Omohyoid tendon XA65X4 Orbicularis oculi tendon XA0W74 Orbicularis oris tendon XA6SX4 Palatoglossus tendon XA6LA2 Palatopharyngeus tendon XA4758 Platysma tendon XA0AE2 Posterior cricoarytenoid ligament XA5HD8 Procerus tendon XA8CQ6 Rectus capitis anterior tendon XA4RG2 Rectus capitis lateralis tendon XA6WL6 Rectus capitis posterior major tendon XA1XH8 Rectus capitis posterior minor tendon XA9450 Risorius tendon XA0SH8 Salpingopharyngeus tendon XA3XC1 Scalene tendon – XA45L1 scalenus anterior tendon – XA7XV7 scalenus medius tendon – XA7NL5 scalenus minimus tendon – XA9HH7 scalenus posterior tendon XA39C9 Splenius capitis tendon XA2HL1 Splenius cervicis tendon XA8W69 Stapedius tendon XA70V9 Sternocleidomastoid tendon XA6S11 Sternohyoid tendon XA4VX2 Sternothyroid tendon XA90J0 Styloglossus tendon XA20E0 Stylohyoid tendon XA7GV2 Stylopharyngeus tendon XA5ES8 Superior oblique tendon XA3ZN4 Superior rectus tendon XA7D16 Temporalis tendon XA8BT2 Temporoparietalis tendon XA5956 Tensor tympani tendon XA2W44 Tensor veli palatini tendon XA4ME3 Thyroarytenoid tendon XA0CT5 Thyroepiglotticus tendon XA9YC3 Transverse arytenoid tendon XA4CN7 Vocalis tendon XA0XQ7 Zygomaticus major tendon XA0SZ1 Zygomaticus minor tendon XA3SA1 Tendons of the thorax XA01T0 Chordae tendineae XA9N29 Diaphragm tendon XA5WL5 Intercostals external tendon XA8FV0 Intercostals innermost tendon XA92E2 Intercostals internal tendon XA5R18 Levatores costarum tendon XA3C70 Pectoralis major tendon XA40K0 Pectoralis minor tendon XA91D0 Serratus anterior tendon XA7J14 Serratus posterior inferior tendon XA0MH0 Serratus posterior superior tendon XA8WS6 Subcostalis tendon XA3XC9 Tendon of Todaro XA1HX3 Transversus thoracis tendon XA4797 Tendons of the abdomen XA0101 External oblique abdominis tendon XA45G1 Internal oblique abdominis tendon XA3045 Psoas major tendon XA7V41 Psoas minor tendon XA49W5 Pyramidalis tendon XA34K5 Quadratus lumborum tendon XA1HT1 Rectus abdominis tendon XA0V25 Transversus abdominis tendon XA9Z26 Tendons of the back XA48X7 Iliocostalis tendon XA2MX3 Infraspinatus tendon XA2E69 Interspinales tendon XA8UU5 Intertransversarii tendon XA8467 Latissimus dorsi tendon XA3TD7 Longissimus tendon XA33T4 Multifidus tendon XA3P63 Rhomboid major tendon XA8918 Rhomboid minor tendon XA16J2 Rotatores tendon XA3D42 Semispinalis tendon XA28J9 Spinalis tendon XA09K4 Teres major tendon XA42P8 Teres minor tendon XA9PV0 Trapezius tendon XA1SN1 Tendons of the pelvis and perineum XA15H4 Bulbospongiosus tendon XA45X9 Coccygeus tendon XA4755 Cremaster tendon XA2BV5 Dartos tendon XA2TD5 Deep transverse perinei tendon XA6QW7 Iliococcygeus tendon XA7YP5 Ischiocavernosus tendon XA5JV1 Pubococcygeus tendon XA66F5 Puborectalis tendon XA32R3 Pubovaginalis tendon XA0WU6 Tendons of the upper extremity XA5AY5 Abductor digiti minimi tendon XA7YE1 Abductor pollicis brevis tendon XA0UY5 Abductor pollicis longus tendon XA9749 Adductor pollicis tendon XA4HK3 Anconeus tendon XA8AM4 Biceps brachii tendon – XA2UD9 Long head of biceps brachii tendon – XA0FB1 Short head of biceps brachii tendon XA9G06 Brachialis tendon XA3YY6 Brachioradialis tendon XA83R8 Coracobrachialis tendon XA0942 Deltoid tendon XA24P4 Dorsal Interosseous tendon XA18F0 Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon XA1T90 Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon XA4PY2 Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon XA4WU2 Extensor digiti minimi tendon XA5H06 Extensor digitorum tendon XA4EE2 Extensor indicis tendon XA5KN6 Extensor pollicis brevis tendon XA4CG6 Extensor pollicis longus tendon XA8U10 Extensor tendon
synonyms Ganglion ganglion cyst ganglionic cyst ganglionic ganglion of joint Ganglion of tendon sheath
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