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HA01.1 Male erectile dysfunction International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 Male erectile dysfunction is characterised by inability or marked reduction in the ability in men to attain or sustain a penile erection of sufficient duration or rigidity to allow for sexual activity. The pattern of erectile difficulty occurs despite the desire for sexual activity and adequate sexual stimulation, has occurred episodically or persistently over a period at least several months, and is associated with clinically significant distress.
sections/codes in this section (HA01.1-HA01.1) postcoordination Add Stem and/or Extension codes to form a cluster code which adds detail to the condition.
Associated with - multiple selections are allowed [select] HA40 Aetiological considerations in sexual dysfunctions and sexual pain disorders – HA40.0 Aetiological considerations associated with a medical condition, injury, or the effects of surgery or radiation treatment – HA40.1 Aetiological considerations associated with psychological or behavioural factors, including mental disorders – HA40.2 Aetiological considerations associated with use of psychoactive substance or medication – HA40.3 Aetiological considerations associated with lack of knowledge or experience – HA40.4 Aetiological considerations associated with relationship factors – HA40.5 Aetiological considerations associated with cultural factors – HA40.Y Other specified aetiological considerations in sexual dysfunctions and sexual pain disorders Has causing condition - a selection is required - multiple selections are allowed [select] 2C80 Malignant neoplasms of testis – 2C80.2 Germ cell tumour of testis – 2C80.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of testis – 2C80.Z Malignant neoplasms of testis, unspecified 2C81 Malignant neoplasms of penis – 2C81.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of penis – 2C81.1 Melanoma of penis – 2C81.Y Other specified malignant neoplasm of penis – 2C81.Z Malignant neoplasms of penis, unspecified 2C82 Malignant neoplasms of prostate – 2C82.0 Adenocarcinoma of prostate – 2C82.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of prostate – 2C82.Z Malignant neoplasms of prostate, unspecified 2C83 Malignant neoplasms of scrotum – 2C83.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of scrotum – 2C83.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of scrotum – 2C83.Z Malignant neoplasms of scrotum, unspecified 2C84 Malignant neoplasms of other specified male genital organs 2C8Z Malignant neoplasms of male genital organs, unspecified 5A10 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 5A11 Type 2 diabetes mellitus 5A12 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus 5A13 Diabetes mellitus, other specified type 5A13.0 Diabetes mellitus due to genetic defects of beta cell function 5A13.1 Diabetes mellitus due to genetic defects in insulin action 5A13.2 Diabetes mellitus due to diseases of the exocrine pancreas 5A13.3 Diabetes mellitus due to endocrinopathies 5A13.4 Diabetes mellitus due to drug or chemical 5A13.5 Diabetes mellitus due to uncommon forms of immune-mediated diabetes 5A13.6 Diabetes mellitus due to other genetic syndromes 5A13.7 Diabetes mellitus due to clinically defined subtypes or syndromes 5A13.Y Diabetes mellitus due to other specified cause 5A14 Diabetes mellitus, type unspecified 5A20 Diabetic hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state – 5A20.0 Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state without coma – 5A20.1 Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state with coma – 5A20.Z Diabetic hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state, unspecified 5A21 Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes mellitus – 5A21.0 Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes mellitus without coma – 5A21.1 Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes mellitus with coma – 5A21.Z Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes, unspecified 5A22 Diabetic acidosis – 5A22.0 Diabetic ketoacidosis without coma – 5A22.1 Diabetic lactic acidosis – 5A22.2 Diabetic metabolic acidosis – 5A22.3 Diabetic ketoacidosis with coma – 5A22.Y Other specified diabetic acidosis – 5A22.Z Diabetic acidosis, unspecified 5A23 Diabetic coma 5A24 Uncontrolled or unstable diabetes mellitus 5A2Y Other specified acute complications of diabetes mellitus BD30 Acute arterial occlusion BD30.0 Acute upper limb arterial occlusion BD30.1 Acute aortoiliac occlusion BD30.2 Acute lower limb arterial occlusion BD30.Y Other specified acute arterial occlusion BD30.Z Acute arterial occlusion, unspecified BD30.00 Acute thromboembolic upper limb arterial occlusion BD30.01 Acute thrombotic upper limb arterial occlusion BD30.0Y Other specified acute upper limb arterial occlusion BD30.0Z Acute upper limb arterial occlusion, unspecified BD30.10 Acute thromboembolic aortoiliac occlusion BD30.11 Acute thrombotic aortoiliac occlusion BD30.1Y Other specified acute aortoiliac occlusion BD30.1Z Acute aortoiliac occlusion, unspecified BD30.20 Acute thromboembolic lower limb arterial occlusion BD30.21 Acute thrombotic lower limb arterial occlusion BD30.2Y Other specified acute lower limb arterial occlusion BD30.2Z Acute lower limb arterial occlusion, unspecified BD40 Atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease BD40.0 Lower limb atherosclerosis BD40.1 Atherosclerosis of aorta BD40.2 Atherosclerosis of renal artery BD40.3 Aortic bifurcation syndrome BD40.Y Other specified atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease BD40.Z Atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified BD41 Non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease BD41.0 Arterial fibromuscular dysplasia BD41.Y Other specified non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease BD41.Z Non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified BD42 Raynaud phenomenon BD42.0 Primary Raynaud disease BD42.1 Secondary Raynaud phenomenon BD42.Z Raynaud phenomenon, unspecified BD4Y Other specified chronic arterial occlusive disease BD4Z Chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified BD50 Aortic aneurysm or dissection BD50.0 Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch BD50.1 Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch BD50.2 Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation BD50.3 Thoracic aortic aneurysm BD50.4 Abdominal aortic aneurysm BD50.5 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm BD50.Z Aortic aneurysm or dissection, unspecified BD50.00 Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch with perforation BD50.01 Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch with rupture BD50.02 Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.0Y Other specified thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch BD50.0Z Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch, unspecified BD50.10 Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch with perforation BD50.11 Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch with rupture BD50.12 Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.1Y Other specified ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch BD50.1Z Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch, unspecified BD50.20 Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation with perforation BD50.21 Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation with rupture BD50.22 Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.2Y Other specified descending aorta dissection and distal propagation BD50.2Z Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation, unspecified BD50.30 Thoracic aortic aneurysm with perforation BD50.31 Thoracic aortic aneurysm with rupture BD50.32 Thoracic aortic aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.3Y Other specified thoracic aortic aneurysm BD50.3Z Thoracic aortic aneurysm, unspecified BD50.40 Abdominal aortic aneurysm with perforation BD50.41 Abdominal aortic aneurysm with rupture BD50.4Y Other specified abdominal aortic aneurysm BD50.4Z Abdominal aortic aneurysm, unspecified BD50.50 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with perforation BD50.51 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with rupture BD50.52 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture BD50.5Y Other specified thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm BD50.5Z Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, unspecified BD51 Arterial aneurysm or dissection, excluding aorta BD51.0 Aneurysm or dissection of carotid artery BD51.1 Aneurysm or dissection of vertebral artery BD51.2 Aneurysm or dissection of other precerebral arteries BD51.3 Aneurysm or dissection of artery of upper extremity BD51.4 Aneurysm or dissection of renal artery BD51.5 Aneurysm or dissection of iliac artery BD51.6 Aneurysm or dissection of artery of lower extremity BD51.Y Aneurysm and dissection of other artery, excluding aorta BD51.Z Aneurysm and dissection of unspecified artery BD52 Certain specified disorders of arteries or arterioles BD52.0 Segmental arterial mediolysis BD52.1 Arteriovenous fistula, acquired BD52.2 Stricture of artery BD52.3 Rupture of artery BD52.4 Necrosis of artery BD52.5 Coeliac artery compression syndrome BD52.6 Congenital great vessel related acquired abnormality BD52.7 Certain acquired abnormalities of aorta BD52.70 Acquired abnormality of aortic arch branch BD52.71 Acquired ascending aorta or root dilation BD52.7Y Other specified certain acquired abnormalities of aorta BD52.7Z Certain acquired abnormalities of aorta, unspecified BD53 Secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles BD53.0 Arterial cystic medial diseases BD53.1 Hypothenar hammer syndrome BD53.2 Iliac artery arteriopathy BD53.3 Popliteal entrapment syndrome BD53.4 Cholesterol atheroembolism BD53.Y Other specified secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles BD53.Z Secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles, unspecified BD53.40 Cholesterol atheroembolism to kidneys BD53.4Y Cholesterol atheroembolism to other specified sites BD53.4Z Cholesterol atheroembolism to unspecified site BD54 Diabetic foot ulcer BD55 Asymptomatic stenosis of intracranial or extracranial artery BD56 Asymptomatic occlusion of intracranial or extracranial artery BD5Y Other specified diseases of arteries or arterioles BD5Z Diseases of arteries or arterioles, unspecified BD70 Superficial thrombophlebitis BD70.0 Superficial thrombophlebitis of lower limbs BD70.1 Superficial thrombophlebitis of upper limbs BD70.2 Thrombophlebitis migrans BD70.3 Mondor disease BD70.Y Other specified superficial thrombophlebitis BD70.Z Superficial thrombophlebitis, unspecified BD71 Deep vein thrombosis BD71.0 Upper limb deep vein thrombosis BD71.1 Vena caval thrombosis BD71.2 Renal vein thrombosis BD71.3 Iliac vein thrombosis BD71.4 Lower limb deep vein thrombosis BD71.Y Other specified deep vein thrombosis BD72 Venous thromboembolism BD73 Acquired systemic vein abnormality BD73.0 Acquired inferior caval vein abnormality BD73.1 Acquired superior caval vein abnormality BD73.2 Systemic vein obstruction BD73.3 Acquired coronary sinus abnormality BD73.Y Other specified acquired systemic vein abnormality BD73.Z Acquired systemic vein abnormality, unspecified BD73.20 Obstruction of peripheral vein BD73.21 Obstruction of visceral vein BD73.2Y Other specified systemic vein obstruction BD73.2Z Systemic vein obstruction, unspecified BD74 Chronic peripheral venous insufficiency of lower extremities BD74.0 Uncomplicated lower limb venous hypertension BD74.1 Lower limb varicose veins BD74.2 Lipodermatosclerosis BD74.3 Venous leg ulcer BD74.Z Chronic peripheral venous insufficiency of lower extremities, unspecified BD74.10 Varicose veins with great saphenous reflux BD74.11 Varicose veins with small saphenous reflux BD74.12 Varicose veins with non-truncal reflux BD74.1Z Lower limb varicose veins, not further specified BD74.30 Primary venous leg ulcer BD74.31 Recurrent venous leg ulcer BD74.32 Healed venous leg ulcer BD74.3Z Venous leg ulcer, unspecified BD75 Venous varicosities of sites other than lower extremity BD75.0 Sublingual varices BD75.1 Scrotal varices BD75.2 Vulval varices BD75.3 Pelvic varices BD75.Y Venous varicosities of other specified sites BD75.Z Venous varicosities of unspecified site BD7Y Other specified diseases of veins BD7Z Diseases of veins, unspecified NA00 Superficial injury of head NA00.0 Superficial injury of scalp NA00.1 Superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area NA00.2 Superficial injury of ear NA00.3 Superficial injury of nose NA00.4 Superficial injury of lip or oral cavity NA00.5 Multiple superficial injuries of head NA00.6 Abrasion of other or unspecified sites of head NA00.7 Contusion of other or unspecified sites of head NA00.Y Superficial injury of other specified part of head NA00.Z Superficial injury of unspecified part of head NA00.00 Abrasion of scalp NA00.01 Contusion of scalp NA00.02 Superficial foreign body in scalp NA00.0Y Other specified superficial injury of scalp NA00.0Z Superficial injury of scalp, type unspecified NA00.10 Abrasion of eyelid or periocular area NA00.11 Contusion of eyelid or periocular area NA00.1Y Other specified superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area NA00.1Z Superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area, unspecified NA01 Open wound of head NA01.2 Laceration without foreign body of head NA01.3 Laceration with foreign body of head NA01.4 Puncture wound without foreign body of head NA01.5 Puncture wound with foreign body of head NA01.6 Open bite of head NA01.7 Multiple open wounds of head NA01.Y Other specified open wound of head NA01.Z Open wound of head, unspecified NA02 Fracture of skull or facial bones NA02.0 Fracture of vault of skull NA02.1 Fracture of base of skull NA02.2 Orbital fracture NA02.3 Fracture of nasal bones NA02.4 Fracture of maxilla NA02.5 Fracture of zygoma NA02.7 Fracture of mandible NA02.8 Multiple fractures involving skull or facial bones NA02.Y Fracture of other specified skull or facial bones NA02.Z Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified NA02.00 Fracture of squama of frontal bone of skull NA02.01 Fracture of parietal bone of skull NA02.02 Fracture of squama of temporal bone of skull NA02.03 Fracture of squama of occipital bone of skull NA02.0Z Fracture of vault of skull, unspecified NA02.10 Fracture of anterior fossa of base of skull NA02.11 Fracture of middle fossa of base of skull NA02.12 Fracture of posterior fossa of base of skull NA02.13 Fracture of sinus of ethmoid bone of skull NA02.14 Fracture of frontal sinus of skull NA02.15 Fracture of sphenoid bone of skull NA02.16 Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type I NA02.17 Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type II NA02.18 Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type III NA02.19 Fracture of other part of occipital bone of skull NA02.1A Other fractures of base of skull NA02.1Z Fracture of base of skull, unspecified NA02.20 Fracture of orbital roof NA02.21 Fracture of orbital floor NA02.2Y Other specified orbital fracture NA02.2Z Orbital fracture, unspecified NA02.40 Le Fort fracture type I NA02.41 Le Fort fracture type II NA02.42 Le Fort fracture type III NA02.4Y Other specified fracture of maxilla NA02.4Z Fracture of maxilla, unspecified NA02.70 Fracture of condylar process of mandible NA02.71 Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible NA02.72 Fracture of coronoid process of mandible NA02.73 Fracture of ramus of mandible NA02.74 Fracture of angle of mandible NA02.75 Fracture of alveolar margin of mandible NA02.76 Fracture of symphysis of mandible NA02.7Y Other specified fracture of mandible NA02.7Z Fracture of mandible, unspecified NA03 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of head NA03.0 Dislocation of jaw NA03.1 Dislocation of septal cartilage of nose NA03.3 Strain or sprain of jaw NA03.Y Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments of head NA03.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of head, unspecified NA04 Injury of cranial nerves NA04.0 Injury of olfactory nerve NA04.1 Injury of optic nerve or pathways NA04.2 Injury of oculomotor nerve NA04.3 Injury of trochlear nerve NA04.4 Injury of trigeminal nerve NA04.5 Injury of abducent nerve NA04.6 Injury of facial nerve NA04.7 Injury of acoustic nerve NA04.8 Injury of glossopharyngeal nerve NA04.9 Injury of vagus nerve NA04.A Injury of accessory nerve NA04.B Injury of hypoglossal nerve NA04.Z Injury of cranial nerves, unspecified NA04.10 Injury of optic nerve, unilateral NA04.11 Injury of optic nerve, bilateral NA04.12 Injury of optic chiasm NA04.13 Injury of optic tract or pathways, unilateral NA04.14 Injury of optic tract or pathways, bilateral NA04.15 Injury of visual cortex, unilateral NA04.16 Injury of visual cortex, bilateral NA04.1Y Other specified injury of optic nerve or pathways NA04.1Z Injury of optic nerve or pathways, unspecified NA05 Injury of blood vessels of head NA05.0 Injury of intracranial vessels of head NA05.1 Injury of extracranial vessels of head NA05.Z Injury of blood vessels of head, unspecified NA06 Injury of eye or orbit NA06.0 Eyelid trauma NA06.1 Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body NA06.2 Retained foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit NA06.3 Traumatic orbital haemorrhage NA06.4 Injury of conjunctiva or corneal abrasion without mention of foreign body NA06.5 Trauma to the iris sphincter NA06.6 Traumatic injuries of the retina NA06.7 Traumatic retinal haemorrhage NA06.8 Traumatic injury to eyeball NA06.9 Contusion of eyeball or orbital tissues NA06.A Injury of lens NA06.Y Other specified injury of eye or orbit NA06.Z Injury of eye or orbit, unspecified NA06.00 Eyelid avulsion NA06.01 Haematoma of eyelid NA06.02 Oedema of eyelid NA06.03 Retained foreign body in eyelid NA06.04 Open wound of eyelid or periocular area NA06.0Y Other specified eyelid trauma NA06.0Z Eyelid trauma, unspecified NA06.60 Traumatic macular hole NA06.61 Choroidal rupture NA06.62 Commotio retinae NA06.63 Optic nerve avulsion NA06.6Y Other specified traumatic injuries of the retina NA06.6Z Traumatic injuries of the retina, unspecified NA06.80 Retained intraocular magnetic foreign body, unilateral NA06.81 Retained intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body, unilateral NA06.82 Closed eyeball trauma, unilateral NA06.83 Closed eyeball trauma, bilateral NA06.84 Penetrating wound of eyeball without foreign body, unilateral NA06.85 Avulsion of eye, unilateral NA06.86 Avulsion of eye, bilateral NA06.87 Ocular laceration or rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, unilateral NA06.88 Ocular laceration or rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, bilateral NA06.89 Penetrating injury of eyeball, bilateral NA06.8A Perforating injury of eyeball, bilateral NA06.8B Retained intraocular magnetic foreign body, bilateral NA06.8C Retained intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body, bilateral NA06.8D Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, unilateral NA06.8E Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, bilateral NA06.8Y Other specified traumatic injury to eyeball NA06.8Z Traumatic injury to eyeball, unspecified NA07 Intracranial injury NA07.0 Concussion NA07.1 Traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage NA07.2 Traumatic cerebral oedema NA07.3 Diffuse brain injury NA07.4 Focal brain injury NA07.5 Traumatic epidural haemorrhage NA07.6 Traumatic subdural haemorrhage NA07.7 Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage NA07.8 Traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue NA07.Y Other specified intracranial injury NA07.Z Intracranial injury, unspecified NA07.00 Concussion with incomplete loss of consciousness with amnesia NA07.01 Concussion with incomplete loss of consciousness without amnesia NA07.02 Concussion with loss of consciousness, short duration of less than 30 minutes NA07.03 Concussion with loss of consciousness, short duration of 30 minutes to less than one hour NA07.04 Concussion with loss of consciousness, short duration of one hour to less than 6 hours NA07.05 Concussion with loss of consciousness, intermediate duration of 6 hours to less than 24 hours NA07.06 Concussion with loss of consciousness, persisting longer than 24 hours or until discharge or latest assessment NA07.07 Concussion with loss of consciousness, persisting until death NA07.08 Concussion with loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to effects of therapy NA07.09 Concussion with loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to lack of information NA07.0Y Other specified concussion NA07.0Z Concussion, unspecified NA07.20 Diffuse traumatic cerebral oedema NA07.21 Focal traumatic cerebral oedema NA07.2Y Other specified traumatic cerebral oedema NA07.2Z Traumatic cerebral oedema, unspecified NA07.30 Diffuse injury of cerebrum NA07.31 Diffuse injury of cerebellum NA07.32 Diffuse injury of brainstem NA07.33 Diffuse injury of multiple parts of brain NA07.3Y Other specified diffuse brain injury NA07.3Z Unspecified diffuse traumatic brain injury NA07.40 Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum NA07.41 Focal haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum NA07.42 Focal laceration of cerebrum NA07.43 Multiple focal injuries of cerebrum NA07.44 Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebellum NA07.45 Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of cerebellum NA07.46 Focal laceration of cerebellum NA07.47 Multiple focal injuries of cerebellum NA07.48 Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of brainstem NA07.49 Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of brainstem NA07.4A Contusion of temporal lobe NA07.4B Focal laceration of brainstem NA07.4C Focal brain contusion NA07.4D Focal brain laceration NA07.4E Contusion of parietal lobe NA07.4F Contusion of occipital lobe NA07.4Z Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury NA07.60 Acute traumatic subdural haemorrhage NA07.61 Chronic traumatic subdural haemorrhage NA07.6Z Traumatic subdural haemorrhage, unspecified whether acute or chronic NA07.80 Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebrum white matter NA07.81 Traumatic haemorrhage in thalamus or basal ganglia NA07.82 Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebellum NA07.83 Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem without specification whether primary or secondary NA07.84 Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, primary NA07.85 Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, secondary NA07.86 Multiple traumatic haemorrhages NA07.8Y Other specified traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue NA07.8Z Traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue, unspecified NA08 Crushing injury of head NA08.0 Crushing injury of brain NA08.1 Crushing injury of face NA08.2 Crushing injury of skull NA08.3 Crushed scalp NA08.Y Other specified crushing injury of head NA08.Z Crushing injury of head, unspecified NA09 Traumatic amputation of part of head NA09.0 Avulsion of scalp NA09.1 Traumatic amputation of ear NA09.2 Traumatic amputation of nose NA09.3 Traumatic amputation of lip NA09.Y Other specified traumatic amputation of part of head NA09.Z Traumatic amputation of part of head, unspecified NA09.10 Traumatic amputation of ear, complete NA09.11 Traumatic amputation of ear, partial NA09.1Z Traumatic amputation of ear, unspecified NA09.20 Traumatic amputation of nose, complete NA09.21 Traumatic amputation of nose, partial NA09.2Z Traumatic amputation of nose, unspecified NA0A Certain specified injuries of head NA0A.0 Complex wounds to the head NA0A.1 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head NA0A.2 Traumatic rupture of ear drum NA0A.3 Multiple injuries of head NA0A.Y Other specified injuries of head NA0A.00 Complex wounds to the head with retained external material NA0A.01 Complex wounds to the head with intracranial haemorrhage NA0A.02 Complex wounds to the head with through and through perforation NA0A.03 Complex wounds to the head with avulsive loss of part of skull and cranial contents NA0A.0Y Other specified complex wounds to the head NA0A.0Z Complex wounds to the head, unspecified NA0A.10 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of head NA0A.11 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of head NA0A.1Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head NA0A.1Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head, unspecified NA0B Injury of the auricle NA0C Injury of middle or inner ear NA0D Injury of teeth or supporting structures NA0D.0 Injury of hard dental tissues and pulp NA0D.1 Injury of periodontal tissues NA0D.Y Other specified injury of teeth or supporting structures NA0D.Z Injury of teeth or supporting structures, unspecified NA0D.00 Enamel infraction NA0D.01 Enamel fracture NA0D.02 Enamel-dentin fracture NA0D.03 Complicated crown fracture NA0D.04 Uncomplicated crown-root fracture NA0D.05 Complicated crown-root fracture NA0D.06 Root fracture NA0D.0Y Other specified injury of hard dental tissues and pulp NA0D.0Z Injury of hard dental tissues and pulp, unspecified NA0D.10 Concussion of periodontal tissue NA0D.11 Subluxation of tooth NA0D.12 Extrusive luxation of tooth NA0D.13 Lateral luxation of tooth NA0D.14 Intrusive luxation of tooth NA0D.15 Avulsion of tooth NA0D.1Y Other specified injury of periodontal tissues NA0D.1Z Injury of periodontal tissues, unspecified NA0Z Injuries to the head, unspecified NA20 Superficial injury of neck NA20.0 Abrasion of throat NA20.1 Contusion of throat NA20.2 Other or unspecified superficial injuries of throat NA20.3 Multiple superficial injuries of neck NA20.Y Other specified superficial injury of neck NA20.Z Superficial injury of neck, unspecified NA21 Open wound of neck NA21.0 Laceration without foreign body of neck NA21.1 Laceration with foreign body of neck NA21.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of neck NA21.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of neck NA21.4 Open bite of neck NA21.5 Multiple open wounds of neck NA21.Y Other specified open wound of neck NA21.Z Open wound of neck, unspecified NA22 Fracture of neck NA22.0 Fracture of first cervical vertebra NA22.1 Fracture of second cervical vertebra NA22.2 Fracture of other specified cervical vertebra NA22.3 Multiple fractures of cervical spine NA22.Z Fracture of neck, unspecified NA22.00 Fracture of first cervical vertebra, burst fracture NA22.01 Fracture of posterior arch of first cervical vertebra NA22.02 Fracture of lateral mass of first cervical vertebra NA22.03 Other fracture of first cervical vertebra NA22.0Z Fracture of first cervical vertebra, unspecified NA22.10 Traumatic spondylolisthesis of second cervical vertebra, type III NA22.11 Other traumatic spondylolisthesis of second cervical vertebra NA22.12 Fracture of odontoid process NA22.13 Other fracture of second cervical vertebra NA22.1Z Fracture of second cervical vertebra, unspecified NA23 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level NA23.0 Traumatic rupture of cervical intervertebral disc NA23.1 Dislocation of cervical vertebra NA23.2 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of neck NA23.3 Multiple dislocations of neck NA23.4 Strain or sprain of cervical spine NA23.5 Strain or sprain of thyroid region NA23.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level NA23.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level, unspecified NA23.10 Cranio-cervical dissociation NA23.11 Atlanto-axial dislocation NA23.12 Dislocation of other specified cervical vertebra NA23.1Z Dislocation of cervical vertebra, unspecified NA23.40 Acute whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain, stiffness or tenderness only NA23.41 Acute whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain with musculoskeletal signs NA23.42 Acute whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain with neurological signs NA23.4Y Other specified strain or sprain of cervical spine NA23.4Z Strain or sprain of cervical spine, unspecified NA30 Concussion or oedema of cervical spinal cord NA31 Certain specified injuries of cervical spinal cord – NA31.0 Complete lesion of cervical spinal cord – NA31.1 Central cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord – NA31.2 Anterior cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord – NA31.3 Posterior cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord – NA31.4 Brown-Sequard syndrome of cervical spinal cord – NA31.5 Other incomplete cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord NA3Z Injury of cervical spinal cord, unspecified NA40 Injury of nerve root of cervical spine NA41 Injury of brachial plexus – NA41.0 Injury of brachial plexus cord – NA41.1 Injury of brachial plexus division – NA41.2 Injury of brachial plexus trunk – NA41.Y Other specified injury of brachial plexus – NA41.Z Injury of brachial plexus, unspecified NA42 Injury of peripheral nerves of neck – NA42.0 Injury of supraclavicular nerve – NA42.1 Injury to anterior cutaneous nerve of neck – NA42.Y Injury of other specified peripheral nerves of neck – NA42.Z Injury of peripheral nerves of neck, unspecified NA43 Injury of cervical sympathetic nerves NA44 Injury of phrenic nerve NA4Y Injury of other specified nerves at neck level NA4Z Injury of nerves at neck level, unspecified NA60 Injury of blood vessels at neck level NA60.0 Injury of carotid artery NA60.1 Injury of vertebral artery NA60.2 Injury of external jugular vein NA60.3 Injury of internal jugular vein NA60.4 Injury of multiple blood vessels at neck level NA60.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at neck level NA60.Z Injury of blood vessels at neck level, unspecified NA60.00 Laceration of carotid artery, minor NA60.01 Laceration of carotid artery, major NA60.0Y Other specified injury of carotid artery NA60.0Z Injury of carotid artery, unspecified NA60.10 Laceration of vertebral artery, minor NA60.11 Laceration of vertebral artery, major NA60.1Y Other specified injury of vertebral artery NA60.1Z Injury of vertebral artery, unspecified NA60.20 Laceration of external jugular vein, minor NA60.21 Laceration of external jugular vein, major NA60.2Y Other specified injury of external jugular vein NA60.2Z Injury of external jugular vein, unspecified NA60.30 Laceration of internal jugular vein, minor NA60.31 Laceration of internal jugular vein, major NA60.3Y Other specified injury of internal jugular vein NA60.3Z Injury of internal jugular vein, unspecified NA61 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level NA61.0 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level NA61.1 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level NA61.Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level NA61.Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level, unspecified NA62 Crushing injury of neck NA62.0 Crushing injury of larynx or trachea NA62.Y Crushing injury of other specified site of neck NA62.Z Crushing injury of neck, unspecified NA63 Traumatic amputation at neck level NA64 Multiple injuries of neck NA6Y Other specified injuries to the neck NA6Z Injuries to the neck, unspecified NA80 Superficial injury of thorax NA80.0 Abrasion of breast NA80.1 Contusion of breast NA80.2 Other or unspecified superficial injuries of breast NA80.3 Other superficial injuries of front wall of thorax NA80.4 Other superficial injuries of back wall of thorax NA80.5 Abrasion of thorax NA80.6 Contusion of thorax NA80.7 Multiple superficial injuries of thorax NA80.Y Other specified superficial injury of thorax NA80.Z Superficial injury of thorax, unspecified NA81 Open wound of thorax NA81.0 Laceration without foreign body of thorax NA81.1 Laceration with foreign body of thorax NA81.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of thorax NA81.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of thorax NA81.4 Open bite of thorax NA81.5 Multiple open wounds of thoracic wall NA81.Y Other specified open wound of thorax NA81.Z Open wound of thorax, unspecified NA82 Fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine NA82.0 Fracture of thoracic vertebra NA82.1 Multiple fractures of thoracic spine NA82.2 Fracture of sternum NA82.3 Fracture of rib NA82.4 Multiple fractures of ribs NA82.5 Flail chest NA82.Y Other specified fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine NA82.Z Fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine, unspecified NA82.30 Fracture of rib, posterior or posterior and lateral NA82.3Y Other specified fracture of rib NA82.3Z Fracture of rib, unspecified NA83 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax NA83.0 Traumatic rupture of thoracic intervertebral disc NA83.1 Dislocation of thoracic vertebra NA83.2 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of thorax NA83.3 Strain or sprain of ligaments of thoracic spine NA83.4 Strain or sprain of ribs or sternum NA83.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax NA83.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax, unspecified NA83.40 Strain or sprain of sternum NA83.41 Strain or sprain of sterno-clavicular joint or ligament NA83.42 Strain or sprain of chondro-sternal joint NA83.4Y Strain or sprain of other specified site of ribs or sternum NA83.4Z Strain or sprain of ribs or sternum, unspecified NA90 Concussion or oedema of thoracic spinal cord NA91 Certain specified injuries of thoracic spinal cord – NA91.0 Complete lesion of thoracic spinal cord – NA91.1 Central cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord – NA91.2 Anterior cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord – NA91.3 Posterior cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord – NA91.4 Brown-Sequard syndrome of thoracic spinal cord – NA91.5 Other incomplete cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord NA9Z Injury of thoracic spinal cord, unspecified NB00 Injury of nerve root of thoracic spine NB01 Injury of peripheral nerves of thorax NB02 Injury of thoracic sympathetic nerves NB0Y Injury of other specified nerves at thorax level NB2Y Other specified injury of nerves or spinal cord at thorax level NB2Z Injury of nerves or spinal cord at thorax level, unspecified NB30 Injury of blood vessels of thorax NB30.0 Injury of thoracic aorta NB30.1 Injury of innominate or subclavian artery NB30.2 Injury of superior vena cava NB30.3 Injury of innominate or subclavian vein NB30.4 Injury of pulmonary blood vessels NB30.5 Injury of intercostal blood vessels NB30.6 Injury of multiple blood vessels of thorax NB30.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels of thorax NB30.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessels of thorax NB30.00 Minor laceration of thoracic aorta NB30.01 Major laceration of thoracic aorta NB30.0Y Other specified injury of thoracic aorta NB30.0Z Injury of thoracic aorta, unspecified NB30.10 Minor laceration of innominate or subclavian artery NB30.11 Major laceration of innominate or subclavian artery NB30.1Y Other specified injury of innominate or subclavian artery NB30.1Z Injury of innominate or subclavian artery, unspecified NB30.20 Minor laceration of superior vena cava NB30.21 Major laceration of superior vena cava NB30.2Y Other specified injury of superior vena cava NB30.2Z Injury of superior vena cava, unspecified NB30.30 Minor laceration of innominate or subclavian vein NB30.31 Major laceration of innominate or subclavian vein NB30.3Y Other specified injury of innominate or subclavian vein NB30.3Z Injury of innominate or subclavian vein, unspecified NB30.40 Minor laceration of pulmonary blood vessels NB30.41 Major laceration of pulmonary blood vessels NB30.4Y Other specified injury of pulmonary blood vessels NB30.4Z Injury of pulmonary blood vessels, unspecified NB30.50 Laceration of intercostal blood vessels NB30.5Y Other specified injury of intercostal blood vessels NB30.5Z Injury of intercostal blood vessels, unspecified NB31 Injury of heart NB31.0 Injury of heart with haemopericardium NB31.1 Injury of heart without haemopericardium NB31.2 Injury of heart, unspecified without open wound into thoracic cavity NB31.3 Injury of heart, unspecified with open wound into thoracic cavity NB31.4 Injury of heart valve NB31.Y Other specified injury of heart NB31.Z Injury of heart, unspecified NB31.00 Contusion of heart with haemopericardium NB31.01 Minor laceration of heart with haemopericardium NB31.02 Moderate laceration of heart with haemopericardium NB31.03 Major laceration of heart with haemopericardium NB31.0Y Other specified injury of heart with haemopericardium NB31.0Z Injury of heart with haemopericardium, unspecified NB31.10 Contusion of heart without haemopericardium NB31.11 Laceration of heart without haemopericardium NB31.1Y Other specified injury of heart without haemopericardium NB31.1Z Injury of heart without haemopericardium, unspecified NB31.40 Injury to mitral valve NB31.4Y Injury of other specified heart valve NB31.4Z Injury of heart valve, unspecified NB32 Injury of other or unspecified intrathoracic organs NB32.0 Traumatic pneumothorax NB32.1 Traumatic haemothorax NB32.2 Traumatic haemopneumothorax NB32.3 Certain injuries of lung NB32.4 Injury of bronchus NB32.5 Injury of thoracic trachea NB32.6 Injury of pleura NB32.7 Multiple injuries of intrathoracic organs NB32.Y Other specified injury of other or unspecified intrathoracic organs NB32.Z Unspecified injury of unspecified intrathoracic organs NB32.30 Contusion of lung NB32.31 Laceration of lung NB32.32 Inhalation injury of lung NB32.33 Primary blast injury of lung NB32.3Y Other injury of lung NB32.3Z Injury of lung, unspecified NB32.40 Contusion of bronchus NB32.41 Minor laceration of bronchus NB32.42 Moderate laceration of bronchus NB32.43 Major laceration of bronchus NB32.4Y Other specified injury of bronchus NB32.4Z Injury of bronchus, unspecified NB32.50 Contusion of thoracic trachea NB32.51 Minor laceration of thoracic trachea NB32.52 Moderate laceration of thoracic trachea NB32.53 Major laceration of thoracic trachea NB32.5Y Other specified injury of thoracic trachea NB32.5Z Injury of thoracic trachea, unspecified NB32.60 Laceration of pleura NB32.6Y Other specified injury of pleura NB32.6Z Injury of pleura, unspecified NB33 Crushing injury of thorax or traumatic amputation of part of thorax NB33.0 Crushed chest NB33.1 Traumatic amputation of breast NB33.2 Traumatic amputation of other or unspecified part of thorax NB33.10 Traumatic amputation of part of breast NB33.11 Traumatic amputation of entire breast NB33.1Z Traumatic amputation of breast, unspecified NB34 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level NB34.0 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level NB34.1 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level NB34.Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level NB34.Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level, unspecified NB35 Multiple injuries of thorax NB3Y Other specified injuries to the thorax NB3Z Injuries to the thorax, unspecified NB50 Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB50.0 Abrasion of lower back or pelvis NB50.1 Contusion of lower back or pelvis NB50.2 Abrasion of abdominal wall NB50.3 Contusion of abdominal wall NB50.4 Abrasion of external genital organs NB50.5 Contusion of external genital organs NB50.6 Multiple superficial injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB50.Y Other specified superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB50.Z Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified NB51 Open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB51.0 Laceration without foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB51.1 Laceration with foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB51.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB51.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB51.4 Open bite of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB51.5 Multiple open wounds of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB51.Y Other specified open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB51.Z Open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified NB52 Fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis NB52.0 Fracture of lumbar vertebra NB52.1 Fracture of pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring NB52.2 Fracture of the pelvic ring with incomplete disruption of posterior arch NB52.3 Fracture of pelvic ring with complete disruption of posterior arch NB52.4 Multiple fractures of lumbar spine or pelvis NB52.Y Other specified fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis NB52.Z Fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified NB52.10 Fracture of sacrum without disruption of pelvic ring NB52.11 Fracture of coccyx NB52.12 Fracture of ilium without disruption of pelvic ring NB52.13 Fracture of acetabulum without disruption of pelvic ring NB52.14 Fracture of pubis without disruption of pelvic ring NB52.15 Fracture of ischium without disruption of pelvic ring NB52.1Y Fracture of other specified pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring NB52.1Z Fracture of unspecified pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring NB53 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis NB53.0 Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc NB53.1 Dislocation of lumbar vertebra NB53.2 Dislocation of sacroiliac or sacrococcygeal joint without disruption of pelvic ring NB53.3 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of lumbar spine or pelvis without disruption of pelvic ring NB53.4 Traumatic rupture of symphysis pubis without disruption of pelvic ring NB53.5 Strain or sprain of lumbar spine NB53.6 Strain or sprain of sacroiliac joint NB53.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis NB53.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified NB60 Concussion or oedema of lumbar spinal cord NB61 Concussion or oedema of sacral spinal cord NB62 Certain specified injuries of lumbar spinal cord – NB62.0 Complete lesion of lumbar spinal cord – NB62.1 Central cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord – NB62.2 Anterior cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord – NB62.3 Posterior cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord – NB62.4 Brown-Sequard syndrome of lumbar spinal cord – NB62.5 Other incomplete cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord – NB62.6 Puncture wound or laceration of dura mater of lumbar spinal cord NB63 Certain specified injuries of sacral spinal cord – NB63.0 Complete injury of sacral spinal cord – NB63.1 Incomplete injury of sacral spinal cord – NB63.Z Injury of sacral spinal cord, unspecified NB6Z Injury of spinal cord at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level, unspecified NB70 Injury of nerve root of lumbar spine NB71 Injury of nerve root of sacral spine NB72 Injury of cauda equina NB73 Injury of lumbosacral plexus NB74 Injury of lumbar, sacral or pelvic sympathetic nerves NB75 Injury of peripheral nerve of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB7Y Other specified injury of nerves at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level NB7Z Injury of nerves at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level, unspecified NB90 Injury of blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level NB90.0 Injury of abdominal aorta NB90.1 Injury of inferior vena cava NB90.2 Injury of coeliac artery NB90.3 Injury of mesenteric artery NB90.4 Injury of portal or splenic vein NB90.5 Injury of renal blood vessels NB90.6 Injury of iliac blood vessels NB90.7 Injury of multiple blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level NB90.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level NB90.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level NB90.00 Minor laceration of abdominal aorta NB90.01 Major laceration of abdominal aorta NB90.0Y Other specified injury of abdominal aorta NB90.0Z Injury of abdominal aorta, unspecified NB90.10 Minor laceration of inferior vena cava NB90.11 Major laceration of inferior vena cava NB90.1Y Other specified injury of inferior vena cava NB90.1Z Injury of inferior vena cava, unspecified NB90.20 Minor laceration of coeliac artery NB90.21 Major laceration of coeliac artery NB90.2Y Other specified injury of coeliac artery NB90.2Z Injury of coeliac artery, unspecified NB90.30 Minor laceration mesenteric artery NB90.31 Major laceration of mesenteric artery NB90.3Y Other specified injury of mesenteric artery NB90.3Z Injury of mesenteric artery, unspecified NB90.40 Minor laceration of portal or splenic vein NB90.41 Major laceration of portal or splenic vein NB90.4Y Other specified injury of portal or splenic vein NB90.4Z Injury of portal or splenic vein, unspecified NB90.50 Minor laceration of renal blood vessels NB90.51 Major laceration of renal blood vessels NB90.5Y Other specified injury of renal blood vessels NB90.5Z Injury of renal blood vessels, unspecified NB90.60 Minor laceration of iliac blood vessels NB90.61 Major laceration of iliac blood vessels NB90.6Y Other specified injury of iliac blood vessels NB90.6Z Injury of iliac blood vessels, unspecified NB91 Injury of intra-abdominal organs NB91.0 Injury of spleen NB91.1 Injury of liver NB91.2 Injury of gallbladder NB91.3 Injury of bile duct NB91.4 Injury of pancreas NB91.5 Injury of stomach NB91.6 Injury of duodenum NB91.7 Injury of small intestine NB91.8 Injury of colon NB91.9 Injury of rectum NB91.A Injury of mesentery NB91.B Injury of multiple intra-abdominal organs NB91.Y Injury of other specified intra-abdominal organs NB91.Z Injury of intra-abdominal organs, unspecified NB91.00 Contusion of spleen, minor NB91.01 Contusion of spleen, major NB91.02 Laceration of spleen, minor NB91.03 Laceration of spleen, moderate NB91.04 Laceration of spleen, major NB91.05 Avulsion of spleen NB91.0Y Other specified injury of spleen NB91.0Z Injury of spleen, unspecified NB91.10 Contusion of liver NB91.11 Laceration of liver, minor NB91.12 Laceration of liver, moderate NB91.13 Laceration of liver, major NB91.14 Injury of hepatic duct NB91.1Y Other specified injury of liver NB91.1Z Injury of liver, unspecified NB91.40 Contusion of pancreas NB91.41 Laceration of pancreas, minor NB91.42 Laceration of pancreas, moderate NB91.43 Laceration of pancreas, major NB91.4Y Other specified injury of pancreas NB91.4Z Injury of pancreas, unspecified NB91.50 Contusion of stomach NB91.51 Laceration of stomach without perforation NB91.52 Laceration of stomach with perforation, avulsion or massive damage NB91.53 Ingestion injury of stomach without perforation NB91.54 Ingestion injury of stomach with perforation NB91.5Y Other specified injury of stomach NB91.5Z Injury of stomach, unspecified NB91.60 Contusion of duodenum NB91.61 Laceration of duodenum NB91.62 Primary blast injury of duodenum NB91.63 Perforation of duodenum NB91.6Y Other specified injury of duodenum NB91.6Z Injury of duodenum, unspecified NB91.70 Contusion of small intestine NB91.71 Laceration of small intestine NB91.72 Primary blast injury of small intestine NB91.7Y Other specified injury of small intestine NB91.7Z Injury of small intestine, unspecified NB91.80 Contusion of colon NB91.81 Laceration of colon NB91.82 Primary blast injury of colon NB91.8Y Other specified injury of colon NB91.8Z Injury of colon, unspecified NB91.90 Contusion of rectum NB91.91 Laceration of rectum NB91.92 Primary blast injury of rectum NB91.9Y Other specified injury of rectum NB91.9Z Injury of rectum, unspecified NB92 Injury of urinary or pelvic organs NB92.0 Injury of kidney NB92.1 Injury of ureter NB92.2 Injury of bladder NB92.3 Injury of urethra NB92.4 Injury of ovary NB92.5 Injury of fallopian tube NB92.6 Injury of uterus NB92.7 Injury of urinary tract NB92.8 Injury of multiple pelvic organs NB92.Y Injury of other specified pelvic organs NB92.Z Injury of urinary or pelvic organs, unspecified NB92.00 Contusion of kidney, minor NB92.01 Contusion of kidney, major NB92.02 Laceration of kidney, minor NB92.03 Laceration of kidney, moderate NB92.04 Laceration of kidney, major NB92.0Y Other specified injury of kidney NB92.0Z Injury of kidney, unspecified NB92.10 Contusion of ureter NB92.11 Laceration of ureter NB92.1Y Other specified injury of ureter NB92.1Z Injury of ureter, unspecified NB92.20 Contusion of bladder NB92.21 Laceration of bladder NB92.2Y Other specified injury of bladder NB92.2Z Injury of bladder, unspecified NB92.30 Contusion of urethra NB92.31 Laceration of urethra NB92.3Y Other specified injury of urethra NB92.3Z Injury of urethra, unspecified NB92.40 Contusion of ovary NB92.41 Laceration of ovary NB92.4Y Other specified injury of ovary NB92.4Z Injury of ovary, unspecified NB93 Crushing injury or traumatic amputation of part of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB93.0 Crushing injury of external genital organs NB93.1 Crushing injury of other or unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB93.2 Traumatic amputation of external genital organs NB93.3 Traumatic amputation of other or unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB93.00 Crushing injury of penis NB93.01 Crushing injury of testes or scrotum NB93.02 Crushing injury of vulva NB93.0Z Crushing injury of external genital organs, unspecified NB93.20 Traumatic amputation of entire penis NB93.21 Traumatic amputation of part of penis NB93.22 Traumatic amputation of entire testes or scrotum NB93.23 Traumatic amputation of part of testes or scrotum NB93.24 Traumatic amputation of entire vulva NB93.25 Traumatic amputation of part of vulva NB93.2Z Traumatic amputation of external genital organs, unspecified NB94 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB94.0 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen NB94.1 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of lower back NB94.2 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of pelvis NB94.3 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen NB94.4 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of lower back NB94.5 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of pelvis NB94.Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB94.Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified NB95 Injury of intra-abdominal organ with pelvic organ NB96 Other multiple injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB97 Certain specified injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis NB97.0 Retroperitoneal haemorrhage or haematoma NB97.1 Fractured penis NB98 Injury to female genital organ without further specification NB99 Injury to male genital organ without further specification NB9Y Other specified injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine or pelvis NB9Z Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified NC10 Superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm NC10.0 Abrasion of shoulder or upper arm NC10.1 Contusion of shoulder or upper arm NC10.2 Multiple superficial injuries of shoulder or upper arm NC10.Y Other specified superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm NC10.Z Superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified NC11 Open wound of shoulder or upper arm NC11.0 Laceration without foreign body of shoulder or upper arm NC11.1 Laceration with foreign body of shoulder or upper arm NC11.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of shoulder or upper arm NC11.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of shoulder or upper arm NC11.4 Open bite of shoulder or upper arm NC11.5 Multiple open wounds of shoulder or upper arm NC11.Y Other specified open wound of shoulder or upper arm NC11.Z Open wound of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified NC12 Fracture of shoulder or upper arm NC12.0 Fracture of clavicle NC12.1 Fracture of scapula NC12.2 Fracture of upper end of humerus NC12.3 Fracture of shaft of humerus NC12.4 Fracture of lower end of humerus NC12.5 Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula or humerus NC12.7 Fracture of shoulder girdle, part unspecified NC12.Z Fracture of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified NC12.00 Fracture of sternal end of clavicle NC12.01 Fracture of shaft of clavicle NC12.02 Fracture of acromial end of clavicle NC12.03 Multiple fractures of clavicle, alone NC12.0Y Other specified fracture of clavicle NC12.0Z Fracture of clavicle, unspecified NC12.10 Multiple fractures of scapula NC12.1Y Other specified fracture of scapula NC12.1Z Fracture of scapula, unspecified NC12.20 Fracture of upper end of humerus, head NC12.21 Fracture of surgical neck of humerus NC12.22 Fracture of anatomical neck of humerus NC12.23 Fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus NC12.24 Fracture of lesser tuberosity of humerus NC12.2Z Fracture of upper end of humerus, unspecified site NC12.40 Supracondylar fracture of humerus NC12.41 Fracture of lateral epicondyle of humerus NC12.42 Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus NC12.43 Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus NC12.44 Fracture of medial condyle of humerus NC12.4Y Other specified fracture of lower end of humerus NC12.4Z Fracture of lower end of humerus, unspecified NC13 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of shoulder girdle NC13.0 Dislocation of shoulder joint NC13.1 Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint NC13.2 Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint NC13.3 Dislocation of scapula NC13.4 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of shoulder girdle NC13.5 Strain or sprain of shoulder joint NC13.6 Strain or sprain of acromioclavicular joint NC13.7 Strain or sprain of sternoclavicular joint NC13.8 Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of shoulder girdle NC13.Y Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints and ligaments of shoulder girdle NC13.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of shoulder girdle, unspecified NC14 Injury of nerves at shoulder or upper arm level NC14.0 Injury of ulnar nerve at upper arm level NC14.1 Injury of median nerve at upper arm level NC14.2 Injury of radial nerve at upper arm level NC14.3 Injury of axillary nerve NC14.4 Injury of musculocutaneous nerve NC14.5 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder or upper arm level NC14.6 Injury of multiple nerves at shoulder or upper arm level NC14.Y Injury of other specified nerves at shoulder or upper arm level NC14.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at shoulder or upper arm level NC15 Injury of blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level NC15.0 Injury of axillary artery NC15.1 Injury of brachial artery NC15.2 Injury of axillary or brachial vein NC15.3 Injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level NC15.4 Injury of multiple blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level NC15.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level NC15.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at shoulder or upper arm level NC15.00 Laceration of axillary artery NC15.0Y Other specified injury of axillary artery NC15.0Z Injury of axillary artery, unspecified NC15.10 Laceration of brachial artery NC15.1Y Other specified injury of brachial artery NC15.1Z Injury of brachial artery, unspecified NC15.20 Laceration of axillary or brachial vein NC15.2Y Other specified injury of axillary or brachial vein NC15.2Z Injury of axillary or brachial vein, unspecified NC15.30 Laceration of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level NC15.3Y Other specified injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level NC15.3Z Injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level, unspecified NC16 Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at shoulder or upper arm level NC16.0 Injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder NC16.1 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps NC16.2 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps NC16.3 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps NC16.4 Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level NC16.5 Injury of bursa of shoulder NC16.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at shoulder or upper arm level NC16.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at shoulder or upper arm level NC16.00 Strain or sprain of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder NC16.01 Laceration of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder NC16.0Y Other specified injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder NC16.0Z Injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder, unspecified NC16.10 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps NC16.11 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps NC16.1Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps NC16.1Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps, unspecified NC16.20 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps NC16.21 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps NC16.2Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps NC16.2Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps, unspecified NC16.30 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps NC16.31 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps NC16.3Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps NC16.3Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps, unspecified NC16.40 Strain or sprain of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level NC16.41 Laceration of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level NC16.4Y Other specified injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level NC16.4Z Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level, unspecified NC17 Crushing injury of shoulder or upper arm NC18 Traumatic amputation of shoulder or upper arm NC18.0 Traumatic amputation at right shoulder joint NC18.1 Traumatic amputation at left shoulder joint NC18.2 Traumatic amputation at shoulder joint, bilateral NC18.3 Traumatic amputation at level between right shoulder and elbow NC18.4 Traumatic amputation at level between left shoulder and elbow NC18.5 Traumatic amputation at level between shoulder and elbow, bilateral NC18.Z Traumatic amputation of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified NC19 Multiple injuries of shoulder or upper arm NC1Y Other specified injuries to the shoulder or upper arm NC1Z Injuries to the shoulder or upper arm, unspecified NC30 Superficial injury of forearm NC30.0 Abrasion of elbow NC30.1 Contusion of elbow NC30.2 Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of forearm NC30.3 Contusion of other or unspecified parts of forearm NC30.4 Multiple superficial injuries of forearm NC30.Y Other specified superficial injury of forearm NC30.Z Superficial injury of forearm, unspecified NC31 Open wound of forearm NC31.0 Laceration without foreign body of forearm NC31.1 Laceration with foreign body of forearm NC31.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of forearm NC31.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of forearm NC31.4 Open bite of forearm NC31.5 Multiple open wounds of forearm NC31.Y Other specified open wound of forearm NC31.Z Open wound of forearm, unspecified NC32 Fracture of forearm NC32.0 Fracture of upper end of ulna NC32.1 Fracture of upper end of radius NC32.2 Fracture of shaft of ulna NC32.3 Fracture of shaft of radius NC32.4 Fracture of shafts of both ulna and radius NC32.5 Fracture of lower end of radius NC32.6 Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius NC32.7 Multiple fractures of forearm NC32.Y Fracture of other specified parts of forearm NC32.Z Fracture of forearm, unspecified NC32.50 Fracture of lower end of radius, dorsal tilt NC32.51 Fracture of lower end of radius, volar tilt NC32.5Y Other specified fracture of lower end of radius NC32.5Z Fracture of lower end of radius, unspecified NC33 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of elbow NC33.0 Dislocation of radial head NC33.1 Dislocation of elbow NC33.2 Traumatic rupture of radial collateral ligament NC33.3 Traumatic rupture of ulnar collateral ligament NC33.4 Strain or sprain of elbow NC33.Y Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments of elbow NC33.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of elbow, unspecified NC34 Injury of nerves at forearm level NC34.0 Injury of ulnar nerve at forearm level NC34.1 Injury of median nerve at forearm level NC34.2 Injury of radial nerve at forearm level NC34.3 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level NC34.4 Injury of multiple nerves at forearm level NC34.Y Injury of other specified nerves at forearm level NC34.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at forearm level NC35 Injury of blood vessels at forearm level NC35.0 Injury of ulnar artery at forearm level NC35.1 Injury of radial artery at forearm level NC35.2 Injury of vein at forearm level NC35.3 Injury of multiple blood vessels at forearm level NC35.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at forearm level NC35.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at forearm level NC35.00 Laceration of ulnar artery at forearm level NC35.0Y Other specified injury of ulnar artery at forearm level NC35.0Z Injury of ulnar artery at forearm level, unspecified NC35.10 Laceration of radial artery at forearm level NC35.1Y Other specified injury of radial artery at forearm level NC35.1Z Injury of radial artery at forearm level, unspecified NC35.20 Laceration of vein at forearm level NC35.2Y Other specified injury of vein at forearm level NC35.2Z Injury of vein at forearm level, unspecified NC36 Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level NC36.0 Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level NC36.1 Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level NC36.2 Injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level NC36.3 Injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level NC36.4 Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level NC36.5 Injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level NC36.6 Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at forearm level NC36.7 Injury of bursa of elbow NC36.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level NC36.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level NC36.00 Strain or sprain of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level NC36.01 Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level NC36.0Y Other specified injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level NC36.0Z Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level, unspecified NC36.10 Strain or sprain of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level NC36.11 Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level NC36.1Y Other specified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level NC36.1Z Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level, unspecified NC36.20 Strain or sprain of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level NC36.21 Laceration of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level NC36.2Y Other specified injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level NC36.2Z Injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level, unspecified NC36.30 Strain or sprain of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level NC36.31 Laceration of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level NC36.3Y Other specified injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level NC36.3Z Injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level, unspecified NC36.40 Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level NC36.41 Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level NC36.4Y Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level NC36.4Z Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level, unspecified NC36.50 Strain or sprain of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level NC36.51 Laceration of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level NC36.5Y Other specified injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level NC36.5Z Injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level, unspecified NC37 Crushing injury of forearm NC37.0 Crushing injury of elbow NC37.Y Crushing injury of other specified part of forearm NC37.Z Crushing injury of forearm, unspecified NC38 Traumatic amputation of forearm NC38.0 Traumatic amputation at right elbow level NC38.1 Traumatic amputation at left elbow level NC38.2 Traumatic amputation at elbow level, bilateral NC38.3 Traumatic amputation at level between right elbow and wrist NC38.4 Traumatic amputation at level between left elbow and wrist NC38.5 Traumatic amputation between elbow and wrist, bilateral NC38.Z Traumatic amputation of forearm, unspecified NC39 Multiple injuries of forearm NC3Y Other specified injuries to the elbow or forearm NC3Z Injuries to the elbow or forearm, unspecified NC50 Injury to fingernail NC51 Superficial injury of wrist or hand NC51.0 Superficial injury of finger or thumb NC51.1 Superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand NC51.2 Multiple superficial injuries of wrist or hand NC51.00 Abrasion of finger or thumb NC51.01 Contusion of finger or thumb NC51.0Y Other specified superficial injury of finger or thumb NC51.0Z Superficial injury of finger or thumb, unspecified NC51.10 Contusion of other parts of wrist or hand NC51.11 Nonvenomous insect bite of other parts of wrist or hand NC51.1Y Other specified superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand NC51.1Z Superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand, unspecified NC52 Open wound of wrist or hand NC52.0 Open wound of finger or thumb NC52.1 Open wound of other parts of wrist or hand NC52.2 Multiple open wounds of wrist or hand NC52.00 Laceration without foreign body of finger or thumb NC52.01 Laceration with foreign body of finger or thumb NC52.02 Puncture wound without foreign body of finger or thumb NC52.03 Puncture wound with foreign body of finger or thumb NC52.04 Open bite of finger or thumb NC52.0Y Other specified open wound of finger or thumb NC52.0Z Open wound of finger or thumb, unspecified NC52.10 Laceration without foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand NC52.11 Laceration with foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand NC52.12 Puncture wound with foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand NC52.13 Puncture wound without foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand NC52.14 Open bite of other parts of wrist or hand NC52.1Y Other specified open wound of other parts of wrist or hand NC52.1Z Open wound of other parts of wrist or hand, unspecified NC53 Fracture at wrist or hand level NC53.0 Fracture of scaphoid bone of hand NC53.1 Fracture of other carpal bone NC53.2 Fracture of first metacarpal bone NC53.3 Fracture of other metacarpal bone NC53.4 Multiple fractures of metacarpal bones NC53.5 Fracture of thumb bone NC53.6 Fracture of other finger bone NC53.7 Multiple fractures of fingers NC53.Y Fracture at other specified part of wrist or hand level NC53.Z Fracture at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC53.30 Fracture of shaft of other metacarpal bone NC53.31 Fracture of neck of other metacarpal bone NC53.3Y Fracture of other specified part of other metacarpal bone NC53.3Z Fracture of other metacarpal bone, unspecified NC53.60 Fracture of index finger NC53.61 Fracture of middle finger NC53.62 Fracture of ring finger NC53.63 Fracture of little finger NC53.6Y Other specified fracture of other finger bone NC53.6Z Fracture of other finger bone, unspecified NC54 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level NC54.0 Dislocation of wrist NC54.1 Dislocation of thumb NC54.2 Dislocation of finger NC54.3 Multiple dislocations of fingers NC54.4 Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist or carpus NC54.5 Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint NC54.6 Strain or sprain of wrist NC54.7 Strain or sprain of thumb NC54.8 Strain or sprain of finger NC54.Y Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level NC54.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC54.00 Dislocation of distal radioulnar joint NC54.01 Dislocation of radiocarpal joint NC54.02 Dislocation of midcarpal joint NC54.03 Dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb NC54.04 Dislocation of other carpometacarpal joint NC54.05 Dislocation of metacarpal bone, proximal end NC54.0Y Dislocation of other specified part of wrist NC54.0Z Dislocation of wrist, unspecified NC54.10 Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb NC54.11 Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of thumb NC54.1Y Dislocation of other specified part of thumb NC54.1Z Dislocation of thumb, unspecified NC54.20 Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger NC54.21 Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of finger NC54.2Y Dislocation of other specified part of finger NC54.2Z Dislocation of finger, unspecified NC54.40 Traumatic rupture of scapholunate ligament NC54.41 Traumatic rupture of radiocarpal ligament NC54.42 Traumatic rupture of ulnocarpal ligament NC54.43 Traumatic rupture of lunotriquetral ligament NC54.4Y Traumatic rupture of other specified ligament of wrist or carpus NC54.4Z Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist or carpus, unspecified NC54.50 Traumatic rupture of collateral ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint NC54.51 Traumatic rupture of palmar ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint NC54.52 Traumatic rupture of volar plate of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint NC54.53 Traumatic rupture of other ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint NC54.5Z Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint, unspecified NC54.60 Strain or sprain of carpal joint NC54.61 Strain or sprain of radiocarpal joint NC54.62 Strain or sprain of carpometacarpal joint NC54.6Y Sprain of other specified part of wrist NC54.6Z Strain or sprain of wrist, unspecified NC54.70 Strain or sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb NC54.71 Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of thumb NC54.7Y Sprain or strain of other specified part of thumb NC54.7Z Strain or sprain of thumb, unspecified NC54.80 Strain or sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger NC54.81 Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of finger NC54.8Y Sprain of other specified part of finger NC54.8Z Strain or sprain of finger, unspecified NC55 Injury of nerves at wrist or hand level NC55.0 Injury of ulnar nerve at wrist or hand level NC55.1 Injury of median nerve at wrist or hand level NC55.2 Injury of radial nerve at wrist or hand level NC55.3 Injury of multiple nerves at wrist or hand level NC55.Y Injury of other specified nerves at wrist or hand level NC55.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist or hand level NC56 Injury of blood vessels at wrist or hand level NC56.0 Injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level NC56.1 Injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level NC56.2 Injury of superficial palmar arch NC56.3 Injury of deep palmar arch NC56.4 Injury of blood vessel of thumb NC56.5 Injury of blood vessel of other finger NC56.6 Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level NC56.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at wrist and hand level NC56.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist or hand level NC56.00 Laceration of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level NC56.01 Contusion of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level NC56.0Y Other specified injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level NC56.0Z Injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC56.10 Laceration of radial artery at wrist or hand level NC56.11 Contusion of radial artery at wrist or hand level NC56.1Y Other specified injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level NC56.1Z Injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC56.20 Laceration of superficial palmar arch NC56.21 Contusion of superficial palmar arch NC56.2Y Other specified injury of superficial palmar arch NC56.2Z Injury of superficial palmar arch, unspecified NC56.30 Laceration of deep palmar arch NC56.31 Contusion of deep palmar arch NC56.3Y Other specified injury of deep palmar arch NC56.3Z Injury of deep palmar arch, unspecified NC56.40 Laceration of blood vessel of thumb NC56.41 Contusion of blood vessel of thumb NC56.4Y Other specified injury of blood vessel of thumb NC56.4Z Injury of blood vessel of thumb, unspecified NC56.50 Laceration of blood vessel of other finger NC56.51 Contusion of blood vessel of other finger NC56.5Y Other specified injury of blood vessel of other finger NC56.5Z Injury of blood vessel of other finger, unspecified NC56.60 Laceration of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level NC56.61 Contusion of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level NC56.6Y Other specified injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level NC56.6Z Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC57 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level NC57.0 Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.1 Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.2 Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.3 Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.4 Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.5 Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.6 Injury of multiple flexor muscles or tendons at wrist or hand level NC57.7 Injury of multiple extensor muscles or tendons at wrist or hand level NC57.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level NC57.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level NC57.00 Strain or sprain of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.01 Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.0Y Other specified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.0Z Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC57.10 Strain or sprain of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.11 Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.1Y Other specified injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.1Z Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC57.20 Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.21 Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.2Y Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.2Z Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC57.30 Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.31 Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.3Y Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.3Z Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC57.40 Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.41 Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.4Y Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level NC57.4Z Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC57.50 Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.51 Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.5Y Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level NC57.5Z Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified NC58 Crushing injury of wrist or hand NC58.0 Crushing injury of thumb NC58.1 Crushing injury of other finger NC58.2 Crushing injury of hand NC58.3 Crushing injury of wrist NC58.Y Crushing injury of other specified part of wrist or hand NC58.Z Crushing injury of wrist or hand, unspecified NC59 Traumatic amputation of wrist or hand NC59.0 Traumatic amputation of thumb NC59.1 Traumatic amputation of other single finger NC59.2 Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone NC59.3 Combined traumatic amputation of finger with other parts of wrist or hand NC59.4 Traumatic amputation of hand at metacarpal level NC59.Z Traumatic amputation of wrist or hand, unspecified NC59.00 Traumatic amputation at or near base of right thumb NC59.01 Traumatic amputation at or near base of left thumb NC59.02 Traumatic amputation at or near base of thumb, bilateral NC59.0Y Other specified traumatic amputation of thumb NC59.0Z Traumatic amputation of thumb, unspecified NC59.20 Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers at or near base, right hand NC59.21 Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers at or near base, left hand NC59.22 Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone at or near base, bilateral NC59.2Y Other specified traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone NC59.2Z Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone, unspecified NC5A Multiple injuries of wrist or hand NC5A.0 Injury of multiple sites of hand NC5A.1 Injury of multiple sites of wrist NC5A.Y Other specified multiple injuries of wrist or hand NC5A.Z Multiple injuries of wrist or hand, unspecified NC5Y Other specified injuries to the wrist or hand NC5Z Injuries to the wrist or hand, unspecified NC70 Superficial injury of hip or thigh NC70.0 Abrasion of hip NC70.1 Contusion of hip NC70.2 Abrasion of thigh NC70.3 Contusion of thigh NC70.4 Multiple superficial injuries of hip or thigh NC70.Y Other specified superficial injury of hip or thigh NC70.Z Superficial injury of hip or thigh, unspecified NC71 Open wound of hip or thigh NC71.0 Laceration without foreign body of hip or thigh NC71.1 Laceration with foreign body of hip or thigh NC71.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of hip or thigh NC71.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of hip or thigh NC71.4 Open bite of hip or thigh NC71.5 Multiple open wounds of hip or thigh NC71.Y Other specified open wound of hip or thigh NC71.Z Open wound of hip or thigh, unspecified NC72 Fracture of femur NC72.0 Fracture of head of femur NC72.1 Fracture of upper epiphysis of femur NC72.2 Fracture of neck of femur NC72.3 Fracture of trochanteric section of femur NC72.4 Subtrochanteric fracture of femur NC72.5 Fracture of shaft of femur NC72.6 Fracture of lower end of femur NC72.7 Multiple fractures of femur NC72.8 Fractures of other parts of femur NC72.Y Other specified fracture of femur NC72.Z Fracture of femur, unspecified NC72.20 Fracture of neck of femur, subcapital NC72.21 Fracture of neck of femur, mid-cervical NC72.22 Fracture of base of neck of femur NC72.23 Intracapsular fracture of femur NC72.2Y Other specified fracture of neck of femur NC72.2Z Fracture of neck of femur, unspecified NC72.30 Intertrochanteric fracture of femur NC72.31 Pertrochanteric fracture of femur NC72.3Y Fracture of other specified trochanteric section of femur NC72.3Z Fracture of unspecified trochanteric section of femur NC72.60 Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, simple NC72.61 Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, wedge NC72.62 Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, complex NC72.63 Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, lateral condyle NC72.64 Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, medial condyle NC72.65 Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, frontal NC72.66 Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, complete articular NC72.6Y Other specified fracture of lower end of femur NC72.6Z Fracture of lower end of femur, unspecified NC73 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joint or ligaments of hip NC73.0 Dislocation of hip NC73.1 Strain or sprain of hip NC73.00 Posterior dislocation of hip NC73.01 Obturator dislocation of hip NC73.02 Other anterior dislocation of hip NC73.03 Central dislocation of hip NC73.0Y Other specified dislocation of hip NC73.0Z Dislocation of hip, unspecified NC73.10 Iliofemoral ligament strain or sprain of hip NC73.11 Ischiocapsular ligament strain or sprain of hip NC73.1Y Other specified strain or sprain of hip NC73.1Z Strain or sprain of hip, unspecified NC74 Injury of nerves at hip or thigh level NC74.0 Injury of sciatic nerve at hip or thigh level NC74.1 Injury of femoral nerve at hip or thigh level NC74.2 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip or thigh level NC74.3 Injury of multiple nerves at hip or thigh level NC74.Y Injury of other specified nerves at hip or thigh level NC74.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at hip or thigh level NC75 Injury of blood vessels at hip or thigh level NC75.0 Injury of femoral artery NC75.1 Injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level NC75.2 Injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level NC75.3 Injury of multiple blood vessels at hip or thigh level NC75.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at hip and thigh level NC75.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at hip or thigh level NC75.00 Laceration of femoral artery, minor NC75.01 Laceration of femoral artery, major NC75.0Y Other specified injury of femoral artery NC75.0Z Injury of femoral artery, unspecified NC75.10 Laceration of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, minor NC75.11 Laceration of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, major NC75.1Y Other specified injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level NC75.1Z Injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, unspecified NC75.20 Laceration of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, minor NC75.21 Laceration of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, major NC75.2Y Other specified injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level NC75.2Z Injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, unspecified NC76 Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level NC76.0 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip NC76.1 Injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon NC76.2 Injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh NC76.3 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level NC76.4 Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level NC76.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level NC76.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level NC76.00 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip NC76.01 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip NC76.0Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip NC76.0Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip, unspecified NC76.10 Strain or sprain of quadriceps muscle or tendon NC76.11 Laceration of quadriceps muscle or tendon NC76.1Y Other specified injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon NC76.1Z Injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon, unspecified NC76.20 Strain or sprain of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh NC76.21 Laceration of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh NC76.2Y Other specified injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh NC76.2Z Injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh, unspecified NC76.30 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level NC76.31 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level NC76.3Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level NC76.3Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level, unspecified NC76.40 Injury of bursa of hip NC76.4Y Other specified injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level NC76.4Z Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level, unspecified NC77 Crushing injury of hip or thigh NC77.0 Crushing injury of hip NC77.1 Crushing injury of thigh NC77.2 Crushing injury of hip with thigh NC77.Z Crushing injury of hip or thigh, unspecified NC78 Traumatic amputation of hip or thigh NC78.0 Traumatic amputation at right hip joint NC78.1 Traumatic amputation at left hip joint NC78.2 Traumatic amputation at hip joint, bilateral NC78.3 Traumatic amputation at level between right hip and knee NC78.4 Traumatic amputation at level between left hip and knee NC78.5 Traumatic amputation at level between hip and knee, bilateral NC78.Z Traumatic amputation of hip or thigh, unspecified NC79 Multiple injuries of hip or thigh NC7Y Other specified injuries to the hip or thigh NC7Z Injuries to the hip or thigh, unspecified NC90 Superficial injury of knee or lower leg NC90.0 Abrasion of knee NC90.1 Contusion of knee NC90.2 Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of lower leg NC90.3 Contusion of other or unspecified parts of lower leg NC90.4 Multiple superficial injuries of lower leg NC90.Y Other specified superficial injury of knee or lower leg NC90.Z Superficial injury of knee or lower leg, unspecified NC91 Open wound of knee or lower leg NC91.0 Laceration without foreign body of lower leg NC91.1 Laceration with foreign body of lower leg NC91.2 Puncture wound without foreign body of lower leg NC91.3 Puncture wound with foreign body of lower leg NC91.4 Open bite of lower leg NC91.5 Multiple open wounds of lower leg NC91.Y Other specified open wound of knee or lower leg NC91.Z Open wound of knee or lower leg, unspecified NC92 Fracture of lower leg, including ankle NC92.0 Fracture of patella NC92.1 Fracture of upper end of tibia NC92.2 Fracture of shaft of tibia NC92.3 Fracture of lower end of tibia NC92.4 Fracture of fibula NC92.5 Fracture of medial malleolus NC92.6 Fracture of lateral malleolus NC92.7 Complex fractures of ankle NC92.8 Multiple fractures of lower leg NC92.Y Fracture of other specified part of lower leg, including ankle NC92.Z Fracture of lower leg, including ankle, unspecified NC92.10 Avulsion of cruciate ligament insertion NC92.11 Avulsion of tibial tuberosity NC92.12 Metaphyseal fracture of upper end of tibia NC92.13 Fracture of upper end of tibia, lateral condyle NC92.14 Fracture of upper end of tibia, medial condyle NC92.1Y Other specified fracture of upper end of tibia NC92.1Z Fracture of upper end of tibia, unspecified NC92.40 Avulsion of fibular head NC92.4Y Other specified fracture of fibula NC92.4Z Fracture of fibula, unspecified NC92.70 Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of lateral malleolus below syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus NC92.71 Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of lateral malleolus below syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia NC92.72 Fracture of lateral malleolus at syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus NC92.73 Fracture of lateral malleolus at syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia NC92.74 Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus with fracture of fibula above syndesmosis NC92.75 Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus with fracture of fibula above syndesmosis and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia NC92.76 Bimalleolar fracture of ankle, not otherwise specified NC92.77 Trimalleolar fracture of ankle, not otherwise specified NC92.7Y Other specified complex fractures of ankle NC92.7Z Complex fractures of ankle, unspecified NC93 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee NC93.0 Acute internal damage of knee NC93.1 Dislocation of patella NC93.2 Dislocation of knee NC93.3 Tear of meniscus, current NC93.4 Tear of articular cartilage of knee NC93.5 Strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee NC93.6 Strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee NC93.7 Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of knee NC93.8 Injury to multiple structures of knee NC93.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee NC93.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee, unspecified NC93.10 Lateral dislocation of patella NC93.1Y Other specified dislocation of patella NC93.1Z Dislocation of patella, unspecified NC93.20 Anterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia NC93.21 Posterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia NC93.22 Medial dislocation of proximal end of tibia NC93.23 Lateral dislocation of proximal end of tibia NC93.2Y Other specified dislocation of knee NC93.2Z Dislocation of knee, unspecified NC93.30 Tear of medial meniscus NC93.31 Tear of lateral meniscus NC93.3Y Other specified tear of meniscus, current NC93.3Z Tear of meniscus, current, unspecified NC93.50 Strain or sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee, excluding rupture NC93.51 Strain or sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee, excluding rupture NC93.52 Rupture of medial collateral ligament of knee NC93.53 Rupture of lateral collateral ligament of knee NC93.5Y Other specified strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee NC93.5Z Strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee, unspecified NC93.60 Strain or sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of knee, excluding rupture NC93.61 Strain or sprain of posterior cruciate ligament of knee, excluding rupture NC93.62 Rupture of anterior cruciate ligament NC93.63 Rupture of posterior cruciate ligament NC93.6Y Other specified strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee NC93.6Z Strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee, unspecified NC94 Injury of nerves at lower leg level NC94.0 Injury of tibial nerve at lower leg level NC94.1 Injury of peroneal nerve at lower leg level NC94.2 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level NC94.3 Injury of multiple nerves at lower leg level NC94.Y Injury of other specified nerves at lower leg level NC94.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at lower leg level NC95 Injury of blood vessels at lower leg level NC95.0 Injury of popliteal artery NC95.1 Injury of anterior tibial artery NC95.2 Injury of posterior tibial artery NC95.3 Injury of peroneal artery NC95.4 Injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level NC95.5 Injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level NC95.6 Injury of popliteal vein NC95.7 Injury of multiple blood vessels at lower leg level NC95.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at lower leg level NC95.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at lower leg level NC95.00 Laceration of popliteal artery NC95.0Y Other specified injury of popliteal artery NC95.0Z Injury of popliteal artery, unspecified NC95.10 Laceration of anterior tibial artery NC95.1Y Other specified injury of anterior tibial artery NC95.1Z Injury of anterior tibial artery, unspecified NC95.20 Laceration of posterior tibial artery NC95.2Y Other specified injury of posterior tibial artery NC95.2Z Injury of posterior tibial artery, unspecified NC95.30 Laceration of peroneal artery NC95.3Y Other specified injury of peroneal artery NC95.3Z Injury of peroneal artery, unspecified NC95.40 Laceration of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level NC95.4Y Other specified injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level NC95.4Z Injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level, unspecified NC95.50 Laceration of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level NC95.5Y Other specified injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level NC95.5Z Injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level, unspecified NC95.60 Laceration of popliteal vein NC95.6Y Other specified injury of popliteal vein NC95.6Z Injury of popliteal vein, unspecified NC96 Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level NC96.0 Injury of Achilles tendon NC96.1 Injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level NC96.2 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level NC96.3 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level NC96.4 Injury of multiple muscles, fasciae or tendons at lower leg level NC96.5 Injury of bursa of knee NC96.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level NC96.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level NC96.00 Strain or sprain of Achilles tendon NC96.01 Laceration of Achilles tendon NC96.02 Rupture of Achilles tendon NC96.0Y Other specified injury of Achilles tendon NC96.0Z Injury of Achilles tendon, unspecified NC96.10 Strain or sprain of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level NC96.11 Laceration of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level NC96.1Y Other specified injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level NC96.1Z Injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified NC96.20 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level NC96.21 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level NC96.2Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level NC96.2Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified NC96.30 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level NC96.31 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level NC96.3Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level NC96.3Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified NC97 Crushing injury of lower leg NC97.0 Crushing injury of knee NC97.Y Crushing injury of other specified part of lower leg NC97.Z Crushing injury of lower leg, unspecified NC98 Traumatic amputation of lower leg NC98.0 Traumatic amputation of right lower leg at knee level NC98.1 Traumatic amputation of left lower leg at knee level NC98.2 Traumatic amputation at knee level, bilateral NC98.3 Traumatic amputation at level between right knee and ankle NC98.4 Traumatic amputation at level between left knee and ankle NC98.5 Traumatic amputation at level between knee and ankle, bilateral NC98.Y Other specified traumatic amputation of lower leg NC98.Z Traumatic amputation of lower leg, unspecified NC99 Multiple injuries of lower leg NC9Y Other specified injuries to the knee or lower leg NC9Z Injuries to the knee or lower leg, unspecified ND10 Injury to toenail ND11 Superficial injury of ankle or foot ND11.0 Abrasion of ankle ND11.1 Contusion of ankle ND11.2 Nonthermal blister of ankle ND11.3 Nonvenomous insect bite of ankle ND11.4 Superficial foreign body in ankle ND11.5 Abrasion of toe ND11.6 Contusion of toe ND11.7 Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of foot ND11.8 Contusion of other or unspecified parts of foot ND11.9 Nonthermal blister of other or unspecified parts of foot ND11.A Nonvenomous insect bite of other or unspecified parts of foot ND11.B Superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot ND11.C Multiple superficial injuries of ankle or foot ND11.Y Other specified superficial injury of ankle or foot ND11.Z Superficial injury of ankle or foot, unspecified ND11.40 Splinter in ankle ND11.4Y Other specified superficial foreign body in ankle ND11.4Z Superficial foreign body in ankle, unspecified ND11.B0 Splinter in other or unspecified parts of foot ND11.BY Other specified superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot ND11.BZ Superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot, unspecified ND12 Open wound of ankle or foot ND12.0 Laceration without foreign body of ankle or foot ND12.1 Laceration with foreign body of ankle or foot ND12.2 Puncture wound with foreign body of ankle or foot ND12.3 Puncture wound without foreign body of ankle or foot ND12.4 Open bite of ankle or foot ND12.5 Multiple open wounds of ankle or foot ND12.6 Open wound of toe ND12.Y Other specified open wound of ankle or foot ND12.Z Open wound of ankle or foot, unspecified ND12.60 Laceration without foreign body of toe ND12.61 Laceration with foreign body of toe ND12.62 Puncture wound without foreign body of toe ND12.63 Puncture wound with foreign body of toe ND12.64 Open bite of toe ND12.6Y Other specified open wound of toe ND12.6Z Open wound of toe, unspecified ND13 Fracture of foot, except ankle ND13.0 Fracture of calcaneus ND13.1 Fracture of talus ND13.2 Fracture of unspecified tarsal bone ND13.3 Fracture of metatarsal bone ND13.4 Fracture of great toe ND13.5 Fracture of other toe ND13.6 Multiple fractures of foot ND13.7 Fracture of cuboid bone ND13.8 Fracture of lateral cuneiform ND13.9 Fracture of intermediate cuneiform ND13.A Fracture of medial cuneiform ND13.B Fracture of navicular of foot ND13.Y Fracture of other specified part of foot, except ankle ND13.Z Fracture of foot, except ankle, unspecified ND14 Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level ND14.0 Dislocation of ankle joint ND14.1 Dislocation of great toe ND14.2 Dislocation of other toe ND14.3 Dislocation of tarsal joint ND14.4 Dislocation of tarsometatarsal joint ND14.5 Rupture of ligaments at ankle or foot level ND14.6 Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of foot ND14.7 Strain or sprain of ankle ND14.8 Strain or sprain of other toe ND14.9 Strain or sprain of great toe ND14.A Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of foot ND14.Y Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level ND14.Z Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level, unspecified ND14.10 Dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe ND14.11 Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of great toe ND14.1Z Dislocation of great toe, unspecified ND14.20 Dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe ND14.21 Dislocation of interphalangeal joints of lesser toe ND14.2Y Dislocation of other specified toe ND14.2Z Dislocation of other toe, unspecified ND14.70 Strain or sprain of calcaneofibular ligament ND14.71 Strain or sprain of deltoid ligament ND14.72 Strain or sprain of tibiofibular ligament ND14.73 Strain or sprain of other ligament of ankle ND14.7Z Strain or sprain of ankle, unspecified ND14.80 Strain or sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe ND14.81 Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joints of lesser toe ND14.8Y Strain or sprain of other specified toe ND14.8Z Strain or sprain of other toe, unspecified ND14.90 Strain or sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe ND14.91 Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of great toe ND14.9Z Strain or sprain of great toe, unspecified ND15 Injury of nerves at ankle or foot level ND15.0 Injury of lateral plantar nerve ND15.1 Injury of medial plantar nerve ND15.2 Injury of deep peroneal nerve at ankle or foot level ND15.3 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle or foot level ND15.4 Injury of multiple nerves at ankle or foot level ND15.Y Injury of other specified nerves at ankle and foot level ND15.Z Injury of unspecified nerve at ankle or foot level ND16 Injury of blood vessels at ankle or foot level ND16.0 Injury of dorsal artery of foot ND16.1 Injury of plantar artery of foot ND16.2 Injury of dorsal vein of foot ND16.3 Injury of multiple blood vessels at ankle or foot level ND16.Y Injury of other specified blood vessels at ankle and foot level ND16.Z Injury of unspecified blood vessel at ankle or foot level ND16.00 Laceration of dorsal artery of foot ND16.0Y Other specified injury of dorsal artery of foot ND16.0Z Injury of dorsal artery of foot, unspecified ND16.10 Laceration of plantar artery of foot ND16.1Y Other specified injury of plantar artery of foot ND16.1Z Injury of plantar artery of foot, unspecified ND16.20 Laceration of dorsal vein of foot ND16.2Y Other specified injury of dorsal vein of foot ND16.2Z Injury of dorsal vein of foot, unspecified ND17 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level ND17.0 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level ND17.1 Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level ND17.2 Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level ND17.3 Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at ankle or foot level ND17.Y Injury of other specified muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level ND17.Z Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level ND17.00 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level ND17.01 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level ND17.0Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level ND17.0Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level, unspecified ND17.10 Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level ND17.11 Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level ND17.1Y Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level ND17.1Z Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level, unspecified ND17.20 Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level ND17.21 Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level ND17.2Y Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level ND17.2Z Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level, unspecified ND18 Crushing injury of ankle or foot ND18.0 Crushing injury of ankle ND18.1 Crushing injury of toe ND18.2 Crushing injury of other parts of ankle or foot ND18.Z Crushing injury of ankle or foot, unspecified ND19 Traumatic amputation of ankle or foot ND19.0 Traumatic amputation of right foot at ankle level ND19.1 Traumatic amputation of left foot at ankle level ND19.2 Traumatic amputation of foot at ankle level, bilateral ND19.3 Traumatic amputation of right foot at metatarsal level ND19.4 Traumatic amputation of left foot at metatarsal level ND19.5 Traumatic amputation of foot at metatarsal level, bilateral ND19.6 Traumatic amputation of one toe ND19.7 Traumatic amputation of two or more toes ND19.8 Traumatic amputation of other parts of foot ND19.Z Traumatic amputation of ankle or foot, unspecified ND1A Multiple injuries of ankle or foot ND1Y Other specified injuries to the ankle or foot ND1Z Injuries to the ankle or foot, unspecified ND30 Superficial injuries involving multiple body regions ND31 Open wounds involving multiple body regions ND32 Fractures involving multiple body regions ND33 Dislocations, strains or sprains involving multiple body regions ND34 Crushing injuries involving multiple body regions ND35 Traumatic amputations involving multiple body regions ND36 Other injuries involving multiple body regions, not elsewhere classified ND37 Unspecified multiple injuries ND50 Fracture of spine, level unspecified ND51 Other injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified ND51.0 Dislocation or strain or sprain of unspecified joint or ligament of trunk ND51.1 Injury of unspecified nerve, spinal nerve root or plexus of trunk ND51.2 Injury of spinal cord, level unspecified ND51.3 Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon of trunk ND51.4 Crushing injury of spine or trunk, level unspecified ND51.Y Other specified injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified ND51.Z Unspecified injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified ND52 Fracture of arm, level unspecified ND53 Other injuries of arm, level unspecified ND53.0 Crushing injury of arm, level unspecified ND53.Y Other specified injuries of arm, level unspecified ND54 Fracture of leg, level unspecified ND55 Other injuries of leg, level unspecified ND56 Injury of unspecified body region ND56.0 Superficial injury of unspecified body region ND56.1 Open wound of unspecified body region ND56.2 Fracture of unspecified body region ND56.3 Dislocation or strain or sprain of unspecified body region ND56.4 Injury of nerve of unspecified body region ND56.5 Injury of blood vessel of unspecified body region ND56.6 Injury of muscles or tendons of unspecified body region ND56.7 Crushing injury of unspecified body region ND56.8 Traumatic amputation of unspecified body region ND56.9 Injury complicating pregnancy ND56.Y Other specified injury of unspecified body region ND56.Z Unspecified injury to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region ND57 Secondary effect of trauma ND5Y Other specified injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region ND5Z Injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region, unspecified ND70 Foreign body on external eye ND70.0 Foreign body in cornea ND70.1 Foreign body in conjunctival sac ND70.2 Foreign body in multiple parts of external eye ND70.Y Foreign body in other specified part of external eye ND70.Z Foreign body on external eye, unspecified ND71 Foreign body in ear ND72 Foreign body in respiratory tract ND72.0 Foreign body in nasal sinus ND72.1 Foreign body in nostril ND72.2 Foreign body in pharynx ND72.3 Foreign body in larynx ND72.4 Foreign body in trachea ND72.5 Foreign body in bronchus ND72.6 Foreign body in multiple parts of respiratory tract ND72.Y Foreign body in other parts of respiratory tract ND72.Z Foreign body in unspecified part of respiratory tract ND72.20 Asphyxia on mucous in nasopharynx ND72.2Y Other specified foreign body in pharynx ND72.2Z Foreign body in pharynx, unspecified ND73 Foreign body in alimentary tract ND73.0 Foreign body in mouth ND73.1 Foreign body in oesophagus ND73.2 Foreign body in stomach ND73.3 Foreign body in small intestine ND73.4 Foreign body in colon ND73.5 Foreign body in anus or rectum ND73.Y Foreign body in other specified part of alimentary tract ND73.Z Foreign body in alimentary tract, unspecified ND73.20 Trichobezoar ND73.2Y Other specified foreign body in stomach ND73.2Z Foreign body in stomach, unspecified ND74 Foreign body in genitourinary tract ND74.0 Foreign body in urethra ND74.1 Foreign body in bladder ND74.2 Foreign body in vulva or vagina ND74.3 Foreign body in uterus, any part ND74.Y Foreign body in other specified part of genitourinary tract ND74.Z Foreign body in genitourinary tract, unspecified ND7Z Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice, unspecified ND90 Burn of head or neck except face ND90.0 Burn of head or neck except face, epidermal burn ND90.1 Burn of head or neck except face, superficial partial thickness burn ND90.2 Burn of head or neck except face, deep partial thickness burn ND90.3 Burn of head and neck except face, full thickness burn ND90.4 Burn of head or neck except face, deep full thickness or complex burn ND90.Z Burn of head and neck except face, depth of burn unspecified ND91 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa ND91.0 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, epidermal burn ND91.1 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, superficial partial thickness burn ND91.2 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, deep partial thickness burn ND91.3 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, full thickness burn ND91.4 Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, deep full thickness or complex burn ND91.Z Burn of face except eye, depth of burn unspecified ND92 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia ND92.0 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn ND92.1 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, superficial partial thickness burn ND92.2 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, deep partial thickness burn ND92.3 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, full thickness burn ND92.4 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, deep full thickness or complex burn ND92.Z Burn of trunk except perineum and genitalia, depth of burn unspecified – ND92.00 Burn of breast, epidermal burn – ND92.01 Burn of chest wall, epidermal burn – ND92.02 Burn of abdominal wall, epidermal burn – ND92.03 Burn of back, any part, epidermal burn – ND92.0Y Other specified burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn – ND92.0Z Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn, unspecified ND93 Burn of perineum or genitalia ND93.0 Burn of perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn ND93.1 Burn of perineum or genitalia, superficial partial thickness burn ND93.2 Burn of perineum or genitalia, deep partial thickness burn ND93.3 Burn of perineum or genitalia, full thickness burn ND93.4 Burn of perineum or genitalia, deep full thickness or complex burn ND93.Z Burn of perineum and genitalia, depth of burn unspecified ND94 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand ND94.0 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, epidermal burn ND94.1 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn ND94.2 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn ND94.3 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, full thickness burn ND94.4 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep full thickness or complex burn ND94.Z Burn of shoulder and arm except wrist and hand, depth of burn unspecified – ND94.10 Burn of forearm and elbow, superficial partial thickness burn – ND94.1Y Other specified burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn – ND94.1Z Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn, unspecified – ND94.20 Burn of forearm or elbow, deep partial thickness burn – ND94.2Y Other specified burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn – ND94.2Z Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn, unspecified ND95 Burn of wrist or hand ND95.0 Burn of wrist or hand, epidermal burn ND95.1 Burn of wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn ND95.2 Burn of wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn ND95.3 Burn of wrist or hand, full thickness burn ND95.4 Burn of wrist or hand, deep full thickness or complex burn ND95.Z Burn of wrist and hand, depth of burn unspecified ND96 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot ND96.0 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, epidermal burn ND96.1 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, superficial partial thickness burn ND96.2 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, deep partial thickness burn ND96.3 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, full thickness burn ND96.4 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, deep full thickness or complex burn ND96.Z Burn of hip and leg except ankle and foot, depth of burn unspecified ND97 Burn of ankle or foot ND97.0 Burn of ankle or foot, epidermal burn ND97.1 Burn of ankle or foot, superficial partial thickness burn ND97.2 Burn of ankle or foot, deep partial thickness burn ND97.3 Burn of ankle or foot, full thickness burn ND97.4 Burn of ankle or foot, deep full thickness or complex burn ND97.Z Burn of ankle and foot, depth of burn unspecified ND99 Acute skin injury due to skin contact with corrosive substance ND99.1 Chemical burn due to skin contact with corrosive substance ND9Y Burns of external body surface, other specified site ND9Z Burns of external body surface, unspecified site NE00 Burn of eye or ocular adnexa NE01 Burn of respiratory tract NE02 Burn of other internal organs NE0Z Burns of unspecified internal organ NE10 Burns of multiple body regions NE11 Burn of unspecified body region NE2Z Burns, unspecified NE40 Superficial frostbite NE41 Frostbite with tissue necrosis NE42 Frostbite involving multiple body regions NE4Z Frostbite, unspecified NE60 Harmful effects of drugs, medicaments or biological substances, not elsewhere classified NE61 Harmful effects of or exposure to noxious substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source, not elsewhere classified NE6Z Harmful effects of unspecified substance NE80 Injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified NE80.0 Air embolism following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection NE80.1 ABO incompatibility reaction NE80.2 Rh incompatibility reaction NE80.3 Other serum reactions NE80.Y Other specified injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified NE80.Z Injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified, unspecified NE81 Injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified NE81.0 Haemorrhage or haematoma complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified NE81.1 Disruption of operation wound, not elsewhere classified NE81.2 Surgical site infection NE81.3 Postsurgical leak NE81.Y Other specified injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified NE81.Z Injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified, unspecified NE81.00 Haematoma of surgical wound of skin NE81.01 Haemorrhage and haematoma of eye or ocular adnexa complicating a procedure NE81.0Z Haemorrhage or haematoma of other or unspecified site complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified NE81.20 Superficial incisional site infection NE81.21 Deep incisional site infection NE81.22 Organ or organ space surgical site infection NE81.2Y Other specified surgical site infection NE81.2Z Surgical site infection, unspecified NE82 Dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified NE82.0 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication NE82.1 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction NE82.2 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication NE82.3 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead dysfunction NE82.Y Other specified dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified NE82.Z Dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified, unspecified NE82.00 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket erosion NE82.01 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket muscle stimulation NE82.02 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator phrenic nerve stimulation NE82.03 Pacing-induced cardiomyopathy NE82.0Y Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication NE82.0Z Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication, unspecified NE82.10 Inappropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator shock NE82.11 Pacemaker syndrome NE82.12 Pacemaker generator dysfunction NE82.1Y Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction NE82.1Z Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction, unspecified NE82.20 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead fracture NE82.21 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead dislodgement NE82.22 Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead insulation break NE82.2Y Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication NE82.2Z Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication, unspecified NE83 Injury or harm arising from other device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified NE83.0 Destruction or cartilage wear of joint with hemiarthroplasty NE83.1 Infection arising from device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified NE83.Y Other specified injury or harm arising from other device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified NE84 Failure or rejection of transplanted organs or tissues NE85 Complications peculiar to reattachment or amputation NE85.0 Complications of reattached upper extremity NE85.1 Complications of reattached lower extremity NE85.2 Complications of other reattached body part NE85.3 Neuroma of amputation stump NE85.4 Infection of amputation stump NE85.5 Necrosis of amputation stump NE85.6 Other or unspecified complications of amputation stump NE86 Malignant hyperthermia due to anaesthesia NE87 Failed or difficult intubation NE88 Drug toxicity associated with harm in surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified NE89 Awareness under general anaesthesia NE8Y Other specified injury or harm arising from surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified NE8Z Injury or harm arising from surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified, unspecified NF00 Effects of radiation, not elsewhere classified NF01 Effects of heat NF01.0 Heat stroke NF01.1 Heat syncope NF01.2 Heat exhaustion due to fluid depletion NF01.3 Heat fatigue, transient NF01.Y Other specified effects of heat NF01.Z Effects of heat, unspecified NF02 Hypothermia NF03 Other effects of reduced temperature NF03.0 Chilblains NF03.1 Immersion hand or foot NF03.Y Other specified effects of reduced temperature NF03.Z Unspecified effects of reduced temperature NF04 Effects of air pressure or water pressure NF04.0 Otitic barotrauma NF04.1 Sinus barotrauma NF04.2 Caisson disease NF04.3 Effects of high-pressure fluids NF04.Y Other specified effects of air pressure or water pressure NF04.Z Effects of air pressure or water pressure, unspecified NF05 Asphyxiation NF06 Effects of strenuous physical exercise NF06.0 Exertional heat stroke NF06.1 Post exercise postural hypotension NF06.2 Post exertional dehydration NF06.3 Exercise muscle cramp NF06.Y Other specified effects of strenuous physical exercise NF06.Z Effects of strenuous physical exercise, unspecified NF07 Effects of other deprivation NF07.0 Effects of hunger NF07.1 Effects of thirst NF07.2 Exhaustion due to exposure NF07.Y Other specified effects of deprivation NF07.Z Effects of other deprivation, unspecified NF08 Effects of certain specified external causes NF08.0 Effects of lightning NF08.1 Drowning or nonfatal submersion NF08.2 Effects of vibration NF08.3 Motion sickness NF08.4 Effects of electric current NF08.20 Hand and arm vibration syndrome NF08.2Y Other specified effects of vibration NF08.2Z Effects of vibration, unspecified NF09 Adverse effects, not elsewhere classified NF0A Certain early complications of trauma, not elsewhere classified NF0A.0 Air embolism, traumatic, not elsewhere classified NF0A.1 Fat embolism, traumatic, not elsewhere classified NF0A.2 Traumatic secondary or recurrent haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified NF0A.3 Post traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified NF0A.4 Traumatic shock, not elsewhere classified NF0A.5 Traumatic anuria, not elsewhere classified NF0A.6 Traumatic ischaemia of muscle, not elsewhere classified NF0A.7 Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema, not elsewhere classified NF0A.Y Other early complication of trauma, not elsewhere classified NF0A.Z Early complications of trauma, not elsewhere classified NF0Y Other specified effects of external causes NF0Z Unspecified effects of external causes NF2Y Other specified injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes NF2Z Unspecified injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes
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