AHA Coding Clinic® for HCPCS - 2024 Issue 4; Ask the Editor

Computer image-guided endoscopic excision of nasal sinus mass

A patient with a large papillomatous mass filling the right nasal vestibule, extending into the nasopharynx and adherent to the posterior soft palate presents for a computer image-guided endoscopic partial excision. The computer image-guided sticker was placed on the forehead and the system was functioning. The right nose was prepped and the mass extruding from the anterior nasal vestibule was grasped with forceps and removed. The image-guided microdebrider was utilized to debulk the mass up to the middle meatus. The pathologist could not provide a definitive diagnosis based on the frozen section. The frozen section was suspicious for exophytic squamous cell carcinoma originating in the papilloma. Discontinuing the procedure until final diagnosis was confirmed, was discussed. Hemostasis was accomplished with packing and electrocautery.After hemostasis, the nose was examined endoscopically and papillomatous tissue was visible along the posterior soft palate. This tissue was left undisturbed, and hemostasis was achieved with packing and Gelfoam soaked pledgets. What are the correct codes for the computer image-guided endoscopic partial excision of a nasal sinus mass? Would an unlisted code or would codes 30117 and 31237 with 61782 be the more appropriate codes to report for the computer image-guided endoscopic partial excision of a nasal sinus mass with excision of extruding mass as well as nasal mass debulking? ...

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